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Sep-09-2011 03:11 ![]() ![]() The Darkest Hour of the Anti-Defamation LeagueTim King Salem-News.comThe ADL used false information attributed to MLK, to influence UN human rights hearings, just prior to 9/11.
(SALEM, Ore.) - Publishing two stories Thursday about my friends at Veterans Today falling under attack by Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) - which represents Jewish and Israeli political interests, I am partly amused and partly horrified that at the same time this attack was launched, I was exposed to one of the ADL's biggest lies, that of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. having written a letter titled: "Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism". At a pivotal time in history, in defense of crimes against civilians, the ADL quoted from what has now been exposed as a fictitious letter attributed to America's greatest Civil Rights Champion - constructed with sentences that were never written by King, to gain political favor for Israel in the UN where Israel's policies were under a microscope over racism allegations... connected to Zionism. This happened in July 2001. In supposedly quoting King, Israel benefited from an illusion that never existed at all and many have paid the price in places like Gaza and southern Lebanon, ever since. The idea that the ADL would stoop so low, to put false words in the mouth of MLK, removes their credibility today when they attack writers who dare criticize Israel's murderous military tactics against civilians. Gordon Duff was referenced by Foxman as a "vicious anti-Semite", when in fact this man was stabbing his steely blade into absolute thin air, blowing out nothing but hot air.
The list of suspects in this heinous act of hijacking a dead religious leader's legacy is short, and it looks like the person who fabricated the story to the point that the ADL could use it, is probably a rabbi/author Wikipedia describes as bi-polar, Marc Schneier, who is, also according to Wikipedia: "...rated number 37 of the top 50 most influential American rabbis by Newsweek magazine in 2007, and one of the 50 most prominent Jews in the United States by Forward. An advocate of tolerance and understanding between different ethnicities, he has been honored by the United States Congress as well as the State of Israel". Here is insight; the lifestyle of this rabbi who makes huge claims without research, a very poor mark for an author, is extravagant. His 4th wife, Tobi Rubinstein-Schneier, donated a 400 lb. endangered Asian lion in his honor at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, a lion that was renamed "Rabbi Marc". This, while Israel sends drones and jets over Gaza almost every day bombing people to smithereens. Rev. King is no longer here to represent or clarify his position, which might be very different in light of the harsh developments over the past four decades, as Israel stands accused of hundreds of crimes against humanity. In fact it certainly would. He identified with the Jewish people because of the way they were treated before and during WWII, everyone should. However as an African-American fighting unmasked racism head on, sometimes under violent conditions, he must have really felt a level of empathy. Today he would feel the same for the Palestinians, I believe. It is terrible for the ADL to falsely brand as 'antisemitic' those writers, educators and activists, who speak out about widespread war crimes of Israel's and their hard right apartheid politics that provide different laws and roads for Jews and non-Jews. A growing number of Americans take exception to their tax dollars being used for this type of purpose. Israel is, as it turns out, a society where only one particular culture and religion is tolerated, and this is far from what the great Rev. King was striving for. This is an excerpt from the letter in question attributed to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Schneier's book: King's words were reportedly published in Saturday Review, August 1967. While it is true that Dr. King was an ardent supporter of the Israeli people, he did not, according to write the nearly infamous letter "Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism" that was used to gain favor for Israel in U.S. Congress. They researched the authenticity of the letter said to have been written by King, with Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA). CAMERA published research 22 Jan. 2001, stating that the “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend” allegedly written by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is apparently a hoax. "We were initially doubtful of the authenticity of the 'Letter to an anti-Zionist Friend' because the language in the first paragraph seemed almost a parody of language used in Dr. King’s 'I have a dream' speech. And it was an odd coincidence that the 'Letter' was listed as being published in one of the few magazines whose archives are not able to be checked online. Additionally, we could find no reference to the 'letter' prior to 1999, which was odd because the text is such a dramatic denunciation of anti-Zionism-one that would have been cited widely." Additionally, the