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Oct-17-2007 08:35printcomments

Oregon Pastor Arrested for Sexually Abusing 8 Women

Detectives are currently seeking anyone with additional information in this ongoing investigation.

oregon pastor arrested
Pastor Sergio Alvarizares (Standing in photo)
Photo courtesy:

(PORTLAND, Ore. ) - Portland Police Sexual Assault Detectives have arrested a 38-year-old pastor who allegedly sexually abused eight women associated with his church.

Portland police spokesman Brian Schmautz says pastor Sergio Alvarizares was arrested Monday at his home in Ridgefield, Washington, and is being held on on one count of Rape in the First Degree, two counts of Attempted Rape in the First Degree and ten counts of Sex Abuse in the First Degree, after a two week investigation involving the victims associated with the church known as -- “Father’s House” -- located at 1725 Northeast Alberta Street.

The investigation began on September 30th, when Northeast Precinct officers were called to the Father’s House on a disturbance call. Officers arrived and learned that several members of the church were arguing with the suspect about allegations of improper sexual contact Schmautz said.

Later that night six women, who did not live in Portland, called the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office to report a sexual assault. Schmautz said because the crimes occurred in Portland, the Portland Police Bureau Sexual Assault Detail conducted the investigation.

During the investigation, detectives identified two additional victims. Evidence was presented to a Multnomah County Grand Jury who returned an indictment.

The church, Father’s House, primarily focuses on serving Portland’s Spanish speaking population. The suspect also has a web site located at

Detectives are currently seeking anyone with additional information in this ongoing investigation.

Anyone with information is asked to call Portland police detective Jeff Sharp at (503) 823-0453.

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the truth April 29, 2009 10:18 am (Pacific time)

Look this is for those people who are trying really hard, to support and be on his side with the whole man of god and dont judge crap.I knew pastor sergio very well i was a member of that church,I knew this man since i was four years old, him and my parents were the best of friends i remember once when i was in his office we danced salsa and he gave me this boat he made when i was little,i always looked up to him, he had alot to offer, h e alwasy knew what to say and preached just the way i lked it he was the best pastor ever i loved him i loved all of them mick,jr, danny ,betzy,steve, jonathan, mami olga,papi chalo, everyone and i still do i dont hate or anything but we have to speak the truth.I know he did what they are acusing him of. 1.he confessed it in a meeting a couple days after that only like lideres went to and anyone in that meeting can tell you that.2 if anyone reads the bible at all literly at all you wuld know what it says.It says in our words that he who comits a sin is forgiven but if you keep doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it knowing what your doing wronge and playing with god el se aleja like kinda aparts from you and gives u punishemnt then only if he confesses his sin threw his =mouth out loud to all he hurt and to god himself then god will have mercy and forgive him but if not and hides and denies it like he did that sunday se aleja and punishes you. i belive that god gave him a bunch of oportunities to confess his sin and when he dident and resisted and gave him one more change but with a hard hit which was that sunday but when he denied, used gods name in vein y maldico al pueblo, your probibly thinking le esta echando salsa a los tacos i was there really close to the front and so were my parents they were actually trying to deffend the man my mother was standing right next to him when he said les hecho el espirtud de muerte and pointed at the people thats when god got fed up and said alright then and made it possibl so he was arrested acouple dasy later.After being arrested his family was sad i was still assisting at this time we prayed for him and supported but the family themselves dug themselves deeper when they began to band people friom coming to the church when the bibla says do not band people from my house cuz its not yours its mine and anyone can come to my home(in my words) and thats exactly what they did they banded people like doully and her parents because they were supposibly chismosos and were part of the cause.About the money i really dont know what to say but i imagine they were doing something wrong becouse without anyon working and not many people i the church they had a house worth 1.4 million and all had really expensive cars,instruments,clothe,laptops,ipods everything so they had to be stealing ro something and yes there are coniquences for that to they did to many things that god got pissed and punished him.I now go to nuevos comienzos, alot of people are judging my pastor carlos because he supposibly left in the hard times and its true we all did but its cuz we felt it from god, the other day he was talking to us about that like how to hear his voice and stuf and he told us his testimony were he said that the only reason he left was becouse the lord told him saying

ulices April 16, 2008 1:48 pm (Pacific time)

people stop talking s*%t cause you know its all false and god is going to take vengance and dont be idiots cause we love our pastor with all of our hearts and if you keep talking crap i hope someone shuts it period cause god never looses and u know what liyers god bless you i dont wish anything bad but like what jr said if you wanted to create your own church why dint you go with your mouth shut


