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Oct-12-2006 13:24 ![]() ![]() Salem Marine Dies in IraqSalem-News.comLocal Marine is one of three killed October 8th in Iraq. Derek Jones was a graduate of Sprague High School.
(AL ANBAR, Iraq) - The Department of Defense announced today the deaths of three Marines who were supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. One is a local high school graduate from Salem. Lance Cpl. Derek W. Jones, 21, of Salem, Oregen, died Oct. 8th from wounds received while conducting combat operations against enemy forces in Al Anbar province, Iraq. He was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Fighting in Iraq October 8th and 9th claimed the lives of two American soldiers and six Marines who were killed in various operations. Other Marines who were killed killed Octrober 8th were Lance Cpl. Jeremy S. Sandvick Monroe, 20, of Chinook, Mont., and Captain Robert M. Secher, 33, of Germantown, Tenn. Both died Oct. 8th from wounds received while conducting combat operations against enemy forces in Al Anbar province, Iraq. Articles for October 11, 2006 | Articles for October 12, 2006 | Articles for October 13, 2006 | ![]() Support ![]() ![]() googlec507860f6901db00.html Quick Links
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Henry Ruark October 16, 2006 2:58 pm (Pacific time)
Al: Never questioned your good will and willingness to share life experience...that is purpose of dialog, making it possible for each of us to avoid one or more of the other's mistakes...!!...and continue to learn from each other. What constitutes a "good society"is that precise sensitivity, awareness of others, and willingness to share-and-help -- characteristics found in every religion (even the cults !), but, alas. sometimes seemingly neglected by some commenteers.
Albert Marnell October 16, 2006 6:25 am (Pacific time)
Of course Henry, we all feel for the families, and hard as it is to believe, I feel more than most despite how people make assumptions because I do not want to give the deceased a blindly patriotic send off. I give them the respect of any person that believed they were doing the right thing. I gave my parents a respectful send off even though they were real sick, and unevolved people. Why would I not want to give a young innocent man or woman even more respect and condolence to the families?
Henry Ruark October 15, 2006 11:36 am (Pacific time)
To all: Surely we all now join in sending our condolences and best possible wishes to the bereaved family. That in no way diminishes the strong feelings exhibited, but should surely serve to assure them what we all feel-and-share with them.
Albert Marnell October 14, 2006 9:51 am (Pacific time)
Matthew Breedan, This is not bickering and it is not crap and it is not B.S. It is fact. If you had a death in your family, wouldn't you want to know who was really responsible? You guys should look up the term jingoism. We are surrounded by it and it helps cover up truth and fact.
Albert Marnell October 14, 2006 8:38 am (Pacific time)
My mother died from an accident. Where is my sympathy card? She struggled her whole life as did her parents. No recognition at all, just jealousy. Where is your anger at the government for service and sacrifice wasted for the likes of Halliburton or Blackwater? The fact that their lives were wasted for profit makes it a crime and all the more tragic. The families and friends should be mad at D.C. not me or anyone else. If now is not the time to catch their attention, when is it a good time? When I had deaths in my family, no one held back a thing and I am glad that I knew where everyone stood. I found out who were my real friends and who were not. I also learned the truth about things that were held back.
Viet Nam Vet and Proud October 13, 2006 5:02 pm (Pacific time)
AW2 Matt. WELL SAID!! God Bless him and you and all for your service and sacrifice.
AW2 Matthew Breeden USN October 13, 2006 3:46 pm (Pacific time)
Derek Jones was my friend and neighbor and he died for something that he believed in. Show a little respect and don't use his death to argue over political BS. How do you think his family would feel if they read this crap you all are writing. They would be appalled just like I am. Show some respect and save your bickering for another website. Rest in Peace brother.
