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Oct-21-2006 09:40 ![]() ![]() Michael Savage Should be Fired and Criminally ChargedOp-Ed by Tim King Salem-News.comWhen people with a public voice go too far, when they hate beyond reason and encourage people to be murderers, then we as a society need to take action.
(SALEM) - False reports and associated comments about CNN on the Michael Savage show Friday are possibly the most blatant example of what media "truth killers" across our nation have accomplished. The hate jock told listeners that a CNN crew recorded a U.S. Marine being shot by an insurgent sniper, and that the crew was "with the insurgents." In reality, Savage knew all along that an enemy camera operator shot the clip and the footage was provided to CNN, they didn't shoot it. CNN's decision to play of the tape is questionable in my opinion. They did it because they wanted to show the world what is happening to American soldiers overseas. The government has been pressuring media not to reveal the accelerated number of Americans dying to sniper bullets, and CNN wanted to do their job. CNN did not cover up the origin of the tape, they did not mistakenly tell Savage "Oh yeah, our people did that" after the agency received the tape from the insurgents. But, Savage still used it to lie and deceive his already right-wing leaning listeners and make them hate the media. One of Savage's callers actually took him to task, asking why Savage himself kept repeating the tape. Savage, while referencing CNN, asked the caller "Does it make you want to kill them?" Our comment policies at include not allowing people to suggest killing other people, or making death threats, that is because we want to see our society survive the period we are in, and it is just plain wrong. Calling Michael Savage indecent is just a minor way of saying we are losing it in this country, and we have to wrestle guys like this away from their microphones and lock them up for propagating public disinformation. Start by listening to which businesses support his show, then call and tell them you don't appreciate their endorsement of a hatemonger. Never shop at these places, because that is where they feel the impact. Tell people about how irresponsible and dishonest Savage is. He wants to break the back of this nation by polarizing an already divided people. Write to your elected representatives, start blog entries about taking Savage out, talk about it, share the knowledge. Don't stop there, pay attention and react, and not just to Savage either. When people with an audience go too far, when they hate beyond reason and encourage people to be murderers, then we as a society need to take action. So once again, CNN did not place crews with insurgents, they played the same tape that Savage overplayed that had been recorded by the insurgents and delivered to CNN. They made a questionable decision to air it, then Savage blasted it on the airwaves over and over again while lying through his teeth. Tar and feathers would suit him well. Did the government not want the sniper information released because of morale? NBC's Jim Miklaszewski says the government didn't want the information about snipers going out because they didn't want to fuel the fire of the insurgency, "The military will not release the actual number of Americans killed by snipers because they say, that would tell them enemy just how effective they may be." Is that the morale of people here, or those in combat? They believe that lying and shielding the American people from the truth of what is happening to our troops in combat may buy them a few months perhaps, but the job of the media is to report, and that information about snipers is not akin to giving away a position. Everything we were taught as children remains true; lying, hurting, deceiving, killing, stealing, it is all bad, it is exactly what our creator above asked us not to do. As we move toward our future, extreme liars like Savage will not make life better for us, indeed they are a reflection of our nation's very compromised position when it comes to truth and transparency. Our brothers and sisters fighting overseas did not make a decision to go there, they answered a call, and they are not accountable for the national policies that led to this point. They are not part of Savage's rants, and he does not have command their tuoghts or feelings, and he lacks the courage to be there with them. The last time I checked, Republicans were decent people with a different ideology but they weren't very distinct from their Democrat neighbors in the overall sense. If Savage is a representative of this party, then the GOP needs to regain it's old values, because five minutes with him would make you think you were listening to the devil himself. Below is one clip from the Savage program from October 19th 2006, where he plays the CNN person translating an Arabic language that was on the insurgent tape. Savage is a Ph.D, but even for a national audience, he couldn't get this simple fact straight in the beginning. Anyone who has worked with CNN feeds in TV stations knows that the video is always accompanied by information that clearly states where and who originated the clip. Articles for October 20, 2006 | Articles for October 21, 2006 | Articles for October 22, 2006 | Quick Links
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Dave June 10, 2009 7:09 pm (Pacific time)
I agree with the man....if you are against Savage, you are against America and what made it the greatest country in the world.
