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Oct-29-2008 14:29printcomments

Op Ed: Real Outrage
Shapes Election
On Basic Issues

Wit, wisdom, will of real people determines future.

women placing ballot in ballot box
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(EUGENE, Ore.) - Once again that saving grace still remaining as major remnant in our once-potent democratic republic --the free,, open, unfettered, unmanipulated VOTE-- will shape and succor our nation. Or fail to do so.

Outrage and wrathful motivation is clearly driving new millions to flex and firm up that basic rational, reasonable --and essentially democratic-- right.

Youth, minorities, and every other citizen group are setting new records for registration, driven by common concern for realities.

They will soon seek --even wrathfully demand-- our return to Constitutional guides they have now, again, come to treasure, trust, and know must shape and guide our continuing democratic republic.

Thus it is the wit, wisdom, and indomitable will of our people which will guarantee concerned mutual action to decide this controversial and very clearly transitional Presidential election.

The unavoidable, inevitable, crushing concerns for worldwide business-enabling credit --clearly reflecting mutual trust in every transaction and for every transactor-- make entirely clear where from cometh that blasting outrage --now sure to continue.

The realities thus felt are about to sweep away both the neocon perpetrators and their candidate for --inevitably and unavoidably-- more of the same.

Warrior-life, attitude, even distressing capture-and-torture, however well they prove up “Country First”, still do not constitute Presidential characteristics now demanded in a world-shaping transitional choice for us.

Again, that right-to-vote becomes the reason for citizen share in shaping mutual surrounding situations freeing up our mutual pursuit of happiness --whatever that may be given equality of opportunity under law.

Ironically for many, is the fact is that this great renewed opportunity for democratic decision comes with a candidate first and foremost demonstrating that very foundation for our treasured democracy.

With millions newly-registered comes the adamant determination to make sure their first-time votes are truly and transparently --and honestly-- counted, then recorded, clearly transmitting the impact of great change throughout our governing system.

No politician, no perverting perpetrator, no paid-for ward-heeling vote-shifter or the distorting results, can be tolerated this time.

No over-simplified appeal to false patriotism for a wounded, worn-out and. now, false-fronted warrior can stand in the way of rational, reasonable change-process for the 21st Century.

How ironic that is, given the neocon-conceived and bloodily pursued Iraq War, rooted in the notorious Project for A New American Century!

PNAC was conceived, concerted, signed, sealed, and delivered; and continued from Reagan years through Bush II days by the same group now pushing forth John McCain for more of the same.

That’s an erroneously-powerful, once-potent distortion and perversion of what the American people have always stood for, ever since 1776. PNAC is at once cause and chief concern-now, guiding our final choice and giving solid foundation and strength to the true outrage we all should now feel.

Neither can conscious --or “unconscious” and thus denied-- racial prejudice be allowed to overcome true and now-demanded common-sense concern for full self-interest, family future AND our national forward steps.

Means must be mounted and then employed to end forever what we know full well was allowed to happen before. We can and must learn from the recent past. We’ve already paid the preposterous price for that preposterous set of choices, neocon-forced and going far beyond PNAC, into the very vitals of our economy.

We are aware, determined and thoroughly vigilant not again to be so manipulated by anyone, under any covering, concealing guise of party-loyalty/driven “management”.

Apathy, indifference, misinformation and other mad manipulations of honest democratic process must be met with the true outrage --and realistic retribution--they so truly deserve. The vote itself is the very weapon we need.

For anyone nurtured and matured on our mutual democratic traditions --and familiar with the meaningful impact of our Constitution and Bill of Rights-- the act of choice-for-vote itself, this time, represents the strongest of tools.

Perhaps that choice has now become not only the best, but the ONLY way to make sure those essential American-style rights are still operative.

The essential right to vote --foundation of representative democracy-- is still potent, still possibly the most important action we can ever undertake as citizen and American.

For this great historic transition from manipulation back towards truly representative action by elective choices pledged --and, this time, held firmly-- to dialog, pointed discussion, and then decisive action For The Commonweal, what momentum we apply, this time, may make the crucial difference.

