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Mar-20-2007 18:02printcomments

Oregon House Republicans Sore Over Anti-War Bill

Other legislators say it is time to send a message to the President that offers the feelings of the majority of the people of Oregon.

Oregon state capitol
Photo by: Tim King

(SALEM) - House Republicans joined Democrats in the passage of a bill today that aligns Oregon with other states slowly but surely withdrawing support from the Iraq War. The vote in the House to approve House Joint Memorial 9-A was 33-25.

HJR 9-A opposes the war in Iraq and urges President Bush to reconsider the expansion of troop levels in Iraq, and it urges Congress to halt further funding for the war's escalation.

Vicki Berger(R) of Salem and Brian Boquist(R) of Dallas broke party ranks by siding with the Democrats like Diane Rosenbaum(D) of Portland, in passing the legislation that many say sends a strong message about the growingly unpopular war that has claimed more than 3,200 lives to date.

That doesn't sit well with House Republican Leader Wayne Scott(R) of Canby.

He says HJM 9 is nothing more than an effort to position House Republicans for the 2008 campaign.

“HJM 9 doesn’t accomplish anything; it is only fodder for the next campaign, plain and simple,” Rep. Scott said. “I urge House Democrats to get to work on the education budget, State Police funding and other issues that the Legislature has the power to resolve.”

Rep. Scott also expressed his disappointment over the message that today’s vote sends to our troops and their families. “I’m concerned that the House’s action on HJM 9 calls into question the dedication and sacrifices of our service members and their loved ones. As a Vietnam War veteran, I know from personal experience how important public support is to maintaining troop morale,” Rep. Scott said.

Other legislators say it is time to send a message to the President that offers the feelings of the majority of the people of Oregon.

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mike June 29, 2007 3:40 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg- I love the Airborne... but more elite than Marine Force Reconnaissance? Force Marines failing to make the Airborne? This is simply laughable. But, have it your way if it makes you feel better, Rosenberg. The Airborne is more highly trained than anyone, including DevGru and ODA-D. SOCOM also begs meagerly at your feet.

S.LaMarche; April 18, 2007 5:29 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, if you're out there, I hope they are o.k.

LaMay March 31, 2007 12:54 pm (Pacific time)

Good night Chet, Good night David. And good night for (...). Walter Cronkite was grossly misunderstood by America, but not by the Kennedy's.

ghost of Walter Cronkite; March 31, 2007 1:45 am (Pacific time)

"and that.,ladies and gentlemen., was the week that was!"

Albert Marnell March 30, 2007 1:24 pm (Pacific time)

I do not hate this country and I do not love this country. I am a citizen of the world. Which ever team is playing fair and smart I will join. Countries are just sentimenal fantasies. I have sentimental feelings for people; not cities or countries or corporations.

Albert Marnell March 30, 2007 1:21 pm (Pacific time)


SHIRLEY KITZHABER March 30, 2007 9:11 am (Pacific time)

The neocons tell us that Iran can’t be trusted. But let’s compare Iran to Israel in recent decades. The only war Iran has fought since the fall of the Shah was the war against Iraq. The US had encouraged the Iraqis to go to war with their neighbor as punishment for overthrowing the CIA puppet government. Meanwhile, Israel has bombed most of their neighbors at least once in recent decades. Israel has invaded Lebanon twice since 1980. In the most recent invasion, Israel systematically destroyed civilian housing giving -at best- a phone call to imminent victims of Israeli aggression. Israel reportedly committed a mass murder in Jenin just a few years ago. The Israelis refused to let UN inspectors examine the ruins of the Jenin refugee camp to investigate the charges of mass murder. The truth is that Israel is responsible for most of the warfare in the Middle East. Israel has repeatedly launched sneak attacks on their neighbors (and even their friends –for example the USS Liberty). If any nation in the Mid East should NOT have nuclear weapons, that nation is Israel. The fact that the Israeli Lobby and neocons in the Bush regime are threatening war over a nuclear energy program in Iran exposes how paranoid and undeserving of power these lunatics are. Americans need to start voting out of power any politician who takes orders from the Israeli Lobby. Any politician who voted for the war on Iraq should be in jail, not in office. George Washington warned Americans to avoid foreign entanglements. That includes allowing our government to be infested with pro-Zionists and completely intimidated by the Israeli Lobby.

Retired contractor March 29, 2007 10:12 pm (Pacific time)

As also retired military let me share some information with you folks: From 1775 when he arrived in Boston to assume command of the Continental Army, George Washington depended on civilian contractors to provide food, weapons, ammunition, transport, armories, engineering, construction, clothing and medical assistance for his troops. Though many of these civilians shared the same hardships and privations as the troops they supported, they were more often criticized than honored by our government. Modern warfare has made civilian contractors even more essential to our military -- and placed them at higher risk. Three weeks after Pearl Harbor, nearly 100 American civilian construction contractors were killed and wounded standing shoulder-to-shoulder with U.S. Marines and sailors defending Wake Island. When the tiny garrison was overwhelmed on Dec. 23, 1941, more than 1,000 contractors became prisoners of the Rising Sun and scores were subsequently worked to death and massacred by their captors. None of those who died received so much as a Purple Heart. By the time I arrived in Vietnam in 1965, thousands of American civilians(soon to be tens of thousands) were backing our efforts on the battlefield. My tiny outpost overlooking a river valley in the central highlands had a half-dozen American civilians manning sophisticated communications and detection equipment. North of Dak To, our specialized unit was supported by U.S. civilian "tech reps" who maintained and operated fire control radars, ran generators and repaired everything from sensors to heavy equipment. One of the most famous photographs of the Vietnam War's ignominious end was an American civilian contractor's UH-1 "Huey" helicopter evacuating desperate Vietnamese refugees from the top of 22 Gia Long Street, a half mile from the U.S. Embassy. Today's globe-spanning war on terror -- and a much smaller U.S. military to fight it -- place even greater burdens on civilian contractors. In Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait, more than 350 U.S. companies and nearly 100,000 American civilians are directly engaged in supporting U.S. and coalition efforts. In Iraq, civilian contractors man and protect more than 900 convoys a month delivering food, water, clothing, fuel, weapons, ammunition and equipment to the new Iraqi police and army. Nearly all major maintenance is performed by civilian contractors, including that for U.S. forces. These men and women love America, and know that if we pull out before the job is done, unlike when we left Vietnam, the Islam radicals will follow, and then your world will change forever...

