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Nov-23-2008 11:23printcomments

Op Ed: 'Black Arts'
Of Disinformation
Threaten Nation

Dollar-power drives “dirty jobs” for private interests.

Fox news you decide 2004

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Despite driving governmental reform probabilities to new and transformative heights, “the vote” of Nov. 4th revealed once again the real rot now ravaging our democracy.

Heavily increased destructive, damaging, dangerously unprincipled, unethical and malicious political advertising now panders to the very worst psychological factors in communications directly shaping public opinion.

Those perverse applications of positive knowledge are distorting (some think perverting) what should be an essential and ethical democratic pattern and protocol for any responsible citizen understandings.

These malign methods for manipulation have become so pervasive and persuasive that even the worldwide Internet --most recently noted for rapidly growing usage by an aroused public -- is being irrevocably damaged: Too many users now echo the highly negative and distinctly personal attack-patterns learned from the political ads --even affecting dialog demonstrating distinctly “un-civilities”.

In the more-radical rants, some few even resort to precisely the same coded language which seeks current devastating violent action, to assure continuance of our notorious defiance of Constitutional opportunity for all, regardless of skin color or other racial differentiation.

Few dare write that revolting word “assassinate”. But there is no way to miss the meaning malignly achieved behind the facade of synonym or anonymity.

In the long run that may prove itself even more dangerous to democracy than the ongoing perversions of our vaunted “free press” American “exceptionalism”.

Yet the dollar-power applied via billings among these many media-institution members is a very-public record of horrendous costs, clearly concentrating far too dangerous political-speech potency in “whomever hath the most dough.”

That characteristic is as comforting and protective for the corporate world as is anonymity and synonym safety (as “behind a tree”), for individuals involved in parallel paths of destructive attack on honest, open democratic dialog, as clearly intended by our Founders.

That same public record --of billions in tax-free contributed dollars paid to the “free press” channels involved, at taxpayer-subsidized loss-- is the most telling and truthful proof of a spoiled press rotting in place.

This revolting “revolution” has been recorded from many of our mainstream news media “balance-sheets”, both print-and-broadcast, over the past several elections. The huge profits are serving to protect those corporate accounts from the current economic debacle and its reflection in Wall St. reduction of share-values.

Those incoming political-ad payments have been multiplying in massive amounts over that crucial time. But owner-corporations are still spinning the many millions of dollars-received into the black hole of falling revenues from regular ads.

That sickening “drop-in-revenue“ is being used to justify “slash/and/burn” treatment still cutting away professional staff desperately-needed to fulfill their badly-neglected “free press” responsibilities.

The inevitable commercial record thus irrefutably demonstrates how “the black arts of persuasion” are put to work to distort and pervert what our Founders fully and freely and openly sought to achieve for us.

Originally honestly intended to facilitate and strengthen very democratic development of trade and commerce --heart and soul of America’s early small-town and small-farm foundations-- advertising has now become a comprehensive corporate weapon.

It is openly now utilized to shape, control and manipulate our society directly and strongly simply for “profit uber alles”. Constantly and rapidly- increasing consumption a s its primary goal.

The direct dollar-results are always relentlessly sought, even when those directly responsible realize all too well what damages irrevocably result for democracy.

Denigration of working and middle-class American life circumstances --and for the mere human beings irrevocably damaged-- are considered irrelevant and undemanded by those whose own private interests are at stake.

The erring members of our media profession truly fail in the unavoidably practical process in which they must professionally engage: The complex task of providing fully detailed informative reporting of event, circumstance, and essential “surround” to our responsible citizenry.

“Falling flat-on-face” is the professional consensus, now sadly reported, in some depth, by reliable observers of the national media scene; and academically examined deeply in our professional journals.

Our Founding Fathers clearly felt the most essential element for democracy’s success was understanding by well-informed citizens of decisions-demanded from them.

The essential element they discovered was “the free consent of those to be governed” for the pattern of that prominent, life-shaping power potent in every day, every way: ANY form of governance whatsoever.

That was WHY they wrote that controlling very First Amendment, providing radical (even Revolutionary) freedom for dialog and probing discussion, with working room for rational and reasonable dissent so clearly demanded.

Nowhere, in either the Constitution or Bill of Rights, did the Founders concentrate and confine that essential flow for shaping choice rationally, reasonably --and rapidly !-- to the Congress.

That special protection for the press -- facilitating access to the powers-that-be inevitably controlling all realistic action-- was provided with the well-understood proviso of equally special responsibility: To so conduct operations for comprehensive (and sometimes courageous) “coverage” that the providential foundation-facts for all citizens became near-automatic process and unvarying professional protocol.

They very clearly meant “free-and-public speech” to be shared and, wisely, devoted to common learnings.

