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Sep-04-2009 02:50printcomments

Has FOX News Gone Too Far?

In the first week of this petition campaign, 11 advertisers canceled their support of FOX.

Faux News

(NEW YORK) - It isn't news nor is it slanted to say that FOX News has always been the propaganda arm of the Republican Party, willing to twist facts and even lie to promote the Republican agenda.

But the election of President Obama in 2008 pushed FOX News into outright hate-mongering and incitement of violence, which is intolerable in a democracy.

Tell FOX News advertisers to cancel their ads

Here are some examples of intolerable hate speech and incitement to violence:

6/30/09 Glenn Beck agreed with guest who urged bin Laden to attack U.S. with nuclear weapons.

7/25/09 Neil Cavuto and guest said health care reform will impose universal euthanasia like "Soylent Green."

7/28/09 Glenn Beck said "The President has exposed himself as a guy ... who has a deep-seated hatred for white people ... or the white culture... This man is a racist."

8/6/09 Glenn Beck "joked" about giving Speaker Pelosi a glass of wine with poison.

We join with FoxNewsBoycott and Color Of Change in this boycott, which is already producing outstanding results.

In the first week, 11 advertisers cancelled their FOX ads: Campbell Soup, Chrysler, General Motors, Kellogg, Kraft Foods,, Nestle, Pfizer, Proctor & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, and Walmart. Read the latest update.

Tell FOX News advertisers to cancel their ads:

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We the people October 21, 2009 1:30 am (Pacific time)

Let FOX speak there opinion.

Tony D September 16, 2009 3:16 am (Pacific time)

Fox news is great they at least have people from both sides on that are intelligent to argue a point. Should I watch that joke MSNBC and only hear one point of view all the time. When was the last time Olbermann had an opposing point of view debate him. The Acorn story is not even a story on MSNBC at least CNN reported it eventually although they tried a little bit to put a big Left spin on it too.

Earl Engle September 11, 2009 7:37 am (Pacific time)

I saw the post about dropping in on a 3 canopy (usually one or two canopies, a third one is rare, but they exist) jungle top. This was pretty routine for those in Airborne LRRP's and Special Forces. In the Central Highlands we used the indigenous people (CIDG) for many joint operations. They were frequently victims of NVA war crime incursions and had some major beefs and payback desires for the NVA. They would often scout safe area's for the LRRP's to come in with their equipment (this war their backyard and they were very helpful in advanced scouting), which was lowered down to them. Though it was never acknowledged that we had forces going into Cambodia (or Laos), this was an absolute necessity because of the rockets (usually 140mm) that were being brought down. Though not highly accurate, they were devastating when they hit their mark. These were very brave people, highly trained Airborne troopers that often worked with Special Forces "A" teams and on occasion Marine Force Recon. Many of these people are on MIA lists. I appreciate the Esprit de corp that people have but there is a large body of facts that show that the Airborne were and are the superior military force. Going back to WWII in the Pacific when the Marines couldn't get off the beach, some paratroopers landed on the top of the island and wiped out the enemy. The Airborne is an elite fighting force and you have many elite sub-units within the larger Airborne force. Back in the 1960's, Force Recon, UDT, SEALS, Air Force Commando personnel took all their advanced training at Smoke Bomb Hill at Fort Bragg (North Carolina) and other Airborne training facilities. FYI, for anyone even applying to compete for an "A" team position, you wouldn't even have a chance unless you had at least 5 years in. Many people are assigned to SF, from cooks, clerks, and literally all positions. Many will go through some SF training, even HALO, but to be "A" team, that's another class unto itself. Many say they were, but those who were, just don't really acknowledge it. Hollywood movie makers have really played fast and loose in characterizing these most elite of the elites. Beginning in the 1970's SF began phasing down their very high requirements, subsequently, though still quite good, they are not what they used to be. That diminished pursuit of high quality also spread throughout society, especially in the academic fields where standards have been greatly lowered.

Editor: Really interesting, thanks for your comment!

Osotan; September 10, 2009 9:13 pm (Pacific time)

to Anonymous,I think I know who you are and this debate stems from inter-service rivalry on acct. of you being in the Army and I being a Marine. I am aware of ongoing major jealousy, mostly over our superior training. I don't mean to infer I was force recon or anything like that, just a normal grunt with a passion for survival. So let me put it like this. Maybe you could-did?, drop into triple canopy. How? #2,you never spoke of your rank, but speak like an officer or higher staff n.c.o.,so my immediate question is why would I do anything you say at all,(being Army), let alone a night penetration into triple canopy,snooping into a bordering country 10 klicks from the drop to locate grid coords for an N.V.A. truck route,and return for extract I presume, unless I knew you were qualified to give such a command? and even then I may display a lack of discipline.,you being Army and all,but your scenario could have easily been designed from a reclining chair or computer war game. The editor is known to me as a somewhat..,in your face dude who would rather appologise later the seek permission now, if you know what I mean. Your inference that he would be dead in ten seconds or less is grossly incongruis and plain mean spirited,which makes me think for an older guy you are guilty of immaturity. So I suggest reading Dr. Leveque's many articles regarding the medicinal benefits of ganja over the opiates. Do not follow "the limbaugh trail" Remember this, it's rush and the other draft deferred commenators that crush my nerve receptors. give yourself a break,you may not be such a bad guy after all.

Anonymous September 10, 2009 2:39 pm (Pacific time)

Editor: Mike, no matter what, you make me sick with the things you write and your attempt to insult somebody that I think the absolute world of.  You do not matter in the world, at least to us, and your crap like this will never, ever be posted.  It is people like you who will eventually cause us to make comment people register.  

