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Nov-01-2009 19:10printcomments

Wingnut of the Week: Liz Cheney, How Dare You?

I don't care how many Republicans and Democrats have to be jailed. Only one thing is certain, we have to arrest Dick Cheney first, maybe not just Dick.

Blown up contractor vehicle in Iraq
All of the condolences, sincere or otherwise, mean very little to those who were killed in the thousands of violent explosions that have rocked Afghanistan and Iraq. This photo shows an armored American contractor vehicle in Iraq that was struck by an IED. photo by Tim King

(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - When dead American soldiers were brought back in secret, in shame, it was at the orders of Vice President Cheney. Cheney planned the Iraq invasion even before the election and well before 9/11.

The Cheney's testimony before the 9/11 Commission is filled with things like, "We never thought anyone would attack America, we knew nothing, nothing, nothing....never expected anything at all."

Cheney ordered the phony intel that took us into Iraq. Cheney overruled the generals who told us the war would go on for years and cost thousands of lives Cheney sent troops to war with poor body armor, defective weapons and protected against IEDs by canvas doored Humvees. When our troops had poisoned water and were electrocuted in their barracks, it was Haliburton, Cheney's company that did it. When 5 years passed with too few troops, it was Cheney in control. It was Cheney's war plan that brought America to the brink of total defeat in Afghanistan. Dick and Lynn Cheney, among the biggest war profiteers in American history are now pointing their blood stained fingers in blame at others. Now they have their pointless spawn playing attack dog too?

Liz, given a non-existent State Department job in the Middle East by her dad's lapdog, Colin Powell, has spent her entire life waiting in line to be handed anything she has wanted just because her father is one of the most miserable and despicable human beings to ever walk the Earth.

What greater qualification is there for making accusations against a President choosing to honor American soldiers who gave their lives during wartime? Even Stalin's daughter had the good sense to know her own father was a vicious monster.

For 7 years of war, hardly a thought was given to anything but piling no bid contracts on one phony company after another, all personal friends of Dick Cheney, companies like Blackwater, infamous for being the worst security company in world history, run by Eric Prinz but secretly controlled by lifelong Cheney friend, Dick DeVos, huge Republican party contributor and losing Republican candidate for Michigan governor.

Now, those who rode the caboose of "the gravy train to hell" think some face time on America bashing Fox News is adequate moral high ground enough to make up for a life devoid of any human merit.

With America bankrupt and bogged down in wars we now know were not only handled with total stupidity but started for profit based on falsified intelligence, the mastermind of America's collapse and downfall, Dick Cheney, perhaps 3rd most hated person in world history behind Stalin and Hitler, lashes out at those working day and night to restore honor to our country and undo the damage his greed, lies and ineptitude have done.

It was bad enough when Cheney, through his friends who own most of the news networks and papers in the US, lashes out, but now he is hiding behind the skirts of his wife Lynn, long time Washington political hack.

Liz Cheney, on Fox News of all things, tell us that President Bush secretly honored our troops. Yes, Bush and even Liz honored them. They were honored secretly into the country and hidden away as though they were yesterday's garbage. Could we ask Liz how many nights she spent leaving the country club and cocktail party scene and heading out to meet the plainloads of coffins?

It is tough growing up with a hero for a dad. Learning to be a big mouthed blowhard, one of 3 in the Cheney family, came naturally to Liz. Liz should tell us more about her dad's accomplishments. Few people who have never touched a weapon except to accidentally shoot one of their own friends, has done as much damage to the world, with most of that damaged carefully aimed at the United States.

Never in our history has a family taken so much and given back to little to America. The idea was to get into the Middle East as quickly after the election as possible, scare the hell out of America and pass laws restricting rights at home and put together an organization that would allow our treasury to be looted, our troops to be abused, mistreated and led by imbeciles while our veterans were denied care, compensation and, as with our troops, thrown away and pushed to homelessness and suicide.

The responsibility for this lies with Cheney. Bush was nothing but a figurehead, an illiterate clown. Dick Cheney and his bumbling follower, Donnie Rumsfeld, playing the roles of dictator and world conqueror failed at every single thing they touched. Now this "two bit" phony Hitler and Goering pair fill the airways accusing others of being Fascist. Oh, the irony of it.

You would think some might remain quietly thankful they are not subjected to endless trials here and abroad for torture, murder and corruption on the largest scale in our nations history.

