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Nov-21-2012 13:13printcomments

Hard choices for the Nepalese People

The problem confronting Nepali people is who to trust for a stable life and steady livelihood.

Nepal map

(CHENNAI, India) - Nepali people are in a vice-like grip of six major forces: the International Non-Governmental Organizations [INGOs] and their European Government sponsors [two integrated forces], the Christian Church, the Israeli Chabad mafia, the UN-Framework Team [UN-FT], and the Bretton Woods international financial institutions, chiefly the World Bank [WB] and the International Monetary Fund [IMF].

The UN-Framework team integrates and guides all the anti-people forces in Nepal. The operational level functionaries in these institutions, mainly Nepali people, have no idea that these six are working under a sort of unified command and control system which essentially seeks to break Nepal up and privatize its resources.

The WB and IMF want a large piece in the 83,000 megawatt hydro-electric cake; the total stake in the Himalayan region is 500,000 MWe. Military chiefs of three powerful countries have come to Kathmandu and the US forces have been on the ground in Nepal already in sensitive Mustang area. Things are coming to a boil.

The ethnic federalists are INGOs’ slaves. The Nepali political parties don’t have any economic agenda except bickering for power; since there is no economic agenda, all political groups are essentially playing power politics with questionable mass base. Since neither political parties nor NEFIN can claim a national mass base, they can’t unite the people and can’t claim political consensus based on an agreed economic policy.

Nepal is today a victim of economic, social and political hit men and women, largely controlled by the European Elite families and their muscleman the US Government, George Soros’s liberally funded INGOs, particularly Human Rights Watch [HRW] who even had the temerity to write a letter to the visiting spineless British General Peter Wall, who has actually overseen the demobilization of 20,000 British veterans of Afghan and Iraq wars, to pressurise the Nepali General Gaurav SJB Rana to investigate human rights’ violation during the 10-year long Maoists insurgency and “wartime abuses of the Nepali security forces. HRW is a Soros ‘anti-institution’ specialising in destroying the credibility of national institutions in targeted resource rich and strategic third world countries. [1]

[More on this complex issue in another article] Nepal is a victim because it is a strategic geo-political asset in Asia and emerging as the killing fields for the hit men and women, exactly as Rwanda, Zaire, Nigeria, Somalia, the many Central Asian Republics, the Arab nations, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya and over sixty countries worldwide. Note that the US and European Governments no more use the 9/11 argument; it is now intervention with responsibility to protect the people from dictators, the R2P argument of the UN Framework Team.

New World Order [NWO] agenda

NWO is old wine in new bottle; it is more or less the framework of East India Company [EIC] that forcibly acquired South Asia. It played the game of divide-and-rule, resource plunder, little or no investment in social sector, extortionate taxation on farmers and local businesses creating monopolistic control over the economy, and total control over internal and external trade.

South Asia can never forget the New Order imposed in 1770 that ran its course to 1947, giving South Asians limited freedom, but even after 1947 the controls remain in more insidious and equally vicious form. Nepalese people defeated the EIC army yet acquiesced to a humiliating Treaty of Sugauli and it is no coincidence that the French lost the Battle of Waterloo; both lost out to fraud and deceit. [2]

George Soros’s Yugoslavian experiment of breaking a nation apart is based on Scandinavian social and American political deconstruction experts’ models. Close to George Soros, they are heavily funded by this former Nazi, a Khazar billionaire Jew and now European Elite’s side kick. These experts provide the intellectual input in nation-breaking activities of Soros. [3]

He and his daughter serve corporatist-globalist interests and Soros is part of the global network of the European Elite with scant regard for human rights and people’s welfare. Even he is on the periphery of the real masters of global control just as every political leader worldwide with few exceptions.

