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Nov-27-2007 22:18printcomments

Op Ed: Without Change, Death of Democracy at Hand

Corporate forces intent only on profit-line demand control of the very people they were created to serve.

statue of liberty hand with torch
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(BEND, Ore.) - Corporate control, relentlessly “driven by the profit motive alone”, is now forcing full and drastic reconsideration of what must be done before the inevitable consequences finally --and perhaps even forever--overwhelm the remnants still remaining of all traditional democracy.

Capitalism is our own worst enemy. True: our entire social, economic, cultural and controlling direction of life for most inhabitants of our world is now threatened by the shaping forces released via capitalism and its consequences.

Failure of other competing systems, continuing wherever they still exist worldwide, only multiplies concern about our economic system; now controlled and continuing via the new corporate form of huge and still growing worldwide mergers and manipulations.

We chose to make it that way --and we can still choose to alter and advance and re-shape the system-- as it must be changed and progressed to meet new needs and overwhelming demands now neglected for millions worldwide.

It was the wit, wisdom and will of our American nation that led in the democratic direction, thus also shaping how capitalism was earlier allowed to operate and develop much of the rest of the world.

Story continues below

“Competition” and “corporation personhood” now confront every governance institution --everywhere-- with the raw and overwhelming fact of corporate money-powers, free to shape and control all major decisions which would otherwise be made via democratic process and protocol.

“Corporate campaign contributions”, a direct result of “corporate personhood”, declaring that “human rights are granted to corporations even though they are definitely and clearly NON-human”, are now recognized worldwide, for the crass controlling pressures they present within every level of our governing institutions from City Hall to the White House, and even the United Nations.

That inescapable conclusion is solidly supported by a growing number of major studies as well as many, many basic books and reports available worldwide during the past twenty years.

Those many ongoing studies and historic experiences have taught us that “privatization”, “deregulation” and “globalization” are simply tools for further damaging and destructive manipulation by corporate forces fully intent only on improving that profit-line; protecting themselves wherever possible by proper (and sometimes improper) demanded control of the very people they were created to serve originally --by “taking over” the governance function and its agencies.

“Privatization” is the widespread practice of turning over to business interests a function or service formerly supplied by government.

“Deregulation” is the simple practice of abandoning painfully-accomplished governance over corporate actions, at any and every level of governance attempting to protect our people.

“Globalization” is the summarizing term for the inevitable consequences when “free trade” is allowed to move once-solid economic-asset living-wage union-protected jobs --and its products—to lower-wage/cost locations in less advanced countries.

It is historic fact that “corporate creation was accomplished by human beings”; that “the corporate format was originally a ‘legal fiction’ to make possible full and continuing control of massive amounts of capital resources”; and that “such amalgamation of money-power was feared in depth and detail by those involved in building early acceptance”, leading to widespread and continuing efforts to guarantee its control.

One also-inevitable consequence of increasingly fearful and penetrating concern worldwide, led recently in large part by corporate management itself --and academic study of that function-- has now clearly come about: The establishment of a powerful “insider group”, building new understandings of these surely-existing and threatening problems.

Opinion leaders from business, civil society, finance, government, labor and law have just concluded a dynamic interactive “town hall”-format Summit, featuring world-famed authoritative speakers --held by choice for its full meaning in Faneuil Hall, Boston, site of some of the earliest and most meaningful of American democratic events.

“Are corporations equipped for the 21st Century?” is the main theme-question for this Summit, hosted by Corporation 20/20 in partnership with the Society for Organizational Learning. (Our next two Op Eds will report on findings and further actions now underway worldwide as a consequence of this Summit-situation, ending two years of cooperative study and preparation reaching into the heart and organization of significant segments intimately involved.)

This “insider group” is determined to bring about strong new controlling agreements among every level and institution in corporate control; via cooperative self-regulation and via new levels and forms of government supervision, surveillance and regulation where demanded.

What drives relentless corporate profit-seeking --far too often with no regard whatsoever for any consequences sure to follow for far too many persons and families and governments and economies, worldwide-- is the simple fact of corporate structure. They are indeed driven.

Originally set forth as “a legal fiction” for convenience in control and management centuries ago in different world economic, social and cultural circumstances, the single, powerful motivating force of profit-pursuit was rational and acceptable, then.

Worldwide changes in every level and segment of global society have now brought about the absolute necessity for further progressive and profound changes in what --and WHO-- runs the world; and WHY we have allowed it to become the way it now undoubtedly IS; as developing nations contend with advanced countries for a rapidly-diminishing and essentially inadequate share of what our world provides for all of us.

