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Nov-24-2009 00:38 ![]() ![]() Expletives and Netanyahu: President Clinton and Now Obama?By Alan Hart for Salem-News.comClinton's famous words toward the Israeli PM: "Who the f*** does Netanyahu think he is?
(LONDON) - It’s not often that stories about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict make me laugh but one by Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s Middle East editor, did. Because he is the corporation’s correspondent supporters of Israel right or wrong most love to hate – from time to time they pressure the BBC to fire him – I imagine he enjoyed writing it. In a vivid background report for From Our Own Correspondent, headlined Tough Lessons for Obama on Mid-East peace, Jeremy recalled some of the “false dawns” of previous presidential peace efforts. One was a trip by President Clinton to Gaza in 1998 when Netanyahu was enjoying his first period as Israel’s prime minister. “Yes”, Jeremy added, “an American president in Gaza. It is not conceivable these days.” After noting that Netanyahu drove Clinton mad, Jeremy went on: After he (Netanyahu) had lectured the president about the Middle East, Mr. Clinton famously asked his aides: “Who the (bleep) does he think he is? Who’s the bleeping superpower here?” Only he did not say bleep. What President Clinton actually said was, “Who the f%&k does he think he is? Who’s the f*#king superpower here?” After recalling in his own way how President Obama has been humiliated to date by Netanyahu in his second period as prime minister, Jeremy commented that he, Obama, “might be using Bill Clintonesque language about Mr. Netanyahu.” My own speculation is that Obama behind closed doors might even be outdoing Clinton in his use of expletives about Netanyahu. But really there’s no cause for laughter. Tears of rage are more appropriate. The documented truth, which flows through my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, is that every occupant of the Oval Office has at one point or another, and as President Ford once put it, been made “as mad as hell” by Israeli prime ministers. So the use of presidential expletives to describe them and Zionist lobby leaders at moments of great tension probably has a history going all the way back to Israel’s unilateral declaration of independence. Even before that there were moments when President Truman could not contain his anger at the tactics Zionists were employing to bend him and the United Nations to their will. At one cabinet meeting Truman blurted out, “Jesus Christ couldn’t please them when he was here, so how could anyone expect that I would have any luck.” In Memoirs, published long after the events, Truman was very frank about Zionist coercion in the countdown to the twice-postponed General Assembly vote on the partition plan resolution. He wrote: The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but the White House too was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders – actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats – disturbed and annoyed me. Some were even suggesting that we pressure sovereign nations into favourable votes in the General Assembly. I have never approved of the strong imposing their will on the weak whether among men or nations. As it happened, the campaign of threats to cause a number of sovereign nations to turn their intended “No” to partition votes into “Yes” votes or to abstain was executed by the Zionist lobby with the assistance of a hit-squad of 26 U.S. senators. The whole effort to bend the UN General Assembly to Zionism’s will was co-ordinated by Zionism’s eyes and ears in the White House, David K. Niles. (He once confessed that “had Roosevelt lived, Israel probably would not have become a state.” President Roosevelt was opposed to the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, and there is a good case for believing, I make it in my book, that if he had lived, he would have used the United Nations to say “No” to Zionism’s colonial enterprise). When Truman subsequently learned how one sovereign nation in particular, Haiti, had been threatened in his name, he wrote in a memorandum not de-classified until 1971 that “pressure groups (he meant Zionist pressure groups) will succeed in putting the United Nations out of business if this sort of thing is continued.” Events were to prove Truman more right than wrong on that account. Eisenhower was the first and the last American President to contain Zionism (when he insisted in 1956/57 that Israel, after its collusion with Britain and France in war on Nasser’s Eygpt, should withdraw from occupied Arab territory without conditions). There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that President Kennedy, if he had been allowed to live, was intending in a second term to continue Eisenhower’s containment of Zionism, and that as a result of doing so there would not have been a shift of U.S. policy in favor of Israel right or wrong. In that event, and in all probability, the 1967 war would not have happened – Greater Israel would not have been created; and the Zionist state would not have been allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Though it contained no expletives, the most explicit statement of anger I am aware of was the one made by presidential candidate Kennedy after he had been taken to a meeting with Zionist funders in New York. After it, back in Washington, he went for a walk with an old and trusted friend, newspaper columnist Chares L. Bartlett. According to his account, Kennedy said: As an American citizen I am outraged to have a Zionist group come to me and say – “We know your campaign is in trouble. We’re willing to pay your bills if you let us have control of your Middle East policy. They wanted control!” In my view the question of who the bleep does Netanyahu think he is misses the point. It is that he knows who he is – another Israeli prime minister who, with the assistance of the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress, has got another American president by the testicles. At least for the time being. Special thanks to: Intifada-Palestine ==========================================
