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Oct-11-2008 21:27printcomments

Extremism And Propaganda

Social progress is turning against the absolute symbolism of pseudo-authoritarianism, but the psychology of hate and religious-determination, unfortunately, is still in vogue.

cross on flag
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(PASO ROBLES, Calif.) - The Far Right of the Republican Party is a coterie of Evangelists and traditionalists whose minds are imprinted with a fixed image, memory, opinion, or idea in such a vivid or lasting way as to make it virtually impossible for them to change or accept defeat gracefully. Wisconsin and Minnesota voters offer a case in point.

John McCain was verbally attacked by angry supporters because he appears to be losing the election to Barack Obama. The Minnesota and Wisconsin base of the Republican Party consists of people who always vote Republican, but who carried its susceptibility to an irresponsible extreme by believing planted-epithets of Obama as a “terrorist.” when asked by John McCain, “who is the real Barack Obama?“ Shouts of “kill him,” and “bomb Obama,” by radical apostles reflect an ulterior motive beyond the innocent-understanding of ordinary folk which, to his credit, John McCain had to admit.

The rural-mid-west and states below the Mason-Dixon Line are fertile ground for Evangelists whose plow cuts deep into the soil of rural and traditional existence. But this year some traditional red-states are changing their tune. Colorado, New Mexico, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia are prominent examples, to which Ohio and Michigan can be added, and possibly West Virginia, Missouri and Nevada, too.

Indiana is an exception, but New Hampshire has joined the blue with a vengeance, and even South Dakota is tending in that direction.

Consequently, the Religious Right is resorting to extreme measures to stop the desertion of its dutiful-faithful to the realm-of-reason in much the same fashion as was used during the Middle Age between the 15th and 18th centuries when the Inquisition was rampant and witches and their supposed-craft was revived, via the Edict of Faith, to destroy deviants of the faith, millions of whom were committed to the flames of an artificial Hell. Reason was the loser then, and logic is being put to the test again now.

Extremism is the engine of Republicanism today just as the Holy See was then and continues to be, but with a more reasonable bent. Much of the power of religious persuasion was reduced to logic with the acceptance of scientific certainty, as far as it goes. Infallibility is no longer a claim that demands the submission of worshippers to its purpose. God gave man a brain that elevated him above the level of submission to one of accommodation. The Evangelical Movement of today is an attempt by pretenders to return man to a past when religious authority was dominant and punishment was sure. It must not succeed, and appears to be slipping.

I attended SFSU in the 1970s when the strength of the radical 60s had run its course, and noted pleasantly that students were not inclined to demonstrate as before, but wanted a good education. H.I. Hayakawa was president then, a Semanticist famous for his knowledge of how words can change our lives, noting “The Word is not the Thing, its how we react to them that is important.”

Republicans are out to destroy Barack Obama, by incessantly referring to his unusual names, and by insinuating he is a “terrorist by association” of a man who, when Ayers was active, Obama was eight. The object is to produce “identification reactions that will make intelligent discussion of truth impossible,” It isn’t working; social progress is turning against the absolute symbolism of pseudo-authoritarianism, but the psychology of hate and religious-determination, unfortunately, is still in vogue.

Kenneth G. Ramey was a 79-year old "writer without a Website" who is generating excellent, provocative articles on the subject of religion and world affairs. We are pleased that Ken's "lone wolf" presence as a writer in the world has been replaced by a spot on our team of writers at Raised in Minnesota and California during the dark years of the Great American Depression, Ken is well suited to talk about the powerful forces in the world that give all of us hope and tragedy and everything in between. You can write to Ken at:

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Simoncini October 17, 2008 6:49 pm (Pacific time)

Forthwith are some links that report that the "secret service" did not find any evidence that threats towards Obama happened at a McCain/Palin event. I hope you find these helpful and that they help clear up a serious misreporting by the media. Maybe on the other side? I have not heard of any, just typical political jabbering. The Links:

Anonymous October 17, 2008 1:56 pm (Pacific time)

S-cini: IF you have article, name publication, date, pages and title...or send "see with own eyes" link so we can check your unsupported statement. We try to operate on checkable fact here, in all good faith for all concerned. There is no conceivable doubt some such incidents have occurred; it is reasonable to assume whose side has caused the majority of them when some of the strongest past supporters come to the public with detailed obligations. We await your sharing of that publication by name, date, and pages. Surely any sophisticated commenteer like you would know that's protocol in any good faith channel.

