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Mar-27-2007 19:36 ![]() ![]() Op Ed:
Op Ed by: Henry Clay Ruark
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(SALEM) - Technology transmutes the total culture inevitably, as so many historical examples show us even without detailed discussion. One only has to mention “fire”, “the wheel”, “the steam boiler”, “the railroad” --and finally the “flying machine”-- to make the point.
Cooperative activities demanding communication-change, involving broad segments of humanity, invariably have followed; inevitably based on continuing constant developments of ideas-and-values at all levels, in every possible form and format.
That’s the great strength of democratic dialog --fundamental to the processes of democracy if it is to be workable and efficient.
Print-itself, then “the book”, “the journal”, the “newspaper” and, more recently, first radio and then television have brought very rapid change --and perhaps even some progress-- when properly developed; with demanded controls against abuse and private-gain distortion and perversion, always an essential element for purity and perfection.
Among those most essentially important to self-rule on responsible and reasonable grounds, and by fundamentally important patterns and methods which we now term “democratic”, has been the always-convoluted and constantly inconsistent protocols earning the term “politics” -- surely a fundamental human need highly dependent on effective communications for its outcomes and consequences.
First, human speech, then print, now digital developments have all had their unavoidable and extremely widespread impacts on that fundamental process for human governance. Indeed, perhaps the most remarkable management-method of all ---never before applied for political purposes with the same fundamental and essential impact-- was the Founders first choice for full emphasis as our world-shaking and furiously famous First Amendment.
“Free speech” --always demanded as basic for any possible political progress-- has always also been the first target for those who would delay, decimate, derail and finally deny democracy, if allowed to do so.
But never before --in all our Centuries before the 21st-- has there come such impact, so forceful and broadly-felt, as universally-shaping and even controlling, as we are now feeling with “the Internet”.
Even though some 31 million U.S. families do not yet have Internet open-access for their families (+), that lack of universal-service simply represents a great and growing further opportunity; sure to be understood and fully exploited in near-future technological improvements for connection and distribution into poorly-served areas now basically geographically isolated.
“RADICAL TRANSPARENCY” is the developing term for what is now happening with many corporate leaders; led by Microsoft, itself long-noted for something entirely-radical, but in the “secretive and silent” direction, as a true monopoly.
(++ Many other striking examples are cited in an intriguing three-part cover feature gracing WIRED Magazine’s April 2007 issue.)
Corporations, constantly seeking any possible communications advantage via “public relations” and other purviews --as via “campaign contributions”! -- are now finding themselves forced into furious self-defense and, finally, into a pattern of open and complete transparency.
Public demand has clearly consummated many new pressures forcing this fundamental consequence of honest open-dialog. This trend is so fully apparent and immediately important that WIRED Magazine’s current issue has recognized it in its scathingly-developed and deeply significant three-part lead feature; built primarily, naturally, from Internet contact with leading corporate sources.
It’s no longer a question of “to blog or NOT-to-blog”, but of how to do it sharply, openly, honestly and effectively, in demanded self-defense, before someone else does it for --OR against!-- your basic interest and that all-important public image.
That’s technology testing openness and honesty, via the truly fundamental factor of competition of concept and conscientious action.
The open and formidable “free speech” aspects of now nearly-overwhelming Internet culture --driven not only by the worldwide corporate, business, broadly-commercial and deeply political impacts unavoidable in such controlling contacts; but also by the individual and painfully personal nature of blogs-and-bloggers, of burgeoning new forms of news-and-data distribution, and the multiplication of human contact at every possible level; are making remarkably meaningful communications changes leading to highly significant-- and totally unavoidable-- cultural changes.
Wise corporate and political leadership --grudgingly or not!-- can no longer ignore burgeoning realities.
Only yesterday, right here in Salem-News, precisely that kind of impact shaping political-process change was demonstrated for all to see, --and for some to add their own individual responses-- via demonstrably different formats of political comment --presented worldwide as truly “framing” the political image of leading Presidential candidates.
The latest technological-tool application was simply, easily, rapidly and remorselessly applied to both “Hillary” and “President Bush”; via the cunning and cool confluence of image-and-text, shaped-and-delivered smoothly and solidly by political craftsmanship; resulting in radical relationships with “the reader” here and others worldwide.
It’s not because the image-and-text themselves were so different, but that the process of production and precise delivery, precisely where desired, was so simple, so rapid, so scathing --and so effective and efficient.
We may well be at the very beginnings of a cultural-process change consistent with what we’ve learned over the decades; developing first and foremost from the “daily newspaper” as trusted conveyor of essential democratic information to guide citizen responsibilities; then radio and television devoted to those same fundamental demands and needs of any democracy. --albeit now badly distorted by denigration due to dollar-pursuit defying democratic necessity.