What this Summit will supply --from those best prepared by actual working experience and longtime professional commitment to make rational, reasonable, workable suggestions-- is a whole new set of principles for corporation organization and management, built around long-tested and economically-proven Corporate Social Responsibility working experiences.

Shared at the Summit are a whole set of ongoing actual-operations applications by corporations proving up these principals --and showing economic effect and efficiency (read “making a profit”!) while doing so.

We are finally finding out that world resources are, in fact, NOT UNlimited, but entirely measurable; and MUST NOW be properly and conscientiously controlled to provide properly for all the millions of world inhabitants.

We need -- indeed, we MUST HAVE, SOON!-- precisely this approach and its consequential progressive guides-to-action... else cometh the NEXT Revolution!

Reader’s Note:
Complete preliminary detail re the Summit is published in a special report contained in FORTUNE Magazine 11/12/07. Full documentation involved in this Op Ed is available by request with ID to the Editor, from HCR-records and files, as printout or PDFs. Books and reports consulted are available as lists; quotes are verbatim, summarized or combined from original sources.

Read more Op-Ed's by Henry Ruark: CLICK HERE

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GodsofChaos December 2, 2007 9:08 pm (Pacific time)

"OR perhaps you can find it godlike to move out from that protective anonymity provided by the senseless moniker and ID yrself by whatever gives you any credibility here, esp."Henry Ruark Why? What does it matter? I know that I am intelligent. I don't need to tell you what I do to prove my intelligence. Once again I don't care want people do for a living I care want people have to say. "Each paragraph is barely more than One single sentence."Reader You just got burned.

Jefferson November 30, 2007 10:44 am (Pacific time)

People going back to 1917, a very bloody time began in Russia (tens of millions were killed) and the way "the far left" came into power was to generate/create fear, and/or a fearful environment , just like what the far left does today; please see Henry's below ramblings for a recent example. Beware people, beware! I always, as I hope all clear thinking people will also do, is debate views that I find inaccurate and harmful. It is not be my intention to insult anyone, if I do please accept my apology. Please note that it is the lefties that are the ones who engage in insulting vacuous histrionics when primary source facts are introduced, they really hate facts. Debate to the far left is not really a debate to them, it's more along the lines: My way or the highway! Thank you. Henry: I simply quoted (a "primary source" for the 3rd quarter, you understand the concept of what "primary" source means? I have yet to see you provide one, just opinion based sources which are slanted towards your agenda. So what is the 3rd quarterly growth rate as per Henry? Heh Heh). I provided no $ reference, you did tho', 3 trillion- so what!. "Dementia manifests in many ways, e.g. , verbosity coupled with narcissism...My goodness... you going for 6 million words? PLEASE SEE BELOW DATA: by Frank Newport PRINCETON, NJ -- Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats or independents to rate their mental health as excellent, according to data from the last four November Gallup Health and Healthcare polls. Fifty-eight percent of Republicans report having excellent mental health, compared to 43% of independents and "38%" of Democrats. This relationship between party identification and reports of excellent mental health persists even within categories of income, age, gender, church attendance, and education. The basic data -- based on an aggregated sample of more than 4,000 interviews conducted since 2004 -- are straightforward.

Henry Ruark November 30, 2007 4:39 am (Pacific time)

Reader: Verbosity ? Your response is to excerpt-copy from reliable source, cluttered by necessity here. Mine-own was ONLY TWO first sentences; re-read and check. Sorry; format here forces that presentation for any solid report brought to you for "see with own eyes" values, but at least we supply full documentation. That, too, is responsibility for professional reporting overlooked by political propaganda-peddlers distorting channel for malign purposes.

Reader November 29, 2007 8:27 pm (Pacific time)

Ruark, Oh... my God.... Again with the verbosity! Each paragraph is barely more than One single sentence. Please, please, please, my man! And, you have written so many comments on your own op-ed piece that I am baffled...

