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Oct-07-2012 12:00 ![]() ![]() Nepal: Foreign Interference and Political ImpasseArun Shrivastava CMC Special edition for Salem-NewsFour years and one hundred million dollars later, the people of Nepal are still waiting for a Preamble and Objectives’ Clause of their Constitution.
(CHENNAI, India) - When people forget history, mystery repeats itself. History tells us that Nepal evolved a sophisticated democratic system over two thousand years before Aristotle’s Greece did; the mystery is that ethnic identity federalists are still groping for a viable one and the Maoists want a Stalinist solution. Nepal’s ancient culture flourished not because of foreign funded NGOs but because the people were wise; the mystery is that 602 modern, educated, and westernized members of Nepal’s Constituent Assembly could not write even one page of a Constitution. History says that the Nepal’s ancestors evolved a sophisticated participatory decentralized Panchayati Raj in ancient Nepal, then known as Kirat Pradesh to which the Limbus also contributed significantly. [1] The mystery is that modern Nepali leaders can’t because the Maoists and ethnic federalists have chosen to serve western predatory capitalist interests. People’s wisdom has been stolen by the Maoists, INGOs, NGOs and international development agencies like the USAID, Ford Foundation and aid agencies all west European countries. Nepal's perspicacious leaders are openly saying that their beloved country may be torn apart. Perfect non-performing assets Marxist-neoconservative, and an innovative “war-tourism” initiator, Prachanda [aka Pushp Kamal Dahal] says that India’s interference has brought Nepal to a political logjam. The Delhi educated current Prime Minister Bhattarai, also a Marxist-neoconservative, says ‘power is not in his hands’. Mohan Baidya Kiran and Madhav Nepal say that they don’t want Indian cars and Hindi movies in Nepal. Delhi residences of Nepali leaders are in full bloom, with cash and flowers. hen a Nepali makes money, he/she invests in Delhi, Bombay, Bangalore, etc, because they find their investments safe with steady gain in property value. Thousands of Nepalese folks are doing business in India. The Maoists should actually ban investments of corrupt Nepali leaders who find it safe to buy property in India and deposit cash in Liechtenstein banks. Yami should know, so should Prime Minister Bhattarai and their cohort. Question is: would they invest in Beijing or Shanghai, or any place north of the border? Why not in Xijang, a safer place and closer? If no, why? Nepali females, be it Mala Sinha or Manisha Koirala, have done India’s Bollywood proud, to name a few, and many more will follow in their footsteps. There is no parallel to Bollywood in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America and now, with the convergence of computing technology with the art and science of photography, the technical excellence is as good as Follywood. If creative artists from Nepal wish to shine, the place and opportunity is right at their doorstep. Even Pakistani artists come here, so do artists from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Mohan and Madhav can ban Hindi movies but they have no right to prevent a talented Nepali from succeeding in Bollywood and when they succeed in Bollywood the people of Nepal have a right to soak in Nepali success. Perhaps Mohan and Madhav should also consider banning insidious Zionist funded Follywood too but would they? Nah, they can’t bite the hand that feeds them. As far as banning Indian cars are concerned, the communist leaders are utterly illiterate about the business of car making. [2] By 1980, the intermediate technology based automobile industry had integrated so closely across the world that not one country could say that they make 100% of an automobile. There was no 100% British automobile by the 1980s and no American by the end of 1980s. Detroit is a dead city; so is the Midlands region of England once home to 46 independent car manufacturers. Cars are manufactured in India because of lower labour cost; design, engineering and much of CAD/CAM come from Italy or Germany or Japan or the US. [3] It’d have made more sense to offer Nepal as a base for car making instead of banning Indian car. There is no such thing as an Indian automobile. A lowly state minister of India during the seven-month rule of Prime Minister Chandrashekhar [November 1990 to June ‘91] told the Nepalese Government to appoint one Mr. X as Nepal’s ambassador to country Y. That Mr. X had no diplomatic experience or training yet was entrusted with a vital assignment as long as Delhi backed him. Prachand, Mohan Baidya, Madhav Nepal and all who think that India’s interference is a problem should seek solutions from wiser counsels in Nepal and, if necessary, involve any of the two hundred odd sovereign nations and their experts. Kathmandu is not in any marital bond with New Delhi to follow traditional nuptial obligation until death. The India-versus-China fixation is Nepali leaders’ problem but how many Nepali leaders have invested their ill gotten gains in Beijing or Shanghai? [4] The problem of LeftismThe entire industrial civilization is based on the same feudal relationship of production as existed before the industrial era started; the former European feudal lords still control every economic activity around the world. This group is the real financial elite and they created Leftism, funded and sustained them. The the British Imperialists and London bankers also funded Russian revolution. With the exception of Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Fidel Castro Ruz and earlier Tito, Joe En Lai, perhaps Mao Tse tung, and a few African and Asian leaders, all Left leaders have been under suspicion of collusion with the same financial power centre, especially the Communist Parties