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Sep-01-2007 05:54printcommentsVideo

Who is Dana Perino? (VIDEO)

Dana Perino will assume the post of White House Press Secretary next month, but does she have enough experience?

Dana Perino
Dana Perino
Photo courtesy: The White House

(SALEM, Ore.) - The new White House Press Secretary, 34-year old Dana Perino, will take over the post after Tony Snow Steps down on September 14th.

As the Deputy Press Secretary, she took over for a brief period a few months ago while Snow was treated for colon cancer, and now she's coming back as the new official spokesperson for President George W. Bush.

Blogs and other publications see Perino as both intelligent and sexy, and she is. But many questions remain, and it is too soon to tell at this point if her appearance and calm demeanor are what the administration needs as it battles to save face with a nation.

Perino was born in Evanston, Wyoming and grew up in Denver, Colorado. She attended Ponderosa High School in Parker, Colorado, a suburb of Denver.

She graduated from the University of Southern Colorado in 1994 with a bachelor's degree in mass communications and a minor in both political science and Spanish, and attended graduate school at the University of Illinois at Springfield.

After that, she obtained her masters at UIS in Public Affairs Reporting while also working as a daily reporter covering the Illinois Capitol for WCIA-TV, the Champaign, Illinois CBS affiliate in the nation's 82nd DMA or "market."

Perino was active on the university debate team and with KTSC-TV, the campus-based PBS affiliate station.

So, with one paying TV job and a PBS gig under her belt, this former reporter is set to become the official spokesperson for the United States President.

It may have been a good time to bring in a person with experience, but that does not always seem to be a priority with the Bush Administration. The president is famous for giving jobs to his friends, but he doesn't always match people up with their skills, so to speak.

One example people in the southern Gulf states may particularly recall, is Bush's outgoing FEMA Director, Michael Brown. Before joining FEMA, Brown was the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association.

So while it may not be overly surprising, it is still a curious strategy that a spokesperson with a background in medium-market TV news was selected to represent the U.S. President.

First impressions are not always lasting, and that surely works in the favor of Perino. Her first attempts at filling in for Tony Snow were clearly uncomfortable moments. In all fairness, that is a huge pair of shoes to fill.

When Snow stepped down temporarily and handed her the keys to the podium on March 27th, she was worried and tense. After revealing that Snow's surgery had just uncovered cancer on his liver and beyond, she broke down in tears.

But she did better after that, showing control in her delivery. Others say that her lack of experience as a news reporter makes her come across as less polished, and more genuine. Her blueish-green eyes and blond hair convey a pleasant quality, but only time will tell if she answers questions fully and pays attention to what those questions actually are.

In the first video below we hear Helen Thomas ask questions of Perino and she does her best to answer them. That certainly seems like progress for the post once held by the angry and defiant Scott McClellan. His anger and question deflection skills are so far, unparalleled.

Amid speculation that the White Press Corps is going to "eat her alive," others say she will just be the latest in line to filter questions and deflect attempts to answer the ones that would cast the administration in a harsh light.

At five foot, one inch, it seems inevitable that Dana Perino is going to have her hands full, representing a highly controversial president in the final year of his term.

Here is a short clip of Dana Perino taking questions from the White House Press Corps:


Here is a Dana Perino White House Press Conference from April 10th, 2007:

Here is a Dana Perino White House Press Conference from April 11th, 2007:

Here is a Dana Perino White House Press Conference from April 12th, 2007:

Video clips courtesy of the White House, Google and YouTube.

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moby doug August 6, 2010 12:52 am (Pacific time)

Appointing Perino as the Press Secretary was like putting lipstick on a pachyderm, a very large smelly pachyderm which helped cause the great Wall Street swindle of Fall 2008, which looked the other way while New Orleans drowned, which lied us into a one trillion dollar debacle in Iraq, which awarded 3 trillion dollar taxcuts to the rich while the nation drowned in debt, etc. etc. No matter how well Perino applies her make up, she was not going to make us forget that pachyderm. But she DID get a job on Fox after the Bush Era sank.