Osotan; September 8, 2009 5:49 am (Pacific time)

to anonymous; how would you "drop" anyone into triple canopy? I propose your mission would still be searching for the NVA to this day,parched and weathered by the elements from years of patrolling the tree tops,sort of like the ongoing search to locate Osama Bin Ladin, the mastermind of all this. Don't get me wrong. Rush lives.,their must be divine balance.

Osotan; September 8, 2009 2:43 am (Pacific time)

Rush Limbaug's drug use is his business. His illegal prescriptions and arrests and lies concerning it are public domain, leaving him open to ridicule, and would not be too significant except for the fact he is a nationally recognized "conservative"spokesman who preaches what he doesn't live.., for money, kind of like Will Rogers or Paul Harvey on heoin hosting his own talk show. Nice work if you can get it.,but how significant would the opinion of such an influential broadcaster be?  So I got a little personality clash with him and occasionally have dreams of his demise.,unbidden., doesn't mean I wouldn't try to help him choose the right treatment center. I don't mean him completely ill but it's only a thumbwidth from a ringer, so I admit to amusement when he takes a roll. However the recent rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated. I hear he uses prescribed amphetamines now and lost nearly forty kilos. I think it's a vicious rumor..,of course.

Daniel September 7, 2009 11:37 pm (Pacific time)

It Is documented Bush never piloted a plane after the military started drug testing pilots . In fact Bush was absent from duty during his time in .

Anonymous September 7, 2009 4:45 pm (Pacific time)

As I said below it is just a rumor about Bush doing coke. Where is the offical documentation? Just because a bunch of people repeat a rumor does not give it creditibility. During this time period, how old were you? I may be just taking a guess but I assume you liked Clinton and no doubt Obama. What military experience do they have? Zilch. They both admitted to drug use and Clinton was in Moscow in 1968 protesting the Vietnam War, which means he was protesting against our military during a time of conflict. I realize some of you on the left don't have much substance to hang on regarding the leaders you support, but Clinton and Obama sure don't have any experience, especially Obama. All he does is campaign, he does not know anything about governing, and you radicals are so full of self-hate you just can't stand it when we point out how absurd your leaders are. Grow up, you have lost the debate and all you can do is ridicule and name call. My, you fueled jets and you were an anylyst on the flight line, now what did an analyst do in that area? Were you an officer? An NCO? If I dropped you in a 3-canopy jungle at night with a set mission to get grids on a NVA truck route in Cambodia, 10 klicks from the dz, how would you analyze that? Much less how would you complete that mission? You would not last 10 seconds in hot combat, and probably get some people killed. That is why we screen and train only the best. Our rejects are better than anything you would have seen on some flight line fueling aircraft, similar to the one's Bush flew, though his fighter jet required considerable skill to fly. You really have no idea about the ways of the world, so as you continue to spew hate and misinformation, real heroes are protecting you. So be thankful for people like us, don't be an ingrate like Clinton and Obama and the vast majority of their inexperienced staffs..

Tim King: I have no idea who you are and really I don't care.  You don't even have the balls to use your own name, and you call foul on me.  I will tell you this much, I have at least been to not one but both of our current wars and I have been on combat operations, and the rest of it is all in my reports. So, nameless wonder, your hero trashed my country and you make me SICK that you are such a disrespectful lout.  I think you are full of it, war hero boy.  I busted not one but TWO Vietnam vet impersonators the other day and the Navy SEAL group helped on one, and the group representing POW families helped on the other.  Loud mouthed mean spirited little jerks like you are meaningless.

Anonymous September 7, 2009 2:27 pm (Pacific time)

There are a lot of misinformed and uninformed posters on this site, but they are not conservatives. Also there was rumor, nothing more, that Bush did coke. Whereas Obama admitted to using coke, which is a felony and an act that would preclude one from getting a security clearance. In fact both Obama and Ted Kennedy, and Van Jones and many others on Obama's staff would not qualify for a security clearance. I'm no fan of Bush, but he flew high performance jets, not put fuel in them, try doing that as a coke head. Same thing commanding a unit in combat, you better have your act together because people's lives are at stake. Rumor and fact are not related, but they are often portrayed as the same by the radicals. Easy to pick out.

Editor: Bush's coke use is highly documented and a matter of record, just like his drunkenness and his DUII arrest.  But you have your heroes, don't let us bother you.

Anonymous September 7, 2009 12:30 pm (Pacific time)

"Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it..." "Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man."
-Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

Editor: I will look into this, I haven't read it.  At any rate, somebody using cocaine in the 80's is nothing unusual, Bush did his share.  The last person suggested that the President used crack and that is ridiculous.  Also for the record, junkies are heroin users.

Anonymous September 7, 2009 12:09 pm (Pacific time)

Hey Osotan, since you like pointing out Rush Limbaugh's past drug use, here's one for you. Your President is a crackhead. That's right, Obama admitted to smoking it, so that's what he is, right? Same logic you are using for Rush, right? Barack Hussein "Crackhead" Obama.

Editor: Dumbass, he smoked pot, not crack.  That is hugely different .  As for Osotan, you don't even qualify to speak words to my friends who are combat vets .

Steve September 7, 2009 12:05 pm (Pacific time)

To the editor: Editor: Love it or leave it Rick, and I love the backward term "liberal fascists", that one takes the cake.  It's not a backwards term, it's an oxymoron. Editor: Many people are sad to share this land with people like you , hypocricy rules, rights? Beck is a discusting man who wouldn't last three seconds where I grew up.  What kind of an "editor" misspells 2 words in one post (and can't be ruled out as a typo)?

Editor: Dude, it was zero dark thirty and we have a small staff.  

Rachel September 7, 2009 5:19 am (Pacific time)

The right wing ranting on this site just proves the point. The right wing media is pushing hatred and hysteria. I hate to tell you, but your right wing ranting just sounds nutty. Comparing Obama to Hitler and calling him a Commie just makes you sound nuts. You marginalize yourself and the right wing movement because you sound nuts and uninformed.

