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Sep-22-2008 20:38printcomments

DC Heist - Wall Street Gang Hijacks Washington

On the evening of September 18th 2008, the American democratic system was replaced by a financial dictatorship.

Wall Street

(RHINEBECK, NY) - What was billed as a "Federal Bailout" was nothing less than a bloodless coup. The Wall Street Gang had taken over the White House and control of Washington. Congress promised not to resist, and pledged to pass legislation as demanded.

Warning that America's financial system was perilously close to collapse unless immediate action was taken, economic martial law was declared.

The American people were told that from this day forward, they would be responsible for paying off the bad debt from any failing private financial enterprise deemed "too big to fail."

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, spearheading the coup, sought unrestricted authority to spend the nation's money as he saw fit. The first order of business by the Economic Czar was to take trillions of dollars of bad debt from crumbling investment banks and insurance companies and transfer it to the backs of already debt-burdened citizens.

"We're talking hundreds of billions," said Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs, one of the "too-big-to-fails." Within days of the takeover, the number jumped into the trillions. This will put a "significant amount of taxpayers' money on the line," he said.

Quick & Clean

In simple language, with cameras rolling, in broad daylight, the American public was robbed blind. This wasn't a magic show. There were no hidden tricks or sleights of hand. "We want this to be clean, we want this to be quick," demanded the Economic Czar. "We need to get this done quickly, and the cleaner the better," intoned President Bush, with the urgency of his "smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud" logic he used as a pretext to invade Iraq.

"The risk of not acting would be far higher," Bush said, promising to "work with Congress to get a bill done quickly."

Having accurately forecast the current financial debacle, we confidently now forecast that taking swift action will prove - as it did in Iraq - far more catastrophic than allowing Wall Street to suffer the consequences of its greed and mismanagement.

Presidential candidate Barack Obama promised to "fully support" the plan and called on Congress to take "immediate action." Republican challenger John McCain said he would further review the proposal before passing judgment while Congressional leaders from both parties have signed on with their support.

Americans were told they would have to pay to rescue the very companies whose unregulated greed, fraud and recklessness had created the crisis in the first place. Considered nobodies by the authorities, the people had no voice and had no choice.

"I know of nobody who is arguing over the amount of money or even about that the secretary ought to have the authority to purchase these toxic instruments, these bad debts,'' bowed Senator Christopher Dodd, the Democratic chairman of the Banking Committee.

Author's Note: If you are a "nobody" who cares about "the amount of money," and does not believe "the secretary ought to have the authority to purchase these toxic instruments," take action NOW. While signing petitions or calling the White House or Washington representatives often proves fruitless, in this emergency we suggest you call, write, pester, hound, and protest.

Call your newspaper, radio and TV stations. Talk to reporters covering the "DC Heist." Tell them what you think and what you want. Write editorials. Use the Internet as a call to action. Use your imagination, wits and common sense to have your voice heard and make your will known. Until Congress votes on the plan, it is not yet a fait accompli. Tell them if they vote "yes," you'll vote "no."

Trendpost: While the transfer of "toxic instruments" from private firms to the national debt will enrich those companies that once had owned them, the measures taken will do nothing to keep the sinking US economy from going under.

The biggest casualty, besides indentured American servants held responsible for paying off the debt, is the US dollar. The greenback's getting slaughtered on the foreign exchanges and gold prices, the safe-haven commodity, are once again soaring. As we previously forecast, we are still predicting "Gold $2000."

Gerald Celente is the Founder/Director of The Trends Research Institute; Publisher, The Trends Journal. To contact the author, E-mail:

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Abuse victim October 11, 2008 6:05 pm (Pacific time)

Palin goes after a wife beater and child abuser who drank on duty and Obama's buddy blows up government buildings and "Weathermen" associates killed cops and advocated sedition, along with pastor of 20 plus years who preaches racial hate...... Yep ....we read this loud and clear MSM. My thinking is when the media supresses news big trouble is brewing because the facts will eventually get to the public.

Rich Millison October 11, 2008 9:36 am (Pacific time)

To below Poster: How many of you are aware that the "trooper" in question was suspended for threatening to kill several of Palin's relatives and tasered a ten year old boy (family member)? Most anyplace else this individual would have been terminated and prosecuted but he was just suspended for five days. The latter is public record but no where in the MSM is it written about. Why?
My prayer is that McCain leaves the race and then Palin runs for president, though unlikely. This will just energize the conservative base even more because this is just a sham. Think of a ten year old being tasered!

The McPAIN team is through October 10, 2008 11:52 pm (Pacific time)

Change and the rest of you dreamers: SARAH PALIN has no integrity. We knew it, you pretended it wasn't so, and now she's been found to have unlawfully abused her power for personal gain. You can't distract the country from this one. We don't want an unethical VP, period. Who's next in line? I guess you just can't find a "good" republican now, can you?

War Veteran October 7, 2008 6:50 am (Pacific time)

McCain, R-Ariz., handily defeated Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., 68 percent to 23 percent in a voluntary survey of 4,293 active-duty, National Guard and reserve subscribers and former subscribers to Army Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times and Air Force Times.
The results of the Military Times 2008 Election Poll are not representative of the opinions of the military as a whole. The group surveyed is older, more senior in rank and less ethnically diverse than the overall armed services.
But as a snapshot of careerists, the results suggest Democrats have gained little ground in their attempts to appeal to a traditionally Republican voting bloc in campaign messages and legislative initiatives, such as the recent expansion of GI Bill benefits, experts said. Maybe when people like Sen. Durbin- Dem/Illinois-- calls our combat military personnel  Nazi-like and Obama states that we are intentionally killing civilians in Afghanistan via "air-raiding", our military people are not real pleased with these non-military experienced individuals. Though according to the below survey (link) blacks in the military are unanimously voting for Obama; and this is at the same level as found in the black civilian population. Is this for his policies or his race? Maybe Marion Berry (former DC mayor/convicted felon), Rep. Alcee Hastings(impeached federal judge) and  Rep.William (cash in freezer/under felony indictment) Jefferson have an answer?

Change October 7, 2008 7:45 am (Pacific time)

"America, this is what a feminist looks like"

Who said that about Sarah Palin? Would you believe the president of LA's National Organization for Women, Shelly Mandel? Amazing! This is quite a moment for her to push back against the pressure from the feminist groups who see Sarah Palin as a traitor because she's a Republican and pro-life who actually lived her principles. Let's hope more mainstream, liberal feminists come out of their closets and support Sarah because, as Shelly said, Sarah supports women's rights, equal pay, Title 9, and the middle class. She has integrity and demands it from others.

Rich Millison October 6, 2008 6:21 pm (Pacific time)

Obama’s adult life associations show a pattern. These associations include Bill Ayers, a violent terrorist who on the day after 9/11/2001 said he didn't do enough! Obama has a long time association with ACORN, an organization with employees who have multiple voter fraud convictions and who helped him beginning in his first election. Obama’s pastor of 20 years preaches hatred of whites and hatred of America.

Voters have always insisted on having a great deal of information about the person who occupies the Oval Office. But almost nothing is known about Obama’s associates or friends.

Percy Sanchez October 6, 2008 5:23 pm (Pacific time)

Henry et all as I posted earlier there will be those who will try to distract any averse info away from Obama and McCain. The "Zero" earmarks by Sen. McCain is incredible! How many other senators can you name with that same record after 22 years in the Senate? Remarkable! As far as the Keating Five, I am quite familiar with that so let's update with real "pertinent" facts. Five U.S. senators were named in the scandal: Sen. Alan Cranston (D.-Calif.), Sen. Dennis DeConcini (D.-Ariz.), Sen. John Glenn (D.-Ohio), Sen. John McCain (R.-Ariz.) and Sen. Donald Reigle (D-Minn.) "FOUR DEMOCRATS." Sen. John Glenn is currently doing surrogate work for Obama's campaign. What's up with that? Obama doesn’t seem to have any quarrel with Glenn, how about you? The former Democratic Ohio senator introduced Bruce Springsteen at a benefit concert for Obama in Ohio on Sunday, October 5. According to Obama's presidential website Glenn held a conference calls with reporters for Obama in August. Attorney John Dowd, who represented McCain during the Senate Ethics investigation, said Senate Democrats conducted a "classic political smear job" on McCain in the Keating Five scandal. "When it was discovered Keating was pushing too hard, he [McCain] threw Keating out of his office and ended all relations with him," Dowd said. Clinton's very democratic lawyer, Bob Bennett cut his teeth in the K5 investigation as special counsel. Despite his partisan affiliation, Bob Bennett says McCain was clean in the investigation and has stated that McCain was not involved in any wrongdoing but brought into the ethics panel investigation so that there would not be only dems under the cloud of impropriety. Because of age and illness, Cranston was let off the hook and he did not seek re-election. Sen. McCain is getting tarred quite a bit by questionable misrepresentations, so there needs to be facts and clarifications made to rebut these proliferating and nonsensical false allegations. It's unfortunate that rumors like this start when the historical record is so clear, I guess one has to keep questioning the distractors. I still see John Glenn as an American hero in our space program, but not as a politican. Of course the best defense is a good offense, so I can see the candidates will be dialing up their offenses. Henry et al do you recall the New Hamshire primary in regards to pre-election and voter exit polls? They both showed that Obama was going to win by over ten points. Hillary won that state's primary.

Henry Ruark October 6, 2008 1:23 pm (Pacific time)

Hey Sanchez !: Character shows, all right, when heat is on. Yours re O.-earmarks vs McCain purposely forgot to recall for us banker named Keating for whom McCain intervened directly twice, with letters several times, in savings and loan scandal costing taxpayers over $90 billions his first years in office. Set prime example for budget bailout just perpetrated, via same perps in similar business-surround then. Wife had real estate deal worth nearly $1 million with Keating; four other Senators were involved. He's played game of "NO more earmarks !" ever since knowing he had no other choice and was being watched. No wonder he avoids e-marking anything !! Re Commie party, Chavez, Cuba, "terrorists", that's all more character assassination. No way in which any of them can profit from situation today since Pentagon budget outweighs them 10,000 to 1; CIA outnumbers them by 100/1. Do you really believe O could turn over DC to them ? With S/Service-surround allatime, he's last one for any action. "Terror-attack" ? That's more fear/fantasy to distract from major issues like bailout made inevitable by more of Keating Five-stuff... More lobbyists in DC than commies in A/C/party, and lobbyists do far more harm ! That's simple fear tactic by you, no way pure in intent here and now, plain ugly. Gotta dig deeper than that, friend S; yours here, again, is simple contempt of readership use of common sense, given information already well-known and reported here, too. S-N deserves better good faith effort than that, for any and all dissent, still welcome here when factual and checkable. Can you provide "see with own eyes" link to that hotshot Commie-and-Cuba stuff ? Thought we lost that after Kennedy assassinations.

Percy Sanchez October 6, 2008 11:11 am (Pacific time)

The gloves have certainly come off during this presidential campaign. I have often wondered over the years as to what has happened to the MSM and it's objectivity, then I finally now realize just why they have been losing market share,and it appears that the public is also starting to come to grips with whats going on in the media. Since much talk has been going on about earmarks (pork in general) here is some striking stats that are absolutley illuminating: Sen. Obama has approx. 940 days as a working senator and has gotten approx. $931 million in earmarks, an average of slightly less than one million a day. Sen. McCain has approx. 7950 days (nearly 22 years) as a working senator and his earmark total: "ZERO!" In the next few weeks much will be coming out, many lies, and when they are pointed out the distractions will be made. I believe in setting out just the facts and let the voters use those facts. The radicals will do everything they can to stop them. Take the time to see who is endorsing the candidates, for example, who do the "terrorists" want, the American Communist Party, people like Castro and Chavez? Other people and organizations of that ilk?

Henry Ruark October 6, 2008 8:39 am (Pacific time)

To all: Character assassination is one of the most-used propaganda techniques. We've seen it worked to death recently right here in S-N. Facts are the remedy. Here's "see with own eyes" re the Chicago-defaming remarks by Palin. Visit link for full details, too, re real rotten one -the Gramm longtime association, and still-threat of Treasury Sec'ty. post, never yet denied by McCain: A Pal Around McCain By Harold Mayerson "So long as the candidates talk about that pesky economy, McCain's handlers have realized, McCain will continue to swoon. Thus the campaign has announced that it will go on the attack again on the momentous topics of Obama's ties to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, the onetime Weatherman who has been a University of Illinois education professor for nearly two decades. Campaigning on Saturday in Colorado, Sarah Palin accused Obama of "palling around with terrorists" by associating with Ayers, citing as her source a New York Times story from that morning. In fact, the story concluded that the Obama-Ayers "relationship" consisted of both men attending the board meetings of two Chicago organizations and that there had been no contact between the men, other than bumping into each other on the sidewalk (they live in the same neighborhood), since Obama went to the U.S. Senate in January 2005. The story of Obama's interaction with Ayers is drenched in irony, since it is basically a tale of Obama being co-opted into Chicago's civic establishment. In 1995, Obama, then a young lawyer with political ambitions but as yet no office, was recruited to chair the board of a school reform organization funded and established by the Annenberg Foundation -- a group that distributes the wealth of the estate of Walter Annenberg, Richard Nixon's ambassador to Britain. It was only then that Obama met Ayers, who already was a board member and a figure in Chicago's education-policy elite. (Mayor Richard Daley, that known radical, told the Times that he had consulted Ayers on education issues for years.) Go join your city's establishment, and see what it gets you." ------------ SO Ayers was "Weatherman"; Bill Kristol, patron saint of neocon group, was Trotskyite in his misbegotten youth !! (E.E. Dionne is source.) Ayers well rehabbed;board member for Annenerg proves that. You do NOT teach at U/Chicago if you "suspicious" in any way. It is hotbed of conservative policy, home of Milton Friedman and Chicago Boys, et al, et al. Choice of Ayers as brunt of this Palin-charge shows either ignorance or stupidity, or both.

