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Nov-29-2007 09:47printcommentsVideo

Virtual Vigilantes Hold the Watch Over MySpace Teen's Suicide Tragedy (VIDEO)

The name and address of Lori Drew is out, even directions are being published. She's the woman who posed as a 16-year old boy, and allegedly caused Megan Meier to commit suicide.

Megan Meier
Photos courtesy: unless otherwise noted

(SALEM, Ore.) - One of the most shocking stories about MySpace revealed so far is the suicidal saga of a little girl who was tricked by a neighbor's mom into thinking she was communicating with a boy in her age group.

This is Lori Drew
Courtesy: Cruel Justice

The boy named Josh Evans who claimed to be a 16-year old in Florida, was actually an adult neighbor named Lori Drew who was posing as the boy.

Drew didn't work alone; a male employee of her company, and her daughter were all involved in duping the unsuspecting teen into thinking “Josh Evans” was real.

When "Josh Evans" started to communicate with Megan, an average 13-year old suffering from depression and attention deficit disorder, she was elated. He told her he liked her, gave her positive reinforcement. That MySpace relationship lasted about a month.

That is when the impostor posing as "Josh" ended the budding friendship, going so far as to tell Megan that she was a bad person. Soon posts began appearing on MySpace claiming that "Megan Meier is a slut" and "Megan Meier is fat."

Her father Ron Meier said he tried to reassure her that everything would work out. Twenty minutes later, her parents found her dead. That night, October 16th 2006, Megan hanged herself in her bedroom closet.

Ron Meier says he found a MySpace message the next day from the woman posing as "Josh", telling her she was a bad person and the world would be better without her.

At first, parents Tina and Ron Meier, asked other neighbors not to discuss what had happened, they were waiting for the police to take action, something that never did happen. As it turns out, there is no law against being cruel and immature. And, local newspapers in St. Charles Missouri refused to identify the Drew family, saying they were protecting their teenage daughter.

Story continues below

So as the press in this state on the Mason Dixon line protects the woman who caused the little girl to hang herself, Internet bloggers have taken on Megan's cause, with an outburst of what many are calling "virtual vigilantism."

Parents of the girl Tina and Ron Meier and Internet bloggers
want justice for 13-year old Megan Meier

Now the name and address of Lori Drew and her family on Waterford Crystal Drive in St. Charles is out, even directions are being published, and The Los Angeles Times reports that dozens of concerned people have apparently been calling local businesses that work with the Drew family's company, an advertising print shop.

The bloggers have exposed more than just the Drews' home address; they have included phone numbers, email addresses and photographs that have also been posted on blogs such as and

Some sources report that people are driving through the once tranquil upscale neighborhood at night, screaming, "Murderer" at the residents of the house. The Drews, have now installed security cameras on the roof of their house.

Mrs Meier did state that she does not believe that Drew or anyone else involved actually intended for her daughter to kill herself, but both of Megan's parents want the Drews to be prosecuted, and they want to see changes to the law that safeguard children on the internet from cyber-bullying, which is a growing phenomena on MySpace and other places on the Web. The parents of this girl hope they have to potential to bring about this change as part of a nationwide movement.

"But when adults are involved and continue to screw with a 13-year-old, with or without mental problems, it is absolutely vile," she stated on

Now mounting pressure has police cars patrolling Waterford Crystal Drive and prosecutors say they are trying to reopen the case.

The Video below, courtesy of CNN and YouTube, features Megan's parents Tina and Ron Meier, talking about the tragic loss of their daughter:


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Alex November 3, 2009 11:12 am (Pacific time)

This is horrable. If anyone has any thoughts of suicide add me on facebook Alex Goad Or message me. And ima boy

Daniel July 5, 2009 1:59 am (Pacific time)

She will go to Hell. And even on earth, she shoulnd not live normally after what she did. I hope that from now, any person who recognizes her wherever she is, will reveal to other ppl around "what" she is. That devil Lori Drew deserves it. Our laws can not always punish such crimes. But she is still a criminal, a liar, a freaky stalker, a pedophile woman (that exists and she prooves it). I can't find any word to describe such... thing. No US law could put her in jail... Neither, no word could be bad enough to describe "what" she is.

Amy May 18, 2009 4:21 pm (Pacific time)

We lov u Megan! God blesd u

Amy May 18, 2009 4:20 pm (Pacific time)

She shood get sued! She got a black heart. well check dis website out Lori and hear what we think of you u low life slut. The world wood be better without u!

Zachary Kidman November 26, 2008 9:22 pm (Pacific time)

A while back I was in a law class with some students who actually said that while they feel terrible for Meghan and her family, they saw this as a free speech issue and that Lori Drew should not be legally charged with anything. if there are no laws we can stick her with breaking, then our legal system is warped beyond belief. It would be illegal for all of us to take the law into our own hands as was the way back in the early history of this indpendant country of ours, but now things have changed and there is no justice it seems. Here is the argument against the "free speech" defenders of Lori Drew: It is not 'freedom of speech' to impersonate, create or make-up the identity of another. Making up an identity for the malicious intent of harrassing, abusing and threatening another,in this case a minor from an adult, is not protected under any part of the constitution as free speech, expression or otherwise. This adult was harassing, abusing, and luring Meghan Meier, a minor child under law. With our freedoms come responsibility, and most adults understand this. If they do not, then maybe Ms. Drew is not a fit parent and DFS should remove her child. All things considered, I think it is time we all sent a message to Lori Drew (and her loser husband) "The world would be a better place without you, and people of your ilk". Looking at pictures of the mom-daughter team that harassed Meghan about her weight, looks, etc, I think it is pretty damn sad and funny that they had room to talk about anyone. Jealousy is ugly, and it is even uglier on a middle aged woman bullying a kid.

