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Sep-28-2010 17:37printcomments

Salem to Receive New Left-Turn Signal

The new flashing yellow arrows will clarify for drivers turning left when they must yield

New traffic signal
City of Salem

(SALEM, Ore.) - A new traffic signal with a new type of left-tum phasing will be activated on Wednesday, September 29, 20 I 0, at the intersection of Center Street NE and Park Avenue NE. The new traffic signal will use a flashing yellow arrow to notify left-turning motorists that they must yield to oncoming traffic before turning.

The new flashing yellow arrow, left-tum phasing was the result of a nationwide study by the Federal Highway Administration looking at ways to improve safety and increase capacity at traffic signals. The Oregon Department of Transportation participated in the study. The new flashing yellow arrows will clarify for drivers turning left when they must yield.

Here is what the new signals will look like and what they mean:

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J+ September 28, 2010 6:13 pm (Pacific time)

How much will this cost the State to edit all DMV drivers' manuals / tests? If drivers are already too stupid to yield before turning with 3 lights, I can't imagine 4 will make thing easier ...

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.

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