Simoncini October 17, 2008 9:14 am (Pacific time)

Coral I came across an article where Secret Service agents (they are at all campaign functions/both parties) stated that any and all threats reported coming from the McCain/Palin audiences did not happen. So I imagine if someone has video showing an actual crowd member making such a statement (not a voice over) then that would be evidence. Currently a Maryland Hotel is being bombarded with threats because they have a McCain/Palin banner on their facade. Maybe if one tallies actual proveable acts of violence by each party we can then see who is acting out the most. Maybe someone out there has a list of arrests and convictions broken down by party membership? I have a pretty good idea who has the most, and common sense suggests that most of these politically-related crimes happen in urban areas. By the way the Wash. Post published a correction as per the Secret Service agent reports about no threats, I wonder if other papers and "personalities" on television will?

Henry Ruark October 16, 2008 2:51 pm (Pacific time)

C.A et al: Thank you for that solid "see with own eyes" and also hear link to Olbermann's coverage. I did hear and see it, and even recorded part of it for working files. It is the tonicity, timing, and evident tensions snatching attention for those who do see these events, with desperation surfacing in crescendo for the latest ones from McCain. His free ride with media is now over as these inescapable situations impale him and her on their own imprecations.

Coral Anika Theill October 16, 2008 2:35 pm (Pacific time)

If you missed Keith Olbermann's special comment on Sen. John McCain, here is the comment and link to the video. It is one of Keith's finest moments....calling hate speeches and racism for what it is....and calling Sen. McCain a fraud and a man who is tacitly inciting lunatics to violence. ---Coral Anika Theill, Author, Advocate, Please share this comment with friends and those who care about civil decency. McCain/Palin will tear this nation apart if elected, and God help us, they are making sure they tear us apart if they are not! Full transcript and video of Keith Olbermann's special comment: Excerpts of transcript: Asked why in real time you do not repudiate this hatefulness you act as if you are the victim. Speaking today to our NBC Station in Washington. McCain: "Sure and I repudiated it as I have on several occasions. Unfortunately, Congressman John Lewis is an American hero who I admire who made the worst, most unacceptable statement a couple days ago that I have ever heard. He accused me and Sarah Palin of being involved in segregation, George Wallace and even made reference to a church bombing where children were killed. Senator Obama has not repudiated that statement. Senator Obama should do so immediately. Its the most outrageous thing that I have heard since in politics…it is disgraceful." Disgraceful? Obviously, Senator, you haven't heard your own speeches, and Gov. Palin's, and what people shout during them. And you haven't heard your state GOP Chair in Virginia, Jeffrey Frederick, giving talking points to 30 of your field-operatives heading out to canvass voters in Gainesville, Virginia. With a reporter present, telling them to try to forge a connection between Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden to emphasize bombings and terrorism. And you haven't heard those volunteers, your volunteers Sen. McCain, shout back "and he won't salute the flag" and "we don't even know where Sen. Obama was really born." Sen. McCain, these people are speaking for you! And how dare you try to claim Congressman Lewis was linking you to Gov. George Wallace's segregation. He was linking you, aptly, to Gov. George Wallace's lynch-mob mentality. "As public figures with the power to influence and persuade," said Congressman Lewis, "Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all." Sen. McCain, your supporters, at your events, are calling Obama a terrorist and traitor and are calling for him to be killed. And yet you keep bringing back these same rabid Right Wing nuts to deliberately stir these crowds into frenzies. And then you take offense when somebody who remembers the violence in our political past, calls you on it. You, sir, are responsible for a phalanx of individuals who are shouting fire in a crowded theatre. There are some things to respect and honor about you, Sen. McCain. But on this, you're not only a fraud, Senator but you are tacitly inciting lunatics to violence. If you want to again grand-stand and suspend your campaign here's your big chance. Suspend your campaign now, until you, or somebody else, gets some control over it and it ceases to be a clear and present danger to the peace of this nation. - Keith Olbermann

