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Oct-02-2013 16:39printcomments

Government Shut Down over Moral Debate

Conservative lawmakers say the money indirectly subsidizes abortions, despite the fact that the federal Hyde Amendment expressly prohibits such use of taxpayer funds.

Government shutdown

(WILMINGTON, De) - You know, it would be unbelievable if we were not seeing this government shutdown foolishness with our own eyes. People may not remember, but there was a similar shutdown in the nineties when President Bill Clinton was in office. It lasted about three weeks, where people were furloughed from their jobs without pay, while the Administration and Congress kept their paychecks. It’s happening again.

Following this interesting link: “Who Broke Washington? How Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich Set the Stage for the Shutdown” http://www.nationaljournal.com/who-broke-washington/how-bill-clinton-and-newt-gingrich-set-the-stage-for-the-shutdown-20131001

Now in 2013 the debate is over a ludicrous issue; birth control and easy access to abortions to be paid for with our money, our tax dollars. Oh, it’s all couched neatly and wrapped up in a “health care for all” bow, but it is still all foolishness. I’ve been saying that as the mother of two daughters and grandmother to three precious girls, they don’t need free birth control and easy abortions. What they need more are decent homes, good education and relief from poverty and lack. Also, they definitely to have prayer back in schools and they need Jesus.

Why is relevancy an issue? Several months ago, White House Digital Reporter Devin Dwyer of ABCNEWS.com reported this:

Planned Parenthood at Center of Budget Shutdown Threat

“The elimination of $363 million in federal funding for Planned Parenthood health care centers may well force a government shutdown at midnight tonight.

Republicans want to block $70 million Planned Parenthood receives each year under Title X, a program implemented under Republican President Richard Nixon in 1970 to provide contraceptives, cancer screenings, and pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease testing at community health centers across the country. And they want to cut off $293 million the clinics receive through Medicare.

Conservative lawmakers say the money indirectly subsidizes abortions, despite the fact that the federal Hyde Amendment expressly prohibits such use of taxpayer funds.

Planned Parenthood is the nation's largest abortion provider, but it issued a fact sheet today stating that more than 90 percent of its health care services are preventive, not abortions. The company says no taxpayer funds are used to fund abortions.”

Now that the shutdown is actually here, we can see that Planned Parenthood is still in the mix as a major proponent of distributing free birth control and easy access to abortions; while all the time they remain as America’s largest abortion provider. Again, girls and women need good education, fair housing and good jobs much, much more than they need free birth control and easy abortion access, all which by the way remain at the core of the Obama Care battle.

Finally, take a look at what my friend wrote in his journal 0n 10/213:

    “For the second time in 17 years our nation has experienced a Government Shutdown. I suppose there was some type of "system failure". The world will go on. Aren't you glad that the Government of God can never be shutdown, break down or have "system failure"?

At the beginning of 2012, my friend the prophet also wrote: “Around October 2013, there is a possibility for a crash or "system failure" - [Soon coming extreme weather disasters can be very deadly - pray and change it].

“People are worried and afraid because their trust is in the people that work or hang around the White House or the Congress.” Then on 9/28/13 he wrote:

    “We will yet be experiencing financial transition during the month of October (2013). Everything that will be happening will not be seen by the public. However, at this point the impact of what has been planned may not be as powerful as some would have liked. We do have the power to stand in the gap and Creator God is gracious."

    “There are those in high offices and behind the scenes that had planned this "system failure" to take a huge toll on the American people. They had planned for events to cause lots of unnecessary pain and suffering to further rip this nation apart. But during my intercession time, I felt the prayers, meditations of the righteous rise up causing subtle changes in the consciousness of many, thus, disarming the plans of the wicked. The transition that's happening behind the scenes will be much smoother now.”

Now here’s where it gets really interesting. Look for these links:




With all of this in mind, this leads me to say that I’m praying for SANITY to blow over Washington, DC and over all of our state and local seats of political power.

DR. ALVEDA C. KING: Daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Founder of King for America, Inc. Mother of six and doting grandmother. Consultant to the Africa Humanitarian Christian Fellowship. Former college professor. MA degree in Business Management. Published author of Sons of Thunder, The King Family Legacy and I Don't Want Your Man, I Want My Own. Doctorate of Laws conferred by Saint Anslem College. Served on the boards and committees of Coalition of African American Pastors, and the Judeo-Christian Coalition for Constitutional Restoration. Served in the Georgia State House of Representatives. Accomplished actress and songwriter. She is a voice for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, speaking about her regret for her abortion. During the years of the Civil Rights Movement, led by her Uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Alveda's family home was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama. "Daddy's house was bombed, then in Louisville, Kentucky his church office was bombed. I was also jailed during the open housing movement," she recalls. Alveda has continued her long-term work as a civil rights activist. Advocate for School Choice as a civil rights issue. Strong advocate for life of the unborn, faith in God not faith in government bureaucracy.



