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Oct-09-2009 15:04printcomments

Op Ed: Nobel Award Proves 'Rational, Reasonable'
CAN Win Change

But the process demands patience, trust, full support.

White House Photo, Samantha Appleton, 10/9/09
White House Photo, Samantha Appleton, 10/9/09

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Our 21st Century world was never constructed in any single day, despite faith-based myth, magnificent stories, and centuries of systematic religious teachings.

Since the Reformation and the Enlightenment, millions around the world have come to depend on the difficult, demanding, dangerous application of rationality --with reasonable action so-shaped/and/driven-- for any advances whatsoever shared by all nations now.

Those who expect rapid remediation of longtime concentrated conflict and competition, built from all-too human characteristics, can only simmer in their own concentrated-competitive juices.

They will surely be sorely frustrated by “their own sudden-syndrome magical/mythical expectations”, in this naturally extended-process always demanded for real progress --as centuries of experience clearly teach.

Real world-wide change, by its very nature involving many millions in many radically-different societies, inexorably demands time and requires patience on the part of all-involved.

Today’s Nobel Prize to President Obama --for his early and continuing, deeply determined, world-wide efforts to effect and assure the peace of our 21st Century by rational, reasonable remediations-- makes that point relentlessly. The last occasion was the Nobel award to President Wilson, circa 1920’s.

Multiple critics will immediately spring from their shadowy settings to declaim and denigrate Obama’s win. They suffer from serious paranoiac symptomologies including every form of psychological denial.

Many now make a multiple-dollar heavy/harvesting career out of ostensible calamitization of every possible potential forward-progress by this, our first President from the African-American segment of our nation.

Indeed, it has become highly evident that “the other political party” has dedicated its extremely determined destructive powers to every part and potential of the Obama Administration.

They see serious --perhaps even close to seditious-- unsubtle, uncooperative, definitely uncompromising and always negativizing attack/action as their only possible permissible plan for potential return-to-power. That’s clearly --and very obviously for this event-- deeply and desperately cynical.

Such action is politically, professionally, personally only self-serving, especially when perpetrated at the obvious damage to continuing commonweal responsibility.

That continuing kind of action is absolutely sure to preserve, promote and provide still further destructive, dangerous and denial-driven damages to our 250- year/tried and trusted form of democratically-shaped governance --already painfully extended and stressed by inexorably ongoing world-progress events.

But “their” continued active opposition and determined search for every possible way to categorize, drive into chaos, and completely distort/pervert every possible Obama action is sure proof of their true --and openly demonstrated-- objectives.

What we see at work surely reveals motivations which should bring “them” into brightly-illuminated deep shame, among the many millions more of most Americans already disgusted and deeply offended by such tactics imposed, clearly defying and denying what our Founding Fathers so carefully contrived to guide us over the ages.

Their continuing actions demonstrate the long proven unrealistic demand, vital to any so/called “conservative” philosophy, that “only the conservative view can be allowed to prevail”: With all power concentrated in THEIR “chosen elite” --thus destroying the very essence and heart of true democracy, setting at naught essential American values, expectations and political beliefs.

That’s the essence of the Lincoln-intoned “...OF the people, FOR the people, BY the people...”, muscularly made modern and still-potent by our continued open access to “the VOTE” --still controlling/all when we do finally determine our CHOICE -- and despite any failure and frustration delivered later.

We CAN, DO, and WILL CONTINUE to choose, to vote, and THEN to communicate, demand and determine what can happen next, as we continue to CHOOSE and VOTE. Only thus is essential change ever achieved within the characteristics of real democracy.

It will take deadly-determined fascistic power, potently applied over not only political but wildly physical and violent opposition, to wipe away and finally negate that basic, essential activating principle of any democracy: The potent power of the people, expressed via informned and intelligently-guided majority action.

How narrowly we have recently escaped from that common fate of former democratically-based governance regimes is only NOW --after considerable very solid and deeply professional-historian and social-scientist study and its consequential considerations-- becoming widely and well-enough/known to shape, succor, protect and properly preserve what we must do to continue our American survival for the 21st Century.