Daniel September 6, 2009 6:14 pm (Pacific time)

What is really sad is so many need someone to read the news to them as their main or only source of information , rather than reading and researching the stories themselves . Its like my tv clown verses your tv clown because I do not know how to think for myself I will use a proxy . Turn off the f in TV and educate yourself beyond the spoon feed from the tube . Left to Right its mostly just crap, opinion , sensationalism and brainwash brought to you by unhealthy and environment unfriendly products . If you want to watch for entertainment fine , all the pundit are amusing in their own way , but for god sakes educate yourself beyond TV and radio talk shows . Altho it also does appear the fox network has taken it to a new low , God help those who use this for there main source of information !

Zander September 6, 2009 4:33 pm (Pacific time)

Yet Fox News still continues to dominate in the ratings. All other news media outlets on TV are in the tank for Obama yet Fox News destroys them in the ratings. If it's OK for MSNBC to vilify Bush it's OK for Fox to tell the truth about Obama's socialist agenda.

Editor: If you think Bush is a good President then your brain is so far gone that you don't matter at all.  Have respect for your President or you are a crappy citizen.

Liberals are looney September 6, 2009 1:10 pm (Pacific time)

Fox news is the ONLY media outlet reporting on the racist hate speech coming from the mouth of Van Jones. MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, New York Times, etc. ALL looked the other way and ignored story after story of this guy's radical views. Now that he's gone, what happens? They report on the story as the "GOP" attacked him when this is a boldfaced lie. The author of this piece chooses not to think on their own but let leftwing media do it for them. How pathetic is that? I suppose this author also loves Keith Olbermann and doesn't see him as biased at a good libbie.

Dave September 6, 2009 8:52 am (Pacific time)

Malibu, the President has a lot to commend, a great marriage and family. That alone is a reason for people to look up to him in this country with so many failed marriages and a high illegitimacy rate. Personally he is a nice person and can be a role model for many. The problem for many and one could say a majority of the people, from current polls, is policy. The policies that the administration has proposed and enacted since January are not what people wanted or expected from the President. As a result his approval numbers have tanked faster than most if not all modern presidents. He made a mistake in thinking he had a mandate to completely change our country and he did not, and now the people are pushing back.

Mike Gregus September 6, 2009 8:21 am (Pacific time)

Glen Beck and FOX re Czar Van Jones: ”On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me,” Jones said in his resignation statement. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.” Yeah, those videos, archived writings, and signed petitions were just "lies and distortions." You created the petard and did most of the hoisting yourself. So even when the truth smacks him the face, he has to distort and lie and BLAME it on the evil republicans. I am surprised he didn’t say it was Bushes fault he had to resign....radicals never stop amazing me, they will hold others accountable for every action but somehow they are not to be held to that same standard. THANK YOU GLEN BECK, for it was he who exposed him, and many others. This is good for all Americans regardless of party affiliation, unless you are an anarchist.

Tommy September 5, 2009 10:18 pm (Pacific time)

Hey Snowman, I can tell by your statement that you have been brainwashed by the Left and it's a shame you can't admit that Fox News and Glen Beck is the only Network that tells the Whole Truth and if it wasn't for Fox we wouldn't be informed of what's really going on. WAKE UP!!

Daniel September 5, 2009 5:34 pm (Pacific time)

I liked Glen Beck better when he was a drunk ! Cindy's 16 yr. old child sums up the intellectual base of glens viewers . I say more power to Rush and Glen , I could not find two better overblown clowns to represent the ignorant . These two over indulging Ill-educated drug and alcohol abusers will not lead this country to a brighter future . They will be lucky if they get thru the next 4 or 5 years without major health problems , especially Rush . The more informed in America read the news from a variety of sources left to right . All TELEVISION network news is a joke , mostly tabloid stories about some buxom blonde , entertainer or non event with a little bit of political brain wash left or right and good old bs mixed in between the toxic drug and junk food commercials . Not to forget cnn and fox cable where you can watch the same stories over and over and over again . In fact you can watch three stories at once with all the little boxes and multi video font all over the screen , its like being three places at once and really being no place at all . The internet provides a number of news sources , but you have to read and think and not be spoon feed to use them .

Malibu Matt Johnson September 5, 2009 4:11 pm (Pacific time)

What a bunch of cry baby screwheads. All of you fat asses with your booze and your money make real Americans sick. If you don't care about our President, then move the hell away from this free country. Your day has come and gone, real people have control of this nation today and there isn't a damned thing all the whining will do to change it. Fox News is for non-thinking idiots who are prejudice and hateful toward the poor, a group that greatly outnumbers the Faux news viewers. Osotan, you rock. Live to surf-Surf to live!

Dave September 5, 2009 1:09 pm (Pacific time)

I like Beck, he digs around, finds things that nobody else in the Mainstream media is looking for, or wants to see. This Van Jones story is still not getting any play at the main networks. The WH is in a dither since they have been found out and don't know what to do about it. They will eventually throw VJ under the bus along with Wright and BO's grandmother and the list will get longer. Are there any news organizations beside Fox that are looking out for us?? I'd like to know.

U.S.Falconer September 5, 2009 11:01 am (Pacific time)

I think Beck made an honest appraisal of the situation.

It appears to me the left is trying to demonize him and fox news using a part of his considered conclusions they think will enrage people. I believe this is intended to distract us from his rational thought and potentially accurate assessment.

Unfortunately for them, the American people are beginning to wake up and realize the leftists in the press, the education industry, the unions, and the democratic party (not a complete list) have been selling the snake oil of statism in their socialist push.

Editor: Many people are sad to share this land with people like you , hypocricy rules, rights?  Beck is a discusting man who wouldn't last three seconds where I grew up.