Sun Tzu October 17, 2008 7:20 pm (Pacific time)

Vengeance is mine sayeth the LORD, and they deserve to be punished. Hopefully they suffer for what they did to this girl. Perhaps are torn apart by dogs. God will fix them, hope they find forgiveness first.

Sabrina July 7, 2008 10:37 am (Pacific time)

To The Family Of The Girl Your In My Prayers.To Lori Drew I Hope You Read All These Comments People Have Posted About You Because THERE ALL TRUE.Your The LOWEST Class Adult Ive Ever SEEN IN MY LIFE!How Could You Be So Cruel And Toy With A 13 Year Old Girls Emothions Like That.Just For You And Your Daughters Own Ammusement.How Sick Can You Get Lady!Foreal!!!And You Told Megan All This Stuff About Being Fat Ugly And Worthless But I Bet In My Heart You Were Reliving YOUR ChildHood Years When People Made Fun Of You For BEING FAT UGLY AND WORTHLESS!But You Should Of Listened To Them Because ITS TRUE AND WILL ALWAYS BE TRUE!Megan Was A Beautiful Girl And Was Very Fit And In Shape!How Dare You Try Getting PayBack To THe Kids In Your Past For Saying That By Saying It To A 13 Year Old Girl!Or Mabye Your Talking About Your UGLY Daughter.I Bet You And Your Daughter Were And Still Are Jealous Of Megan For Being Better Than Your Daughter So Yall Teamed Up And Did This Heartless Act!How Low Can You Get!I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU LORI DREW!!!YOU SHOULD GO TO PRISON!!!You Have Stoped A Teenage Girls Life From Experiancing New Things,Meeting New People,Getting Married,Having Kids.HOW DARE YOU!If You Dont Get Charged I Hope The Rest Of You PATHETIC LIFE IS A LIVING HELL!YOU DESERVE IT!YOU AND YOUR DAUGHTER SHOULDNT MOVE BECAUSE THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS HOW PATHETIC YALL BOTH ARE SO I HOPE EVRYONE MAKES YALLS LIFE HELL!AND INSTEAD OF MEGAN.THE WORLD WOULD BE A WAY BETTER PLACE IF YOU WERENT HERE AND MEAGAN WAS!I HOPE YOU LIVE WITH GUILT THE REST OF YOUR PATHETIC LIFE.I HATE YOU!

samantha March 19, 2008 7:12 am (Pacific time)


Loz March 14, 2008 5:31 am (Pacific time)

Lori Drew is among the lowest scum ever to walk on the face of this earth. Her behaviour is just...unbelievable. She is an adult and a 'mother' and yet she screwed with the mind of a thirteen year old girl who she KNEW had ADHD and KNEW was on anti-depressants. It's just disgusting. And that's not the only thing that's disgusting. I don't want to get personal, but just look at the picture of Lori on this page. Honestly, she looks like a demented ogre. A male one.

Eric January 10, 2008 2:58 pm (Pacific time)

"Teach your children on how to handle trolls. Their everywhere off and online. You can't protect them from verbal abuse." This wasn't a matter of 'verbal abuse', this was emotional torture. I suffered from chronic depression when I was Megan's age. The teenage years are tough even for normal, healthy kids, but if you're socially awkward and already prone to depression it's literally a living hell. My only saving grace was that I played guitar (really well). When I was 15, a new girl came to our school -- drop dead gorgeous -- who happened to play guitar, too. She was attracted to me (or my potential to teach her stuff) and within a week we were dating. She was my first love, and I fell *hard*. I was ecstatic. Walking on air. Almost manic. Probably a lot like Megan. A month later she dumped me. It devastated me. I was severely depressed for at least a month and contemplated suicide. It took me a year to really get over it. Now imagine I was a few years younger, less mature, more vulnerable -- like Megan. Imagine that instead of just dumping me, she told me she hated me, that she was dumping me because I was a despicable human being, and that all my friends hated me, too, and were laughing at me behind me back, and that the world would be better off without me. To think that an ADULT did this to a little teenage girl, an adult who KNEW the girl suffered from depression, is beyond reprehensible. Whether or not she intended to kill her is irrelevant; she intentionally, recklessly MANIPULATED THE EMOTIONS OF A DEPRESSED TEENAGE GIRL. If you drive a car carelessly and accidentally run over someone with your car, you can be charged with manslaughter. It doesn't matter than you did not INTEND to hurt someone; you can be held accountable for behaving recklessly, for disregarding of the dangers of a situation, if they result in someone's death. So how is it that this woman goes away free?

Brad from Virginia January 10, 2008 7:22 am (Pacific time)

If anything Lori Drew would have had to have know what life was like being an overweight teenager judging from her picture she has always been a cow. So it doesnt seem right that she can go online posing as a 13 year old boy and develop a relationship with a neighbor only to manipulate and hurt her and toy with her emotions and there be no repercussions on her end? This is sad I agree with Mr. Meier when he says Lori brought her to the cliff and gave her the nudge to send her over. Lori had to know what she was doing was way over the line, you don't pick on a teenager girl and toy with her mentally pretending to be a interested boy only to crush her especially if you know the background of the child and have taken her on family trips knowing she has emotional issues and is on MEDICATION! She had to know that this was not going to end pretty and ineviditably got what she wanted whether she truley wanted it or not and that is sad. Kids will be kids and they will find there way but when an adult steps in and does the things she doesnt creates a fake person, creates a false sense of hope and a relationship that a teen has been dying for an throws it back in her face... Lori Drew may not recieve any jail time but it is my hope that she spends the rest of her days in a public and mental HELL living with what she has done.

leelee January 9, 2008 11:34 am (Pacific time)

It takes a real big person to mess with a teenager. I think it all came down to her teenage daughter being jealous of Megan.