Henry Ruark October 5, 2008 3:31 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Seriously, friends-all, we do face an extremely disturbing time with tipping-point change sure to come, with or without aid of either of our incoming President or V/P. For any solidly serious re what can in reality be done, why it must be so, and from where we now start, seek out SUPERCAPITALISM: Transformation of Business, Democracy and Everyday Life; Robert Reich;Knopf; 2007;ISBN 978-0-307-26561-6. He reviews U.S. development in startling terms, shows what and why has NOW happened, and develops in depth what MUST now occur. The final sentence in the book sets perspective: "The first step, which is often the hardest, is to get our thinking straight." That's purpose here in our open, honest,democratic-dialog channel, and why we work to avoid "political pandering" to facilitate what is really now the essential demanded. Surely I realize p/p comes from both (read "many") sides and sources, and have perhaps contributed my share, too. BUT now is the time to get damned serious, to weigh, measure, test and think, on issues, problems, demands --THEN vote. My confidence in wit, wisdom and will of the American public has never been higher or stronger. Nor has that fine characteristic of our nation ever been under more drastic test, either... Thank you all for your ongoing strong participation, which cannot but help in reaching a great conclusion, soon.

Percy Sanchez October 5, 2008 9:15 am (Pacific time)

Why is it that Governor Palins' daughter’s sex life or her husband’s 1986 DUI is fair game for the front page, but not Obama’s past criminal drug use, his twenty-year relationship with a rabidly racist preacher (who has now mysteriously disappeared from public life), or for that matter his relationship with an admitted and proud left-wing terrorist? Does equality stop at the door of ideology? Writing in the New York Post, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann described Palin as an “existential threat to the Democratic Party” because her rise, like that of Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, or Clarence Thomas, threatens the party’s hold on a core constituency. “Democrats can't stomach seeing the feminist movement's impetus for greater female political participation and empowerment ‘hijacked’ by a pro-life woman who espouses traditional values.” It would be like the president of a labor union being a Republican.... The purpose of all these false reports, these omissions of inconvenient facts, and the rush to publish lurid allegations before they are properly sourced, is not to portray truth, but rather to establish an idea -- the idea that Sarah Palin is a religious fanatic, an unqualified dip, or a lying and manipulative political operative. It is in essence, an ideological concoction, and in some cases, an incendiary device meant to create controversy where none exists. The Left seems so obsessed with their own “progressiveness” that the mere possibility that the first woman to hold a national executive office may end up being a Republican is simply unfathomable. As true zealots, their words deny this possibility while their actions set out to fulfill their own prophesies. This can’t happen; therefore it won’t, no matter the means....

Rich Millison October 5, 2008 8:25 am (Pacific time)

Henry et al thank you for your comments regarding Couric's interview of Gov. Palin. I saw another "one on one" interview last friday that was done by a professional journalist that addressed the above Couric interview of Palin and the Alaska governor certainly cleared up many issues for me, she is a highly competent individual. That just goes to show what happens when a real pro gets involved. Are you familiar with Couric's resume? She has no academic credentials in Journalism (Her degree is in American Studies, but she was on the rally squad), and other than doing a morning tabloid show, has no demonstrated professional experience as so many others out there do. Her position at CBS was a stab at increasing a failing market share, which has continued to go down with Couric's presence. How did she get her job? Is it because her mother has an Israeli citizenship (which means she does also) and her bosses also have Israeli citizenships, and they all have provided considerable financial support to Obama? (As per the FEC). IRONICALLY: Governor Palin has a degree in Journalism and actually worked as a paid reporter. As you know Henry: According to the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ): "Journalists should: Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility." Are you familiar with the large list of misinformation put out by Biden during the debate? It's absolutely remarkable. Thank you for your civil responses, I realize how tense emotions get during these political times that's why it's so important to be as objective as possible.

Obsever October 4, 2008 10:12 am (Pacific time)

There is an active court case in this following matter:If Obama has got a birth certificate and has shown it on a a web-site, why doesn’t he show it to the court, and have this whole business closed down once and for all? Two courts so far have upheld the below lawsuit. The man suing Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee for proof of Obama\'s American citizenship is outraged that his own party – rather than just providing the birth certificate he seeks – would step in to silence him by filing a motion to dismiss his lawsuit. As WND reported, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court two months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be elected president. Berg has since challenged Obama publicly that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he\'ll drop the suit. Berg told WND the longer the DNC tries to ignore his lawsuit or make it go away – instead of just providing the documents – the more convinced he is that his accusations are correct. Berg told WND he remains \"99.99 percent sure\" that the certificate is a fake and he wants a court, not a website, to determine its validity. What is he hiding?

Henry Clay Ruark October 4, 2008 9:43 am (Pacific time)

Vc et al: Oh, you noticed, too ! Makes game a bit more fun, but now getting boring since so plain obvious. Once had to apply content analysis quickie-tests, but now can rely simply on own b/b feeling for these amateurs.

Henry Clay Ruark October 4, 2008 9:40 am (Pacific time)

Obs. et al: Raises considerable concern re separation of church and state, and rightly so, do you not agree ? Up to Americans --Catholics for sure-- whether they pay attention to church or to the Constitution --same issue our Founders faced, which is why the C. is written as it is. IF we are to subsume divine providence now shaping our politics, inexorably cometh the rest of that dictatorial regime, as in Middle Ages. Settle for that if you will, but then expect other aspects of life --free speech, for example-- to follow once again. One more backwards step to fascism, this time with religious overlords subbing for economic ones. Why bother with such small details in history as the Enlightenment, the Reformation, or the American Revolution ??

Vic October 4, 2008 4:30 am (Pacific time)

I like the way some people on here post under a bunch of different names ("Upset Voter"-"Debate Rocked"-"Roger Moyer", etc etc)so it seems like their opinions are shared by more people. Hint: Change your writing style a bit so that when you do this, it isnt so glaringly apparent.

Observer October 3, 2008 6:19 pm (Pacific time)

Losing a big chunk of the vote for some: How many Catholic voters? Vatican official attacks U.S. Democrats as Party of Death. Vatican officials seldom single out political leaders who differ with the Church on issues like abortion rights or embryonic stem cell research. But now that the Vatican’s highest court is led by an American, the former St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke, we can expect things to get more explicit in Vatican City — at least when when it comes to U.S. politics. Burke, who was named prefect of the Vatican’s Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature in June, told the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire that the U.S. Democratic Party risked “transforming itself definitively into a party of death for its decisions on bioethical issues.” He then attacked two of the party’s most high profile Catholics — vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — for misrepresenting Church teaching on abortion.

Roger Moyer October 3, 2008 10:54 am (Pacific time)

Regarding Palin/biden moderator Gwen Ifill: The Commission on Presidential Debates is responsible for choosing moderators and organizing debate terms between the candidates and/or their campaigns and they had no comment for the Associated Press and other media organizations that have tried to contact them regarding this conflict of interest issue that Ms. Ifill has. Note: If Obama is elected her book sales would most likely skyrocket, if he loses her sales would most likely be insignificant. The difference is a profit of hundreds of thousands of dollars at a minimum. In the eighth paragraph of an Associated Press article, it states Ifill "did not tell the Commission on Presidential Debates about the book." Opinions vary, even within opposite political parties as to whether there is a conflict of interest with Ifill having a financial stake in the outcome of the elections. Some from both sides of the political aisle think Ifill can and should be able to moderate effectively and others believe there is a conflict of interest and Ifill should not have been chosen or should be replaced. If the tables were turned — if, say, Bill Bennett were moderating a debate and had a book about McCain waiting in the wings — the press, the democrats, and the entire left would be giving birth to farm animals right up there on the stage! Far left MSNBC has set up an online poll, which asks "Do you think PBS' Gwen Ifill was a smart choice to moderate the vice presidential debate?" At this moment there are 118,633 responses and 31 percent answers "Yes, her stellar political record speaks for itself," and 69 percent say "No, there is a clear conflict between her moderating duties and the book she's authoring." For many, the issue is not Gwen Ifill's ability to remain an impartial moderator given her political affiliation, but whether her having a monetary stake in the elections is considered a conflict of interest. Gwen Infill wrote a cheerleading article for Essence Magazine titled: "The Obamas: Portrait of an American Family." There are many out there who are attempting to distract people by bringing up issues that are non-issues, they are easy to spot. As it has unfolded, Governor Palin essentially made her debate directly to the American people and Gwen Ifill was relegated to just what she is. The debate had the largest viewing audience since 1992. Undecided voters have new information to help with their voting decision.

Henry Ruark October 3, 2008 10:05 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" minute-by-minute comment on VP-debate, with only sample to start you, before you use the link: DEBATE ANALYSIS: A Minute by Minute Look at Biden vs. Palin By Staff, Think Progress Posted on October 2, 2008 Editor's note: The folks over at Think Progress did a great job live-blogging tonight's debate, here's their minute by minute analysis: "10:32: Palin bragged that as governor, she has appointed people “regardless of political affiliation.” However, high school affiliation has been very important. As the New York Times noted, “The Wasilla High School yearbook archive now doubles as a veritable directory of state government.” Palin has appointed her former junior high band-mate, among others."

Debate Rocked October 2, 2008 9:32 pm (Pacific time)

Tonight's debate was a game changer, America won tonight and the marxists have been defeated, for good this time! I felt Sarah was constrained by her advisors and the campaign to be too much a cheerleader tonight and not allowed to just be herself and take the dems to task. Having said that, she certainly held her own with Biden and, much more importantly, she connected with the American people (Independents, conservatives, Catholics, Reagan democrats, gunowners and those who cling to religion during tough and not so tough times) much much better than Biden. That will be the key from tonight. Expect big poll changes by next wednesday, and some October suprises coming from many sources. Biden bloviated all over the place and will be shown to have made glaring misrepresentations on McCain's record and his own. These will be in commercials immediately in swing states. But all of that pales in comparison to Sarah's ability, even when cheerleading for McCain, to connect with the American people in her style, in her wording, and in her demeanor. Common Americans are naturally drawn to her. She speaks to them...speaks for them. All of the MSM attempts to the contrary, that is what she does and the McCain campaign needs to have her constantly out in front of the people doing just that. This person will be America's first women President, that I am 110% sure of.

Upset Voter October 2, 2008 5:47 pm (Pacific time)

Our public schools have become less about teaching our kids math, reading, writing, science, and history and more about subtle and nuanced liberal indoctrination and brainwashing. Virginia citizens are in an uproar after the state teacher's union sent an e-mail to its members encouraging them to wear blue-colored shirts to school to show their support for Barack Obama. Many citizens are calling it an undisguised attempt to influence students' political views. The Virginia Education Association sponsored "Obama Blue Day" on Tuesday. In an e-mail sent last week, it urged teachers to participate by dressing in blue. "There are people out there not yet registered. You teach some of them," the Sept. 25 e-mail reads. "Others, including our members, remain on the fence! Its time for us to come together, voice our unity, because we make a difference!" "Let's make Obama Blue Day a day of Action!" the e-mail continues. "Barack the vote!"

Henry Clay Ruark October 2, 2008 4:46 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Please note that attacking Ifill as moderator of the ONLY VP-debate is part of a new smear campaign by McCain. Here's "see with own eyes" excerpt from The NATION report by John Nichols: "On the eve of the first and only vice presidential debate -- where the so-called "Troopergate" inquiry might appropriately be scrutinized in the context of Palin's claim of executive experience -- McCain has authorized a smear campaign designed to foster the fantasy that the inquiry into Palin's alleged wrongdoing is just partisan politics. The real point, of course, is to discourage discussion of "Troopergate" in tonight's debate, where moderator Gwen Ifill (as the author of an upcoming book that reflects on Democrat Barack Obama's candidacy and the rise of a new black politics in America) is already under pressure to go easy on Palin." The McCain campaign's latest "Troopergate" gambit is based on lies -- big lies -- about the people involved in the inquiry and about Palin's relationship to it. ------------------ Link-to-come when I can snatch it back from eMac; it's on the website for The NATION. Excerpted here, now, since one Commenteer obviously used the McCain propaganda here in what is simple attempt to distort the truth of the matter via attack on moderator tonight, with false premise of any necessity for "recusing self" in such situations. "False: because both campaigns knew of the book when she was proposed; neither objected then. Later McCain staff "came to" on propaganda possibility re moderator when they recognized Palin liabilities.

Henry Clay Ruark October 2, 2008 2:14 pm (Pacific time)

Loren B. et al: You wrote: "When there is even a hint of a conflict of interest, a true professional will recuse themselves.: You mean like Paulson did on bailout proposal ? It took only hours for most to recognize embedded interests involved. One report states high-placed representative of his Wall St.firm was in room when it was determined to allow strong competitor firm to die. You mean like Cheney, in his notorious energy-policy action group overwhelmed by industry personnel ? Her book was completed and in publication, known to debate organizers AND to BOTH campaigns, when Ifill was chosen. Did either side,on the record, then object ? If I were being properly suspicious, friend, I might ask if yours is prompted by line now reportedly taken by McCain, in full anticipation of upcoming debacle. May still go either way,givem situational stress on both but heavy-dollars being laid on Biden, you can bet, after Palin/s poor performance in few contacts permitted since her huge promotion began.

Anonymous October 2, 2008 11:31 am (Pacific time)

Can anyone name some accomplishments by Sen. Obama that demonstrates he has the experience and judgement to be president? How about just one? This is serious business folks. Everyone is diverting your attention away from Obama's experience and judgement. They are distracting you. For example they are using tonight's debate saying that if Palin does badly then that's the end, while saying nothing about Biden's needed performance. Regardless of how well she does, the drive-by msm and their cohorts will say she bombed. In the meantime the useful idiots will continue to dance the tune of the Pied Piper. Think! Use your brain and analyse whats going on. Make an objective list of pro's and con's of all the candidates. Who has the experience to lead? Peoples patterns of past behaviors and associations mean something.