Cindy September 5, 2009 9:35 am (Pacific time)

My 16-year-old daughter LOVES Glenn Beck. She was angry last week when her ex-boyfriend came by the house because she had to miss Glenn’s show. She watches it every day after school. The next day she told me Friday’s show was supposed to be good so she was going to watch it in her room and not answer the door. With the lights off. And the blinds drawn. She’s a serious viewer. I doubt that anyone will organize a boycott against FOX's competitors because they have such small audiences, plus why bring attention to them. This ineffective boycott against Beck just drives up his numbers and creates a growing fan base. Also it was Van Jones who was trying to get Beck, well that backfired bigtime.

Jim Strom September 5, 2009 9:13 am (Pacific time)

First time at this site. I just read the above article and all the comments. It's rather obvious that the FOX network has many supporters. I was wondering, those who say all these negative things about FOX, can you supply any evidence of lying and gross negligence on their part? Not just selecting out of context statements, but a real pattern of intentional lying over time? The majority of American people will not tolerate deception either by direct misinformation or omission. That in my opinion is why so much of the media is fading away, they are allowing ideology to trump their journalistic responsibility of reporting the news. The editorial commentary of the media has invaded the straight news stories. I expect certain viewpoints from people like Olbermann, Mathews, O'Reilly Limbaugh etc. It also becomes pretty obvious whose being more honest and it's those who draw the larger audiences. My schedule does not allow me to listen to much talk radio, but as someone who has been in sales for many years, if you don't have what people want they are not going to buy it. I also saw that Limbaugh lost over 80 pounds, so I guess he needs another label besides "fat." I see this site has an extensive staff, but is their much diversity in regards to ideology? In addition I am also a veteran, and appreciate all those who served, but there is a big difference when it comes to military experience. A combat vet will see things much differently than a non-combatant. Veterans by and large have always been conservative in their politics and the current active duty members are no different, so FOX and conservative talk radio are their main sources of info. Don't undersetimate the intelligence of these people nor their values. P.S. That Van Jones is more than just a whitehouse personnel problem, but a symptom of something far worse.

Anonymous September 5, 2009 9:09 am (Pacific time)

It is incredible to me how out of touch the 'progressives' are with what is going on in the majority of the country. While you people sit here having liberal wet dreams, the rest of the country is deciding that their support for Obama was a horrible mistake. This has always been a center-right country and for the most part a pretty fair one. Faced with a weak candidate in John McCain, they were willing to give Obama a shot. Had he understood where the country stood and actually tried to meet them halfway, he might have had a pretty decent presidency and might have even been able to produce a few areas of government that actually work - something that even the center-right could believe in. Instead he decided to 'not let a crisis go to waste' and gave Pelosi and her ilk free rein to raid the treasury to fund every long-standing liberal boondoggle and liberal constituency and in that one moment proved himself unworthy of our trust. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. We are now in a three and a half year holding pattern - waiting for Obama's replacement. Regrettably, the repubs won't even need to run someone particularly good to beat him. Why couldn't he have just started slowly?

Osotan; September 5, 2009 6:55 am (Pacific time)

to GetReal; it's not Osatan,which is giving me far to much recognition,and I would be guilty of said hypocracy if I hadn't smiled all day over my dream.Rush hates me and I don't like him either and anyone who gets their drugs using false prescriptions goes against my grain.Somebody really courageous would just have go out on the street and saved a lot of money to boot without supporting the pharmaceutical industry. Rush is not creative in my eyes.I found o'reilly's name on the scrip more intriguing,like rush was his front man..,and let me reassure you it was only a dream.Take it easy.Laugh more,rush will be fine even if he does hate me. Thank you very much.

Rick September 5, 2009 6:28 am (Pacific time)

Look, let's split America and let the liberals have their coastal urban enclaves, their parasites and freeloaders, and the national debt, and Free Americans (the ones who pay the taxes) can take the remaining 95% of the land area debt free and restore the Constitution. Fox should not be the only channel that gets the truth out about liberal fascists. I'd like to see more like Fox. If it makes Demo-commie-crats angry, it has to be good for America.

Editor: Love it or leave it Rick, and I love the backward term "liberal fascists", that one takes the cake.

Kaci September 5, 2009 2:44 am (Pacific time)

The FOX News Channel (FNC) operating income, as compared to the prior year, increased 50% for both the fourth quarter and the full year, primarily from increased affiliate revenues. For the full year, FNC primetime ratings were up 45% compared with the same period a year ago. And Fox News continues on a ratings tear this week. On Monday night and again last night, FNC beat the combined prime time averages, in both Total Viewers and A25-54 viewers, of MSNBC and CNN.

Smithy September 5, 2009 12:23 am (Pacific time)

@ Editor : "Yeah, they're really doing swell with 11 big time companies dropping their advertising" Yeah? As far as I know, not even one of those "11 firms" you keep boasting about, have actually pulled any advertising from Fox that they had there before. They either never used to advertise on Fox News in the first place, or they are still cheerfully advertising on Fox. But hey, don't let facts get in the way of loony left propaganda. Meanwhile, Now why don't you read this..and weep. "******Fox News a Bright Spot in Bleak News Corp. Earnings Report Chairman Rupert Murdoch singled out the success of Fox News Channel in his release: The FOX News Channel (FNC) operating income, as compared to the prior year, increased 50% for both the fourth quarter and the full year, primarily from increased affiliate revenues. For the full year, FNC primetime ratings were up 45% compared with the same period a year ago. And Fox News continues on a ratings tear this week. On Monday night and again last night, FNC beat the combined prime time averages, in both Total Viewers and A25-54 viewers, of MSNBC and CNN. In fact last night, “The O’Reilly Factor” (on cable TV) averaged 3.67 million Total Viewers at 8pmET topping the 8pm average of 2.91M on ABC (on broadcast TV), with “Superstars.”****** Fox News profits just keep shooting up...even in a recession. What you gonna do now, eh? Go bang ya head against a concrete wall?

