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Mar-28-2008 23:55printcomments

Op Ed: Stupidity, Greed, Anger
Costing Nation Trillions
Destroying Democracy

"The Enemy IS Us" until we return to America’s founding principles.

Pogo Cartoon strip illustration courtesy:

(BEND, Ore.) - Pogo, that paragon of natural common-sense, must have been truly shocked to discover --that first/time !-- that "the enemy is US!"

His striking remark --uttered with deep dismay, natural remorse, and suddenly-desperate self-understanding-- instantly became an historic reflection of the world and its ways, for millions everywhere.

Now it has become a practical guiding measure today for many millions of citizens and for many thousands of others, working intensely in economic, social, cultural --and especially political-- research and development.

That brightly-illuminating insight serves workers and managers in those areas as an "exemplary foundation-rule," piercingly-pointed by the Pogo-character so blithely announcing it.

Why it should be so true --universally-at-work NOW-- remains a mystery to many, still confused by contradiction and conflict.

But continuing catastrophes constantly arriving are forcing the situation to full understandings, perhaps for the first time.

Today, as we contemplate the 75th Anniversary of FDR’s precedent-setting, middle-class/creating New Deal AND the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq “preemptive invasion”, a fair --and objective-- question is surfacing for sure: What if our free, open, unhampered, wealthy, powerful --and presumably potent-- public press had told us ‘the true complete story’, built on fact and record and recent events already known and well-documented as the Bush-II debacle first began?

What we cannot avoid is the compelling and irresistibly damaging comparison: Our contemplation of the New Deal era, widely acclaimed for its creation of our strong middle-America, as against the Reagan/Bush I-and-II cabal created consequences.

Those cabal consequences flow so mercilessly from deregulation, privatization and globalization --key concepts of now-concentrated always negative neo-con political pronouncements, reflecting 19th Century concepts long outmoded in our modern day.

Then, too, there’s that true bugaboo of "supply-side" --so colorfully defined by Bush I, at the time, as voodoo economics, even though he had no way of knowing how precisely perceptive that was then; and how reverse revealing as he later succumbed to become Reagan’s V-P.

There’s a demanding differentiation to be made, too, for the impact of President Bush’s declaration just a day ago, declaring that "normalcy is returning back to Iraq" --even as competing mullah-militias murder one another, and Baghdad’s Green Zone is deluged with rockets instead of rain.

That one is meant to provide possible cover for "the newly-sanitized versions of what history is recording now for future generations to understand" --UNinhibited by fear of retributive humiliation, as is the ostensibly free press.

But if they do learn the truth, they will perhaps thus command much more effective self-protection against intentional misrepresentation of national intelligence.

They may even escape further downright, deeply disturbing flat-lies to market a disastrous, dishonest, demeaning, and desperate dual-war debacle.

Many more millions of Americans have NOW come to understand "just ahead of vote-again/time" - what Pogo’s brief and potent phrase clearly contains, when cogitation-applied sets forth not only its striking symbolism, but the impossible to avoid implications, too.

After Vietnam, as 'a nation perfecting our democracy clearly challenged from within' - as every other democratic governance has always been, and by the same forces-- we had hoped for more-concentrated citizen-cooperation and concern on those problems and issues.

Even then, it was completely clear that we must have continuing broader citizen-participation, achieved at any and every level, by well-informed and deeply-involved citizens, individually and in group; and constantly stronger, more open-democratic progress for all; as surely demanded by our demeaning, demoralizing and desperate misadventure there.

What if we had been forced, early-on, to contemplate, in our daily press-and-broadcast channels, compounded and concentrated proof-beyond challenge that devastatingly similar, intentionally-malign situations were arriving in series-and-sequence?

Would we then have paid attention as those events continued to multiply and proliferate?

The public record was there for our responsible, mature, involved-citizen consideration --ready for full coverage and completely factual reporting, in terms of unavoidable impact on every American life.

Would we then have fallen as woefully-misinformed victims --there is no other honest description possible-- for EIGHT FULL YEARS of what has followed?

In a society served by the essential oversights and sensible sharing of key information --surely simple and realistic to expect, given today’s massive, muscular means of mass communication-- every citizen faced with critical choice COULD and SHOULD have had the basic understandings involved in commonweal-choice on each and every issue --most especially that of greatest impact on ANY society: WAR or PEACE!

Why were we NOT made-AWARE and warned --again and again, in every communications channel-and-format, print-on-paper/side or via the potent 'new technology' broadcast-and Internet-- of what was clearly coming down the pike.

