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May-08-2009 09:52printcomments

Cops Win by Default in Oregon Motorcycle Chase

After a chase that reportedly reached speeds of 140 mph, the suspect's "crotch rocket" ran out of gas.

Photograph Source: Oregon State Police & Marion County Sheriff's Office

(WOODBURN, Ore.) - Police say a Vancouver, Washington man was arrested early Friday after running out of gas on his motorcycle following an attempt to elude state, county and city police officers in an incident that started on Interstate 5 south of Woodburn and ended on the Interstate 205 Glenn Jackson Bridge.

Troopers say that at times, speeds were reported in excess of 140 mph.

Oregon State Police Recruit Trooper Jennifer Russell says early this morning at approximately 12:50 a.m., she was checking southbound traffic on Interstate 5 near milepost 267 when a high speed motorcycle went by northbound.

Recruit Trooper Russell was able to overtake the motorcycle and attempted to stop it near milepost 272. But the red 2006 Suzuki Washington plated motorcycle reportedly sped up to speeds of approximately 130 mph northbound on Interstate 5 and exited onto northbound Interstate 205.

During the incident additional OSP troopers from the Tualatin and Portland offices assisted and took over the lead positions in their attempt to safely stop the motorcycle.

The motorcycle's speeds were reported to continue to reach up to approximately 130 mph northbound on Interstate 205.

Officers from Clackamas County Sheriff's Office, West Linn Police Department, and Portland Police Bureau positioned to assist.

Washington State Patrol troopers were in position on the Washington side of the Interstate 205 bridge ready to take over if the motorcyclist continued his attempt to elude into their state.

At 1:13 a.m. the operator reportedly pulled over and stopped near milepost 26 on the Interstate 205 Glenn Jackson Bridge where OSP troopers took the motorcycle operator into custody after the incident covered over 40 miles.

After the arrest, troopers learned the operator stopped because he ran out of gas. 22-year old Clark Alan Seaton of Vancouver, Washington was taken into custody on numerous charges.

He now faces charges of Felony Attempt to Elude Police on a Vehicle, Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, Reckless Driving, Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance - Psilocybin Mushrooms.

He was also cited for Unlawful Possession of less than an Ounce of Marijuana and Exceeding the Posted Speed Limit in Excess of 100 mph.

Seaton was lodged in the Marion County Jail this morning.

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JVEGAS May 14, 2009 8:58 pm (Pacific time)

Damn, sunn make sure you got more gas next time... do work

Rod Axmaker May 14, 2009 6:45 am (Pacific time)

Anonymous-- bless your heart for wanting to be a Police Officer and help your community. However, you do sound immature based on your replies. Police are the sheep dogs who are willing to pay the ultimate price to protect the innocent sheep. But be careful, because the sheep don't care much for you, until the wolf is at their door. The sheep have no idea what police work is about. Who else runs towards the shots fired, when everyone else runs away and hides? no one, but the worriers! As far as this story, as always, lets blame someone else for the actions of others.. Whose fault was this? The 22 year old criminal who ran from police!!..I agree chases are dangerous!, so lets lock up the criminal who run from police and hope they don’t do it again. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Vancouver Bob May 10, 2009 12:17 am (Pacific time)

There are certain psychological tests administered to people wishing to become police officers. Supposedly, they eliminate sociopaths from entering the police ranks...I guess Drew Pederson, probable multi-wife murder, slipped through the cracks... Riding motorcycles that are capable of extreme speed is exhilarating but it's a bit intimidating, too...I own a Kawasaki ZX-14 which is easily capable of 140+ MPH. However, you aren't going to see me riding it that fast...If you hit a rat turd at that speed you could wreck...

Mike H. May 9, 2009 10:38 pm (Pacific time)

I was simply curious about your name. I have a few things to say but I will keep it at this...seems how the point of this forum is not to bash each others opinions and practice your verbal jousting. No, I keep it anonymous because I am not supposed to talk about details of the ride along. But I guess if you must know, my name is Mike H. I am sorry if I offended you in any way but I guess the bottom line is that we both have stated our opinions here, and that is the point of this site. You gotta cut the smart remarks though. See ya on the next article :)

Vic May 9, 2009 8:17 pm (Pacific time)

"Vic" is my name...I appreciate the feeble sophmoric attempt at derision, though. What is "anonymous" short for? Coward? Narc? Afraid to put your name out here? I understand, because not too many people your age will want to hang out with someone who might turn them in for taking a bong hit. If you are unashamed of your career choice, why hide behind "anonymous"? And yes, I do appreciate cops that "serve and protect". Too many times it seems that people are drawn to law enforcement for the wrong reasons. In my life I have seen the friendly neighborhood police officer morph into the kevlar-clad, tazer/gun happy thug that is nothing more than an armed predator, preying on the very people he is supposed to be serving. Most everyone I know feels the same way. How many of your friends have you turned in so far for drinking a beer or smoking pot? Thats got to be more fun than chasing motorcycles even!

