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Nov-07-2007 12:49printcommentsVideo

Articles of Impeachment Presented Against Dick Cheney (VIDEO)

The impeachment movement against Vice President Dick Cheney took a huge step forward in Washington D.C. this week.

U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney
U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - When Congressman Dennis Kucinich attempted to force a discussion on impeachment yesterday, it at first seemed that both the Republican Party and the Democratic leadership would agree to table the resolution.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues to shirk her constitutional duties and assert that impeachment is "off the table."

But in a surprise move, knowing that the Democratic Party leadership did not want to take responsibility for impeachment -- even though its base constituency supports it -- the Republican Party conducted a parliamentary maneuver and changed their vote to help defeat the motion to table.

But the motion to table the impeachment resolution failed. By day's end, the anti-impeachment Democrats were able to maneuver out of an open discussion of Kucinich's resolution. Instead they were able to pass a motion that required Kucinich's resolution go to the House Judiciary Committee "for further study."

Kucinich's resolution said that Cheney, "in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of vice president," had "purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States by fabricating a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to justify the use of the U.S. Armed Forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging to our national security interests." The 11-page resolution also charged that Cheney intentionally deceived the country about a supposed relationship between Iraq and al-Qaida and has "openly threatened aggression against the Republic of Iran absent any real threat to the United States."

It seems the impeachment is on the move and making progress that was out of reach just a few months ago.

The video below features Kucinich's reading of the Impeachment Articles, courtesy of CapNews.net and YouTube


Here is Keith Olberman's interview with Rachel Maddow on the Impeachment of Dick Cheney, courtesy of MSNBC and YouTube

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Sue Grace November 16, 2007 12:55 pm (Pacific time)

JB November 7, 2007 7:47 pm (Pacific time) What we all need to remember is that Pres. Bush saved us from another world war by eliminating Sadam. If we could have done that to Hitler in the 1930's WW II may have been prevented. HELLO, read Naomi Wolf's 10 Steps to Fascism and you will see that Bush/Cheney have taken ALL of the steps... Save us from Bush/Cheney and IMPEACH THEM... Send a handwriten letter to Nancy Pelosi TODAY. Thank you.

Henry Ruark November 8, 2007 10:14 am (Pacific time)

JB: Yr Comment reflects hoary media myth of many months ago, disproven in depth by events since and continuing. Don't question your "sincerity", merely your now-meaningless time-destroyed comment, tending to put off final desperate consequences reflected in this first of many-to-come steps towards that ultimate consequence now looming for Bush-and-cabal.

Henry Ruark November 8, 2007 8:52 am (Pacific time)

To all: Chaos confirming status by continued blow-off in several issues, all based only on his personal feeling and/or outdated, outsourced, surely outlandish "documentation". When allayou have had your fill of his chaotic, childlike, cave-contrived stuff-and-nonsense, perhaps he will be forced to disclose his source-information. It is fact-of-life in dialog that credibility lies with the known-source, not the most vociferous or provoking. SO GdsChaos, put up sign full of self-image information or be consigned to conflicting-feeling vs cogitation from reliable sources worth time to explore.

Neal Feldman November 8, 2007 3:46 am (Pacific time)

unknown - we were watching that country like hawks and the UN observers were all over the place... how did he manage to move every single iota of his 'massive stockpile' out right under our ever vigilant noses, hmmm? Are you saying we are that grotesquely incompetent? Maybe he studied at Hogwarts and just waved his wand, huh? Ah well...

Neal Feldman November 8, 2007 3:43 am (Pacific time)

GoC - what makes me think he used them all? Hmmm... could it possibly be that we looked and found none remaining? And he never made any of his stockpile he BOUGHT it... FROM US. And guess what, Sunshine? It seem we STOPPED SELLING to him. Maybe that is why he ran out, ya think? You are so desperate it is sad. It really is. Ah well...

unknown November 7, 2007 9:44 pm (Pacific time)

Off course they did not find any WMD, they were moved before the invasion. Why can't our politician worry about the real things in this Country? Like illegal immigration, Deportation, Terrorists (yes we do have them here in the US), the investigation of CARE who support terrorism?