Editor: Back to the handicap school with that little brain of yours Dave. What a loser!
ironbear April 25, 2009 1:14 am (Pacific time)
Savage's radio 'act' is simply a cover for a most effective mind control operation. Remember your orders, unstable citizens of the Savage Nation: "Obama must be stopped". "Do you feel like killing them?" Expect only blood. Responsible broadcasters need to pull the plug on Savage for THAT reason, now.
Mark January 8, 2008 5:25 pm (Pacific time)
You're either with Savage or against America, period.
drsnk April 11, 2007 5:38 pm (Pacific time)
Here are some Savage laughs for ya.
drsnk April 11, 2007 5:34 pm (Pacific time)
It's hilarious, everyone hates Savage. The Republicans call him a turncoat and the GLBT's say he's evil. Ever heard of the first ammendment? Keep up the good work Savage. It's nice to see these types roasting in their own hate.
tony March 17, 2007 7:45 pm (Pacific time)
Michael Savage, Your the best keep up the good work. Your number one fan.
slade December 2, 2006 10:14 am (Pacific time)
If you believe Michael Savage is a hate monger or racist you are a fool. Don't be ignorant, go listen to Dr.Savage and judge for yourself! Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it, Language, Borders, Culture!! Long Live The Savage Nation!!
Bart Preston November 20, 2006 6:20 pm (Pacific time)
I listen to Savage every day. He's one of the last people who have not been de-balled by the liberal movement. At least he's got some spine (though no orange crush), and says what he wants. No wonder he's the third most listened to talk show in the nation. Oh yeah - WE FOUND WMDs - BUSH DIDNT LIE - YOU DID. Man, that felt good.
Matt November 14, 2006 11:20 pm (Pacific time)
I'm gay... I'm also like to think I'm smart. He's infuriated, Michael Weiner, Savage to you, cause he know's that history repeats its'self. Pay the bleep attention. Our decadence is destroy this nation. He can pick on gays as long as he feels it necessary, I'm not a sissy. It's historical ideas that he is trying to remind us of. It's the decadence.
slade November 14, 2006 2:42 pm (Pacific time)
Go read books written by Michael Savage 'The Savage Nation', 'The Enemy Within', and 'Liberalism is a Mental Disorder' then tell me Dr.Savage's words are lies... Michael Savage speaks with the most common sense heard in the media today.
Joe Lacone November 14, 2006 10:41 am (Pacific time)
John Conner is determinted to culture jam the mainstream media with Truth. Here's a short video interview clip starring Mike savage and John Conner: connerandhl=en
Your link did not work. Try this one
Michael November 14, 2006 6:34 am (Pacific time)
We need more REAL MEN Like Michael Savage in this country. Lee, I couldn't agree more. Besides, Savage speaks for me on many levels. You should have heard him last night (that is, if you haven't). Some loser called him up on the Savage Nation, saying something to the effect that he was looking forward to 2008, so that people like Savage would be taken off the air. Savage fired back, at one point saying he would hire two free speech lawyers (whom he said were liberal) to help him, and that they would win. Needless to say, Savage was vigorously defending his free speech. After the conversation ended, Savage called the loser a liberal fascist. And rightly so!
Lee November 13, 2006 1:01 pm (Pacific time)
We need more REAL MEN Like Michael Savage in this country.
Matt November 4, 2006 2:02 pm (Pacific time)
ok Tim, now your putting words in Jesus's mouth. Jesus was liberal? No he was charitable. A liberal you assume he was. or is it an is? You are just using your biased perspective and interpretation. Thy hand is SO holy. Thy mouth needy. I don't agree with you Tim.
