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Sep-23-2010 19:12 ![]() ![]() No Place Left to Turn!Robert M. Collinsworth Salem-News.comOur Country is being flushed down the toilet by both Parties and there is virtually nothing we can do about it.
(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - As a lifelong independent that leans heavily toward the conservative, I am sickened by the "BOGUS" "Pledge to America" that was just unveiled today. Watching what Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Geithner and the rest of their ilk has done to my country has made me sick at heart. They need to go - all of them! However, there are probably just as many Republicans that need to be tossed out on their ear. I had high hopes for Boehner before this. I believed in the man and felt he was a straight shooter. I now see that I was wrong. This pledge to America is nothing more than a sales gimmick meant to buy votes in a way that is just as wrong as the Democrats wanting us to pay for 13,000,000 illegal immigrants so they can get their votes. Folks, it really does not matter whether it is a Democrat or a Republican picking your pocket because the end-result is the same... they leave you with nothing more than pocket lint. If the Republican Party had meant to make promises that really carried weight, those promises would have had measurable goals attached and clearly defined , so we could hold their feet to the fire if they did not do what was promised. This was a golden opportunity for them but rather than play it straight and honest, they continue with the lies and deceptions both parties have become famous for. At this point, I am so disgusted, so disheartened, and so nauseous with both parties, I am going to vote for anyone who does not belong to either party. I was set to vote Republican until this farce was perpetrated. Now, I would rather vote for my neighbor’s goat than a member of either the Democrat or Republican Party. As a matter of fact, if Democrat and Republican are the only choices on the ballot come November, I intend to write in the literal "My Neighbors Goat". This is a sin. Our Country is being flushed down the toilet by both Parties and there is virtually nothing we can do about it . . . but, that is just my opinion. ====================================================
You can write to Bob Collingsworth at this email address: colli2@webryders.net Articles for September 22, 2010 | Articles for September 23, 2010 | Articles for September 24, 2010 | Quick Links
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Daniel September 25, 2010 12:31 pm (Pacific time)
I think local elections give somewhat of a choice and should be voted upon . Nationally I support Peter Defazio because of his opposition to the wars . There has been very few on the national level worth voting for . The US needs a multi party system , altho this still would not stop the influence of powerful corporations . Yes Vic its true we have been robbed blind by the MIC and the war on drugs , its domestic counterpart . I also do not think much of Ron Pauls policies other than pot legalization .
Luke Easter September 25, 2010 8:40 am (Pacific time)
Genesis 8:22, "As long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." America is only harvesting what it has planted. BTW, toliet paper goes under not over. That's the problem. Placed over, it rolls w/o supervision.
Anonymous September 24, 2010 6:07 pm (Pacific time)
Doulas Benson, you wrote: "... I want goverment officials that put the constitution first ,above all else but I just cant believe the republicans will do so . Didnt they lead us into unconstitutional wars ,and blatantly ignore our constitution in about every way possible." Other than republican Bush leading us into war with Iraq and Afghanistan, which included an overwhelming vote by congress, can you name any other significant war that republicans led the country into? I've been looking, but it appears the other party did, and hundreds of thousands of Americans died.
Vic September 24, 2010 8:32 am (Pacific time)
Right on, Bob ! The last time my wife and I voted was when we switched our party affiliation to Republican so that we could vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. We need viable third and fourth parties to break the stranglehold that the Rep/Dem cartel has on America. At least the Republicans come out and say that they are for more war, more military spending and for slashing social programs for the most vulnerable Americans. The Democrats have the same agenda, but they lie about it, saying they will stop the wars, close Guantanemo Bay, etc. Damn them both..they have done nothing in my lifetime but loot the treasury for the military-industrial complex (and themselves).
Douglas Benson September 24, 2010 7:06 am (Pacific time)
Sounds nice but voting for your neighbors goat wont send the same message as voting for the other candidates even if you dont lean in thier direction politically . If they start losing they might ,and I say might start listening . I want goverment officials that put the constitution first ,above all else but I just cant believe the republicans will do so . Didnt they lead us into unconstitutional wars ,and blatantly ignore our constitution in about every way possible . Now they want the constitution back .WTF! Show me a candidate that is willing to uphold the constitution above all else like they should ,like they have sworn to do .Above party politics ,and all other concerns including thier own personal beliefs and I will vote for them . Untill then I will vote for anyone but the two party fools including my neighbors chicken. Peace
M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. September 23, 2010 10:33 pm (Pacific time)
Bob... While I suspect your neighbor's goat has far more integrity than the clowns running in NH in a few short weeks (he, at least, would appropriately process the thousands of pages of legislative drivel into something of actual value for the garden), perhaps you might make a statement by writing in my name for US Senate and asking others to do likewise. I can't promise that we will agree on every matter, however, I can promise open discussion and debate with citizens and to establish a special office for entertaining lobbyists (complete with 4 stalls and proper ventilation), presentation of a genuine environmentally sound, massive quantity and quality job producing industry, and dedication to representing US first trade policies, US first tax policies, US first agricultural policies, and more. No double-talk and no withholding opinion and action in order to trick public into re-electing me. In fact, the only campaigning will be the visible efforts and actions in play..not postures or promises. We can't change the greed culture of government overnight. We can begin to model and export the "speaking truth to power" "representation of the common man" character that will empower more of the same. By actively promoting a sincere model more will come to realize that "taking back our country" has nothing to do with voting one party over the other. It means refusing to be conned by either party, refusing to be conned by corporations and media, refusing to be conned by career seeking representatives who will say or do anything for re-election, refusing to back down to the fear-mongers and fear. We will never "take back out country" by voting to hand it over to parties (and that includes misguided T-Parties, Libertarians, etc). "Taking back our country" requires educating and empowering ourselves and voting in individuals aligned to no one other than us. Individuals who talk directly with us, not behind closed doors with lobbyists and special interests. It means recognizing that no one individual will satisfy everyone but can, despite ideological differences, effort to satisfy the reasonable needs of the majority. Bob.. the very valid despair that you expressed, and that so many share, unfortunately has been manipulated through history to drive political shift from one party to the other and back. Despair with the corruption and criminality of the Bush administration drove America right into the hands of the corrupt and criminal Obama administration with all its promises of hope and change. Now, we are feeling no hope (as you so clearly expressed) and are feeling overwhelmingly short changed. We have to fight this cycle and chance something new. I represent no party and never will. I expect no massive awakening that will usher me into office through a write-in campaign. However, if enough write-ins occur, a message takes root and a possibility can grow from that root. Isn't it time people begin to recognize that a candidate who spends millions (and hundreds of millions) for a position that pays a pittance, in comparison, is a candidate beholden to money interests before anything else?
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