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Sep-29-2006 18:55printcomments

Op Ed:
Heart & Head Gov-K.
Takes Strong Stand Vs.
Slice-It-Thin Saxton

Corporate counselor says spend less, while Incumbent Governor Sees Kids-First as a responsibility for state.

Oregon State Capitol
Oregon State Capitol
Photo by: Tim King

(SALEM) - Oh ! -- NOW I “get it...!!”:
It’s not “turn back the 21st Century” but really simpler. Just “fix" the economy to pay off people with many more living-wage jobs but less health-care and pension costs. That’ll lure better ones flooding into Oregon via “trickle-down”, sure to draw many new entrepreneurs; and the State won’t ever need any Oregon tax-rise. We may have to fix health-care costs somehow, too, since they are rising so precipitously: DOUBLE inflation-now, 43 percent in 9 years if one can trust government bureaucracy to get it right.
(Documentation available as PDF.) But a “lavish-harvest of better-jobs” will take care of that, too. Just to be sure, this is what we’ll do:
We’ll make everything run much more “efficiently”
-- “10 percent” better for every State program--
even those already-slashed nearly-to-default now. That will save enough dollars to answer all these funding problems rapidly and right (NO pun !); and of course “reasonably and rationally” too; without ANY tax rise. We need never touch that massive corporate tax-shift from bottom-line to other-Oregonian shoulders.
(OCPP: “Great Corporate Tax Shift”; If we stick to “laissez-faire” for everyone it just builds the economy that much more rapidly for us all. Of course, “trickle-down” will help somehow, too. If that is unfair for some...well, life’s unfair; unless you land in the right family, at the right time. THEN you can even move if needed. What Saxton has been trying to tell us is that we’ve got to fix the economy first...then there’ll be good jobs aplenty and we won’t ever have to raise taxes again. Oregon must move right out-front of other states, he declares --and he knows just how to do it, now. Just trust that solid record of leadership in Portland: You can-and-must act rapidly when you’re “high man on the totem-pole” --but only if you keep on top of the job. He also now states we’ve got to fix health-care too. We must avoid raising the Oregon tobacco tax; you’ll understand why. SO what we do is fix-the-family situations first, and then these kids will never, ever, get addicted. That allows us to succor those other sweet-ones since that bad-fate via cigs will never capture them; thus reducing “program numbers” neatly and nicely. Most are already getting the medical care they need. now, anyhow -- make that SOMEhow. You say “ER” ?? NOW let’s go back to Oregon realities as we must live them today, without further fantasy-futilities from friend Saxton and his minion-Schien. Analysts are reporting that the two candidates came close to agreement on what must be done rapidly -- their major confrontation was on how to get us there.
“SO what else was new?“ This is what took place at the first-of-four debate aired Thursday via Oregon Public Broadcast radio and television . The best-possible shot at strong-start-in-school is every child’s right, Governor Kulongoski told corporate counselor Saxton. Saxton agreed on the necessity but denied it was a State responsibility. He remained adamantly unclear on whom-to-blame when it remains unfunded; with all those sweet kids still relentlessly defrauded and deprived of their only early opportunity. That fully illuminates the entire-hour of State-wide debate for many Oregonians: The same pattern surfaces on every major issue: Something must be done, but we need to know more, study longer, plan better, prepare for future action, if any. In any case, “Government can’t do it all.” Who will if government can’t?
What/and/where do disdvantaged Oregonians then go for any humane and/or Constitutional help ? That last Constitutional-one, unmentioned in debate, brings into sharp focus the federal-court suit vs State of Oregon by parents and their school boards; with a black-cloud perhaps ONE BILLION DOLLARS-dark looming out there now. Saxton made clear that we must: Never, ever, for any situation-or-need, raise taxes. Never, ever, save the kicker for the inevitable rainy-day sure-to-come AGAIN with Oregon’s still-flawed funding. Never, ever, tamper with the corporate tax-burden share now slewed-off --right onto Oregonian shoulders. Never, ever, hamper that bottom-line/sacred principle built on 19th Century “supply-side” economics now so badly flawed it is a Long-standing-joke in economic circles. Ask me to tell-again “the upside-down napkin” one; or (“See with your own eyes” “Supply-Side Economics” 11/26/05). Despite increasing pressures “to put up or shut up” on his professed “efficiencies in every program”, Saxton declared he will prevail; over all funding problems now prevalent in every State program without a rise in taxes. But he never says how, or what will be done, by whom, when, and with what support from other situations closely bound to the one-discussed, and influencing still others. That’s fully familiar to those same viewers, too; most know he’s PLEDGED to ATR --and Grover Norquist. He must honor that PLEDGE; or walk away from continued support by the national group and those other big-bagger/providers --the ones with whom he conferred confidentially; while the frustrated press were pressed to stay-away. When was it that the Oath of Office became a nonentity and a mere formality, apparently meaning less-than-nothing now vs a PLEDGE to an obviously private-interest cabal ?? This hour-long discussion raced through recent once-rational and seemingly-reasonable situations-and-issues; but the pattern never did vary very much. Even the confrontations took familiar form derived from the deeply-antagonistic “attack-ad” style; determined early-on by Saxton usage; at costs estimated well over ONE MILLION DOLLARS SO FAR; and still rising. That makes “corporate campaign contributions” seem so stingy, don’t you think ? Even if, indubitably, for same general purposes. But then it depends on what you are out to acquire, and this is simply not the same as that “transactional lobbying” at “the Salem Arena”. But it may be equally as “cost-efficient” in its long-run relation to Oregon political realities. That’s going to be YOUR choice, soon: Are you up-for-sale, too ???