Instead, we have to continue to hear them chattering away. Maybe they are right and President Obama is totally ineffective. Maybe Obama is a fool. How can you clean a house when you haven't taken out the trash.

Americans can deal with having the Republican party, as they have threatened, freeze our government and collapse our economy, if we allow the criminal acts of the Bush administration to be subjected to criminal investigation. This is the truth of it.

I, for one, believe it is our duty as Americans to uphold the rule of law. Let the GOP do their worst. No more coverups, no more blackmail, no more payoffs. The only lesson we are learning is that even the worst criminals imaginable can walk free in America if they have the right friends. As long as Dick Cheney goes free, no American should spent a minute incarcerated.

When an American president chooses to publicly acknowledge the price paid by our soldiers whose broken bodies are no longer smuggled back in the dark of night, Liz Cheney, daughter of Vietnam war "too important to serve my country" non-veteran Dick, speaks for those who have made hating America a way of life.

I don't care how many Republicans and Democrats have to be jailed. Only one thing is certain, we have to arrest Dick Cheney first, maybe not just Dick.


Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and a regular contributor to Veterans Today. He specializes in political and social issues. You can see a large collection of Gordon's published articles at this link:

He is an outspoken advocate for veterans and his powerful words have brought about change. Gordon is a lifelong PTSD sufferer from his war experiences and he is empathetic to the plight of today's veterans also suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to feature Gordon's timely and critical reports on, a news organization staffed by a number of veterans, particularly former U.S. Marines.

You can send Gordon Duff an email at this address:

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Osotan; November 6, 2009 9:34 am (Pacific time)

Mr. Gibson.,are you on perscription oxy-contin? You do recall Sept.11,2001 don't you? Is perjury a crime or not?(his claim to have no knowledge of a hi-jack scenario for just one example?). Is intentionally, continually misleading the American public a crime or not?,(his and g.w.'s refusal to make public or allow transcripts of their interview with congress to be taken or any news coverage allowed or published regarding the 9/11 Ommission's report and congressional investigation of events on 9/11 for amother example).,wiretapping?.,the "patriot" act? his and bush's Enron stock dumping days before it's financial collapse?.,(records stored in WTC-7 conveniently destroyed in its collapse on 9/11). Failure to protect the citizens of America on that same day also comes to mind. Actually you are probably right,cheney didn't have anything to do with intentionally allowing the hits on our country to initiate P.N.A.C...,"no idea" these terrorists would resort to using hijacked airliners, no need of a "new Pearl Harbor", (a P.N.A.C. referance used to suggest requirement to mobilize and unify public opinion against a perceived enemy). Oh yeah.,did I mention rumsfelds staement on 10 Sept. that the Pentagon had discoverd to their horror a two point nine two BILLION dollar disappearance in the Pentagon had been uncovered?.,that's $2,920,000,000 Unnaccounted For.,before hostilities began?. Those records were lost and investigation ceased on the next morning's missile attack on the Pentagon.,a tragic coincidence all of which the administration is not responsible for? I probably got it wrong and should be more trusting of my leaders.

Larry Gibson November 5, 2009 6:13 pm (Pacific time)

Ersun or anyone else: Please tell me what laws former VP Cheney broke that would be cause for him to be arrested? He broke no laws. He was investigated for over a year by a special prosecutor, not to mention dozens of investigative journalists who have been continually trying to dig up evidence, and other than invective based on ideology, no evidence of wrongdoing has surfaced. In addition there was no crime committed when State Department official Richard Armitage released Plames' name to reporter Novack. Two things must be present for that to have been a crime: 1) That she was undercover (she was not), and 2) that Armitage knew he was breaking the law (he was not). Scooter Libby simply got caught in a purjury trap, not uncommon when you have a conflict of answers fom different people, but rarely ever prosecuted unless it's political, which it was. How many of you recall when literally over 100 people associated with Clinton were called before different congressional panels and literally all of them answered questions by either taking the 5th or saying they did not recall? So what "is" is can really be misleading? Not! Cheney dedicated many decades to public service, and to date, he has never been proven to have broken any laws. He may be on the opposite end of the political spectrum of many of you, but he also enjoys immense popularity as other conservatives like Sarah Palin. The latter is rising quickly and will be a significant and growing force in national politics. She simply writes something on Facebook and it immediately becomes global news, now that is power.

Vic November 3, 2009 7:24 pm (Pacific time)

I'm with you on that one, stephen.....

stephen November 3, 2009 5:02 pm (Pacific time)

watching the democrats and republicans fighting back and forth while the same agenda continues is sickening.