Tim King November 3, 2006 2:36 am (Pacific time)
Isn't it great that you guys can worship your little idol savage and have your comments posted on this site? Just remember, it takes no guts to root for the bad guy. It isn't about being liberal, it is about having your information straight. Jesus was liberal, what do you say about that? Do you even know what it means? I seriously doubt it. I guess your guy savage is a real prince, great help for the world. It brings us gifts like you two. It says in the article that savage corrected himself. He lied, made sure plenty of people heard it, then said "gee, I made a mistake." I hope you last two who didn't list your last names are signing on the dotted line for uncle sam, because if you aren't participants in this current war, with attitudes like that, you are seriously missing out. Adam, I have spent time confronting insane right-wing protestors who hassle grieving families trying to bury a son. This media outlet is heading to the war in Afghanistan in three days, me personally, the guy who wrote this article. I hope you stay dialed into the savage nation and off my website, because I seriously resent your comments. Of course you listen to that show, that's why you're such a pleasant person.
Adam A November 3, 2006 2:13 am (Pacific time)
I listen to savage nation every day. He corrected himself on the show as to who filmed the snipers. Good thing we live in America where people can say what the want, when they want as protected by the first ammendment. Without the 1st ammendment liberal scum media outlets such as your would not be able to post stories like this. Go Savage Go! Oregon and America love you and need you.
Matt November 2, 2006 8:22 pm (Pacific time)
I know. Let's go attack Martha Stewart again. Instead of dealing with the real criminals. Lets go back to Clinton. Lets go put him in jail. Just a few months. Clinton loves the idea of blowing money in africa on aids when they'd rather use banana juice as a home remedy. He was a huge lier. Why isn't he in jail? I know, let's give him another chance to sell important technology to third world countries. Go Hillary! You go GIRL! Bill as vice president. Now there would be the ultimate third doce meds.
Dale Merril October 31, 2006 9:02 am (Pacific time)
Stop being a sissy, and stand up for America? Yuo sound like a real sap, and surely someone without the courage to make such statements. Figure out what you are talking about before you say it next time.
Chris King October 31, 2006 8:43 am (Pacific time)
Anonymous October 21, 2006 12:11 pm. Yes the beheading are discusting. But, watching those gives you the real perspective of what terrorists are like. Stop being a sissy, and stand up for America!
Matt October 25, 2006 10:48 pm (Pacific time)
I hate the fact that our media and writers for the papers judge the other voices in this country on radio or RSS feeds or cable tv, that point out the doltism and beligerance of the American writers, producers, Conglomerate owners, that they aren't protecting their country. I Just talked to my grandmother tonight and explained THIS story, and she said, "You know what Matt, loose lips sink ships, it doesn't matter what the media says, they will pay." I completely agree. WE here in America won't understand until if affects out decadent lives. Blood shed.
Matt October 25, 2006 8:04 pm (Pacific time)
My personal fear is that the SO called media outlets are more concerned with Global Enterprise. They want to control what anyone says against their media fold. $$$ first, America nada. Once again, Michael Savage shows to the public the display of beheadings. IS THAT WRONG FOR THIS COUNTRY, we need our populous rallied to attack these beligerant dolts on THEIR soil. They laugh at us because WE APPEAR SO WEAK. THANK YOU CNN! THANK YOU TED TURNER!
Simon October 25, 2006 7:05 pm (Pacific time)
Matt Johnson, Savage was wrong if he knowingly misled listeners. However, I did hear Savage acknowledge and correct his error and the record immediately. In my view, replaying enemy tapes of enemy sniper attacks on our troops is equivalent to broadcasting enemy propaganda, and can be dangerous. You raised an important question: "why prevent Americans from seeing what is really happening?" Why isn't CNN playing the tapes of the enemy cutting the throats of American citizens? Of the enemy attacks on our citizens in New York? Why isn't CNN playing video of American snipers shooting the enemy? Do the major media outlets really let Americans see what is really happening? I could ask many more similar questions. The main questions: Are Americans really seeing everything that is really happening? Should Americans really see everything that is really happening? Any special exceptions for unique circumstances? I suspect that you approve of Americans seeing what is really happening so long as your agenda is served.