Every Nepali and every South Asian must know how the globalist corporatists evolve systems of resource control and killing innocent people. Multi-ethnic Yugoslavia was a socialist, democratic country but within a short time after the death of Josep Broz Tito, who had kept ethnic tensions under check, the country came under WB and IMF web of deceit and then got ensnared in Soros’s social engineering by ethnic divide. Insiders say that it was Bill Clinton who told secessionist leaders to kill at least 5,000 Muslims before he’d intervene. [4] Post massacre, the US and NATO intervened and bombed the hell out of Bosnia and Kosovo. All public assets were privatized and looted. The process of break up is still going on; Kosovo is now populated with Saudi Wahhabis. The former Yugoslavian ethnic specific free nations are now economically nonviable; some with only a small rental income from corporate controlled oil and gas pipelines.

Iranian analysts say that in all the planned or actual break-up of nations an eighty year former Harvard professor of Political Science Gene Sharp’s theory of non-violent regime change has been used. Iranian prosecutors trying the 100 odd ‘Velvet’ revolutionaries charged that post election protests were “completely planned in advance and proceeded according to a timetable and the stages of a velvet coup [such] that more than 100 of the 198 events were executed in accordance with the instructions of Gene Sharp.” [5]

The breakups planned from Burma to Syria and beyond will follow the same calibrated moves as in all colour revolutions, and as the one to embarrass Putin, as another top intelligence analyst says, “the nude girls and Pussy Riot were a Sharp/Soros operation.” And further, “The two suspicious fires at centuries-old religious shrines- one in Kashmir and the other in Bhutan- has raised suspicions that agents provocateurs [have been] at work,” says Wayne Madsen. [6] The attacks by Christian evangelists on Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu is part of that agenda. [7]

Every administrative unit in that over one million square kilometre Himalayan region, from North Waziristan to Arunachal Pradesh, home to around 31 million people is today disturbed area from covert and overt wars of Western powers and ethnic conflicts fomented by the Soros brigade, INGOs, the UN-Framework Team and the Christian church.

Colour revolutions in the ex-USSR and also the Arab Spring in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and now Syria were engineered by Soros together with CIA, MI6 and Mossad. [8]

Alien Antonia Maino [aka Sonia Gandhi], is the de-facto ruler of India and co-president of the Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific (FDL-AP), along with former Philippine President Corazon Aquino, South Korean leader Kim Dae-Jung, and former Costa Rica president Oscar Arias Sanchez. FDL-AP is George Soros funded and, in that grand Gene Sharp intellectual tradition, seeks to break as many Asian countries up into as many small bits and pieces as they can with priority on India, Pakistan and Burma. So is Nobel for Peace winner Aung San Suu Ky who has shown no compassion for Burmese Buddhists’ attacks on Rohingya Muslims. Lakshmi Mittal, the former scrap dealer of Vizag, today the richest steel man, has the blessings of the banksters and he has systematically acquired all the iron ore mines and steel industry in the former Warsaw Pact countries and that is why he is rich. They are all in it up to their neck; and many of them are there just to be part of the Soros’ international glitterati and chatteratti brigade. Therefore, when analysts from Nepal say that “Maoist, NC, UML, Madhesi, and ethnic federalist leaders are all traitors and they should be chased away,” there is much truth in those statements that Nepali people should know and ponder over.

Should we trust these leaders?

What is the power of Nepal’s leaders in relation to leaders of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma who have sold out to the same perverted and criminal cabal of the European Elite? It is the same old story: these co-opted rulers, like Maharajas of yore, are encouraged to amass wealth by stealing people’s money and resources and that ill-gotten gains are deposited in the banks owned by the same globalists. How can these leaders ever serve people’s interest?

Two beautiful girls of a top executive were picked up by two young lads connected with the Palace in Kathmandu; both girls were raped and murdered and their dead bodies were thrown into a river just outside Kathmandu in 1972. No inquiry was held; the police did not investigate the case. The Palace prevailed over law and Human Rights. How many similar incidences have been investigated in India and South Asia and the world?

When Buckingham Palace prevails over the rest of the world, it is even better. Writing in the Activist Post, Nicholas West says, ‘One of the most difficult things to convey to people who are relatively new to information that appears in the so-called alternative media is just how diabolical the controlling elite really are.’ [9]

Quoting data from, West says, “800,000 children under the age of 18 go missing each year globally -- 2,185 per day. 'Missingkids’ hotline received an average of 580 calls per day to this point in the last quarter of 2012 -- 3.5 million calls since the organization's inception in 1984. It is clearly an epidemic of staggering proportions.” Another analyst exposed that the paedophile ring uses the British Police to kidnap children and deliver them to the Palace and elsewhere and is linked to No. 10 Downing Street.

