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May-20-2007 02:12printcomments

Michael Moore's New Film Claims US Healthcare System is Driven by Greed

While Moore celebrates his latest screen success, federal authorities have launched a probe over his alleged trip with emergency workers from Ground Zero in New York City, to Cuba for medical treatment last February.

Michael Moore and company
Michael Moore and company
Photos courtesy:

(SALEM, Ore.) - The new film from Michael Moore, Sicko, another documentary from America's most controversial producer, blasts holes in the superstructure of the U.S. national healthcare system, and takes particular aim at the ultra-powerful private health insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry.

Sicko swept the Cannes Film Festival over the weekend, making it the third hit for Moore, who is equally loved and hated over his blatant and comical views, and their consequent impact on society. He is the creator of "Fahrenheit 911" and "Bowling Columbine".

Some say Moore goes too far every time, and consistently fails to preach to anyone except the choir of already left leaning viewers. But others describe Moore as America's painful conscience, and believe that even as he brings conservative angers to a boil in many cases, he makes an impact on people who are willing to watch.

This producer causes anxiety in conservative leaning Republicans the same way Rush Limbaugh affects progressive Democrats. One interesting thing about the Michael Moore phenomena, is that his politics have alienated supporters of conservative politics and Bush policy so thoroughly, that nearly every critic you meet on the street with plenty to say about Michael Moore, has never watched any of his movies. They just "know he's bad" and that is as far as it often goes.

Their information generally comes from right leaning talk show hosts, FOX News and conservative politicians, many of whom consider Moore's antics an outrage. Or people like author David T Hardy, who wrote, "Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man". Respect seems to have no place here.

At the same time, it strikes many who share his politics, that his good points are lost in translation, as he has at least until now, presented himself as a target to critics with his dry, sometimes cynical humor and his less than athletic physique. But it looks like maybe Michael Moore is putting some distance in, between that that less than flattering image, and the producer that could have an even larger impact than ever before.

Moore said as he was impressed with the enthusiastic response of journalists and critics after the film's first Cannes screening. But he conceded that the film's overwhelming acceptance in France, will probably lead to a less than enthusiastic reaction in his homeland, the land of FOX News, big corporate business, and an unpopular war in Afghanistan and Iraq, that he has gone to great effort to criticize, along with President Bush. "I know the storm awaits me back in the United States," he told reporters.

Moore at Cannes Film Festival

He is no stranger to the Cannes Festival either; "Fahrenheit 9/11" earned the Cannes's Palme d'Or trophy in 2004 with its unrelenting criticism of George W. Bush's White House, his delayed reaction to the September 11th, 2001 attacks in an elementary school classroom, and his family's relationship to the Saudi oil clans.

Moore says one of the new movie's aims, is to zero in on what he calls, "The neglect of the heroes of 9/11 by the Bush administration." He says heroic first responders have been left to fend for themselves, without coverage and without care. Moore is referring to the emergency responders who suffered serious respiratory issues that doctors say were brought on by their service in the wake of 9/11. He says he knows there is serious opposition, that has direct ties to the presidency.

"This is not an incendiary film." he told The Spoof!. He says he hopes this time, to do more than polarize Americans, "This film intends to bring both sides together. But, I understand why certain businesses do not want this movie to appear. Not to name names, but the pharmaceutical industry and HMO whores come off pretty cynical and greedy - which they are - but, of course they are each major, major campaign donors to Bush Republicans. I suppose he had to do something for them or they would have canceled his Captain America card."

One thing that every American healthcare organization is likely paying attention to, is the way Moore uses the movie to spell out how much better the healthcare systems are in Canada, England and France. It is something that many Americans staunchly denounce, citing higher taxation in those countries that is typically associated with broader healthcare. But that is not how people think on the other side of the Atlantic, in most cases.

Lee Marshall of Screen Daily, writes, "Abroad, especially in Europe, Sicko will shock and comfort in equal measure - if we were being uncharitable, we might view his decision to contrast the US system with the free health care offered in Canada, Britain and especially France as a feel-good gift to audiences and distributors in those territories. But the points Moore makes here are (mostly) well-founded - and managed, as always, with a vein of irony that makes it difficult to dissent."

