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Nov-24-2009 14:52printcommentsVideo

ABC News Lauds Marijuana for Autism

To the mothers of autistic children this must be a blessing in the greatest sense of the word.

Mother of boy who successfully uses medical marijuana for autism.
Mother of boy who successfully uses medical marijuana for autism. Courtesy:

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - As a physician/pharmacologist taking care of Medical Marijuana patients, I get totally surprised almost every day. The latest blockbuster was ABC News on Monday, Nov. 21, 2009 with a mother of a terrorizing autistic child whom ABC featured on their morning program.

This was about the first big-time TV report of successful treatment of Autism. It was very compelling information and should be a mind clearing event for thousands of parents of autistic, ADD/ADHD children.

I have posted several stories about this on (SEARCH AUTISM AND MARIJUANA THERAPY) which has attracted many emails both supportive and condemning about how dare I support “devil weed” as a useful, effective medicine.

The outstanding email comments were very positive and supportive of Medical Marijuana for Autism, ADD/ADHD and Aspergers. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. I was only reporting it and trying to give an explanation.

I am reminded that when Ritalin, a brain stimulant, was reported GOOD for the excitable form of Autism several doctors and Autism parents fainted in shock. Ritalin and amphetamines are still used for these conditions but together they have caused about 300 deaths. “Devil Weed” marijuana has never killed anybody and it DOESN’T cause cancer.

They say the “proof is in the pudding” so I am recommending that cynics read beyond my articles to the positive statements in the emails.

At the same time I DO NOT recommend Marinol, the pure marijuana chemical, for these conditions. Marinol frequently causes severe panic attacks which are extremely frightening to the patients and everyone around them. For children, I recommend marijuana brownies (check your computer) and try very small bites first. Mothers have said, “THIS IS A MIRACLE, MY CHILD IS ACTING NORMAL”. To the mothers of autistic children this must be a blessing in the greatest sense of the word.

In the meantime most likely the only doctors who can give a permit of marijuana for autism is in California.

I hope several thousand Autism mothers emailed in to ABC News.



This ABC clip with Diane Sawyer was posted on YouTube by Cannabis Research:


Special thanks to Michael Bachara.


Dr. Phillip Leveque has degrees in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and minors in physiology and biochemistry. He was a Professor of Pharmacology, employed by the University of London for 20 years, during which time he trained the first doctors in Tanzania. After training doctors, he became an Osteopathic Physician, as well as a Forensic Toxicologist.

Before any of that, Phil Leveque was a Combat Infantryman in the U.S. Army in WWII. He suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder more than 60 years after the war, and specialized in treating Veterans with PTSD during his years as a doctor in Molalla, Oregon.

Do you have a question, comment or story to share with Dr. Leveque?
Email him:
More information on the history of Dr. Leveque can be found in his book, General Patton's Dogface Soldier of WWII about his own experiences "from a foxhole".

Order the book by mail by following this link: DOGFACE SOLDIER OF WWII

If you are a World War II history buff, you don't want to miss it.

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Sheri Nael October 24, 2013 11:26 am (Pacific time)

Canibis/Marijuana has been around for centeries and always will, people always say its the cause of all the violence in the world well I am sorry to tell you but the other drugs out there on the streets are the ones that the government is making by the billions just to push them into peoples hands to sell them.....and its all in how people are raised that makes the violence!!! there is NO recored of any deaths by marijuana use and that use does not cause cancer in fact it helps kill cancer cells and other infections. I know a number of people that have been using all there life and there healthy as horses and no problems at all. I have a son with Autism and I will be looking into this, no one knows what we as there parents go through, never hearing your child talk, not knowing how there feeling and always feeling helpless. if this would even change this in the slightest then it would be worth it...thank you for sharing this.

Betty December 9, 2009 9:55 pm (Pacific time)

Marijuana affects serotonin, and serotonin is at the heart of autism and Aspegers. Look at neurexins, if you smoke too much though it turns into dopamine, so it's bad. The good thing about marijuana is that the THC affects the stomach cells that binds the serotonin and this is the key. Also massage therapy really helps. Our bodies are wired differently, I'm saying this because I've used marijuana to treat my Asperger's and it beat using Paxxil or Klonapin, man that pharmaceutical stuff is painful. I had uncontrollable crying, irrate feelings, and stomach pains. Low doses of marijuana every 3 days helps me. Or tons of turkey-almonds-cabbage-spinach every day.

drezru December 3, 2009 8:23 pm (Pacific time)

Dear Author ! In it something is. Earlier I thought differently, I thank for the help in this question.

EP December 2, 2009 11:35 am (Pacific time)

I applaud the Doctor for his comments and support for what my wife is doing. The Cannabis truely did save our sons life. She has started a foundation called The Unconventional Treatments for Autism Foundation. So many parents that we come in contact with just want information and guidance. Desperate parents just dont know where to turn, or they do not know how to obtain very useful resources. Our foundation is going to provide information and help for anyone in need. Cannabis related or not. Joey is proof that it can work. Ultimately we plan on taking this as far as we can... to Federal legislation for research support. Which is badly needed. Please take a look at our website and leave a comment... we very much welcome your feedback. We are on our way to great things.

EP December 2, 2009 11:13 am (Pacific time)

I applaud the Doctor for his comments and support for what my wife is doing. The Cannabis truly did save our son's life. She has started a foundation called The Unconventional Treatments for Autism Foundation. So many parents that we come in contact with just want information and guidance. Desperate parents just don't know where to turn, or they do not know how to obtain very useful resources. Our foundation is going to provide information and help for anyone in need. Cannabis related or not. Joey is proof that it can work. Ultimately we plan on taking this as far as we can... to Federal legislation for research support. Which is badly needed. Please take a look at our website and leave a comment... we very much welcome your feedback. We are on our way to great things.

