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Sep-14-2008 20:20 ![]() ![]() Dangerous TimesCommentary by Kenneth Ramey for Salem-News.comWhen fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. [Sinclair Lewis, 1935] HIS PREDICTION seems ON THE VERGE OF COMING TRUE
(PASO ROBLES, Calif.) - There are a number of ways to look at Presidential Campaigns, and McCain’s age is an important one. Another is the increased influence of Evangelism. For a vote for McCain may well be a vote for Sarah Palin, a woman whose fundamentalism is all the Republican’s Far Right [its passive-voice] could hope for. If she passes her first test, it remains to be seen how she will handle the test of being President, if necessary. If she proves to be a good Christian-Soldier doing as she is told, America could regress toward the Middle-Age [c.1000 A.D.-15000 A.D.] when Roman Catholicism became all powerful, but also corrupt. Faithful Friars, known as Humanists, knew the Church was not an infallible Institution and sought to counter the claim by encouraging the Church to revert to the pristine paths of its beginning as a religion of reason. The Middle-Age, between the Dark Age prior to 1000 A.D. and The Age of Enlightenment, post-1800 A.D., was an intra-mural contest of philosophies between the Humanists, who never wavered in their support of the Catholic concept, and the steadfast resistance of the Holy See that had seen its Spiritual and Institutional wealth increase tremendously during the Renaissance that The Holy See [Christianity’s Passive-Voice] perceived as evidence of God’s approval, so it persisted. Erasmus of Rotterdam was a Humanist who in 1511 published a work he entitled: In Praise of Folly. It became the egg hatched by Martin Luther in 1525 that lent impetus to Protestants, caused a schism and eventually led to Lutheranism and Calvinism. The Holy See refused to be reformed and initiated a Counter-reform movement, that resulted in three-hundred years of internecine disaster via autos-da-fe [acts of faith] conducted by Inquisitors The slaughter is estimated to have eliminated ten-million apostates of one or the other persuasion, many by burning [symbolic of hell]. Anyone familiar with Church history knows Christianity was not above war or vengeful killing in order to have its way; the Crusades and Inquisitorial-torture prove that point. Islam survives, and Protestants prevailed, but the loss of life was [is] enormous. Evangelists today are as prone to lie, cheat, and kill as were their predecessors. Rod Parsley, of Cincinnati fame, preaches that God’s plan for American-Christians is to destroy Islam [Iraq, for starters?] Is there an Evangelist who is not convinced that in the apocalyptic battle between the forces of good and evil [the Second Coming] Christ will prevail? My impression is that Evangelists are eager for the fray. We live in dangerous times, and are being led astray by persons who cling to an image of a fruitless past rather than a vision of a rational and peaceful future. Common sense can put the government of the people on a logical track again, depending on who is elected in November, McCain the perpetual Christian-warrior, or the peace loving and reasonable Barack Obama. ------------------------------------------------ Articles for September 13, 2008 | Articles for September 14, 2008 | Articles for September 15, 2008 | ![]() googlec507860f6901db00.html ![]() ![]() Quick Links
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Henry Ruark September 22, 2008 8:27 am (Pacific time)
Russ et al: Yours is sharp insight now shared by many in jrnlstic profession. Well worth fully detailed examination of record from last times-done. Can provide links to much full discussion on Internet, in general press, and within academia and other expert areas (all demanded for "informed opinion"), coming soon if the wheels don't fall off first !
Russ September 20, 2008 12:28 pm (Pacific time)
If McCain wins Pennsylvania...ha! If McCain wins anything we're doomed. That's right. If he wins, then you can guarantee that the third election has been rigged and stolen in this righteous United States. Ain't nothing democratic about that!