Henry Clay Ruark October 2, 2008 9:04 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's relevant "see with own eyes" link for debate tonight: October 2, 2008 Op-Ed Contributors Questions for the Next Vice President By CRAIG FULLER, ANDREW SULLIVAN, RADLEY BALKO, MIKE DOOGAN, JEFFREY GOLDBERG, JACK F. MATLOCK Jr. , GENE HEALY, PETER MAASS, PETER W. GALBRAITH, ERIC WASSERSTROM, and RACHEL KLEINFELD Tonight, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware and Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska will meet in the one and only vice presidential debate of the 2008 campaign. The Op-Ed editors asked people with knowledge of the vice presidency, the candidates and their records to suggest questions they’d like to hear answered from the stage at Washington University in St. Louis this evening. ------------------- Link-only:CHECK for questions!

Rich Millison October 2, 2008 9:03 am (Pacific time)

It appears that unless Gwen Ifill is replaced immediately, the Governor Palin debate with Biden will be tainted. "Judgement" must start becoming the primary characteristic that voters need to start evaluating. For example via Obama's own admission and his written words he has a connection with Ayers (an anti-American terrorist who bombed the pentagon), Alinsky (an anti-American socialist), ACORN (which has multi-voter fraud employee convictions) and HEY, I'm not even out of the "A's" yet! Regarding George Soros, who also holds Israeli citizenship, this is an individual who would not have been allowed citizenship for what he has done and for what he has been convicted of. For those who are interested in his far left organizational schemes just do the research.

Henry Ruark October 1, 2008 8:33 pm (Pacific time)

Julie et al: I join in your unalloyed and boisterous mirth. Stay tuned and continue your insightful participation, please.

Henry Ruark October 1, 2008 8:31 pm (Pacific time)

P.S.: Yes, I was well aware of Soros experience in French court,.  He may well be convictable in their setup, while same acts not/so.damning in ours.  Soros made his billions via the worldwide financial system, in which both ethics and legalities are often bent, abused, ignored.  Re "opinions based on personal experience"-only, with no further special study: That's primary definition in most areas of publishing for belly-button/rub reporting It doth not qualify writer for any public exposure based ONLY on that single-source, except novels where you are allowed to "make it up". I agree you so qualify, but am saddened by your failure to see and understand that today though you have every right to that kind of "opinion", you have no right to your own set of distorted facts, despite Harvard degree.

Loren B.: You wrote:"Your focus on blaming this current situation on people like Reagan is rather OC, but you know that anyway." First, interpret OC for me. I want to make sure I understand your shorthand. Re: "blaming situation" on Reagan, I have been writing same data re his role-playing as President ever since his first term, continuing ever since. Current situation is just one more example of his damaging set of divisive, destructive policies.

Percy Sanchez October 1, 2008 6:11 pm (Pacific time)

Julie glad I was able to generate some mirth in your life, gives me a jolly good feeling, though that feeling is also coupled with a deep sadness. Bush also has an MBA, from Harvard, back during a time one had to perform well academically. I would suggest to you that an MBA and in Bush's case he also was a jet fighter pilot, are not easy things to acquire and do. My below statements were opinions based on experience, I imagine your life experience is quite different from mine. Henry you earlier dicussed the great things George Soros has done with his money, well how did he make that money and how are his ethics? A number of years ago, leftist billionaire George Soros vowed to bring down President Bush, but failed. Now he is making another power play, this time in Europe. Soros knows Europe better than he does America. He may get what he wants this time; a reversal of his 2002 criminal conviction for insider trading. On January 29, 2002, a French court convicted Soros of illegal trades in connection with a takeover attempt on a French bank. Soros appealed his conviction twice without success. HE IS A CONVICTED FELON HENRY.

Julie October 1, 2008 5:28 pm (Pacific time)

In response to Percy: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hurrah for you neocons! You get what you deserve. Your heroine reads as much as your president. AREN'T YOU PROUD?? You seriously think asking where she gets her news is a "gotcha" question, and you've got your MBA? Um....I think something's fishy mcDuff!

Loren R Blanton October 1, 2008 3:14 pm (Pacific time)

Henry R...Gwen Ifill (the Palin/Biden debate moderator) has written a book: “The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama ” is the title. The book’s release date is on Inauguration Day…this gives her an unmistakable financial stake in the outcome of the election. After all, a book about “The Age of Obama” is going to be worth a lot more if he becomes President, than if he doesn’t.\" When there is even a hint of a conflict of interest, a true professional will recuse themselves. It appears my forensic psychiatrist brother and you have a completely different take on the presidential candidates. Your focus on blaming this current situation on people like Reagan is rather OC, but you know that anyway. My hope during the debate is that Governor Palin calls the moderator on her obvious conflict of interest for that would supercharge the conservative base. Obama is just not a good fit for our republic form of government. He would Balkanize us in quick order. McCain is not the best, but he would keep America safe, he has the experience we need in these times, not someone who has absolutely no relevant experience, none.

Percy Sanchez MBA October 1, 2008 2:13 pm (Pacific time)

Julie how many presidential and vice presidential candidates have you heard asked this question regarding where they get their news? Why is it relevant to begin with? She is the elected governor of the largest state with the highest approval rating of all 49 other governors! It was a set-up question, a "gotcha!" If you want to see a real recent major gaffe, how about Biden (law degree, 30+ years in the Senate and a claimed history buff with two sons that are major lobbyists and he also is one of the biggest requester of "earmarks") who said that in 1929 FDR went on television to talk to the American public to discuss the "depression!" He said this also to Couric and it is on videotube. How come the media didn't dump on Biden? Hoover was presidnt Julie and television was pretty much in experimental mode. This person would be a heart beat away from the nuke suitcase. Now let's not forget during an interview last spring on ABC he claimed "Obama was too inexperienced and the presidency was not an on the job training position." As far as the climate, there is still debate going on that if it is happening, is it caused by us or is it cylical, which the evidence pretty well establishes that climate change has been happening long before the industrial revolution and long before man existed. Also polar bear populations have been increaing in the last 30 years. My news sources are wide and varied and I am a post-graduate trained researcher. Suffice I would not answer Courics question either because it is nonsensical as per her agenda.

Julie October 1, 2008 12:04 pm (Pacific time)

I have to vent about the incompetence of Palin. Did you see the news last night? From Couric interview on CBS Evening News with Sarah Palin: Couric asked Palin which sources she relies on for her news consumption.  Three separate times, Couric tried to elicit a response from Palin about which specific newspapers she reads. Seemingly caught off guard, Palin could not name a single news source, not TV, not the Internet, nothing. What a tough question huh? For some, definitely.

COURIC: "And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world?"

PALIN: "I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media —"

COURIC: "But what ones specifically? I’m curious."

PALIN: "Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years."

COURIC: "Can you name any of them?"

PALIN: "I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news."

Ok, now this is ridiculous. At least we don't have to wonder why she is so thoroughly confused about her own country's "climate". All those major information sources she named rapidly  must be  a reflection of her attention to matters not a concern to Alaskans.... when she's not probing Russia for foreign policy views, that is. Let her true colors fly!

Henry Clay Ruark October 1, 2008 11:15 am (Pacific time)

Loren B: Appreciate your kind offer; only ONE of four sons born in Oregon, so demand will be limited. We lived in 20 states and visited some 10 others. Tell Col. Henry best from Tech/C Henry; he's 7 yrs ahead of me, but I may make same mark, unless Op Eds get me in (more !) deep doo-doo...

I agree in large part re yr brother's estimate, but find it also applies even more deeply, dangerously and darkly to other-side...which leaves us in "mell of a hess" no matter which way we move. But that, too, is part of the continuing damaging fallout from the neocon initiatives. Wit, wisdom, will of "the people" can still guide us wisely and well as in most of our illustrious history.

Re moderator for Palin-Biden, happens I trust Ifill's ability to be professional in this assignment, from long contact with her work. Agree there is always some question in any similar circumstance, as there was with Presidential and Jim Lehrer, shown by pundits pounding his timing and accusations of avoidance of some issues.

Very fairly done, I thought. Probably impossible to find a professional NOW without one or the other "biases", so must then rely on even-handed and fair oversight, always highly motivated by national public view, and with professional reputation on line...may be best we can hope to get. But never underestimate the intense effort of the true professional journalist to follow basic tenets of the profession --may mess up, but that's human failing.

That's one price we pay for ongoing confrontational attitude built from Reagan days, leading to WIN BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE, as in Op Ed.  Appreciate your insights and information; will respond also after P-B "confrontation".

Loren R Blanton October 1, 2008 7:27 am (Pacific time)

Henry I am from the Eugene area and my father's first name is also Henry, but he goes by "Colonel"---a moniker he picked up during WWII combat service, still going strong at 98. If your son is a "native" Oregonian I would be happy to sight in any of his weapons (handguns,rifles strings,etc.) free of charge. We have a private facility out on Blanton Road. This is a private service, not commercial and is done for select populations. Back to comments: My younger brother is a forensic psychiatrist (32 years) and his assessment of Obama's admitted felony drug usuage, past and current associations/behaviors, etc., along with medical evaluations way beyond my pay grade boils down to the conclusion that America needs more information so they can make a more informed decision about him before they vote. He would not vote for him under any conditions. Maybe in the coming weeks more people will also develop a better insight. I thought you might like to know about the extreme conflict of interest concerning the moderator of the Palin/Biden debate, tho' maybe you already know? About Gwen Ifill’s pro-Obama book, to be released in January? I am stunned. The campaign (actually both) should have been told before the campaign agreed to have her moderate. It simply is not fair - in law, this would create a mistrial. My hope is she steps down, that would be the professional thing to do, but the backlash would probably be intense because she is black and approx. 95% of blacks are voting for Obama. Regardless, she will taint the debate because of her book. Your view?

Vic September 30, 2008 7:38 pm (Pacific time)

The song "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour is one of my favs.. whoever thinks black guys cant rock needs to check this classic out!

Percy Sanchez September 30, 2008 5:52 pm (Pacific time)

Henry et al I have also seen some absolutely egregious spelling errors on many posters at this site and as long as their comments communicate well, that's fine with me. Those who do not supply their real name, no problem, I am more interested in their opinion and links (if called for) than their names. Anyway Henry how is your background in the meaning and interpretation of the concept "Cult of Personality"? Below is a link to an amazing youtube that was financed by Jeff Zucker (head honcho at NBC) and many other Soros-type individuals. Would appreciate assessments by people out there. I would imagine that within 30 seconds you should have a well formed opinion. And this video is quite topical to both presidential candidates and the bailout.

Henry Ruark September 30, 2008 3:49 pm (Pacific time)

GofC: Appreciate your kindly comment and my rating re WORD. But at least what I write carries my honest name.

Godsofchaos September 30, 2008 2:05 pm (Pacific time)

subject Henry dising my spelling: Wow strong words coming from the man who somtimes has sentences a pargraph long and has mistyped "the" a couple of times. Beleive me I used to copy and paste your posts on Word and it would be riddled with red and green ink. But I never held it against you.

Dixie Rook September 30, 2008 1:20 pm (Pacific time)

We are writing about this 700billion bailout sceam. 77% of the people voted that this was a bad idea great job. Even if they come back with another amount all of our reps. had better vote it down also. We own and operate a small business and have for 20+ yrs. Everytime we make sure are bills are paid then turn around and put money back into the company to make sure we can keep paying our bills. That is the exact same thing that Wall Street and the government need to do also instead of asking for more money for everything and anything just to line there pockets. If the federal government would stay out of the way we americans can survive this by ourselves. Quit being greedy and living high on the hog. Thank You Dixie and Larry Rook

Henry Clay Ruark September 29, 2008 9:09 pm (Pacific time)

P.S. et al: Your civil statement appreciated and welcomed, sir. Happens I agree re Pelosi on both "rant" and competence. Re O. there is still plenty of room for our continuing disagreement, and previous here has shown, I believe,, why I feel we must make real change, impossible with McCain or any derivative. Sincerely, thank you for your participation and please share with us more as we mutually continue honest, open dialog here --perhaps a greatly satisfying difference from some recently. We live in a great nation made that way by what we DO --or DON'T DO. Dialog was basic tool when the Founders forged us, and no reason it should not serve the same noble purposes NOW...

Percy Sanchez MBA September 29, 2008 6:22 pm (Pacific time)

Many of my associates and I have different opinions about the bailout bill that was voted on today but two things we agree on: 1, Rep. Pelosi's "rant" just before the vote demonstrated that this far left liberal from the bay area is way out of her depth and should step down. She is so full of hate that over 40% of those in her own party could not tolerate her as evidenced by their vote. 2) "FRESHMAN" senator Obama has convinced us that he is also way out of his depth in this matter.

Henry Ruark September 29, 2008 3:23 pm (Pacific time)

To all: To summarize events of past couple days: The big Wall St.firms were "leveraged" 30/40 borrowed dollars for every buck of their own capital. It appears that McC. may be in about same predicament now, with public opinion demanding remedy for what his own gang has done for 40 years, and him without a single new idea --except to "trust me" --with proof that did not work for Paulson !!

Henry Ruark September 29, 2008 2:58 pm (Pacific time)

'Anon" You wrote:"...will he also be taking responsibility if the whole thing tanks?" about O. Your naivete obscures the sense here, but any thinking person will realize that the fate of any solution depends on and demands understandings far from those involved in this single over-simplified suggested "solution". It's as simple as gun-at-head encountered in dark alley, perhaps one of those just off Wall St. in New York !! This written AFTER "solution" failed in the House via GOP-intent; but yours before, and fact of failure now proves point re complexity and further demands, entirely aside from the sabotage underway to try to make sure any possible credit accrues to McCain. I note tha CNN's comparison of the statements from both O. and McC, immediately after the House vote, is characterized as the two of them stating precisely the same thing. But O on record already for what he knows is now demanded; while McC. stated nothing at all about how he would make sure the next vote --absolutely essential-- might be made positive by changes he proposed. His immediate reaction to need when it so suddenly arose was to fire the FCC head --a power he should have known does not reside in the Presidency. For me, that is further indicative of his notorious temper and its consequences throughout his life, now on public record. We await with some trepidation what he may suggest, given his proven (self-admitted !) proclivity for gambling, which implies a certain denial of realities re risk; and surely naivete when "winning" at Indian casino, with visit set up by lobbyist for that very interest, which he has backed for a long time. Never forget controlling fact here: This began with Reagan's emphasis on DEregulation; continued with Bush I, was resurrected and projected still further --most disastrously-- under BushII/Cheney, to leave us all poised on the very edge of the Second GREAT DEPRESSION. The other components of that devilish-devices/set were privatization (as in FMay and FMac);"free trade" tilting the take everywheres to corporate interest; and globalization, permitting enforcement vs all other developing nations, further supported by U.S. hegemony leading to world domination and, eventualy, dominion, too. SO, what does McC. now declare should be done, and when will he put on pressure to remove wall of delay,denial,defeat he has conceived and pushed on his party, so far ?? So why should we trust him with his confessed lack of understanding of our economy and economics, and his reliance on former Sen. Grimm, killer of Glass-Steagall ? OR do you agree with Grimm --rumored to be McC choice as Treasury Sect'y !!-- that we are "a nation of whiners", with only "a mental depression"? -------- Grimm NOT mis-spelled !!