Henry Ruark October 16, 2008 8:27 am (Pacific time)

T.C.: Per previous re polls, no matter who does 'em: Only one that counts is vote...and this time it will be surveilled for sure. Joe P. has now fixed national valve assuring close attention by those still capable of some cogitation.

TC October 15, 2008 9:34 pm (Pacific time)

Flashback/ MSM still currently doing bogus push polls. The voter is wising up even more today, thanks to other more reliable news sources: "Early poll gives Kerry the edge in final debate CNN ^ | 10-14-2004 TEMPE, Arizona (CNN) -- Sen. John Kerry appeared to gain more momentum heading toward November 2, easily beating President Bush in the third and final debate, a poll taken late Wednesday night suggests. A CNN/USA Today/Gallup snap poll taken immediately after the presidential debate found that respondents gave a significant edge to Kerry over Bush, 52 percent to 39 percent. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points. The numbers were similar to the results of a poll taken the night of the first debate September 30 in Miami, Florida. That night Kerry was favored by a 53 percent to 37 percent margin. (Excerpt) Read more at ..."

Henry Clay Ruark October 15, 2008 4:26 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Fundamental to the Far Right hope for power Presidentially imposed is the "unitary executive" theory. Hee's "see with own eyes" on that essential understanding everyone needs now: Too Much Presidential Power -- We've Got to Address the 'Unitary Executive' Question By Dana Nelson, LA Times Printed on October 15, 2008 In answering Gwen Ifill's question about vice presidential powers at last week's debate, Joe Biden redirected attention to the still not very well known concept of the "unitary executive." Biden charged that Dick Cheney had become "the most dangerous vice president we've had probably in American history" because of his attempts to create a super-powerful unitary executive. Biden didn't take time to explain exactly what he meant, but it's an extremely important, poorly understood subject, and it's time to question the presidential candidates -- closely -- about it. Plenty of presidents have worked to increase presidential power over the years, but the theory of the unitary executive, first proposed under President Reagan, has been expanded since then by every president, Democrat and Republican alike. Reagan's notion was that only a strong president would be able to dramatically limit big government." ------------- Don't miss this one;"see also" my previous Op Eds on the "imperial presidency", with extensive notes from E.E. Dionne, Arthur Schlesinger,Jr. and others.

TC October 14, 2008 6:25 pm (Pacific time)

Light of Hope--here are some more polls that are weighted differently than the ones you provided below. Also there have been many presidents elected over the last 40+ years that were down double digits even one day before the election. In 2004 Kerry was up 6 points on the monday before the next days election and Bush won by approx. 3 million votes. Look up the meaning of "push polls" and see how successful they have been. The internals of scientifically constructed polls are where the real data is: ZOGBY WEDNESDAY: OBAMA 48.2%, MCCAIN 44.4% (within margin of error)... NOT SURE 7.4%... DEVELOPING... RASMUSSEN: OBAMA 50% MCCAIN 45%..)Obama has dropped 2 points in 2 days, McCain up one).

Felicity October 14, 2008 5:07 pm (Pacific time)

"What a man sow shall he reap -And you know that talk is cheap..." - Bob Marley

The Light of HOPE October 14, 2008 8:46 am (Pacific time)

Its completely clear why desperation drives McCain, with this latest reliable poll:
Obama holds double-digit margins over McCain in Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin and carries a nine-point advantage over his Republican rival in Colorado, according to polling conducted by Quinnipiac University for and the Wall Street Journal.