The still-emerging and ongoing policy protocols and process demanded are essential developmental tools yet being built and rapidly put into place by the Obama Administration: Replacing and remediating the potent policy-power tools of the desperately/failed last neocon regime has demanded far too much time, energy and cogitation from this incoming “new regime rigorously revealing and rebuilding what has been done to our democracy” since the early Reagan-era irrational and irresponsible attack on previous progressive successes.

That true progress is under way in many areas, from economic surcease to the turning tide now beginning to appear for healthcare reform, is widely apparent. Proof of that delicate, dolorous pudding is primarily to be found in the beginnings of benign influences now becoming apparent on most areas of major concern, with marginally-improving consequences clearly traceable to rapid actions taken by the incoming administration under President Obama’s leadership.

Despite determined distortion/perversion of many progressive indications by the continuing impacts of the mainstream media --clearly not as much concerned with any national progress-made as with catastrophe and consequences citable agains this administration-- the plain and simple fact is that patience and proper attention to further similar action is paying off already.

Many millions of us are in a position from which we can only hope for continuation of what has been without doubt well-begun. Patience, understandings obtained by full, accurate information, substantially aiding the unavoidable everycitizen responsibilities for democracy we all share, is surely a major tool --one right in line with the American Way at the heart of our long-vaunted “exceptionalism”.

The Nobel Prize awarded to President Obama today surely shows that the premier world organization whose mission is responsible evaluation of exceptional, essential abilities and their application sees effort and beginning accomplishments demanding their full attention --and their Award to our first African-American President whose life-story surely reflects precisely what our Founding Fathers intended, despite their bound-down difficulties reflecting their own less-progressive time.


Reader’s Note: This is the first of a continuing series written as “Signals from Seaside”, as we settle into a new situation here and learn much more about an intriguing community sure to provide exceptional reflection on all major issues current. We intend to cause cogitation, thus continuing the deep responsibility of every citizen to be informed and involved with problems, issues, and possible solutions and/or actions demanded to protect, preserve and extend our American values and way-of-life. Your comments are solicited and warmly welcome so long as they demonstrate active cogitation and further share-and-learn approach, as clearly intended here.


At 21, Henry Clay Ruark was Aroostook Editor for the Bango, Maine DAILY NEWS, covering upper 1/4 of the state. In the ‘40s, he was Staff Correspondent, then New England Wires Editor at United Press-Boston; later Editor for the Burlington, Vermont 3-daily group owned by Wm. Loeb, later notorious at Manchester, New Hampshire UNION LEADER for attacks on Democratic Presidential candidates.

Hank returned to Oregon to complete M. Ed degree at OSU, went on to Indiana University for Ed.D. (abd) and special other course-work; was selected as first Information Director for NAVA in Washington, D.C.; helped write sections of NDEA, first Act to supply math, science, foreign language consultants to state depts. of education; joined Oregon Dept. of Education as NDEA administrator/Learning Media Consultant for tenyears.

He joined Dr. Amo DeBernardis at PCC, helping establish, extend programs, facilities, Oregon/national public relations; moved to Chicago as Editor/Publisher of oldest educational-AV journal, reformed as AV GUIDE Magazine; then established and operated Learning Media Associates as general communications consultant group. Due to wife’s illness, he returned to Oregon in 1981, semi-retired, and has continued writing intermittently ever since, joining S-N in 2004. His Op Eds now total over 560 written since then.

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"Skipper" Osborne October 13, 2009 7:28 pm (Pacific time)

Russ...I was President of the NAACP 'Portland Branch #1120' during The tenure of Kwesi Mfume the 'National/World' NAACP President. All NAACP Chapters have their own Presidents. Yes it is true that the NAACP is losing members. Again you are correct in stating that many different organizations that have been around for many years seem to be bleeding members. Correct again that joining some organizations no longer has the appeal they once did, or that the reasons for their existence have been reduced or even eliminated. I believe that your high praise (thank you) of to be recognized will rocket it to the top if others feel as you in meaningful numbers, again I agree let me know my part and let us bust a move!

