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Nov-04-2008 23:05printcomments

Barack Obama Sweeps Presidential Race in a Landslide

The United States elects its first African American President in history.

President Elect Barack Obama
President Elect Barack Obama

(SALEM, Ore.) - The polls on the east coast had only been closed for a couple of hours when it became clear that Barack Obama would be the next President of the United States.

Just seconds after the polls on the west coast closed at 8:00 PM, CNN called the race for Obama.

"Nobody knows how to behave, this never happens to us," one Democratic voter at a Salem election party said just after the announcement. Flags flew and televised tears flowed from live cameras at rallies all over the nation in the moments following the word that the race would go to Obama.

November 4th 2008 will go down in history as the day that the United States achieved the unexpected; and set a course to steer the nation away from eight years of fiercely dominated Republican policies and decisions.

Texas and other southern states joined Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska as McCain states.

Other states supporting the GOP contender included Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia and McCain's home state of Arizona

Surprise wins for Obama include the Silver State, Nevada. North Carolina still hangs in the balance, but it is a state that supported George W. Bush by 13 percent during the last two elections. The fact that the Presidential race there is a toss up is a story in itself.

The entire NE section of the United States along with the three states that comprise the west coast, chose to elect the most diverse candidate in U.S. history: Barack Obama. By 8:30 PM west coast time, Barack commanded 338 electoral votes compared to John McCain's 155. Even before the final votes were tallied, it was clear that Obama was going to win the 2008 U.S. Presidential election in a landslide.

Obama also won the popular vote.

It leaves little ammunition for his critics who will have to concede the immense victory as a clear choice of the American voters.

Senator John McCain's concession speech from Phoenix, Arizona was a gracious acknowledgment of the overwhelming victory of his opponent. He urged those who supported him to give that support to the new President Elect. They were the words of a true statesman who knew that his best effort to secure his seat in the oval office would not come to pass. At the age of 72, McCain may have fought his last, great battle.

Rev. Bernice King, daughter of the Rev. Martin Luther King, told CNN, "I was moved to tears when I heard the announcement." Her statement typifies the feelings of African Americans all over the United States who now may really and truly believe that anything is possible.

For his acceptance speech, Barack Obama entered the stage with his wife Michelle and two daughters.

He proclaimed, "On this day, change has come to America."

Regarding Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin, Obama said, "I congratulate them, and look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the month ahead."

Sasha and Malia are Barack and Michelle Obama's daughters. They were told by their dad, "You've earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the white house."

Regarding the passing of his grandmother this week, Obama said, "And though she's no longer with us, I know my grandmother's watching." Indeed, she had something to see as it was quite a show that took place simultaneously all over the United States.

Obama credited the people who help achieve this victory by saying, "The best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics and I am very proud of what you accomplished." It is quite a boast but the numbers do not lie, and Obama's campaign team achieved what could only be considered a stunning victory.

"I will never forget though, who this victory truly belongs to, it belongs to you," Obama said. In accounting for the support, he talked about how it was small families and individuals who came forward that were not wealthy, but gave what they could.

"It grew from people who gave, 5 and 10 and 20 dollars for the cause."

Obama credited the vast number of young Americans who came forward to help, as well as more experienced Americans who donated their time to his campaign.

"It grew strength from the 'not so young' people who braved the freezing cold and scorching heat to bang on the doors of their neighbors."

As the crowd chanted, "Yes we can!" Obama reminded them that the job he has been elected to do has not begun yet, that "this is not the change". But, that the victory tonight was just one step of many that will allow change to happen.

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Henry Ruark November 9, 2008 1:23 pm (Pacific time)

Miles: You continue to offer personal interpretation without any real responsible or accountability for full credibility here. Yr name-alone means nothing to me, or to others. IF you insist on obviously critical interpretations then you have explicit responsibility to share yourd base for them. Either put up reliable sources or state your own credentials. That's surely fair to ask if you seek the real credibility you so obviously wish to achieve. Dissent is driving engine for honest, open, democratic dialog, but credibility hangs in large part on level and kind of experience from which it doth flow, invariably if at all. (Mine included !!)

Miles November 9, 2008 10:02 am (Pacific time)

Rich and Rubin by their past records have clearly demonstrated that they do not have anything worthwhile to provide with regards to a national problem-solution discussion regarding our financial/economic situation, other than what to avoid, so I guess in that aspect, they do have some value in a cruel ironic manner. I predict they will have no substantive input if Obama's insight is truely as good as some think it is.