media watchdog wrote: "...we found that quotations from the 'letter' were used on July 31, 2001, by the Anti-Defamation League’s Michael Salberg in testimony before the U.S. House of Representative’s International Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights. The same 'source' (Saturday Review, August 1967) for the 'letter' that was mentioned in the Schneier book was also cited in the testimony." During the summer of 2001, before 9/11, Israel was in the world spotlight at the UN over their racist, Zionist policies. In a nutshell, many Jews believe they are "the chosen people" - a theory based in biblical teachings, and that they can take and possess land in what they call 'Israel' because God gave it to them. The Palestinians from the beginning, agreed to no such arrangement, because it involves land theft and Murder, and slowly but surely they have been killed and removed from areas their families inhabited for hundreds of years. Israel's fierce and direct racism was quite an item prior to the 'terrorist attacks on America' and the tragedy brought Israel needed relief from investigations over human rights abuse. A featured item at the congressional subcommittee hearing on the World Conference Against Racism in July 2001, was then-President George W. Bush's threat to boycott the event if the issue of Zionism as racism was kept on the agenda. In other words, the religious fundamentalist policies of Israel that strip human beings of rights guaranteed to them under the UN Human Rights Charter, would be tolerated or the U.S. would pull out altogether. Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) was one of the only U.S. voices showing real concern for Palestinian human rights. The New York times reported 01 August 2001, that during the July 31 Hearing of the UN World Conference Against Racism: "Blacks, both members of Congress and others who testified at the hearing, said it was imperative that the United States participate in the conference to demonstrate its concern over racism. Jewish lawmakers and representatives of Jewish groups expressed deep concern over the inclusion of language in a draft agenda that characterizes Israel's settlements as "crimes against humanity" and describes Zionism "as a movement based on racial superiority." Here is exactly what the ADL's Michael Salberg said in his prepared statement: It is clear that the ADL used the false statement attributed to MLK to help convince the world body that even this great American Civil Rights leader endorsed their cause, when the man had no opportunity to see the number of illegal human rights violations which Israel has been accused of, particularly in recent years, such as during the raid on Gaza that left more than 1400 dead, including approximately 400 children. That indiscriminate attack on a civilian population involved the use of illegal weapons like white phosphorus and depleted uranium (DU). There is no reported connection to the MLK letter source claimed by Michael Salberg. However the “letter” was published in the otherwise reputable 1999 book by Rabbi Marc Shneier, titled: "Shared Dreams,", with a preface written by Martin Luther King III. Regarding that, CAMERA wrote, "Since the King family is known to be extremely careful with Dr. King’s legacy, we assumed they must have verified the accuracy of the book before endorsing it." We all owe CAMERA a big round of thanks for bringing truth and clarity to a situation that has been manipulated in ways that can never be reversed. They went the extra mile. "...because we do not ordinarily rely on anyone else’s research, we decided to double-check, by searching back issues of Saturday Review* (Rabbi Shneier’s book had referenced the “letter” as being published in the August 67 Saturday Review). Lo and behold, there is no such letter in any of the August issues, nor do the page and volume numbers cited conform to those actually used by that publication." It isn't coincidental that the fake letter of King was used by Israel, as the ADL shows us once again that the militant Israelis are no definitive representative of the Jewish faith, not at all, no more than Taliban define Islam, or the Westboro Baptist Church... Christianity. This information is not new by any means, and groups instrumental in checking the facts related to this story, particularly CAMERA, pinned this down almost a decade ago. However as the ADL continues to lash out at those who criticize Israel's crimes against civilians, writers like Gordon Duff of Veterans Today; who are anything but antisemitic, it seems reasonable to remind ourselves exactly how the ADL earned the cozy position in U.S. politics that it holds. Verifying the information from CAMERA were a team of archivists at Boston University who also were unable to locate any such letter, and, who states on their Website: "We searched the archive of Saturday Review where this letter allegedly was published. This periodical is a weekly, not a monthly, so there were four issues published during the month of August, 1967. Of these four issues, two contained 76 or more pages. On p. 76 of one issue, were classified ads, on p. 76 of the other issue, a review of the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. There were no articles