Russ October 12, 2009 1:00 pm (Pacific time)

Skipper Osborne you said you had been president of the NAACP. Was this before or after Kwesi Mfume? I heard that organization is losing membership, is that true? So many different organizations that have been around for many years seem to be bleeding members. Maybe joining some organizations no longer has the appeal they once did, or that the reasons for their existence have been reduced or even eliminated. I believe that your high praise of to be recognized will rocket it to the top if others feel as you in meaningful numbers. By the way to the other posters about the Patriot Act and lawful wiretapping...these programs have kept us safe and their creation and ongoing funding have been bi-partisan. As far as government getting into our personal business, just look at your credit report and see who really gets personal.

October 11, 2009 2:56 pm (Pacific time)

Vic...Glad to hear that you do not care about the color of our President. Do you really expect President Obama to obliviate all the ills of the world and America
in his short time in office? Do you, any other country, or person/people think President Obama can? Let us put it this simple: President Bush got America in these wars, so now President Obama should just pull America out "immediately?" Do you see the falicy of your argument?  Since the KKK has been around for many years, I have been expecting a "CHANGE" (irradication thereof) for many years, if America can not "CHANGE" the behavior of such a small racist few over the years; how in thunderration would one expect President Obama to "CHANGE" hundred's of years of lying by other countries and our Ex-Presidents?"  I never said you were wrong in that 'we have the largest military budget in the history of the world,' "PRESIDENT OBAMA 'INHERITED' THE LARGEST MILITARY BUDGET IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD:" and yes, President Obama added a "few more dollars, (in comparison)" to the wars. Should we recommend that President Obama allocate $1.00 (that is right 'one dollar') for the  up coming military budget? The majority of Rebublicans and some Democrats will be mad as hell - and oil companies too! Your facts are skewed from a faulty starting point. Guantanamo Bay is still open, because we have THE HOUSE, and THE SENATE that is pussy footing around. Be honest with you, I do not have the foggest idea of how many people are being wiretapped, but I do know this; PRESIDENT OBAMA DID NOT INSTITUTE THE WIRE TAPPING PROGRAM: does Mr. Cheney, or Former President Bush, ring any bells? Now, all of this that you said, "I just wonder when our so-called democracy kicks in, and our "leaders" finally listen to us, instead of just promising all the right things then proceeding with their own agenda once in office. I hope Obama earns that Peace Prize, and carries out the will of the people. If Unocal wants to put in a natural gas pipeline in Afghanistan, they should be the ones to protect it, and die for it." I agree with you 1,000,000,000,000%.

Armor Clinks October 11, 2009 5:55 pm (Pacific time)

"Respected Democrat Encourages 'Naive' Obama to Emulate Bush; Honored Vet Says 'Stan Not 'Nam" As the debate on Afghanistan comes to the fore, a well respected Democrat has urged Barack Obama to emulate the wartime courage and leadership of former President George W. Bush by implementing the 'surge' strategy recommended by Gen. Stanley McChrystal. Former Sen. Bob Kerrey, a Medal of Honor recipient of the Vietnam war, wrote an op-ed published in The Wall Street Journal Friday night that congratulated Obama on his Nobel Peace Prize but then went on to criticize Obama for being "naive" and apologizing for America too much. The news media has ignored this article by the former 9/11 Commission member and candidate Obama supporter, but because of Kerrey's well known military heroism and senate background it is expected that his statements will become widely spread by the conservative media which will embolden other democratic Obama critics to come forward and to be honest with the American people.

"Skipper" Osborne October 11, 2009 3:28 pm (Pacific time)

Prof. Michael Anthony ... Your statement in its entirety: "Anyway, this isn't a free speech zone, it is a business." So what kind of business is this? What do you call it? I have worked in Journalism since the 1960's and have never seen an operation like this labeled as a news organization, so what do you call yourself? Thanks. First of all I am ashamed that you are a professor and that you have worked in journalism since the 1960's: You of all people should know damn well that the owners of all news organizations, and "THE EDITORS' determine what will, and will not be printed (if you say otherwise, you are not being honest with yourself, and that is sad). News papers are in the business of making money, and there is nothing wrong with doing the same. No bloody newspaper on this planet and other planets operate on a "free speech zone!" As a civil rights advocate, and a former President of THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE (NAACP), "I HAVE NOT READ A NEWS PAPER, OR FOUND A NEWS ORGANIZATION THAT REPORT, OR PRINT THE NEWS MORE HONEST AND EQUITABLY THAN!" I ask that you especially check out reporting of the Sterling Alexander case. compared's reporting to any and "all" other news organizations that reported on the case; and you will see that was the most honest and integral in there reporting. IS A SUPERB NEWS ORGANIZATION!