Albert Marnell October 13, 2006 8:41 am (Pacific time)
Erik D. Prince born in 1970 in Holland, MI is a billionaire right-wing fundamentalist Christian from a powerful Michigan Republican family. A major Republican campaign contributor, he interned in the White House of President George H.W. Bush and compaigned for Pat Buchanan in 1992. He founded the mercenary firm Blackwater USA in 1997 with Gary Jackson, another former Navy Seal. He is the CEO and Co-Founder of a large war profiteering industry. See the documentary Iraq for Sale by Robert Greenwald. Only on the internet. MSM (Main Stream Media) will not show you a thing of real value. (ok, how caterpillers turn into butterflies on P.B.S.). Most stations with a BC in the name are owned and controlled by General Electric. NBC, CNBC, MSNBC etc.
Albert Marnell October 13, 2006 8:05 am (Pacific time)
Watch the doumentary "Iraq for Sale" by Robert Greenwald. Only on the internet of course. It will teach you the truth and you will learn about war profiteering.
Albert Marnell October 13, 2006 7:58 am (Pacific time)
Another important website is
21 October 13, 2006 5:47 am (Pacific time)
21 is just a baby. To die for old rich Cheney.
Albert Marnell October 13, 2006 12:31 am (Pacific time)
Erik Prince of McClean, VA. has received contracts that used to be $200,000 to contracts now at $200,000,000. He is the son of a wealthy industrialist and his family has long been connected to the Republican Party. His company is Blackwater. Look it up on the internet.
Albert Marnell October 13, 2006 12:16 am (Pacific time)
Lela, Thank you for not knowingly correcting my spelling mistake of "The Truth and Lies of 9/11" by Mike Ruppert. People should also know about private contractors like Halliburton that have been given over 20 billion of your tax dollars for Reconstruction and Troop Support, Blackwater..owned by Eric Prince which hires ex-military men to fight under the guise of security. Parsons Engineering and Construction has gotten over 5.3 billion in contracts, Dyno Corp. police training 1.9 billion dollars. So many members of Congress are on the take. I know a man that used to be an investigative journalist is D.C. He told me that suitcases of cash are going back and forth to bribe leaders into giving contracts to the private sector. These war profiteers are the real reason we are in Iraq. Never be fooled by a man in an expensive suit with a law degree. Some of them are the worst of criminals and we vote for them. There are over 100,000 private contractors in Iraq, Kuwait and the surrounding areas. This is the real reason we are in Iraq.
Henry Ruark October 12, 2006 11:55 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Believe this thread has built up better understanding of dialog vs debate...follow the change in understandings from first to last, to "see with own eyes. That's why S-N offers this privilege to those who can understand how to use it for further personal learnings.
Anonymous October 12, 2006 7:58 pm (Pacific time)
He and his wife pamela had a 2 year old daughter. How sad. Hope you can sleep at night President Bush
Anonymous October 12, 2006 7:45 pm (Pacific time)
Based on a listing kept by Gov. Kulongoski's office, Jones was the 73rd person from Oregon, or with strong ties to the state, to die in fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Lela October 12, 2006 6:57 pm (Pacific time)
Albert, thank you for referring "The Truth and Lies of 9/11" by Mike Ruppert. I also watched "Loose Change" They were really an eyeopener. Yes, your comments were intense, but Rene, sometimes we need the intensity of the Alberts in the world to jolt our senses and keep us alert as to what is really going on with our world and our government. This morning on the news I listened to the lady who was the first woman tourist up in space and to paraphrase her, "This is such a small little planet in this vast Universe and we all live on it and we must take care of it." Keep up your intensity Albert, and, yes, Renee, keep up your comments, too.
Albert Marnell October 12, 2006 6:02 pm (Pacific time)
Renee, I am not venting and hurt all the more for the families of those lied too. The Amish girls were not lured into a dangerous situation, our young men were. If I can talk sense into one more parent that explains the truth about the occupation and what it is really about, maybe it will save a life. I think that families know or should know that I have nothing but compassion for them, extra compassion because the big boys were predators on the young, naive and vulnerable. The families and friends should not be mad at me, they should have anger at our administration and the corporations that they represent. They certainly do not represent the American people. This is the land of the free bankers, multinationals and global elite. I do not see people like Michael Dell's kids or Bill Gate's kids on the front lines. How about the Bush Twins? They are too busy making fools of themselves in public (just like Daddy) to serve on the front lines.