GetReal September 4, 2009 11:58 pm (Pacific time)

Good Night Bob, Have a good evening!

GetReal September 4, 2009 11:39 pm (Pacific time)

Bob, I thank all Vets for their service, most are my heros but what was all the blood shed for if we lose our freedoms/rights? If we become something that is no longer American? I've seen other countries and none compare now or throughout history. Change into what? I can guarantee you it won't be a nice place to live.

Jeff September 4, 2009 11:39 pm (Pacific time)

Ok Editor, if what you say is true, then surely you can attest to the fact that Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, Pelosi and Reid etc conitued to push "the War is Lost", "Our soldiers are committing war crimes" blah blah blah, even when we turned it around it late 2006-2007 when, if you where there, knew it not to be true. Then, ask yourself, how many jihadist did these people gavlanize to continue fighting based off there politically motivated rhetoric. How many innocent Iraqis/US Soldiers died because Oblerman, Reid/Pelosi and Matthews led insurgents to believe that if they fought just a little harder....killed just one more American, they might finaly break America's will to fight?

And this brings me back to my first question, where is you outrage against the lies, half-truths, and ommissions from MSNBC during this period of time while the surge was taking hld and we finally made headway?

Editor: Jeff, I hate and lament each and every single mistake and I do not hold the other networks up in some false good light, but you and I both know that the whole Iraq thing was doomed from the beginning and there is little to do about it.  You can hang Vietnam on Walter Cronkite's statements after Tet, you can say that Olberman encouraged optimism in the people of Iraq fighting our occupation, but that seems like it is grasping at straws.  And then I ask myself, what I would be doing if I were born in Iraq?  We all have to answer that question.  Those of us with whatever it takes to have ever gone there in the first place.  I am in the same position that I was in ten or more years ago; that is that we should only use and thus sacrifice our military for reasons of imminent need.  I hate what everyone has gone through, and I commend and applaud the heroic acts that have taken place.  You and I are probably a lot more aligned in our thinking than it seems, so try not to let this piss you off too much.  I totally respect your service and just so you know, I have written many stories to help veterans, and that is no exageration.  I wrote about Ronald Gray when Bush wanted to override a state court's decision and execute him.  It would have opened the floodgates for the capital punishment of our brothers in Leavenworth, many of whom are probably not guilty at all. 

 I have written for the soldiers and Marines in Iraq who were given crappy representation by the military, and on and on and on.  My name is Tim King and everything I am telling you about is on  Combinations of different key words will lead to the various stories.  

GetReal September 4, 2009 11:28 pm (Pacific time)

Bob, I read Osotan's post again and it did not magically change. Maybe you should read it again --- Osotan; September 4, 2009 4:01 am (Pacific time)

I woke up this morning after the most amazing dream.,rush limbaugh o.d.'d from oxycotin off a phony perscription! My face hurt from smiling so much!Have a fine day!

Editor: I am not figuring out who Bob is, my name is Tim King just FYI.  In all honesty this is not a comment that violates our rules.  He is not suggesting an act of harm toward old fat ass RL, he's just telling us about a dream he had.  Does that magically change the understanding of it?

GetReal September 4, 2009 11:22 pm (Pacific time)

Color Of Change = Racist Van Jones. Now there's a role model. What else can we expect from Obama's circle of advisers/friends. Someone should tell Mr. Jones that these days there's video via utube and when you run your head someone will be there with a camcorder. Mr. Jones is responsible for his own words, beliefs and actions not Glenn Beck. Bob tell Mr. Jones to Man Up, own it cause it owns him!

Getreal September 4, 2009 11:06 pm (Pacific time)

Bob Fertik The Aggressive Progressives: Co-founder of Your a busy man all over the net: We need to contact the advertisers and tell them your judgement is warped cause you have too many irons in the fire to point a finger at anyone or anything!

Jeff September 4, 2009 11:01 pm (Pacific time)

Dont even try to beat your chest about Iraq big guy. I spent three years there and whatched "journalists" like you come and go. You find the story you want, report it as a microcosm of the entire country, take some photos of yourself there, and BAM...instant street credit! Not so much....for every 100 schools built, you'll report the one that was blown up...Give me a break. Get over yourself Editor, your a self rightous, arrogant, close minded individual, that is completly incapable of pointing out your own faults and the faults of your preffered politcal party, and the news agencies that support them, because your to busy writing this crap.

Editor: Jeff, I am not beating my chest, but I did seek out the much touted "new schools" story idea and not one agency, no PAO's, in spite of requests, could ever hook me up with a school project.  I know they exist and do not mean to slight them at all, and I am Mr. Humanitarian Aid project when I am over there, showing U.S., British and Canadian armed forces doing good things for people in many parts of Afghanistan.  In Iraq it is not happening the way it was.  ISAF has their own thing going on in Afghanistan.  My stories were 98% positive and I have so damned many letters of thanks from families and soldiers and Marines that I can't keep them straight.  Plus, I constantly rally for veterans because I am one,.  We have exposed the TCE contamination at MCAS El Toro  andmany other things.  So don't tell me I'm writing crap because that is exactly what you are full of for saying so.  I write probably about ten times the number of stories that advocate for veterans than your talking heads at Fox.

Tiffany September 4, 2009 10:55 pm (Pacific time)

What will all you Democrats do if Glenn is right? You don't answer his questions, you just attack the questioner. Try answering the questions. You can't, that's the problem. We thank Glenn for revealing what no one else.

