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May-24-2008 12:54 ![]() ![]() Op Ed: MainStreamMedia
By Henry Clay Ruark for
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(EUGENE, Ore.) - Already this is a tipping-point primary-election, readying for even more historic/change-producing onslaught vs Washington-ways impacting our democracy.
NOW surfaced in many ways, for more millions of Americans than ever before, is deep, desperate, enduring damage-done to our governance system.
Our vaunted republic-democracy has been under relentless neocon attack ever since Reagan, with Bush I and Bush II as mutual major perpetrators.
Corporate concentration of dollar-power supporting neocon impacts on legislation, deregulation, privatization and especially globalization; further “empowered by radical tax favoritism for a variety of payer-levels”; has provided “huge momentum for major changes” in our once-world/famed “free press” and supporting media.
Given probing, thorough coverage, solid content and even the smallest cogitation, provided by an intensely-involved “free press”, none of that could or would have happened.
One politician-terrifying tool has been the “corporate campaign contribution” proffered provisionally, with production definitely involved.
Now that white/enveloped largess has relentlessly found its way into every level of our democracy from small-town politics to the very top.
Congress itself is victimized, too --outnumbered 100-to-1 by lobbyists-- aided and abetted by ongoing press-failure to report in depth, detail and distressing consequence, for “true edification of all the people.”
We have allowed attacks to continue despite major early-warning signs, symptoms and significant situations; while MainSttreamMedia consistently fails to find courage and conviction to provide deep, probing, first-quality coverage to carry on continuously its demanded Constitutional role: To tell truth to power, and make sure millions of us were reading and hearing and seeing what it took to do that job.
Making citizens fully aware of essential issues and needed decisions is the driving motivation which caused the Founding Fathers to set us up with three components --Legislative, Executive, Judicial-- each checking and cooperating to provide, protect, preserve and perfect what our Constitution guarantees: ”equality under law”.
They never envisioned the destroying concept of “the unitary executive” substituting one-man royal-rule over the whole nation. Yet this massive bludgeon remains Unexamined, poorly-re ported, little understood even today, as heavy-attack on Constitutional principles.
Functions-and-processes for each component, “perfected” from protracted, intense, effective study of all possible models, modes, methods --and many philosophies-- stood the onslaught of terrible times and the test of decisions-demanded, for more than 200 years.
Why would we ever abandon Constitutional conformity which provides, protects, and preserves --if we but protect the Constitution itself?
The Founders and their following leaders built-in for best-possible prevention the precise and protected role assigned the “free press”: To inform the people about what the powerful were sure to project and promise and, perhaps, even provide; given essential understanding by responsible citizens making sure it happens.
Racism, sexism, ridiculous remarks, no matter from whom, when and why, should not claim preference in coverage and content over major issues of economic, social and cultural significance. Those now, surely, demand full attention and unflinching examination from our truly-free press; sharing fact and findings with the frustrated public seeking to understand decisions they know are demanded.
The First Amendment was their final gift to their new nation, providing protection and potent powers envisaged as permanently-protective process; to protocol their new invention --a true people’s democracy.
Devolution, denigration, close-to-collapse current state of the MainStream Media has led on inexcusably, irresponsibly, to neocon nemesis now obvious in our beautiful Capital.
Would we have allowed the “preemptive” attack sold to us as truth, IF we had been informed of the full, potent, permeating facts-available about he Iraq war-plan?
That could and should never have occurred --if the heavily-corporatized MainStreamMedia had been doing its job properly, preventibly, and potently --as provided by the Constitutional role protected for the press.
More recently came the pundit-parade, providing portentous political provender: Endless repetition, of radical words by a black preacher, proving only that conviction by association can be politically providential --but remains highly non-Constitutional-- even when endlessly replayed, refurbished and reiterated.
That’s a reflection of the flat-out begiining-finale collapse of the so-called “MainStreamMedia”, as we’ve seen our vaunted-and famied Constitutionally-protected “free press” system distorted, then perverted, by corporatization, consolidation, and inevitable consequences: Reportorial and investigative professional/staff slashes; deep cutbacks in production, distribution, area penetration, discarding circulation areas for costs and unprofitability; close connection to controlled customer-groups, chosen for dollar- response to advertising; and complete surrender to profit-uber-alles as the major driving principle for every now-corporatized-business move possible within “the new business model”.
That “new model” is the transition to nearly-universal use of new technologies for production and new circulation patterns.
That demands new approaches to advertising and support; excruciating strictures, new structures and sustaining situations, still under radical development, test and installation.