Mandates from the people are still the most powerful and persuasive of motivations, for any political process, anywhere in the world. When disregarded, history shows new revolution soon follows; we may find ourselves in that surely-transitional situation right here in our own nation --and very soon, too.

What we do --or fail to do-- in Election 2008 may well go down in history as the New Beginning for a true, meaningful, massive and momentous American Century.

SO “ make your mark” --on your ballot, that is.

Make sure YOU vote. Make sure you follow up as needed in your state, to demand clear, clean, Constitutional handling of YOUR VOTE.

That historic mark assures your own recognition and responsibility for what American citizens MUST DO, now and in all the future opportunities, too.

We can shape and direct and drive our own futures and those of our family, friends and firms. All it takes is that ballot --and renewed American determination.

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Godsofchaos November 5, 2008 11:59 am (Pacific time)

Henry Ruark why do you think socailism is what our founders wanted?? I know you like the democarts but to cliam that our founding fathers were liberal is flasifing your idelology...Lets see democrats want to take my guns away...cry seperation of church and state (even though their is no such pharse in the consitution), want a socilistic utopia even though Karl Marx wasn't born yet...Obama wants to CHANGE America not return it to its former self.

Henry Ruark November 5, 2008 8:25 am (Pacific time)

To all: Nov. 5 morning daily headline in Register-Guard, Eugene, says it all beautifully --in large front page banner: "Oh !! Bama". Rage was out there, clearly shown in landslide vote, and now motivating possible and highly probable positive changes never, ever achievable with "moreofsame"...which is where we started here in S-N months ago. "So ?" has become guttural response from Cheney-departing whenever radical, racial neocon nonsense was imposed. SO we can nail down what we must now do simply by saying to all concerned re next steps demand" "SO !" --we knew that to start with, taught by 40 years of GOP deterioration and distraction leading to our now disheveled and deeply damaged democracy, ready for real rebuilding per Founders principles-returned.

Vic November 4, 2008 3:36 pm (Pacific time)

I agree totally with Sallie and sts..Sallie on her point that there is no real Democracy if we dont even know if the votes are being counted correctly, and sts on the fact that we are only led to believe that we have a say in things.The powers that be arent going to let something like democracy derail their plans. If McCain "wins" this election, I will firmly believe that it was due to fraud and vote tampering.

Henry Ruark November 4, 2008 7:39 am (Pacific time)

Sallie: Surely agree we need to "make our mark" on laws for voting reform as well as on ballot. BUT don't let current control campaign put you off re the effectiveness of electronics rightly applied. IF we can bomb Syria via real remote control with unmanned aircraft, shifted dollars can provide necessity for solid further advance for our own democracy. While at it, might also rebut Supremes purchased precedent setting up corporations as if alive, for politicalspeech right via overwhelming "campaign contributions." It is historical fact this was manipulated over decades by business interests.

Sallie November 3, 2008 6:27 pm (Pacific time)

Unfortunately, in states where paperless electronic voting machines are used, there is a danger that some votes will not be counted or flipped to the opposition. This could ultimately change the outcome of an election. How many times has this scenario already happened? Until all of these machines are destroyed and replaced with a paper ballot, our voting process and democracy are at risk.

Henry Ruark November 2, 2008 7:49 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Please distinguish readers from respondents mentioned in last. Three kinds of readers, too: Thinking-Involved; Interested-Learning: and then WDs-Woefully Deprived, unmotivated, unexploring, uninformed, and often uneducated...allawhich is why they WDs. Challenge of open, honest, democratic dialog channel like S-N is felt by all, with same opportunity to learn for all, and from all, too. All it takes is good faith, and civil attitude towards others.

Henry Ruark November 2, 2008 9:57 am (Pacific time)

To all: Longtime reporter/edit role, plus consultant-decade, taught me there are only three kinds of respondent: UN-informed, Mis-informed; and malign, with heavy emphasis on what they conceive as task assigned them by their God to make sure everybody else conforms --or else ! So, also long ago, have learned strong lesson in how to nullify and negate all such religious-driven pandering, always also accompanying obvious prejudices including racism, which today also motivates and moves much of the assorted bunk-and-gunk open channels always receive. Which is why S-N emphasizes "see with own eyes" and then "evaluate with own mind" for strong reliable and factual source information. Thank you all for your thoughtful, ethical, informative and good faith reliance on dialog opportunity made available here on the simplest of understandings.