That would thus provide essential development of realistic meaning for each and every citizen-- by very definition unavoidably held both accountable and responsible for all consequences.

That’s WHY what one now shares with others via the Internet or in print and broadcast channels is so plainly hurtful and harming for our democracy if used irresponsibly, aimed at other-group damage via political pandering, rather than devoted to positive learning-outcome.

The Founders clearly intended special protection for “a free press” to secure precisely the steady flow of essential informative dialog facilitating further-probing discussion which we now find so strikingly missing in our own modern day.

That’s WHY it is now becoming paramount to protect, preserve and strengthen, wherever possible, the broad new sharing/learning possibilities conferred on us by fundamentally important new communications methods and mechanisms, such as e-mail and the Internet.

We shoot ourselves in very vulnerable parts of our now-fragmented, under-attack democracy when we demean our own most personal and persuasive efforts via open, honest, democratic dialog.

Opportunity and access to channels designed and devoted to making that sharing-learning a reality, these days, are few-and-far/between.

We owe it to ourselves, as well as our beloved nation, to rise above the easy-out way of cavil and complaint. We now need to concentrate open sharing and mutual learning, while abandoning UN-civility, in all channels to which we now turn for our truly American “rights of free and unhampered speech”.

We must understand that those First Amendment rights come strongly embossed and engraved “on the other side” with accountability and responsibility as their inset and extremely deep American markings.

Henry Clay Ruark is the one of, if not the most experienced, working reporter in the state of Oregon, and possibly the entire Northwest. Hank has been at it since the 1930's, working as a newspaper staff writer, reporter and photographer for organizations on the east coast like the Bangor Maine Daily News.
Today he writes Op-Ed's for with words that deliver his message with much consideration for the youngest, underprivileged and otherwise unrepresented people.

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Henry Ruark November 26, 2008 7:54 pm (Pacific time)

m.t.: When you can firm up some of what you outline here so provocatively, be sure to clue me in on story coverage --we can make a mint of money and perhaps buy our way out from under this elite-cloud. But I'm happy you feel positive re S-N experience, in contrast to some cavil and complaint-artists who never check back when we nail one of theirs down tight.

Muchtruth November 26, 2008 4:06 pm (Pacific time)

I asked Tim about the Uganda military. It interested me.
Well, in my opinion, if we ask we will get answers. I heard a lady who worked in the military bases speak of this subject today.
If the American people only knew.
Tim surely does not.
Sorry Tim, but if you heard this story from someone who has been there, it would have sent u to your grave.. It almost did me.
The scary part is? As she was speaking, as she got out, she is scared to death that it is comin to a town near you and me.

Tim King: Dude, you are really hard to follow and while I comprehend the first part, you absolutely lose me on the second.  Basically, the Ugandan soldiers are running security at chow halls or "Defacs" as they are known in Hailburtun terms, and other eating places.  At the Marine Base at Al Asad they screen all the people walking into the area where the Subway and espresso shops are located.  When you see a Ugandan, the greeting sounds like "Jumbo" or maybe "Jahmbu" phonetically.  I don't know how they spell it, but it breaks the ice with them when you greet them that way.  The Ugandan soldiers make a small amount of pay compared to western milirary forces, and they seem highly disciplined for the most part.  Their ranks consist of both male and female soldiers.  When I was in tne Anbar Province, one was busted for stealing bicycles from Marines.  That was the only negative thing I heard about regarding them. 

muchtruth November 26, 2008 2:44 pm (Pacific time)

gosh darn..Love ya Henry. I promise I do. I get frustrated over the fact that the truth is not told.
911 being an inside job is not new to the way things have been for centuries. That the federal reserve bank OWNS obama is not new. That the the only way you can be president is by obeying "their" orders, is not out of line if you look back through history.
Look at who obama has brought into the fold!!!
Anyway, I have said many things to you Henry out of frustration. I apologize.
You have handled it very well.
But heck Henry, I know for sure that the rothchilds/rockefellers have been runnin this country for over a century. And they are getting good at it. Very good. Buy up the media, find think tanks in regards on how to control people, and how they kill to keep population down.
It just might be US next and I dont like it.
You have been very understanding Henry through my frustrations..thanks
I dont have stocks, and have little cash, I knew many years ago what to do, and I am ok. I just worry about others. Jesus made me this way. :-)
Thanks for your devotion to the Constitution, and thanks for putting up with me.
People do need to understand though that the "elite" run things. THey hae been around for a long time. obama would not be president if THEY did not approve. They also need to understand that the financial crisis coming was orchestrated to bring down the middle class, and have people BEGGING for THEIR saviour. People will begin to ive up ALL of their liberty, for a piece of bread.
People need to know that THEY planned this.

 Tim King: I see you bring this up from time to time, are you even aware of the stories I have written on the questions over 911?   Please open these and know that this subject is not lost on us:

What Really Hit the Pentagon?