Matt Johnson October 24, 2006 7:48 pm (Pacific time)
Propoganda is the first and the last word on everything going on in this country now. Just because we support our troops and aid in their mission in every possible way does not mean we have an honest president or that we were not lied to. It doesn't mean we have enough armor, or general numbers. It isn't like Bush and Rumsfeld listened to the generals who said it would take far more military strength. Rumsfeld is a draft dodger for God's sake and so is Cheney, it is pathetic! I won't even comment on W., we all know how much of a military hero he is.
This guys could give a s*#t about our soldiers at war, they are only pawns to them. The joke is on everybody who goes on backing them and not wising up.
This article was about a national radio host with a huge following broadcasting blatantly false information over the air. He said the CNN crews shot the video and that is a huge, huge, HUGE mistake. Savage is only a propaganda man anyway. Nobody wants to air enemy propaganda, but why prevent Americans from seeing what is really happening? Maybe those guys getting shot think it sucks that the idea of seeing their death is the same as airing enemy propaganda.
Simon October 24, 2006 7:08 pm (Pacific time)
Is broadcasting enemy propaganda helpful? Useful? Responsible? Appropriate? Legal? Acceptable? Dangerous? What are the consequences of major media outlets broadcasting enemy propaganda?
Tim King October 24, 2006 12:44 pm (Pacific time)
And next time we'll call the irresponsible, lying sack out over it again too. You use the word "freedom" loosely considering who you root for and what you ask for. Bush and his people have stripped your rights away, they have sent our brother and sister Americans into harm's way and after years of it, here comes a guy like you sticking up for Savage, the latest incarnation of the plague.
You guys are just heavily influenced by these Savage type characters because you don't get out enough. Around these parts we like soldiers, babies, people of color, and people who are disadvantaged. We also care about shools, seniors and especially the well being of our veterans.
As a journalist, I have a particular interest in truth over propaganda. You can go on and on about it but the only reason most Democrats would listen to that Savage show is for laughs. We're sick of bullies liks this guy trying to reshape our country into something very ugly.
I also fail to see what Air America has to do with it. But you question my assumption that the majority of Savage listeners aren't members of the GOP? For your information, cruel white men like Savage have never abated, never gone away, but there will come a day when people come to realize just what they have allowed their nation to become.
So root for the bully team, say unfounded things about CNN, that is your right, defended by our servicemen, not whiny shock jocks, your cup of tea.
DH October 24, 2006 12:39 pm (Pacific time)
Your neophyte analysis of Savage is not helped by your lack of knowledge on the topic. GOP? Savage? Huh? Secondly, your indignation over his use of the phrase "CNN Crew". If a jihadi brings you a video of a Humvee getting hit by an IED, and you give him $500 bucks for it, that makes him your agent, a member of your "crew". And that $500 would fund further attacks on our troops. It also would mean you are not with us, but that you are with the terrorists. Even if you pay the jihadi nothing, you bring him local fame and bragging rights, and inspire others to emulate the action. Thirdly, Free markets = free minds. The market of free men made Savage, not some communist top down plan that the government, or party operatives (Air America) had to approve. Nothing seems to bend a liberal like seeing someone (particularly a white man) be successful for the traditional reasons of talent, hard work, intelligence, and vision. In light of the recent Air America bankruptcy, this hatin' on the Hate Jock makes you look like a Hate Paper.
Henry Ruark October 24, 2006 5:39 am (Pacific time)
Communications analysis will show Savage plays role for dollars, as do so many today. Society demands maturity -- comes with life experience and ongoing learning from others. Some never make it over the hill right after h.s.