Henry Ruark September 19, 2008 9:06 am (Pacific time)
sts et al: Ron Paul declared on NBC int/vw today he would never endorse McCain because of his joking remark-and-song re bombing Iran, weeks ago. Despite other differences with Ron, one cannot dismiss this strong moral stand and most normal, cogitating voters will join in that decision. To do otherwise is to endorse precisely the neocon war to empirize the world, which few want any part in pursuing at unsustainable dollar costs and literally barrels of young blood.
sts September 17, 2008 8:37 am (Pacific time)
Voting? How quickly people forget the elections of 2000 and 2004. The elite have already chosen the next president. They are laughing as they watch people fight over their individual candidates, distracting them from real issues, such as who really runs this country, and what is being done to them personally. Alho, there is a good chance that the elite dont care who wins this time because both will follow their rules. Make sure people like Ron Paul are stomped out tho. Truth is their enemy.
Henry Ruark September 16, 2008 11:38 am (Pacific time)
Obama-S: Any statement from Shuenemann cometh straight from lushly-paid lobbyist shilling for continuing Pentagon-budget private interests. His firm represents some of worst in world dictators and authoritarian regimes. SO naturally he wishes Bush policie of neocon cabal to continue.
Craig Masters September 16, 2008 11:18 am (Pacific time)
If McCain wins Pennsylvania it's over. It will be just a few states that decide this election, so national polls can be misleading. The below Rassmussen report is just in. This has been the most accurate pollster in last two elections: "The race for Pennsylvania’s 21 Electoral College votes is tied. The latest Rasmussen Report telephone survey in the state finds Barack Obama and John McCain each attracting 47% of the vote (demographic crosstabs available for Premium Members). Eighty-three percent (83%) of Obama voters are certain they will vote for him and not change their mind before Election Day. An identical percentage of McCain voters say the same thing. A week ago, Obama was up by two points after holding five percentage-point leads in August and July. The latest poll finds the Republican candidate is viewed more a bit more favorably among voters than his opponent. McCain is viewed favorably by 60%, up three points from a week ago. Obama’s ratings are at 52% favorable, down three points. Also, by a 51% to 42% margin, voters in the Keystone State trust McCain more than Obama. Nationally, 63% say that McCain is prepared to be President while 44% say the same about Obama."
Vic September 16, 2008 8:39 am (Pacific time)
Actually Percy, as time goes on it is getting harder to differenciate between McCain and Obama....on one hand you have an old lying billionaire warmonger that has no qualms about sending US kids off to fight and die for Israel, and on the other hand, you have a young millionaire warmonger that has no qualms about sending US kids off to fight and die for Israel. We have Palin, the rabid Christian Zionist and Biden who brags of being a Zionist. AIPAC owns em both, so Israel wins regardless. The losers? The citizens of the United States (and our kids and our grandchildren...)
Henry Ruark September 16, 2008 8:17 am (Pacific time)
Percy: Glad to know what your b/b tell you, sir ! Feelings (read "beliefs mirrored:) are fine, but any prognostication, even more than other communication, must always depend on source qualifications for any reliance whatsoever. For mine, after rapid-rub here following several rather more useful refs., will venture to state it will be decided a bit earlier, as wit, wisdom, will of American informed voters, finally settling in on solid thought involving their own crucial personal and family intersts, cuts through alla the political palaver and sets up votes-by-millions. What will be the outcome ? Ah, sir, using that for my own purposes on cannot reveal here...sorry !! Thank you for your richly appreciated participation.
Percy September 16, 2008 7:11 am (Pacific time)
Obama is about to see his past meet the present. It will become a very clear choice for responsible voters to differentiate between McCain and Obama. This election for all practical purposes will be over around two weeks before the vote.
Glen September 15, 2008 8:57 pm (Pacific time)
Yet another great opinion piece, Ken. Great to hear a fresh voice talking sense.
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 7:30 pm (Pacific time)
Jules: Thank you for rational, reasonable view of realities. For the record, some of my stuff is intended to offset the distortions/perversions I see so frequently from neocon sources. For some targets I recommend good intentions but make sure the impacts involved are still on the side of realities. Your very civl and sensible participation really appreciated.