Henry Ruark September 29, 2008 2:32 pm (Pacific time)

GCoC; Yours better appreciated if you had spelled "hating" right. You left out the letter "l" --like this: "halting".
Given no choice for change except absolute clean-up, clear-out and return to Constitutionality, that's the ONLY step rational, reasonable persons CAN take !

To that I plead positively, precisely as I have written, now for nearly four years, here and previously elsewhere, with precisely the same values and veery much the same published point of view.

Anonymous September 29, 2008 1:17 pm (Pacific time)

Yesterday Obama claimed he was the driving force behind the bailout package being voted today (which recently failed because of over 40% of house democrats nay vote: OBAMA-- “Here are the facts: For two weeks I was on the phone every day with (Treasury) Secretary (Henry) Paulson and the congressional leaders making sure that the principles that have been ultimately adopted were incorporated in the bill,” Obama said in an interview on “Face the Nation” on CBS. He claimed that he was responsible for many of the provisions now in the Bill. So, will he also be taking responsibility if the whole thing tanks?

Godsofchaos September 29, 2008 1:04 pm (Pacific time)

Love how Henry is so inovled with hating John McCain...(he canceled the debate look how evil he is). Listen now is not the time to get angry over such things...Were heading into facisim and right now we need to be on our Congess criters like hawks if we are to prevent our socity becoming like the former USSR. To me we have one chance. The House of Representives forget the Senate its full of corrupted officals that have no fear of relection. But House that is a different story they are relected every two years thus keeping the voters happy is more important to them.

Percy September 29, 2008 12:20 pm (Pacific time)

Bailout plan failed due to 41% of House DEMs voting against it.
We will hear stories about how the House GOP caused this bill to fail. But 34% of House GOP voted for the bailout plan. This "bi-partisan no-vote" was due to the surprising number of House DEMs who voted against the plan. Pelosi cannot lead as evidenced by this vote. The democrats have the majority and do not need one republican vote, not one! People are tired of this creep into socialism that started during LBJ's administration.

Henry Ruark September 29, 2008 11:04 am (Pacific time)

LRB: Mine re gambling propensities built on personal experience with psychiatrists, who also often add "narcissism" to that gambling drive, characterizing the person quite clearly. Here's "see with own eyes" on that second point, re McCain. I also know that dilemma when a candidate acts that way,in personal experience, as what actually happens in reality. Even his final backdown to go to debate in no way softens the huge blow to others thus already done: John McCain: The Candidate of the Infantile Id By TRex Posted on September 27, 2008, Printed on September 29, 2008 Here’s the thing I can’t get past. John McCain is a screeching prima donna who seems to neither know nor care about the ramifications of his actions. By throwing the question of tonight’s debate into turmoil, the Senator has disrupted the lives of thousands of people. All of the journalists and tech people traveling to Oxford are left with now-worthless (and presumably non-refundable) plane tickets on their hands and literal tons of stranded broadcast equipment. All the people who bought tickets to the event are potentially S.O.L., and the University of Mississippi is screwed out of millions of dollars and a year and a half of planning." ------------ So one must add "narcissism" to old-age ravages, gambling instincts, et al, et al, et al. What rational, reasonable action is then indicated for cogitating, responsible voters in this extremely pivotal election ? More of same ? OR possibility of real change?

Henry Ruark September 29, 2008 8:58 am (Pacific time)

Loren B.: Hey, Loren ! My No. 4 son has same name, manages 8-10 photonournalists, 3 sat/trucks for Oregon Tv-News. No. 2 son is producer of 11pm major news, same station. Whatta you do, friend ? Appreciated your probing point re Obama phrase, allowing my own further information for readership cogitation. Nothing personal in comment, and hope you will continue your sharp participation here. "Rest of story": Other two sons also "in the media". We have family joke: "Dad warned us all, but we did it, anyhow" which ain't funny anymore in this msmedia denigration nationally.

Henry Ruark September 29, 2008 8:52 am (Pacific time)

LRB et al: Preferable ? That's easy --one is reformed from earlier actions, having learned and matured, now "Presidential". The other continues what is considered a distinctly dangerous trait for those whose judgment, when demanded in emergency, may involve the lives of millions. Is THAT "Presidential" " Is "recreational" use of alcohol or "recreational" use of any drug NOT concern you, for any person with hand hovering over that "Red Button" !!?? What's hard about that ? Any rational, reasonable person will reach the same inevitable conclusion. To state otherwise is to distort/pervert the now-known critical-choice situation for political purpose. Mine was NOT so intended, even though taken as-such to bolster your obviously erroneous assertion, but ONLY to record/report a fact of character obviously of real import for any thinking voter. Re: "“Just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can’t constrain the exercise of that right.” Happens to be absolutely correct, and Constitutional, as demonstrated by Supremes and continuing protocol on state actions subsumed bu federal law --as for decades on state educational matters, among others. Either you are UNinformed here or MISinformed. OR is it again malign perversion pandering to obvious political needs ?? Taking any single phrase from its complex context is itself a form of distortion --often practiced, I hate to admit but truth is truth, by some in journalism not checked by the ethics of the profession. Again you demonstrate either UNinformed or malign intent by so doing here; nobody will now contend that speech was not a "complex" context !! Check with Constitutional law authorities will show Obama's statement, challenging to the neocon philosophy, is both accurate and now applied, as demonstrated in my example. IF you wish further, ID self to Editor for direct with me, thus sparing others here any more such distorting actions, knowingly or otherwise.

Loren R Blanton September 28, 2008 10:45 pm (Pacific time)

Keep informed and up to date on our presidential candidates: “Just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can’t constrain the exercise of that right.” — [Obama] 2008 Philadelphia Democratic Primary Debate” An interesting concept for a supposed teacher of constitutional law. Whereas there is no such thing as a completely unrestrained power to exercise a right (even freedom of speech is subject to not shouting “fire” in a crowded theater) the selective incorporation doctrine has pretty much applied to states and subordinate local governments the federal constitutional rights. States and local governments cannot do that which Congress can’t do unless the constitution were to specifically say they could regarding rights and violations thereof. Some rights, such as freedom of speech, are jealously guarded by the courts and only in extreme and rare cases is a restriction found constitutional. “Fascist governments nationalized key industries and "made massive state investments." They thought private property was to be regulated to ensure that “benefit to the community precedes benefit to the individual.” They also introduced price controls and other types of economic planning measures. Fascists promoted their ideology as a “third way” between capitalism and Marxian socialism.” I noticed a poster mentioned that Sen. McCain had a history of gambling, well millions of people do that and so what. In Obama's autobiography he stated that he did illegal drugs ("blow", "coke" and others), which was admitting to a felony by the way, which would preclude him from receiving a security clearance. So what's preferable, a recreational gambler or an admitted felony drug user answering that 3:00 AM phone call with his finger on the red button?

Henry Clay Ruark September 28, 2008 8:22 am (Pacific time)

To all: This one is from The Guardian, famed British daily specialist in business and finance: The End of Voodoo Economics Wall Street ideologues have been gambling our money and screwing us all. Now is a chance to correct their excesses. By Ian Williams 27/09/08 "The Guardian' -- - "As the all-too-often selectively quoted Adam Smith actually said: "All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind." "No one can say that current events are a one-off. The get-government-out-of-business brigade, the masters of the universe, have in their three decades of unbridled power produced the savings and loan bail-out, the Mexican bond bail-out, the Asian currency crisis, the Enron and other related scandals, the tech bubble, the Long-Term Capital Management collapse and rescue, a wage freeze for working Americans and now this. "And the irony is that these vile people who are now graciously agreeing to pocket a trillion dollars of taxpayers' cash have been arguing for three decades that government has no business in business, least of all in pension provision. In their famous phrase, it would pose a "moral hazard" for ordinary Americans to think that their government would look after them if in old age their income or their health failed them." ------------- Gets extremely well detailed for the rest of a classic Guardian report. Check, then evaluate with own mind vs what we've reported here now and previously in other Op Eds.

Henry Clay Ruark September 28, 2008 8:09 am (Pacific time)

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power." Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd US president

Henry Clay Ruark September 28, 2008 7:52 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" re McCain-as-gambler, from NYT, with in-depth detail: McCain and Team Have Many Ties to Gambling Industry By JO BECKER and DON VAN NATTA Jr. "Senator John McCain was on a roll. In a room reserved for high-stakes gamblers at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut, he tossed $100 chips around a hot craps table. When the marathon session ended around 2:30 a.m., the Arizona senator and his entourage emerged with thousands of dollars in winnings. "A lifelong gambler, Mr. McCain takes risks, both on and off the craps table. He was throwing dice that night not long after his failed 2000 presidential bid, in which he was skewered by the Republican Party’s evangelical base, opponents of gambling. "Mr. McCain was betting at a casino he oversaw as a member of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, and he was doing so with the lobbyist who represents that casino, according to three associates of Mr. McCain. "The visit had been arranged by the lobbyist, Scott Reed, who works for the Mashantucket Pequot, a tribe that has contributed heavily to Mr. McCain’s campaigns and built Foxwoods into the world’s second-largest casino. Joining them was Rick Davis, Mr. McCain’s current campaign manager. Their night of good fortune epitomized not just Mr. McCain’s affection for gambling, but also the close relationship he has built with the gambling industry and its lobbyists during his 25-year career in Congress." ----------------- Much more detail in the report so evaluate with own mind. One question: Do we want a lifetime gambler with finger on that Red Button when that call comes, with 12-min. time before the Big Bang ? Point from experience: Do you really believe they honestly "won" all those take-home dollars, with lobbyist setting up the visit ? If so, try your own luck at any Indian casino --without the lobbyist helping you.

Henry Clay Ruark September 27, 2008 3:32 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Here's the second link, from the NYT story. Note I have excerpted it, with lead and then material from deeper in the story. See whole thing, then evaluate with own mind, minus any rhetoric from me: September 27, 2008 Politics Take Hold of Bailout Proposal By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN WASHINGTON — The Bush administration and Congressional negotiators agreed on Friday to meet some demands of rebellious House Republicans as they sought to resurrect a $700 billion rescue plan for the nation’s financial system that the critics said would spend too much taxpayer money upfront. ============== The renewed talks came even as lawmakers were still reeling from Thursday’s high drama at the White House where a meeting between Mr. Bush, Congressional leaders and the two presidential candidates — Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama — broke down in acrimony. Democrats sought to seize advantage after the failed meeting, which Mr. Bush convened after Mr. McCain suspended his campaign and suggested delaying the first presidential debate in Mississippi. “Now that Senator McCain is safely in Mississippi, we can get back to serious work,” said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the chairman of the Financial Services Committee and the lead negotiator for House Democrats in the bailout talks. Mr. Frank predicted a deal by Sunday. “ ---------- For complete back-story "see also" link to WP report given previously. Add one to the other, then evaluate in frame from previous comment citing E.E. Dionne column.

Henry Clay Ruark September 27, 2008 3:04 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Here's one "see with own eyes" link (of two) mentioned in my earlier comment: BAILOUT NEGOTIATIONS How McCain Stirred a Simmering Pot By Jonathan Weisman Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, September 27, 2008 "When Sen. John McCain made his way to the Capitol office of House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) just past noon on Thursday, he intended to "just touch gloves" with House Republican leaders, according to one congressional aide, and get ready for the afternoon bailout summit at the White House. Instead, Rep. Paul D. Ryan (Wis.), the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, was waiting to give him an earful. The $700 billion Wall Street rescue, as laid out by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr., was never going to fly with House Republicans, Ryan said. The plan had to be fundamentally reworked, relying instead on a new program of mortgage insurance paid not by the taxpayers but by the banking industry. McCain listened, then, with Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), he burst into the Senate Republican policy luncheon. Over a Tex-Mex buffet, Sens. Robert F. Bennett (Utah) and Judd Gregg (N.H.) had been explaining the contours of a deal just reached. House Republicans were not buying it. Then McCain spoke. "I appreciate what you've done here, but I'm not going to sign on to a deal just to sign the deal," McCain told the gathering, according to Graham and confirmed by multiple Senate GOP aides. "Just like Iraq, I'm not afraid to go it alone if I need to." "For a moment, as Graham described it, "you could hear a pin drop. It was just unbelievable." Then pandemonium. By the time the meeting broke up, the agreement touted just hours before -- one that Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), the No. 3 GOP leader, estimated would be supported by more than 40 Senate Republicans -- was in shambles." ----- Rest there for you to check and evaluate with own mind, less any comment from me. Similar link to NYT coming when I can beat eMac into submission again...

