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May-30-2011 15:10printcomments

'Spirit of Rachel Corrie' Enroute to Gaza, Now Prison Ship

Drama on the high seas... Help the crew of this ship by contacting your embassy.

A native of Washington state, Rachel Corrie was killed by the Israeli military while trying to spare a Palestinian doctor's family home from being bulldozed.
A native of Washington state, Rachel Corrie was killed by the Israeli military while trying to spare a Palestinian doctor's family home from being bulldozed.

(MEDITERRANEAN SEA) - The humanitarian aid ship 'Spirit of Rachel Corrie' has been overtaken at sea and members of the international community aboard the ship are being held in a prisoner status.

From Matthias Chang, Mission Leader aboard the Spirit of Rachel Corrie:

3:00 pm Egyptian Time, 30th May 2011

The humanitarian aid ship MV Finch also known as the Spirit of Rachel Corrie has since 17th May 2011 been turned into a prison ship for all intents and purposes.

What reason can there be when both Egyptian and Malaysian Governments have publicly agreed that the ship can berth and discharge the much needed cargo of PVC pipes for Gaza’s sewerage system?

Yet, the ship and the crew are not allowed to berth and disembark.

They are detained without just excuse and are now entering the third week of detention.

This is totally unacceptable and the Egyptian Government’s actions should be criticised in no uncertain terms.

30TH MAY 2011

Matthias Chang is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Matthias Chang is a frequent contributor to Global Research.  Global Research Articles by Matthias Chang



The Spirit of Rachel Corrie has become a Prison Ship with little water and supplies for over 10 days, while Egypt has repeatedly gone back on its word to allow her to disembark or safe passage of the cargo through the Rafah Boarder that was promised prior.

They have been shot at by Israeli Navy, pursed by Egyptian gun boats, kept as a prison ship wit...hout supplies, near no water for 2 weeks, or allowed to disembark and now insist that the cargo be given to Israel to go through their check points, repeatedly going back on their promises. The cargo is PVC sewer pipes and considered reconstruction material by Israel which is not allowed into Gaza. Egypt prior and repeatedly has said it would give safe passage through the Rafah boarder to Gaza which was opened May 28, 2001 permanently, still with many restrictions. However Egypt has refused once again their promise to the passengers on the Spirit of Rachel Corrie, putting their lives and safety repeatedly at risk, and the fate of themselves and their cargo.

We ask you to please call and write the Egyptian Embassies in your countries, as well as the Egyptian Foreign Minister in Cairo who has made the promises and repeatedly broken them as well as the Prime Minster of Egypt and to Media outlets, there has been a media blackout in main stream media regarding the Spirit of Rachel Corrie Ship.

Here is a Letter Template to go by, you can make changes as the situation changes or to whom you are addressing in Main Stream media.

1) Egypt (2) Media

thank you.

May (or June) ______ 2011

To: Dr. Essam Sharaf
Prime Minister of Egypt

To: Dr. Nabil Abdalla El – Araby
Minster of Foreign Affairs
Address:Kornish el Nile, Maspiro- Cairo
Tel: 2574-9816 or 2574-9817
Fax: 25748822

cc: (insert here the Egyptian Embassy in your Country , emails are listed for most that I have seen– can be found at this link:

cc: (insert here the Foreign Minister of your country, and send via email if they have one or fax)

cc: (insert here your Government Representative and their email and or fax)

cc: (insert here emails to your local Media, TV, Newspapers, Online Media, Main Stream Media)

cc: Perdana Global Peace Foundation (owners of the Spirit of Rachel Corrie Ship)

To whom it may concern
Peace and Goodwill.

I am writing to tell you of my serious concern for the crew of the Merchant Vessel 'Finch' which was attacked on it's way to delivering Humanitarian Aid to Gaza and forced to return to Egyptian port a second time after Egyptian Government talks between Foreign Ministries failed.

I ask that you, as a representative of the new Egyptian democratic government; give assistance to the ship, its mission and its crew, as indeed was promised by your government.

The crew of the ship are still in desperate need of medical attention and fresh water, and only received two days supply after a last appeal was made and although their situation remains dire they are steadfast in their commitment to get the supplies on board to Gaza.

It is this humanitarian concern that i want to draw your attention to as well as safety of passage, including the cargo, by the Egyptian Government to Gaza, through the Rafah Border, as was promised by Egypt prior.

Because none of these matters are presently settled i want to make an appeal to you to favorably consider the increasingly urgent needs of the people on board MV 'Finch'. I respectfully ask you to do everything possible and within your power, to assist these good people, by providing fresh water, basic needs and a doctor at the very earliest opportunity and that you please open the boarder to Gaza for them as promised and allow the Cargo through. The Blockade of Gaza by land and it waters are against International Law.

Thank you for taking the time to deal with my communication to you. It is my sincerest hope that you keep your word and protect these brave Humanitarians who dare to risk their lives in support of the people of Gaza and in line with International Law.

Below is Arabic version of the original letter, which has been updated in English version to reflect the current situation and as we await the outcome of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs talks, a decision which is hopefully in favour of the “MV Finch”, the passengers and the cargo she carries for Gaza.

Please ensure everything you can do to get aid to these 12 brave people and guarantee safe passage for them and the cargo the carry to Gaza.
Yours Sincerely

(your name)
(your address)

أكتب لكم هنا تعبيرا عن قلقي العميق بخصوص طاقم السفينة التجارية الماليزية "فينش" التي هوجمت وهي تحاول توصيل المساعدات الانسانية الى قطاع غزة المحاصر.هذه السفينة راسية حاليا في المياه المصرية ,ولا تقدر على المغادرة حتى يتم اتخاذ قرار بحمولتها.

أنا على علم ان هناك اجتماع غدا بين وزير خارجيتي مصر وماليزيا بخصوص ما يجب فعله بحمولة السفينة,لكن وبغض ال...نظر عن نتيجة الاجتماع,فأن طاقم السفينة بحاجة ماسة للعناية الطبية ومياه الشرب.وانا الفت نظركم الى هذا من ناحية انسانية.بما ان الامور التي ذكرتها اعلاه لم يتم النظر فيها,فأني اناشدكم الاخذ بعين الاعتبار تأمين الاحتياجات الاساسية والعناية الطبية لطاقم السفينة.كما اناشدكم ايضا القيام ما بوسعكم لتحقيق هذه المطالب الانسانية .

اشكركم تكبد عناء قراءة رسالتي لكم
Sponsor Page: Please join & invite your friends.. The Corrie needs your Support

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Spirit of Rachel Corrie Facebook Pag May 31, 2011 4:35 pm (Pacific time)

We have a writing campaign event and facebook Page for the Spirit of the Rachel Corrie as well as posting updates, there as been a MSM blackout except for one day. Thank you very much for publishing our letter, we are very grateful, we are short on people writing and joining, and trying desperately to get the Spirit of the Rachel Corrie Ship, her passengers and cargo into the press more, and hopefully a break into MSM with the hopes they don't corrupt their reporting.

Again Thank you

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