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 7:52 pm (Pacific time)

Anon et al: Your number-awareness pays off in understandings of how neocon distortion works, every time. Want breaking news from real reliable source ? Here's some, with "see with own eyes" link for YOUR OWN evaluation, not mine...!! Wall Street Wins Big While Investors Lose Their Shirts By Sam Pizzigati, Too Much: A Commentary on Excess and Inequality. Shareholders are losing their shirts, families are losing their homes, financial industry workers are losing their jobs, but investment bank bonuses have never been higher. Can anyone explain why? They don't just make deals on Wall Street. They make myths. And last week Wall Street's myth-making machine was roaring at full throttle -- after the news broke that America's five biggest investment banks will this year shell out a record $38 billion in bonus pay. To justify the financial industry's annual bonus blitz, friends of Wall Street fortunes usually recycle some variation on that most elemental of investment banker fables, the wealth creation myth. Wall Street's movers and shakers, we are assured, create fabulous wealth. They richly deserve an appreciable share of the wealth they create. This year, that wealth creation myth rings a bit hollow. Over the last 12 months, the movers and shakers of Wall Street have presided over a colossal loss of wealth. Shareholders at Wall Street's five biggest banks have lost $74 billion off the value of their stock holdings. The banks themselves have written off over $26 billion in losses, with most of that linked to investments in bonds tied to subprime mortgages. Nearly 2 million of the families holding those mortgages, analysts estimate, will have lost their homes -- their single largest family asset -- by this time next year. And over 42,000 workers in New York's financial industry, so far this year, have already lost their jobs. So how, amid this torrential loss of wealth, can Wall Street bonuses be flowing at even higher levels than last year? Trying to answer that question kept the myth-makers hopping last week. Wall Street giants like Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch, these mythologists acknowledged, have certainly registered big-time losses this year. But these powerhouses, the new myth goes, can't afford not to shell out big bonuses. "If Bear and Merrill plead poverty," as Manhattan College's Charles Geisst opined, "they're going to lose all of their good people."

Anon November 29, 2007 6:09 pm (Pacific time)

Jefferson November 29, 2007 9:38 am (Pacific time) "BREAKING: People as the far lefties tell you how bad things are out there, economically speaking, see below breaking news and ask yourself what is the agenda of these doomsayers? Economy Grew 4.9% in 3rd Quarter, Up From Previous Estimate of 3.9% Wall Street Journal ^ Economy Grew 4.9% in 3rd Quarter, Up From Previous Estimate of 3.9% By JEFF BATER November 29, 2007 9:06 a.m." You call it as you see it Jefferson. That's fine. I call it ... "Fun With Numbers"

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 3:53 pm (Pacific time)

GofC: Oh, sorry...forgot to ask if you have bothered to read anything about this issue, as in the books listed here early on ? OR perhaps you can find it godlike to move out from that protective anonymity provided by the senseless moniker and ID yrself by whatever gives you any credibility here, esp. after that tasteless original remark, in effect insulting any and all who depend on the channel for documented open, honest, discussion...if you can understand such a situation.

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 3:48 pm (Pacific time)

GofC: Obviously you are praying to the wrong gods, as proven by yours yesterday expressing hilarity at S-N's function for its readership in reflecting realities as seen by expert observers around the world. What do your so-chaotic colleagues tell you should be done for the millions in want worldwide, the Oregonians driven to suicide for want of food, and the thousands of children facing death nationally due to lack of essential health care --denied them in Oregon via $12 million in Big T monies and campaign-contributions paid-for manipulation of the Legislature ? Perhaps those events thus mentioned might add to your merriment.

GodsofChaos November 29, 2007 1:58 pm (Pacific time)

Have I been banned? Play to me straight. This is the third or fourth post that has completely disappeared.

Editor: You have not been banned, sorry it is giving you so much trouble. I will ask our Web Designer about it

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 12:55 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Since neocon Jeff still too scared for direct contact and comparison of personal and professional background, as well as professional contacts, sources and links, how about doing same publicly, right here on this channel, for all to see and compare ? IF he will send his full resume to editor, I will do same, with permission to publish side-by-side. Thus you can "see with own eyes" who's telling you true, and who's selling you silly, as all neocons do --something psychological drives them into such conscienceless behavior, which you will pardon me if I refer to as megalomaniacal and perhaps even demented. Just tell me when-to-send for this one, which should remove any possible fearful attitude for Jeff, knowing own limitations on truthful language set up to be checkable by listeners and readers.