GetReal September 4, 2009 10:55 pm (Pacific time)

The petition is unity: What advertiser in their right mind would throw over Beck and his 3 million viewers in August 2009 for 13,628 who have currently signed your petition?

You allow Osatan to post his wishful dream - the death of Rush Limbaugh. Hypocrisy just crossed the line of sanity!

I think the boycott should be against Salem news and your advertisers for promoting violence and being a bias front for!

Editor: Osotan did not do what you suggested, read it again.  But Osotan is a Marine Vietnam War Combat Vet and he writes what he wants and we simply approve it.  That is what we think of him, as for you...  

JimmyC September 4, 2009 10:54 pm (Pacific time)

Editor: Yeah, they're really doing swell with 11 big time companies dropping their advertising. We are not jealous, we don't envy blood money.

Boo hoo...loser! As long as Fox has the top ratings I don't think advertising will be a problem. But you keep sipping your koolaid lefty. Last time I checked no one was watching the "Barry Media (BM)". Americans have caught on to the leftist drivel that spews out from state run media which is why they continue to hemorage viewers. Fox will again be the top ratings from 5PM to 10PM on cable news next month!!

Editor: Good one Jimmy, and I'm sure you'll be sitting there with the popcorn.  Have fun.  Just know at the end of the day that some of us in this life set out to honestly make the world a better place, and the rest of the population is more like you.

Big D September 4, 2009 10:26 pm (Pacific time)

The article was funny. The editor's responses are absolute knee slapping hilarious. No wonder the main stream media is dying, and Fox News is kicking their morbid butts. Libs are good for only one thing: Laughs.

Editor: Listen you little knee slapper, you made me laugh my ass off too.  See, things aren't so bad! 

"Morbid" is an interesting choice of words by the way for a warmongering member of the fascist right; I think Freud would find that to be fascinating.  Morbid is how I would describe my travels around that little Bush amusement park called Iraq.  Morbid is dead bodies in the street with flies buzzing on them.  Calling out the nation's broadcast bullies for fighting in unison against the nation's first black President, now that is another story, and it isn't morbid.  

Joe September 4, 2009 10:14 pm (Pacific time)

Editor; you allow a piece like this to get published and you get upset when the Americans call you Moonbats out? What about MSNBC? You have the Ed Show, Olberman, Mathews and Maddow who are ALL self avowed Liberals who's "Job it is to make Obama look good." - Chris Mathews. Give me a break.

Getreal September 4, 2009 10:14 pm (Pacific time)

Part 2: Funny, I don’t remember Katie Couric decrying such stirrings of anger, fear, and ignorance. She must have been too busy covering Cindy Sheehan. Talk radio fomenting hate? How about May 2004 when failed Air America hostess Randi Rhodes said of Bush: “Like Fredo [in The Godfather], somebody ought to take him out fishing and phuw!” [imitating the sound of a gunshot]” Or April 2005: “A spoiled child is telling us our Social Security isn’t safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us. Well, here’s your answer, you ungrateful whelp: [audio sound of four gunshots being fired.] Just try it, you little bastard. [audio of gun being cocked].” Huh, and liberals keep telling conservatives they just want serious honest debate on issues. Whodathunk? On more than one occasion has Bill Maher expressed he wished Dick Cheney were dead and lamented that an assassination attempt on him had failed. But remember, it’s conservative talk that’s hate radio. Now let’s talk about incidences of violence at town halls. So far, the lion’s share of physical violence has been against ObamaCare opponents by supporters. Among the most infamous instances is the attack against a wheelchair-bound black man Kenneth Gladney by Elston McGowan. Aside from being the Public Service Director of SEIU Local 2000, Elston is also a local Baptist minister. It also appears Mr.—oh, excuse me, Reverend—McGowan is seeking worker’s comp for injuries sustained while beating up Mr. Gladney. (He might have a case; McGowan was on the job!) And then the violence pièce de resistance of ObamaCare rallies and town halls: the bitten-off pinky. Very telling of the knee-jerk template in which liberals tend to reside, the L.A. Times “Top of the Ticket” blog got the biter and the bitee backward, incorrectly reporting that the biter was anti-ObamaCare and the victim a supporter. How’s that for adding insult to injury! So let’s recap: (1) Despite claims by liberal talkers and politicians that conservative/Republican opposition to ObamaCare has been characterized by violence, there is hardly any evidence corroborating these claims. On the contrary, most of the physical violence has been carried out by liberals. (2) Despite the myth perpetuated by the Left that conservative talk radio is fomenting death threats against President Obama, there is no evidence of this. By stark contrast, liberal talkers are consistently expressing wishes of death against conservative talkers and politicians opposing ObamaCare. And when George W. Bush was president, the Left on radio and at rallies nationwide openly desired and demanded his murder. Is there anger and passion from the anti-ObamaCare side? You bet your tuchas there is. And rightfully so. But using this passion as a springboard from which to launch the liberal myth of out-of-control right-wing murderous rage does not bear fruit. As a liberal friend recently reminded me, “Facts are stubborn things.” Administrative Approval? Fair and Balance? I doubt it! What a waste of time!

JimmyC September 4, 2009 10:01 pm (Pacific time)

Awww...what's the matter? You jealous of Fox with their sky-high ratings? Fox provides the truth that you knuckleheads in the "Barry Media(BM)" won't! Fox is running circles around the rest of the media providing the background to the public of this wacko radical and his clown of left-wing hacks in the WH. Last time I checked Fox had the top 7 prime time news shows on cable.

Editor: Yeah, they're really doing swell with 11 big time companies dropping their advertising.  We are not jealous, we don't envy blood money.