Camdensnana July 21, 2010 9:12 am (Pacific time)

"The president is famous for giving jobs to his friends, but he doesn't always match people up with their skills, so to speak." Now what do you think the current president is doing?

Henry Ruark September 6, 2007 6:06 am (Pacific time)

Tom: Yr belief in long-gone jrnlstic impartiality, just noted, leads me to suggest you seek out any or all of the books ISBN'd here. That's myth used as tool to build such proven-perverted media tools as Murdoch has produced at Fox News. Check out professional references, then "see with own eyes", on basis of critical, authoritative information from within the profession itself.

Henry Ruark September 5, 2007 11:29 am (Pacific time)

Cynic et al: For same personal-remake stories, see: UP FROM CONSERVATISM: Why The Right Is Wrong for America; Michael Lind: IBSN 0-684-83186-4; and BIG LIES: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth; Joe Conason; ISBN 0-312-31561-9 Nothing like "seeing with own eyes", evaluating with own brain !!

Henry Ruark September 5, 2007 7:29 am (Pacific time)

Cynic et al: Forgot book citation: REPUBLICAN NOISE MACHINE: Right-wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy; Brock: ISBN 0-307-23689-7. Whole book.One of best since Brock was "there, done that" as then top editor for leading neocon media channels.

Henry Ruark September 4, 2007 4:22 pm (Pacific time)

Cynic et al: Your insights "right on" again' it's wellknown top news figures refused assignment. Re book, common practice in GOP "Noise Machine" is corporate purchase and free distribution, so arranged as to pervert "best seller" system and win wide review no matter how distorted. Why not ? Corporation money available, hacks write book, agencies, stores make large profits --and unsuspecting public buys the stuff, based on paid-for "reviews"--and often shameless touting by mass talk-radio, also paid off via corporate funds.

Cynic September 4, 2007 9:29 am (Pacific time)

Perhaps Bush didn't have many to choose from when selecting who would speak for him. If I were a professional "spokesman," I wouldn't work for Bush or Cheney for fear I would lose my sense of truth and reality and become part of a criminal administration. This young woman is either very naive or she has her own agenda...sort of like Condee. She can always write a book.

Douglas W. Reynolds, Jr. September 3, 2007 12:48 pm (Pacific time)

Love your headline question--how much "experience" do you need to be the mouthpiece for a marginally literate intellectual vacuum? The press seems--not for the first time--to have fallen in love with its own competence!

Tom September 3, 2007 1:53 am (Pacific time)

What a cutie patootie

Henry Ruark September 2, 2007 7:53 pm (Pacific time)

Cynic et al: You clarify my point beautifully...those are the understandings to which I alluded. Most of the rest you so nicely illuminate is the spin and the intentional confusion it generates. Tell yr mother she has reason to be proud of you ! AND tell those muntebanks we know what they really are. SO let's get about applying that Constitutonal remedy the Founders built in for us so carefully and conscientiously.

Cynic September 2, 2007 6:48 pm (Pacific time)

To expect my old mother and the average American to study and comprehend the actions of our corporate and government leaders is a tall task indeed. The first problem would be that of finding a source of information one might trust. In his autobiography, Bill Clinton said something like, There is no way that the average American can keep up and understand all the political wrangling, for they are too busy trying to make a living and tending to their own lives. And it is not a simple matter of intellectual choice. Most wealthy people support Republicans because of their tax policies. Others because of their religious beliefs. Many couldn't care less about the complicated political battles being waged all over the world. If our so-called "democratic" government was working properly, Americans would not have to worry every day about their welfare or security or what new danger might originate from the highest levels of government. Anyhow, suppose Americans were all real smart and really understood the policies and actions of our government. What difference would it make? Both parties are owned and controlled by corporations and rich people. The Democrats have controlled our congress for the past eight months. What have they done for us? Why hasn't Bush been impeached? What have they done to make American a better place to live? They are helpless and must serve their masters.

