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Oct-12-2006 14:48printcomments

Flags to be Flown at Half-Staff Friday and Monday in Honor of Two Oregon Soldiers Killed in Iraq

For information on all American military losses overseas, visit

Half mast American flag

(SALEM) - Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski has ordered all flags at public institutions be flown at half-staff Friday in memory of 32-year-old Pfc. Dean R. Bright, of Roseburg and on Monday in memory of 22-year-old Cpl. Chase A. Haag, of Portland.

Bright died -- alongside three other soldiers -- in Taji, Iraq, on Oct. 4th. Bright was assigned to the 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division out of Fort Hood, Texas.

Haag died in Baghdad, Iraq, on Oct. 1st. Haag was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, out of Fort Hood, Texas.

“Oregon lost two of our finest men last week,” Kulongoski said. “Both were exceptional men, community members and Oregonians who unselfishly lost their lives for our country.”

For information on all American military losses overseas, visit

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Albert Marnell October 16, 2006 8:07 pm (Pacific time)

Aaron, They are not coming from Western Europe. They have it too good over there. If you come from another Dump like Mexico, I guess it is an improvement.

Aaron October 16, 2006 4:43 pm (Pacific time)

Al, No one wants to move to America?? What's all this I hear about damning the flood of illegal immigrants? They're not coming from California.

Henry Ruark October 15, 2006 11:34 am (Pacific time)

Al,Steve: Must join this wise dialog-move with best to Steve and Al, and will add only that I was yanked from Army truck, on way to 10Mt.Div. Ski-troops headed for Italy, when they discovered my already-near/blind left-eye problem...and spent 3 yrs toting Speed Graphic for Signal Corps outta Boston, home-town. GI Bill saved me, later on...

Albert Marnell October 15, 2006 6:52 am (Pacific time)

Steve, I regret that we had a pissing match. I just do not like blind patriotism. Heros come in all shapes and sizes. Today the media has billed too many people as heros. Military service is not necessarily a form of heroism. As for Vietnam, I turned 18 a few weeks after Nixon said we were going to pull out. I knew Vietnam was about protecting the corporate headquarters for large corporations like I.B.M. I knew it was about money. Grandpa Bush sold material to the German Army until at least 1942 if not 43. He was a war profiteer. Why would anyone think that his grandson would be different?

Henry Ruark October 15, 2006 2:37 am (Pacific time)

Al et all: Mine re Ireland was to mirror "unforeseen consequences", not to denigrate your continued strong contributions to realities here. Some of us appreciate your statements supporting our own parallel life-experience. For those others, at least the possibilities of further learning exist, too.

Albert Marnell October 14, 2006 9:46 pm (Pacific time)

Henry, I randomly picked Ireland, it could have been Poland or Germany. I have heard the "Love It or Leave It" rountine since Vietnam. I let people know that maybe they should leave if they start that stupid unoriginal talk. It brings me back to the late 60's. I can't believe that people think that there are still countries or that people from all other lands want to come here. Right now the U.S. is a terrible place to live unless you are rich or connected. People from, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, etc. etc. do not want to live here anymore. I only see people from third world countries wanting citizenship and there are plenty of native born citizens of the U.S. that have already left. They have guts because after you are older and established here it is hard to pick up roots. I have relatives in Europe and you could not pay them to become citizens of this country, they think that Americans have lost their minds. This is not the greatest country on earth to most Europeans. We are a thorn in the side of global peace. There are also about three states that are almost entirely owned by foreign corporations so this jingoistic nonsense is really passe'. As far as rebels, we could use an I.R.A. here to free us from the tyranny of D.C. There are Walmarts and Home Depots etc. all over the world. There is nothing special about the U.S. anymore. It is a real third world S-hole. Unfortunately the long term relationships that I have with people are here. But the relatives that I have in Germany, Argentina and England do not give this country the time of day.

Henry Ruark October 14, 2006 5:56 pm (Pacific time)

Al et all: See ? That reference to Ireland and potato fields ruffled my bonnet, unmeant by Al. My forebears were Irish rebels, and several paid the price, too.