Yet that is the only possible future for our “free press”. If done rapidly, right, reliably, really-universally, it may well be not only the salvation technique for “the daily news” (without paper !) but also for our neocon-attacked, now-damaged democracy itself.
Oregonians have been fortunate under impacts of the “free press” degeneration felt so heavily nationally in the past thirty years, demonstrated so painfully by MainStreamMedia, so far-- and in this turning-point run/up to the national election already shaping the early 21st Century for every American life.
Our daily newspapers, primarily in smaller towns and cities remain family-owned/and/controlled; and our major-city daily is noted for its basically independent leadership reflected quite recently by receipt of that powerful appreciation --”the Pulitzer”.
About some others, perhaps the less-said the better. Gannett’s driving major-domo Allen Neuharth and his extremely competitive acquisition-activities, now universally recognized as among the major reflections-of-trend, are also a major cause of the demand for “the new model” now widely seen as the invasion of the corporateers nationally.
The overweening facts of this entire developmental trend and its consequences are reflected neatly and honestly from the Payne Awards for Ethics in Journalism, described in detail by UO J-School Dean Jim Gleason, in an Op Ed carried in prime location by the Register-Guard, headed “Awards recognize journalists who did the right thing”.
Gleason makes doubly sure his audience is supplied the essential “surround” --background demanded for full story-understanding-- before he fills in “the big picture” --now causing seismic perturbations in every media segment and once-massive staff, for each and every one of all the mainstream media “historic institutions”.
His explanation of the strong trends begins: “These are challenging times for the news organizations that have defined journalism in the United States for more than a century and for the journalists who work in what we now call the ‘mainstream media’.”
Then “ advertising-based revenue model has supported journalism --from the great to the mediocre-- and the development of the ethical standards that inform and guide working journalists”, Dean Gleason states.
But then Dean Gleason continues with the bad news forced upon us all --to the near-fatal damage of our democracy-- by the inevitable developments driven by “digital technologies, a changing advertising market, and a host of other factors... changing the practice of journalism at a mind-spinning pace.”
It is well worth noting that one of the three award-winners described by Dean Gleason is a web-based alternative weekly, and a second is a family owned daily in Spokane.
But perhaps the premier award-winner, for our information here while reviewing the current-and-coming collapse of MainStreamMedia, is the Collegiate winner, a young lady who relentlessly pursued and finally “broke the story” --concerning the implication of suppression of newspapers with an unflattering editorial-- by the president of her community college, clearly controlling her own education.
That, for me, is proof that there will remain those who know and understand precisely why and how the “freedom of the press” is so essential an element in any possible remediation and longtime continuance of our democracy.
Without them and their effort, our future is even more problematical than YOU had already felt it was surely becoming, these beginning days in our 21st Century.
Major items consulted include:
All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied.
Frank May 30, 2008 5:06 am (Pacific time)
Reply to Kittleson May 25, 2008 1:21 pm (Pacific time) FRANK: Who decides what hate speech is? I think the follow and a link helps you to understand the danger of hate speech and propaganda: "No part of any appropriation contained in this or any other Act shall be used for publicity or propaganda purposes within the United States not heretofore authorized by the Congress." As explained in a March 21, 2005 report by the Congressional Research Service, "publicity or propaganda" is defined by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to mean either (1) self-aggrandizement by public officials, (2) purely partisan activity, or (3) "covert propaganda." By covert propaganda, GAO means information which originates from the government but is unattributed and made to appear as though it came from a third party. These concerns about "covert propaganda" were also the basis for the GAO's strong standard for determining when government-funded video news releases are illegal:
Henry Ruark May 28, 2008 2:01 pm (Pacific time)
To all: McClelland's new book creating furore in WH today. See CNN et al for details, then check my last Comment under Rove story. Don't miss point of his book, that MSM played direct and potent part in making the Bush cabal attack on our democratic/Constitutional governance system possible at all.
Mary Stennis May 28, 2008 7:44 am (Pacific time)
My husband Steve (a former Army medic) and I moved to Oregon from Orange County, California over two years ago because Steve, an EMT, got laid off from 3 jobs in just a 4 year period because many hospitals were closing down various types of medical services, including emergency rooms at several hospitals in southern California. Large metropolitan hospitals are funded with tax money so they will remain open, but their services will be reduced as more people use these facilities as their primary medical provider. We have noticed the same trend is happening in the northwest, and fear that more closures of emergency rooms will be happening soon. This is a financial problem that may be ameliorated by national healthcare, but will the taxpayers want to fund those here illegally? This is a serious problem that will only get worse if we ignore it. Even now we are seeing friends leaving the medical professions because of the uncertainty of future funding.