Daniel October 11, 2009 11:04 am (Pacific time)

Henry hope all goes well , I am looking for your return and articulate input .

Daniel October 11, 2009 10:38 am (Pacific time)

I think President Obama deserves the award for his work in deescalating the arms race and opening civil dialog with potential and real enemies . When this sincere hardworking President came to office he have two wars and a broken economy , perpetrated by his predecessor , to deal with . Unfortunately many thought him the second coming and expected him to wave his hand and all evil would stop . The reality is as a politician you have to deal with your party and the opposition . To just cut and run from the middle east would be a disaster , both for the population that live there and for the democrats . Mcsame would have given the generals another blank check and another serge . Obama is intensely looking at all options on the best solution . This President has also endured withering 24/7 attacks from so called loyal Americans ,and the foreigner Rupard Murdock , who are only looking out for their own interest and not this country . Time will show us the value of this great President !

Henry Ruark October 11, 2009 10:28 am (Pacific time)

To all: John Dewey declared "conversation is the heart of democracy." SO: "We intend to cause cogitation, thus continuing the deep responsibility of every citizen to be informed and involved with problems, issues, and possible solutions and/or actions demanded to protect, preserve and extend our American values and way-of-life." Go it, all ! Dialog decently and honesty shared can only lead on to mutual learnings, good for the conscience and responsibilities of all. Short further hiatus for a simple med-incident tomorrow ...see you all soon again !! Meanwhile gratitude to Tim and Bon for open, honest, and surely democratic channel to make such dialog possible.

Vic October 11, 2009 7:12 am (Pacific time)

Skipper...I have no problem with President Obama being black, green or plaid. What I have a problem with is the uninterrupted military adventures that have not slowed down one bit in the last year. Where is the "CHANGE" that everyone voted for? Am I wrong that our military budget is the largest in the history of the world?? I am not talking about Bush, I am talking about this and next year's budget, which is the largest appropriation of military spending in the entire history of the world. Facts, my friend...just the facts. And why is the Guantanamo Bay torture prison still open when a clear majority of Americans want it closed? Why are we still wiretapping American citizens, why are we still sending billions to Israel, why haven't things changed yet? And I am not a bitter Republican, nor a Democrat, so it aint a party thing with me. Thisreminds me of how the Bushites always tried to blame Clinton for everything...even years after Bush took office. I just wonder when our so-called democracy kicks in, and our "leaders" finally listen to us, instead of just promising all the right things then proceeding with their own agenda once in office. I hope Obama earns that Peace Prize, and carries out the will of the people. If Unocal wants to put in a natural gas pipeline in Afghanistan, they should be the ones to protect it, and die for it.

"Skipper" Osborne October 10, 2009 9:02 pm (Pacific time)

Vic, you are wrong on many points, the President of this country, "has," but he did not "make," but, President Obama "inherited" from President Bush, the "largest military budget in the world." President Obama is doing a very good job of "cleaning up a inherited mess" and for that alone he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Answer to your second question, "no that does not sound a little bit weird." Matter of fact all of your questions are a little bit weird. Let me tell you what President Obama has done to pursue peace: He has brought together many Americans, who voted him in as President. The "majority" of Americans have said, "since the inception of America, there have only been "White men as Presidents." Americans spoke loud and clear: "We the people of the United States of America, believe a Black man can do a better job." And the American people also thought that a woman (Senator Hilory Clinton) could do a better job because she got the second highest number of votes. The Jeffrey Dahmer remark, you need to really get a life. How many troops were in Afghanistan before President Obama entered office? How many sovereign countries did President Bush attack?: I just want to mention, Iraq, President Bush and his administration "lied" to the American people that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction, and they did not." I cannot think of one U.S. President that has not supported Israel 100%; I do recall a speech that President Obama let Israel know that their relationship with the U.S. is not going to be "business as usual," that does not sound like 100% support to me. You do not get it Vic, because you are one of many Americans who can not stand that a Black man is President of the United States of America; and I am quite sure you feel the same about women. No, the bar was set low when President Bush turned the Presidency over to President Obama. President Obama has raised the bar, during his short time in office; the World now regards the United States of America in a better light. You stated 'The religious fervor with which some of you worship this guy really amazes me.'There is no religious fervor with which some of us suppose to be worshiping President Obama. We are just sick and tired of the lies that have been coming from 8 years of President Bush, and "THE AMERICAN PEOPLE OVERWHELMINGLY, by their votes said, YES WE CAN DO BETTER, AND YES WE CAN CHANGE: Thus making President Obama the peoples' choice. Do you not recall that your statement "many of you will still be singing hymms of praise and adoration, and urging the rest of us to just wait a little longer...just a few hundred more dead soldiers, just a few thousand more dead civilians....just a few trillion more dollars , and all will be well.. statement:" This is what President Bush and his administration did, sounds like projection to me on your part. President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize is not a joke, and he has "tons of integrity."