  Huge Contradictions in Official Theories on 9/11 Crash at Pentagon

 U.S. Air Force Hackers Caught in Their Tracks by

 911 'Week of Truth' Calls Official Story Into Question







Henry Ruark November 25, 2008 7:46 am (Pacific time)

m.t.: "Research" may seem so since I cite/quote only what rational examination reveals to be solid fact. Many of "other side" sources are so obviously commonsense erroneous as to be laughable except so dangerous to distort and divert impacts on those seeking truth. ANY reporter has built-biases and prejudices embedded via life experience. Most skilled learn to overcome and override those, and build balanced, reliable reports via basic principles learned in work as journalists. That's what we seek to offer here at S-N, with open, honest democratic dialog channel as essential tool for truthful communit service to all. Sometimes we succeed, other times we, too "fall flat on face". But we sure as hell do try to reach that standard ! Understand your confusion and deep concern, due to natural frustrations now suffered by millions of true Americans.But that need not devalue and deny those solid values we've built ever since the Founders gave us the essential tools: Our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

muchtruth November 24, 2008 4:24 pm (Pacific time)

correction: Henry, do not take time to send me Libertarian info. It doesnt matter. Ron Paul wanted to be Republican, but the Republicans lost their way. It was his only avenue to continue. Ron does not care about party lines. As none of us should. He cares about the truth, and the Constitution. Which is a philosophical belief. Pick one and go for it. God gave us free will. But as I have mentioned, when the Constitution is destroyed (like both republican and democrat parties are doing).. who is going to make the rules now? It seems as the tho the Federal Reserve Bank and the U.N. are going to make the rules now. Good friggin luck with that. Look at their track record. Lies and deception 100%. Obama will continue to destroy the Constitution, just as he is currently doing, so his banker buddies can take over the world. It was planned a century ago. Wake up. Again: google video endgame loose change fabled enemies All documented with mainstream tv footage. I aint no fool I would also google Peter Schiff who has always been right. 100% of the time. You Henry, have followed the path that got us in this mess with your "years of reasearch" attitude, and using 17th century language to make people think you are smart. Time to wake up, learn and help people darnit!!!

muchtruth November 24, 2008 3:34 pm (Pacific time)

If you will give me brief info on what your studies have brought in regards to Libertarian, I will study it. To be honest Henry, I dont care if Libertarian, Democrat, or Republican. It doesnt seem to mean much anymore. It seems as tho HONESTY has eluded us. Whatever the party group, if the party is honest, then we can make good decision as an informed public. When both democrats and republicans continue to deceive, lie, and hide truth, then there is no possibility of us to make an informed decision. Whatever Ron Paul may be, at least he is honest, and that helps me make a good decision. Obama is obviously following the bush/clinton strategy. I do feel that your research it very one minded. WHich is not research at all, no matter how many years you put behind it. I did differently. I spent the time to look at all sides with diligence. It is obvious, you have stuck to one side in your research, but use your "years" as a pretext that you can use on a resume. It doesnt work that way my friend. It doesnt mater how many "'years", it matters 'how" you used those years.

Henry Ruark November 23, 2008 2:52 pm (Pacific time)

m-t: Surely will consider your ref. to Paul as link, and WILL listen if can tune in. But do not forget that, decent as Paul surely is, he is also declared libertarian. IF you need anything on what that truly means, can supply whomping pile of warning refs. accumulated in past 20 yrs. Thank you for good faith civil participation, and please keep in touch. I will truly try to tune and listen as long as my special biases permit. (Yep ! Have some too but work hard to keep 'em under control.)

muchtruth November 23, 2008 2:33 pm (Pacific time)

Henry, I am depending on you to listen to the 15 minutes. I know I write and disappear sometimes, but my life is extremtley busy preparing for disasters that are comning very soon. But, I will make a point to check back in on this post. I hope you can take the 15 minutes. You will see "listen to alex jones" right on the center of the page. Everyone has windows media, so just click on it. Ron's interview starts first, so jsut a few minutes after 4pm, 6pm 8pm etc. til monday morning. thanks. I will check in with ya

muchtruth November 23, 2008 2:29 pm (Pacific time)

Please. If anyone does not believe me that Bush Sr., Clintons, Bush Jr. and Obama are not puppets of the elite, mostly bankers (federal reserve bank), would you please go to and listen to just 10 minutes of the radio show. Click on the windows media link in the top center of the page. Let a honest Congressman Ron Paul, let you now what is going on. You can disagree with some of his views, but he does not lie like most of the rest. Listen and make your own opinion. The radio stream will be every two hours. Listen and 4pm sunday, 6pm sunday, 8pm etc. All the way till Monday morning. This is extremely important. Take the 10-15 minutes please. I beg of you..

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