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 12:28 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Here's still another from those suspected sources neocon Jeff declares are UNreliable while he completely conceals his own, if any: "Some sleight of hand the ruling elite have accomplished since 9/11, namely, that while Americans were pondering the color of the government's daily terrorist threat assessments, that government and its corporate cronies was taking them to the cleaners, picking their pockets, swindling, cheating, extorting, defrauding, hustling, ripping-off, double-dealing, conning, hornswoggling, hoodwinking, fudging, gouging, bamboozling, scamming, screwing, shafting, and let's not forget bilking the American middle and working classes. Hey, look over there-see the Italian spider climbing up the wall-or Osama hiding under your bed? And while you look, we'll steal you deaf, dumb, and blind!" From reviewing a new book about the onset of the Great Depression, which we are likely to see-again/soon if we allow further neocpn damage to our economy, with the largest conglomerations of corporate money-power repeating precisely what many economists now contend forced worldwide economic consequences causing the first Great One. Remember, Enron's wild attack on California's economy via perversion of energy costs occurred via working-desks right here in Oregon, at PGE.

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 11:38 am (Pacific time)

Given misleading misquoted economic figures from neocon Jeff, you deserve decent update from undeniable source: Most of the data that we use to evaluate how people are doing economically look at a snapshot in time. They tell us how many people are unemployed today -- or this quarter or year -- or how their incomes change from one year to the next. But a new study released by Demos this week looks at the stability of the middle class. It asks how close ostensibly middle class families are from falling into poverty. The results are not surprising to anyone who's paid attention in recent years: • Only 31 percent of families who would be considered middle-class by income are financially secure. • One in four middle-class families match the profile for being at high risk of slipping out of the middle class altogether. • More than half of middle-class families have no net financial assets whatsoever. • Middle-class families have median debt of $3,500 and at least half of them have no assets. • Twenty-one percent of middle-class families have less than $100 per week ($5,000 per year) remaining after meeting essential living expenses. These families are living from paycheck to paycheck with very little margin of security. A middle class doesn't grow on trees. It was a powerful and sometimes violent labor movement and massive government intervention in the economy that allowed the American middle class to grow and flourish in the first place, and after a 30 year assault on both of those things, it should come as no surprise that our vaunted middle class is on such shaky ground. -Joshua Holland Editor, Corporate Accountability and Workplace (For "see with own eyes" and head, usual patter here but never-yet shared by neocon Jeff.)

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 11:29 am (Pacific time)

To all: Re own "checkered working record" forgot to add that Chicago mag was then oldest in nation, with 50-year history and two famous editors. My stuff good enough they sought me as editor when the second famous-one died, and I so acted for some years, then establishing own consultant and media production company, which operated in the tough Chicago environment for more than ten years, accumulating over 250 clients, corporate to institutional to national agency. STILL learning, and can now detect fraudulent big-mouth neocon faster-and-easier than ever...!! Attribute that to some D.C. experience early-on, right after Reagan era.

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 11:05 am (Pacific time)

Further for-the-record here, in preparation for final remediation sure to come one way or another: For twelve years, I gathered 400-600 corporate Annual Reports each year, surveying them for Annual Report On Annual Report Photography. In analyzing each one deeply could NOT avoid also learning much about ongoing corporate events, actions and attitudes, esp. since also interviewed at least 50 of the photographers, some corporate employees, others outside talent. Information and data thus assembled was published in all three of then leading major professional photo journals, and is on record as the ONLY such ongoing study conducted, and used in many professional communications applications even today. Naturally I also wrote for other publications re what was learned from that extensive study, including much other than photo-content. Per education field and its complex set of communications, including learning media-use aspects nationwide, I also did a ten-year series of status and developmental reports, first and only such series, published in then-leading media journal in Chicago, and used widely at college level then-and-since. Some of them were university-published at the time. This ONLY to establish right to seek same information re background from neocon-Jeff, still beating-gums re well documented Op Ed citing solid national sources. (Including best-seller books he has never seen or read...) What has he shared with you-all, on my direct and oft-repeated demand, including direct-in-face declaration that he is fraudulent re any right to speak on this issue ?

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 10:47 am (Pacific time)

To all: For the record, it was Jeff who brought up "dementia"...but it may be applying to his then-following reference to "My goodness ". Surely that quality is not evident in his responses here, totally devoid of anything but belly-button fondling for firming up personal feeling, however derived...

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 10:25 am (Pacific time)

To all: Re "Breaking" news-flash on how wonderful the economy is, let Jeff tell us how the national deficit is over THREE TRILLION when honest figures are cited. He can also probably cherry pick sources to show some economists seeing only slowdown in economy --while most authoritative, knowing, widely-experienced, and proven how point to unmistakable and strong symptoms of economic collapse which may out-do the Big Depression --and from same sources of neocon failed and outmoded policy and pattern.