by Dr. King on Zionism or any other topic. Nor is there any anthology of Martin Luther King entitled This I Believe". While to me the connection with the rabbi/author is sinister, almost clear, CAMERA and stated: "We can only conclude that no such letter was written by Dr. King. Please note we are not implying that the apparently bogus 'letter' originated with Rabbi Schneier." But I'm not worried about offending anyone, we are raised to be honest and are learning, some of us at least, that there is almost no truth to a majority of Israel's claims. With no adherence to the truth predicating their moves and agendas, these one-dimensional warriors are interested in nothing that does not carry a direct benefit. On a factual level, it is true that MLK supported Israel and also that he made a speech shortly before his death where he compared being against Zionism to being antisemitic. That is what he went to his grave believing, there is little question about that. One thing this demonstrates is that Dr. King thought like the average American Christian after World War Two, when the Jews and many other cultural and religious groups were put to death by the million in a terrible Holocaust. It is a tragic period that had nothing to do with Palestine, which occupied the land that is now Israel, until 1948, from which time it had everything to do with Palestine. From the beginning, the so-called 'Chosen People' have taken land and eroded the position of the people who lived there in peace prior to the establishment of Israel. It has been written many times, but the number of Israeli citizens killed in the rocket attacks from Gaza in all time, is 28. Yet this is the main justification for raids over Gaza that drop bombs on family homes, sometimes day after day. People in Gaza fear the sound of military aircraft. It is something western people do not even comprehend. The ADL wants to plant the thought that criticizing Israel's extreme human rights abuse is antisemitic when it is not, and we should have the decency as a world to never even have to state such points, yet we do. I frequently write about the Genocide two years ago in Sri Lanka that left up to 100,000 or more Tamil people dead at the hands of a state terrorist government, but that isn't because I like one culture more than the other. The suggestion that being critical of Israel's apartheid laws is antisemitism - is self-serving hogwash to further the Israeli cause, one of domination and conquering in an age when we are supposed to be beyond that. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in my estimation, would not be pleased with Marc Schneier, Michael Salberg, or the ADL. However I think he would embrace Gordon and Debbie and all those who keep the torch lit, fighting the good fight for the betterment of all humanity.
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Ralph E. Stone September 9, 2011 5:56 pm (Pacific time)
According to the Convention on Genocide adopted by the United Nations, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
In the Sri Lankan campaign against the Tamils, at least 40,000 civilians were killed. It could be as much as 100,000. There was torture, rape, and the deliberate targeting of hospitals and civilians. Sounds like genocide.
Ralph E. Stone September 9, 2011 9:04 am (Pacific time)
According to its mission statement,“the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry in the U.S. and abroad through information, education, legislation, and advocacy.” I recommend Defamation, a documentary directed by Yoav Shamir. In Defamation, Shamir examines the realities of anti-Semitism as an identity issue. Is it a continuing threat on the verge of leading inevitably to a second Holocaust? Or is it a scare tactic used by right-wing Zionists to discredit their critics? Most opinions fall in the gray area between two vastly different poles. Representing one end of the spectrum is Abraham Foxman, head of the ADL and an ardent advocate of the theory that anti-Semitism is widespread and requires constant vigilance to be kept in check. His protagonist in the debate is Norman Finkelstein, a controversial author, professor, and son of Holocaust survivors, who asserts it is a vast conspiracy orchestrated by Israel itself to undermine critics of its policy.
Mohamed Suhaib September 9, 2011 4:47 am (Pacific time)
I am a Sri Lankan Muslim, who lived on the island for more than 20 years and I can say without any doubt that you are totally wrong on Sri Lanka, and you should stop using the word genocide with such ignorant bliss - reserve the word genocide, and use it cautiously to give meaning to many who perished unjustly.
The war in Sri Lanka was not a genocide - that is a fact.
Tim King: I don't know why you are interested in disguising the terminology of a massive slaughter of human beings. Just like when the 'Holocaust deniers' start their argument about how there weren't six million Jews killed by Hitler, well my reply is, 'so what if it was five million, how is that different?' Trust me Mohamed, what took place was a Genocide and there are thousands of photos and hours of video, as well as a long list of credible witnesses, who corroborate my point.
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