NOW the universality of Internet impact --coupled with the strong and growing ease of dissent and demand for truth-and-transparency-- may well build a new approach to the true meaning of “the free press” as the most essential operating-element of any democracy.
Surely national, state, and local impacts are widely evident and remarkably effective already, as recent situations reported (and also “dialoged”!) right here in these columns, as shown.
(+++ See previous Op Eds here detailing impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility on all business and industry operations, already fundamentally reflecting this same cultural impact.)
Instant communication offers instant following-impact. Politics, governance, business -- life and culture itself-- can never continue “as was” any more, as change sweeps ahead.
This is the future for democratic dialog, deeply and strongly developing progress far beyond what the Founders originally achieved.
Look for further developmental-impact signs as our own Oregon Legislature seeks NOW to reestablish its own credibilities, a demanded goal recognized by all leading political participants.
Even some other reporting-pundits!!
EDITOR’S NOTE: Full explanation of “radical transparency” demands more depth than possible in an Op Ed. Here are basic references for further exploration and authoritative documentation:
+Fred Thompson on Paul Harvey News 3/27/07
++WIRED Magazine, “WHY Exposing Yourself Is The Future of Business”; 3-part cover-feature; April 2007 issue.
+++S-N Op Eds re Corporate Social Responsibilities previously published; see STAFF, click on HCR-articles archived.
All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied.
Albert Marnell May 11, 2007 12:29 am (Pacific time)
Harrison, Many people did not ever get over it. Some of my family members being some of them. Many people committed suicide after and during the war. They could not live with the memories of the past. Talk is cheap. Watch your family burn alive or be shot and see how well you do for the rest of your life. Your comment is really unfeeling and beyond ignorant. And yes some people "get over it"; maybe on the surface in most cases. I know people from all over the world that still can not talk about it or break down crying. 60 years have past, so I do not think you have a right to tell them to "get over it".
Harrison March 30, 2007 4:04 pm (Pacific time)
Albert long ago during my time as an undergraduate, learning about the fire-bombing of Germany and the relentless bombing of London and the english countryside was part of the curriculum. Get over it! Move on! We know that war is not fair, and the victor's write the history...well then, how come I know about the fire-bombing, etc. ? Because it was part of the cumulative history of Western Civilization that we learn about. I have also talked to people from both sides who experienced these bad times, they got over it. Many live in the Willamette Valley and have had prosperous lives with beautiful families. Move on... To: Retired Contractor. Thanks for the history lesson, makes me really appreciate people like you. Thank you very much for your service and welcome home.
Albert Marnell March 30, 2007 1:34 pm (Pacific time)
Harrison and others, you can never know what it is like to have family in another country that is attacked by the U.S. as I did. The U.S. also bombed it's own factories that were owned by wealthy Americans in Germany. My whole life I heard both sides. What annoys me is that the other side rarely makes it in print.
Albert Marnell March 30, 2007 1:17 pm (Pacific time)
Harrison March 30, 2007 11:33 am (Pacific time)
Most of the radical left have a disdain for democratic debate and legislative deliberation, preferring instead judical whim. Mr. Marnell, do you feel that same way as those on the far left?
Harrison March 30, 2007 11:23 am (Pacific time)
Mr. Marnell I don't believe even Plato on his best day could guide you into the light.
Retired Contractor March 30, 2007 9:57 am (Pacific time)
Thanks for your input Hank. Many of my good friends and I have excellent debates about our personal interpretations of history. They are spirited, but respectful. It appears one of this sites participants is pretty confused. Have known many detractors like that, but am glad I had the opprotunity to put everything on the line for them. It still amazes me how so many people hate our country and are so poorly educated about our history, and the rage they project is so sad. Like lost little puppies squealing for their mama's. Peace and be well.
Albert Marnell March 30, 2007 9:47 am (Pacific time)
Harrison: You are the one that wants a government like Iran. Remember: "Only veterans and active duty military should be allowed to vote," your words. I also said that in a two party system it can not represent all of the diversification in the country. I do not excuse anyone from the good ole U.S.A. which allows war profiteers...I do not care which party they belong to. We create enemies. Nothing makes money like war. You make things, sell them to the government, they are destroyed and you make more, sell it to the government, these things are destroyed, you make more, sell it to the government.............