Henry Ruark November 1, 2008 1:18 pm (Pacific time)

sts et al; Appreciate your thoughtful and civil assessment, but must disagree that elite, even in this media-prounced distorted situation, can control and force choice. Ron Paul view deeply dependent on his personal worldview, which in turn is limited by his deepfelt political leanings. So hang uin there, don;t give up on our democracy yet, and we'll see which way the world turns, very soon...

Henry Ruark November 1, 2008 9:23 am (Pacific time)

To all: This is specific link to socialist-shred report: "See also" first Comment with Hertzberg detail from NYORKER.

Henry Ruark November 1, 2008 9:19 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" link to put socialism-shreds charge into reality perspective: "Charges of socialism are especially discordant coming from the McCain campaign. The top marginal income tax rate held steady at 50 percent for five years under McCain's hero, Ronald Reagan. His other hero, Teddy Roosevelt, was a fierce and early booster for federal income and estate taxes. And Sarah Palin? It wouldn't be all that surprising to see her turn up at a commemoration of this year's 70th anniversary of the Fourth International. As Hendrik Hertzberg noted in one of many recent New Yorker pieces debunking the newest GOP attack line, the redistributive principle is practiced with particular gusto in Palin's Alaska, where the governor spreads the oil wealth like creamy butter around the state's absorbent white bread. "One of the reasons Palin has been a popular governor," notes Hertzberg, "is that she added an extra $1,200 to this year's (government) check, bringing the per-person total to $3,269." Earlier this summer, Palin boasted to journalist Philip Gourevitch, "Alaskans collectively own the resources. We share in the wealth." (Excerpt:

sts November 1, 2008 4:16 am (Pacific time)

I agree with Janet. Also, I believe the elite pretty much set up who is going to be president. They only make you "think" you have a choice. This link of Dr. Ron Paul, Congressman, will verify, that we do not have a choice. We only get who the elite allow. And they only allow the one who will follow the status qou of the new world order. Joe Biden, Madelyn Albright, Colin Powell, among one or two others have confirmed something more drastic than who will be president. An international crisis within months. I believe this international crisis will be a great war. Its the only way out of this financial tsunami. The elite have been propping up the stock market, and keeping the price of gold down, but they cant do it much longer. Watch and see. Here is the video of Ron Paul speaking about the election.

Janet October 31, 2008 1:12 pm (Pacific time)

I think the whole Socialism argument has gotten out of control because people simply do not want the government to control anything else. They have proved to be completely incapable at almost every level. Government no longer functions for the sake of the people in this country no matter who wins this election.

Henry Ruark October 31, 2008 8:17 am (Pacific time)

To all: "An idiot wind" doth surely blow in these last days of a transtional election like no other in our history. Latest character-smear comes from McC. and P. re scholar Khalidi who is outspoken re Middle East relations. Here's "see with own eyes" excerpt from WPost Edit: "We did ask Mr. Khalidi whether he wanted to respond to the campaign charges against him. He answered, via e-mail, that "I will stick to my policy of letting this idiot wind blow over." That's good advice for anyone still listening to the McCain campaign's increasingly reckless ad hominem attacks. Sadly, that wind is likely to keep blowing for four more days." -------------- 10/31.

Henry Ruark October 30, 2008 7:40 pm (Pacific time)

H.N.: You wrote:"Biden will probably finish out Obama's term for obvious reasons." Any reasonably informed person of good will is going to know precisely what yoy mean by that carefully-coded, surely inflammatory and demeaning statement. SO I'm undertaking to call it to the attention of the S-N management, for consideration of referral to U.S. authorities, who you should realize are now on very high priority alert for precisely such situations. At S-N we do not permit, nor will we countenance, any such coded language, already made that much more dangerous for all of us by the demeaning use of some similar by the McCain campaign. IF you wish, you may deny unequivocally you had any such intention, for immediate report here; meanwhile this stands as flat-out editorial reading of your language for its impossible-to-miss implication.