Rene Rocha October 12, 2006 5:52 pm (Pacific time)
That's cool Albert, all I was saying is that the intensity factor makes people look and run the other way. Venting is fine, but consider whether or not it is always a good tactic. I just feel sorry for people and they are especially sensitive after a death in their hometown, all politics aside.
Albert Marnell October 12, 2006 5:47 pm (Pacific time)
Furthermore, the people fighting us in Iraq do not want foreigners on their soil. Would you want Iraqis on your soil because some Canadian terrorists blew something up in Bagdad with the cooperation of the Iraqi government. One mans enemy is another man's freedom fighter. We have no right to be on foreign soil. Especially in Iraq! Stop watching television, your brain has already been washed!
Albert Marnell October 12, 2006 5:23 pm (Pacific time)
Rene, I really do not understand your point. What is it that we are really talking about. We are talking about American lives for money-oil and government contracts. Could you explain further what you think that I said that was not respectful? I am not writing to gain respect. I am writing to wake people up that they have been lied to and are living in a fantasy. There are not more countries. All countries are run by global bankers and multinationals. So what is your point? If the deaths of young people make me sick, what could be more respectful?
Anonymous October 12, 2006 4:34 pm (Pacific time)
Very sorry to hear about another person from Salem dying overseas, a sad day.
Rene Rocha October 12, 2006 4:13 pm (Pacific time)
Well maybe you should remember to be more respectful sir, if you expect anyone to listen to you and react in any kind of positive way. Sorry their deaths make you sick, but please remember who and what it is we are talking about.
The Editor October 12, 2006 4:10 pm (Pacific time)
The last comment left by an anonymous poster will not be tolerated. Clean it up man! If you have a point to make, do it without being directly insulting. Each post on is approved by people.
Albert Marnell October 12, 2006 2:53 pm (Pacific time)
These young men-kids were caught up in the jingoistic rhetoric of our government and the coward-whore-politician-baby-kissers that are only concerned about keeping and rising to a higher level of power. I could vomit reading about their deaths. They believed they were serving their country when if fact they were tricked. They served the financial portfolios of people in aerospace and defense and big oil like Haliburton to name a few. When will Americans wake up to the fact that the corporation (the United States) will sell their lives for a good corporate balance sheet. No one in a corporation cares whether you live or die as long as it adds a penny to their quarterly results. We were not attacked by Iraq. The economy was so bad in 2000 because of the dot-com bust and outsourcing that corporations conspired with our puppet leaders to trade human life for profit. Remember that lawyers are trained to lie and defend the most horrible of people. Most politicians are professional lawyer liars. They do not play by the same rules as the rest of us. They network with one another for financial gain and power. Thinking that we are liberators of Iraq is a sick joke. We caused well over 650,000 deaths because of our shock and awe and occupation. Dark skinned people that do not speak our language and do not want pork or hamburgers feel as much as we do. But being a racist country I guess to alot of Americans, a war outside our borders is just another video game. These are real lives not numbers. It is easy to be pro-war when all you are doing is watching a 5 minute news clip on the T.V. and then you go back to a stupid show like American Idol. How would you like to carry your little boy's or girl's blown apart body away from a bombing raid and have someone call it collateral damage? Picture your child with blood, limbs blown off or just a blob of body parts. This is what Iraqi parents live everyday, but you listened to that ex-alchoholic coke user and think that he is in his right mind. You need help. We need help. We need to get him and his crew the hell out of office and then have the laws changed to go after the bankers and multinationals so that they are the ones who's lives will we sacrificed for the good of the American people. Watch "The Truth and Lives of 9/11" by Mike Ruppert, go to and search archives for War related things censored by the government, watch "Loose Change" and do not forget
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