Ersun Warncke November 2, 2009 11:57 pm (Pacific time)

You are certainly dead on about Cheney needing to be arrested. His crimes, and the crimes of many of the people surrounding him, are so far beyond the scale of the petty nonsense that people see on the nightly news that it is hard to even contemplate. Don't forget that the attorney general went on TV under oath and swore that he didn't remember most of what had happened during the past two years of his life. If the facade of a rule of law was cracked and crumbling before, it has been utterly demolished now.

Nancy November 2, 2009 7:06 pm (Pacific time)

God bless you Mr. Duff for your respectful refute to Vic and Rod. Unfortunately, they did not address the premise of the article, which is why anyone would chastise the President of the United States for showing respect for a fallen soldier. I look forward to their response, without the bull***.

Vic November 2, 2009 2:37 pm (Pacific time)

If Democrats arent warmongers, howcome we are still in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and probably soon Iran?Why are we escalating the wars instead of ending them as promised? Why is the Democrat-ruled Senate working to squash the Goldstone report? Democrats have proven themselves to be not one iota better tan the Republicans. The two party system is a lie...there is ONE party..Why is next year's military budget the biggest one in the history of the world? Why havent the Dems gotten us out of hese wars? When my enemy hits me, I expect it,...but when someone who is supposed to be on my side hits me, I am furious. The Democrats have lied their way into power, and are continuing business as usual. Obama, Pelosi and "Proud to be a Zionist" Biden are as despicable and traitorous as Cheney or Bush....even more so, because they presented themselves as agents of change.....and lied. Wake up, People !!!!

Editor: Vic, this character is the broken record type, always bashing anything to do with Democrats.  I know the party leaders are disappointing, but to compare them to Bush and Cheney falls short.  Nobody did what those two did along with Rumsfeld and Rove.   

Rod November 2, 2009 1:23 pm (Pacific time)

Gordon your statement: "I, for one, believe it is our duty as Americans to uphold the rule of law. Let the GOP do their worst. No more coverups, no more blackmail, no more payoffs." Gordon have you ever seen the list of congressional people who have been convicted of criminal acts and gone to prison broken down by party? Democrats are way way out in the lead, so maybe you should address the ones who really are the bad players? I sure remember LBJ's [wilfull?] incompetence that led to nealy 60,000 deaths, or about 14 times the number of combined Iraqi and Afghanistan battle deaths as of today, and in about the same time frame as Vietnam. Which by the way the democrats voted on going to war and have continued to fund these conflicts. Remember when the dems cut off funds to South Vietnam? How did that work out Gordon? Been to Nam, Laos, Burma or Cambodia lately? Yeah we still have some war criminals walking around here in the states collecting big fat pensions while their shills engage in distractions only the uninformed will buy into. The latter amply demonstrates what has happened to public education in the last 40 or so years.

Editor: Rod, are you back again you little GO operative?  Your party is scandalous and Gordon does not only mention Republicans in this article.  Do you realize you are writing for a Marine Vietnam Combat Vet when you write to Gordon?  Put the proper respect in your tone or I'll flush your comments instantly and put them where they belong.  Democrats make mistakes but they aren't the warmongers that Gordon is referring to.  You should hide your head for sticking up for this party with all of the damage it has done to this country.  There is no room for your view, it is ridiculous. 

Osotan; November 2, 2009 1:32 am (Pacific time)

put the criminals on trial.

Nancy November 2, 2009 11:28 am (Pacific time)

Very POWERFUL commentary Mr. Duff. Thank you!

Vic November 2, 2009 6:25 am (Pacific time)

Right on, Gordon !!!

Osotan; November 2, 2009 3:59 am (Pacific time)

I am seriously considering voodoo,pins in their heads and that sort of thing.Please post images of condi,dick.roberto,libby,g.w,.rumsfled.guiliani,powell,wolfawitz,clinton,brenner,karzi,blair and other gangsters and I can do some "virtual voodoo". I don't think they have regulated it yet.

Matt Johnson November 1, 2009 11:40 pm (Pacific time)

You sure nailed that one Gordon, you and the other Marines writing here need to keep going and never let the pressure off these bastards who tried to steal this country away from us.

Daniel Johnson November 1, 2009 10:00 pm (Pacific time)

9/11 is probably the best place to start to unravel the whole snakepit.

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