Matt Johnson October 24, 2006 2:07 am (Pacific time)
Savage is a bully, you guys like him because your instincts tell you that is safer, root for the meanest guy in the class and you're less likely to get beat up. Just add some color when they pick on the kid with a handicap, or as they torture the fat kid, all in the name of fun. You need courage to stand up against the short haired white idiot, it does not take courage to stand there with your arms folded and nod. That is probably as far as you ever got in life.
Jay October 23, 2006 5:09 pm (Pacific time)
Michael Savage says it how it is. A lot of people in this country are so (PC)that is why this country is going down hill. The USA is losing its backbone. You would rather listen to idiot actors. Wow they are real educated.
Henry Ruark October 23, 2006 1:20 pm (Pacific time)
But at least Savage "changes the skirt" from time to time.
Anonymous October 23, 2006 12:39 pm (Pacific time)
Isn't Savage just Lars Larson in drag?
Henry Ruark October 23, 2006 10:59 am (Pacific time)
Last-Anon: Don't worry about agreement...wait five minutes and he'll have new-different scream.
Anonymous October 23, 2006 1:06 am (Pacific time)
Savage is a bore. I used to listen to him in the car and when he isn't spouting off about diets and who he had dinner with, he is screaming into the mic like someone who needs medication. I am actually shocked he corrected himself. That said, I did write a note to CNN that said I was unhappy with the video being shown and that I will no longer watch their broadcasts. Who needs 24 hour news stations anyway when you have :) Oh my god... did I just agree with Michael Savage? Ug.
Anonymous October 22, 2006 4:02 pm (Pacific time)
Matthew is right about what was technically stated, but to many of us, semantics are aside if the subject of "death" and "would you like to" are bantered about. It's cool, he's still a total sensationalist and guilty of literally everything he charges others with.
matthew October 22, 2006 3:51 pm (Pacific time)
He didn't suggest he kill guys from cnn.He asked if he feeled like killing someone.feeeling like doing something and doing something are 2 diffrent things.A radio host once said someone should shoot dick cheeney ,that was suggesting killing someone.
Anonymous October 22, 2006 11:34 am (Pacific time)
Hate breeds hate. Too bad it sells airtime too. Can't Savage do better for the world than propaganda and inference? He's a smart guy, can't he contribute any positive input and strategies for a healthier, stronger future? Seems like he's missing his calling, when he could do some good. I hope hate radio gets real unpopular before long, it's getting OLD.
Bill October 22, 2006 11:31 am (Pacific time)
Good post on Savage's latest lie. Later in the show, even when he said Ware wasn't on the scene, he tells of hearing delight in Ware's voice when the reporter is narrating the video. At the risk of being called self-serving, you can read more of Savage's lies in, strangely enough, my "Savage Lies: The Half-Truths, Distortions and Outright Lies of a Right-Wing Blowhard" available at and
Raven October 21, 2006 9:21 pm (Pacific time)
This is only one of many blunders you hear on the radio and see on TV. We simply can't catch them all. Michael Savage cracks me up. He takes on both right and left. It should stay on the air.
Matt October 21, 2006 3:45 pm (Pacific time)
I wish I found more and better RSS feeds. Most of the crap is info like: Madonna and child. AUGH!
Tim King October 21, 2006 3:37 pm (Pacific time)
Joe, I am a refugee from the television news industry and I do agree that there is a huge lack of responsibility. I have looked for the video and each time I see it go away before the shot strikes the American. I'm not sure that CNN is the only group showing it, as it is on NBC right now. But as far as media goes, with the network FOX on the air, I've never imagined such agenda-driven information actually being taken to the bank as it is. It would be no better if it was coming from the left either, for the record.