Such timely warning --in those early days when mass marketing and millions, if not billions, of dollars were driving what became a relentless and overwhelming politically-manipulative noise machine-- might well have made the difference in that manipulated decision, saving thousands of American lives and trillions of our treasured tax-monies, too.

Now, finding ourselves torn between two political parties, one offering the spine of a snake when confronted with any considerable confrontation on Democratic principles and politicized consequences.

The other is still so enamored and enormously-invested in 19th Century economic and societal concepts and ironclad, unshakable conclusions that NEITHER offers us any possibility still left for reasonable expectation of a different --and improving-- future.

Pogo’s surprise and dismay COULD not, WOULD not ever, have come about in any such advanced society as we thought we had achieved. We believed ourselves served fundamentally by a free and unhampered array of ostensibly community and commonweal dedicated agencies and channels for essential citizen understandings, in our widely/vaunted free, open and democratic press.

In our own apathy (and deep personal and family involvement's), we had lost sight of the demanding essential for ANY democracy; close, continuing, informed and concentrated citizen participation, reflecting personal responsibilities for OUR OWN NATION.

Canny chief-citizen Ben Franklin, just after the Founders produced our American Constitution --with its world-shaping radical-ideas of "equality, opportunity and justice for all"-- was asked by a widow-lady: "What kind of government have you given us, Mr. Franklin?"

His answer summarizes exactly and precisely where we are now, nearly 250 years later: "A republic, madam --if you can keep it!"

What we ordinary folk overlooked --right along with then-practicing pundits, and prophets in every area of acdemic-specialized study -- and especially the then- leaders of our political parties-- was the massive and malign impacts of simple greed, race-and class ongoing angers and --overwhelming all else-- generalized stupidities, growing from within many complex, always profit-demanding motivations of our capitalist economic system.

We can rejoice that now --far too late to avoid or offset the disastrous economic collapse already clouding our near-future-- the corporate structure itself, on which all-else has been built since World War I, is now finally and irrevocably under probing redesign and redevelopment.

Even the benighted leaders of our business-side are learning the necessities to achieve, once again, the original corporate purpose of an institution chartered and controlled by the state to produce and provide for commonweal and cooperative purposes.

These two confrontational when compared anniversaries provide clear concept-and-content working-proof for the Pogo Principle, now universally recognized as one of those truly unmistakable enduring truths.

For the New Deal: STILL the high-point of full-bore American majority/minority dual development, coupled with demonstrated proof of union membership impact and motivation as working tool-and-shield for the middle class.

For Reagan/Bush I & II --as the mirror-opposite in all possible practical measures-- seen already for what history will confirm as deep, dark, dirty, depreciating, damaging and disgraceful dollar and oil-driven cabal-contortions, for corporate and contiguous sponsors and controllers.

This is now the 21st Century. The times and our tribulations are not the same, albeit striking similarities and situations surely do exist.

We cannot return to the surrounding situations which formed and shaped the New Deal; but we can surely --and indeed NOW, MUST-- return to the basic American principles of democratic governance which guaranteed the success and systematic worldwide, ongoing influence of FDR’s most determined and discerning relationship with "the people".

We can regain "OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people!" once-again --if we have the wit, wisdom and will to do so.

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Henry Ruark March 31, 2008 1:50 pm (Pacific time)

James et al: Yours re college notes right on, and your perspicacity and good faith actions display both common sense and determination. Difference in our v-points re Smith reflects differences in his earlier volume, never quoted, and his always-cited one (dropping titles for space reasons), which was the point of my Op Ed, to which Scotch scholar replied:

Henry Ruark March 31, 2008 5:33 pm (Pacific time)

James et al: Yours re economics parallels mine, growing stronger the more I try to keep up, even at beginner level. Re incidents you mention, it is surprising we ever get any laws made at all, and funds found to pay for SOME small part of what is proposed. Most shocking to me is the heavy debt burden each U.S. family must now face for the national debt burgeoning big and growing faster than ever via Bush II ministration. Hank Minott, my UPI mentor in Boston, used to insist that "you have no choice but to keep on keepin' on", but he was talking about covering any story, not about rebuilding a democracy with the roof falling in on every side.

James March 31, 2008 2:54 pm (Pacific time)

Thanks for clearing that up on Adam Smith, plus I did a little more research on my own. In college I think I took maybe 18 hours of economics, but it's been a while, and I think I know just enough to realize that I really don't know that much! A sign of wisdom? The Justice Department has always been a lightening rod for controversy. Depending on what party is the appointing authority, you will always have problems with the opposite party. Wasn't there some South Carolina representative that was also having big time problems with pedaling influence? And what has happened to Rep. Jefferson and the freezer cash? That one sounds like it might pull in a lot of people, and then we have the weakest link scenario and the ultimate political deal making. Should prove entertaining, of course these types of cases can go on for years and years. I imagine next year, whoever wins, they will be facing some serious difficulties getting their cabinet seated. What a mess we have coming down the bunny trail!