Jeff September 4, 2009 9:57 pm (Pacific time)

Bob, Please show me your article describing your outrage of MSNBC.... They've been pulling this crap for years. They call right wing protesters "tea baggers" but have nothing but nice things to say about code pink and and ACORN. Keith Oblerman had a nightly ritual of accusing Bush, cheney, etc of being racist. They have regularly given air time to 911 "truthers" who would call Bush an idiot out of one corner of their mouth while saying he orchestrated the most complex and deadly terrorist attack in US history in secret, out of the other corner. They laughed at the Wanda Sykes comment about dreaming of Limbaugh dying of a OD. And then just recently edited footage of a black man who was holding a assualt rifle at a town hall meeting so you couldn't see that he was black. Then yammered on about white racist and Obama's safety. So, let me direct your recent outrage at Fox towards years of MSNBC. Also, can you please direct us to the advertisers you would like us to boycott from MSNBC, since lies by ommission, half-truths, and sophmoric humor clearly draw your wrath?

Alex Wilson September 4, 2009 9:47 pm (Pacific time)

Bobby, Bobby, you young neo-Marxist.. You have CNN, PMSNBC, ABC, SeeBS, and NBC.
I think thou does't protest too much.
Long live FOX, Rush, Levin, and the great gang of conservatives that will keep you Marxist from taking our country.

Editor: Well Alex, if there was a shred of truth to your allegation then we would all be bowing to the east soon, but there is not.  Those other networks are lame also, but nothing like Fox.  And the thing is, they don't try to hide it at all.  Your heroes are shock jocks willing to do and say anything to generate ratings, plain and simple.  They don't speak the truth.  

Rick H. September 4, 2009 9:38 pm (Pacific time)

Quote: "Editor: Is that all you guys can ever do... drop right into the name calling stage? Fox News is a hate group..."

Who were you saying was "dropping into the name calling stage"?

Good God, what a moron.

Editor: "You are a stupid moron",  now, that is name calling.  To describe Fox as a hate group is simply a statement of fact.  It is really interesting by the way, this whole thing with all the white republicans freaking out in a nation run by a black President intent on helping the poor and underprivileged. I am an American, so therefore I care about all Americans, and I could absolutely less if the top tier of the rich have to carry a higher burden of taxation.  I am stoked that this nation had what it took to put Obama in office.  There is a small vocal element of Americans who simply don't know what to do, and that is how millions of us felt as Bush prepped the U.S. military for the invasion of Iraq.  We knew it was a horrible idea based in lies, but they did it anyway.  Then came all of the years of watching Bush set this country up for the biggest fall in history, which we seem to be possibly in already.  Name calling and all of that really means little, the most important thing is that Americans are taking matters into their own hands and doing things like this petition and it represents real change.  It is a majority rule situation, and most people in this nation are challenged economic front and they know Obama didn't have anything to do with it.  Our money went to Iraq, a war we are friggin' not winning if you haven't noticed, and it specifically went to Haliburton and all of the President's men you could say.  Cheney had plenty to do with it.  I can't believe anyone ever supported those morons.  

Richard September 4, 2009 9:35 pm (Pacific time)

Thank God that we have at least one news organization who has seen through the Obama charade to communize this nation.

amused September 4, 2009 9:32 pm (Pacific time)

Why is Fox News dramatically gaining new viewers while the other cable channels and network news shows are losing share? Your are defending a lie. The facts are stubborn things.

Editor: Did you read the story?  The actions of your little heroes are causing the advertisers to drop like flies.  Moreover, I used to work for Fox in Las Vegas and I had to deal directly with the network from time to time.  I also worked for the ABC in Portland, Oregon where Bill O'Reilly used to work.  He came years before me, he is obviously pretty damned old, but his legacy is having always photocopied his check and left the copy there for the people in the newsroom to see.  It was more impotant for O'Reilly at KATU to brag and prove he made more, than it was to have personal friends.  Funny he is who he is now, the exact same guy.  But you can worship your idols if you want to, don't let us interrupt.

Joe September 4, 2009 9:31 pm (Pacific time)

Fox rocks!

mel September 4, 2009 7:36 pm (Pacific time)

Interesting that this past month has seen a black man beaten at a town hall, an older man have his finger bitten off, and a talk show host ask a congresswoman to slit her throat. All perpetrated from the left towards conservatives. Actions speak louder than words.

VOCs is an idiot September 4, 2009 6:49 pm (Pacific time)

Editor, are you VOCs, the half wit bozo that charades all over internet boards? Funny, you have the same buzzwords, rant, and contrived self-rightous indignation. So you hide out here? Calling FOX a hate group is evidence that your not too far from the Oregon State Hospital.

Editor: We are the team from, veterans, war reporters, former members of the U.S. military teamed with people who are teachers and doctors and attorneys and authors and community activists of all kinds.  We have this unique philosophy that Fox News somehow missed; we tell the truth.  Also, we are not extremely well funded and slaves to no companies that do not support our unique approach.  This particular article was written by a stated author who is not a regular part of our team, but nonetheless a welcome guest.  

Anonymous September 4, 2009 6:32 pm (Pacific time)

One who laughs last, laughs best. Pretty obvious who that is...hahaha

Ben September 4, 2009 1:00 pm (Pacific time)

I actually do pay income taxes and always have to pay more in taxes every April 15. I do it gladly, but sometimes I have expenses that preclude me from hiring out services that I know some businesses count on. As I'm sure most know, the vast majority of Americans pay no income taxes, and either get a refund or a tax credit. Concerning ACORN, well 15 states have ongoing criminal procedures, and there have been many convictions for voter fraud and criminal conspiracies. Where it will all end is anyones guess, but voter fraud is serious business and we need legal penalties with real teeth, like minimum sentences of at least ten years. I have read that some advertisers who asked to not have their adds shown on certain FOX programs were accomodated, but that the networks revenue has been going up monthly ever since they went on the air. Bottom line is that they have the largest audiences. Have you heard about the boycott of "Whole Foods" (bigtime stores back east and in Texas) because the CEO stated that healthcare was not intrinsic to the Constitution? His employees have the cadilac of private insurance because of the company's policy of paying more for those who take care of themselves, but all are covered. Anyway a reverse boycott has taken place called a "buycott" that in fact has given the company record profits, which means more money for the employees because of profit-sharing. The boycott failed, even with bussed in union picketers. So I expect something similar to happen at all corporations that offer a superior product/service than their competitors. We have these pretty good lives here in America, even the poor are better off than most in Europe, and of course the rest of the world. It is the free market that gave us these good lives. I pray daily that we can all get some harmony going, but maybe that's what makes us what we are, that is, constantly debating for changes that actually advance us all. We would wither and die as a nation if one party became de facto omnipresent.