Henry Ruark May 27, 2008 8:07 pm (Pacific time)
K. et al: Despite your lack of ANY response, and thus ANY link or other documentation to your flat lies re ER-situation in L area, for the record here now, did do further check with some other contacts there, and find absolutely no reference to anything even approximating what you claim. Friends-all, we seem to have nailed down another of that watch out for tone and content of that continued thread, as immediate tip-off for whence and why it cometh to this honest, open, and true democratic channel. Such action is direct and intended insult to intelligence and experience of every serious reader --which is why we treat it precisely that way when encountered.
Henry Ruark May 27, 2008 1:49 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Apologize for interrupted statement re editor receiving letter from two magazines, re his denial of factual statements: What both editors said to him, in summary, was simply
Henry Ruark May 26, 2008 8:56 pm (Pacific time)
K. et al: Again, sir, you offer politicized unsupported allegation very definitely denied and with documentation in the link I sent. SO you either did NOT check, OR you wish to distort and pervert the facts. Yours re ER-closures is, after rapid check with LA sources, another flat-lie, according to professionals there. IF you have it in published form, lay it out here, or face fact your veracity has been flatly challenged. Once had similar experience re national situation with an Oregon newspaper, and had the satisfaction of having both national magazines from which facts came send his publisher a letter stating in effect:
Henry Ruark May 26, 2008 7:17 pm (Pacific time)
K. et al: Your last reads precisely like the materials mentioned in my last, covered neatly, if not nicely, by that solid study --with link, please note, so all can "see with own eyes" and evaluate, with own mind, what I presented. WHY would hospitals cut off all others for ER-salvation ? WHERE was THAT ever published, and why NOT in the Oregon press, if indeed any truth whatever ? HUGE legal risks to ANY hospital so-doing --far outweighing any possible crowding-or-abuse by ANY one group...and if City-connected, City shares in legal-risks !! Where's your documentation for Pew statement cited ? I doubt probity of what you wrote... Rest is just same distorted balderdash fed from same sources identified, evaluated and reported in my link --did you check it out ? So NOW we need your ID more than ever --since you insist on making obviously distorted political comment from only one perspective, put up some documentation beyond yr single name "cover:, if you wish our readers to place any credence in your credibility.
Kittleson May 26, 2008 6:31 pm (Pacific time)
I heard the allegation that a surge in crime against illegals was up, but according to different news sources there is no documentation via Media Matters using primary souces to prove that allegation. Of course you can review the crime rate of illegals and compare the crimes they commit against Americans and vice versa , now that will be an eye-opener, even for the most ardent open-border people. This issue has been around for years and will certainly be election subject matter in debates and political advertising.
Kittleson May 26, 2008 6:22 pm (Pacific time)
Illegal (key descriptor) immigration is an issue that crosses party lines. Look at the vote in Arizona, Oklahoma and communities all over America that are collectively enforcing laws that are already on the books. "Legal" immigration prior to the establishment of the "welfare State" was such that people assimilated and strove towards achieving independence and becoming Americans. Now it has become a much different matter indeed. In fact as per the Hispanic Pew Center approx. 80% of all hispanics "born here" see themselves as something other than American. Also the American Legion, with millions of members comprised of men and women of all races and ethnic backgrounds has endorsed a ten point program at dealing with the illegal problem via enforcing the current laws on the books, but with added jail penalties for employers for knowingly hiring illegals. Who (politicans, for example) will call these Legion veterans racists? Or vigilantes? Currently 60 hospitals in L A County have closed their emergency rooms and this is happening all over the country. Why are they doing this? Answer that question and you'll be on Informed Blvd. .
Henry Ruark May 26, 2008 12:02 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Timely example from major source, Alternet: Right-Wing Media Using Immigration Debate to Mainstream Hate By Ali Gharib, AlterNet "In 2008, immigration may be what gay marriage was to the 2004 election: a divisive issue used not to present an actual policy or platform, but rather to galvanize a voting bloc. "Fear-mongering on the issue of immigration comes from a bevy of sources -- from white supremacist groups to CNN. "'Illegal immigrants are attacking our culture and our way of life,'Glenn Beck told his audience on his "CNN Headline News" in the manner typical for his prime time-show -- Beck discussed the "scourge" of undocumented workers on more than a quarter of his 2007 programs. "In a report released Wednesday, the watchdog group Media Matters documented and dispelled a pattern of myths propagated by cable news shows and their anchors that fuel anti-immigrant racism and have sparked an increase in hate crimes against Latinos. "The language of today's hosts, like Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck, is divisive and inflammatory, and often misleading," said Rep. Joe Baca, D-Calif., the head of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, at a Capitol Hill news conference announcing the release of the report. "It only creates fear, hatred and negative stereotyping of immigrants." --------------- Check out link to "see with own eyes" and evaluate how accurtely Op Ed summarizes for you...THEN take whatever action your conscience and cogitation tells you is now demanded.