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 10:18 am (Pacific time)

To all: Note Jeff's immediate precipitous retreat into still nore name-calling and personal attack --without any pretense this time. Also note his unreasonable assumption that about 50 editors nationally were unable to distinguish those qualities he mentioned in my my pile of check-receipts here clearly shows. We still have never seen a single link or page-published by him, which should tell you something, as does that surely further painful disclosure re cherry-picking, revealing old excuse often used by source-shy researchers to hurt anything from anywhere and anyone. THEN he mentions "time budget" ! to me, working to share at 89, while he coasts on corporate-shares surely accumulated by usual business means --or so he reveals in reference to "wealth-makers", as usual decrying and denying any part for all other stake holders in EVERY corporate enterprise, many of which have surely helped "civilize" the world, if "civilize" is the proper term for reality today. My "impress-'em somehow" days are far-past, no longer needed; wall is full of solid proof, in certificates, letters, awards, and personal notes from many persons who would be appalled to find this kind of Comment-exchange in this open, honest and democratic channel.

Jefferson November 29, 2007 9:59 am (Pacific time)

Henry the sources for what I have written below are a matter of historical record. I do not cherry-pick, ala' Al Gore, I respond in kind to what pablum dujour is provided. Furthermore I operate on a time budget and do not have the luxury to do email exchanges with those who cannot debate within a factual paradigm, something lefties simply find to be anathama to their weakly structured agenda (obviously!). No doubt there are plenty of people for you to impress Henry, as W. C. Fields said so well: "A sucker is born every minute." So you count all those 5 million words? Dementia manifests in many ways, e.g. , verbosity coupled with narcissism...My goodness...

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 9:45 am (Pacific time)

Still-further facts-sought from neocon/blowhard Jeff: Have you read any one of the books I listed for Op Ed ? If not mine-listed, what others on this issue ? By whom, when, where published, so I can check 'em out as is open pattern here on mine. Have you kept working file since 80s on CSR ? Can you even define that movement ? Whom do you know in its leadership ? Where they located ? At what leading academic, professional, or corporate institution or agency ? If you wish to open issue of credibility for sources, these should be easy-pickings for you. What's your national-contact list on this issue ? Mine available, if/when you have intellectual morality enough to ID-self for direct contact, thus sparing others here more of your misleading and surely intentional masturbation of realities on the public record, as in yrs re FDR... Re source-believability, that's why I give my links, for "see with own eyes" check by whomever, followed by their own personal/professional assessment of meaning and factual proofs.

Jefferson November 29, 2007 9:38 am (Pacific time)

BREAKING: People as the far lefties tell you how bad things are out there, economically speaking, see below breaking news and ask yourself what is the agenda of these doomsayers? Economy Grew 4.9% in 3rd Quarter, Up From Previous Estimate of 3.9% Wall Street Journal ^ Economy Grew 4.9% in 3rd Quarter, Up From Previous Estimate of 3.9% By JEFF BATER November 29, 2007 9:06 a.m.

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 9:27 am (Pacific time)

To all: Revealing "intentional mis-statement" of fact by Jeff: he implies textbook publishers and media would have perverted facts in publications, for obviously "liberal" purposes of distortion. Fact is firmly established all such publishers formal, working, established, and fully captured components of the "conservative" side of the aisle. File here contains over 50 documenting items, just reviewed. Where are his ? Why NOT ? I leave my source links allatime as solid research-sharing action for your benefit. Can he supply for "seeing with own eyes" ? If NOT, what does that leave him, in YOUR eyes ?

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 9:15 am (Pacific time)

To all: Last-few from Jeff nail down in detail precisely what he is, where he cometh from, and why. IF he is such longtime sharp researcher, why not fill us in on academic, working, professional, publishing, family and economic information, thus establishing credibilitises ? Mine right out there for all to "see with own eyes"; have written (and sold most) some 5 million words, mostly published, many for corporate clients. IF Jeff has work-history with corporations, will exchange resume with him when he IDs-self to editor and sets up direct exchange. Until and unless that's done he's only neocon voice denying realities you all can check for yourselves, without any help from me. Goodby and God Bless, Jeff. I just called you fraud to your face; prove me wrong via ID to editor, I dare you...otherwise will start remediation via other means, from which you will be hearing soon.