Neal Feldman December 9, 2007 1:14 pm (Pacific time)

GoC - One is prosecuted for murder not persecuted for it. The rest of your irrational and nonsensical raving is equally ridiculous. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about especially regarding freedom of speech, marbury v madison or anything else having to do with this (or pretty much any other) topic. You demonstrate this fact continuously. If speech cannot be restricted constitutionally how do you explain adult only areas, libel/slander laws, incitement ordinances etc? I guess you find it easier to just ignorantly spout off than to actually learn and know something and think a rational position on it and coherently express that position in a legitimate manner that makes even a modicum of sense. Clearly a great many things are beyond your obviously meager means in this regard. No surprise there. If the truth hurts your feelings, tough noogies. But there was only one truth in the actions of Lori Drew... she was an adult who fabricated an intentionally hurtful fraud upon a young girl and who should have known, via the reasonable person standard, the possible predictable outcomes. I think what Lori Drew did was and should be recognized as a felony... and a death resulting from the commission of a felony, even if unplanned or unintended, is murder in the first degree (and due to it being adult vs child I would call it aggravated murder in the first degree). This is commonly known as 'the muder one rule'. Lori Drew deserves the penalty reserved for the worse child predator/murderers if for no other reason than to give any similarlt simpleminded miscreants such as her pause to think before they play their 'games' on anyone else. But you clearly support her so I will let you be judged by the company you clearly choose to keep. Ah well...

Dana December 8, 2007 8:23 am (Pacific time)

Christ, you are right. However, that doesn't mean that Lori Drew is completely off the hook. Her actions are dispicable, irresponsible, and she does need to be prosecuted. Lori Drew is a prime example of how your actions, however harmless you may think they are, can and will effect others. All actions have consequences, and now Lori Drew must face the consequences of her actions. While her actions aren't the sole reason Megan is no longer with us, they were definitely a contributing factor. She needs to be prosecuted, and lose all parental rights. She is no way fit to be a mother.

Dana December 8, 2007 8:20 am (Pacific time)

Ted1, practical jokes are played in fun, not in a mean, hateful spirit. They are meant to be funny, and to get people to laugh. This is nothing at all like a practical joke. While I'm sure that Lori Drew never ever intended for her actions to be PART of what happened in the end, this is a prime example of how your actions can effect others. Tp think that a grown woman, not to mention a parent, would knowingly and willingly be part of something this stupid, and vile. She does need to be prosecuted. While her actions are not the sole cause of Megan's suicide, they were a contributing factor. Lori Drew is about as irreponsible as you can get, playing with people's lives the way she does. She needs to be prosecuted, and lose all parental rights. A woman that off her rocker doesn't need to be in charge of raising a child. I hope she learns from this before she causes another child's death. Again, while she may not be the sole cause, she definitely contributed to it.

GodsofChaos December 7, 2007 7:32 pm (Pacific time)

"Protect your kids and keep your kids out of chat rooms!!!"chris I think it is more important to teach your children on how to handle trolls. Their everywhere off and online. You can't protect them from verbal abuse.

chris December 7, 2007 12:40 pm (Pacific time)

Get a grip folks and think a little. It is terrible that this kid killed herself, but you really can't put all the blame on some middle aged kook with nothing better to do. The real problem here is that kids don’t belong in ANY chat forums EVER. It is not OK! It is NOT safe! Any parent that thinks it is OK and safe just because they are skimming over posts needs a reality check. Protect your kids and keep your kids out of chat rooms!!!

GodsofChaos December 7, 2007 9:06 am (Pacific time)

"Kate, if you believe in Karma I have no respect for you."john Oh no its a cyber bully. Quickly Salem News arrest this despicable human being.(sarcasm) Hope you can see why having cyber-bulling as a crime is ludicrous idea. "There is no magical force that is summing up every good deed"john Oh so evil people never have bad things happen to them. The idea of Karma is not magical. The idea of Karma is the simple idea of what goes around comes around. Treat people on how you want to be treated.(The Golden Rule). The human race has ponder this idea throughout history. It is essentially true. If someone did something bad to you ,say murdered a loved one, would you be inclined to help this human being in a time of need?Karma is the persona of this idea and taken on a grander scale.

john December 6, 2007 12:06 pm (Pacific time)

Kate, if you believe in Karma I have no respect for you. There is no magical force that is summing up every good deed (define good?) and every bad deed and then subtracting the good from the bad. Also, if you are going to try to say something smart please learn to spell. `` she is supposed to me helping not hurting"---what does suppose to me helping mean? Megan is not here because SHE took her OWN life. That is always sad.

GodsofChaos December 5, 2007 10:34 am (Pacific time)

"Lets just have big brother control all of our lives."ted1 Well said ted1. This story can easily be used to block freedom of speech online. Neal Feldman I am surprised that you are for the persecution of cyber-bullies. You say hurtful stuff all the time. If I were to kill myself because you put me down on this site would you what to be persecuted for murder? I think what Lori Drew did was blown out of portion. Yes she was nasty and mean but to accuse her of murder? I think that is over the top. Manslaughter is to me more plausible punishment. I do not think that Lori Drew was trying to drive their daughter to suicide. "Mrs Meier did state that she does not believe that Drew or anyone else involved actually intended for her daughter to kill herself,"Tim King "and they want to see changes to the law that safeguard children on the internet from cyber-bullying, which is a growing phenomena on MySpace and other places on the Web."Tim King What defines cyber-bullying? If someone writes an angry post is that cyber-bullying. When it comes right down to it does not matter. It was stated in the Marbury v. Madison case that no law can be made or enforced that goes against the Constitution. To make laws on cyber-bullying would to be making law limiting what you could say on the internet. Thus making a law that limited the 1st Amendment. A law of this nature should never be allowed to pass if we want to continue living in a free society.