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Ralph E. Stone October 8, 2013 7:56 am (Pacific time)

How can anyone say Americans do not want ObamaCare when it hasn't really gone into effect yet. I love the Jimmy Kimmel routine where someone was asked whether they liked ObamaCare -- no. How about the Affordable Care Act -- it has flaws but is okay. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx2scvIFGjE)

Anonymous October 6, 2013 6:31 am (Pacific time)

It was "settled" under false pretenses - They promised: •You could keep your doctor - you can't •It would cost under a trillion dollars - it's 2.5 estimated now •Everyone would be covered - they're not - latest CBO estimate is 30 million uncovered •Your premiums would go down $2500 - they are going up 200 - 300% •There were no "Death Panels" - google IPAB - Independent Payment Advisory Board •Everybody would be under the same law - yeah, everybody except Congress, Government employees, big unions, ... •on and on and on with the lies ... Nothing they told us about this "settled" law was true. It was all lies. That "settled law" argument is just bull, just like everything the far left tell us.

Steve Moylet October 5, 2013 10:35 am (Pacific time)

The majority of Americans do not want this law to be continued, as per literally all recognized legitimate Polls like Gallup. If it's so great how come we see all those waivers? Thousands of them! It's evident that Obama misrepresented how this Affordable Medical Act would work. It's all been one big lie. The majority of American voters put Republicans in charged of their state governor positions and state legislatures. The late Tip O/Neil, Speaker of the House, said all politics are local. The federal government has become an ongoing menace to state as well as individual freedoms as it continues to grow, obviously unchecked. Keep in mind only democrats voted for this "infliction" and all boasted they never read the law before voting on it. Mr. Stone, are you signing up for this medical plan of Obama and his regime? They are not! Why not? Have you seen how Obama is keeping WWII vets from going to their own WWII Memorial? The RNC has provided funds to keep all these various veteran memorials open but Obama said NO! So why? There has been ongoing resolutions to fund the government, but rejected for a vote in the senate. Harry Reid of the senate has not had a budget for about 5 years now, even though he is suppose to put one forward yearly. All of Obama's budgets have been unanimously rejected. Had Reid used an "Appropriations" procedure for various government needs, this shut down by Obama and the democrats would not be happening. The shut down is on the "dividers" Obama and the democrats. Again, how many of the "elite" are signing up for Obamacare? Meanwhile what's going on with the Benghazi and IRS investigations? People you are seeing "by the book" Marxist SOP, and why the name "Useful Idiots" is how they gain power. Please check your history and see how this violent ideology killed tens of millions of their own citizens in the last 100 years. It may very well happen here if you fail to see what Obama is doing...wake up!

Ralph E. Stone October 3, 2013 7:41 am (Pacific time)

A little history is in order. It's time to end the debate about whether the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) should exist and whether it should be funded. Congress voted for this law. President Obama signed this law. The Supreme Court upheld this law. The President ran for reelection on this law. His opponent said he would repeal it – and his opponent lost by five million votes. It is time for critics of ObamaCare to stop crying and get together to make ObamaCare work.

Steve Moylett October 2, 2013 3:58 pm (Pacific time)

During the Carter Administration the government shut down #6 times...with a democratic congress in power. During Reagan it shut down 8 times...with a democratic congress in power. Me thinks when Obama let's big business have a year (at least) waiver before starting some insurance process with Obamacare, why not the same for individual citizens? How come Teamster President Hoffa states that Obamacare will destroy the medical coverage plans for millions of union family members? He wants a waiver, so is he irrational? How come congress, who passed the law (not one Republican voted for it!) does not share in the law they passed for the rest of America? Look at the IRS who will be running the program, they are not on it? So now we have clean bills by congress to fund certain critical aspects of government, but Obama says NO, unless they go all in for what he wants. The majority of Americans had this rammed down their throats and the majority do not want it. Look at the power the Founders gave congress when the president oversteps his authority, which he has by enforcing only what part of the laws he wants to. Wake up people. You are witnessing a Marxist tactic(s). Recall: The Communists in Russia consolidated their power by creating a health care system where not had previously existed. Something to think about. In 1965, the government guaranteed that the taxpayers would pay all reasonable and necessary (possibly useful) medical bills, without limit, for persons over 65. At the time, persons over 65 did not consume a lot of medical services. One of the reasons was that the market had not yet created: Artificial joints, fiberoptic endoscopes, CT scanning, MRI, renal dialysis, implantable defibrillators, mobile coronary care units, cloned human proteins to dissolve clots, microsurgery, proton beam radiation and the gamma knife, chemotherapy for common cancers, implantable lenses and safe cataract removal, and so on and so on. Not a single one of these things would have been developed as a commercial product without the government promise that the taxpayers would pay all bills without limit.

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.