Albert Marnell March 30, 2007 9:17 am (Pacific time)
Dear Retired: Stop the fear campaign. You say until "The job is done." The job has been to steal oil and create and guard pipelines. Iraq did not attack us and had nothing to do with 9/11. Afghanistan has a right to it's autonomy. No one is coming here. And if they do, we deserve whatever we get for not having a military that is competent. 9/11 was a fake allowed by certain moles in our government. How can you compare the Revolutionary War to the B.S. that is going on now? The last count from objective sources, European sources, freedom loving sources, are that over 600,000 civilians are dead in Iraq. I know about the lying of death tolls because many of my relatives were in Hamburg when it was Firestormed and the British took away film from the German fire departments so the world would never even know what seems they were pretty successful. Watch "Terrorstorm" by Alex Jones or go to his website. It is all about money, private deals and the absence of real jobs at home. More and more Americans want out. You do not even have the secret information about why we are there but it is pretty obvious to anyone from an international backround to figure out. All we had to do years ago was go green in terms of energy. The oil industry destroyed all efforts year after year. Any attack on our soil has to have domestic participants involved. Who they are specifically, I can not name them. I was not far from Manhattan on 9/11 and was wondering where was our air defense. Not a plane in the sky and you could hear a pin drop. My best friend is Islamic and is Turkish. This vilification of Muslims is real old. 4 corporations control all main media. I get my info from independent sources and life experience. If you think that the U.S. is going to control the world, forget it. Our economy and social system will collapse under the pressure as it already is. I know that you do have to go outside of the U.S. to get the facts about anything anymore. By the way, update your history knowledge. It is now known that Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen. We started with Lend-Lease to profit and then stepped up the war game. We wanted war and need the American people to feel insecure. We are the most war loving nonpeaceful country around.
SHIRLEY KITZHABER March 30, 2007 9:10 am (Pacific time)
The neocons tell us that Iran can’t be trusted. But let’s compare Iran to Israel in recent decades. The only war Iran has fought since the fall of the Shah was the war against Iraq. The US had encouraged the Iraqis to go to war with their neighbor as punishment for overthrowing the CIA puppet government. Meanwhile, Israel has bombed most of their neighbors at least once in recent decades. Israel has invaded Lebanon twice since 1980. In the most recent invasion, Israel systematically destroyed civilian housing giving -at best- a phone call to imminent victims of Israeli aggression. Israel reportedly committed a mass murder in Jenin just a few years ago. The Israelis refused to let UN inspectors examine the ruins of the Jenin refugee camp to investigate the charges of mass murder. The truth is that Israel is responsible for most of the warfare in the Middle East. Israel has repeatedly launched sneak attacks on their neighbors (and even their friends –for example the USS Liberty). If any nation in the Mid East should NOT have nuclear weapons, that nation is Israel. The fact that the Israeli Lobby and neocons in the Bush regime are threatening war over a nuclear energy program in Iran exposes how paranoid and undeserving of power these lunatics are. Americans need to start voting out of power any politician who takes orders from the Israeli Lobby. Any politician who voted for the war on Iraq should be in jail, not in office. George Washington warned Americans to avoid foreign entanglements. That includes allowing our government to be infested with pro-Zionists and completely intimidated by the Israeli Lobby.
Hank Ruark March 30, 2007 8:49 am (Pacific time)
Cntrctor et al: Your view surely fully sincere, based on life experience, and highly appreciated by this former t/sgt Signal Corps with 3 yrs service, never hearing shot-fired, but blessed by GI-Bill M.Ed and 3 yr. D.Ed. work afterwards. This channel blessed by all those so willing to contribute to view, even if we may disagree. Again: Peace be Unto YOU.
Harrison March 30, 2007 8:01 am (Pacific time)
Mr. Marnell Rosie has a whole bunch of armed body guards around her to help prop up her raging courage, likewise for other gun-control zealots like Sen. Diane Feinstein. Speaking of Feinstein, her husband is now worth about one $billion because of his defense contracts. Have you seen the media report on this? Is there a conflict of interest? Rosie demonstrates something that must elude her...she talks about how we're losing our freedoms, but do you think she could mock the Iranian or any other Islamic government if she was a citizen in one of those country's? Though she could never hold a candle to someone like Jane Fonda when it comes to embolding our enemy.