The Cuban Connection

While Moore is being celebrated in France, federal authorities here in the US have launched a probe against him for allegedly taking a small group of emergency workers from Ground Zero in New York City, to Cuba for medical treatment last February.

It's just the kind of thing Moore always does in his movies; he grabs the viewers and leaves them gaping when he stands on a corner in Washington D.C., and asks passing congressmen and senators if they would like to sign their sons up for service in Iraq. In this case though, he has taken a larger step, and his visit to the communist island nation, which the US considers off limits to American citizens without special permission, is the root of the problems he is facing amid his latest success.

"I think that somehow by making some sort of example of me, that helps them (US authorities) with a certain community in terms of voters," he told Green Cine Daily during a recent interview.

One interesting note is that a spokeswoman for the Weinstein Company that produced Moore's film, says the documentary "has been placed in a secret location outside the country (outside the United States)" because of fears it might be taken by US officials.

Harvey Weinstein issued a statement that a letter sent to Moore by the US treasury department "suggests that the Bush administration is proactively trying to discredit the film." They are being as public about that part of it as they can. "Let the secret service find that out, though this is the same country that thought there were weapons of mass destruction, so they'll never find it."

Maybe that will end up being the subject of Moore's next film. Regardless, he typically only divides, and some critics do agree that this movie is slightly less biting than Moore's previous efforts. This may especially be true when you consider how in addition to the Bush administration, he selects an enemy with the private health insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry this time, an area where many people share a common opinion, as they feel the impact in their wallets.

Maybe people who are on the fence will take the time to listen to a different point of view, and maybe Michael Moore will strike a chord this time that resounds more smoothly with the average American. But then, at least in some cases... maybe not.

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J.D. June 30, 2007 2:24 pm (Pacific time)

More on Moore...

Bob June 14, 2007 12:31 pm (Pacific time)

I've seen the movie, I got a copy off the internet though I will still go see it in theaters to support it. I wish that the movie had shown some statistics on the Canadian, British, and French health care systems but the interviews with individuals from those countries are very revealing. They were all satisfied with the health care in their countries. Patients get treated promptly, patients and doctors don't worry about bills, and in England where Doctors were interviewed, they made good money. All this crap about health care imploding in the U.K. and Canada is crap. They might have budgetary issues, growing pains, and other issues here and there but by and large it works. Those who complain about those systems just like those who complain about Michael Moore have no experience related to what they are complaining about. The Free Market has 1 Objective, the Corporation has 1 Goal, to make as much money as legally possible. That is all. With that system in place somehow people think it will provide better health care than one which has been expressly designed to provide health care when in reality it is only going to make the Board Members of the company insanely rich.

Coral Anika Theill May 31, 2007 4:57 pm (Pacific time)

Tim, I appreciate your decision and most of all appreciate the wisdom you imparted in why you made your decision about Rosenberg. Your words resonate truth. I am new to Salem-News. Your articles are written with truth, wisdom and spirit. I also learn alot from the comments of your readers and understand that there are some individuals contributing that do so without the respect of others. I embrace respect and realize and understand that "respect" is the foundation of any civil society. Rosenberg left this comment for Marnell and me after I had left a couple comments on Jerry Falwell, from my own true life experiences.

"Rosenberg May 18, 2007 12:54 pm (Pacific time)

Coral and Marnell: You understand how syntax analysis works?"

I read it and truly didn't know what syntax analysis was. So, I didn't respond then. I thought I would still be able to operate in the world okay if I didn't know....the only thing I do understand is this: no matter where you go or live in this world, even when you don't understand the language (and I have lived on Native American reservations, in ghettos, and various places throughout the USA and Europe), what people do UNDERSTAND is respect, compassion, non judgment, tolerance, equality, humility, understanding, manners, unconditional love, dignity, warmth, etc. I know what it feels like to be treated with hatred, prejudice, intolerance, judgment, and condemnation. Unfortunately some individuals within the fundamental Christian communities that follow such individuals as Falwell, resonate arrogance and hatred instead of compassion and humility, as their Master Jesus taught them.