Editor:  We are very clear about not using profanity on this site, and you will be banned if you do it again.  Did you stop to think that using that word while you advocate for a preacher is a little less than productive?  Just a suspicion.

God February 12, 2008 10:28 pm (Pacific time)

I know the truth...... believe me... I know

mEeH December 20, 2007 11:09 pm (Pacific time)

oh and for you that got abused in your church.Stop puking and get help.Is called counseling!!! As a kid and teen years i was abused too. If you bealive there is a God he can heal you, look for a woman of God who's ministry and is licensed to do that. If you dont think there is a God look for professional help theres so much help out there. Dont drag with that trash in your heart. Is not good for you and for those who love you.One thing i can tell you what we do in this world we will give count for it, this person has to pay for what he did if he doesent repent,set him free from your heart and dont carry w/ his sin.Im not telling you to forget i would be stupid but when you forgive you heal yourself and makes you such a better person inside also remember God loves you and dont let him or others pay for what he did.

mEeH December 20, 2007 10:54 pm (Pacific time)

God is a God of truth and a God of justice.His word is today and has never changed. For all of you than knows brother Sergio it is easy and natural for you to defend him and for all of you that dont know him is easy for you to condemn him let him rot in jail or send him to hell. But there is a truth to all of this and that is that there is a victim in all of this and that is these women if they were abused and this is truth they need healing because that could have been you your mom, your sister, oyur daughter. But if its not truth, what has took them to that sick lie to forget about one of the most important commandments. God is a God of love but also a God of justice, we are not God so we are not to CURSE!!!church PRAY dont speak God doesent need your help we are not the JURY to defend him or them. We are to love him and also THEM. The truth will come out the word says the is nothing that can hide that God will bring to light so if you are perfect judge but if there is sin in your heart just ask the Lord for mercy for YOUR heart and dont judge others.

Anonymous October 25, 2007 2:39 am (Pacific time)

I am a sexual abuse victim and was abused in my church. I can't walk into a church sanctuary without throwing up and often begin shaking so hard I become immobile. The last time I was in a church sanctuary--Christmas Eve--I was drunk and nearly fainted trying to get out ten minutes into the service. In my mind I was being raped again. When I came forward I was told it was my fault. For those who are defending this pastor, do so with caution. Your words hurt and it is spiritual murder to us victims.

Jr October 20, 2007 1:27 am (Pacific time)

idit s stop talking about the pastor pray and pray ihope it wont hapend to you don"t judge .......y ustedes mujeres que le acusan al pastor sergio no son muchachitas de 15 o 16 viejas mentirosas

???? October 19, 2007 9:08 pm (Pacific time)

to the guy that said that pastor fell in love with his wife 2 years ago.that why they left church why did you not do anything about it. the way your wife is and the way she acts why should anybody beleive that. who knows it might of been her that was all up on him thinking shes all good and why would pastor even take a look at her. i saw you on the news laughing i nkow you are lying about everything you have children what kind of example are you people for them

mm October 18, 2007 9:38 pm (Pacific time)

all you you that are involved in all thats happening w/this man all need to keep your mouth shut and stop lying get a life you nkow it all false like u are

Liz October 18, 2007 3:52 pm (Pacific time)

If you wanted to leave church and start your own you coul've done it quietly like many other people have done in the past. Why make up all these obscene accusations? Didn't think it would go this far did you? Now it's too late to try and retract your accusations. If it's true stick to it damn it! If it's not then hope you can live with the guilt!