Henry Ruark September 27, 2008 8:10 am (Pacific time)

To all: The Dionne column I cited is his Friday-date one, easy to find on WPost site at www/ Here's short excerpt from its heart, bearing directly on my previous Comment and essential progress on the Big Bailout. The Chinese threat and the Soros fear of unregulated securities reported here previously: "The simple truth is that Washington is petrified about this crisis and will pass something. There are dark fears floating through the city that foreign investors, particularly the Chinese, might begin to pull their billions out of our system. "Scarier than the bad mortgages are those unregulated credit default swaps that financier George Soros has been warning about. "There are $45 trillion of those esoteric instruments sloshing around the global financial system. They were invented as a hedge against debt defaults, but even the financial smart guys don't fully understand their impact or how to price their real value. "Fear is a terrible motivator for careful legislating, but it's a heck of a way to bring about lots of bipartisanship." ------------- Both WPost and NYTimes other reports stress McCain's direct interference with B/Bailout process in D.C. Links later.

Henry Ruark September 27, 2008 7:00 am (Pacific time)

To all: For me, debate was revealing in extreme, sure to demand claims of victory on each side. In reality it was all too close to a draw --with very little new-or-different. "First debate" results are far less meaningful than what happened in D.C.just before -- now continuing--re Big Bailout payoff. Pardon me all to h...if I seem to "push", but you need first thing today to dig up the E.E. Dionne column. ( He lays out the dirty bones for all to see and understand. Then check out both WPost and NYTimes special reports re the political dirty-work underway. Several sharp-ones at each site, so no links till later. Which allows you your own choice rather than mine... You will find Dionne's "take" well supported by later events very firmly on the record. See esp. WHO did WHAT, WHEN, and make your own evaluation of WHY. If you re-read my last Comment you will have the frame needed for this UN-pretty image, a bit closer than I could know then. What's actually happening is indeed further proof that some will work to WIN BY ANY MEANS for their own gains, no matter what it means to nation OR to democracy. Leaving this "open" purposely to allow time for YOU to check out what I already did...then respond with YOUR reading of the same recorded facts.

Henry Ruark September 26, 2008 1:51 pm (Pacific time)

R.M. et al: You wrote key phrase:"...since the democrats control both houses why don't they just pass a bill and send it to Bush to sign or not sign?" Pardon, friend, but naivete showing again. Anyone who ever worked Legislature or Congress will recognize simple avoidance of action sure to bring manic charge of political blackmail. Then followed by equally manic opposition every-man/charge to force onto record every GOPster now possibly trying in good faith to reach workable conclusion. Dem-control a sometime thing hanging by thread, easily broken by surrender of very few Dems to massive corporate, home-town,local-job-threat and other wildly assorted dangers. (Surely including shudder at thought of "contributions" sure to be lost.) Given lack of leadership on both sides, on which we do agree, never see this happen since Dems don't dare, for reasons mentioned, to even take a shot since desperate dangers-cited thus preclude any such action, while there is still slim chance of face-saver "compromise" made under even heavier pressures by GOP-dissidents. Hang in there, but don't hold your breath awaiting ANY non-political remedy, and be highly suspicious of any forthcoming labeled "bi-partisan". It will be that much more toxic. GOP/Neocon nature is "WIN BY ANY MEANS !" as demonstrated since Reagan, time and again, and even crisis swallowing economy will never change that DNA-type characteristic built-in over forty years --proven by ironic fact major opposition NOW coming from the GOP faction opposing its own President in face of obvious economic disaster demanding other action. Even if one could summon every (real, birth) Mother of opposing GOPS to conference room, on bent knees, and with tears in eyes, they would still "oppose". "delay", "fight for party principle", and pretend with full manic intensity it was all in "best patriotic way", too.

Jimmy September 26, 2008 1:32 pm (Pacific time)

Another gift from the government to JPMC, they must be loving it. They get Bear Stearns, sans debt, in March (federal reserve keeps debt), and now they get the 6th largest bank in the U.S. for pennies on the dollar (U.S. Treasury keeps the debt). Someone really, really loves JPMC. Why buy a bank these days when you can wait for the government to gift it to you?? No wonder Wamu couldn’t find a buyer for itself. The government has set a stupid and dangerous precedent with the Bear Stearns criminal gift, and have now reinforced that precedent with a second gift, to the same recipient. Fantastic. From what I have read, the withdrawal of deposits was not the cause, it was a credit rating downgrade by, guess who, standard and poors, which was the end for Wamu. When the credit rating is reduced, triggers cause certain debts to require payment and wamu couldn’t get a line of credit to pay the calls because the credit market is effectively frozen while the circus in U.S. Congress plays out. The withdrawal of 16 billion was not a cause, as even after the ~$16 billion they still had (and now JPMC has) 188 *BILLION* in deposits. The government just gave JPMC $188 BILLION DOLLARS for the cost of, $1.9 billion, SANS the offsetting debt. Does anyone think this sounds like a F-ING CRIME?? I would like to pay the government 19 dollars and receive 188 dollars in return. I think I deserve that! Anyone else? Would you pay $1.9 billion in return for $188 billion? Freaking Christmas, man. With the gifts of Bear Stearns and Wamu by the government to JPMC, JPMC is one of the largest financial institutions in the world now, measured by any of: deposits, assets, or standard thrift customers. JPMC now has a deposit base of 900 BILLION DOLLARS. Even funnier that Wamu turned down a takeover offer from JPMC for $8 a share in late March 08. Highlarious. Idiots. Another story drifting around this morning is that the 16.7 billion left Wamu in total of 11 days (8 business days), which means 2.1 billion per day, and some people are saying it’s possible that was orchestrated by some large financial players and not wholly coincidental individual customer action. The other big story is billions of dollars of wealth going *poof* as all of the large investors in Wamu, including the private equity firm that put $7 billion into them in April for an ownership share, and retirement funds like teachers unions and such, now hold paper worth ZERO while JPMC gets FAT CHRISTMAS FOR FREE! And the next story in this saga will be a Sunday morning announcement, that very few people will hear or notice, that the Fed has agreed to relieve JPMC of Wamu’s toxic debt pool as a condition of the JPMC acquisition. GREAT. This whole fiasco is the crime of the century, starting with the Bear Stearns criminal undertaking by Treasury and Fed. CRIMINAL, CRIMINAL, CRIMINAL. Sickening.

Rich Millison September 26, 2008 12:47 pm (Pacific time)

Henry et al-- since the democrats control both houses why don't they just pass a bill and send it to Bush to sign or not sign? Is it because if it's a "dog" they don't want to take responsibility? Or is it because the roots of this fiasco are clearly traced back to 1999 as acknowleged by the past "leader of the democratic party", Bill Clinton (see below Clinton video stating this!) and they are good at spending other peoples money. Are they are out of their depth in financial problem-solving? The evidence keeps stacking up, and the diversions away from this evidence continues, but are getting constantly weaker. We need some type of leadership in this matter, and so far both Republicans and democrats have been AWOL. I frankly am not that worried, because in the end the majority of Americans will eventually see exactly what happened, and that's because of the internet (sites like this) not the MSM and the other propaganda organizations. Please remember, the democrats can easily pass a bill, why won't they? Have you ever heard them call for a bi-partisan bill before? This should tell you something. Leadership is about leading! Our economy will survive and get much stronger after this as long as we develop energy independence. So those who advocate that will get my ear and most likely my vote.

Henry Ruark September 26, 2008 11:41 am (Pacific time)

Marjorie et al" You wrote:"Now, at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, middle-class taxpayers are going to be forced to bail out the Democrats' two most important constituent groups: rich Wall Street bankers and welfare recipients. Political correctness had already ruined education, sports, science and entertainment. But it took a Democratic president with a Democratic congress for political correctness to wreck the financial industry." Re Demo wrecking crew charge, you as history minor surely cannot deny control of both Congress and WH for very large part of time since Reagan. Do you also deny roots of this crisis came from actions taken in those days ? If so, you must have had textbook upside down, and been listening to lectures via bounce off-wall ! Re Dems feeding Wall St. and succoring welfare recipients, that, too, chimes powerfully of Reagan "wisdom" set forth in detail in so many articles, books, and tv-features now it surpasseth any words here. SO pish-tush to you as you simply reveal inbuilt biases perhaps unrecognized, but all the same in error, as any real history student will agree. Again, for the repeated record here, my own view is that both parties are deeply involved, both complicit, both need the designed remedy available in the Constitution, put there by prescient Founders, for trial of elective officials derelict in their sworn duties. Since this is such a complex fallout of consequences over the ast forty years --again as agreed wholesale by voices far more authoritative than yours OR mine !!-- we need to start with current cabal firmly and very publicly in charge for past eight years...with only one small-break (Clinton) from previous long and damaging run for which we now are finding cumulated heavy destruction and damage to governance AND to the Constitution itself. That's honest, open reflection of real history; re-read for yourself, please !! You can still, then, vote wisely and well.

Henry Ruark September 26, 2008 11:25 am (Pacific time)

G-Jury: Why does allathat sound so reminiscent of Enron, set up and lead by Sen. Gramm at the time, whose wife then joined Enron's Board and collected $960,00 or more. Point: BOTH sides play dirty and dishonest. BOTH sides complicit in dereg. and other major economic sins. Point: YOU making my main thrust that much stronger: We NEED real change, not more of same from BOTH. Those obviously now-guilty need rapid demotion, then demolition, in BOTH. We will NEVER see that if we fall for "more of the same"; but we might just be able to force real CHANGE if we decide to try. IS wit, wisdom, real will of Americans still operationl ? We will surely see; but I chuckle since it is YOU who remain stuck with consequences while I'm soon "outtahere" !! Which perhaps elucidates for some here why I write as I do.

Grand Jury September 26, 2008 10:08 am (Pacific time)

Countrywide Mortgage CEO Angelo Mozilo offered sweetheart deals on loans to his “friends”, who just happened to be people who had oversight responsibilities on his business. People like Fannie Mae CEO/chair Jim Johnson (current Obama advisor), Senators Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad, and others got below-market-rate loans from Mozilo through a “Friends of Angelo” program at one of the main lenders at the heart of the subprime collapse. Now a federal grand jury wants to talk to Angelo’s circle of friends to determine whether indictments for corruption are in order: Countrywide Financial Corp., the biggest U.S. mortgage lender, made large, previously undisclosed home loans to two additional executives of Fannie Mae, the government-chartered firm at the center of the U.S. credit crisis. One of Countrywide’s previously undisclosed customers at Fannie was Jamie Gorelick, an influential Democratic Party figure whose $960,000 mortgage refinancing in 2003 was handled through a program reserved for influential figures and friends of Countrywide’s chief executive at the time, Angelo Mozilo. Ms. Gorelick was Fannie Mae’s vice chairman at the time. (Excerpt) Read more at ...

Marjorie September 26, 2008 9:09 am (Pacific time)

I graduated last June and currently owe quite a bit in student loans, but I have a great job and our small company is doing quite well. The future looks bright. I had a history minor. When Democrats controlled both the executive and legislative branches, political correctness was given a veto over sound business practices. In 1999, many in congress were bragging about extending affirmative action to the financial sector. Los Angeles Times reporter Ron Brownstein hailed the Clinton administration's affirmative action lending policies as one of the "hidden success stories" of the Clinton administration, saying that "black and Latino homeownership has surged to the highest level ever recorded." Meanwhile, economists were screaming from the rooftops that the Democrats were forcing mortgage lenders to issue loans that would fail the moment the housing market slowed and deadbeat borrowers couldn't get out of their loans by selling their houses. A decade later, the housing bubble burst and, as predicted, a significant percentage of sub-prime mortgages collapsed. Democrats set an affirmative action time-bomb and now it's gone off. In Bush's first year in office, the White House chief economist, N. Gregory Mankiw, warned that the government's "implicit subsidy" of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, combined with loans to unqualified borrowers, was creating a huge risk for the entire financial system. Rep. Barney Frank denounced Mankiw, saying he had no "concern about housing." How dare you oppose suicidal loans to people who can't repay them! The New York Times reported that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were "under heavy assault by the Republicans," but these entities still had "important political allies" in the Democrats. Now, at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, middle-class taxpayers are going to be forced to bail out the Democrats' two most important constituent groups: rich Wall Street bankers and welfare recipients. Political correctness had already ruined education, sports, science and entertainment. But it took a Democratic president with a Democratic congress for political correctness to wreck the financial industry. My vote will be cast in a wise and deliberate manner.

Rich Millison September 26, 2008 8:37 am (Pacific time)

Henry you asked for more info on ACORN, are you a supporter of this organization? Please see below brief summary and be appraised that there are literally hundreds of convictions and ongoing criminal investigations. Also to clear up something that you may not be aware of, maybe many people are not aware? When the democrats, were in power they ignored those who were trying to head off the current financial mess, and later when they filibustered they just needed "40" democrats to roadblock a fix to Fannie and Freddie, which President Clinton acknowledged that they did. Get it? Time for a special prosecuter to unravel all this on a non-partisan basis. Maybe have the Grand Jury located outside of DC, maybe in rural Pennsylvania or some similars place. Below some ACORN info that Obama spent some quality time as their legal advisor: "The Milwaukee district attorney is investigating 39 ACORN employees for criminal violations, including offering gifts to sign up voters and falsifying driver’s license numbers, Social Security numbers or other information on voter registration cards. Five ACORN employees were convicted and imprisoned in Washington state, in 2007, for what was described by Washington’s Secretary of State Sam Reed, as, “was the worst case of election fraud in our state’s history. It was an outrage.” “(ACORN) Workers ... said they were under pressure from the community-organizing group that hired them to sign up more voters,” The Seattle Times reported . “Workers told investigators they went to the Seattle public library and filled out the voter registration forms, by using contrived names, addresses and Social Security numbers and in some cases plucked names from the phone book.” Numerous ACORN-related indictments and, or convictions, have been seeded across the country in recent years. Four part-time ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City, Mo., for voter registration fraud in November 2006. Two Colorado ACORN workers were sentenced to community service, in January 2005, for submitting false voter registrations. During the 2004 election, ACORN, and its sister group Project Vote, ran a nationwide voter mobilization drive that was rife with allegations of voter fraud. A worker for one ACORN affiliate in Ohio was allegedly given crack cocaine in exchange for fraudulent registrations that included underage voters, dead voters and voters named Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy and Jive Turkey. Four Ohio ACORN employees were indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter registration forms. Messrs. Rathke and Wiley formed ACORN in the early 1970s, expanding their involvement beyond welfare recipients to all issues touching low-income and working-class people. According to, they enlisted civil rights workers and trained them in a program at Syracuse University patterned after the Saul Alinsky school of activist tactics in Chicago. The New York Times reported in July 2008 that a whistleblower forced the organization to publicly disclose an embezzlement of almost $1 million in 1999 and 2000, involving Dale Rathke, the brother of the organization’s founder Wade Rathke. Some ACORN executives kept the information from board members and did not tell law enforcement. Meanwhile, Dale Rathke remained on the payroll until June 2008, when disclosure of his theft forced the organization to dismiss him.