Henry Clay Ruark March 31, 2008 11:07 am (Pacific time)

James et al: You might prefer this more detailed comment from Krugman at NYTimes, today: The Dilbert Strategy By PAUL KRUGMAN

Henry Ruark March 31, 2008 11:15 am (Pacific time)

James et al: Economics, it is contended, now enters into every issue, problem and policy. This one is from impacts on our Justice system, directly distorting/perverting what the Founders intended: (Today, on NTTimes website) The Political Specter at Justice "Attorney General Michael Mukasey was supposed to end the cynical politicization of the Justice Department. But the sudden disbanding of the United States attorney’s public corruption office in Los Angeles looks like business as usual. "There were a number of sensitive inquiries under way at the high-profile office, including an investigation of Representative Jerry Lewis, the powerful California Republican who directed hundreds of millions of dollars in earmarks to favored government contractors while chairman of the appropriations committee. "Representative Lewis denied any wrongdoing as investigators tracked ties between windfall government contracts and lucrative campaign donations. One former staff specialist on earmarks crossed over to become a potent lobbyist for contractors. The inquiry appears to have lagged during the administration’s strategic reshuffling of United States attorneys." "See with own eyes" to learn rest of the "definitely deeply distressing" details, probably at impeachment level.

James March 31, 2008 11:12 am (Pacific time)

I found the below statements, which I believe Adam Smith could get behind for our democratic leaders at this time. I do not have a quote reference, sorry. The below was in some old college notes I made long ago. "A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity." "A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population . And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state ."

Henry Ruark March 31, 2008 10:52 am (Pacific time)

James et al: Really appreciate your thoughtful, informed comments. Happens, though, you repeat the misunderstanding of Adam Smith to which I referred: His "invisible hand" statement has been so distorted/perverted by intention that it has come to be meaningless and misleading in our current 21st Century economic circumstance. Too complex to shorten here, but will PDF details to you if you ID to Editor. Re current confirmation, see "with own eyes" "The Fed and the Henhouse" at: http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot,com/ with striking quote: "I do not think the current system can remain if the bankers make the profits and the taxpayers share the losses." That's just one of the market distortions of Smith that I referred to...and this same report speaks of "Socialist-style Fed or financial saviour", with question-mark...

James March 31, 2008 8:49 am (Pacific time)

Did not Adam Smith refer to the "invisible hands(strings) of government?" I assume he meant for government to minimize any intervention into economic matters. I'm one of those people not happy when government shells out my tax money to irresponsible people, or for that matter any financial handout that has not been well thought out. What I wrote below regarding our current crop of presidential candidates who have stated that they have solutions to our nations financial problems, well then let's have those solutions now. They are senators who have the responsibility to provide service, so why wait till next year, put those solutions up for review and votes right now! The vast majority of Americans work very hard and pay their bills on time. Why should our tax money be used to help irresponsible people? Those who have a "proven genuine" need, by all means lets provide low interest loans, but tax free grants only rewards irresponsible behavior and fosters dependency. As far as information/news getting out to the public on an objective level, well that's always going to be a matter of interpretation (think Walter Cronkite) and that is where public debate can be most valuable. I agree about your comment re: "checks and balances", and what my major concern in this matter is the incredible apathy I observe, and how very small minorities coming from different perspectives can generate a lot of mischief if not properly acknowldged. I do admit I am a big believer in free market forces, but some government oversight must be used, we now are at that time for intervention, but we must be very careful, very careful. You are right on about wanting a big nix on an Imperial Presidency, which is what Bush has evolved into. I really dislike that guy. He really snookered me.

Henry Ruark March 31, 2008 7:24 am (Pacific time)

JAMES ET AL: Re-read,longtime edit/habit, brings me to yours: "...,not one of these candidates have any past record of legislative experience or accomplishment in these types of financial problem-solving matters, so now would be a good time to develop that experience. Talk is cheap, we need solutions!" IF you refer to "letting the markets work", finally getting "solution", you continue same delusion built from "supply side" which is killing us now in every financial level. Surely 30 year-record since Reagan now denies that myth and its managers, too. Humans are, undeniably, just that; greed will overcome any conscience, under some or many circumstance. Markets without mankind's control leave final outcomes open to greedy manipulation --as Adam Smith himself surely declared. (Documentation from leading Smith/scholar, in Scotland, after liftime of study, respond to my Op Ed on that.) Appreciate your continued comment otherwise if anything left to state. Otherwise we MUST get on with remediation including the controls intended by Founders in ther careful construction of Constitution with "checks and balances" --NO "imperial" Presidency !!

