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Oct-10-2009 21:14printcomments

Exclusive Interview With The New Jesus

A satirical look at the new manifestation of the son of God.

Modern Jesus

(SALEM, Ore.) - Reporter: The United Council of Christian Churches, The Vatican, and The World Christian Coalition today introduced to the world the New Jesus, spokesperson, role model and savior to Christians worldwide. Only ten reporters have been granted an interview, and I am thankful to have been one of them. The New Jesus differs in many ways from the first ,including His appearance. Unlike the robe-wearing, sandaL-clad Jesus of old, the new Jesus arrived for the interview wearing cammo pants and a Sturgis T-shirt with the sleeves cut off. He is definitely more buff than the former Messiah and has the swagger of a bouncer or a soldier-of-fortune. I was granted a five-minute interview. Here is the transcript of that interview.

(Jesus enters, we shake hands and sit across from each other at a small table.)

INTERVIEWER: Thank you for this interview.

JESUS: No problem.

INTERVIEWER: So other than physical appearance, how do you differ from the original Jesus, and why was it deemed neccessary to re-invent yourself?

JESUS: Well first off, I did not re-invent myself..I am a completely new Jesus. And the answer to the second part of your question should be obvious. The old Jesus makes no sense in today's world. "Love your enemies..pray for them who spitefully use you" ??? "Turn the other cheek" ?? Christians are tired of "turning the other cheek", and we are tired of enemies. All that hippie talk made sense when Christians were weak , but we aren't weak any more. Do you realize that 3/4 of the nuclear weapons in the world are owned by countries that claim to be Christian ? The days of walking around with our heads down are over, my friend.

INTERVIEWER: So you are saying that the former Jesus is outdated and irrelevant ?

JESUS: Yes, and not only that, I would have to add "dangerous". His philosophy made us sitting ducks..all that passiveness and unconditional love for everyone. The world is a different place now and Christianity has to evolve with the times. I hate to say it, but the old Jesus was kind of a pussy. Thankfully most Christians never really paid too much attention to his pinko philosophy, or we’d be in bad shape. Modern Christians are strong and tough and frankly, pissed off. They've had it with gays, atheists, hippies, Muslims, Jews and pretty much anyone that isn't Christian. It is time for Christians to clean house, God will find his own.

INTERVIEWER: You are calling for a Holy War?

JESUS: Yes, but lets not call it that...sounds too Muslim. We were thinking calling it something catchy like "Operation Enduring Freedom" or "Cleansing For Christ"...still working on that. Christians, especially American ones, love military-sounding stuff. It makes them feel powerful. Of course, you still have pockets of pacifism in the church, like the Quakers or Friends...whatever they call themselves, but they are few and fading. Christians are going to kick some ass. And I say "Bring it on !"

INTERVIEWER: What about "the meek shall inherit the Earth" ?

JESUS: Do you believe that? If so, I have some oceanfront property in Utah I'd like to sell you. Look, that was probably put in the Bible to pacify the poor so that they would accept their lot in life and somehow even feel that they are blessed because God is trying them and making them suffer. Can you imagine? How freakin naive !

INTERVIEWER: How do other religions fit into your new agenda?

JESUS: They don't. Well, let me rephrase that. They do inasmauch as we need an enemy. So we cannot completely eliminate ALL other religions, but we owe it to ourselves to thin em down substantially. But we can't have Christians fighting Christians, can we?

INTERVIEWER: Actually, in World War Two,most all the major players on both sides were "Christian" countries. Didn't the Germans have "God is on our side" engraved on the caps of their canteens?

JESUS: Yes, and we see how well that turned out. Look, Christians are at their strongest when there is a percieved enemy. Church enrollment goes up, more money pours in...look at the Cuban Missile thing that happened to the church in the early 60s.

But I'll tell you, Christians are done being the underdogs...and we are tired of weakness and all the lovey-dovey stuff. Remember when the soldiers came to arrest the old Jesus? What did he do ? Nothing. And in fact when Peter drew his sword and tried to fight, the old Jesus stopped him and get this--even healed the cut soldier ! Is that crazy or what? See my hands? No crucifixion here. We have evolved, my friend...we are not the crucified, but the crucifiers. We must rise up and do God's work.

INTERVIEWER: Will Christians accept you over the traditional Jesus? Isn't this going to be a hard sell?

JESUS:Yes, and I don't think so. Look, how many Christians really live the way the old Jesus said they were supposed to ? How many Christians dedicate their lives to helping others selflessly? Not many...Mother Teresa maybe. Do you know what hitchhiking on a Sunday morning when the roads are clogged with Christians is called ? Walking. How many Christians regularly donate to charities and hang out with and help the dregs of society like He did ? Not many at all. Why set unattainable standards? It will just make people quit the church or never join in the first place. I'll tell you this, I aint hanging out with lepers and riff-raff like that. And just because I am a Christian, does not mean that I should have to bring homeless families to my house, or buy dinner for bums. Homeless people stink, and chances are it is their own fault that they are homeless. Christians shouldn't have to concern themselves over these failures...these useless eaters. We are winners, not losers.

INTERVIEWER: I believe He told us to "take what we have and give to the poor".

JESUS: Yeah and they will sell it and buy crack or whiskey and then you will be the poor one. That doesn't make sense to me. Christians are made to feel guilty if we prosper and do not share the wealth. I say take care of ourselves...the chaff of the world can fend for themselves, or better yet, fight each other over the scraps. The fewer, the better.

INTERVIEWER: Your philosophy seems somewhat militant. Do you think Christians will accept this radical change?