Retired Contractor March 30, 2007 7:52 am (Pacific time)
As also retired military let me share some information with you folks: From 1775 when he arrived in Boston to assume command of the Continental Army, George Washington depended on civilian contractors to provide food, weapons, ammunition, transport, armories, engineering, construction, clothing and medical assistance for his troops. Though many of these civilians shared the same hardships and privations as the troops they supported, they were more often criticized than honored by our government. Modern warfare has made civilian contractors even more essential to our military -- and placed them at higher risk. Three weeks after Pearl Harbor, nearly 100 American civilian construction contractors were killed and wounded standing shoulder-to-shoulder with U.S. Marines and sailors defending Wake Island. When the tiny garrison was overwhelmed on Dec. 23, 1941, more than 1,000 contractors became prisoners of the Rising Sun and scores were subsequently worked to death and massacred by their captors. None of those who died received so much as a Purple Heart. By the time I arrived in Vietnam in 1965, thousands of American civilians(soon to be tens of thousands) were backing our efforts on the battlefield. My tiny outpost overlooking a river valley in the central highlands had a half-dozen American civilians manning sophisticated communications and detection equipment. North of Dak To, our specialized unit was supported by U.S. civilian "tech reps" who maintained and operated fire control radars, ran generators and repaired everything from sensors to heavy equipment. One of the most famous photographs of the Vietnam War's ignominious end was an American civilian contractor's UH-1 "Huey" helicopter evacuating desperate Vietnamese refugees from the top of 22 Gia Long Street, a half mile from the U.S. Embassy. Today's globe-spanning war on terror -- and a much smaller U.S. military to fight it -- place even greater burdens on civilian contractors. In Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait, more than 350 U.S. companies and nearly 100,000 American civilians are directly engaged in supporting U.S. and coalition efforts. In Iraq, civilian contractors man and protect more than 900 convoys a month delivering food, water, clothing, fuel, weapons, ammunition and equipment to the new Iraqi police and army. Nearly all major maintenance is performed by civilian contractors, including that for U.S. forces. These men and women love America, and know that if we pull out before the job is done, unlike when we left Vietnam, the Islam radicals will follow, and then your world will change forever...
Hank Ruark March 30, 2007 6:40 am (Pacific time)
To respected-all/here: Problems encountered here are universal for all blogs. Answers, with help of national channels facing same "blind-name" difficulties, now under study via national contacts for upcoming Op Ed. Again: "Peace be unto YOU !"
Albert Marnell March 29, 2007 10:00 pm (Pacific time)
Raven, What about Free Speech? I would like to work on brevity as has been respectfully advised. Sometimes it is not easy. But, if something is too long for you it may not be for someone else. Maybe there should be a 500 word limit. Look, I know I have difficulty with making things shorter but will work on that. I also realize that this Website belongs to Tim and Bonnie King. They are good people. If though they start becoming too rule conscious, they may loose readers. It is a delicate balance. I would not want to be reduced to One- Liners. Sometimes I read someone like SHIRLEY KITZHABER and wish she would write more. There is no simple answer. Only time will tell. I am going to try to shorten things...sometimes I forget. I think the Kings can monitor as they already do. If they have a problem, they can call people on it. I am grateful to them for allowing me and others to have "Free Speech". If The Kings asked me to go away forever I would because I respect them and the opportunity they have given me to learn and grow. This site is their baby and they can do whatever they choose. I respect that.
Tim King March 29, 2007 9:37 pm (Pacific time)
Raven, your words do not fall on deaf ears, I am glad you enjoy the stories.
Albert Marnell March 29, 2007 9:36 pm (Pacific time)
I am for the first time a Rosie O'Donnell fan. You can listen to her as she appeared on "The View" by going to Alex Jones' site Prison Planet.Com. She has courage without a gun. What she just did is true bravery and patriotism.
Walden March 29, 2007 9:34 pm (Pacific time)
Tim King: I appreciate that you appreciate my answers. Email address enroute...
Raven March 29, 2007 9:00 pm (Pacific time)
Seriously, you let too many people ramble on in the comments section. I like to read the articles, not someone else rambling on. Makes it hard to comment on stories when the comments can get as long as the stories. Especially when it becomes a match between two or more people.
Tim King March 29, 2007 6:57 pm (Pacific time)
Salam Alikom
Hank Ruark March 29, 2007 6:51 pm (Pacific time)
Per previous record here for two years, Tim runs show...I only contribute when I can. That's the right way -- no politics involved !! Re protracted dialog, my emailer available to anyone ID'ing, and welcome... Repeating: "Peace be unto you all..." and perhaps we can preserve our democracy.
S.LaMarche; March 29, 2007 6:44 pm (Pacific time)
come on "Walden", he's asked you several times to ID self and he did it to me too and all others with varied opinions, and current editor in charge of comments is not interested in curbing said opinions. Just try it and see!, you can blast away using your real name with the rest of us. This of course is only my opinion., and as for you Tim King..,I just want to tell you.., thanks for supporting the "comment" venue so inordantly absent in most other media, out of fear I suppose, as they are not interested in what people think as much as controlling what they think.,i.e. Fox and Lumbaugh, etc., nausea. This is my opinion of course. And as for you Mr. Ruark, Rock On older brother! Rock On!
The Editor March 29, 2007 3:53 pm (Pacific time)
Comments on this particular story are starting to go over the line. I have always stated that I will delete any comment that I deem inappropriate. It is fine to debate, but rancid, profane insults of character will not be tolerated.
For the record, Hank Ruark does not approve or disapprove any comments on, I do. He is not accountable for any decisions in the comment process whatsoever, I am. Please continue your discussion but keep it civil.
