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Nov-15-2009 23:11 ![]() ![]() Palestine and the Art of WarBishop Don Corder for Salem-News.comEnergizing access to both the affluent and humble contributor of funds is the strength of the Israeli model and it behooves being studied, employed and dismantled utilizing strategic grassroots operations.
(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Perhaps the most profound tribute to General Sun Tzu’s work entitled the Art of War is written 1400 years later in the 1988 Vietnam Magazine’s interview with Colonel Harry G. Summers. Colonel Summers shared the following exchange, “But America’s fighting forces did not fail us. You know, you never beat us on the battlefield,” I told my North Vietnamese counterpart during negotiations in Hanoi a week before the fall of Saigon. He pondered that remark a moment and then replied, “That may be so, but it is also irrelevant.” Sun Tzu says: ‘The consummate leader cultivates the moral law, and strictly adheres to method and discipline; thus it is in his power to control success.’ Middle East Online Reported: The Palestinian Authority on Monday November 9, 2009 warned that violence could once again convulse the region if the United States fails to get Israel to halt settlements as part of a resumed peace process. “If America remains unable to assume its required role there will be a destructive effect for which Israel and the United States will be held responsible,” presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina said. “Violence will rush in to fill the void left by the failure of efforts to relaunch the peace process if the US administration does not hurry up and exert pressure on the Israeli government,” he added. Nonetheless, ‘To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself,’ Sun Tzu notes. Knowing the enemy as we know ourselves is a requisite for victory, thus necessitating our quiet respect for ‘Ummah, Either We Change, Die, or Die Trying’ By Mohamed Khodr Special to “There is no true political, economic, social or media presence for Arabs and Muslims in America. They are silent, fearful, uneducated and inexperienced in living and dealing with America’s culture, tend to herd themselves by ethnic group and fight whether there should be a barrier between men and women in the mosques, or whether Muslim men and women can gather for a lecture, yet allow such women to mingle, work, and go to school with Non-Muslims.” Mohamed goes on to say, “I strongly believe that we as Muslims must blame ourselves for our state of affairs and avoid the usual scapegoating that “powerful forces” such as Israel, the E.U., and America hinder our progress or our justified right to reclaim our lands and resources. This position is supported as Sun Tzu declares, ‘We shall be unable to turn natural advantage to account unless we make use of local guides.’ Natural resources and assets of the Arab peoples are best employed and directed by those who are thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war and then they can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on. So, we learn of our opponent and his perceived weakness through actions employed to defend himself and thereafter formulate stratagems of direct assault and indirect maneuvers to achieve our political purposes. To wit: (1) Published Israeli discussions to deploy security to global network of synagogues (2) Laws prohibiting full disclosure of Israeli business interests in the United States; although Zionist Owners and CEOs of Media Conglomerates and Media Companies was published in an Intifada article entitled: Zionism and the Media: (3) Bloomberg business news states Israel is in the worst recession in their 61 year history after exports of goods and services fell an annualized 46 percent in the first quarter, after dropping 45 percent in the fourth, the bureau said. Imports of goods and services dropped 63 percent, compared with a 19 percent decline the previous quarter. Fourth: Direct and indirect aid from this year should put the total U.S. aid to Israel since 1949 at over one hundred billion dollars. This capital infusion into Israel is in violation of both The Arms Export Control Act and the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act which stipulates that US-supplied weapons be used only for “legitimate self-defense.” The Proxmire amendment bans military assistance to any government that refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or not allow inspection of its nuclear facilities, which Israel refuses to do. [US Aid: The Lifeblood of Occupation By Matt Bowles]. Fifth: A simple majority of the UN General Assembly can set aside superpower obstructionism of the Goldstone Report via the Uniting for Peace Resolution ‘UNGA Resolution 377A’ thus preparing the way to go before the International Criminal Court where challenge of Israel’s unilateral assertion of sovereignty can be argued in order to determine appropriate jurisdiction and standing of the war criminals before the court. Sun Tzu says, “Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will.” Israel’s employment of Sun Tzu is most clearly seen in the stratagem of causing the nations of the world to chase the tail of some peace initiative dog when Israel’s real design springs from the 16th Century Niccolo Machiavelli model of class privilege, deceit and manipulations of the powerful. Similarly, the Zionist agenda concentrates its focus upon the establishment of a superior and privileged society. Response of the great general Tzu was to employ as few persons as possible to acquire as much space as possible. A maxim practically asserted by Samuel Adams emphasizing, “It does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” World War II Normandy Invasion was not won by a great cloud of military might but rather two or three buddies fighting relentlessly side by side and staying under the radar. What unites and binds under moral law is opposition to barbarism, murder, rape and exploitation of the natural resources of the Middle East and underdeveloped nations. Alliances could be investigated and sought out with the types of organizations supporting the Goldstone Amendment (i.e. NGOs Initiative to Endorse and Implement The UN-Fact Finding Mission Report on the Gaza Conflict: In addition grassroots