Henry Ruark March 30, 2008 5:26 pm (Pacific time)

James et al: Bravo, sir; I appreciate your cogent points and agree at about the 90 percent level. "Whose"-truth is whichever honest understanding by the democratic majority can be achieved by probing open dialog, debated in public forums and THEN decided in elected representative assembly. That's what the Founding Fathers achieved for us early-on, before we allowed it to die from distortion and injected poisonous pelf from bribery by "corporate campaign contributions" managing and manipulating those assemblies. Dollar-and-ad/action now dominates the "free press", providing levers leading to lack of citizen understandings and essential learnings about issues, problems and points of view. Apathy and the unavoidable family and personal practical demands furnish the hampering and controlling final-finish. We need strong remediating action in all channels,opening the way for responsible and broad citizen participation, practical with massive new technologies of communication, perversely now managed and controlled by a politicized FCC for corporate purposes and massive dollar gains. Those 21st Century means, never thus available in FDR's time,now must fall into our hands, open to us for effective impacts, if we have, as you suggest, the wit, wisdom and will to put them to proper use rapidly.

James March 30, 2008 7:31 am (Pacific time)

The answer to the question regarding the public press providing us the whole truth, about what? Whose truth? Assuming the media is completely monolithic, then only a very few interpret what facts they want us to see, so as to provide the "truth" they want the public to know. That is one road that I personally do not want to go down, because I saw that before, and it was only by having diverse points of views were we able to avoid the bad path many still want us to take. Sure we have to spend some more time sifting through different information sources, but that's far better than having just one source of information. FDR's new deal simply was not properly set-up to handle the projected shortfalls on the immediate horizon, it was good for that time period, but we need new idea's, and we need them fast. If our current presidential candidates, regardless of party affiliation, have the great idea's they now profess to have, well they are all senators, so let them bring those ideas to the floor right now! If memory serves me, not one of these candidates have any past record of legislative experience or accomplishment in these types of financial problem-solving matters, so now would be a good time to develop that experience. Talk is cheap, we need solutions!

Henry Ruark March 30, 2008 6:51 am (Pacific time)

Vic: Your points re apathy well-taken but overlook the tremendous negative impacts on our children which we also are allowing to sabotage their inheritance as full Americans. Will "cover" this aspect next, and will add only that it ain't foxes we've allowed into our garden but ravening wolves seeking easy flesh to devour, while we neglect the Constitutional remedy our Founders built right into our American system.

Corrigan March 29, 2008 9:55 am (Pacific time)

My next door neighbor just put up a sign on his front line that says: "Better an Imperfect Republican Than a Perfect Socialist” It appears to me that the right is gearing up to get behind McCain no matter how much they object to his record. And from many conversations, my neighbor really hates McCain!

Henry Clay Ruark March 29, 2008 9:13 am (Pacific time)

For those seriously concerned enough to check my documentation, here are top seven consulted for this Op Ed; you are invited to "see with own eyes" and evaluate my concept-summary here. Another 20-plus, including writer's files, were also researched; the entire list available on request to Editor with ID. You may wish to "inform" any Comment by such checking as you prepare itd, thus making for more precise dialog from which we can mutually learn more rapidly and well. NATION Magazine 4/7/08 Special Issue WHY The New Deal Matters Greed Defines This Economic Mess Marie Cocco, WPost, 3/28/08 Economists Warn on Continuing Bush Tax Cuts Lori Montgomery, WPost,. 3/28/08 How Lethally Stupid Can One Country Be ? When A Great Power Goes Mad htpp:// Too Timid. Too Little, Too Late; Ray McGovern; Fast and Loose With the Facts Spencer Ackerman: Quotes are summarized, condensed, combined for space reasons; verbatims and list available on request to Editor with ID.

Vic March 29, 2008 7:25 am (Pacific time)

Great article, Henry ! I often wonder what it will take to shake the majority of us from our apathy. Americans are just too comfortable to waste their time doing anything like trying to reclaim our country from the military-industrial complex. We would rather hear about Britanny Spears, or baseball players on steroids than face the reality that we have allowed a gang of criminals to take over our country and plunder our treasury. We have in effect, hired foxes to guard the hens.

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