Liz October 18, 2007 3:41 pm (Pacific time)

For those who are easy to judge and give kuddos to the members for confronting him, I would like to tell you that the one who called the police was the pastor himself. I agree with the anonymous comment about "" he who is free of sin, throw the first rock".

Anonymous October 18, 2007 3:11 pm (Pacific time)

Re: FALSE ACCUSATIONS ON A Portland pastor accused of rape, sexual abuse I still can’t get over the fact that this elder woman can literally stand there and lie about a poor man that all he wanted to do is share the gospel of our only savior “Jesus”! I believe he is innocent because “not only don’t I personally know him” but WHY WOULD HE EVEN WANT TO HAVE RAPE 45 and 65 YEAR OLD WOMEN… MY POINT IS that this people are just jealous of him, because he is an intelligent man but most important he is a true man of God… AND YES please show me PROOF (photos, videos, recordings, etc. DON’T GO TELLING ME ABOUT WHAT HE SUPPOSEDLY DID!!! I WANT PROOF!!! And I hope that if you are judging this poor man without knowing what really happened justice doesn’t fall down on you right now... because no one is perfect (The only perfect man to walk on this earth died for our sins a long time ago in the cross and his name is "JESUS"…. And please..... this has nothing to do with immigration or immigrants!!! So for all the racist people out there, go find something better to do… at the end we all come from the same place no matter what religion or race!! PARA TODAS LAS MUJERES QUE SEGUN EL HNO. SERGIO LAS TOCO, NO SEAN MENTIROSAS !!! "Myra from California"

D October 18, 2007 3:05 pm (Pacific time)

Don't judge. There are plenty of people out there who have done worse things than him. why is it that when there is a religious man who does a crime the whole media goes out there, but if it's some random joe they don't put much attention? Too much judging in this world. But I do agree that no matter if he is at fault or not, there should be justice.

Anonymous October 18, 2007 2:58 pm (Pacific time)

Everyone is quick to point the finger. But like the Bible says " he who is free of sin, throw the first rock". Just cuz he is in a high position everyone right away judges and blames the church. he as all of us is human and makes mistakes. People are always just wanting to make excuses to blame the church or religion. But as alwasy innocent into proven guilty. And my God be with him and his loved ones.

GP October 18, 2007 8:21 am (Pacific time)

The real questions seems to be, why do people follow these these perverts. Did his naughty behavior suddenly come to light? I doubt it. How about the Mormon leader who ordered a 14 year old girl to marry a guy who already had multiple lives--recently conficted. Where were the members who should have stepped in? Where were all his other wives and why didn't they step in? Where were/are all the Catholics who for many years allowed their kids to be abused by their priests? Who's this joker who says this guy was a good man? Humans are like a bunch of sheep and will go anywhere the shepherd leads them.

AA October 17, 2007 11:38 pm (Pacific time)

I give kudos to the church members who confronted him, and who ever called the police. It's about time someone did something other than say "he'll answer to god for his crimes", or pray that it didn't happen or that he see the light. Church leaders who commit crimes (everything from the fleecing of excited or desperate congregations to murder) are to often allowed to continue. These criminal church leaders often go un-checked until they die. How many more will they wrong in that time? Turn criminals in now. Make them answer to their communities in their lifetimes. All preachers are NOT men/women of God. Some are Criminals. Steve, 1.4 million huh?? Me thinks rape is not the only crime committed...

Liz October 17, 2007 11:22 pm (Pacific time)

It's easy to point fingers and judge. But he can not be talked about this way until proven guilty. I know him and it hurts to see that he's being acused of this crime. But if proven guilty then all my prayers are with the victims, and hope justice is made.

Kelli K October 17, 2007 6:16 pm (Pacific time)

Great, another man in a position of authority maliciously taking advantage of those who trust him. And he probably convinced himself that he'd actually pull it off. Disgusting, dishonorable, and SINFUL. Have fun in the joint your pastor-ship!

Steve Johnson October 17, 2007 8:41 am (Pacific time)

I heard his home in Washington is worth 1.4 Million. Sick, Sick, Sick, man. Rot in prison.

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