"Obama's ascendancy in these key states mirrors his growing lead in national polling. The latest Washington Post/ABC News survey put Obama at 53 percent to McCain's 43 percent, while the daily Gallup tracking poll showed Obama holding a similar lead of 51 percent to 41 percent on Monday."

Henry Ruark October 13, 2008 8:08 pm (Pacific time)

Smokey: You wrote:"Sen. McCain was cleared of all false allegations by the so-called Keating Five S and L scandal by special prosecutor Bob Bennett, a democratic lawyer (Clinton's Impeachment attorney): 1. Bennett cannot clear the action of the Senate, on historical record as punishing McCain, per NYTimes recent report. 2. Anyone having anything to do with Clinton "impeachment", historic GOP political debacle also firmly on the public record, should hang head (or other parts !) in shame, and never, ever admit it. Again, as properly reported in national channels, some cited here. 3. Bennett has record himself which impeaches him (no pun !) in this and any situation with good judgment demanded. Have personal experience with one specifically proving that point. 4. Re Florida, that fails to count disputed ballots again, issue on which Supremes handed Bush the decision they were put there to guarantee if needed. Got any more "hot ones" ? If so, please refrain here and put them you-know-where...

Henry Ruark October 13, 2008 7:41 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Here's another on same main point --millions of new voters registered-- with recognizable names signing the stories: GOP Attacks on ACORN Are Based on the Fear of 1.3 Million New Voters By AlterNet Posted on October 13, 2008, ("Evaluate with own mind"-HCR) Jesse Jackson Jr. from the Huffington Post: What the Republicans are Really Afraid of The Republicans tried to make fun of Barack Obama as a community organizer at their national convention in Minnesota, which I guess just goes to show how little Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have to fear from right-wing "humor." Now they've gone further: Now they're attacking ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), one of the strongest, hardest-working, most dedicated community organizations in both Chicago and in 40 states across the U.S. Why are they after ACORN? Well, I'm sure they're going to come up with a lot of "reasons" in the coming days. But the real reason is obvious: Because ACORN, along with Project Vote, just announced that they had successfully registered 1.3 million poor people this year. ------------- Now you begin to see why GOP desperately funding attacks on open channels like S-N, with unsigned Commenteers...all masked men, without fail. But they don't all flourish MBA's, some pretend other IDs as fits their shill-fancy.

Smokey Ligon/5TH October 13, 2008 6:27 pm (Pacific time)

Sen. McCain was cleared of all false allegations by the so-called Keating Five S and L scandal by special prosecutor Bob Bennett, a democratic lawyer (Clinton's Impeachment attorney), who just recently reconfirmed his conclusion to the media as he did years ago. Sen. John Glenn was also named in this S and L fiasco and has been shilling for Obama. As far as Kerry being exposed for the traitor he is by his Navy peers is one thing, but the vast majority of Vietnam veterans knew him to be a cowardly liar, and during the 2004 presidential race less than 20% of active duty military supported him. And don't forget that Bush won Florida by approx. 400,000 votes. As far as Rassman he was a teenage LT. assigned to a Special Forces unit in the MD, not uncommon to take lower ranked young officers straight out of jump school from Benning and put them in a position where the A/B teams can optimize their resources. Young Rassman was never considered for advanced training back at Smoke Bomb Hill, I know this for a fact. Contact him and he would know how to get a hold of me via our network, though he may have to get a real Green Beret to assist him. I also have a place in Florence, use to see him every once and a while. Not in what we call Airborne Shape! I have met numerous people who knew Kerry (Kohn) and believe their assessment of him. Regarding Obama's "few mistakes", we'll see how that plays out in the next few weeks. Have you seen the latest video from Farakhan calling Obama the Messiah? Even Drudge has a link on it. Have you ever heard a Muslim call a Christian the Messiah? Shari Law has a very severe penalty for that: Death. So maybe you should open your eyes for some empirical research, rather than swallowing the radical's talking points. If your still in Iraq, well, good luck kid!