JESUS: What radical change? Are you saying that Christians aren’t war-like? What group of Americans has supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan more than any other? Soldiers? Nope…Evangelical Christians. Do you know what Paul Tibbets and the crew of the Enola Gay did before they took off to incinerate an entire city full of civilians? They held hands and prayed to Jesus. Then they took off, dropped the bomb and killed 80,000 Japanese civilians. Tibbets went on to be a Christian motivational speaker ! Consider that for a minute…the man who incinerated Hiroshima, killing thousands of babies, children,families, innocent people, went on to be a Christian motivational speaker ! And he never ever once showed any regrets and in fact stated that "he slept well every night and would do it all again if he could". So don’t tell me that Christians are adverse to war. We thrive on it. If Christians were really paying any attention at all to the old Jesus, they’d be protesting in the streets to end the war. They would oppose war with every ounce of their being. Do you see that happening? Right now there are chaplains in the military, which from what I hear made no sense at all to the first Jesus. You go out, shoot up villages,kick in doors, drag off husbands, brothers and sons in the middle of the night..kill a few, then you come back to your base and pray to God.

That has been going on for some time. There is no “radical change” suggested here, just a realistic adjustment that reflects the true spirit of modern progressive Christianity. That is why the old Jesus was so out of step with the church. His hippie-dippie teachings have no place in the modern world. He does not represent most Christians any more. I do.

INTERVIEWER: Well it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

JESUS: Well it is about time that Christians had a Messiah that they can be proud of, not some hippie peacenik that preaches that love and kindness will save the day. That aint going to happen.

(at this point, I am informed that my time is up and the interview is over)

INTERVIEWER: Thank you for your time, Jesus.

JESUS: Likewise.

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Janet October 12, 2009 11:02 pm (Pacific time)

Wow. The old Jesus is kind of a pu**y is quite a statement. I understand the irony of the article, but did you have to use that word in reference? The editors should have caught that reference because it is rude no matter who you are directing it at.

Editor: Sorry Janet, that was a little out there, thanks for your input.

Daniel October 12, 2009 5:40 pm (Pacific time)

I am a member of the powerhouse church of the presumptuous assumption of the blinding light . Oh blinding light, oh light that blinds , look out for me I can not see . FST

EastCoastCommentator October 12, 2009 12:34 pm (Pacific time)

Vic, Guess I missed the part about following the Bible in the article. As for those who think they know Jesus and may not, the Bible speaks to that: Matthew 7:21-23 21"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' 23"And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' I agree with most of what you say, but am puzzled by your statement about hate. Hate appears in the NASB 163 times. Believers are to hate sin, evil, wickedness and bloodshed. Did you know there are things God hates too? Proverbs 6 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, ,hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans,Feet that run rapidly to evil,A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers

Osotan; October 12, 2009 11:44 am (Pacific time)

so did Edison, but what's that to do with the article?I mean there must have been some alteration of those depicted in earlier scriptural writings from Aramaic to Greek to Latin let alone Hebrew to Russian or Korean. I mean Shakespear and associates "translated" it from Latin because the Pope of the age wouldn't grant a divorce to one of the English kings of the time, who took it upon himself to transfer the seat of Godly power from Rome to Cantebury and continue the never ending crusades in Elizabethan English, to open and restore Istambul to it's "true" title, Constantinople. This is a loose panorama but gives plausible weight that God may indeed change,I am but a sinner anyway and know close to nothing.,almost all of the people I know are sinners too,some of them well meaning but sinners all the same.I personally hope God changes a little bit to let the well meaning ones slide, or ascend as it may be. No gratutious offence intended. It's a boring evening.

Vic October 12, 2009 10:27 am (Pacific time)

Thats the point, Eastcoastcommentator.. This piece was aimed at the millions and millions of people who call themselves Christians, but either have no idea what it means, or think that somehow the teachings of Jesus can be sorted through and picked through like a buffet,where you put the parts you like and that are easy to do on your plate and ignore the rest, or re-interpret them to fit our comfort zones, or justify our hate. Thanks for your input!

EastCoastCommentator October 12, 2009 8:14 am (Pacific time)

I realize this is satire, but the author does not know the one constant in Christianity: God does not change. Malachi 3:6 "For I, the LORD, do not change; God is much more powerful than the article portrays. He SPOKE the universe into existence. Genesis 1 has over 10 examples of this. Genesis 1:3 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.

gp October 12, 2009 5:23 am (Pacific time)

Tim, you missed the boat not getting an interview with "the new Jesus H". Pittman stole your thunder. Bravo senor Pittman.

Winder October 11, 2009 7:11 am (Pacific time)

I know the story has a satirical slant, but it's disturbingly accurate. If He does come back, he's going to torch all the idiots waging wars in His name. Or the name of any other deity. Or for any reason other than self-defense.

Osotan; October 11, 2009 1:20 am (Pacific time)

the movies "zeitgeist", 1 and 2, are a must view item.Have an open mind whan you watch them.

Susan Tackitt October 11, 2009 12:33 am (Pacific time)

The blood of Jesus covers a multitude of sin, even yours and mine.

Daniel Johnson October 10, 2009 11:51 pm (Pacific time)

The Pope is sitting quietly contemplating when one of his aides comes rushing in.

"Your holiness, your holiness, I have some good news and some bad news."

The Pope comes out of his doze and says, "Very well, tell me first, what is the good news?"

The aide stops to catch his breath then answers, "It's Jesus, he's returned and he wants to talk to you."

"Wonderful," says the Pope, "and what is the bad news?"

The aide gulps. "He's phoning from Salt Lake City." Ba da boom

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.