Trogo November 26, 2009 3:14 pm (Pacific time)

Thank you for posting this article. Cannabis, medical or recreational, is an issue that needs to be addressed and discussed. I live in a state that forbids it (hopefully that will change here in AZ next year), and I am in the unfortunate position of having severe adverse effects from most legally prescribed medications. Even though my three doctors have recommended cannabis to assist my multiple issues, that is as far as they can go. I am prescribed Marinol, but this is no ordinary medicine. It does help, and with less side effects than other medications, but it is not the same as vaporized cannabis or a tincture. It is supposed to help me with eating and other issues, but does cause some stomach pain and its' effect takes a long time to take effect. Which causes problems when I am at work, can't eat until I get home and still have to wait a few hours before I am able to eat. Again, thank you for bringing up this important topic, and thank you to all who are in support of continuing the discussion of this long overdue issue.

David Scott November 26, 2009 8:18 am (Pacific time)

Marijuana prohibition has been a total failure and is perhaps this country's greatest mistake. Not only has it created criminals out of nearly a third of the country's populace, it costs our society billions of dollars every year, creates a strain on our prison system, and has little or no effect on marijuana use in the US. In some cases, prosecuting marijuana use has turned non-violent, middle class kids into violent and unpredictable, career criminals. Once a person has a criminal conviction on their record, they are far less likely to find a good job and become a useful member of society. Other countries with more liberal drug laws have much lower rates of drug addiction among their people. I invite you to my web-page devoted to raising awareness on the assault on our civil liberties:

Storm Crow November 25, 2009 10:22 pm (Pacific time)

I work in education. I've seen cannabis work. Years ago, I had a 7th grader with ADHD. He was failing all of his classes. He began to come to school reeking of cannabis a couple of days a week. I ignored it... and his grades and behavior improved enough that he passed. He moved that summer, so I don't know if the improvement continued. Under usual circumstances, I feel that 7th grade is a bit early to use cannabis, but there are exceptions!

Denbee November 25, 2009 4:26 pm (Pacific time)

I developed a brain tumor (pinealoma) shortly after I returned from Vietnam almost 40 years ago. It caused seizures and blurred vision. It was also inoperable and so I had a shunt put in and went through 5 weeks of radiation treatments. After all that the doc told me I would need to be on an anti-seizure med the rest of my life. I tried the meds for awhile but they made me stupid so I just stopped without telling the doc. I resumed smoking cannabis and for years I never had a problem. Then during a period of no cannabis to be had I suffered two seizures. I made the connection and I have never been without since. Add that to the cannabis cronicles! It also is the most effective help for the phanthom pain I have from amputating 3 of my fingers years ago. And as a bonus...I have not consummed alcohol in 40 years! No slurred speech, no stumbling, no vomiting, no violence, no stupity, no domestic violence, no child abuse, no assults, no drunken accidents. Jee, 40 years of cannabis and I have missed so much of life!

Mary November 25, 2009 11:45 am (Pacific time)

When all is said and done I am certain the truth about the criminalization of this plant will show that it was the politics of corporate greed that motivated the Law, that is criminal in and of itself. Let the truth be known and sooner than later. Too many have suffered to the extreme under the yoke of this type of false pretense made LAW.

Oliver Steinberg November 25, 2009 8:15 am (Pacific time)

"The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." This information is not surprising, not really, because credible reports keep coming of Cannabis helping with SO MANY disorders. [Read Dr. Grinspoon's comments in "Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine" about the value of so-called anecdotal evidence (pp. 133-36.)] What is surprising is that ABC is reporting it. About time!!! When are they going to publicize the research about Cannabis and Alzheimer's? Dr. L, keep fighting for truth and compassion, please! And everyone who reads this, NOW is the time to re-double your efforts to demand justice and sanity in our society over this issue--either today, or before the end of the weekend, write AT LEAST one letter or e-mail to an elected official, to show some VISIBLE support for medicinal cannabis and if you are willing to say so, for the outright repeal of prohibition and re-legalization of pot. We cannot truly give thanks until the prisoners and other victims of the drug witch hunt are restored to their families, jobs, and communities.

Winder November 25, 2009 7:09 am (Pacific time)

Once again, Dr. Phil takes the courageous high road, demonstrating both common sense (ironically UNcommon, in mainstream media reports and physicians' recommendations with regard to this beneficial herb) and empathy for patients and their caregivers. Here's hoping that more MSM and influential persons like the esteemed Oprah, will give such opportunities for expression to successful beneficiaries of this miraculous medicine. The proof is in the brownies!

Hokulani November 25, 2009 12:23 am (Pacific time)

I have a 12 year old son born with a rare genetic condition. His syndrome shares some of the symptoms of severe autism along with ADHD tendencies. I am fortunate to live in a state where medical cannabis is legal even if the conditions for getting the license are strictly limited. Thankfully, the doctor was able to find a condition that applied to my child. Due to the rare condition, the use of pharmaceuticals would have been very risky and would likely have caused very adverse effects. I can sleep well at night, knowing that this medicine is the safest there is. Yesterday, when my mother, who knew nothing of my son's medical herb, called to tell me of this story on GMA, was one of the most positive and affirming bits of news I have heard in a long time. She called to tell me that I should consider using it for my son! Of course I quickly fessed-up! Cannabis has been used for thousands of years for medicine and the last 72 years of prohibition will soon prove to be an aberration in the history books. Five years from now, we as a nation, will look back and wonder what the hell we were thinking to outlaw such a useful all purpose plant.

stephen November 24, 2009 6:47 pm (Pacific time)

My deepest appreciation for posting this article. I will support in every way I can. Lets get this show on the road! :-)

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