(Jul-06-2011 12:51)
A Brilliant and Courageous Statement
By Fidel Castro Special to
Thoughts on Venezuela's president from one of Latin America's longest running political figure.
(HAVANA, Cuba ) -
Attending to other matters that are now top priority, I momentarily strayed from the frequency with which I had been writing reflections in the year 2010; however, Hugo Chávez Frías’ proclamation last Thursday the 30th, obliges me to write these lines.
The president of Venezuela is one of the men who has done the most for the health and education of his people...
Read Full Article (May-09-2011 17:30)
Submitted by Ralph E. Stone
Obama has no way to conceal that Osama was executed in front of his children and wives.
Those persons who deal with these issues know that on September 11 of 2001 our people expressed its solidarity to the US people and offered the modest cooperation that in the area of health we could have offered to the victims of the brutal attack against the Twin Towers in New York.
Read Full Article (May-09-2011 16:15)
Chávez is More Fanatically Islamic than Al Qaeda
Belén Fernandez
“Chávez and his gang” are “strange bedfellows” - Carlos Alberto Montaner
(BOGOTA, Colombia) -
Gracing the pages of various Spanish-language newspapers yesterday and today is an article entitled “Bin Laden in Latin America”.
Written by exiled Cuban columnist and author Carlos Alberto Montaner, whose claims to fame include referring to Eduardo Galeano’s acclaimed Open Veins of Latin America as “the idiot’s bible”, it might be more appropriately titled “The idiot’s attempt to turn Hugo Chávez into bin Laden by way of an irrelevant Ethiopian”.
Read Full Article (Mar-28-2011 17:17)
Fake Venezuelan Money Financing Nicaraguan Protests in Honduras
Belén Fernandez
Apparently, it is only permissible for Nicaraguans to infiltrate Honduran territory in order to perpetrate U.S.-directed wars against leftist Nicaraguan governments.
In response to the ongoing teachers’ strike in Honduras, the demands of which include an end to the privatization of public education, the illegitimate Honduran government that came to power following the 2009 coup against President Mel Zelaya has declared the strike illegal, threatened to fire striking teachers and to possibly dissolve teachers’ unions.
Read Full Article (Feb-10-2011 14:41)
Ode to Cuban Doctors
Belén Fernandez
A third of Cuba’s 75,000 doctors, along with 10,000 other health workers, are currently working in 77 poor countries.
The British daily The Independent, Published “Cuban medics in Haiti put the world to shame” in December
Read Full Article (Jul-11-2010 20:31)
Physicians Without Morals
Ralph E. Stone
We expect our physicians and psychologists to maintain a high standard of ethics, a high duty to their patients, and often to put the interests of their patients ahead of their own interests.
There is increasing evidence that United States physicians, psychologists, nurses, and medics have been complicit in torture and other illegal procedures in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantánamo.
They violated one of the principal precepts of medical ethics: "First, do no harm."
Read Full Article (Jul-09-2010 17:43)
Will America Free Omar Khadr From Gitmo?
Debbie Menon for
Realistically, Obama needs to score a few points with his American constituency to whom he made a lot of implied promises which they are waiting to see materialize.
Come August, a military commission in Guantánamo will try Omar Khadr, a Canadian national captured outside Kabul in 2002.
He was a boy, aged 15 then. Now a burly, bearded 23-year-old who has spent one-third of his life at Guantanamo.
Read Full Article (May-28-2010 19:13)
Freedom to Travel to Cuba in 2010
Ralph E. Stone
My wife and I traveled "legally" to Cuba in November 2003 on one of the last so-called "People-to-People" tours, visiting Havana, Viñales, and Santiago de Cuba.
The week of June 1, 2010, the Travel Restriction Reform and Export Enhancement Act (H.R. 4645) will be voted on in the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture. This bill restores the right of Americans to travel to Cuba and lifts restrictions on agricultural sales to Cuba. It was introduced in February 2010 by Representatives Peterson (D-MN) and Moran (R-KS).
Reportedly, 52 U.S. Senators have agreed to vote for the Bill, but only 205 "yes" votes of the 218 needed are on board in the House. Contact your U.S. Representative urging he or she to vote for passage.
Read Full Article (Feb-03-2009 10:17)
Reporters Without Borders Presses UN Over Political Prisoners
As UN conducts universal periodic review, 205 political prisoners, including 23 journalists, await release.
As the UN Human Rights Council prepares to hold its universal periodic review of the situation in Cuba on 5 February in Geneva, Reporters Without Borders points out that the Cuban government, for all its denials and claims to have a “clear conscience,” continues to hold 23 journalists solely because of their dissident views and still refuses to permit an independent press.
Read Full Article (Jan-21-2009 08:57)
US: Obama Calls for 120-Day Halt to Guantanamo Military Commissions
"The confusion and uncertainty that we repeatedly witnessed at Guantanamo reflects the ad hoc nature of these military commission proceedings" - Joanne Mariner, Terrorism and Counterterrorism Program director at Human Rights Watch
President Barack Obama acted swiftly and expeditiously by calling for a halt to the unfair military commission proceedings at Guantanamo, Human Rights Watch said today.
Human Rights Watch said that the order, which Obama issued within hours of taking office, underscored the urgency of the decision to stop the commissions from holding further proceedings. The order directed military commission prosecutors to seek a 120-day suspension of all pending cases.
Read Full Article