Henry Ruark October 13, 2008 9:45 am (Pacific time)

To all: Truthful report on Ayres now details his remark, taken out of total context now known, was that he regretted his actions were not more useful in pointing out the realities we have now come to realize about that historical period. But that does not fit the malign purposes of those who will politically pander, no matter what is needed to do the job --reflecting precisely what a previous Op Ed pointed out in documented detail:

Tim Casey October 13, 2008 2:11 pm (Pacific time)

Glen this term "Swiftboating" has really morphed into something that it really is not. Kerry's navy peers simply said it the way it was, he never could challenge the facts they layed out, nor has anyone else and a reward of one million dollars is available to someone who can. Ditto for Ayers and his close associations with many in elected office, mainly from the Chicago vicinity. But I sure agree with you that the environment and energy are dominant issues, which shows how successful Bush has been in protecting us on the domestic level from any large scale terrorist attacks, you agree with the latter? If you do not, or anyone else, could you explain why not? I would like to add most people are usually known by the company they keep. Obama has kept company with people and organizations that reflect very poorly on his judgement. Just look at the growing ACORN scandal and Obama was an advisor to that organization and his campaign gave them $800,000 to get out the vote. Bad situation and it will leave a very bitter taste no matter who wins. This type of fraud should have an aggravated charge attached which would be life in prison without parole. That would clear it up real quick. If Obama wins, was it because of fraud? In Philidelphia alone they have so far found over 56,000 fradulent registrations, or about 20% of new registations. How many have gotten through?


Editor's note:  I personally spent a day with Jim Rassman, the Green Beret that John Kerry pulled out of the Mekong River while on patrol in Vietnam.  This man was so peeved by the lying 'swiftboaters' that he left the Republican Party to come over and campaign for his friend.  It is not just sad, but a pathetic move for the GOP to have made during that race, and look what it got us; possibly the most failed presidency in history.  I know of no million dollars with regard to the swiftboat lies against Senator Kerry, but I do know that there is a hundred thousand offered for anyone who can prove that marijuana results in death.  That one has been around for a long time.  So, people reading this please understand that John Kerry was taken out by lies that hatched from the mind of Karl Rove and his band of criminals that will go to any level to ensure that their politics are in place.  Barack Obama, not surprisingly, has made a mistake or two in his life, but he is the closest to honest that we have seen for some time.  The timing is so far off on this one also, Obama was exactly 8 years old when his so-called friend made his mistakes.  John McCain on the other hand has plenty to answer for as a part of the savings and loan scandal.  Besides, he is just too damned old to be effective.  

Tim King

Coral Anika Theill October 13, 2008 12:42 pm (Pacific time) Post on Sept. 15, 2008 by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Fascist writer Westbrook Pegler, an avowed racist who Sarah Palin approvingly quoted in her acceptance speech for the moral superiority of small town values, expressed his fervent hope about my father, Robert F. Kennedy, as he contemplated his own run for the presidency in 1965, that "some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies." It might be worth asking Governor Palin for a tally of the other favorites from her reading list. _____________________________ Comment by Coral Anika Theill, Author and Advocate, I do not give Gov. Sarah Palin a "pass" regarding her ignorance of quoting Fascist writer Westbroook Pegler. Gov. Sarah Palin could have quickly looked up Westbrook Pegler at Wikipedia. She would have found this: His assertion in November 1963 (at the height of the civil rights movement) that it is "clearly the bounden duty of all intelligent Americans to proclaim and practice bigotry"; his embrace of the label racist, "a common but false synonym for Nazi, used by the bigots of New York"; or his habit of calling Jews "geese," because, "they hiss when they talk, gulp down everything before them, and foul everything in their wake," characterized his beliefs in the latter portion of his life.