Prof. Michael Anthony October 10, 2009 6:53 pm (Pacific time)

"Anyway, this isn't a free speech zone, it is a business." So what kind of business is this? What do you call it? I have worked in Journalism since the 1960's and have never seen an operation like this labeled as a news organization, so what do you call yourself? Thanks

Editor: Are you serious? Nobody in their right mind would just allow every comment to go up.  Since the 60's you say, well welcome to the modern world.  This is a news Website, ranked 5 out of 10 on Google.  We have over 13k published articles, I have over 1200 myself.  We are a worldwide news team that covers news in a truthful manner.  We are heavily visited and many here hold awards for our work.  We are the only privately owned news Website in the world with the traffic volume we carry, and we compete with the largest news agencies in the world in many Web locations.   

Mary October 10, 2009 5:52 pm (Pacific time)

Nevermind, it was me/my computer, seems something strange was going on, sorry to bother

Mary October 10, 2009 5:37 pm (Pacific time)

What is with the "chinese?" on the site ID? Hacked?

"Skipper" Osborne October 10, 2009 2:03 pm (Pacific time)

"Anonymouse," First, your words "I STRONGLY disagree that most americans support obama. 29%-35% max." Your figures are close to the "Rasmussen Reports" where the "conservative media frequently refer to for their polls." The Associated Press and the Gallop Polls have President Obama, as of october 10, 2009; at a 56% approval rating and climbing. Secondly, by the fact that you do not put "President" in front of President Obama's name; and you spell "Obama" with a small "b" you are conservative at best and President Obama is not your President. As much as I disagree/d with the President Bush's years, I will always give them the respect of "President" with a capital "B."

"Skipper" Osborne October 10, 2009 1:22 pm (Pacific time)

To Ruark and Editor: Oh my gracious, I agree with the article and the comments 100%: beautiful, just down right beautiful. Your words were/are food for my soul! To Carlson: I sense that you are expousing some form of religiousity. Your praying for President Obama is "lukewarm" at best, my Father said in Revelation 3:15-16: "I know all the things yuou do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!" And, as the Scripture points out in James 5:16: "Confess your sins to each other and pray for eadch other so that you may be healed. THE EARNEST PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS PERSON HAS GREAT POWER AND PRODUCES WONDERFUL RESULTS." Therefore, Mr. Carlson, I am praying for you.(Scriptures are from the New living Translation)

Vic October 10, 2009 11:57 am (Pacific time)

So the President of the country that currently has the largest military budget in the history of the world gets a Nobel Peace Prize? Doesnt that sound a little weird? Isn't that kind of like Jeffrey Dahmer getting a culinary award? What has Obama done to pursue peace? Send more troops to Afghanistan? Attack sovereign Pakistan on a regular basis? Support Israel 100% in their ethinic cleansing campaign? Put 150,000 mercenaries in Iraq? I don't get it. Is the bar so low that if you don't start a world war, you get a peace prize? The religious fervor with which some of you worship this guy really amazes me. Years from now, when we are still in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Lord knows where else, many of you will still be singing hymms of praise and adoration, and urging the rest of us to just wait a little longer...just a few hundred more dead soldiers, just a few thousand more dead civilians....just a few trillion more dollars , and all will be well.. This was a joke and if Obama had a shred of integrity, he would refuse to accept it as it is undeserved as of yet. It is appropriate, however, that a prize named after the man who invented dynamite and high explosives would go to the leader of the country that has enough explosives to destroy the world thirty times over, and who continually funds the production of more.