Henry Ruark October 30, 2008 7:01 pm (Pacific time)

Nickel-Dreams: Most informed persons understand that some actions in every governance scheme can be termed "of socialistic nature". I.E. Social Security and the Post Office, far separarated in historic time, both fall into that now-meaningless category. Re your opinionated Comment, you are stuck with it, sir; and with what it tells us of you, your attitudes, and your political feelings. Welcome to Never-Never Land, and enjoy Nov. 4 !

Harold Nickels October 30, 2008 6:04 pm (Pacific time)

It appears that for some people taking current facts as seen in the media on a daily level has them scambling back years to the Keating scandel that was about 5 senators, and 4 were democrats. My concern is how Ohio government employees are using the "peoples" property to smear a civilian who simply asked Obama a question regarding his tax policy. This policy is of a socialistic nature and I doubt any of Obama's far left/radical policies will ever get out of congress. In fact if Obama wins I doubt he will really get much passed no matter what. In the end politicans want to keep power, and there will be enough democrats that will join with republicans to stop him. In 2010, I expect that like in 1994 the republicans will be back in charged of congress and Obama will accomodate them just like Clinton did, and America will be beter off for that capitulation. I say whether you are a conservative or a moderate, America is center right and the radicals will not be able to harm us much. Any judges Obama relaces will simply be of similar ideology that currently exists. My concern is the military and the Justice Department, he may find himself getting impeached, which if he starts pardoning felons willy nilly, that will happen. The military will essentially not provide him with highly secure intel, no matter what. Biden will probably finish out Obama's term for obvious reasons.

Henry Ruark October 30, 2008 2:04 pm (Pacific time)

P.A.: You wrote:"...McCain was totally vindicated." IF you can prove that, you can also prove he never letters seeking to use his influence for Keating tax-gain; and also to prove McC's wife never had shopping mall/real estate dollar-tie to Keating. We await your checkable sources for this proof, which you surely have ready since you insist he was NOT caught down the influence creek without a paddle nor in any way guilty as charged. Fact is fact, sir; so trot out yours for all to see. While at it, why not disprove stated fact in court that he used Keating ket and took vacations paid for by Keating ?? If you can prove one, surely the others should be checkable at same sources, including court records, Senate hearings, many press reports, and even Wpedia on Net !!

Henry Ruark October 30, 2008 1:05 pm (Pacific time)

P.A.: Neither Glenn nor McCain was 'totally vindicated"; both were censured. Yrs re "slackers" and "spread the wealth", snatched from checkable context and totally rebutted in national sources, shows intent. SO, friend P.A., you can now stick it you know where --and enjoy Nov. 4, too! We'll manage when you et al are long gone, as before with McCarthy et al..."Proud American" you may claim to be, but behavior proves otherwise right out here in public eye. How do you stand on impeachment, sir ? NOW, Later OR NEVER ?? Bush, Cheney, other perpetrators, that is, so stand up and be openly counted. OR is it perhaps that hidden prejudice you cannot overcome ??

Henry Ruark October 30, 2008 12:32 pm (Pacific time)

P.A.: Nothing personal, friend P.A. But misinformation misleading you in wellmeant comments. See ref. on Task Force story re worker fate for solid and authoritative sources to show you the real shape of the world now.

Proud American October 30, 2008 11:22 am (Pacific time)

Those of you who have been concerned about government intrusion via the Patriot Act (Obama voted for it) please note the multiple intrusion as reported by the MSM of Ohio civil service employees using state computers looking up on the individual known as Joe the Plumber (there will be future consequences as required by statuatory laws there). Unbelieveable. I seem to remember that the Keating scandal was investigated and McCain was totally vindicated. Also Sen John Glenn was as well, and he is on Obama's campaign staff. The fact remains that McCain has never taken an "earmark" dollar and Obama has averaged about one million a day since he's been in office. Also when it comes to PAC money from Wall Street bankers, and Fannie May/ Freddie Mac, Obama is number 2 on the list as per FEC. Need more info as to who is more beholden to special interests? It is Obama. The main message that the Joe the Plumber scenario was about is that all small business owners and those whose household income is above $150,000 (not 250,000) will be taxed at a higher rate and have that money given to slackers via "spread the wealth"...Obama's own words.