Henry Ruark November 8, 2008 3:12 pm (Pacific time)

Miles: You wrote: "maybe they also should go live in their homeland." With similar previously you reveal in blinding light just where you stand--and who you are, too. Re those you charge with "blackboard theory", at least we know their record, their professional preparation, and their accomplishments away from that blackboard that so frustrates you to drive you to final defense of personal attack. Whip off that mask, sir, and step right up to the blackboard to detail, clarify and explain your possible solutions for these huge problems we face, rather than desecrate open, honest dialog with such sour stupidity. OR is it that you are afraid to openly-ID and reveal your true allegiances and preparation for any level of real cogitation on the issues.

Henry Ruark November 7, 2008 7:53 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Longtime edit habit to reread story and comments when they've had time to accumulate. Must say on this one Tim's summary is accurate, topical, balanced and excellent, and should be so recognized. He wrote:"Even before the final votes were tallied, it was clear that Obama was going to win the 2008 U.S. Presidential election in a landslide. Obama also won the popular vote. It leaves little ammunition for his critics who will have to concede the immense victory as a clear choice of the American voters." That's the heart of the matter as future actions will show.What we have here is a clear and strong mandate from the American people, despite all efforts to make it seem otherwise or to denigrate that fact in any way. O himself recognizes this is only the beginning...but for millions upon millions of Americans, NOW, after long, depressing, despoiling attack on basic democratic political principle, we do have the opportunity to return to that foundation --if we have the wit, wisdom and will to continue what we have begun.

Miles November 7, 2008 6:17 pm (Pacific time)

I learn something new everyday and quite often I change my position as new info comes in. As far as Rich and Rubin and those of similar confusion, they still are blackboard theory people who belong in some community college classroom...dusting the furniture. They were part of the problem that got us here, maybe they also should go live in their homeland.

Henry Ruark November 7, 2008 2:32 pm (Pacific time)

Miles: If you wish to pursue that myth about always-right for mystical market, can put you in touch with Robert Reich, author of SUPERCAPITALISM, and with Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel-winning economist, formerly at World Bank. Some 20 separate items here in bibliography amassed year ago in pursuing this matter. What ref. can you supply ? Might also check out most recent economists' reports re "supply side"/Reagan/Laffer for still further negation, if allathat not enough to satisfy your peculiar passion for 40-year outdated economic myth further disproven via current economic crisis, or hadn't you noticed ??

Henry Ruark November 7, 2008 1:24 pm (Pacific time)

Miles: Do I detect fain trace of second thought on some fallacies you've strongly esposed ? FYI, that one about the "miracle of the market" always making the right call depends on its being open and honest: see any Economics 101 or dam Smith in either of his two should know both titles, and don't neglect the first one !! Otherwise allasame longrotten remnants, better discarded in current situations.

Miles November 7, 2008 9:12 am (Pacific time)

HR Groucho also had that bit about the "Magic Word." Angel I agree with you, but the below quote I had sent to me earlier may resonate with a growing number when performance not talk becomes the evaluator: "For now, we have a new president-elect. In the spirit of reaching across the aisle, we owe it to the Democrats to show their president the exact same kind of respect and loyalty that they have shown our past Republican presidents." People in power simply cannot satisfy everyone. Tell me Angel when the taxes are raised on oil companies (they actualy have a pretty low profit margin) what will happen to prices at the pump? When corporations have their taxes increased, what happens to the prices of their goods and services? If you want national healthcare, go talk to a veteran who depends on the VA for their healthcare. Inflation may be just around the corner, so if you have some money saved away, what happens to it? We need to just let the markets work this mess out, for if not, we will just create another government induced-bubble, and the next pop will be unfixable. I hope Obama gets some get people on staff, not the same retreads that got us here like Rich and Rubin.

qui-vivi November 6, 2008 11:23 pm (Pacific time)

Prophets of doom, your fear mongering is unconvincing. We have turned the corner The real losers are the evangelists who discovered logic is as powerful as their Gospels. People are turning away from them You should Let go and Relax too.

Henry Ruark November 6, 2008 5:50 pm (Pacific time)

Untrampled et al: Yours reminded me of this famous line from Groucho Marx: "I do not want to be a member of any club that would accept my membership." I hesitate to suggest any meaning for the group to which you refer, leaving this open to interpretation as each person consults his own conscience.

Angel November 6, 2008 5:01 pm (Pacific time)

Some of your people are need to grow up and act like the adults that your are. Obama is president and this has went down in history, there has never been an African-American president before and I also want you people to know when God has a blessing for you. Noone can take that blessing from you. not McCain nor the Republican party. God Bless

Untrampled November 6, 2008 2:10 pm (Pacific time)

Overheard the below the other day, wonder what it means. Something to do with what? The below is a paraphrase. "I wouldn't want to be a member of an elite military unit that is associated with anti-Americans."