organizations could seek and attempt to work with the ACLU, pre-law and legal professionals in formulating criteria for actions. These can all mass together to challenge the Pro-Zionist ideologies and their henchmen, business and political cronies via impassioned legal research and preparation of the necessary legal documents while at the same time, living this story out before our children, friends and neighbors. Sincere efforts of a few high school students can become the bedrock employed to challenge the imperialistic status quo. Efforts of students to partner in all manner of research can lend momentum even through the very legal systems of the pro-Israeli lobby supporters. Or, we can simply take our own quiet initiatives within the information age of public opinion. Energizing access to both the affluent and humble contributor of funds is the strength of the Israeli model and it behooves being studied, employed and dismantled utilizing strategic grassroots operations. Sun Tzu’s adage, “With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of the Empire, and thus, without losing a man, his triumph will be complete. This is the method of attacking by stratagem.” Special thanks to ============================================== Don Corder is presiding bishop for Spirit of Life International Believers Fellowship and Senior Pastor of the Pillar of Truth Ministries. Mr. Corder is a published author, grassroots organizer and community activist, in addition to his work in urban and international development as a business consultant and entrepreneur. Articles for November 14, 2009 | Articles for November 15, 2009 | Articles for November 16, 2009 | Quick Links
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Debbie Menon November 17, 2009 11:40 pm (Pacific time)
Why do other countries not use the General Assembly's "Uniting for Peace" approach to circumvent the US veto on behalf of Israel in the Security Council and take action in Palestine ? A total embargo on Israel itself, and then on any countries that trade with Israel. No sacrifice of US troops on behalf of Israel needed just no trade with Israel. It could these writers suggest... Want to End the Violence in Gaza? Boycott Israel. By Naomi Klein Hit them in their pocket books! For Boycott to Be Effective, an International Coalition Is Indispensable. By Ramzy Baroud It's time. Long past time. The best strategy to end the increasingly bloody and merciless occupation of Palestinian lands is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa." Did you know ? In the USA, it's illegal to boycott Israel. See the following government website: complianc...tcompliance.htm The law prohibits anyone in government from informing you of the ownership and organization of Israeli companies and products. How can you ensure that you are in compliance with this law if the Bureau of Commerce will not send you a list of which companies and products you deal with are Israeli, so that you can make sure you are in compliance? Government of the people, by the people, and for the people (the Israeli business people). An equity in Law observation: I wonder what would happen if you went down to the KLCC and sat in front of the Marx and Spencer Emporium with your little Boycott Israel sign? -Debbie Menon -
Osotan; November 16, 2009 7:55 pm (Pacific time)
Anonymous-what a balanced perspective!,reminds me of Spiro T. Agnew from the "nolo contendre" era. Have you thought of your own online talk show? Really straight forward aand needle to the piont technique makes Limbaugh look like a caring individual,but I was thinking the Palestinians lived in Palestine BEFORE the israeli's(whom I do not hate,whom I do not hate.,whom I do not hate,just so's you're clear on that),militarily occupied their space in 47' or thereabouts,I may be wrong of course as Abraham may have grandfathered a "right to return" clause in the commandments.,you know the ones.,thou shall not steal,covet your neighbors wife or land and don't kill anybody either,those orders seem to be applied randomly,wasn't Ishmael one of Abraham's kids? I only seek enlightenment.,maybe you could call the talk show Anon. zion
For a summary of Palestine history from 1506 to the present go here:
Bishop Corder November 16, 2009 4:30 pm (Pacific time)
From my personal perspective the horrors visited upon the peoples of Palestine is not geopolitical but rather the blackness ruling in the un-regenerate hearts of the perpetuators. In the article “How the Israeli Lobby Took Control of US Foreign Policy” provision is made to explore the deeper rational in understanding the nature of this enemy: Rationale is justified in the fuller embrace of Sun Tzu adage, “In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good.” Sensibility then suggests to me the question, “ why should I want to negotiate how big a slice of the Swiss cheese will you give me of a two state solution, when the single state solution of the whole house rightfully belongs to me?”
Anonymous November 16, 2009 10:34 am (Pacific time)
The PA is an impotent wreck and Hamas/Hezbollah is merely another hostile arm of Iran. Palestine should be absorbed into Jordan and Egypt, that's where they came from to begin with. A two state solution is impossible with the swiss cheese area division in Israel, and "right of return"/1 man-1 vote is laughable as an idea, simply considering how many children the average Palestinian has in comparison to the Israelis. Source: Wikipedia
Daniel Johnson November 16, 2009 1:19 am (Pacific time)
We can point out all of Israel's faults and failings, but Israel is not the real issue. The U.S. is the problem because it is the U.S. that enables Israel to do and be what it is. But the U.S. is largely oblivious. As former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said: "It would be some time before I fully realized that the United States sees little need for diplomacy. Power is enough. Only the weak rely on diplomacy.…The Roman Empire had no need for diplomacy. Nor does the United States." The United States, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, did not like Boutros-Ghali's independent leadership and successfully blocked his bid for a second term as secretary-general in 1996.
I’m sure the above is covered somewhere in Sun Tzu.
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