See also: President Obama’s opportunity to speak truth to power: Part 1 President Obama’s opportunity to speak truth to power – Rahm Emanuel does it for him – Part 11 Open Letter to President Obama: Change the Rules of the Game An Appeal to the American People Articles for November 23, 2009 | Articles for November 24, 2009 | Articles for November 25, 2009 | ![]() Support ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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stephen November 25, 2009 10:48 am (Pacific time)
I knew you were joking Daniel. Didnt matter. :-) Not sure
stephen November 25, 2009 11:26 am (Pacific time)
I knew you were kidding Daniel. No problem. I am used to it. "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." Mayer Amschel Rothschild, International Banker ... "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson
Winder November 25, 2009 7:40 am (Pacific time)
Good article, Mr. Hart. I wish President Obama would ask that question of Netanyahoo...Who DOES he think he is? King of the world? Seems like that's his aspiration, and we're (US gov) enabling him to further his cause, at least in the middle east. I think American taxpayers should demand cut-off of funding for the Israeli atrocities on civilian Palestinians which our government enables and ignores. Nice Christmas colors, Daniel.
stephen November 24, 2009 6:24 pm (Pacific time)
Daniel..yes I was talking about the illuminati. I spoke of the bilderberg group about 10 years ago, got scoffed at, and now its obvious they exist, and the members who attend are apparent. If you have time Daniel, could you elaborate on your comment about rumsfeld and cheney? I hope they dont have twilight years, as I am sure you dont either, but want to hear more before replying. Mern bern: I also use the Bible as a study tool. In Revelations, it says "they call themselves Jews, but really are not". If you search history, the zionist regime might not even be jews. And if you research further, the zionist regime is not killing the brown people from a defense tactic, but because they say god told them to. I kinda thought we could move on into the 21st century, but according to them, apparently not.
Illuminati. I was making a joke.
stephen November 24, 2009 4:14 pm (Pacific time)
Not ONCE did I mention Jews. NOT ONCE.....I spoke of the zionist regime. Sorry they happen to be jewish. There are many jewish people fighting against this regime. There are many great jewish people that I have respect for. Please read my posts carefully before responding. I have not, nor will ever, put down jewish people. Thanks.
mern bern November 24, 2009 12:34 pm (Pacific time)
Sure. The Jews had so much power, the world saved the Jews and the Nazis did Not touch them. Sure.
stephen November 24, 2009 1:15 pm (Pacific time)
Daniel...40 second video link below. Think "crisis, reaction, solution". They create the crisis (911 for instance) wait for the reaction, then come up with a solution that suits their agenda. Problem is, unlike 911, they got caught this time with "climategate".
Global management of our planet. It's about time. It will give Cheney and Rumsfeld et al something to do in their twilight years.
stephen November 24, 2009 12:54 pm (Pacific time)
Hello Daniel. You should really dive into research regarding the Fed. Its quite fascinating. The owners have been around for centuries by way of inheritance or mentor programs. obama is just their puppet. I was basically challenging him to NOT be a puppet. They run YOUR country too by the way.
With Ron Paul's audit the fed legislation passing the finance committee with 309 bipartisan co-sponsers, (and will easily pass the house)it will become easier to understand. And, as "climategate" reveals itself, and the nobel peace prize committee (and possibly the U.N.)is/are exposed for criminal fraud, it will enlighten the overall picture. Audit the Fed passing, and "climategate", to me, are the biggest news stories in a long time. Keep your eye on them.
Are the Illuminati involved here, as well?
Daniel Johnson November 24, 2009 11:28 am (Pacific time)
What are you talking about Stephen? In a comment to me the other day you said it was the Fed that distributed money.
stephen November 24, 2009 10:49 am (Pacific time)
I wonder if obama stopped signing the checks (30 billion allotted in next ten years) to israel, (which is unlawful, because israel has not signed the NPT) maybe that would get some attention? I personally do not like my tax dollars going to the zionist regime. Or, maybe if obama would back off the war in afghanistan, that is basically being fought so that the zionists can put their oil pipeline in, maybe that would catch their attention? Or, maybe if obama would support the Goldstone Report, that would catch their attention? Seems like "words", yes, even the "F" word, do little to nothing.
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