Henry Ruark November 6, 2008 12:49 pm (Pacific time)

Rich: Junk and gunk will get you nowhere here. My point re Cal. measure was who backed it, and why. NYT continues as major daily in current world, with or without your approval. Re stock, all media under attack but NYT safer now than Treasury bonds - ask any broker you still trust. Re "future", your past record forecasts better than what you have ever written here. Transition in progress and you can go along or get trampled, and I'd prefer the latter as simple example of fate deserved and arriving now. Have a great day and enjoy Nov. 4 anyway you choose...

Rich November 6, 2008 10:58 am (Pacific time)

Hr it appears that to you we have good billionaires and bad billionaires, depending on what issues they back? The Prop. 8 vote (and similar ones) in California passed in two other states also. In fact it passes in all places where voters vote on it. It has only been made into law by appointed judges, ignoring the voters desires. You doubt the voter's ability to make a rational decision when all the facts are on the table? The "oneman/one woman" marriage law is not that complicated. I imagine that it will be challenged up to the Supreme Court, who will most likely return it back as a state right. Obama is on record saying that this issue is a state right. Hardly think the evil Blackwater is out prodding people how to vote on this issue. As far as the opinion of the New York Times, have you seen their stock lately? It's all now in the "Junk" market. They no longer are much of a player, and are continuing a downward slide. So what do you think that means? As far as the 11/4 election, I think it is an exciting time and change will be coming, and for some, it may not be what they voted for. Don't be surprised to see some fireworks in our foreign affairs before too long.

Henry Clay Ruark November 6, 2008 7:35 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" NYT Edit excerpt placing the Mollison comment in due perspective: "The most notable defeat for fairness was in California, where right-wing forces led by the Mormon Church poured tens of millions of dollars into the campaign for Proposition 8 — a measure to enshrine bigotry in the state’s Constitution by preventing people of the same sex from marrying. The measure was designed to overturn May’s State Supreme Court decision, which made California the second state to end that exclusion of same-sex couples. Massachusetts did so in 2004. The firmly grounded ruling said that everyone has a basic right “to establish a legally recognized family with the person of one’s choice,” and found California’s strong domestic partnership statute to be inadequate." --------- See rest at, surely further revealing the distorted view of humanity involved in UnConstitutional denial of human rights.

Henry Ruark November 6, 2008 7:24 am (Pacific time)

R. Millison: Prop 8 was heavily funded by a combination of billionaires working for the radical religious ranters. Howard Ahmanson and wife, silent seditious attackers of Constitution, were major donors, as was mother of Prince, who heads Blackwater, the mercenary tribe who have gotten more than $100 million in contracts in Iraq. SO now we know your friends and associates, or do you wish to back away from such very dubious associates ? In any case, even with this bought-and-paid for win, even the distorted Supremes-gang will find it impossible to uphold. Have fun, and enjoy Nov. 4 ! It will change your world, even if it cannot change you.

Henry Ruark November 5, 2008 4:19 pm (Pacific time)

To all: For any now mitigating an historic win for Obama, please bottle your gall, think up a new name for the disgusting stuff, and see if you can find an open and free market for it. Then fasten your seatbelts for the rapid ride you will now experience from the worldwide changes already coming via globalization. Like it or not, your 19th Century political inanities are past history and your continued political pandering here simply prolongs the agony of an historic transformation which is beyond your ken and probably your kith, too, since this special kind of stupidity seems to run in families.

bILL November 5, 2008 11:22 am (Pacific time)

hey vic, if alec baldwin and bruce springsteen wouldn't follow through on their threats to leave the country in 2000 and 2004, why should jacki leave?

Rich Millison November 5, 2008 9:57 am (Pacific time)

I noticed that Measure 8 in California has passed. It appears that when conservative values are clearly spelled out in an election they prevail. I imagine that a federal judge will over-rule what the majority of these voters wanted in the not too distant future. Here lies the problem for the far left, they will ignore the majority, just like how "rino's" similar to McCain did, and that is why the rino's have lost in the national elections lately. Regardless of your individual position on the "One man/One woman" marriage position. It passed. I expect that conservatism will be roaring back and it will gain strength as the voters are ignored in future elections (local, state and national). Obama will have to govern (not "rule" people!) from the center, and the far left will be raising cain with that process. Betrayal will be a word you will see quite often in the media. Currently around 57 million voted against Obama, will that number grow or reduce? I hate to see our country so divided, but as most grown-ups learn as they mature, we have to learn how to compromise. Politics is the art of compromise, so we'll see what happens.