Henry Ruark September 2, 2007 1:33 pm (Pacific time)

Cynic et al: Agee with your insightful points, but must add that there is simply no excuse for anyone --even your mother !!-- to be unaware of consequences to the nation by the actions of these mountebanks, spouting ill-fitting, out-dated 19th Century political perversions, based on racial, economic and cultural differentials, thus allowing many hateful actions. "Those who corrupt the public mind are just as evil as those who steal from the public purse." ...Adlai Stevenson - 1952

Frank B September 2, 2007 7:55 am (Pacific time)

So how old, tall, smart or sexy do you have to be to be the FACE of the LIES?

Cynic September 2, 2007 7:40 am (Pacific time)

It's probably a lot easier being a spokesman when one is dealing with facts and truth. I can't recall either ever coming from the Bush Administration. With the lost emails, no one will be able to provide an acceptable explanation, because what was going on was illegal--Bush people using external email systems. And how about Karl Roves hundreds of thousands of emails he says he somehow lost. Trying to stand up and explain this mess to reporters in a coherent and honest manner is impossible. To work for Bush and Cheney requires first that one is an actor and is comfortable reciting prepared lines with no connection to reality, and who is comfortable working in a den of liars. I cannot think of one comment from Cheney or Bush that wasn't based upon lies. Someone would only do this job for prestige and as a stepping stone in their career. When she stutters and stammers and gets confused, it is because she is not comfortable with lies, like Gonzales and all the others. See this as a sign of hope for this young woman. Karl Rove is the professional actor. He can do photo ops attending church and speak at church functions and then spend all day and night dreaming up new lies for his boss to present to the American people. Don't we wonder why George Bush can't utter a clear sentence? Same problem as his new spokesman--he is always dealing with lies and that last remaining bit of decency keeps interferring. The only man who is not bothered by his lies is Dick Cheney. He is a born liar and I would like to say he can do it with a straight face, but that is his one failing. That face just refuses to cooperate and when he lies it becomes all contorted. I'll allow for the fact that this young woman probably isn't aware of the fact that she works for an evil man, and the depth of his criminal activities. After all, he was elected by the American people and he is our president. If we want to lay blame, let's lay it upon the Americans who are unaware of what is going on and who so easily fell, and continue to fall, for the Republican leaderships BS. Like my old mother who feels that Bush is a good man because he is protecting us from terrorists.

Neal Feldman September 2, 2007 1:40 am (Pacific time)

According to Tony Snow the pay sucks lol. And Ive seen her stammer and ummm and heh and haw through conferences. She may be cute but I think she is out of her depth. Par for the course with this administration. Ah well...

Julie September 1, 2007 11:31 pm (Pacific time)

She's fine. She's a smart girl, she knows what she's getting into. But she does have the worst job in the industry, and it'll probably tarnish her career if not make it completely obsolete when this is all over. They found someone to be a scapegoat for anything that needs to be misrepresented, and they're offering her up. They can blame it on the cute blonde, regardless of her high achievements "before". It doesn't matter how experienced she is, she's just another bumbling sheep with a mouthpiece. Hope she makes a lot of dough!

Neal Feldman September 1, 2007 9:18 pm (Pacific time)

Donald Duck could hardly make less sense than what comes out of this administration. Ah well...

Cynic September 1, 2007 7:56 pm (Pacific time)

When it comes to speaking for George Bush, what difference does the press secretary's qualifications make? What has he ever done or said that would require a distinguished spokesman to speak for him? Donald Duck could be his spokesman and do just fine.

Henry Ruark September 1, 2007 5:17 pm (Pacific time)

Neal et al: Survival and career couple to provide strong motivation for some few with word-power talent and little conscience and/or real professional principle. "Been there" and know some few. Most in jrnlsm (and in politics, too, believe it or not !) operate on much higher ground, but dollars and deep needs can drive some that far down, anytime... Then there's deeper question of employers in power able to make "opportunity" (!) "seductive situation" for opportunity if that helps...