Thanks, Tim King
Hank Ruark March 29, 2007 3:48 pm (Pacific time)
For the record (and Walden): Surveying constant-reference sources here, on eMac and in print, and can report total of about sixty --- forty of which are "conservative" or "right", to rest as "liberal". What's his list, and balance ?
To Walden from AM March 29, 2007 3:05 pm (Pacific time)
You can send your email address to the staff. You do not have to do anything but don't worry about it winding up on this site in public view. I was mistaken about that for a long time. You do what you think best.
Hank Ruark March 29, 2007 2:41 pm (Pacific time)
Walden et al: See Comment upcoming on Merkley-measure story, re sub-prime mortgage racket nationally. Will ask Walden for his comment, if he can bring himself to allow touch of NATION pages-sourced there ! If you prefer, sir, do so via ID-route already offered.
Hank Ruark March 29, 2007 1:41 pm (Pacific time)
Walden: Since you obviously wish to "re-engage. sir !", when will you emerge from e-name and ID-self, with experience and bkgrnd for judicious evaluation of your continuing right to speak ? We might both do well to return to web-impact, which was point of original Op Ed responses here...this is waste of time for others, which is why I rapidly offered you direct-contact, if you so choose...which you have not so far.
Hank Ruark March 29, 2007 1:29 pm (Pacific time)
Walden: Not so, sir ! and I resent the implication, after 60 working years "in the media" at all levels, and education at most. Besides which, I'm missing more than one --which indicates judicious consideration at SD-N Edit level, over which I have no control whatsoever.
Walden March 29, 2007 11:57 am (Pacific time)
I believe one of my postings was not put on...ummmm, Ruark?
Hank Ruark March 29, 2007 11:46 am (Pacific time)
To all: Re point-of-Op Ed originating this knotted-thread (!), see the Merkley-bill story AND its solid "see with own eyes --and hear with own ears" live-shot view of Legislature actually doing something..!!
Hank Ruark March 29, 2007 11:30 am (Pacific time)
Al: What you portray is too true for too many...but same problem in different guise Founders faced, too. Many, including me, believe only remedy is same-stuff, put solidly in place and rubbed in thoroughly in every possible channel...with stronger instruments to follow if so demanded. SO keep firing, and we can kill this outbreak of "royalism" the same way our forefathers did theirs... Might even apply to recent comment-eers here !!
Albert Marnell March 29, 2007 11:27 am (Pacific time)
Walden, Even in a dictatorship there has to be cooperation otherwise you may have a sudden internal "coup de main". There are no absolute is not possible. Anything can self-destruct and if you read history over the last 5000 years or so, you will see that everything changes. One day there will no longer be a United States or a France or anything that most of us think is so solid and never changing.
Albert Marnell March 29, 2007 11:13 am (Pacific time)
Dear Hank, Even I have become concerned about what I say and write on a daily basis since this new culture of suppression took over because of the "False Flag" of 9/11. Why is it that half the United States still thinks that Iraq had something to do with 9/11. The bombings in Spain were traced to the bomb squads. London was another timed event to keep the people in fear when Blair's polls were at an all time low. Keep the people scared so that they give up their freedom and we can use them like Dixie Cups and throw them in the garbage. How can any intelligent person think that a government works in their interest? People go into government for the benefits and connections with corporations and powerful people. They do not give a damn about the likes of you or I.
Albert Marnell March 29, 2007 11:02 am (Pacific time)
Thank you JuJu!
Walden March 29, 2007 10:38 am (Pacific time)
PS comment . The military is not based on cooperation or competition. It is a defacto dictaorship. It needs to be that way in my opinion.
JuJu March 29, 2007 10:33 am (Pacific time)
What a great discussion overall. A couple of things though, I don't know anything about the Lego ban and don't understand the corrolation to "collective living". I guess that's another research assignment. And, I have never heard a politician in support of national health care suggest that we have a "one size fits all" system. Where does that come from? The insurance companies, perhaps? We are not taking care of our people, that cannot be denied. Other countries put us to shame. I don't understand how that is worth defending. Maybe we're just not as intelligent as ya think?
Albert Marnell March 28, 2007 10:25 pm (Pacific time)
Hank: Please verify to the people that there are documentaries such as "TerrorStorm", "Orwell Rolls In His Grave", "Iraq For Sale", "OUTFOXED: Ruppert Murdoch's War On Jounalism", "The Corporation", "The Truth and Lies of 9/11". I wish people would also visit the website of Alex Jones: Prison Planet.Com . I want people to realize that there are thousands of credible sources; more credible than any T.V. F.R.E.E. is another important site, certainly more important than anything on the tube. I am also still wondering how our pipline in Afghanistan is doing? That was one of the real reasons we went "Over There" "Over There". You know the rest. "And It Won't Be Over Till It's Over, Over There".