Anonymous May 9, 2009 7:05 pm (Pacific time)

LOL I never said it was fun to chase motorcycles. Isham, he is friends with my family. Because of people like you may have been a bad way to put it. I meant you seem to have a bad perspective on cops. I agree, there are quite a few that are egotistical, and I got a first hand experience of it too. My room mate was driving us back from the grocery store and a cop pulled us over. It was her first time being pulled over and she pulled over and he asked her for license and registration and proof of insurance. She started digging through the glove box and couldn't find it and she said,"Hold on, I know it's here." And he replied,"Um, you JUST had it in your hand." In a very disrespectful voice. You seem to be a frequent visitor to this site. Read in the news archives about the cop that risked his life to save that man that crashed the jeep in the marsh/field. He did what he could and put himself in a bad situation to help others. Then read about the #$%holes that try to deny you your rights guaranteed by the fourth amendment, or read about the one that pulled that van over and smashed into it as it stopped then preceded to point a gun at the man. Those are the types of cops that give the good ones bad reputations. I would be the sort that would truly honor what cops were intended for in the first place. Protecting and serving. I know what you are talking about, they put on that uniform, slap that gun on their hip and all of a sudden they think, in your words, that they are John Wayne all of a sudden. I won't let it get to my head. I will know why I am doing it. Thank you for you opinion. Is Vic for Victoria or Victor?

Vic May 9, 2009 4:32 pm (Pacific time)

"almost 21", I had no idea you were so grown up and experienced in life....Do you realize how pathetic and laughable that sounds?? You want to be a cop because of people like me?? Let me tell you, junior..I distrust cops because a lot of them are immature egomaniacs like you seem to be. Power corrupts, esp when the person in power is a punk just out of high school. You have verified all my worst suspicions about little punks who decide they want to be a cop so they can prove their questionable manhood to society. I think in your case it is all about EGO...and we do not need cops like you. You want to serve your community? a mentor, volunteer at a food bank, be a teacher..but that would not give you power over other people, would it...where's the fun in that? Id say you are perfect cop material..egomaniacal, self-righteous and yes, immature. I would hold up Marion County Sheriff Russ Isham as an example of an exceptionally "good cop"....and I dont think he became a cop because he thought it was fun to chase motorcycles.

Anonymous May 9, 2009 12:50 pm (Pacific time)

Actually I am almost 21 and halfway through college for a skilled trade, so no, I am not an "immature sociopath." I want to be a cop because of people like you. People have this bad idea about cops and never really have anything good to say about them. I want to do a job where I am giving back to the community I have lived in. Don't get me wrong, making $28/hr and running a business might be good fun, but I think being a cop would be well worth it. Thanks for the assumptions Vic. By the way, how many immature sociopath cops have you met anyway? I'm sure they put you in danger all the time, that's why you get so worked up about it.

Julie May 9, 2009 10:54 am (Pacific time)

Being a cop is not a free pass to going 50 miles an hour over the limit- regardless of what the speeding bike is doing. Let him go: SO WHAT??? Cops should "enjoy" their work, but playing chase games while the rest of us are tryig to get there from here safely is really irresponsible.

Vic May 9, 2009 6:33 am (Pacific time) old are you, 14? 15? Go back to your video games...Thats all we need, another immature sociopath cop that thinks it is fun to put everyone on the road in danger, so you can play John Wayne.

Anonymous May 8, 2009 4:38 pm (Pacific time)

Of course it was worth it, that's why I went in the first place. The officer I was with was very conscientious of other drivers on 1-5. He would try to speed up but the people that did not see his lights and hear his siren and were doing 65 in the fast lane were avoided by him slowing down to the necessary speed. I am considering law enforcement as a career and wanted to see the sort of things I would be doing. It was a great experience and I am looking forward to the next ride along. I see your point of view though, don't get me wrong. All law enforcement will be quick to tell you of all the EVOC courses they have taken, so they are trained at what they are doing.

jimmy May 8, 2009 1:21 pm (Pacific time)

Was it worth the chase? How many innocent bystanders were put in harms way while th OSP got to stretch their cruisers legs in excess of 100 mph? I was on I-84 westbound and was passed by a "crotch rocket" between the lanes, no big deal, but when the OSP Mustang Interceptor did the same thing, then it became a danger to myself and those around me on the freeway. Anonymous, I'll ask you, besides getting your blood pressure and pule rate elevated, was it worth it?

Anonymous May 8, 2009 11:59 am (Pacific time)

I was on a ride along and we were in pursuit of 3 motorcycles on 1-5 and we did about 120. Never caught them though. All kinds of cities were involved in the chase. I can't wait to do another ride along.

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