Neal Feldman September 1, 2007 4:11 pm (Pacific time)

I don't know... 34 is around what age you can run for president... surely it is old enough to be the mouthpiece for one. I think it is less age than character. How anyone with an ounce of character, honor or shame could get up in front of folks and with a straight face speak the party line of this corrupt and vile failed administration is quite honestly beyond me, and there is very little that is beyond me. Ah well...

Anne September 1, 2007 4:06 pm (Pacific time)

If you want us to consider whether or not she's experienced enough for the position, be honest about the way you characterize it. "So, with one paying TV job and a PBS gig under her belt, this former reporter is set to become the official spokesperson for the United States President." Did the four years she spent as press secretary to Rep. Dan Schaefer who then chaired a House Commerce subcommittee on Energy and Power, which you failed to mention, suddenly become irrelevant? Her height, which you did mention, certainly is...

Steve S. September 1, 2007 3:39 pm (Pacific time)

Mr.King...I think Dana should remain as an assistant..34 is too young for this position...SS

Neal Feldman September 1, 2007 2:26 pm (Pacific time)

Henry - True these is something about having to type out that litany that leaves one's fingers feeling a bit tainted by the subject matter. But one does what must be done. Wipes! LOL. Ah well...

Henry Ruark September 1, 2007 2:18 pm (Pacific time)

Neal F: Be sure to wash hands after that rousing summary of what we all know now as "deep voo-doo", latest reading of remark by Bush I BEFORE he was VP-possibility with "Morning In America" actor-Reagan.

Neal Feldman September 1, 2007 1:22 pm (Pacific time)

Nothing much needs to be said to anyone claiming this administration 'has done nothing to be ashamed of'. From the abominable practice of putting industry insiders into the agencies that watchdog those agencies which has radically decreased food safety and many other crimes against the people of this nation (including taking the largest surplusses in history and turning them into the largest deficits in history by lying their way to War and paying off their rich benefactors with obscene tax cuts for the rich while the poor and especially the middle class get strangled... oh I could be here all year listing what this administration has to be ashamed of. Let us not forget torture as acceptable policy, abandoning the Geneva conventions, illegal wiretapping against US citizens... like I said the list is nearly endless as more and more offenses are committed by the regime of Emperor Shrub every minute of every day it would seem. Nothing to be ashamed of. I guess this is a statement from someone without a concept of shame. Ah well...

Henry Ruark September 1, 2007 10:50 am (Pacific time)

Anon: Suggest you try to buy it locally...might help "free trade" emphasis by neo-cons.

Anonymous September 1, 2007 10:29 am (Pacific time)

she is hot!!!

Henry Ruark September 1, 2007 10:18 am (Pacific time)

Typical conservative defense proven insensitive, unfeeling, in error since many true conservative leaders now join in precisely same charges vs Bush regime...White House tradition untouched, it is only occupant under siege.

Randall Holland September 1, 2007 9:43 am (Pacific time)

Typical liberal comments and judgements. Everything in, for or about the White House is automatically bad.

Henry Ruark September 1, 2007 8:17 am (Pacific time)

Thanks for "see with own eyes" video re basic-beginner now "interpreting news" for Bush press/media group far outranking her in both experience and understandings. Notable that it is known a whole group of media toppers turned down the post, some citing precisely the "spin it" requirement mentioned in mine at Snow-story. Wish her best, since also started in D.C. as "spinner" for national association --we won NDEA, first fed/dollars for special support of math, science, f-lang., by "telling it true". Congress believed factual, rational, reasonable approach --then. Today corporate dollars DO rule; which is why Bush IS "battling to save face."

Tom September 1, 2007 6:57 am (Pacific time)

Your story said:'But many questions remain, and it is too soon to tell at this point if her appearance and calm demeanor are what the administration needs as it battles to save face with a nation'. Bush doesn't need to save face. Bush has done nothing to be ashamed of. Salem-News,however should be ashamed for claiming Bush needs to save face when the statement is untrue. Salem-News should be ashamed for abandoning journalistic impartiality.

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