Jefferson November 29, 2007 7:52 am (Pacific time)

Neal you never provided any evidence other than lefty emotionalism regarding the Florida 2000 election (I provided supportable facts, a problem for you?!), ergo Bush's 2004 had a victory margin 710 times that of 2000. Also name some Clinton policies that helped the economy! He simply signed what the Republicans gave him, they were the people who developed that economy. Regarding FDR, there is a lot that the history books don't provide for those of you who know nothing of doing "true research". For one thing he allowed our government to be saturated with soviet and communist spies/sympathizers as Truman soon learned when he found Stalin knew about our Atomic program before he did. Suffice, where many of you heard that Joe McCarthy was this evil guy (he was a Godfather to one of JFK's children, though that was a mistake in my opinion), he was simply outing these commies and those who were carrying their water (remember who owns the media and history book publishers!). There is some excellent research that is out and coming out about this true American hero...yes it goes against what many of you have learned, but most of you have gone thru an inculcating process, not an educational one as Henry and Neal so clearly demonstrate, and I mean that in a nice way, their ill-informed status is not their fault, just reality. Furthermore review Henry's sources, and then do some research on what "primary source" really means. People on the far left have an agenda and that is to create as many useful idiots as possible. I repeat people: when someone tells you they have sourced the material for you, well, just how good are those sources!? Please note that when people talk about the 1st Amendment and their rights, notice how they react to those with opposing views. Neal is an excellent example, bless his young mind, he will not debate with facts, at least from my recent observations. At an earlier post by him he stated recruitment was down, I provided a primary source that this was wrong, no response from Neal, oh well...

Henry Ruark November 29, 2007 4:39 am (Pacific time)

To all: Your continuing strong support for this democratic, honest, open channel is highly appreciated by all involved. For its designated mission, now found nowhere else in our region or even nationally, WE who use-and-build the channel must make sure to self-police on personal attack and waste of space and time by off-topic political palaver and useless undocumented, outmoded and misleading "party propaganda". Stick to issue and question; provide useful links to your solid sources; seek supporting study and statement from that huge Internet we cannot ever cover individually. IF YOU will, so will I ! YOU, too, can contribute a solid documented Op Ed, with objective, balanced detail supplied to inform and shape what others know as citizens. Thus we all will profit and prosper via potent cooperative effort to learn together --which I must point out is precisely what the Founding Fathers did, resulting in the Federalist Papers --AND the first American Revolution. For any such enterprising channel, there are only three levels of readership: "Thinkers": always ready and willing to learn and grow; "UNThinkers": those seeking entertainment and titillation, at whatever cost to others; and the Woefully Deprived, for whom their own Comments tell you all you will need to learn. YOU must make that choice, if you enjoy, appreciate AND RESPECT open, honest dialog.

Neal Feldman November 29, 2007 1:16 am (Pacific time)

Jefferson - Are all neocons like you just tools like you are or are you special? How did I get dragged into this? And you may not like what i say re: Florida in the 2000 presidential race and that 5 conservatives on the USSC took the votes, threw them all out and just declared Shrub the winner. Everything I have said re: that election is the facts based truth. That you clearly cannot face reality is your problem, so I will leave you to deal with it. And in this nation's darkest hours FDR pulled the nation together (as opposed to your boy Shrub who divided the country as no one else ever has) and your desperate attempt at vilification shows your true colors. Shades of yellow. And let's see... marginal tax rates during Eisenhower's 1950s were around 90%... the middle class only lightly taxed. Since Reagan (apparently your hero) marginal rates lowered to 35% or so and the middle class taxed ruinously. During Reagan, Bush I and Bush II (shrub) deficits as far as the eye can see as the national debt skyrockets, while during Clinton we had budget surpluses as there was talk of the national debt being retired in 15-20 yrs. Interesting 'heroes' you wingnuts have. Ah well...

GodsofChaos November 28, 2007 11:48 pm (Pacific time)

Small nit pick were a republic not a democracy.Are founding fathers feared democracy. What do you think the electoral college is for?

Henry Ruark November 28, 2007 7:42 pm (Pacific time)

Jeff: Yrs now on solid public record for all to see, and it says it all for those who do really know reality when so confronted. SO goodby, and good luck with that small life devoted only to "wealth producers", whomever you choose to so designate.

Matt Johnson November 28, 2007 6:19 pm (Pacific time)

That is pure blasphemy, FDR was a hundred times the man any of your sneaky dirty heroes are. You have a dark heart friend and you are one confused individual. Even regular neo cons don't make statements like that about Roosevelt, whatever. Find a point of view that at least angers people if you want to get something going, saying FDR was evil is just retarded.