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 7:49 pm (Pacific time)
C-son: Yours appreciated and yr points well-made. Mine intended to drive home full impact of fact re the column and the column. Really demanded to so specify on precisely the grounds I named, or effect is as described, intentional or not. Re impeachment, surely relevant when you chose to mention illegalities, even naming law to apply now. Why do so if not intended as attack ? Esp. if you truly did not wish charge to occur ?? Re "questionable sources", you are right on; that's why we push hard for links so readers can "see with own eyes". But we also then insist they "evaluate with own mind", too, even foregoing intro or other "persuasive"-impacts. One without the other is lost-art for most readers due to heavy distortion/perversion done purposively (by both parties) but far more skillfully and malignly by neocon concentration since Reagan. Nothing personal, friend C; part of necessities here, as you will understand. All media today face very large percentage of WDs as we note them, with no downgrade meant only recognition of realities. So we adopt,adapt both copyandapproach to that reality. Impeachment is so intensely political one can hardly ever separate it from "lawful";that remains personal judgment. This time no question whatsoever any longer possible on either side of the point. We face extreme further danger via bad precedent if we fail to apply full Constitutional emedy for extremely obvious dereliction and perversion of sworn-oath responsibilities. Treason has occurred and we do nothing but cavil, cavort, and contrive to avoid necessity and absolute duty to act NOW.
Obama Spotlight September 15, 2008 6:34 pm (Pacific time)
McCain Responds to Obama's Reported Undermining of the Commander-In-Chief During Wartime [Andy McCarthy] The McCain Campaign has issued a statement responding to the report from Amer Taheri (see today's web briefing) that Sen. Obama secretly negotiated with the Iraqi government regarding U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. McCain spokesman Randy Scheunemann stated as follows: At this point, it is not yet clear what official American negotiations Senator Obama tried to undermine with Iraqi leaders, but the possibility of such actions is unprecedented. It should be concerning to all that he reportedly urged that the democratically-elected Iraqi government listen to him rather than the US administration in power. If news reports are accurate, this is an egregious act of political interference by a presidential candidate seeking political advantage overseas. Senator Obama needs to reveal what he said to Iraq's Foreign Minister during their closed door meeting. The charge that he sought to delay the withdrawal of Americans from Iraq raises serious questions about Senator Obama's judgment and it demands an explanation.
Jules September 15, 2008 6:33 pm (Pacific time)
Yes Ken it is coming true. its up to us to save ourselves and our society. Obama's not close to the perfect solution, but he absolutely is all we've got. And Joe Biden's a good guy, he'll try to do the right thing. You all know it. We don't have a shot without them and the new cabinet-to-come. man, you guys blogging are way easy to get your goat. Step back and take another look instead of all this knee-jerk emotional reaction. This is about survival of our people, not the semantics of bs you spend your time on.
Carlson September 15, 2008 6:07 pm (Pacific time)
Henry et al. I was simply linking a story to a major newspaper. I guess depending on one's perspective either a source is positive or negative. My below post stated that I hoped it was untrue. I notice many poster's linking very questionable sources, again in this one we can see how it develops, or not. Once again in terms of impeachment I posted "several times" previously that I don't care if Bush is impeached as long as it is done for lawful reasons not for political diversion.
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 1:35 pm (Pacific time)
C-Son: Now you've done it AGAIN ! Your comments are contrived to make NyPost source for yours re Obama and Iraq officials. BUT check there shows these charges came from columnist known for severe foreign policy views and most definitely NOT Obama-oriented. Do you not realize the most essential difference of the authority involved ? It is standard pattern to identify the writer for a column. To ignore that is to leave the reader believing the content involved is straight, factual reporting, rather than --as we know here at S-N-- often only biased "opinion". Per oft-repeated word-here, one MUST know source and its characteristics. Anyone can "see with own eyes" immediately via your link. Your deception occurs when you fail to so inform us while seeking to give strong impression the views are those of the Post --itself a less than pristine source. Not surprised at all by this manipulation, and suggest any interested check out further re Obama and Iraq officials. His-with-them on these points routine, standard form for such visits from possible new leaders among nations. Have you ever attended any such sessions or even their press sessions after one ? My D.C. days did include several, one on record since it dealt with media production as part of trade discussions then with that nation. I have on file 36-pp. (18,000-wd.) special report written for national media association president for presentation afterwards in the other country involved. That visit led to trade of some millions in next decade. Yours here seems transparent, amateurish attack on Ken's good column via use of any possible irrelevancy as main distraction. SO, sir, again your crediblity here comes into serious question via your continuing manipulation actions. Re illegality, where do you stand on 35 charges filed for impeachment by Congressional leader Kucinich ? I find no response from you on that repeated question. OR should I list the 50 or so other legal charges under consideration vs the neocon cabalists Cheney and Bush ? Those two have been mentioned in past dialog, with nothing noted in answer, either. SO suggest you confine yours to provable, checkable fact without manipulation of the source by omission or action. It is known as accountability and responsibility within the writing profession. If you have motivating itch to attack Obama, try Op Ed, with enough room for honest, open, democratic effort, for which you can then provide checkable and also-honest documenting source-links.