Ben September 4, 2009 12:31 pm (Pacific time)

"The truth is that only a small and frustrated aspect of the American population even watches that channel. Fox does not tell the truth, for that we should all be angry." So why bother worrying about this network that has such a small irrelevant audience? I dare say that we are a highly divided nation but there is a pronounced trend developing. My concern with President Obama was he ran as a moderate, even though he was essentially the most left liberal in the senate. He is governing as a far left liberal, so he is losing many of those who voted for him. We overlooked his relationships with Jerimiah Wright, Rezoco(sp?), Ayers, Dorn and many more. Then he has had all these problems getting people vetted. The FOX network led with these stories which eventually compelled the other networks to follow. You see people on all sides of the issue on FOX and that is their appeal to people who want to hear all sides. Currently you have a Czar named Van Jones who would make Jerimiah Wright look like a klansman, and even far left Bob Beckel is demanding his firing, so expect that Jones will implicate many other Czars in anti-American behaviors before he resigns in the next few hours as per my sources, plus the lack of the whitehouse vetting these personnel. What could be worse is that they actually knew about Van Jones, but still hired him. If that is true and proven (that is what Glen Beck has done by the way), expect some fireworks. It is true thousands go to these tea parties, but remember most conservatives are out there working, but they are part of the "likely voter" database that all the political parties are appraising. Bottom line our politicans should be listening to their bosses, not the other way around. I personally tape all the cable channels and to actually view events and see the different interpretatons by the different networks makes it clear to me why some networks do better than others. The American people are sharp and smart, so the days of pulling the wool over their eyes is over, except for those ideologues who will never alter their opinions no matter the facts coming in to them. Maybe someday when our domestic survival is at hand, they will realize that we on the right care about them and want all Americans to have the best possible lives that they can. Many of us have highly polarizing viewpoints, and for some that is just too much for them to handle. One has lost the debate when ridicule is all you can offer, for no one will have their opinions altered with that attitude.

Editor: You guys didn't "overlook" anything as I recall, the whole Ayers/Wright/Acorn thing went on and on and on and stil does.  It is interesting that a simple petition can lead to 11 big name advertisers dropping Fox News.  There are limitations and this is the "network" that pushes those limitations.  Wealthy Americans are worried because they are losing their Bush-years tax break and suddenly have to pay their fair share like they used to, before the Neocons started using their governor/brothers to help score the Presidential win.

Daniel September 4, 2009 12:25 pm (Pacific time)

Several months ago I wrote in a post , " the mainstream media is not about dividing the races it about making money ". Let me add unless like fox you can make money from doing such .

Daniel September 4, 2009 11:47 am (Pacific time)

Donna Bush was given a blank cheque after 911 to the New Orleans disaster by all the major media . The liberal New york Times , pbs and the mainstream pushed his agenda . Back than million person marches against the president were underplayed , today 1000 persons protest against The President are BIG news ! Bogus wmd cooked data went unquestioned by the press that send thousands to their death . It took the total mishandling of the flood in N.O. the two wars and the finical meltdown before the mainstream started dumping on Bush . Even than fox was still the bush cheerleader like they were at a youth bund rally . From before President Obamas election to today the fox machine has been working overtime to undermined him and the democrats . Why anyone would listen to Beck an undereducated recovering alcoholic , who uses more make up than Louie the 13th of France , is beyond me . I guess he reminds them of themselves . Scott if you want more examples just watch fox for a day , if you dont get it you never will .

Donna September 4, 2009 10:03 am (Pacific time)

And the other network news didn't do the same during President Bushes Presidency??!! The protesters during his term was violent and breaking laws back then. Apples and oranges my freinds.

SnowMan 195 September 4, 2009 6:48 am (Pacific time)

Bob Fertik is a liberal moron, who has little knowledge of FOX News. FOX news is the ONLY news channel that gives truthful facts from both sides of the political spectrum, unlike the highly liberal NBC and their ilk.

Editor: Is that all you guys can ever do... drop right into the name calling stage?  Fox News is a hate group and it is 100% behind big business and portraying the poor American as something less.  The truth is that only a small and frustrated aspect of the American population even watches that channel.  Fox does not tell the truth, for that we should all be angry.

Scott September 4, 2009 6:42 am (Pacific time)

75% of your examples come from one individual... any other examples?

Osotan; September 4, 2009 5:52 am (Pacific time)

and the signature on the fake perscription was bill o'reilly! What a dream!.,then while reporting their on the hour swill, Fox'stheir entire studio collapses on itself in front of God and all their stockholders due to the foundation imploding from mounds of stories in the basement that were found to be without substance. No wonder I was grinning all day! I might have been arrested for an illegal smile! Check out al for a bit of less baised news.

Osotan; September 4, 2009 4:01 am (Pacific time)

I woke up this morning after the most amazing dream.,rush limbaugh o.d.'d from oxycotin off a phony perscription! My face hurt from smiling so much!Have a fine day!

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