Albert Marnell March 28, 2007 8:07 pm (Pacific time)
Maybe the answer to healthcare is to be more like India and other third world countries. Let the poor and disabled just die in the streets and people can walk over them as the stench, maggots and flies hover over their decaying bodies. Why should people without health insurance live? Men, women, children, elderly, disabled deserve to die if they have no insurance. You can go jogging past dead bodies in parks and step over them on your way to the bakery. Yes, maybe poor people and the uninsured should just die in the streets as others drive by in their BMWs. Is this what you want? I do not mean one word of this but am trying to get people to think what their attitudes mean. We MUST look after each other and stop this us vs. them attitude. I do not want to see anyone, man or woman, elderly or disabled, child or teenager die in the streets or behind closed doors because other people are so shallow that they are more concerned about a new flat-screen. Someone help this awful country. I will stay here to make it better in any way that I can.
Hank Ruark March 28, 2007 7:42 pm (Pacific time)
Walden: Still await your straight responses per previous --but in any case "Peace be unto you..." with my best wishes. Others here, per dialog at its strength, doing fine on your other points. Offer still stands: ID-self and I'll document any point you wish to raise, for any statement made, on recognized authority other than my own "belly-button feeling", which is what you get as opinion without documented sources.
Point March 28, 2007 7:22 pm (Pacific time)
I would rather have average health care than no health care and I wonder what the Canadians had 40 years ago. We must have something to do with the destruction of their system...meaning corporations wanting to create a need...Marketing 1. Maybe Americans should not be entitled to clean water unless they have a well off company to give it to them. Maybe people should not have food unless their corporations provide it for them.....I am just trying to make a Point. Why should an employer be responsible for health care? This only allows them to pay people less and creates a complicated mess.
Albert Marnell March 28, 2007 7:12 pm (Pacific time)
Unfortunately I was almost a dual U.S. and German citizen. My relatives "Over There" use to be shocked when they found out that you had to be more than a citizen to be taken care of healthwise. None of them complained. I have not seen them for years but I have a feeling that their government is being pushed into an inferior healthcare or non-existent system no thanks to the U.S. I hear all of the time about the U.S. Canadian comparison. I would like more people to speak to the Northwest European countries like Sweden, Denmark etc. and compare what they had before globalization. Their quality of care has probably suffered since our insurance companies started to infiltrate their way of thinking and system. All I know is that in the sixties, the German born side of my family was very, very happy with what they had. They looked at their American relatives in disbelief. Too bad I missed being a dual by only 9 years but that is a long story.
P.S. March 28, 2007 6:46 pm (Pacific time)
The military is based on cooperation not competition...only with the enemy.
Walden March 28, 2007 6:24 pm (Pacific time)
Mr. Marnell. Glad to hear you recovered from your health crisis. I have been lucky to have an excellent health and dental program. I have several children and though they have enjoyed robust health, my coverage provides a piece of mind relief just in case the need arises. We may differ in some regards to what the government must provide, because though I feel everyone should have coverage, I would hate to see a national one-size fits all policy, like what is happening in Canada. I have a number of Canadian friends who come into Seattle for their healthcare needs because they just don't get their medical needs met in Canada. The health insurance coverage problem will probably never get solved anytime soon, but we can hope. Competition is a natural part of life, as is cooperation. I believe childen need to be challenged, you need to keep some tension in their lives, it helps the learning process. Cooperation is something that you cannot force, it must be a desired outcome if you want it to continue. I found the banning of legos very troublesome, as I did seeing Mr. Ruark's rather insulting comments made to other posters. Not very professional, especially for an employee of this website. Anyone can take a set of facts and spin it as they like, but insulting a poster because you disagree with their view is very childish and unprofessional. So now I imagine I will soon be insulted by Mr. Ruark.
Albert Marnell March 28, 2007 5:18 pm (Pacific time)
Walden, I am not a child psychologist and can only say that cooperation is better than competition. Competition always turns evil. I have rebounded from my dollar health care losses and can never forgive our government for not having health care in place when I was young. I am not poor but have had to endure financial hits because of our system that would make most peoples' heads spin. Thank you for asking Walden. If you can go to Blockbuster or the Library and see "Iraq for Sale" it is a great documentary. They will no show it on T.V. See if you can find more about it on the internet. I got it from the library. Maybe Blockbuster has it. We have too much competition and it creates a me vs. you attitude. I have done volunteer work in the past and it is a good feeling when we each put in our talents for a common good. Sometimes there is rivalry for even a volunteer job for people with ego problems. Any contribution of labor for a common good feels alot better than some of the jobs I had in the corporate sector. Fellowship is priceless.