in India. Insiders say that even Ho Chi Minh turned out to be on CIA payroll. The Maoists in Nepal should note that NATO conducted a lethal secret war against genuine socialists and reformers in Europe financed by the same European feudal powers who fund spurious Maoists and terrorist organizations because they are the best bet for chaos in South Asia. [5] The basic premise of Maoist political economy to impose a collectivist society is actually fascistic now known as the neo-conservative agenda. Both the Marxists and neo-conservatives can’t tolerate the small farmers and peasants because they can grow food, survive and escape their totalitarian rule. [6] They can’t tolerate fundamental rights of any sort and the UN-Framework Team coordinates that mayhem. Despite their problem with withdrawing their awesome foreign exchange balance with western banks, at least the Chinese leadership is making a serious attempt to overcome this weakness. They have recently announced that they will trade oil and gas in Yuan and Russia has promised them as much oil and gas they want and any country can opt out of dollar hegemony. Has any ethnic identity federalist or Maoist leader said that Nepal should opt out of dollar hegemony or the hegemony of Indian rupee and purchase oil and gas from China paid for in Yuan? Is Bhattarai’s power located in Capitol Hill or Buckingham Palace or Delhi? Has Prachand any economic agenda of keeping India out that would benefit Nepali people? If Nepal starts buying oil from China, a litre of petrol would cost 50% less if not cheaper. [7] Nepali leaders talk politics and only politics; they don’t have an economic agenda. And the INGOs and NGOs and all the development agencies don’t want Nepal to have an economic agenda. That is the main problem, not India or China but the Nepal’s ‘nominated’ leaders’ stupidity of allowing Trojan Horses in Kathmandu will create a problem for both China and India.
The Politics of INGOs and NGOs
Nepali people should note that all International NGOs and all international aid and Human Rights agencies work under central direction and coordination with six specific objectives which are:
Each of these six is a huge issue and hundreds of hard evidences exist in Nepal alone. Since the 1990s, Kathmandu has become the centre of international NGO [INGO] activities. The creation of NGO, or non-governmental organization, by former western colonial powers, especially Britain and British ruling elite’s current muscleman USA, is a mystery because it happened extremely rapidly. Kathmandu was selected as the base where participants from South Asian nations could arrive without visa problems. The 19th Century vintage champagne of ‘divide and rule’ has a new bottle made by the INGOs and NGOs.
The ostensible reason for creating an army of NGOs was that since the Governments in the third world countries have failed to provide critical educational, welfare and developmental services and that these services will be better served by NGOs. Not one ‘reformer’ or ‘thinker’ proffered the other option of improving efficiency in the government so vital in developing countries. Another solution being imposed on the world is outsourced government functions through Public-Private-Partnership [PPP]. In the USA, even the prison system works on Public-Private-Partnership with, as some analysts suggest, Government guarantee of 90% occupancy, which means the American Government must arrest its own citizens on the flimsiest charges. The real purpose of NGOs is to pave the way for one world government by making legitimate government redundant. Information from Kathmandu confirms that about 40% of foreign funds go directly to the NGOs, which amounts to undermining the supremacy of the State of Nepal. Many analysts have questioned why the European Governments still continue to be the financial power centre when they can’t handle their own finances? And it is well known that Western Governments want to cull world’s population to fewer than 500 million. Today the world population is nearing 7 billion and their agenda is to remove/cull/kill 6.5 billion ‘useless eaters.’ South Asians are all useless eaters; Nepalese, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are useless eaters. Only Europeans and Americans are useful eaters. Nazi minion Henry Kissinger was tasked to prepare National Security Study Memo [NSSM] #200 in which he says that the population growth in 13 countries is a threat to the west; Nepal was not named in that report but is a prime target now. The combined population of USA and West Europe is about 600 million; the plan is to cull about 100 million in the USA too, which means the culling process is targeted at the rest of the world and that process has been on for at least one decade. The systems are in place and working; the INGOs, NGOs and aid agencies are all in it up to their neck. When Nepali people get to know their true agenda they will hang them from the nearest tree. When things happen rapidly it is called mystery; when history does uncover mystery, it is always too late. Nepali leaders should know that both China and India put together are far less corrupt than the western leaders. The corruption of western leaders is expressed in decimation of nations without any parallel in modern history; the US NATO forces are in overt or covert wars across the world mainly in resource rich but poor countries. They are sociopaths: a corrupt leader steals public money, a psychopath kills one or two persons, but a sociopath destroys entire societies and that’s what they have always done. These western leaders are “congenitally defective human beings of a sort that is making [America] and many other parts of the planet go completely haywire nowadays. These were people born without consciences, and suddenly they are taking charge of everything ………And they are waging a war that is making billionaires out of millionaires, and trillionaires out of billionaires, and they own television, and they bankroll George Bush, and not because he's against gay marriage” are lines were written by Late Kurt Vonnegut, a resident of New York City in ‘Custodians of Chaos’ in A Man Without a Country: A Memoir of Life in George W Bush's America; published 2005. On 17 June, 2006, extracts from the book were published by Information Clearing House. [9]