Henry Ruark November 28, 2007 6:15 pm (Pacific time)

Reality is there for all to see and for most of goodwill to understand. What's written in Op Ed is fully documented by famed and proven expertise, as cited. IF you few cannot recognize reality when so presented, my small extra illumination for you herein will only be that much more wasted effort. Live with what you believe, and see future outcomes in whatever light may remain to you, if any can penetrate. For others, follow next two Op Eds for what leaders in reality-acceptance are now doing to improve and reshape the corporation, created by humans, amenable to further human control, now demanding that its purpose, practice and protocol by altered by the controlling state, creator of the "legal fiction" formed for convenience in serving the public purpose originally.

Jefferson November 28, 2007 5:51 pm (Pacific time)

Evil coporations! So what do you think allows you to enjoy life in Western Civilization? Some far left liberal(s) whose only life experience is based on theory(s) who are essentially nothing more than watchers, not the doers? Ask some of these far lefty's if they ever had to make a payroll (assuring that their employees and their loved ones have a job and resources), then having to constantly extrapolate and develop problems solutions [because these lefty's are constantly changing the rules, e.g., a wide spectrum of constantly new business taxes/fees, etc.]) not based on some classroom exercise, but real world conditions. Generally most far lefty's are civil service and union workers here in Oregon who have never had to deal with running a corporation. Please keep in mind corporations come in all sizes, not just the big ones who really don't give a damn if you demonize them anyway. Without corporations we would be in the dark ages...leave the market forces alone and things will work themseles out (Think Adam Smith, not Karl Marx!). Keep taxes low and investment will increase and more resources become available. Government spends wealth they do not create wealth, we the people do! Show me where government works when the socialists run it? Our national problems started with the worst president this country ever had, FDR, followed by Carter and Clinton's handler Sandy Burgler! But FDR was tuely evil!

GodsofChaos November 28, 2007 5:15 pm (Pacific time)

Is there a glitch? My thought out post is nuked but the one I spent five minutes on is up there Or is someone nuking my posts again?

Editor: No posts are zapped or nuked unless they contain profanity. I know it is a hassle, but if you can save the thought out comments on a word page just in case this happens it will help, the glitches are occasional but still annoying, you aren't the only one, Hank's posts have had the same thing happen, very sorry and we are working on it.

Programmer: Its always a work in progress looking to cut out the obvious garbage (almost 500 a day advertising stuff) and the legitimate I'll watch to see if any real comments are being dropped and adjust if needed. Matt

GodsofChaos November 28, 2007 5:09 pm (Pacific time)

"KEEP FACTS OUT OF THE DEBATE!"Jefferson More Like:"LETS BRING CONTRADICTIONS IN THE DEBATE!" The hilarity of a News company making a story of the evil of corporations and capitalism even though they themselves survive in a capitalistic society and have things called pay checks and money does not escape me.

Jefferson November 28, 2007 4:22 pm (Pacific time)

Attention Henry---I simply pasted a post by someone else from last September (Scott Forbes!) get it? I know Neal won't as evidenced by his lack of dealing with the Florida vote facts (facts are unpleasant for those of his ilk), nor you Henry and your lack of response to those urban pockets of "moral depravity" in the Blue whacko area's...just responding, unfortunately there are those who cannot accept opposing viewpoints and that's why...oh well. That's pretty much a theme for those on the far left: "KEEP FACTS OUT OF THE DEBATE!"

Anon November 28, 2007 3:48 pm (Pacific time)

“Competition” and “corporation personhood” now confront every governance institution --everywhere-- with the raw and overwhelming fact of corporate money-powers, free to shape and control all major decisions which would otherwise be made via democratic process and protocol. "supercapitalism" is overwhelming government with lobbyists and money, while citizens are dazzled by the promise of previously unimaginable riches and consumer choices. You and Mr. Reich have tidied it all up in a nutshell. Definitely not knocking Salem~News,............this is the stuff that should be on the front pages of the majors...........but alas,... they are bought by the same dollars that are purchasing our government. "else cometh the NEXT Revolution".................the question is 'when'........the answer is that it will come when enough people have realized that the 'American Dream' is pretty much attainable only to those outside of America because we have been reduced to the 'service jobs' left after everything that once was our economic base has been moved out of country to the lowest bidder.

Henry Ruark November 28, 2007 1:13 pm (Pacific time)

Sue et al: Yours re each help another to speak out is the essence of what the Founders did for each other via the Federalist Papers, leading directly to the First American Revolution. We can do the same solid undermining/developing work again, this time for the Second American Revolution, surely now seen to be on its way.