Henry Ruark September 25, 2008 8:47 pm (Pacific time)

R.M. Re ACORN vote "frauds", did they ever steal one via Supreme intervention ? Any convictions yet ? If NOT you have nothing but your own interpretation; and your own rhetoric using charge as if already convicted, which ain't Constitutional last time I looked... Same re initiation of dereg. for current meltdown. Gramm initiated it, Clinton signed and is complicit. That's history reported here, untouchable in interpretation, yours OR mine (no matter how rhetoric-wrapped),and checkable by others, too. If you have Congressional Record otherwise, why not cite it via issue, page, and with actual words ? That's standard handling for any respectable writer or publication, with link to provide credibility. If you knew, why not DO ? If you did NOT know, why not DO SO now ? It's your nickel for this call; mine already recorded and reported. Until link we can check we have naught but you without ID. Would you believe masked man at your front door ?? Why should we do so, esp. with no links and little insight on display. You wrote: "but the dems filibustered and threw up other roadblocks." That Congress was controlled by GOP majority, memory tells me; time does not permit check but you should know, or find out now. Can you show record otherwise? SO if Dems filibustered and won, had to have had help from GOPsters joining them, or be outvoted. IF GOPsters did join then Dems do NOT carry "blame" you now insist is theirs, but "won" with GOP-assistance. Facts show decision due to mutual responsibility; both parties complicit, both have members strong on issue both ways. The whole damned bunch caused this consternation, with some leading others from both sides and whole group vulnerable now to full investigation and even to impeachment of some. See what future will show on this; too soon now to know. Re rhetoric over fact, where's your links for "see with own eyes" and check for evaluate with own mind ? Do believe we do better on that level. Def.of rhetoric is "to please or persuade." SO either our facts pleased readers or the impact persuaded them. If facts wrapped in rhetoric, your antidote is simple: Write more persuasive, impactful rhetoric. That's name of game in Op Eds, and in politics, too. Also that's why we offer all-such own Op Ed-shot, with ONLY requirement ID for legal need demanded in publisher role. You begin to sound like Sen. Gramm, with his whiners-pitch, and "all in your head" stuff re new kind of published "mental recession". Dereg. historically built in depth and now very disastrous consequence by Reagan and gang ever since, with Cheney, Feith, Wolfowitz, Perle and Kristol creating Project for the New American Century to set up U.S. hegemony by force of arms and preemptive regime change with war as main tool. That's as reported here, in previous and current Op Eds. Many now believe we are in deliberately created danger, done by neocon plot to smash current system, then put into place next-steps beyond what achieved already. Can you break up that rhetoric via facts furnished by links for checkability ? If so, fire away...if not, suggest you finish fadeaway and save your nickels.

Rich Millison September 25, 2008 3:26 pm (Pacific time)

Henry et al I went and did a brief research on ACORN and Obama's association with them. I can see why the MSM is not reporting this association, not good if you support Obama. But they are harming and "insulting" over 200 million people by censoring this news. I was really surprised to see all the criminal prosecutions going on regarding this community organization in so many states. Currently Florida is about to come down hard on voter fraud, what a shame. We need more safeguards. People need ID to cash a check, fly commercially and in so many other activities, then showing one to mark a ballot is not an unreasonable request. Each fraudulent vote cancels out a legitimate vote. My below post regarding the video of Clinton proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the democrats created this financial mess, and according to Clinton (and the Congressional Record) the republicans attempted to correct the problem years ago (McCains #S190) but the dems filibustered and threw up other roadblocks. You can say what you want and attribute the fault to others, but the evidence will never support opposing rhetoric, no matter how abundant, and I do see some are peerless in the abundant department.

Marilynn September 25, 2008 3:06 pm (Pacific time)

An open letter to Congress: Almost all of you say that this bailout is to protect me and (by way of proposed compromises) keep me in my home. While I sincerely appreciate that you want compromises so that I can keep my home, .... I think that you must also question what will happen if ANY bailout of the market is allowed to proceed. The borrowing/printing of all these billions is sure to de-value the dollar even further than it already has been (in great part because of previous monetary injections into the financial system over the past year or so) and prompt an upward inflationary spiral which will mostly impact the poor and the middle class. Having our houses will be less of a comfort if we cannot afford to heat them or put food on our tables. In less than a decade you have deemed I be protected by allowing one 'pre-emptive' war in Irag, a wild goose chase in Afghanistan, and passing various legislation that curtails my rights as an American citizen. You have also spent my money like drunken sailors on wasteful Defense Department contracts, and a laughable Homeland Security Department [just to name two] while allowing decades worth of expensive infrastructure to erode even as you allowed the blowing up and rebuilding of the same in other countries. You have allowed jobs and manufacturing to leave the country while you were subsidizing and giving tax breaks to these companies. Truth be told........I'm just totally tapped out. Please don't protect me with this financial market bailout and for God's sake....SOBER UP!!! Marilynn Baltimore, MD

Henry Ruark September 25, 2008 2:50 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Total dollars now devoted to bailout at various levels in last 3 years, counting the $700 BILLION huge stickup: $1.3 TRILLION. "See with own eyes" on p.2 of Alternet story "Meltdown and Bailout." Here's link: IF you wish to question that report, go to the source and resolve your problem --THEN share with us here. Beliefs, feelings, other b.b/stuff with no prior check are waste of time --both yours and ours. Tha's why we show source with link; so YOU can check, then evaluate with own mind to see if we told you the factual content straight-and-honest. For your nickel, I think that is damned good bargain...

Henry Ruark September 25, 2008 2:33 pm (Pacific time)

R.M.: You wrote:"This is simply a re-stating of documented facts, but am glad Clinton did the right thing." Re first part, nice you now admit the historical fact, as stated here, reported long ago, too. Re second part, could not agree more, nice change for the two of us, you will agree. Re impeachment, writings on record when he was at end of term will show my stance then. GOP just did not choose right "failings" when they could have done so--but that's been bane for GOP for 40 years: Making the wrong choice at the wrong time for the wrong reasons. Which is why W/H is hunkered down into fortress mode, with Dems allowed in only to make picture op seem bipartisan. No big surprise in allathis for any observer worth salt (and occasional pepper, too) over the past 50 years. But then you gotta recognize the truth, esp. when it bites you right in the///. Surely now allathatpastblame is coming home to roost, then will turn into roust-'em soon, with change-vote nailing down what obviously now must be done. Impeachment may be needed for larger crew, bipartisan too, and Congressional surely also in view.

Henry Ruark September 25, 2008 12:08 pm (Pacific time)

P.S.: Apparently you still "don't get it". IT is fact that your Comments cover ONLY your beliefs, feelings, values-used to describe what is firmly on the record in other terms. I fail to find direct-links to Congressional Record, the publication of actual record, as demanded to substantiate what you write. That is standard professional source for what you claim as truth--so why not use it ? That also then allows others to read same content--actually the same words !--then evaluate with THEIR mind,and state in THEIR words what it means, for any response. That's "conversation" or dialog, or whatever you wish to term it; primary method to communicate, checkable for good faith by ID of persons involved. Termed by John Dewey as "the heart of democracy". Basis for the Founders' group producing The Federalist Papers prior to American Revolution. THAT is what we intend here as honest, open, democratic dialog, as per standard procedure in every parliamentary institution worldwide --and as demonstrated in many writings of Founders, some with pseudonyms wellknown for person so-identified. We welcome dissent, other views --power of dialog disappears if so disjointed-- but demand --for legal reasons and responsibility to raapidly growing readership-- that participation be on understood necessity for good faith ID of self when requested --confidentially to Editor if solid acceptable reason-- and checkable links for others to "see with own eyes"... to substantiate, strengthen, and further elucidate what you first state. That's discernible difference for S-N from others; see if you get Letter to Editor published elsewhere without full, responsible ID !! Here you get first-shots with full chance to prove worth by how you treat content. IF you pays your nickel here, via substantive, checkable Comment in good faith, to share and mutually learn, we happy to have you. But political pandering proven via simple content analysis then reported shows otherwise for Percy(s) (both). SO we can proceed with Ps. now only if you choose to set out fully-detailed Op Ed, with the "see with own eyes" links we continue to furnish, and with responsible, accountable ID to Editor. For ANY nickel, that seems completely fair; and we work on that level ourselves, every day, in every story and ID. SO what's your choice ? We all face very crucial one soon, in vote --so we have heavily-felt responsibility to readership to make sure we are NOT being used as political-pander and persiflage channel, relaying "talking points" from EITHER clearly shown in some of the stuff we receive.

Henry Ruark September 25, 2008 11:07 am (Pacific time)

To all: For perfect proof right here of serious psychological symptom called "denial", just check out continued content from Percy --either one. P.,(whomever this one really is),wrote: "We are a divided nation as the polls clearly show, but who are the ones distracting the people from documented facts?" THAT thrown at us in face of solidly now-proven flat-out lies from one side, per record of Bush-Cheney cabal, Iraq preemptive war-selling contrived, contemptuously distorted "intel", then perverted into "mass market sales campaign" via lies-in-depth, repeated. Cost so far: THREE TRILLION, 4,000-plus DEAD, 100-yr. occupation threatened. "See also" latest re Cheney's now known "prevarication" (Congressional term for "lie") to Armey, directly stated now by Armey in public disclosure. How ironic to have amateur now trying to sell same flat-out flow of garbage-content to us here on S-N ! Without ID, and refusing open, honest invite to detail it all with links for check by those using own minds to evaluate --as for any other story or Op Ed here. We work at that risk allatime, as you can see... Pls note courteous open way in which we've let "them" rant for a time. But becoming an embarrassment when they openly insult groups representing 20 MILLION AMERICANS, speaking out to demand wise consideration for gun-at-head $700 BILLION DEMAND for fix huge overhanging threat to world economy "they" created. That ain't being "in the tank" as described, don't you agree? Any members of any one of the groups-insulted wish to send message to "them" ? Be happy to include here, for all to see nationally, per other Comments... Pls recall one of the Ps. wrote (paraphrased) "fundamentally strong" re our economy, when that was last word from McCain. NOW McCain "suspends campaign" to run for picture-op in D.C. and proclaim "Congress better be VERY Careful !" --without specifying how that's best done. Whole attitudes displayed by "them" surely reflect deep contempt for all-others, now seen as irresponsibly, irrefutably, unavoidably and consequentially demonstrated. We need change, all possible question. But that does NOT include a re-play, extension, "more of same stuff", 72-yr. old, with cancer, and with UNdisclosed 1200-pp. health record full of detail voters have a right to know in depth.

Rich Millison September 25, 2008 10:31 am (Pacific time)

HENRY ET AL, SO WHAT IS YOUR TAKE OF THIS BELOW BLOCKBUSTER GEM?: Probably just ignore it huh? What is your position that we impeach those that were involved? It appears that Clinton is having a moment of honesty: "Going very much against the media slant that the current financial crisis is all George W. Bush and the Republicans' fault, Bill Clinton on Thursday told ABC's Chris Cuomo that Democrats for years have been "resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac" Whether he knew it or not, Clinton was going against virtually all press outlets that have been pointing fingers at Republicans since this crisis began, and likely much to the dismay of such folk actually agreed with this News : SEE VIDEO REPORT AT THIS LINK-- ---(video, relevant section at 2:45)." I guess Clinton does not really have his heart in seeing Obama elected, I wonder why? This is simply a re-stating of documented facts, but am glad Clinton did the right thing.

Henry Ruark September 25, 2008 8:35 am (Pacific time)

Sanchez: You wrote: "who they are in the tank for." That reveals your contempt for TWENTY MILLION of us when you charge their national orgs. as "in the tank". That truthful number included in our "informed opinion" relayed excerpt -see with own eyes. Yet YOUR first post named Mortgage Bankers Association as source for key numbers ??!! I.E. you demonstrate "Believe my stuff, all else trash !" Pot calling kettle black won't cut it here; both parties are desperately at fault, already reported, recorded, reiterated here for months. See past Op Eds; have you ever checked ? Pays off since then you know past history,to begin learning process by sharing points already made in depth. WHY now drop MBA ? Any lustre off claim for it via your own notes ? Note you did NOT mention educational source, either, thus unable to check via name --which probably assumed, anyhow. Suspicious ? You bet; common coin for any/all reporters. Seems reasonable assumption to me esp. with your continued closed-mind denial of facts from national sources, re Gramm as driver for death of G/S, now v/p at UBS, huge foreign bank in line for large slice of $700 BILLIONS rushed through as was earlier actions precipitating current crisis. All that above checkable by anyone who wishes truth. What you need is Op Ed with detail, specific statement, checkable links, and some grace from readership. So that's precisely what we offer, with Bon's agreement, and which YOU et al ALWAYS back away from. WHY ? What do you fear, except evaluation here by rational, reasonable readers ? We accept that allatime--so why should you NOT do so ?? Your 10th invitation herewith; "cheap-shot" per previous note from reliance on small-box limits for Comments, no details, no link, obvious p/p purpose (p/p=political pandering). Cannot kill fact by distortion or perversion. You tried to pin on Clinton dereg. action initiated, driven by Gramm, per at least ten rebutting statements, three links, some excerpts here. We stated Clinton "complicit"=sharing guilt. Your continuing denial of that key fact=direct, contemptous lie to distract, disarm, deny democratic decision based on truth. Which is why we used "lie" --as responsible defense here for our S-N readership, open to their own evalution with own mind, as "facts" we claim and "informed opinion" we offer via Op Eds and links. You continue to refuse that honest, repeated offer. If you unable to understand, appreciate and participate on those ethical grounds, spend your nickel elsewhere. Might try National Review, or Weekly Digest, or other Murdoch-type "information source." Except there content already by professionals at neocon distortion/perversion, so you might not be welcome. Tht's distortion/perversion, shown here for all to see. You still hide behind disclosure of ID - WHY ? You still hide behind NO OP, NO Detail, NO Links --WHY ? We've obviously been patient, forebearing, open to your note and content when offered. What MORE do you want for your nickel ? Again, Op Ed(s) open to you IF indeed you have anything worth further time, attention --and forebearing grace-- from our readership. We owe them very fundamental protection from contemptible political pandering via the usual distortion/perversion so prevalent today. Offer of open Op Ed, with ID as demanded for legal reasons, is surely honest utilization of open, honest, democratic channel = S-N.