Four years and one hundred million dollars later, the people of Nepal are still waiting for a Preamble and Objectives’ Clause of their Constitution. It is up to the Nepali people to kick the non-performing leaders out of positions of authority especially when they say that ‘power is not in their hands’ and, similarly, the insidious and pernicious influence of INGOs, NGOs and international development agencies. Things are changing too rapidly, almost tectonic shift, but unfortunately none of the South Asian Governments or Nepali leaders want to factors in those changes. Notes: [1] U.N.Sinha; ‘Development of Panchayats in Nepal;’ originally published by PC Dwadash Shreni & Company; Year not given but perhaps between 1966 and 72. The book is out of publication but a few copies are in the university library of Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. This research work was supervised by Dr BD Mahajan at Saugar University. [2] I have also said that Nepali politicians have zero knowledge of global financial fraud and drug money laundering by British and American banks. But the sheer stupidity of Maoist leaders in proposing to ban Indian cars is like saying ‘we shall ban Indian wind blowing across the Himalayas.’ [3] The British automotive components industry had 8000 firms during the late 1970s. They were supplying components to major automobile manufacturers around the world when British automobile industry was dying. The constant velocity joint was designed and perfected by Associated Engineering and that powers the front wheel drive in all cars as also high quality crank shaft and pistons and piston rings. [4] Since I know the entire episode and the persons involved it is better that I don’t name them. However, if Nepali people allow this sort of behavior of their leaders, it is they who should sort it out instead of blaming Delhi’s spineless western minions. [5] Since the end of World War II, the western powers have covertly and often overtly destroyed socialist societies and removed democratic and popular leaders in Asia, Africa and Latin America. What they did in Europe has been documented by Dr. Daniel Ganser in his ‘NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe’ published by Routledge; 2005. Daniel Ganser is a historian and senior researcher at the Center for Security Studies, Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. The book is an excellent academic work and documents "The best kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II" (Observer, 18. November 1990). Since then, NATO’s role in Europe has been exposed in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Turkey. The coordinated attacks on socialists was planned and executed by the Pentagon and NATO by what some call the Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC). [6] Communist Russia could not control the Kulaks; eventually Stalin had to resort to mass starvation of Kulaks; and the same Soviet Russia was destroyed and impoverished by the same London Banksters. Neither the Maoists nor any Nepali political party has a specific economic agenda for the economic welfare of marginal hill farmers. True Marxism did not succeed in China either and Mao Tse Tung had to resort to ‘Cultural Revolution.’ Deng later opted for revisionism which was essentially the perfect capitalist society that the western elites want everywhere. [7] Despite Iranian offer to sell oil and gas against rupee payment, which was negotiated by the Indian Ministry, the Reserve Bank of India instructed them to buy oil and gas only in dollar. If Indian authorities wish to slave for the western powers and tow their line, why should Nepal follow that? [8] This is an extremely serious issue and extensive research exists, most valuable contribution is from Dr John Coleman, a former British Intelligence analyst. The scientific committee of the Vatican approved GMOs in May 2009 without going into proper technical assessment and despite the opposition of many Archbishops. There is plenty information that the Jesuits also have a military command centre and unconfirmed sources suggest that Count Hans Kolvenbach is the Jesuit General. Not surprising that the largest beneficiary of foreign funds in India is the Christian Church as Home Ministry records on FCRA show. [9] Late Kurt Vonnegut refers to a book called ‘The Mask of Sanity’ by Dr. Harvey Cleckley, professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Medical College of Georgia, published in 1941. In this book Dr Cleckley talks of Psychopathic Personalities, humans that are without conscience. These people kill without remorse or guilt, famously projected in ‘The Silence of the Lamb.’ ___________________________________
About twenty years ago he founded two institutions, one for consulting and another for doing sponsored research work; today both are known for excellence. Since the events of 9/11, he has devoted much of his time to researching NWO issues. Arun also moderates International Human Rights Organizations’ discussion group. is very pleased that Arun Shrivastava chose to join our dynamic team which has been paying increasing attention to problems taking place in India. He is's 94th writer and his presence allows us to better cover important events in an increasingly interconnected world community. You can send an email to Arun Shrivastava at this address: ________________________________________
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