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chicknl'l October 4, 2006 12:20 pm (Pacific time)

Not at all Dr. H., continue, I would love to thread on this.

Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 11:56 am (Pacific time)

Cknl: Thanks for challenge...thought it would never come ! Simply send your emailer to me via Tim and I will send some dozen Op Eds and piles of PDFs citing pages of papers around the nation, and magazines actually knee-deep here in LMA office citing Norquist et al ever since Reagan days...quote re bathtub notorious enough to demand citation every week-or-so in national press, usually right along with latest re Abramson and Congressional lobbying scandals. Do you read something other than SJ ??

chicknl'l October 4, 2006 10:56 am (Pacific time)

Whoa Hank! Somebody sure must have pushed your belly button! That thread needs threading as we consider what's coming out of educational denigration dominated by political-cult determined to "drown government in bathtub". What ARE you talking about? NOW where's your source or your hard facts? You say you "HAVE" to aquiesce in the absence of a solid refute. I would like to see you walk the talk sometime. How much of that loaded single sentence can you back up?

Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 10:41 am (Pacific time)

Just reminded I owe ethical disclosure here; after three painful years, earned D.Ed. at Indiana University, just short of dissertation, abandoned due to work pressures at OrDeptEd. helping administer $9 million in NDEA funds, partially due to special work in D.C. with Senator Morse. SO kinda sneakin' up on some comments without your knowing from whence I cometh...

Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 8:59 am (Pacific time)

Forgot to ask Chknltl who checks on curriculum and final consequences of home-schooling for kids-there ? That thread needs threading as we consider what's coming out of educational denigration dominated by political-cult determined to "drown government in bathtub". Homestudy fine when fine, but dangerous when recent school-shootings surely make completely clear.

Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 2:04 am (Pacific time)

Ckntl et al: It's OCPP, and the statement was digital copy directly from their corporate tax statement. Will send PDF of 15-page summary on request. Yrs irrational if you refuse impact of facts by authoritative study group, on basis far deeper than any person can do. Theirs proves massive shift of costs once borne by corporations to you et al --which should draw you attention even if you home-school since it definitely impacts the economy --mine and yours as well as theirs --and guess who wins ??

chicknl'l October 3, 2006 11:14 pm (Pacific time)

I didn't see those facts on OCCP site. Not that it makes any difference. Brutal is what it is. But it just reinforces my anti-tax position. I don't see why you would want people to know this if you also want them to pay more for government schools and other things. Cut the taxes until we HAVE to learn to defend ourselves and HAVE to teach our own kids... we already do anyway. At least I do.

Henry Ruark October 2, 2006 7:33 am (Pacific time)

Here's a brutal fact from an authoritative source. Anyone got solid information disproving it ? If NOT --rational persons must accept reality. Then one can evaluate Saxton et al no matter how many dollars they spend on deceitful advertising. THAT's dialog as the Founders built it in the Federalist Papers and into the First Amendment. • In the next budget cycle (2007-09), corporations will pay just 4.5 percent of Oregon’s income taxes, while personal income taxpayers will pay 95.5 percent. In the 1973-75 budget cycle, corporations paid 18.5 percent of all income taxes. In the current 2005-07 biennium, corporations are expected to pay 6.3 percent of Oregon’s income taxes, while personal income taxpayers will pay 93.7 percent.