I was going to leave a comment in response to Rosenberg's comment, but I have a few rules I use to honor myself. Don't reason with the unreasonable, step aside when something begins to feel "toxic" and sometimes no words is better than "throwing your pearls before swine." Not that I think he is swine, because I will be the first to admit that if he was in my path and there was something I could do to help, I would. But I have just learned that there are those who cannot/will not hear...."It takes two to speak the truth. One to speak, another to hear." Henry David Thoreau

There are so many broken people in this world. I believe we are here for the most part to encourage one another, not to tear each other down....but some have a PHD in doing just that. I may someday leave a comment in response to his. A wise mentor once shared with me, "Some people go so low that even the slugs have to salt them. Peace and Light

The Editor- Tim King May 22, 2007 8:12 pm (Pacific time)

Well, for all the people who have been frustrated by a comment poster named Rosenberg, your lucky day has arrived. I have tried to be understanding of the guy's jaded position in life and I have personally taken the time to commend some of his viewpoints. Embarrassingly, I have very recently been telling people that he can even on rare occasions make sense, like when he criticizes the presidential administration.

But today he tried to post a personal insult toward us and that means no more Rosenberg for all of you decent people out there. At the bottom of this post you will see all of the pseudo names ol' rosey has been using.

This is not a political move for the record. I have let this guy antagonize people for a long time and he does claim to be an ultra right conservative. That is fine with me; everyone is fine with me, but today he delivered a personal insult and it was the straw that in this case, dropped the camel to the ground.

A few days ago I mentioned an increased editing presence in the comment section. They are all approved by a living, breathing person as it is, but we fear we have been too lenient.

I hope that for some of our regular visitors, this announcement will be regarded as great news. It will be a pleasure to not see his name or his ramblings anymore. Ding dong, the witch is dead.

There is nothing wrong with any individual's politics when the overall goal is good for all people. Antagonistic attacks get really old though, and one major point about Rosenberg is that is that he attacks anything or anybody with an agenda rooted in peace and understanding.

One interesting irony is that he obviously has a thing for names that sound like they are Native American; "Running Bear" and "Jason Two-Dogs". Then he uses "Armstrong" which is the middle name of General Custer. And he rages against people who are immigrants. Well, I have spent a lot of time around Native Americans and most do not seem too driven to see the white man keep this land for himself. In fact, many see the Hispanic as a brother, they share much of the same heritage in many cases.

I think you call that the epitome of hypocrisy.

Life is short, burial cloaks have no pockets. It is time for all of us to be decent and tolerant and understanding.

This guy has been anything but nice or kind. I have watched him play psychological warfare with our other comment posters for too long. Maybe you didn't think this day would come rosenberg, but it is here. I'm sorry you chose to get personal with us, in my opinion we have been very tolerant.

You see, our team at has the easy ability to ban somebody like this from the site. We also can easily see all of his comments, at least the ones from his IP, with the click of a button. So here are all the aliases of our antagonistic former problem who never even had the courage to tell us his real name:

  • Running Bear
  • Oracle
  • Armstrong
  • Mathew (5-22-07)
  • SHIRLEY KITZHABER - My, Rosenberg, something you didn't tell us?
  • Krakatoa (5-22-07)
  • Hannigan II
  • Open the Border (5-19-07)
  • Hey Zus (5-1-07)
  • Mike Hammer (4-30-07)
  • RC
  • Ben Casey (4-26-07)
  • K Rove (4-23-07)
  • Vincent (4-24-07)
  • Coulter (4-23-07)
  • Oregon Vote (4-22-07)
  • Bush (4-22-07)
  • Marx (4-21-07)
  • Retired Contractors (4-19-07)
  • Sooth (4-19-07)
  • Dr. Kildare (4-18-07)
  • Raise Tuition (4-18-07)
  • Fred (4-16-07)
  • Fred Engels (4-16-07)
  • Butch Cassidy
  • Susan (4-16-07)
  • Murphy (4-16-07)
  • Needles (4-16-07)
  • Sharpton (4-16-07)
  • O'Reilly (4-16-07)
Miles, Jameson, Harvey, LeMay, Sanchez, Harrison, Walden, Simpson, Jason Two-Dogs, Sid Morrison, EJ Morgan, Jim B Davidson, Neal Goldsmith, and there are more.