Hank Ruark March 28, 2007 1:40 pm (Pacific time)
Walden: Yr appreciation to Al appreciated --but still await your ID to S-N Editor for my materials awaiting you and your response to other story-referred for your view. Yr mention of "my assembly" can have several meanings, clarified by your ID and response. Dialog depends on mutual understandings, made possible by further knowledge of the other-side in any communication. Be assured of good will here by all --including me !
Walden March 28, 2007 1:00 pm (Pacific time)
Mr. Marnell: Thank you for your response, you gave me a lot to think about sir. Recently a couple of teachers in the Seattle area decided to ban legos from their classroom because their students were not learning about how good collective (read non-competetive) living and working was for the masses so to speak. They essentially made no bones about the fact that they were inculcating them in soviet-style cultural norms, which as you know failed miserably, and I believe always will. Have you heard about the above? What is your view on introducing these concepts to 8 year olds? Or for any student regardless of their age? P.S. Sorry about your healthcare issues, maybe you should do what the illegals do and just go to the emergency room. Are you a veteran, if so, you can go the the VA. By all means don't give up on those who will offer health services for those like you who are poor, that is not a sin Mr. Marnell. I will say a prayer for you, as will all those in my assembly.
Private March 28, 2007 12:41 pm (Pacific time)
I just read Shirley and she hit all of the nails on the head. Keep doing what you do Shirley!
Albert Marnell March 28, 2007 12:34 pm (Pacific time)
Shirley et al: Shirley is correct but there are many powerful lobbys besides Jewish Ones. Fundamentalists and Aerospace do the same thing....Who does what the most I do not know but Shirley is on the right track.
Hank Ruark March 28, 2007 12:08 pm (Pacific time)
Commend all for probing comment and cogitation...that was purpose of Op Ed. Re factual content of Comments on corporate, other influence via "contributions", that is reality today in every locale...started with Reagan-era Norquist-Abramson cabal and billions spent to pervert public view of our governance system. That, too, is documented in LMA files on hand here, ready for sharing.
Hank Ruark March 28, 2007 11:39 am (Pacific time)
Walden et al: An Op Ed is a professional belief, based professionally on research and documentation as basis for public statement. To publish without essential documented research, in solid. balanced, diverse and broadly authoritative sources, soon destroys any credibilities. We do that work at S-N; see public statement of how below: " (May-24-2006 13:39) What, Why, How Re Op-Ed Generation: Where Salem-News Op-Ed Content Comes From -- And WHY. Most Op Eds generate from 20 to 50 sources before print. That HOW-WHY statement is easily found in our Archives; click on Staff and then on the "Written by... in my section.
Albert Marnell March 28, 2007 10:29 am (Pacific time)
Walden, Henry has been around long enough in journalism to see through all of the crap. I am not up to speed with him on many things but I came from a world that never makes it in the papers. At 13 I was used by the Conservative Party to hand out literature. I got to meet alot of big shots. They only care about their own money and power. Democrat or Republican; it is all the same to me. I will say it again. There is no way that two parties can represent the diversity in this country of almost 300 million. Also, if they do not kiss corporate a** they do not get the campaign contributions for the visibility they need so that they become household names. They are just political celebrities selling different than an actor or Madonna. It is all about them....they do not know or care who you are or what happens to you. They want your money through taxes and other sources and they want you to not physically or financially hurt them.
SHIRLEY KITZHABER March 28, 2007 10:27 am (Pacific time)
People- When our American forefathers adopted the Constitution, each congressional district had a small population. Campaigners rode to the villages and towns of their district and truly stumped for votes; that is, they actually stood on a tree stump and made a speech. No one needed powerful special interest groups to finance a campaign because standing on a stump doesn’t cost any money. Members of state legislatures campaigned the same way. To campaign for U.S. Senator one just had to visit the state legislature because it elected U.S. Senators. Again, such campaigning required no money. Incumbents had no great advantage in campaigns because any challenger had exactly the same opportunity to get his message to the voters. All that has changed–and America suffers for it. Make no mistake about it: the present system of lobbying on the national and state level constitutes nothing short of public bribery of elected officials. When a powerful lobby can promise a candidate huge sums of money and perhaps even a windfall job for the lobby after he leaves office – if only he votes their way – it is bribery, pure and simple. Yet, this bribery permeates America’s political system. AIPAC, a lobby that in effect represents the interests of a foreign government (Israel), is so powerful that hardly a single senator or congressman can afford not to prostrate himself before this altar of Jewish extremism. If an elected official doesn’t go along with AIPAC, not only will he face loss of campaign money he needs, his opponents will be lavished with cash. AIPAC also has contacts with thousands of rich Zionists who can also contribute for or against any candidate deemed important to the Jewish lobby. A recent article in the YNews revealed that the top three campaign contributors in the United States are Jewish extremists, and the biggest is an “Israeli citizen” who controls a media empire in the United States. In addition to their campaign finance clout, an incredible level of Jewish domination exists in the media, and once they deem someone an enemy of the Israeli agenda, they unleash yellow journalism against him with unholy force. The offending politician is lucky if all the media do is ask him if he has stopped beating his wife.