Henry Ruark October 2, 2006 6:24 am (Pacific time)

Hey, guys ! Attitudes are appreciated, but dialog should deal with facts. Tht's why we sent Saxton OCPP and other materials, not that he did not already have them. Appreciate your feelings but world runs on realities. Can we get some from those who see something we do not ? That's why I cite mine via links and "see with own eyes". Fair enough ? Speak up with facts from authorities; otherwise what you offer is "belly-buttons ...everyone has one, and they are all about the same." Partial quote from former Governor Sprague, personally received.

chicknl'l October 1, 2006 11:08 pm (Pacific time)

I don't want to throw water on your beginnings of a Golden Rule baby step. But, get a grip, Chicken Little was afraid of oridinary rain and to his credit tried to warn people about something he thought would be much worse. I call myself him because you need to see the rain for what it is. I do. I agree with helping others in need. But, your answer to their need is not my answer and interestingly my answer doesn't require you to pay, that's all. bok bok

Bob Right October 1, 2006 10:31 pm (Pacific time)

You start out by calling yourself Chicken LIttle and then get mad over name calling? Time for a little self examination don't you think? You're no surprise, neither is the anonymous poster who does the "not mine, not sharing" attitude. You see, people are suffering and they didn't ask for what they have or ended up with, just like you. But we are supposed to take care of each other, do good things with our lives, that is the Golden Rule. Saxton is another rich guy who wants to take from you and give to nobody. Little kids deserve more than they are getting, and when we fund schools, then you don't have to hide behind a gun. The one thing you clearly convey Little Chicken is your fear, and that is OK to be afraid of things. But when you lift your head high and extend yourself to others around you instead of hiding, then you feel the sunshine man! You've got it in you I know. We're all tight on cash and you have every right to protect it, but the better we take care of the poor, the less likely it is they will ever need anything more than a fair chance.

chicknli'l October 1, 2006 10:05 pm (Pacific time)

OH I see. If you can't think of anything to say, you just call names and assign negative values to whoever you want. I'm starting to get this crowd. Saxton has it right but he's no baby crying the sky is fallin. (I just called you a baby too Bob)

Bob Right October 1, 2006 9:35 pm (Pacific time)

The spirit of what Oregon has become is reflected in these comments Hank. You're right, and these guys are selfish little babies who don't want to do their part for their nation and their fellow man. It is a pathetic picture, but you bring light with this article and I for one appreciate it.

chicknli'l October 1, 2006 9:09 pm (Pacific time)

't sky is falling!! OH NOOO. What if the schools need money? Or the police need money? Or the list goes on and on. I say get by on what you have and let that be that. If I have to teach my own kids I shouldn't have to pay twice and if bad guys want to get rough, hey, that's why I have a gun. I won't apologize for wanting to step up and take responsibility for myself and thereby take it back from the government (who does a piss poor job ta boot).

Blackhill October 1, 2006 12:16 pm (Pacific time)

Actually, Anonymous, as a service just to you your tax dollars are specially ear-marked only for those services that apply to you. Now, don't you feel special? The rest of us are only too happy to pick up your slack and keep the state running in a civilized manner.

You actually say "he or on

Henry Ruark September 30, 2006 11:46 pm (Pacific time)

A-O: Second-look right here shows me I should have referred you immediately to the Sheketoff-OCPP report elsewhere in this same issue !! -- it pays to "read the paper".

Henry Ruark September 30, 2006 7:34 pm (Pacific time)

A-O: Your comment is self-defeating. If you have solid-sense to contribute, state it in plain English and sign it. Then we can continue democratic dialog as Founders intended when they chose First Amendment to BE their FIRST...

Anonymous September 30, 2006 4:41 pm (Pacific time)

Where do I begin? NO! Keep your dam hands out of my pockets! Don't try to fix every little last stinking thing with my money. I suffer everyday without enough of what I need and you want me to keep a payin an a payin an a payin. Give me a break. So what if this dream world ain't as dreamy...for you! I don't NEED to give you what you WANT.

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