sts September 15, 2008 11:28 am (Pacific time)
mccain or obama..hmmm one will shoot you in the head directly, point blank, the other will sneak up from behind and stab you in the back. Decide how you want to die, and pick the appropriate one. Neither candidate has addressed the true problem with the economy. Have you read the paper today? I think I can appropriately say now...Ron Paul told them so, out front, and starting telling people many years ago this day was coming. obama/mccain, just said our economy is in a bit of trouble, but things will be ok. Things will not be ok, and they both know it. Both candidates voted to sanction Iran. The IAEA, has conducted dozens of unannounced inspections this year, and say Iran is doing nothing unlawful. They are no where near the enrichment needed to produce a weapon.All their work is for energy. The sanctions are not for the lies mccain/obama say they are. The sanctions are because Iran is not using dollars. The same reason we attacked saddam. lies, lies, lies, lies. Both of them. If the federal reserve bank is not disbanded, we will be a 3rd world country soon. martial law and all. JFK tried to disband the federal reserve bank, and stopped a false flag attack (operation northwoods) wonder he was killed. While the mainstream media, and most people, are focused and bickering about who should be elected, they are distracted from the lies these people are telling us. If you think for a minute we have a two party system, you are sadly mistaken. Both parties have the same destination of destruction, they just use different roads to get there, but will arrive at approximately the same time.
Delaware September 15, 2008 11:25 am (Pacific time)
I thought the Obama candidacy was suppose to transcend race, well sadly it does not as per Bidens' reported recent comments. This is so sad, so if you don't vote for him you are what, a racist? CHARLOTTE – Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden, campaigning in North Carolina where black votes could help swing the state to the Democrats, said today that electing a black person to the White House would be transformative.
Biden said the policies of running mate Barack Obama make his presidency even more urgent and declared this to be the most important election that any living person has seen in their lifetime. "That will be a transformative event in American politics and internationally," Biden said. "That all by itself will be significant."
Carlson September 15, 2008 11:04 am (Pacific time)
As per the below post, if the Obama newspaper story about his attempt to influence Iraqi/American policy checks out, then that is a violation of the LOGAN ACT, a crime. My guess is that it would not be prosecuted, but it will be debate and political commercial fodder. I hope he did not do this, it's a really a serious violation and his supporters deserve better.
Carlson September 15, 2008 7:28 am (Pacific time)
Regarding the "reasonableness" of Obama, and without discussing his pastor's ideology that he listened to for 20 years, evidently not finding it so offensive to leave that church until it aversely impacted his poll numbers, see a breaking story with source link: OBAMA TRIED TO STALL GIS' IRAQ WITHDRAWAL WHILE campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence. According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July. Though Obama claims the US presence is "illegal," he suddenly "remembered that Americans troops were in Iraq within the legal framework of a UN mandate." His advice was that, rather than reach an accord with the "weakened Bush administration," Iraq should seek an extension of the UN mandate. While in Iraq, Obama also tried to persuade the US commanders, including Gen. David Petraeus, to suggest a "realistic withdrawal date." They declined. Obama has made many contradictory statements with regard to Iraq. His latest position is that US combat troops should be out by 2010. Yet his effort to delay an agreement would make that withdrawal deadline impossible to meet.
Dan September 15, 2008 4:36 am (Pacific time)
Thanks for the unsolicited history lesson. So now that you've complained, what's your solution? Or can you only state historical information and complain about it?
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