Hubert Samm December 5, 2007 7:32 am (Pacific time)

So SAD.... a young life lost, and other lives affected forever... it is true... the tougue can kill..

kate December 4, 2007 9:06 pm (Pacific time)

No, us people are not ridiculous. you have no idea what you are talking about so shut you mouth.She is an adult. she is supposed to me helping not hurting. Megan had other problems but she increased them and i bet her daughter was a little brat and everyone talked about her and she took it out on megan, lets use common sense. Lori drew has to live the rest of her life knowing she had such a bad impact on a little girls life and now shes not here because of her stupid practical joke. This shows people have absolutly no life what so ever.Karma will get lori.

ted1 December 4, 2007 1:07 pm (Pacific time)

Lori is not the CAUSE of the suicide. The girl obviously had other problems. Lori played a practical joke like people (especially teens) do every day. You people are ridiculous. Having more government is not the answer. Government is the problem (Reagan). Why must we keep calling to bigger government to solve individual problems? Lets just have big brother control all of our lives.

Dman December 4, 2007 9:30 am (Pacific time)

This shows the true ugly side of Lori Drew. Lets pray that Karma's payback for this crime is a bitch.

Jaded December 4, 2007 9:04 am (Pacific time)

Society has every right to the perfectly legal practice of shunning the Drews. Boycotting their businesses is legal, never hiring any of them for anything (due to their absence of ethics) is legal. Refusing them goods and services is legal. Pointing out who they are is legal. They did the same sort of manipulation that is done by internet predators, but the result was suicide instead of seduction.

i hate Lori Drew !!!! December 4, 2007 8:02 am (Pacific time)

I HATE YOU LORIE DREW!! how’s it feels to be hated??? I don’t have a huge hate list / but yeah you and your sad sorry family will ever more be hassled .. think about moving yet??? you should to south pole!! maybe you get lucky and feel at home with coldness that what your nasty heart is made of !!! oops you don’t have a heart!! what is a grown up mother have the time to talk with a teenager in the fist place?? you know what iam not worried... I believe that if you hurt someone .. in the end it will come back to haunt you !! and it will happen!! we may not see it .. but ohh it will .. you old hag!! ... that's what you are, you are old and you took it out on an innocent girl.. YOU ARE EVIL.. LET ME EXPLAIN WHAT IT MEANS .. YOU DO SOMEHING WRONG AND THAT YOU KNOW ITS WRONG .. BUT YOU DO IT ANYWAYS... THAT MAKES YOU A LOSER AND EVIL!!!!

Jogs December 4, 2007 5:05 am (Pacific time)

Lori...I bet it's a bitch dealing with the aftermath of what you initiated. I hope it lingers like the stench of death, which you caused. May you not see a day of peace or there after!

Kendal December 3, 2007 7:15 pm (Pacific time)

I hope karma gets Lori Drew, and then some, and then some more. I hope she never knows a day of peace for the rest of her pathetic life.

Neal Feldman December 3, 2007 12:03 am (Pacific time)

GoC - sorry but there is no 1st amendment issue as there are lightyears between the neighborhoods of 'disagreement' and 'cyber-bullying' of this level. Sane people should be able to easily see this. Ah well...

Bec December 2, 2007 11:11 pm (Pacific time)

The only thing I find amusing about this is that Lori could have been talking about herself. She is fat and ugly and the world would be a better place without her because Megan would still be here. Ironic to the point of amusing.

Neal Feldman December 2, 2007 9:42 pm (Pacific time)

David - yes it was about a year ago. And Lori Drew has admitted in police reports her discussions with Megan turned often to a sexual nature and yet she did not break off contact. Doesn't that violate some child sex predator law somewhere? I hope all the Drews get what they deserve. Their business Drew Advantage is hemorrhaging clients as few want to deal with them. Even their daughter Sarah under a pseudonym of Kristen is still on MySpace proving a complete lack of remorse and continuing to attack and character assassinate Megan. The drews should be so proud of the precious little sociopath/psychopath they have raised. It is my hope that they will be hounded until their dying day for what they have done. They deserve no less. Ah well...

GodsofChaos December 2, 2007 9:33 pm (Pacific time)

I think it is sad story but i think the cyber-bullies should not be arrested. Am I the only one who sees the 1st Amendment land mine this could be become? If someone disagreed with me on a site they could accuse me of cyber-bulling. It could easily turn into a cyber witch hunt.

David December 2, 2007 8:24 pm (Pacific time)

This is just crazy. For sure there has to be something done, they lead this girl to kill herself. My god I hope this family, the lady that was acting of Josh Evans gets what she deserves. Also the story said Oct 2006, is that true? Her father Ron Meier said he tried to reassure her that everything would work out. Twenty minutes later, her parents found her dead. That night, October 16th 2006, Megan hanged herself in her bedroom closet

Michelle December 2, 2007 8:00 pm (Pacific time)

Here is the link to the RottenNeighbor posting:

Neal Feldman December 2, 2007 7:57 pm (Pacific time)

Anne - Happy holidays to you as well.. I have all the peace and more than enough interpersonal skills that I need, thank you very much. Certainly more than enough to deal with your BS. If you are interested in giving me gifts, though, you can get me a 22" flat screen monitor lol. I won't hold my breath though. Ah well..

Michelle December 2, 2007 7:49 pm (Pacific time)

To those who think its the parents fault for chatting online . . . you are sadly mistaken in this case. Typically, I would side with you, but in this case the ADULT woman who lived up the street purposesly manipulated this 13 year old. She toyed with her emotions and was downright cruel by insulting her. Aparently the parents knew that she was online and was monitoring the conversations, but noone could predict the preverbial beat down that was served by the ADULT mother up the street. How's that for real life "Wysteria Lane". Everyone in this liberal society needs to get a grip. If this was done to a little girl 20 years ago, the Drew family wouldn't have the audacity to even stay in the town. All the towns people would have sent them to Siberia in shame. It doesn't sound like this ADULT woman has any shame. Shame on you Mrs Drew . . . I hope your children grow up better than you have shown them how to be.