Henry Ruark May 25, 2008 2:10 pm (Pacific time)
K. & Frank et al: For punishment, clearly existing laws offer relief for egregious offense. But it is the day-to-day, constantly repetitive erosion by casual personal usage which destroys community trust, thus damaging democracy.
Henry Ruark May 25, 2008 2:00 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Examples abound to strongly support denigration of MSM in many ways. One, perhaps ironic for the profession itself, is the fact that Hillary's interview with USA TODAY on May 7, is now seen as strong turn to "black guy cannot win in today's America" --now seen as reminiscent of Rove and Lee Atwater. "See with own eyes" this and major other supporting points, at: by Robert Parry, who broke many of the Iran/Contra stories in the '80s for AP and Newsweek, also relevant here.
Kittleson May 25, 2008 1:21 pm (Pacific time)
FRANK: Who decides what hate speech is? How about hate crimes? There is a considerable amount of unsettling language that I hear that should be re-assessed as possible hate speech if one is fair as per some other so-called terms considered hateful. In effect, it is in the "ear of the beholder." Frankly it's my contention that we have enough laws on the books to prosecute for most anything, so why add to these laws unfairly. Is honkey or cracker words that should be considered hate speech? We could go on almost endlessly listing offensive terms I'm afraid, so eventually our 1st Amendment rights will evaporate if we do not keep these so-called hate laws in check. To live in a free country such as ours you simply have to face up to the fact that you will encounter those societal elements that will be offensive, unless it causes you physical harm, deal with it. There is also civil action you can take and then convince a jury, but to keep creating criminal consequences for speech, well in time it may cause more harm than good.
Henry Ruark May 25, 2008 11:22 am (Pacific time)
Glen, Frank et al: Both your comments underline a lack of strength in my Op Ed, which should surely have emphasized even more strongly the attempt by the MSM to become the Fourth component of our governance system. Beyond our traditionald and world-famed innovation of Legislative, Executive and Judicial would then be MediaMonitorAndManipulation, "managing" by media impacts on the public all possible acts and laws and working policies primarily in the interests of the corporate ownership --in effect, extending still further what Neuharth and others began by selling short the Constitutional role of the free press and substituting for it what amounts to merely another business enterprise conducted ONLY for profit uber alles --and driven by Wall St. and other stock-value impacts. That is, of course, the very next step in the direction the Op Ed doth point out...IF we allow it to happen. BUT just as our Founders set forth in the Constitution what should be the ongoing role for the media THEN, we have the power and the process to do so NOW --via proper Congressional control in proper and surely still-Constitutional actions. Example: Recent reversal of the FCC open invitation to more consolidation and control of both print and broadcast media, being handed out to already-bloated media moguls.
Glen May 25, 2008 6:20 am (Pacific time)
The test of the ManStreamMedia will be if the president presents us with an October Surprise to influence the elections. Will they support it or call his bluff?
Frank May 25, 2008 6:02 am (Pacific time)
The problem with all this is, no one reads. Instead, they listen to the defamatory and manipulative necon controlled "Christian" "news" radio and TV broadcasts. EIGHT STAGES OF GENOCIDE 3. DEHUMANIZATION: One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. At this stage, hate propaganda in print and on hate radios is used to vilify the victim group. In combating this dehumanization, incitement to genocide should not be confused with protected speech. Genocidal societies lack constitutional protection for countervailing speech, and should be treated differently than in democracies. Hate radio stations should be shut down, and hate propaganda banned. Hate crimes and atrocities should be promptly punished.
Henry Ruark May 24, 2008 2:17 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Two very interesting links here, strongly contrasting, with both proving up points in this Op Ed from precisely the opposite point of view about what an American daily newspaper should do. One is by Al Neuharth, in S-J, with rosy-reality wrapped in generalities, avoiding main points unless they reflect the dollar-takes-all attitude. The other is by Stanley Bing, famed satirist, on last-page special-place in FORTUNE, May 23 issue. Bing's is titled: "The Day Than No News Broke". See it in full in printed-page. Neuharth's is titled:"On 225th Birthday, Are Newspapers Dying ?". See it at S-J website: Neuharth's crowning ambition was USA Today, dollar-supported for years by Gannett via revenues relayed from G-owned slave units around the nation, and now become the Walmart of dailies in the U.S., with some of the same harmful effects on local economies.
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