Did he argue with himself? You bet. Did he set people up and bait them? You bet he did. He acted like a man and woman talking in the same post. Maybe one of those names is the real thing, maybe not. I think the guy needs help. If any of you have seen "Meet the Parents" and you know the character De Niro plays, a crazy military zealot who is nothing but a cruel nut job with too much money and too little to do, then you are getting my idea of who this man is/was.

I went to Afghanistan over last winter and I spent a lot of time recording soldiers in a war and I did not take it as an opportunity to do anything but tell it like it is. As it turned out, I witnessed incredible things that our people were doing and accomplishing. I didn't use it as an opportunity to launch an agenda, except maybe support of people who pay the highest price in all of society; the combat soldier. I am sad and dismayed that this person of many assumed names and personalities, has caused so much grief around our other visitors. Those days are over.

Tim King

One final note to all of the veterans who have watched all of this go on over the last few months; I would take arguments from any people who share this list of names and go back to the drawing board. He might have had me going a time or two, but burn me once shame on you, burn me twice... shame on me. I think he's full of it from A to Z.

Luke May 22, 2007 7:35 pm (Pacific time)

Even documentaries are sensationalist these days. I wonder how long this will last.

Sue May 22, 2007 3:33 pm (Pacific time)

R.b. or whoever you are. You twist whatever I say. I am not wasting anymore time. Whether you like kool-aid or not, believe me you have drank it. What made you so hateful? So sad

Sexy Sadie May 22, 2007 2:58 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, liar liar pants on fire! The nerve of you... trying to say Clinton hurt veterans with the country in the state it is in. I'm going to tell Charlie on you.

Running Bear May 22, 2007 2:46 pm (Pacific time)

Thanks for your comments Sue. If one was to take your assessment regarding the healthcare services here and Cuba, you would think that there would be an exodus heading towards Cuba (maybe even other places). Why do you think that is not happening Sue? Note: I really dislike kool aid Sue, but thanks for your observation, even though it was incorrect, as is your assessment of Castro's healthcare. It's really troublesome to me that instead of focusing our energy on finding some ways to improve our healthcare delivery, people are simply looking to leverage political points, that really amount to nothing tangible, for example, the Hilliarycare farce!(and she's about to try it again!). As good as other nations healthcare systems may be in comparison to ours Sue, when you balance and compare other lifestyle attributes, people from around the world want to be here, and over 99% of them stay. MARCO, I find that a daily review of my stock holdings provides plenty of information for me in terms of how the economy is doing. I am well diversified, so I take a very long and wide look. It's amazing how you can take two different economic PHD's and get two different appraisals, and oh how easy it is to see what their political party affiliation is. I guess some people out there think everyone should only follow certain types of information, you know, John Q Public is stupid! I wonder who provides Moore with financial advice? I'll bet it isn't a liberal econ. phd.! Say has anyone out there looked at the profit margins for the oil industry over say the last 20 years (to be fair you need a longer time frame, versus a cherry-picked time frame folks)? Compare that profit margin with the banking industry, even with the makers of shampoo? Our healthcare industry needs to stay away from government control people. Yes there needs to be rules and regs, but as soon as the government steps in, it will get screwed up big time. For example Bill Clinton nearly destroyed the Veterans Administration's ability to follow it's mandate. Clinton really hurt our veterans, even more than what our different enemys have done.

Sue May 22, 2007 12:43 pm (Pacific time)

Running Bear: I did not mean that Castro was full of love for Americans. I meant at least people in his country get health care. Of all the horrible things this guy has done, he does offer all people health care, not just the wealthy. I would flee his country too. I believe in America, but I am afraid that this administration is turning our government into a Facist one. W has no regard for the troops he has sent over to sacrifice, he doesn't care about the Katrina victims, he doesn't care about the American worker, and even worse than all that he doesn't give a damn about our constitution. He does, however, care a lot about the corporations his buddys are running. Sorry that you have drank the kool aid, Mathew.