Coral Anika Theill October 13, 2008 12:02 pm (Pacific time)

Thank you, Mr. Ramey, for your insightful article. I hope all readers will also read: "The Moment" by John Cory John Cory is a Vietnam veteran. He received the Purple Heart and Bronze Star with V device, 1969 - 1970. I hope "The Moment" (and following comments) can reach the masses. Most importantly, I hope its profound "message" will reach the masses. "The Moment" by John Cory is perhaps the most articulate, beautiful and moving article I have read regarding the presidential campaign. I am repulsed by the inciting of hatred and racism by the McCain/Palin campaign. Author John Cory speaks for me and I am grateful he showed up and "gave voice to the violence and biogotry." I am sorting through the process of a decision to "step aside" from so called friends and "polite acquaintances" who are supporting the McCain/Palin ticket and their dark philosophies and tactics, which I find dangerous, hateful, divisive, unacceptable and shameful. It is obvious that the 2008 presidential campaign is not just about a "difference of policies." - Coral Anika Theill, "[Sen. McCain] I watched your mouth dry up and wondered if you could taste the bitter words like "Arab," "terrorist," "treason," "kill him," - all served up on the plate of red meat politics by your campaign. Did it make you choke and want to spit out the rancid flavor of ignorance and violence? Or did you want to savor the success of the politics of personal destruction?" - John Cory A commenter - "John McCain is just beginning to see what his campaign has unleashed and unfortunately there is no return from the precipice of hate and divisiveness. His own running mate constantly throws out code words encouraging this type of hatred and McCain is unable or unwilling to restrain her. This country is headed down a dark road that it has not been down since the civil war. The end of that road will not be pretty."

Henry Ruark October 13, 2008 9:45 am (Pacific time)

To all: Truthful report on Ayres now details his remark, taken out of total context now known, was that he regretted his actions were not more useful in pointing out the realities we have now come to realize about that historical period.

But that does not fit the malign purposes of those who will politically pander, no matter what is needed to do the job --reflecting precisely what a previous Op Ed pointed out in documented detail:"WIN by ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER!"even if it damages our democracy in the process.

Glen October 13, 2008 5:30 am (Pacific time)

Any talk about Ayers is weak Swiftboating to distract the conversation away from McCain's feckless economic proposals which extend Bush's failed policies. This and energy and the environment are the real issues--not some trumped up guilt by association.

Henry Ruark October 12, 2008 12:04 pm (Pacific time)

P.S.: You wrote:"...we take all the candidates and explore their personal and professional associations."
Americans hold the right of free association, which is the power driving community cooperation of many kinds, as well as work-related functions, too.

Do you deny others that right while demanding it for your own groups? The consequences of those associations are on record in Chicago and Illinois as well received and widely praised; except by those who now seize upon them for precisely the malign purposes Ken reports so well in this piece.

Yours re Ayres again snatches his words out of context and cites his statement only in part, distorting its obvious meaning in malign intention to misinform, pervert and damage Obama by the second-hand effects you cite --a technique proving up quite clearly the intent involved, as laid out so neatly in Ken's report !!

You state "the record is quite clear, quite clear". Why then NOT cite it, if only by your own count, put on record here, of the cases you imply to have checked out ? Pardon me, friend, but your...(ulterior motive) is right out there in the breeze.

Percy S October 12, 2008 10:28 am (Pacific time)

It should be pointed out that Ayers via the New York Times the day after the attack on the United States on 9/11/2001 stated that he and his terrorist organization (The Weatherman) did not do enough. Obama was 40 years old at that time. Obama's (and wife Michelle) association with Ayers and his terrorist wife (Dorn) goes back many years and they have numerous ties via school boards and financial distribution organizations they shared membership. To illuminate these ties is an appropriate thing to do as we take all the candidates and explore their personal and professional associations. Also in terms of who handles defeat and criminally acts out, then simply look at the record of the arrests and convictions of Repub. and democrats over the years for acting out criminally. The record is quite clear, quite clear. Then if you want to also look at vote fraud convictions this also adds to the same criminal pattern. These are facts not suppostion.

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