Henry Ruark October 14, 2006 3:53 pm (Pacific time)

On 2nd thought, advise all to keep clear of diaper-change. This one beyond pail...and that is NOT mis-spelled !!

Steve-Albany October 14, 2006 2:32 pm (Pacific time)

I served my time in hell, all 18 months. Not some anti american draft dodger like you probably are.

Albert Marnell October 14, 2006 2:21 pm (Pacific time)

Steve, It is people like you that have ruined this country. You probably even watch television. You should get the hell out and go to some Potato field in Ireland.

Albert Marnell October 14, 2006 2:12 pm (Pacific time)

Steve, I want the ignorant people to leave this country so that it can be its very best. I would like people like you to leave or get an education first. Maybe I will let you stay if your grades go up.

Henry Ruark October 14, 2006 1:54 pm (Pacific time)

Al et al: Interesting page or two in Federalist Papers re this kind of person - sharpened up the dialog-then re 1st Amendment, as strong case-negative --but overthrown by others willing to change intellectual diapers on occasion.

Steve-Albany October 14, 2006 11:56 am (Pacific time)

Albert baby.........youdon't like it here, you can always move..........and don't let the "door hit you in the backside when you leave!" Nobody is forcing you to stay and suffer all the indignities etc. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Albert Marnell October 14, 2006 8:12 am (Pacific time)

No matter what you call them, they were all impressionable, vulnerable and naive people that put their best foot forward not knowing the corruption in D.C. with all the private contractor corporations and the kickbacks they give to the people in Congress. This country is so evil I can not understand how we can even think about freeing another country when we are not free. Our tax dollars are routinely stolen and if you do not pay up to the government so that they can get their suitcases of cash under the table for crooked contracts like Blackwater, you go to jail. Is this a free country, give me a real break. I have had enough of the stupidity of the American people. They know nothing about their goverment but so as not to apppear stupid they stand by a mindless opinion.

Steve-Albany October 13, 2006 3:35 pm (Pacific time)

Definition: Soldier 1. somebody serving in army: somebody who serves in a military organization 2. army member below officer rank: a member of an army, of a rank below commissioned officer 3. dedicated worker: somebody who works with dedication for a cause 4. skilled warrior: a skilled and experienced fighter or military strategist I am sure there was no intent to offend any military person, Soldier, Sailor, Ariman, Marine, Cost Gruad, etc. BUT: as the Encarta definiton provides.....the branch makes no difference. The mentioned troops fit all 4 of the "soldier" definitions. God Bless Them, no matter the branch.

Mike Allegre October 13, 2006 10:11 am (Pacific time)

This is most sad for the Jones family and the Salem/Keizer community. But, to the media, be advised that LCpl Jones was not a solider... he was a Marine. Understand that not all military members serving in the US Armed Forces are "soldiers." Soldiers serve in the Army and have for over 300 years. If you serve in the Marines you are called a Marine, not a soldier. The headline typo and any further misidentification of the late-LCpl Jones I know will bother all Marines and they'll ask, "Don't they know we're Marines?". As a long-time member of the US Air Force and the Oregon Air National Guard, I know we're referred to as Airmen. In the US Navy you're a Sailor and a US Coast Guard member is a Coast Guardsmen. Thank you for your positive coverage of the military.

Steve-Albany October 13, 2006 9:44 am (Pacific time)

God bless these troops for their sacrifice. They freely chose an occupation with full knowledge of the potential consequences. They were given orders and they followed the orders. So many of our citizens need to take a lesson. Simply do the job you chose, to the best of your ability as you have been asked to do. As far as the war.....this is "Bush's Vietnam," pure and simple.

Albert Marnell October 13, 2006 8:47 am (Pacific time)

Governor, Tell the people about the likes of Erik D. Prince of Blackwater USA. See the documentary on the internet, "Iraq for Sale" by Robert Greenwald.

Albert Marnell October 12, 2006 6:09 pm (Pacific time)

Correction Governor, They were exceptional and unselfish..But they lost their lives for Haliburton, big oil, aerospace and defense, government contracts and kickbacks, your portfolio of stocks and the portfolio of other well off Americans. Yes, they deserve the utmost respect but the families deserve a billion dollar settlement each....not that it would be any consolation to them.

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