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Nov-09-2010 00:28printcomments

Homosexuals in the Military: Are They Dangerous?

There are 65,000!

gay military protest

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Several weeks ago I found a short article in a TIME magazine indicating that there were 66,000 Gays and Lesbians in the Military. This did not really surprise me because I have known many, even in the Army throughout my career even while I was an adolescent fighting forest fires. After the Army, I saw several in my medical practice.

      I had written an article about this for Salem-News.com, Dec. 21, 2007: Army Homosexuals: Let Them Serve, which generated 18 pages and 72 comments both pro and viciously con, and HOMOSEXUALS IN THE ARMY: IS THIS A DEATH SENTENCE?.

      I had a weird experience while I was in the Army. Two of my buddies in a Battalion Intelligence Section were captured by the Germans near the end of WWII. They were sent home on the first boat. We met them to say goodbye. Ed said “Leveque will you have a cigarette with us before we go?”  “Sure, Why?”  “We thought you were queer because you didn’t smoke.” (I gave up fags when I was 5 ½ years old). “Ed, I thought you were queer because you did smoke.” This verbal exchange turned on a light over my head. I had wondered why my Sgt. and Looey were always putting me on the POINT of an advance. These were usually suicide missions and I think they were trying to kill me because I was QUEER.

Getting back to this story. I googled HOMOSEXUALS IN THE MILITARY and there it was taken from a WALL STREET JOURNAL OP-ED article by Mackubin T. Owens in February 2010. He argued that the current law banning military service by homosexuals ought to remain in place. He received a ton of pro and con responses and decided to check out the literature. He got a snootful. He boiled out the business of women in the military but now we even have women in combat service. He also boiled out the fact about blacks in WWII in which most were in service compound details until the latter parts of the war but were totally integrated about 1948 and subsequently many blacks became Generals. The same occurred with Japanese, segregated during WWII but many got to flag rank.

      I know that many Army recruit trainees “confessed” homosexuality in order to get out of the Army. A Marine General even testified to this to Congress.

      Another article from English Pravda titled U.S. HOMOSEXUALS STILL FANTASIZE ABOUT ARMY UNIFORMS, October 2010, regarding The Pentagon legalizing them into the military. Two days later it was reversed back.

According to this article there are 30,000,000 homosexuals in the U.S. and 65,000 in the military. Perish forbid! One fact most are Lesbians. Women typically show affection which is considered womanly. I will say no more. Authors of the survey pointed out that the figures may be 50% higher as only same-sex couples but not singles were considered.

      This article states that the dismissal of Gays and Lesbians in the past 10 years has cost the U.S. Treasury $363,800,000. I thought REEFER MADNESS was crazy. This takes the cake!

      This latter article had 1 page of comments. One I will quote: “If America ever reinstates the draft Gays are no longer exempt. Weak, hyper female guys, and those called “weirdos” will not be exempt…Add to that gangsters, Crips, Bloods, Skinheads, Mexican Mafia, Muslims and other misfits, all in the same barracks in boot camp…what a dirty trick to play on Drill Instructors.

      With 65,000 Gays and Lesbians in the military one would assume ongoing chaos. The only chaos I have heard about is from Testosterone poisoned “good ole boys” who like to raise hell and kill people --- friend or enemy.

      (Homosexuals in the military, are they dangerous? NO, they are protecting us!)



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tigers strike (ichigi111) April 13, 2012 8:25 am (Pacific time)

if you dont like gays and treat them unequal then you are sinning against god. god says to treat others equaly... is not letting them join equal. if they are willing to rick their lives let them. they are just as gay as we are. everyone has once in their life though of sex with the same gender. its pure curosotiy.

shadow November 28, 2010 10:21 pm (Pacific time)

putting gays in the military would destroy it.

Jay November 9, 2010 6:16 pm (Pacific time)

Unless the Senate votes to dissolve the DADT during the upcoming lame duck session, then the status quo will continue until at the very earliest 2013. Neither the president nor the judiciary can change this policy from the legal conclusions I've read. Also the new commander of the Marine Corp (like the former one who retired recently) went on record that he did not want the policy overturned. Most of those in the Pentagon have never served in on-ground combat units. Sec. of Defense Gates has never been in the miltary. Those of you who have served in combat infantry generally side with the above Marine general. Too bad that most of those who have strong opinions on this matter usually have never served in a line combat unit, and many have never served at all. I agree there are exceptions, but most simply do not understand that our military is about killing those who try to kill us. It is not an environment for experimentation, nor is it a democracy. In civilian work you can just quit, cannot do that in the military without serious sanctions. Sexual harrassment in the military, in a combat zone, is very very dangerous. Have seen some bad things go down back in the day.

Ralph E. Stone November 9, 2010 2:57 pm (Pacific time)

Consider there are about 30 countries in the world, including nearly all of the NATO members, as well as South Africa, Brazil, and the Philippines that allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military. And on May 16, 2010, representatives from Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Israel, and the Netherlands met at the Brookings Institute to discuss how the militaries in those countries handled allowing gays and lesbians to serve in their militaries. The consensus was that, in spite of concerns before the change, when gays and lesbians were allowed to serve, it was a non-issue.

Anonymous November 9, 2010 1:36 pm (Pacific time)

Are gays and lesbians dangerous? I would think not! Why would anyone think they present a danger? I am not against gay men or lesbian women. I have had many friends who are gay and lesbian throughout my life. I was in the military and I worked with a couple of gay guys with whom I became good friends and who never let on that they were gay. This was in the late 80s when you could lose your security clearance if you were "out". They were professional and their sexuality was never talked about. I did not mind working alongside these gay men. However, I would have preferred more "privacy" when it came to living quarters, such as during the two years of training where we all showered together. Not that I was afraid of these guys, but one of them would spend too long "showering" and it did make some of us uncomfortable. It would be difficult to provide alternative quarters, since putting them together might seem inappropriate. Should gay women and gay men share rooms, since they would not have any interest in each other? This is a difficult issue...

J+ November 9, 2010 12:27 pm (Pacific time)

Gays in the military? What's next, gay mail-carriers? But all the letters could have AIDS! I can't believe the policy of discrimination has been maintained for so long. The military is not the boy scouts, a private/religious organization. I guess all that time spent in the company of other men causes some Freudian psycholigical reactionism.

Anonymous November 9, 2010 11:37 am (Pacific time)

After viewing videos, and other info of U.S. soldiers mistreating, killing, torturing people, they did not say if they were gay. I doubt they were. I doubt a gay person killed Pat Tillman also. this is not about sexual gender, this is about what a persons mental stability is. they are distracting you with this gay issue, so that you dont see the truth, of how video games, tv, and so forth, are turning our kids, who become soldiers, into killing machines, dont matter who it is they kill, or torture. I am not gay, and my personal belief, I lean anti-gay, but my opinion doesnt matter, what matters is the truth. Gays are the last people to worry about, focus on those addicted to drugs/alcohol and anti-depressants that the military hands out like candy..... this gay issue is a distraction from the truth.

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