Danny Vice December 2, 2007 7:31 pm (Pacific time)

On Wednesday, October 21st, city officials wasted no time enacting an ordinance designed to address the public outcry for justice in the Megan Meier tragedy. The six member Board of Aldermen made Internet harassment a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $500 fine and 90 days in jail. Does this new law provide any justice for Megan? Does this law provide equitable relief for a future victim? The Vice rejects the premise of this new law and believes it completely misses the mark. Classifying this case as a harassment issue completely fails to address the most serious aspects of the methods Lori Drew employed to lead this youth to her demise. The Vice disagrees that harassment was even a factor in this case until just a couple of days before Megan's death. Considering this case a harassment issue is incorrect because during the 5 weeks Lori Drew baited and groomed her victim, the attention was NOT unwanted attention. Megan participated in the conversations willingly because she was misled, lured, manipulated and exploited without her knowledge. This law willfully sets a precedent that future child exploiters and predators might use to reclassify their cases as harassment cases. In effect, the law enacted to give Megan justice, may make her even more vulnerable. So long as the child victim doesn't tell the predator to stop, even a harassment charge may not stick with the right circumstances and a good defender. Every aspect of this case follows the same procedural requirement used to convict a Child Predator. A child was manipulated by an adult. A child was engaged in sexually explicit conversation (as acknowledged by Lori Drew herself). An adult imposed her will on a child by misleading her, using a profile designed to sexually or intimately attract the 13 year old Megan. Lori then utilized the power she had gained over this child to cause significant distress and endangerment to that child. She even stipulated to many of these activities in the police report she filed shortly after Megan's death. City officials who continue to ignore this viable, documented admission and continue to address this issue as harassment are intentionally burying their heads in the sand, when the solution is staring them right in the face. Why? There are several other child exploitation laws on the books. To date, none of them have even been considered by City, State and Federal officials in this case. The Vice is outraged that a motion was never even filed, so that the case could at least be argued before a judge or jury. Danny Vice

Jefferson December 2, 2007 6:22 pm (Pacific time)

Anne as I wrore earlier, one cannot make any headway with these types, but it sure is entertaining. Thanks again Neal and Henry. P.S. I do know of what I speak...

Al December 2, 2007 4:04 pm (Pacific time)

The federal “Violence Against Women Act" has several recent revisions concerning cyber-stalking by an anonymous individual using the internet and it could and SHOULD be used to prosecute Lori Drew's stalking of Megan Meier.

Anne December 2, 2007 1:54 pm (Pacific time)

You know what, Neal...the only thing I have left to say to you is Happy Holidays, and I hope you find the peace (and interpersonal skills) you deserve.

Neal Feldman December 1, 2007 10:56 pm (Pacific time)

Anne - closing point... your claim that i 'drive away readers in droves' does not fit the empirical data. Articles I have written have often had the most commentary of any of the articles at the time and even in cases like this where I am just a commentary participant it seems there are plenty of comments and commentors. Hardly an example of driving away readers. But I have seen your type many times... the Miss Manners model of hypocrisy and self-bolstered superiority complex.. whose goal is to drive off anyone you dislike or disagree with. I. on the other hand, do not seek to drive off anyone. If someone chooses to leave that is their right as I am also not inclined to hold anyone against their wishes either. I've got your number, Anne, and I've shown your irrelevant hypocritical whining for what it is. And that just gets stuck in your craw doesn't it? Ah well...

Anonymous December 1, 2007 10:47 pm (Pacific time)

Anne - Actually the type like you present yourself to be.... pseudo-intellectual milquetoasts with an overactive pedantic gland are what tends to drive off people commenting. Especially when such types as you do such in a dishonest manner making straw men and attack those as you misapply them to your opponents. I guess critical thinking classes are not required to be passed to get psych degrees these days. Pity. And btw amazement cannot be incredulous. One can express incredulity regarding amazement but that is something entirely different. And I did nt even express incredulity regarding your 'amazement'. I merely pointed out how apparently easily you were amazed. But accuracy and consistency do not seem to be long suits of yours now do they, Anne? The one with the 'attack dog mentality' around here seems to be you (and your sycophant for the day Jefferson). Which again makes it all the more amusing when the only things you seem to post are attacks against other posters (and the editors as well) while scrupulously avoiding making any relevant comment on the topic of the article the comments are about. But considering your personality type as I have already touched upon that is hardly an enormous surprise, now is it? Ah well...

Neal Feldman December 1, 2007 10:34 pm (Pacific time)

Anne - you can try and claim accuracy and truth are 'lame' but you have a long row to hoe to prove it... considering in the text you seem to have found fault with I specified the statements and what they seemed to represent... nowhere did I direct anything at the poster... unlike you who DO direct against the poster (in this case me) all the while shrilly shrieking hypocritically about how horrible and mean doing so is. so let's check the scoreboard... you accuse me falsely of doing what you in fact do, while I merely do just what I said I did.. whether you consider the truth and accuracy to be lame is not even lame, Anne.. it is irrelevant. And I didn't say I 'insulted the statements'.. how can one insult a statement? I said my criticism and statements were directed at the statement not, as you so falsely claimed, at the poster. And it is duly noted that you refuse to admit you were in error making your fraudulent allegations and straw man attacks against me, Anne... just stating your opinion that your own straw man is lame hardly gets you out of that lil tarbaby. As to your challenge regarding my words you will note please of the quoted text words 5-7 "are the statements". I have proven your error, Anne. Q.E.D. As for degrees in psychology that is a pretty soft science. Try quantum mechanics sometime. But I pointed out your typo to put someone like you with a stick up your bum the size of a sequoia riding high atop your own raging superiority complex fueled by high octane hypocrisy in your place. Your entire response had nothing to do with the topic of the comment thread.. it was NOTHING but a feeble (and baseless and fraudulent, mind you) attack against me, while (here is the high octane hypocrisy part) shrilly shrieking (dishonestly and without a shred of legitimate fact to support your claims, of course) about how I was 'just attacking folks whose opinions differed from my own'. I think that if you really have a psych degree as you claim you should have a field day analyzing your own issues from all that. My assessments of the statements that I made are accurate and truthfully expressed. Maybe you just cannot handle those concepts, huh Anne? You are sure putting a lot of effort into supporting that assessment. You certainly have not done a thing to prove my assessments wrong. Or has 'Blaming the victim' come back into vogue as something that those with 'psych degrees' now support and defend? Hmmmm Anne? Will we hear any response from you on this of relevance over the sound of the chirping crickets? Ah well...