Percy Sanchez September 24, 2008 6:02 pm (Pacific time)

The below listed organizations have pretty well established, right or wrong, who they are in the tank for. Be aware that ACORN has had many of their employees arrested for engaging in voter fraud throughout the states (just google ACORN criminal investigations). Obama at one time was the legal advisor for ACORN. Expect many more criminal investigations to be brought before the public via 527's because the media is more involved in dissing VP candidates who decide to keep their Downs baby boy or other irrelevant stories. Good grief, look how the MSM has been kidnapped by the dual-citizenship mob. We are a divided nation as the polls clearly show, but who are the ones distracting the people from documented facts? All of my posts have pointed to the congressional record, if that is a cheap shot, then I guess 535 elected oficals have been tarred by the radicals out there. Please cite any posted info of mine that contradicts that congressional record. Not likely to happen. When one tars via namecalling, then what are they hiding? "Representatives from top progressive and labor groups-- including the Campaign for America’s Future, AFL-CIO, SEIU, AFSCME, AFT, NEA, "ACORN", Alliance for Justice, Center for American Progress and Center for Community Change -- met at an emergency closed-door meeting yesterday to develop a statement of principles for bailing the American economy out of its financial woes."

Henry Ruark September 24, 2008 5:56 pm (Pacific time)

P.S. 12:15pm: You wrote: "...who surround themselves with the people who got us into this mess." Was that tongue-in-cheek, or are you so completely unaware of McCain long list (83 so far revealed) of well-paid lobbyists, still collecting from their enterprises, while on his staff ? Don't expect anyone to be fooled by "on leave"; that's K-St. code for pass the bucks some other way. BUT they still arrive, count on it...or count them there, if you have ever been there. Then too there's Randy Schuenemann, lysly-paid by the world's worst dictators and similar nations, "Foreign Policy" consultant for McCain. He it was who set up Palin for that "I looked into Russia, right from Alaska !!" startler the other day. SO let's seek out somebody else "in the know" from WSt. and financial crown. How you gonna find any with clean hands, NOW...esp. with that big-bite coming up, for which all will claim any part they can in rotten-paper, with whatever pile they can find to fit what their friendly ones sprinkling out the dollars will accept. With MBA, in your first post, you were naive enough to tell us we should pay attention to key numbers from --the MORTGAGE BANKERS ASSOCIATION ? !!! Can you professionall guarantee their numbers for us here ? If SO, tell me how. If NOT, and you find yourself now in some doubt, why not own up honestly and clean up your credibility a bit ? THEN you can guarantee actual impact here simply by ID-self to Editor so we know you took off that mask you've been wearing ever since arrival. My invitation (read:challenge) to you for detailed Op Ed with links to documentation you say is so widespread still stands. SO why not clue us in via "see with own eyes" to something other than the association for all the perps involved in this real crisis ??

Henry Clay Ruark September 24, 2008 4:29 pm (Pacific time)

What, TWO Percy Cheap-Shots ?
Cheap since nothing more than words reflecting beliefs, feelings, myths and erroneous
overblown statements.

Hard to tell difference if any, since both sound the same, and neither provides any source, link, or other proof of factual character for their neocon-persuasive words.

Both insist "we can grow out of it", flying in face of sound authorities "seen with own eyes" here if you've been tuned in.

NO ID from either, albeit mask has slipped badly on one, or are they joined in mind if not body ?

Sounds like provided scripts, don't you agree ? Great thing about Op Ed-format is one can easily detect when written by campaign consultant or even "translated" by paid shill.

Awaiting anything from either to apply solid tests I learned long ago from "four gentlemen from Virginia"...!!... when at I.U. for special grad-work. We were test group for system to teach many others later.

If you tuned here, you've seen some results already; how close have we been ?
Check out their stuff same way, to see what you get for your nickel spent there...

Henry Clay Ruark September 24, 2008 4:13 pm (Pacific time)

To all:
Consensus of such groups as these should clarify who is on which side --and why--for this coming pivotal vote, now being irrevocably shaped by the neocon-caused economic meltdown.

Here's "see with own eyes" on those groups, none of which are known as socialist, communist, fascistic, or anything else than plain old Americans putting heads together on red-alert crisis:

Major Groups Demand Bailout Conditions Together
Statement Tells Congress, “Don’t Write President Bush A $700B Blank Check”, Hundreds of Events To Be Held on Thursday Calling For Conditions

WASHINGTON - September 24 - Major progressive, labor and consumer rights leaders joined forces today to demand important corrections to the Bush administration’s financial rescue proposal despite warnings from the administration’s top economists who got us into this mess.

The groups, representing more than 20 million Americans, sent a letter to members of Congress today urging them to require basic conditions before agreeing to any financial bailout request. The groups also announced that hundreds of events will be held across the country on Thursday to demand conditions on the bailout.

With a groundswell of opposition forming around the Bush administration’s $700 billion bailout request, Campaign for America’s Future co-director Robert Borosage said Congress must not write President Bush a blank check for $700 billion without conditions.

“The financial crisis won’t go away on its own and doing nothing is not an option. Neither is writing a blank check for $700 billion to the same folks who got us into this mess, especially without a clear system of oversight and accountability.” said Borosage. “This is common sense. If American taxpayers are asked to bail out the financial industry, at the very least, we deserve to know how our hard-earned money will be spent.”

Representatives from top progressive and labor groups-- including the Campaign for America’s Future, AFL-CIO, SEIU, AFSCME, AFT, NEA, ACORN, Alliance for Justice, Center for American Progress and Center for Community Change -- met at an emergency closed-door meeting yesterday to develop a statement of principles for bailing the American economy out of its financial woes.

Naturally our neocon perps will now attack any-all organizations in any way possible, as they did to make label" liberal" into curse-word.

That didn't work, nor will the same smear-technique now erode or delay "progressive" people from making the true wit, wisdom and will of the real Americans be heard, loud and clear and continuously.

It is ironic as see the monetarismmarket myth-makers now running scared as h... to seek all the government intervention they can squeeze out before the dam breaks...

Which it still may, since nobody knows whether this will work, nor if another or two or three more $700 billion-shots will be demanded.

Meanwhile overseas capital providers, both private and national (China, India, Russia, many others) can pull the string anytime and sink U.S. world-stature and further arrogant hegemony.
(See major economic columns today and the SLATE summary of major dailies provided here for your convenience.)

Henry Ruark September 24, 2008 8:56 am (Pacific time)

Vic et al: Yours right on money but only partial re perpetrators. For whole-deal, see Naomi Klein in NATION and her book SHOCK DOCTRINE. Others even stronger, more detailed; will list with next Op Ed, from 80s till current, from files here.

Henry Ruark September 24, 2008 1:43 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Robert Parry is chief of Consortium, famed reporter who broke Iran/Contra story for Newsweek and AP. Here's his take on recent enforced look-back into our recorded history: America Pays the Piper, Big Time By Robert Parry September 24, 2008 "After a 28-year binge of drunken optimism and blind nationalism – often punctuated by chants of “USA, USA!” and “We’re No. 1!” – Americans are waking up with a painful hangover, facing a grim “morning in America,” not the happy vision that Ronald Reagan famously sold them on. As the United States begins to assess how the nation got into its trillion-dollar bailout mess, a true understanding must go back three decades or so when Reagan deployed his well-honed communications skills and the Republican Right mastered the dark arts of propaganda to get the American people to shed the annoying strictures of rationality." -------------- After that declarative lead, I refrain from any persuasive words shaping your perview of what follows. Will state here again,though, "You read it here first !" --and suggest check of Archives for Op Eds proving up that very benign point for S-N.

Percy September 24, 2008 12:52 pm (Pacific time)

OBAMA HAS NO BACKGROUND IN ECONOMICS, SO WHO ADVISES HIM? The answer to that question must be answered during these troubled times. Please note the FBI has a major investigation underway looking into this financial mess and I imagine by mid-October leaks will start to dribble out and maybe even deals will be made to minimize criminal exposure. When you look at the congressional record it will be pretty easy to see who has some legal reckoning to deal with. Note: It has now been tabulated that Obama advisor Franklin Raines made over $90 million via him inflating profits. What a guy!

Percy Sanchez MBA September 24, 2008 12:15 pm (Pacific time)

The evidence is available that shows quite clearly that when subprime loans began to increase in volume (1999 [Clinton Admin.] was when they began. That is a FACT) both Fannie May and Freddie Mac slowly started to lose assets. Raines, Johnson and others (including Senators Dodd and Dorgan, rep. Barney Frank, etc. ignored evidence) cooked the books to hide the losses while also giving them larger performance bonus remuneration based on fradulent inflated profit totals, which they are now required to pay back, unless Obama is elected. There is a well-documented congressional record to support the above. Unfortunately there will be those partisans who are not troubled with facts, so they will continue to "attempt" to alter the above factual reality. This election will be about either riding out this situation or we alter the whole notion of private enterprise (including private ownership) and the capitalistic market system and allow the downward spiral into socialism. This is not a time to experiment with people who have zero executive experience who surround themselves with the people who got us into this mess. We are at war, we have serious problems with a portion of our economy and we need qualified and experienced leaders.

Henry Clay Ruark September 24, 2008 10:54 am (Pacific time)

To all: Understanding current crisis development requires basic view of American dollar's place in international trade, since that inevitably shapes globalization AND our continuing credit-access around the world: The Buck Stopped Here By JAMES GRANT CRITICS of the administration’s Wall Street bailout condemn the waste of taxpayer dollars. But the taxpayers aren’t the weightiest American financial constituency, even in this election year. The dollar is the world’s currency. And it is on the world’s opinion of the dollar that the Treasury’s plan ultimately hangs. It hangs by a thread, if Monday’s steep drop of the greenback against the euro is any indication. We Americans, constitutionally inattentive to developments in the foreign exchange markets, should be grateful for what we have. That a piece of paper of no intrinsic value should pass for good money the world over is nothing less than a secular miracle. We pay our bills with it. And our creditors not only accept it, they also obligingly invest it in American securities, including our slightly shop-soiled mortgage-backed securities. Every year but one since 1982, this country has consumed much more than it has produced, and it has managed to discharge its debts with the money that it alone can lawfully print. No other nation ever had it quite so good. Before the dollar, the pound sterling was the pre-eminent monetary brand. But when Britannia ruled the waves, the pound was backed by gold. You could exchange pound notes for gold coin, and vice versa, at the fixed statutory rate. Today’s dollar, in contrast, is faith-based. Since 1971, nothing has stood behind it except the world’s good opinion of the United States. And now, watching the largest American financial institutions quake, and the administration fly from one emergency stopgap to the next, the world is changing its mind." ------------ In much shorter summary, that is what I reported here just days ago, in Comment. SEE for yourselves what's now happening and why it means so much to each one in the U.S.

Henry Clay Ruark September 24, 2008 10:43 am (Pacific time)

To Percy et al: Here's "see with own eyes" from Thomas Friedman, renowned NYT columnist, who seems to feel we are wading in real doo-doo, certainly not created by economy "fundamentally sound and growing". You might consider Op Ed to firmly correct Friedman, while whomping up those now needed to disprove my "You lie, sir!" challenge open and public here now: Dear Iraqi Friends By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN From: President George W. Bush To: President Jalal Talabani of Iraq, Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashadani Dear Sirs, I am writing you on a matter of grave importance. It’s hard for me to express to you how deep the economic crisis in America is today. We are discussing a $1 trillion bailout for our troubled banking system. This is a financial 9/11. As Americans lose their homes and sink into debt, they no longer understand why we are spending $1 billion a day to make Iraqis feel more secure in their homes." ========== Left open for your check with no persuasive words from me ! We await your ID to Editor, confidential if proven-needed, to set up date and space for your first Op Ed. What's holding you up ? -- re Op Ed I mean !!

Henry Ruark September 24, 2008 10:29 am (Pacific time)

Percy et al: Will even lighten the mental load a bit for you, sir. To attack Op Ed re Reagan and McCain, as well as relevant others here, all you need do is: 1. Rebut historical record showing Reagan relentlessly, mercilessly, drove, broadened deregulation. 2. Disprove historical record that he rapidly attacked and continued to destroy essential Constitutional American "right of association --known as unionism-- throughout regime. 3. Deny and reverse plain and clear historical record of his huge tax/slashes --followed by huge tax/rises-- resulting in resounding record each-way. (For further help, see graph in latest Op Ed.) 4. Turn-around deep factual findings on Pentagon budget(s) explosion --pluralized since many deeply hidden-- begun in Reagan years, carried further by Bush I, multiplied to as much or more-than-rest of world by Bush II-and neocon cabal. Do allathat within 1000-wd. Op Ed length here, sir, as easy way to prove your multiples of cheap-shot, no-ID distortions and perversions. THEN you can add second Op Ed --nothing like your own series, sir !, when you earn it by performance-- telling us precisely how YOU would act rapidly and irremediably to correct and continue growth of economy, with due regard to Wall Street oversight. OR do you now insist economy is "fundamentally strong", needs nothing except "more time to grow" ? That's McCain-Palin propaganda-piled perverse distortion of the economic reality, as you surely know. See overwhelming run of national columns in most dailies today, with more sure to come. Too difficult for you to read, sir ?? Samuelson and others test out 6th-grade on readability scale. My Op Eds run 6th-to-9th --not too bad. Again, sir, you lie in teeth ! SO GO ! Prove me wrong...all it takes is Op Ed with ID to Editor, confidential if so warranted. Without that action now, you stand there quite naked of any remaining credibility, with no responsibility or demanded accountability. I.E. "Your mask has slipped away, sir !" Why not remove it entirely and rejoin in good faith this open, honest, democratic channel intended for mutual sharing and more learning for all participating here ?