Henry Ruark October 30, 2008 10:39 am (Pacific time)

P.A." Really, you should avoid any reference to "Joe the Plumber". Not turns out he doesn't even hold required license, was out of his depth in O-contact, and even so was treated decently and with respect. McC. used Joe-the-real person in such way as to force his personal apology on national tv-net show; check it out ! Yours thus shows intention to pander politically by distorting what is reality --and readily checkable. But that cometh not only from amateur trial-run, obvious here, but also from solid state of realities now well known to many millions.

Henry Ruark October 30, 2008 8:50 am (Pacific time)

Political pander will lead to writing anything.
You wrote:"go for the one who in his entire career never took one dollar in earmarks and has proven that he knows how to keep us safe."
McCain started his Senate career via signing letters seeking special treatment for Keating, was disciplined by Senate for doing so as leader of Keating Five. ONLY THEN did he start to build maverick reputation, now discredited by sell-out to Bush, same one who assassinated him politically with dirty-Rovian-tricks now used vs Obama.
Re fli-flops, one cannot now count those by McC., including oppositions he abandoned for obvious vote-gain, including NOW taxing health care costs as if income ! His plan drives business providing h-care into loss-mode unsustainable, can cost many what they now have.
"Keep us safe'? He was pilot bombing-strafing others, got shot down, held captive, was tortured. That make him the strongest student of military prowess, or only another victim of warfare ? He is obvious reluctant warrior in family demanding fame, with two admirals preceding him, was 85th out of around 90 at Annapolis, noted for mess-ups.
WE surely do need to think, and impossible to keep our emotions out of it in this situation.
See if you can disprove any one or all of these statements, proving they ain't pander !! but fact.
Vote for leadership, not victimhood...

Proud American October 29, 2008 6:24 pm (Pacific time)

Vote for that candidate who has remained consistent, not the one that says anything to get elected, or refuses to give a full accounting of their donations, or goes after those who ask them tough questions with threats. Remember one candidate originnaly said last summer tax cuts for those making less than $300,000, then it was $250,000 (recall Joe the Plumber?). Last week it was now $200,000, and today his VP pick said $150,000. What to believe? Easy, go for the one who in his entire career never took one dollar in earmarks and has proven that he knows how to keep us safe. It is the latter that is the number one priority for the President, not someone who sways with the polls and throws his former associates under the bus because they aversely impact his poll numbers. Vote with you brain, not emotionally.

Henry Ruark October 29, 2008 2:54 pm (Pacific time)

To all: This one arrived minutes too late for reference, so here is truth re "socialism": Like, Socialism By Hendrik Hertzberg The NEW YORKER (Excerpt) "The United States is a special case. There is a whole shelf of books on the question of why socialism never became a real mass movement here. For decades, the word served mainly as a cudgel with which conservative Republicans beat liberal Democrats about the head. When Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan accused John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson of socialism for advocating guaranteed health care for the aged and the poor, the implication was that Medicare and Medicaid would presage a Soviet America. Now that Communism has been defunct for nearly twenty years, though, the cry of socialism no longer packs its old punch. "At least in Europe, the socialist leaders who so admire my opponent are upfront about their objectives," McCain said the other day—thereby suggesting that the dystopia he abhors is not some North Korean-style totalitarian ant heap but, rather, the gentle social democracies across the Atlantic, where, in return for higher taxes and without any diminution of civil liberty, people buy themselves excellent public education, anxiety-free health care, and decent public transportation. The Republican argument of the moment seems to be that the difference between capitalism and socialism corresponds to the difference between a top marginal income-tax rate of 35 per cent and a top marginal income-tax rate of 39.6 per cent. The latter is what it would be under Obama's proposal, what it was under President Clinton, and, for that matter, what it will be after 2010 if President Bush's tax cuts expire on schedule. Obama would use some of the added revenue to give a break to pretty much everybody who nets less than a quarter of a million dollars a year. The total tax burden on the private economy would be somewhat lighter than it is now—a bit of elementary Keynesianism that renders doubly untrue the Republican claim that Obama "will raise your taxes." ---------- So much for intentional effort to pander politically for an unfair perversion of fact, for cheap-shot voter misguidance.

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