Anonymous October 10, 2009 10:43 am (Pacific time)

I happen to think Carlsons post was well written, respectful, and just sharing his opinions. I thought that was what the forums were here for? Or, if you dont support obama, then dont bother posting your opinions? It seems that attitude is growing in the U.S. Check out the videos from the G20. Dont agree with obama? they will sick the LRADs on ya. Looks as tho they are going to force you to support obama, or shut you down, just as henry is doing to carlson.And I STRONGLY disagree that most americans support obama. 29%-35% max.

Editor: Cry me a river Stephen, Carlson isn't a name we like around here.  I just approved a comment from Vic Pittman that slams Obama, but this Carlson is underhanded.  Anyway, this isn't a free speech zone, it is a business.  

Jeff Johnson October 10, 2009 8:09 am (Pacific time)

This to me looks like a symbol of a huge problem I have seen in the U.S. Government over the last 2 decades that is just spreading over the whole globe. Those of us that WORK and Accomplish things get rewarded for actually completing tasks and projects. Those at the top announce they have a new idea or they are GOING to do something. They NEVER have to complete it, but by simply announcing it they are instantly given credit for it. They receive rewards for simply opening their mouths but never have to do a thing. They also make changes to so they can say they MADE a CHANGE. The light never shines down low enough to see that those changes made the world WORSE. But they did make those changes so they were rewarded and allowed to walk away from the project, it does not matter how much harm their project caused. They did something. This has been a HUGE problem over the last 2 decades. It's a shame this is being condoned at the international level. We as a people need to stop this before we are all swept away by this stupidity and madness.

A Local Voice October 9, 2009 10:46 pm (Pacific time)

Nice, well-written piece Mr. Ruark. It is nice to see your name again here, and your well crafted op-eds. Barack Obama is the top American, whether some people realize that or not. His success is out success unless we are so prejudice and full of ourselves, that we stop making sense to the world. I think the previous commenter may be proof of that.

Carlson October 9, 2009 6:11 pm (Pacific time)

Regardless of how people feel about this award and how it is handed out, it sets the bar quite high for Obama. I wonder if these europeans on the Nobel committee, who began deliberations after Obama had been in office just 11 days, created such high expectations for Obama's future accomplishments that he will never measure up no matter what he does? I recall not that long ago when at the Academy Awards, the Oscar for best song went to "It's Hard Out There For A Pimp." So from then on I pretty well ignored that award as having any real meaning. In a way when Al Gore received a Nobel Prize for Peace, I also started "tuning out" for that award's significance. But since Obama is our president, I do want him to succeed in area's that make us here in America safer. Most of his policies I fervently disagree with, as does the most of America in certain policy areas, but when it comes to creating world peace I will pray for him daily. Amen.

Editor: Why don't you pray for yourself?  It seems personal responsibility is the missing factor in many problems we see on a daily basis.  For example, you suggest that "most Americans" disagree with Obama's policies and that is a factual error.  We just ditched an administration that lied frequently enough to convince people of practically anything, and here you are trying to inject your flawed philosophy.  Pimps are part of life pal, and the right wing's extreme views regarding sex and life have caused this.  Of course my biggest question, and I probably don't speak for only myself, is how on earth do you talk about Hollywood and Academy Awards and then switch to the Nobel Peace Prize?  Don't you think that is a little bizarre?

If everyone was rational about sex then the extremes would not exist.  But we have a society where supposed "conservative" people want to deny even basic sex ed and keep their kids in the dark, then they scratch their heads and wonder why the kids run amok as soon as they are out of the house. 

Most people support Obama, and he has areas where he can make improvements, but hopefully it will work out.  I recognize your name as a person we have banned before, by the way.  I think your best move is to just get your news somewhere else, becuase our politics are not good for your health, if you are the individual I believe you may be.  I am quite serious and I won't approve any more nonsense comments.  I do appreciate your overall wishes for the betterment of America, and on that I agree.

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