Henry Ruark November 28, 2007 12:21 pm (Pacific time)

'Anon" here, but only for last one to Jeff. To which I now add this: Mine called forth via use of yr own defining phrase: "The words make no sense to anyone, yet they have perfect grammatical syntax..."

Anonymous November 28, 2007 12:03 pm (Pacific time)

Jeff: As with allarest from yr bottle, internal evidence immediately destroys any credibilities. If I'm word-bot, how come I can transfer "text from image" to confirm humanity : Yrs makes No. 11 failure to respond ID'ing self -still another internal-evidence of shill-at-work. Note my humane use of five-lts without insult, surely human action ! Ultimate proof: Human-sig on allathose past checks paying for words-arranged --and published, thus the checks...

Jefferson November 28, 2007 11:12 am (Pacific time)

Scott Forbes September 3, 2007 1:06 pm (Pacific time) I've decided that Henry is not a real person, but instead one of those random word generators. You know the ones that email you all the time? The words make no sense to anyone, yet they have perfect grammatical syntax? LOL We'll call him 'Henry-Bot'. :->

Matt Johnson November 28, 2007 9:43 am (Pacific time)

Thanks for summing it up Henry, the rich can pretend to help all they want but facts are facts in the end. Here's to the rest of us!

Sue November 28, 2007 9:39 am (Pacific time)

Oh Henry! You get it! Why do so many Americans not see this? Excellent Article. For all of you that read this, please keep reading and keep speaking. If each of us can open the eyes of at least one person, maybe we can wake everyone up before it is too late.

Henry Ruark November 28, 2007 8:39 am (Pacific time)

"Earliest" warning cited above; here's contemporary repeat from one of most authoritative analysts now at work in Robert Reich's new book: Consumer-Driven Culture Is Killing Our Democracy By Terrence McNally, AlterNet "Here's a quick quiz. Do you love bargains? Do you enjoy the power and convenience of shopping online for the best deals on electronics or travel or anything else? Do you favor cutthroat corporate competition that devours small, local businesses? Do you applaud the sweatshop labor it takes to produce your sweatpants for less ? Feeling schizophrenic, yet? Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich believes we are all suffering from this split agenda -- as consumers we want low prices, while as citizens we may oppose corporate behaviors that make them possible. And he believes -- at least on a national scale -- our citizen selves are losing. Shoppers are elbowing citizens out of the public arena. The last three decades have seen the emergence of a supercharged capitalism fueled by open markets and cutthroat competitiveness. According to Reich, "supercapitalism" is overwhelming government with lobbyists and money, while citizens are dazzled by the promise of previously unimaginable riches and consumer choices. In his new book, Supercapitalism, Reich tackles the big question: Can democracy survive in this environment? Professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley, Reich served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. He is co-founding editor of the American Prospect, and his weekly commentaries on public radio's "Marketplace" are heard by nearly 5 million people. He is the author of eleven books, including The Work of Nations, The Future of Success and his latest, Supercapitalism.

Henry Ruark November 28, 2007 8:03 am (Pacific time)

Earliest warning in my file re corporate seizure of power from the people came in 1999: FALSE DAWN: The Delusions of Global Capitalism; John Gray. Gray was Professor of European Thought at the London School of Economics. He thundered THEN that "the global economic system is immoral, inequitable, unworkable, and unstable." How right he has turned out to be is now surely amenable to that old Marx Bros.Chico quote: "WHO you gonna or your own eyes ?"; with the conclusion unavoidable either way.

Henry Ruark November 28, 2007 5:55 am (Pacific time)

To all: A longtime D.C.-contact, copied with this one ystdy, phoned to strongly suggest I share top three books used, documenting it. Hartmann's "UNEqual Protection" was named ystdy; so here are the other two: "The SHOCK Doctrine: Rise of Disaster Capitalism": Klein; 07; ISBN-10: O-8050-7963-1. "Every Man A Speculator; A History of Wall Street In American Life"; Fraser; 05; ISBN 0-06-662048-1. First function of ethical journalism is to REPORT - and ID sources for "see with own eyes" examination by citizens. Other sources available on ID to editor and request. IF you have not searched out similar sources, wise step is to do so prior to off-top of-head Comments; then share your resources for "opinion". Professional credibility hangs for all on how well, fairly and balanced you use those resources - the ONLY true remedy for political propagandizing ever found.

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