Henry Ruark September 24, 2008 8:51 am (Pacific time)

To all: Per S-N usual practice, here is "see with own eyes" and then check documentation. Left it open where detail starts, for your own exploration: The Crooked Deals That Made This Financial Meltdown Inevitable By Stirling Newberry, Firedoglake Posted on September 24, 2008 Almost every weekend for the last month, there has been an extra-ordinary announcement from the financial world and the White House. The financial system is rattling apart, and while the poor card player may blame his cards, the expert knows when there has been a crooked deal. From nationalizing the mortgage market by taking over Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, to the bankruptcy of Lehman brothers, to the demand that Congress write a bottomless blank check to Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson to bail out the investment bank he once ran, and others like it. But in this whirlwind there has been almost no explanation of why there is a sudden rush to do something. Here's an overview of how this happened. ------------- See for yourselves how this and other sources already provided proves up picture provided in Op Eds. Pls note we get nothing like this detail from lying neocon backers since facts fly in their faces when stirred.

Henry Ruark September 24, 2008 8:30 am (Pacific time)

Pardon me, sir, but now you lie in your teeth.
Anyone wishing historic detail for initiation of this neocon driven debacle has only to read the Op Ed.
It starts where our history shows this began: With Reagan and Bush I's "voodoo economics" sellout, and then continues precisely as there detailed.
In all the political-pander flow and debris here, not a single point refutes what's laid out for all to see --and check, too !-- in this and other Op Eds has been challenged, but less rebutted. Meanwhile p/p/flow-and-persiflage continue, obviously now at the direct-lie stage, denying what their own party chiefs state and demand of Congress, rightfully doubftful after 40 years of fluff, corporate favor and composited policy rot.
Masked-men/at-door without any decent ID seek only more boobies to be manipulated.
So, again, for these two m/m neocon shills we offer full shot here via detailed, link-documented Op Ed(s), one from each, open to precisely the same democratic evaluation by readership as our own Op Ed series.
WHY avoid a revealing test ?
WHEN ID reveals motives other than dedication to public knowledge of fact, as now put forth by Percy.
Dialog does that: Proves up one proponent vs others. SO why not let it operate that way here ? ID to Editor for Op Eds, or for direct if any real reason for confidential ID.
Otherwise,I repeat, you lie in your teeth, to whomever feels it is insult OR challenge.
Take your choice...

Vic September 24, 2008 6:58 am (Pacific time)

This may be the Shock and Awe of the ongoing class war. We are distracted, lied to, made to feel we have a choice in the so-called elections, but what we have is a war waged by the rich against the rest of us. It isnt Rep vs Dem...straight vs gay...Christian vs Muslim or white vs is the elites vs the people.

Percy September 24, 2008 6:38 am (Pacific time)

Jerome I consider myself an "Independent" and regardless of where we are currently it is essential that we see as precisely as possible how we got here. The study of History is a Social Science, ergo, we apply a scientific method when we can. For me and my associates we see that 1999 was a major turning point that led us down a dark financial path. It was during the Clinton Administration that this catastrophe began in earnest, that is irrefutable. People such as Dodd and Barney Frank allowed for people like Raines, Johnson and Gorelick to get away with incredible fraud. If Obama wins they will not be prosecuted, if McCain/Palin win, then prosecution for "Aggravated" felonies will happen. The latter would be the best thing to happen for the American people and our future financial health. We cannot allow these people to get awat scot free.

Jerome September 24, 2008 1:09 am (Pacific time)

It is a mental instability to not be capable of taking responsibility. Percy, why is it so important for you to fight your case? Even if Clinton's guilty of all you detail, how does that get you and all your rightwing pals off the hook? Look at where we are compared to where we were. It's indisputable. Still, we're in too deep for semantics, we need solutions. Enough blame. Everybody in the position of president has agreed to things they regret, which is not a free pass, but unless Bush and his wrath of destruction is considered in all your wailing, it's a lopsided argument. Let's pick up and move on cohesively or this will never end.

Percy Sanchez September 23, 2008 6:15 pm (Pacific time)

FACT: In 1999 the Clinton Administration ordered Fannie May and Freddie Mac to back(issue) subprime loans. As these loans continued to go into default Fannie/Freddie and their CEO's "cooked the books" (Raines,Johnson, Gorelick took more than $100 million!) and the rest is history. In the fullness of time this will become more common knowledge to the voting public and all the partisan spinning will not change the Facts. Now is the time for "resolutions", our wonderful country is what it is because of our creative hardworkers, and in this analysis, our fundamentals are not only strong, but on the global stage we are peerless. For example our auto industry overseas is selling their products like hotcakes. My hope is that we just let the system work it's way out of this problem, enough of the bailouts, it will just delay the inevitable. In the meantime the vast majority of our economy is humming along, well over 90% of homeowners are making their house payments, McDonalds, the pizza joints, microsoft and the majority of businesses are doing okay. When we have a stable energy supply (just passing a "realistic energy bill" will bring down oil prices) and keep the tax rates low, we will grow out of this financial mess. So the November vote is to put those in power who have displayed their previous correct financial vision and to remove those who encouraged/compelled the issuance of subprime loans.

Henry Ruark September 23, 2008 3:39 pm (Pacific time)

R.M: Fact: Greenspan went 12 yrs. with power to build regulating rules and never acted. Fact: Corporate, other campaign dollars about as deep on both sides of aisle. Fact: BOTH parties deeply complicit with total mess, not only this one, but sandl/Keating Five, too, McCain-led. Fact: Congress controlled by GOP on dates you cite. Fact: Only DemPres. since Reagan was Clinton; left huge surplus, now frittered away;but signed G/S death too. Fact: Preemptive war in Iraq, huge Pentagon expenditures, are also part of total economy situation --Congress complicit via take-home dollars for pay off projects from Pentagon. Plenty more for anyone who will but look for themselves. If so sure of YOUR facts, why no "see with own eyes" links ? Why NOT now fully ID self to establish some credibility ? Conversation with masked man at door of home hardly the way to go. Those who refuse to give name, address, open themselves to inquiry for truthfulness, integrity, accountability and responsibility. They must have good reason to keep that mask tightly over facial and other features. NOT demanded here, but only decent courtesy to comply when ID requested, as in ordinary human conversation, happening every day: "WHO are you ?" Recent example: 30-yr. military career mostly overseas. So what other views expectable after work-lifetime spent that way ? Not putting vet down at all, surely honorable service, but mostly-overseas with hostiles hardly qualifies for any good jugments here now. Many will feel that experience guarantees only sure-thing in attitudes, understandings, feeling and values, which communication research validates and illuminates. You in military ?Business, Corporate ? Commercial, professional, or academic ? ANY highly welcome here, but only when we know what, why, when for what you selling... Have no fear, no way for retaliation or any other action here; if you have any fear IDself to Editor confidentially !! We trust Bon/Tim on who gets to write here, since no other way and they have proven themselves in damned deep depth every day ow for years on end. Best way is Op Ed as invited now six times for you; then you come to us ID'd to Editor, confidentially if you have acceptable reason, and we have reasonable assurance from whence you cometh. I note striking lack of links from you to allow "see with own eyes" and evaluate with own mind, per example set and reminders often included here. SO, R.M., come on into the open where we can see truth you evince or otherwise. Until then, advice to others here is check out all possible information here, see links available --and cogitate a bit, too. Definitely includes my stuff, of course. In current political climate, believe me, there is dirty work afoot like never before. Don't fall for falsified facts such as recent rants here re true initiation of DEreg now cause of current collapse by killing Glass-Steagall Act taught us by Great Depression. Sen. Gramm rammed that one through GOP-controlled Congress, and events then forced Clinton complicity for sig. He is guilty, too --but Gramm initiated action and made it happen, in Enron's interest, per our report here.

Rich Millison September 23, 2008 9:18 am (Pacific time)

HOW THE DEMOCRATS CREATED THE FINANCIAL CRISIS Before the below there is one little footnote that's worth keeping in mind while radicals point fingers between now and Nov. 4: Senator John McCain was one of the three co-sponsors of S.190, the bill that would have averted this mess. 2005 Alan Greenspan told Congress how urgent it was for it to act in the clearest possible terms: If Fannie and Freddie ``continue to grow, continue to have the low capital that they have, continue to engage in the dynamic hedging of their portfolios, which they need to do for interest rate risk aversion, they potentially create ever-growing potential systemic risk down the road,'' he said. ``We are placing the total financial system of the future at a substantial risk.'' What happened next was extraordinary. For the first time in history, a serious Fannie and Freddie reform bill was passed by the Senate Banking Committee. The bill gave a regulator power to crack down, and would have required the companies to eliminate their investments in risky assets. Different World If that bill had become law, then the world today would be different. In 2005, 2006 and 2007, a blizzard of terrible mortgage paper fluttered out of the Fannie and Freddie clouds, burying many of our oldest and most venerable institutions. Without their checkbooks keeping the market liquid and buying up excess supply, the market would likely have not existed. But the bill didn't become law, for a simple reason: Democrats opposed it on a party-line vote in the committee, signaling that this would be a partisan issue. Republicans, tied in knots by the tight Democratic opposition, couldn't even get the Senate to vote on the matter. That such a reckless political stand could have been taken by the Democrats was obscene even then. Wallison wrote at the time: ``It is a classic case of socializing the risk while privatizing the profit. The Democrats and the few Republicans who oppose portfolio limitations could not possibly do so if their constituents understood what they were doing.'' Mounds of Materials Now that the collapse has occurred, the roadblock built by Senate Democrats in 2005 is unforgivable. Many who opposed the bill doubtlessly did so for honorable reasons. Fannie and Freddie provided mounds of materials defending their practices. Perhaps some found their propaganda convincing. But we now know that many of the senators who protected Fannie and Freddie, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Christopher Dodd, have received mind-boggling levels of financial support from them over the years. Throughout his political career, Obama has gotten more than $125,000 in campaign contributions from employees and political action committees of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, second only to Dodd, the Senate Banking Committee chairman, who received more than $165,000. Clinton, the 12th-ranked recipient of Fannie and Freddie PAC and employee contributions, has received more than $75,000 from the two enterprises and their employees. The private profit found its way back to the senators who killed the fix.

Henry Ruark September 23, 2008 9:12 am (Pacific time)

To all: Overview of all major dailies seems demanded, so here it is: (From Slate column headed "today's papers" Bail Me Out Tonight By Daniel Politi Posted Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2008, at 6:30 AM ET The Washington Post, New York Times, and Los Angeles Times lead with news that the Bush administration and Congressional leaders are moving closer to agreeing on the $700-billion bailout plan for financial firms. The LAT says that in its rush to pass the plan, the Bush administration is agreeing to measures that "would have been inconceivable even a few weeks ago." But deep skepticism remains on both sides of the aisle and suddenly lawmakers aren't being shy about questioning whether the plan would really succeed in shoring up the nation's ailing financial system. The WP points out that some lawmakers are now saying it might be unrealistic for them to pass a plan by Friday. And as doubts increased in Capitol Hill, investors responded in kind and continued to send the markets on the dizzying rollercoaster ride that has been all too familiar lately. The Dow Jones industrial average tumbled 372 points, or 3.3 percent, which more than erased Friday's huge gains. "It marked the first time in the Dow's history that it has moved more than 350 points, four days in a row," notes the Wall Street Journal in a Page One piece. The WSJ's world-wide newsbox leads with a look at the presidential candidates' assessments of the bailout plan. Neither candidate said how he would vote if the bailout reaches the Senate floor, though they agreed on several key aspects they want to see changed. Barack Obama and John McCain both want to put limits on executive pay as well as increase oversight of the Treasury while also demanding greater transparency of how the money is spent. ------------- To coin helpful phrase, "Facts are facts", and that's what we deal in here,for your own-mind evaluation. Intriguing to see rapidity with which wit, wisdom, will of the American people is NOW,finally, coming to bear on this otherwise-overwhelming stick-up and shoot-out. Remember McCain charge that Obama would sacrifice war to win campaign ? Seems some will sacrifice nation's financial system for their own malign purposes --as demonstrated by Gingrich statement.

Henry Ruark September 23, 2008 9:02 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" from Naomi Klein, the writer whose SHOCK DOCTRINE, now recognized as classic foresight, was cited/quoted here months ago: Shock Doctrine (Column) By Naomi Klein, Huffington Post September 23, 2008 I wrote The Shock Doctrine in the hopes that it would make us all better prepared for the next big shock. Well, that shock has certainly arrived, along with gloves-off attempts to use it to push through radical pro-corporate policies (which of course will further enrich the very players who created the market crisis in the first place...). The best summary of how the right plans to use the economic crisis to push through their policy wish list comes from Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich. On Sunday, Gingrich laid out 18 policy prescriptions for Congress to take in order to "return to a Reagan-Thatcher policy of economic growth through fundamental reforms." In the midst of this economic crisis, he is actually demanding the repeal of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which would lead to further deregulation of the financial industry." ------------ I.e., now that we've been forced into the posture, might as well hold still, be quiet, and enjoy the process. If you buy that, I have shares in Alaskan bridge readily available now, of same value as those piles of rotting real estate for which capital rape is now well underway.

nick September 23, 2008 2:10 am (Pacific time)

and i bet you no one will be prosecuted for this. all the big guys will get millions of dollars and the poor tax payer will pay the bill. what a crack. i demand an investigation and prosecution of the ones responsible for this mess. will it happen? not, the rich cover the rich.

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.

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