But there is American credibility on the line here just like in so many other areas, and the answer is to try and find a way to lessen the sensationalism, and we all have to agree that CNN's blunders, however serious, are only one example of the problems with our national media. The BBC is always a good way to go for people who are looking for news. The best answer of course is right here on the Web and through locally owned and operated organizations like
Matt October 21, 2006 3:34 pm (Pacific time)
Who is bolstering the voice of America? It sure isn't our so called media. The middle class in this country is busy playing Game boys' and working while the tax $$$ slips to countries that hate us. Local media resources are a joke (feel good doltisms). We can't even rally a decent voice in this country for voting let alone taking down the wealthy so called politicians with a vote, and I'm sure the BIG MEDIA is happy to have their part in that. Ask Ted Turner about that next time he's in public. Listen, there are good writers out there, but the National Media in this country is sensationalizing and sensoring information that should/shouldn't be important to THE Americans that built and paid for these media giants to exist. Americans are not bad people and THAT should be reflected in the media instead of a tit for tat against Americans.We shouldn't be in competition with people that make their wives wear burkas. Is that enough gas to add to a flaming burka?
Joe Wang October 21, 2006 3:31 pm (Pacific time)
Savage did seem to point people in the direction of CNN actually filming the sniper shooting, but CNN has no right showing that video, think of the familiy of that young man, did they even ask for their permission? Savage, right or wrong, brought to light the 'one uppance' of todays media, truly, "if it bleeds it leads"
Tim King October 21, 2006 3:13 pm (Pacific time)
Everything that he says CNN is guilty for; he carries on his own Website. He actually dos have beheading videos, who is bolstering the morale of the enemy? Michael Savage's name is on the list.
Matt October 21, 2006 2:17 pm (Pacific time)
Michael Savage has videos of Terrorists killing people. They just happen to be Muslim. This is something that should remind America to stand up to our politicians/big government and insane terrorists and their governments. America FIRST burka second.
Mike A October 21, 2006 1:00 pm (Pacific time)
I guess I mis-spoke the stuff on his site would prove your point that he mislead listeners. It was posted before his show aired and says that the video came from an insurgant group and not CNN.
Henry Ruark October 21, 2006 12:47 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Tim's statement of S-N policy is why I write...and also why I research, document, and offer access to my sources. Agree this is prime example of what happens when our free press is allowed to denigrate and become dollar-dominated...and we have some spectacular examples of that now in Oregon, in both print-side and broadcast-side. See upcoming Op Ed for more...and will expect further dialog then, too !!
Matt October 21, 2006 12:33 pm (Pacific time)
What we should be talking about is big media/business being more interested in globalism than protecting America. Self interests.
Tim King October 21, 2006 12:19 pm (Pacific time)
Regardless of what he has on his site now, he stated that it was CNN footage, It is a glaring example of what happens when people do not do research. He later corrected himself, but what about all the listeners who had moved on and were no longer listening?
So regardless of what he has on his site, this is how it went down. I have the audio clips and if anyone wants to contest what I wrote, I'll post Michael Savage himself so you can hear him saying everything I made reference to. I am not surprised that he has high ratings, fear tactics and hate are popular in this country.
Anonymous October 21, 2006 12:18 pm (Pacific time)
Tim. Not a post but you can hear Savage re-plays on 750 KXL Saturday at 7 PM and Sunday at 6 PM. Maybe you can pull the audio to let us all hear it for ourselves.
Anonymous October 21, 2006 12:15 pm (Pacific time)
He's your boy Matt, no getting around it.
Anonymous October 21, 2006 12:11 pm (Pacific time)
Savages website also posts videos and pictures of beheadings and killings!! sick, sick man
Mike A October 21, 2006 12:03 pm (Pacific time)
Savage has on his website the AP story on this issue. It says in the story that the video was obtained by CNN through an insurgant group. Michael Savage is the pseudonym of Dr. Michael Alan Weiner, Ph.D. His show ranks third in the U.S. behind Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
Matt October 21, 2006 11:38 am (Pacific time)
Savage is not a representative of the Republican party. Who do you represent?
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