GodsofChaos November 7, 2007 8:06 pm (Pacific time)

"Neal is absolutely correct, GodsofConfusion. No WMDs , no radioactive bunkers...where the hell have you been...even Bush himself admitted that there was no evidence that Iraq had WMDs. Id work on that lithium doage a bit if I were you."Vic First off Vic who are to talk? Mister there wasn't a single war in America history that protected are rights?I am sick and tired of you guys name calling. Second I am just telling you what I read from official army reports that came out of Iraq right after Saddam's regime crumbled during our invasion. I just saying that there was evidence that there was some WMD in Iraq. For some reason this evidence was forgotten by our media and the rest is history.

JB November 7, 2007 7:47 pm (Pacific time)

What we all need to remember is that Pres. Bush saved us from another world war by eliminating Sadam. If we could have done that to Hitler in the 1930's WW II may have been prevented.

Vic November 7, 2007 7:31 pm (Pacific time)

Neal is absolutely correct, GodsofConfusion. No WMDs , no radioactive bunkers...where the hell have you been...even Bush himself admitted that there was no evidence that Iraq had WMDs. Id work on that lithium doage a bit if I were you.

GodsofChaos November 7, 2007 5:30 pm (Pacific time)

"We already know he used to have them because he USED them."Neal Feldman So what makes you think he used every single weapon. My grasping at straws as you call it were official reports made by our service men.Also if he had them what makes you think that he couldn't make more?Your version of the story:America used some bombs but for reason unknown we lost the ability to make more or we quit making them.Yeah you logic is obliviously more superior to mine.

Neal Feldman November 7, 2007 3:12 pm (Pacific time)

GoC - you think all that was not found was a fully intact nuke? Nothing was found. Remember a guy named Blix? For months he searched and found nothing either. Your grasping at straws is tiresome. Your begging the question nonsense is irksome to anyone with even a basic foundation in critical thinking. He had some WMDS... used them on his own people to put down the insurrections WE fomented then casually refused to support after Desert Storm. We never did restock him on those now did we? The facts are your boy Shrub put his reputation on the line lying about WMDs in Iraq because from the moment he set foot on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue his salivating to attack Iraq was visible. If he had found any he would have maybe been a hero, because there was in fact nothing found he is a chump. That is how it goes. Now the Liar in Chief wants to invade a third sovereign nation when he has not even finished cleaning up the messes he made in the first two. He is downright ADD! Maybe he needs massive doses of Ritalin or something. When most ADD kids change subjects of interests it is at worst annoying... when this kid Shrub does it is deadly. Get a clue, there were no WMDs found. Best you can manage is there might have been at some time, who knows when? We already know he used to have them because he USED them. Better luck next time. Ah well...

GodsofChaos November 7, 2007 2:00 pm (Pacific time)

"Face the fact and stop grasping at straws with such obvious desperation."Neal Feldman I hardly call a bunker that is Radioactive grasping at straws. Note:They also found chemical shells,can't remember the chemical agent, for artillery pieces. We also found the most guarded fertilizer,with a few changes could be used to make chemical weapons, in the world.Razor wire, electric fences, and about a hundred stationed guards. Yeah I sure that the Iraq's were going to do nothing with that fertilizer. Because we all know how valuable fertilizer is.....in a desert. If anything the Liberals are grasping at straws.We gave Saddam what a couple of mouthes to move any weapons he made of had out of the country? Then Liberals want me to believe that it would have been impossible to move such weapons in that amount of time. On the flip side I find it amazing that both Russia and France didn't want us to go to Iraq. These two countries have a reputation to sell their weapons to anyone who can afford it.Something to hide perhaps? There was evidence of weapons of mass destruction. What we didn't find was a fully intact nuke.Only the facilities that could make both nukes and chemical weapons,some chemical weapons,and some ingrindents needed to make both chemical weapons and nuclear weapons.

Neal Feldman November 7, 2007 1:13 pm (Pacific time)

GoC - Nope. No weapons of mass destruction have ever been found in Iraq. Face the fact and stop grasping at straws with such obvious desperation. It is about time this criminal administration is called to task. Torture as acceptable policy for the USA? Really? Impeach... remove... rinse and repeat with Shrub. Ah well...

GodsofChaos November 7, 2007 12:57 pm (Pacific time)

So finding a bunker in Iraq that was so Radioactive that certain rooms they had to use cranes to move stuff doesn't count as evidence for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.

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