Hank Ruark May 22, 2007 11:19 am (Pacific time)

To all: IF you wish examples for "using people", try this link: One mother sits on her son's grave at Arlington Cemetery and reads from "Corduroy," his favorite baby book. Another mom spent cold winter afternoons in a sleeping bag stretched across her son's grave. Meanwhile, George W. Bush reportedly plots a new combat escalation in Iraq and some members of Congress look to give the President another blank check so they can head home for the Memorial Day recess and say they're supporting the troops. For the full story of the contrasting interests of grieving moms and Washington pols, go to at For Marcos and others re economy and realiies, ID-self to Editor and I'll reinforce your ailin wisdom with deeply-piled national press reports via PFD...held here for other purposes, NOT for use with Comment-eers !

Hank Ruark May 22, 2007 6:33 am (Pacific time)

R-B et al: Moore "uses people"? ANY politician does that; demanded by profession. MOST people in "persuasive" professions (surely including massive corporate advertising) try hard to do so, too. Bush and cohorts use millions allatime for obviously malign purposes driven by close connections with corporation interests. At least Comment-eers here seek to share, not seduce, sabotag, subvert, or subdue. See HARPERS for detailed dissection by distiguished writers, repeating some of what you've seen here already.

Sue May 21, 2007 8:13 pm (Pacific time)

Running Bear: Just because someone is successful in Hollywood, doesn't mean they are responsible for donating their fortune. Come on! And speaking of exploiting 9-11, have you listened to a Bush speech? I know they are hard to listen to, but count how many times he says 9-11, and how many times he equates that to the invasion of Iraq even though we all know (if we have been paying attention) that there is no connection! I know that is off subject, but Guiliani and Bush allowed people back in the twin tower area knowing that it still wasn't safe. Our leader doesn't give a rip about the health care of the US citizens. At least Castro does! That is a really sad thing to say, but it is so true.

S.LaMarche May 21, 2007 5:18 pm (Pacific time)

M. Johnson: Are you suggesting there is something..., wrong with the president of these United States?. Shocking as as a two-twenty jolt barefoot in water, huh?! I'd say you're taking quite a chance, and Gitmo's still active, so watch out surfer!, they may have space available! If Rosenberg wasn't so busy I'd almost suggest he be contacted for armed personal security, though this maybe too extreme a resolution. Do aurfers still say "bitchin'!"? and are you expounding a Moore agenda of actually looking into his revelations for ourselves? What if he's a..,"liberal"?

Matt Johnson May 21, 2007 4:34 pm (Pacific time)

Hey Running Bear, if you really need this explained; Moore took the people to Cuba to demonstrate that a nation we always call names for being an oppressive dictatorship, can actually get people in for treatment quicker and more effectively than we can in our once great nation. It's over pal, you are beating a drum that sounds very off beat. Nobody made 911 victims, survivors and their family take it in the shorts more than Georgie boy Bush, your pathetic, retarded (Some are speculating that new information revealing that Bush actually suffers from mental retardation is true) supreme court elected prez. How can you really mean any of the things you said? You must be getting a check for it from the GOP, I hope so anyway, it is the only thing that accounts for so much blatant ly false data. You guys learned long ago that if you just lie often enough, that the GOP could get away with anything, but your number is up. I love retarded people by the way, I'm just not sure if he belongs in office if it really turns out that W. is not "quite right" upstairs. It sure would explain a few things though, wouldn't it? Matt Johnson: the Malibu crew live to surf-surf to live

Hank Ruark May 21, 2007 4:34 pm (Pacific time)

Marco et al: Re Bush-collapse, allasame as "conservative-ditto", see now current issue of HARPER'S. Special report by ELEVEN leading U.S. journalists analyze Bush's "Eight years of sabotage, bungling and neglect". You really wish to take on all eight, Marco ? If so, bring your in-depth documentation, as they do in great detail.

Sue May 21, 2007 3:29 pm (Pacific time)

Julie: You couldn't be more correct. The poverty level under Clinton went down every year he was in office. Up since Dubya.

Julie May 21, 2007 3:06 pm (Pacific time)

Hey Marco... did you have health coverage then? SO DID I. I work full time and have nothing. Am I an idiot? Probably! I should be in Mexico or Cuba or somewhere so my kids can get their teeth cleaned without me taking out a loan. It should occur to all that maybe there were fewer stories in the media about poor healthcare (if that's true) because it wasn't quite so bad then.