Doris November 5, 2008 9:34 am (Pacific time)

What does the middle name have to do with anything??? I'm from Germany and there are many wonderful people whose middle name is "Adolf". Yes the name is associated with an Idiot, to say the least. But my point is, the kid didn't pick the name, it was the parents. And who knows what they where thinling at the time. Please, lets all get along, set the racial thing aside and think positive.

Signing off November 5, 2008 9:06 am (Pacific time)

Barack Obama's victory last night was no doubt historic, and the Democrats, as expected, extended their leads in the House and the Senate. But their victory was no landslide, despite what appeared to be overwhelming advantages. Obama won around 52 percent of the popular vote, defeating John McCain by between five and six points. That's nothing like the true landslides of the past: Reagan by ten points in 1980 and 18 in 1984; Nixon by 23 in 1972; or even Bush by eight in 1988. And yet, with hindsight, it is remarkable how much Obama had going for him. After breaking his pledge to take public financing he raised more money, by far, than any Presidential candidate in history, outspending McCain nearly two to one. Millions of new voters, many of them minority voters, were registered, and they went heavily for Obama. Obama enjoyed the monolithic support of the entertainment industry and was something of a fad among the young. He benefited greatly from being an African-American; the idea that his victory would be a good thing for America, on that ground, was widespread even among his opponents. He ran largely against a retiring President who, for three years, has rarely seen his name appear in a sentence that did not include the word "unpopular." He had the active support of essentially 100 percent of the nation's news media. And, perhaps most important, he benefited from a financial crisis that struck at the most opportune moment (for him) and was unfairly blamed on the Republicans by most voters. Despite all of this, Obama mustered only a five-point win. The future will be most contentious except for those who have the resources. Remember 55 million Americans did not vote for Obama and they will not be meek when someone tries to harm their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights. What we will really lose is the rule of law, for the rampant voter fraud will be swept under the rug. Also watch how the illegals start flowing into the country.

Henry Ruark November 5, 2008 8:40 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" from one of America's best writers on issue and political matters: President Obama: This Proud Moment By William Greider November 4, 2008 "We are inheritors of this momentous victory, but it was not ours. The laurels properly belong to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and all of the other martyrs who died for civil rights. And to millions more before them who struggled across centuries and fell short of winning their freedom. And to those rare politicians like Lyndon B. Johnson, who stood up bravely in a decisive time, knowing how much it would cost his political party for years to come. We owe all of them for this moment." "This election will transform American life in ways we cannot yet fully imagine. Let us congratulate ourselves on being alive at such a promising moment. "Whatever happens next, Barack Obama has already changed this nation profoundly. Like King before him, the man is a great and brave teacher. Obama developed out of his life experiences a different understanding of the country, and he had the courage to run for president by offering this vision. For many Americans, it seemed too much to believe, yet he turned out to be right about us. Against all odds, he persuaded a majority of Americans to believe in their own better natures and, by electing him, the people helped make it true. There is mysterious music in democracy when people decide to believe in themselves." --------------- Do YOU, too, hear that "mysterious music" in our democracy ? IF you do, join in this next decade, surely a true parallel for that one opening our American Revolution to the world, and moving steadily forward ever since for those who truly know freedom, responsibility, and democracy when they have it. Despite all seditious political pandering, we now have our second chance for doing that demanding job on the Founders' foundations.

Henry Ruark November 5, 2008 8:11 am (Pacific time)

To all: R/G headline (40-pt. type !) says it all:"Oh ! Bama ! Wit, wisdom and WILL of "the people" prevailed --again !-- despite desperate distortion and despoilation of media channels to misinform and mislead the real power-cabal: the voters. NOW comes the hard part, where we all MUST do our share, to rebuild what we once had and can achieve again, first in our own nation and only then worldwide, too. So for all p/panderers et al, enjoy the historic date of Nov. 4, 2009 --then get the hell out of our way. AND be sure to read reports in S-N, your open, honest democratic dialong channel for sharing/learning to build the mutual actions we must have.

Vic November 5, 2008 6:50 am (Pacific time) could always leave the country....Ill drive you to the airport. Maybe your KKK chapter would pitch in for the ticket..

Glen November 5, 2008 6:32 am (Pacific time)

Obama ran the tightest campaign I've seen in my lifetime. He beat the Clinton machine. He beat the Rove machine. He will manage the nation just as well. Obama is the right man for the job at this moment in history. I'm thankful that America saw this in him. I am thankful that America not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. All men are created equal. No man should be judged by the color of his skin, but by his deeds.

Jacki November 5, 2008 1:54 am (Pacific time)

God help us! People will be sorry for voting for Barak Hussain Obama after he is finished with this Country. Why doesn't anyone use his middle name? Why is everyone scared to use the name "Hussain"? It is his name. He shares this name with many Arabs including terrorists. Oh well.

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