The European Elite are sex maniacs and no respectable person should even shake hands with them. Hashim Thaci, the current PM of Kosovo and once the toy boy of Madeleine Albright, runs the largest global organ trade and prostitution rackets from Switzerland.

The recent slap on the left cheek of former Prime Minister of Nepal Prachanda [Pushp Dahal] should serve as a warning to all co-opted leaders of South Asia that they could also be publicly slapped by the people. And Europe-wide revolt against the banksters engineered NWO should also serve a warning that they can, for the moment, deploy their brutal police to shoot and arrest protesters, but soon their armed forces will also revolt and shoot them, just as a former Maoist soldier Tek Bahadur Kunwar slap on his former [Maoist] leader Prachanda. Kunwar’s family members were Maoist soldiers; his sister Sadhna has a bullet in her stomach and brother has gone berserk from the continued atrocities by Maoist leaders on his family.

Leaders do not bother to look after the soldiers. Just as the US Government has dumped its soldiers dying of depleted uranium weapons’ induced radiological contamination and heavy metal poisoning and the British Government has dumped 20,000 war veterans after their criminal policy objectives had been served in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Asian leaders are behaving in the same way.

British General Peter Wall should have been shown the door because he has not been invited by a Government representative of the people. And so should the Nepali people kick out the Trojan horse INGOs from Nepal because they have not been invited by the people.

Leaders have become so shameless today that they simply buy or manipulate votes and rule without law and when the slap reminds them of their true worth even the mainstream media tends to oppose the “democratic slap.”

The incorrigible warmonger Obama kiss on Rohingya neutral Suu Kyi’s left cheek is much reprehensible both being part of Warmonger’s mutual admiration society, but the slap on the left- cheek of Prachanda in the classical democratic tradition is actually required.

The problem confronting Nepali people is who to trust for a stable life and steady livelihood. And that trust-deficit is widening while the globalist-corporatists make a determined inroads.

End notes:


[2] The Treaty of Sugauli was signed between the Sovereign Government of Nepal and East India Company. Modern multinational corporations are forcing similar treaties on weak nations where civilized laws are null and void so far as their criminal operations are concerned. The current crop of Nepali leaders are complicit in this resource loot.

[3] George Soros was born in Budapest in 1930 as György Schwartz, changed his name to Sorozs, then to Soros. He was tutored by Karl Popper and groomed as Rothschild’s hatchet man to dismember as many countries worldwide as he could.

[4] For more details readers are invited to refer to:


[6] Suspicious shrine fires may be start of planned ethnic warfare in Himalayan region; Wayne Madsen Report; June 27-28, 2012.

[7] and

[8] Personal email exchange between a former Yugoslavian intelligence expert and me.


Arun Shrivastava is's South Asia Correspondent. An accredited management consultant, Arun is also a highly experienced researcher and writer. He studied in India and England and returned to India in 1989, after a brief stint as senior officer with Economic Development Unit of Birmingham (UK). From 1989 to 1994, he taught Strategic Management and Long Range Planning to MBA students at International Management Institute in Delhi.

About twenty years ago he founded two institutions, one for consulting and another for doing sponsored research work; today both are known for excellence. Since the events of 9/11, he has devoted much of his time to researching NWO issues. Arun also moderates International Human Rights Organizations’ discussion group. is very pleased that Arun Shrivastava chose to join our dynamic team which has been paying increasing attention to problems taking place in India. He is's 94th writer and his presence allows us to better cover important events in an increasingly interconnected world community.

You can send an email to Arun Shrivastava at this address:



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Tim King November 21, 2012 1:26 pm (Pacific time)

We are so fortunate to have Arun on our team constantly generating reports on some of the most imporant events that the US mainstream media regularly ignores.

Readers who spend time here are far more educated than other news consumers, you are at the top of the pack if you follow this content, and Arun is so gracious to keep this information process moving.

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