Hank Ruark May 21, 2007 1:06 pm (Pacific time)

R-B: My best friend for yrs from h.s. on was fullblood Maine Indian --and he beat on me every so often, too ! AND could out-ski me flat or downhill...Eddie Bear by name, ironically. Apologies for note,meaning only to qualify opinion; sorry to sound otherwise but that's distortion by short language here. Did point out speaking from working-media contacts; mentioned NOT seeing film to make sure basis for statement was known; and said I would report AFTER seeing same, too. Media experience mentioned includes 3 Ed.D.grad-yrs at IU in film and other production, so should qualify as hands-on, don't you agree ? One of ours there won national award. Please review for us when you see film --I truly value your insights as will others here, too.

Sue May 21, 2007 12:39 pm (Pacific time)

Running Bear: I think you are refering to me when you say "Susan" I asked what Michael Moore has been dishonest about. The reason I ask, is I have heard none of his critics go after anything but his personal appearance. I was hoping you had something to back what you said. Otherwise, you should take it back. It IS sad that he went to Cuba to help victims of 9-11 get health coverage. Not so much where he went, but what it says about US?

Running Bear May 21, 2007 11:57 am (Pacific time)

My given Native American name is Running Bear, my given Christian name is Mathew. I have found that those that tell me how and what to think are not always the ones to put my trust in. There are a multitude of critics out there, all having different opinions. Most, generally will only evaluate a movie after seeing it, now on this site is a poster who says this movie is "right on" and he admits to all he has not even seen it! Now if he had, and then said it was "right on", that would be an opinion at least based on an experience! To tell me to assume that N# of years of experience provides for a superior assessment when dealing with a subjective opinion, at best, causes me to simply put my trust in my own experience, subjective as that may be! I will admit that I have zilch respect for Moore, but so do millions of others. I guess that reflects just how divided as a people we are. But I will view the movie as soon as it come on commercial television, unless , some school district starts showing it to students before then, like Inconvenient Truth. Susan I am for everyone having health care coverage available, I just want to make sure it's nothing like what is happening in other country's, and on some reservations. I still have to wonder why Moore felt the need to go to Cuba, a country that has been an enemy to all freedom loving people for nearly 50 years, about the same amount of time the below poster says he has in the media...ironic?

Marco May 21, 2007 11:19 am (Pacific time)

There is no collapse. The economy is doing great. The health care crisis is the result of liberal legislation. The poor who the liberals refer to were remarkably invisible to the media during the Clinton years.

Hank Ruark May 21, 2007 9:26 am (Pacific time)

Marco: IF you so distrust "liberals" how do you react to "conservative" collapse now so thoroughly demonstrated for all but top 2 percent of nation now ? "See with own eyes" on every aspect of economy and social action - then share yr findings here.

Sue May 21, 2007 8:56 am (Pacific time)

Running Bear: What has he been dishonest about? I think you are in LaLa land if you think health care in America is "right on"

Hank Ruark May 21, 2007 8:32 am (Pacific time)

R-B et al: With 50 yrs experience in media, can trust judgments cited in my original. Re yr distrust of Moore, it reflects only personal opinion vs heavy-duty appraisal by those professionally qualified to do so. For any activist, you will always find strong voices in dispute --but they tend to remain anon since have nothing else to qualify them. If you have pro right to speak, ID-self so we know what credibility actually exists.

Marco May 21, 2007 8:26 am (Pacific time)

Considering most 'media contacts' are extreme liberals, of course they say the film is 'right on'. Get real.

Running Bear May 21, 2007 7:46 am (Pacific time)

Maybe Moore should do a movie on accuracy and being truthful. I find it rather bizzare to understand how someone can state something is "right on" when they have not seen the movie. Moore has a history of being very dishonest and loose with the facts as in his last abomination and as reported by people who protested that they had been hoodwinked by him. Though I'm sure he appeals to the nuts out there in LaLa Land.

louis May 21, 2007 5:48 am (Pacific time)

maybe Michael Moore should do a film about obeesity in america.

Hank Ruark May 20, 2007 1:56 pm (Pacific time)

To all: From media contacts, can now confirm that most knowledgeable persons view Moore's "take" on this, shown in the film, as "right on" and entirely documentable. Have NOT yet seen this one, but will surely set that up soon, and report to you, too !

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