Neal Feldman December 1, 2007 10:12 pm (Pacific time)

Jefferson - I bet 'you know of what you speak' considering how truly pathetic you clearly are in the real world as well as how clueless you are here. Trolls like you latch onto and support those like Anne who you see as potential allies, not because you actually agree on any points in the context. And considering the grotesque mockery of hypocrisy you represent every time you make a comment it is quite the mirth fest to watch you desperately try and make your claims re: entertaining. Get your own surfboard, dude... that one is mine. I used it against you and your pathetic fellow travelers and so now you try and pretend you are clever by attempting to co-opt it... but only making more of a fool of yourself. Busted! LOL Ah well...

Anne December 1, 2007 10:17 am (Pacific time)

(Double post? First didn't appear to process.) Anyway, Jefferson, proving myself superior was certainly not the point. My only hope is to draw attention to Neal's "attack dog" mentality. My "amazement" that he found so incredulous is directly related to the fact that the editors have on numerous occasions indicated that they find the interactive aspect of this site to be so valuable, yet they continue to employ someone whose demeanor seems likely to drive off readers in droves. But I'm sure you and he are both right in that my bothering to try to make this point is likely a futile effort.

Anne December 1, 2007 10:05 am (Pacific time)

The "I didn't insult YOU, I insulted the STATEMENT you made" defense is at best... lame, Neal, considering it's wholly inaccurate. Since you insist on turning a blind eye to your own words unless I parrot them back to you, explain how "Yours, in this context, are the statements indicative of a truly sick and depraved mind and in my humble opinion someone who truly believes those statements is in serious need of significant help from mental health professionals." is not going beyond arguing the point and heading right into making judgments and insults about the person behind the words? And congratulations on pointing out my typo; if that's all it takes to feed your superiority complex, I'll be sure not to proof-read myself in the future since it seems your dominance over these conversations is pretty important to your self image. (See, I can play armchair psychologist and make judgments about your mental health based on your comments here, too. But I actually have a degree in Psychology, you?)

Jefferson December 1, 2007 8:48 am (Pacific time)

Anne you are not going to make much headway with some of these poster's who prefer to debate via "insulting verbiage." I would imagine that these are people who have issues going back to early childhood that have gotten worse with's a waste of time to have a rational exchange/debate, so embrace the entertainment value these "types" provide, don't ever take it personally! Just your clear empirical observation re: Neal, shows you to be far and away superior...Frankly if you ever ran into these people in the real world they would probably shock you as to how pathetic they are...believe me, I know of what I speak.

Terri W. December 1, 2007 7:58 am (Pacific time)

I can usually read without much thought or emotion into it. After reading this story, I am completely irate. PRESS CHARGES. I am sure the county can come up with some sort of charges. Harrastment, stalking, misconduct?? Obviously this mother and daughter have no compassion to begin with, and what’s to stop them from doing this to another child? HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE for their actions. Get the mother mental help as well. ALSO, their identity should be posted as well. Then they can actually get the credit for the "great myspace prank" they pulled off! It is not the worst they deserve, but I hope it haunts them for the rest of their lives. To Tina and Ron Meier, I am on your side, my deepest sympathy to you, god bless.

lynn December 1, 2007 1:11 am (Pacific time)

Any blogger who is calling for Justice without Violence is being spun by the media into a CYBER MOB. Just look what was done to one decent person who is trying to do some good today: Fox News should cough up for the Meiers legal bills. And Dr. Ablow should do their trauma counseling for free.

Neal Feldman November 30, 2007 9:08 pm (Pacific time)

Anne - no name calling or insults on my part. Merely accurate description and stating my own well founded opinion on the statements that were made. I have little tolerance for the practice of blaming the victim, which is what these 'rational and reasonable' folks you are trying to defend were in the process of doing. There is no 'rational' or 'reasonable' way of doing that action. It is you who are clearly unfounded in your baseless accusations against me regarding when my positions are challenged. You seem easily 'amazed' as well, considering your statements. And the term is "cyber-bullying" not "cyber-bulling". And again, speaking the truth, even if the truth is not complimentary, is not 'cyber-bullying'. In trying to compare my statements here in response to those you have not specified (though I can guess) to the actions of the Drews you clearly and conclusively prove that your statements do not come from a 'reasonable' or 'rational' source either. No wonder you jump to their defense, birds of a feather and all that. You also seem to have an extremely broad, if ill-defined and inconsistently applied, definition of 'name calling'. If you can prove me wrong in the specific statements of mine that you find fault in I can try and explain it to you better so you can comprehend. But your untargeted broadbrush ad hominem against me is not constructive at all and merely goes to show you have little if anything relevant or reasonable to add. Yes I am vehement against the 'cyber-bullying' done by the Drews. Your whining here is like someone railing against someone for being bigoted against bigots or intolerant of intolerance. It is pretty stupid for you to do, really. (talking the action here not you personally, before you get your micron-thin skin all in a tizzy again). My commentaries were solicited by the editors of this website and continue to be published because I happen to make sense. I am also generally specific in what I say, I say what I mean, mean what I say and I back up my statements with reasoned rational argument. If the correct and accurate description of what someone says or does does not reflect positively upon them that is hardly my fault now is it? But again I will repeat, since it may take a bit to get through your clearly apparent bias, I specifically spoke to the statements made. As a statement cannot be called names nor insulted any such aspects you found offensive in my comments were your inference, not my implication. And my comments in these comments areas are same as yours, just someone's opinion... not as in one of my published articles and with no further authority other than that which accompanies an intelligent and educated person who happens to be right on the subject at hand. I have the wit and wisdom to know the difference. All that can be said, unfortunately as you have shown, is that it is a pity that not everyone shares those capacities. Ah well...