Albert Marnell March 28, 2007 10:15 am (Pacific time)
The trick of Main Stream Media is to get you to believe that you are informed. Let me give you a simple example. When I used to watch T.V. a show like Oprah might advertise that they are going to show you the never before seen side of celebrity X. Barbara Walters did the same. You do not know anymore after the interview than before. But! You were sold the notion that you now know celebrity X and you feel aware which makes you feel good. This goes on with politics. You have to seek out independent websites and their are thousands of them. F.R.E.E. The Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate is only one of them. Nothing is true that is presented to the public on T.V. I have been in front of a tube since the late 1950's; in time all proves to be a lie or some kind of mind control by the global elite and their corporations. The T.V. is a way to control you....most people should know this by now.....aren't 20 minutes of commercials an hour a blatant tip-off to the non-objectivity of Main Stream Media? Most of the chatter about politics is to keep you from burning down city hall out of anger or participating in violent, bloody demonstrations. I have seen on independent websites injured and murdered children by our military with their not smart at all smart bombs. They always miss their targets. One day of truth about Iraq on the Tube and there would be rioting in the streets. MSM does not allow real information out to the public. They focus on small diversion issues to keep you away from infinite facts that would make your blood boil. Maybe my eyes are their own camera. I do not need special interest groups to show me anything. I am educated and old enough to see how things work. Themes are redundant on MSM and repeat themselves. The fact is that I still have to pay for my own healthcare; ost a few hundred K earlier in life because my own government did not provide me with health but they have it. They can not imagine what it is like to not have it. Use your libraries and independent sources and film-makers and papers that have low circulation because they offend the majority of sheep. Things like Martha Stewart, Monica,are just fluff crap to keep your mind off the real issues of money, security, democracy and health. Washinton D.C. is a closed and private corrupt club,you think that they are going to inform you?Watch "Orwell Rolls In His Grave". Watch "Iraq for Sale". Watch "The Corporation". Watch "Terrorstorm". Watch OUTFOXED: Ruppert Murdoch's War On Jounalism. Will you even bother to try? "The Truth and Lies of 9/11," by Mike Ruppert. You have been sold the notion that you are watching "Democracy in Action" when in fact you are depending on a large media corporation to take care of your mind and what really is the truth.
Hank Ruark March 28, 2007 9:39 am (Pacific time)
Walden: You may find strong interest in Comments at our coverage of open information set up in Maryland, the Shetoff report still current. Will await your additional Comment after you explore both the story and Comments-there.
Hank Ruark March 28, 2007 9:35 am (Pacific time)
Hi, friend Walden... if you will simply step up and ID-self, will be happy to respond with full documentation from authoritative sources (mostly from other than those you mention) on any point you choose... And will accept your statements on basis of your own professional experiences, which surely seems fair...more so than hiding behind no such information.
Walden March 28, 2007 9:16 am (Pacific time)
Albert Marnell if you stopped watching the msm television how do you know what is and what isn't being reported? Don't you find value hearing as many sides of an issue then making an informed decision based on your own analysis? As far as the commentary by Mr. Ruark, I see this as simply an extentsion of articles one sees on blogs like Huffington, The Nation,, and others of similar type. They serve a purpose for the communty, as do those of opposite viewpoints. That to me is what's so great about all these conflicting viewpoints, it's true democracy in action, and that is what the Founding Father's wanted. It's when those who try to control opposite viewpoints from their own, that we encounter problems. I believe Mr. Ruark, from reviewing many of his posts, engages in creating a real hostile environment to our 1st Amendment and this website by his mean-spirited and close-mindedness.
Matt Johnson March 28, 2007 3:01 am (Pacific time)
You rock Henry.
Albert Marnell March 27, 2007 9:28 pm (Pacific time)
I implore people to use their libraries because the Main Stream Media is now totally controlled by special interest groups. Use the internet selectively. "Orwell Rolls In His Grave" is another documentary that you are not permitted to see on Main Stream Media. If I say that L.B.J. was behind the sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty it is from a documentary like "TerrorStorm". It was our first attempt to False Flag an invasion of the Middle East. It is all declassified now and yet people who do no research argue with me. Too bad so many people waste their time watching "American Idol" and "Grey's Anatomy." Since I disconnected from cable and the corporate propaganda mill, I have learned more than in the last twenty years. Nothing on television has value. You can get your weather report on the internet. All news on MSM is worthless. Media is supposed to monitor corruption and it has just become a part of it because it is all owned by multinationals. Enjoy the 20 minutes of commericals per least. Then send a check to your broadband provider for mindless crap when you should be learning the truth.
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