jason November 30, 2007 6:36 pm (Pacific time)

It's not just making fun of someone on the internet. This adult was preying on a minor in a cold and calculated manner. It's not like she said, "this is you neighbor Mrs. Drew and my daughter and I think you're a slut", it was much more sinister than that. I'd like to see her business shut down andn them have to leave the neighborhood. Nice vigilante justice!

Anne November 30, 2007 5:27 pm (Pacific time)

It's amazing to me that this site continues to publish someone who resorts to name calling and insults every time his point of view is questioned. 2 of the 3 posters you just insulted Neal expressed themselves rationally and reasonably. The fact that you don't agree doesn't make them or their POVs moronic, idiotic, sick or depraved. I'm amazed that someone as vehement about this case of "cyber-bulling" would insist on mistreating others in this fashion.

Karma November 30, 2007 4:43 pm (Pacific time)

Now Lori Drew knows what it feels like to be messed with. She had it coming. This is probably only one of hundreds of head games she's pulled on people.

Neal Feldman November 30, 2007 4:16 pm (Pacific time)

Josh M - Besides your apparent need for profanity (already mentioned by the editor) you also demonstrate a distinct inability to spell or form coherent sentences indicating a very poor level of education. This might also explain your complete lack of comprehension of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is not and never has been unlimited. You cannot say anything you like without possible consequences. And some of speech that is not free is that which is incitatory in nature. And what the Drews did was to incite this girl to suicide. And they are adults where their victim was just 13. THAT is why they are to blame. So many use phrases like freedom of speech when, like you, they have no clue as to the concepts they are talking about. Ah well...

Neal Feldman November 30, 2007 4:07 pm (Pacific time)

Demexii - You vilify the victim and her parents and excuse their victimizer. Yours, in this context, are the statements indicative of a truly sick and depraved mind and in my humble opinion someone who truly believes those statements is in serious need of significant help from mental health professionals. Ah well...

Neal Feldman November 30, 2007 4:02 pm (Pacific time)

Bing - Sorry but I have to disagree with you. There was nothing but positives from Josh for about a month. "He" turned on Megan in a matter of a day or so before she was driven to suicide. This was a cold and calculated campaign by the Drews. Mrs Drew knew EXACTLY what she was doing and what the outcome would likely be. Her goal was to completely emotionally decastate and destroy Megan. And teenage girls so devastated and destroyed, especially in an out of the blue unpredicted manner such as this, very often suicide. As for the medications what medication are you speaking of? None of the reports I have seen have listed the medication by name. But the medications the parents were administering to Megan were prescription under a doctor's supervision and orders. Are you saying these medications were what caused her to suicide? Let's see... taking the meds for years, but only suicided this day... however totally destroyed mentally and emotionally this afternoon and 20 minutes later suicides. Which was the more direct cause of the suicide? The meds of the actions of the Drews? Don't overheat your hamster trying to figure that one out, ok? This is more akin to a case of someone falls from a plane and dies when they smack into the earth... you, it would seem, blame the victim.,, totally ignoring Mrs Drew up in the plane giggling uncontrollably holding the parachute she ripped off Megan before she hurled her from the plane. THAT would be a more accurate example. Your desperate attempts to blame the victim, her parents, the doctor, the pharmacist, the entire drug and medical community... anyone EXCEPT the Drews, is clearly apparent. The actions of the Drews are entirely abhorrent and inexcusable... yet you try and excuse them. One can only wonder why you would try to do such a thing. Are you planning on doing something similar and don't want folks thinking poorly of you afterwards? Ah well...

Neal Feldman November 30, 2007 3:46 pm (Pacific time)

Steve - Your statement is asinine at best, moronic to the core. Yes Myspace has an UNSUPERVISED age limit. Megan was supervised. The cause was the planned and executed campaign to build up then shatter a girl known to be in a fragile condition. It seems to me that it is YOU who are trying to shift blame from the perps (the Drews) onto the parents (the Miers). What you are doing is similar to someone blaming the parents of a kid shot in the park for allowing the kid to play in the park supervised instead of blaming the shooter. You are a real piece of work. I know there are true idiots in the world. Thank you for once again proving this truism out. Ah well...

Ted November 30, 2007 2:18 pm (Pacific time)

what a sick woman: Lori Drew should be incarcerated.

heather renee November 30, 2007 9:32 am (Pacific time)

omg i feel so sorry for this girl..i give great gradatute to the family and your daughter wil be in y prayers...

Josh M November 30, 2007 12:49 pm (Pacific time)

Wow the drews are a$$hole, and dispicable people, however people make fun of people on the ineternet all the time and people dont kill themselves. And once again who defines internet bullying this is infringing on free speech and is utter garbage. FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH it doesnt matter if your being an a$$hole with your freedom especially on the internet where you can block ban filter and ignore things in a multitude of ways. The parents should simply take this to court for a civil case and attempt to get some money for their pain and blah blah blah. Making "internet bullying" illegal is absolutely absurd though. Threats of sorts could be made illegal but that is about it. Legal reprecussions for free speech is bull.

Why do you think it is OK to use profanity here? It is not OK and we hate restricting IP's because someone chooses to do this. Make your point but keep it something that kids can read, OK?

Amy Lodholz November 30, 2007 12:02 pm (Pacific time)

I think the part of the story that needs to be addressed after the girls death is, Lori Drew: What kind of a sick person gets their kicks out of pretending to be a teenage boy and preying on young girls? This is what should be investigated. I'm sure she has mental problems of her own.

Demexii November 30, 2007 10:39 am (Pacific time)

Come on. If the girl killed herself over something so stupid I think she is probably better off. That wasn't the mothers fault the child was so unstable. If she is playing on the internet she needs to know that not everyone is nice. Can't handle the pressure shouldn't be playing like that. I have no sympathy for her and think that one mother did nothing wrong. She is made out to be some bad guy when it was the families fault for letting their child who has problems play with things she couldn't handle. The parents should be fined and arrest for child neglect.

Lowenklee November 30, 2007 10:01 am (Pacific time)

Vile people such as this Lori Drew have no place in civilized society. They well deserve to be made pariahs of and despised. As adults within our respective communities it is our responsibility to protect children from predators of all guise. Lori Drew's immoral conduct is neither forgivable or excusable regardless of any circumstance.

GGR November 30, 2007 7:21 am (Pacific time)

As a parent, I feel a great sorrow for the Meier family. I could not imagine losing my child to such immaturity. But as far as blame goes, obviously the parents were aware that she was speaking to this "boy" because the father tried consoling her. Obviously, she should of been monitored or even not allowed to continue "chatting" with this person, let alone be allowed to chat on my space. Even though we would like our children to grow up in a world that allows us to trust in others, you must also teach them "street smarts" and reality. I think a lot of families will learn a great deal from these families misforturnes, sadly it was at the cost of a sweet, impressionable girl!

Bing November 30, 2007 5:18 am (Pacific time)

The Drew's actions were inexcusable and pathedic. I hope they are subject to the same sort of harrassment. That said, no one seems to want to answer the question "Who killed Megan Meier?" Megan killed HERSELF. Yes, she was "only 13" and yes she was "mentally unstable", but she's still responsible enough to understand her actions and still sane enough to realize what she was doing. Perhaps she shouldn't have been medicated with drugs whose side effects include - ready for this? - SUICIDE! That medication is thanks to Mr and Mrs Meier. Megan could have and should have blocked "Josh" on MySpace, something she could have easily done. Instead she decided to kill herself -- she "pulled the trigger" herself. Again though, the Drews were scum to do this, and they should be subject to fines and a revoking of some rights (such as internet use, if possible). But they still weren't the ones who killed her, and thus calling for murder charges is just stupid.

Steve November 30, 2007 3:49 am (Pacific time)

I feel bad for the parents of the little girl. I really do, but this is a bit out of line. A direct quote from the Meier family "but both of Megan's parents want the Drews to be prosecuted, and they want to see changes to the law that safeguard children on the internet from cyber-bullying". So basically, they are trying to do what anyone else does when their kids get into something they should not have been in the first place, pass the blame. Why were the little girls parents not safeguarding her? Why was she even on myspace to begin with? To the commentor above me, Neal Feldman, you state that they should get involuntary manslaughter because the drew's actions were the indirect cause of that girl dying. What about this? The girls parents were the direct cause just as well, they knew she was on myspace, and they knew myspace has an age limit, one that the meier girl did not meet. So, I chastise what you say and rebuttal it with the same thing about involuntary manslaughter for the meiers. This world is going to hell where anyone and everyone can pass the blame. BOTH parties were in the wrong, BOTH of them, yet only ONE of them is being persecuted. Thing about that. People have no idea how to view anything anymore, it's all about the bandwagon and let's jump on it.....

Julie November 29, 2007 9:20 pm (Pacific time)

The LAWS are changing. Finally! More than a year after this Missouri teenager killed herself, a second St. Louis-area community has passed a law making online harassment a crime. Last week, Dardenne Prairie became the first to pass a measure outlawing Internet harassment, and on Monday, the Florissant City Council followed suit. Florissant officials, in passing their own law, also encouraged state and federal officials to criminalize Internet harassment. We have to let our politicians know that they can DO something for US. So, how long until it's a FEDERAL CRIME to harass CHILDREN via the Internet? In these two Missouri cities, it is now a misdemeanor, a good enough reason to ARREST the responsible parties. It's time that people took this seriously. PAST time, actually!

Willie November 29, 2007 2:26 pm (Pacific time)

Some forcked up shoit!!!!! Dont worrie i blaze it fo ya!!! with much love! willie

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 1:43 pm (Pacific time)

To all: For me, this emphasizes at once and in very strong terms what is happening all too frequently in Internet situations, including every open channel. Irresponsibility is easily followed by eagerness to be seen as tough, competent, and sometimes near-violent, ending with personal-attack or reputation-damaging statements later clearly seen to be not only dangerous but further-provoking by many others. I hope and pray our own open channel here will not fall prey to such situations, and I commend all who work hard to make sure their Comments are on-issue, clearly stated, with link or URL for sharing "view with own eyes" evaluations.

Neal Feldman November 29, 2007 12:40 pm (Pacific time)

The Drews need to be sued into fiscal oblivion and hounded for the rest of their days. These sociopaths have gone so far as to sue the family of the child they drove to suicide. I do not know why they cannot be charged with involuntary manslaughter. It is like parking your car on a hill with a faulty brake and it rolls downhill killing someone. Your actions were reckless and were the direct kernel cause of the chain of events leading to a death. At the very least they should be charged with that and the Miers should sue them also. I am glad the addresses, ohone numbers, business contacts etc were released. These people were getting off scot free after driving this girl to kill herself. Ah well...

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.

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