??????? March 29, 2007 1:23 pm (Pacific time)

I am more concerned about our genocide against the Iraqi people and the constant lies about how many.

Rosenberg March 29, 2007 11:52 am (Pacific time)

I noticed that so many of you profess to be all concerned about social wrongs but none of you have responded about the racial genocide as posted March 23 (9:14 am), are these primary sources via the U.S. Government too politically correct for you all? Look at the numbers! Lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink...

Dear Rosenberg March 28, 2007 8:27 pm (Pacific time)

I prefer Joseph.

Ecology March 28, 2007 5:01 pm (Pacific time)

What way of life? Gas Stations, Car Dealerships, Fast Food and a media controlled by News Corp., ruthless corportions with no social responsibility? The Germans should have won the war....Hitler would have died and the Good Germans would have put in good leadership and put the world in proper order. Communism and no cold war. They know how to live without fossil fuels but The U.K., France and U.S. have stopped all of Europe from developing their advanced green technologies.

Rosenberg March 28, 2007 1:15 pm (Pacific time)

Ecology, or you prefer Albert? You proved my point about those of your ilk, i.e. , you want to censor all those of different perspectives. I did something about earning and securing our freedom of speech and our Bill of Rights, and our Constitution, have you? Of course not! You simply only want yourself to have freedom of speech. You are the one (type) who presents a clear and present danger to our way of life. Via my research, I am now 100% positive that you are a victim of a childhood that made you so miserable. Probably a lot like Ruark and Bea. By the way Ruark, those of us who sign "non-disclosure" statements not only have a legal obligation, but also a moral rason to keep the confidence. If the disclosure agreement was either illegal or immoral we are not obligated to keep it. So sit back and enjoy your kool aid and listen to B. Streisand's song "Funny people"...

Americans Stink March 28, 2007 11:02 am (Pacific time)

What is so good about Americans?...the Norwegians, Swedes, Dutch, Germans, French, Italians, Spanish are much better people and have a humanity and depth that Americans lack. Hail Europe! Long Live Europe! Long Live Latin America! Long Live Asia! Long Live Canada! Vive Quebec!

To Rosenberg March 28, 2007 10:53 am (Pacific time)

You want to suppress free talk like a NAZI. You talk like a dictator! You are a murderer and a crimminal in your heart and soul. Take your brainwashed red, white and stupid brain and take a long walk off of a short pier.

Ecology March 28, 2007 10:43 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, Get ready for another "False Flag" with Iran. You are the one who should leave the country. People like you ruin it for the well informed, strong and compassionate. You steal resources from other nations. I hope someone steals your possessions. According to your logic that would be ok with you. It is part of your ideology....might makes right. Fox is for lemmings and wrestling with Hulk is more real as fake as it is.

Rosenberg March 28, 2007 7:50 am (Pacific time)

Ecology: You sound like a typical uninformed American-hater. Leave the country you dislike so much and take the millions who immigrate here annually with you...of course you won't, you are a child who needs the protection from us adults. In due time the parameters of free speech will be re-tailored so those who cause harm to our country and embolden our enemies may receive an appropriate lawful response for their sedition, and in some cases treason. For you out there who dislike the FOX Network, tough, it has the fastest growing audience of any other network, who in some cases are losing market share. More whacko liberal radicals on FOX than clear-thinkers, but still the left hates that real facts are being disbursed to the public. Deal with's freedom of speech, oh yeah you don't like that when it comes from a conservative viewpoint...obviously "real" Americans do...

Fair March 27, 2007 8:20 pm (Pacific time)

If you repeat a lie often enough, people believe it....Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Propaganda Minister...Fox repeats "Fair and Balanced" and other lies....The GOP Channel.

DIGUSTED March 27, 2007 5:30 pm (Pacific time)


Ecology March 27, 2007 4:33 pm (Pacific time)

We could have been off fossil fuels decades ago. We could mobilize and rope in the power of the sun in less then a year. Big oil does not want this. The only enemy of the Americans are the crooks in D.C. and the stupid people that believe what is reported on T.V. Not one Iraqi was involved in 9/11. It was all a big lie and another disgusting betrayel of the American people. No W.M.D., no Iraqi participation in 9/11 and to top it off we were buddys with Saddam even when we knew that he was pretty brutal. After Kuwait we make an issue of his brutality which is nothing compared to the amount of people that the American government kills domestically and globally from everything to Union Carbide in India to medical neglect within our borders. The media, the military industrial complex and the government are the same here. The U.S. is a pile of lies and T.V. crap. The only thing that makes a person popular is how many times said person is shown on the tube. Without visibility even the most competent person can not get elected for anything.

911 Conspiracy March 27, 2007 1:04 pm (Pacific time)

I have no doubt the 911 was pre-planned by some Republicans so they would never come into power. Does that make sense? I'll bet it does to Albert Marnell, cuz he reads history from an international perspective, as does Charlie Sheen and Mark Cuban. Sigh...Hey bartender, make mine a triple.

Rosenberg March 27, 2007 12:59 pm (Pacific time)

Hey Falseflag, What's the problem with making sure we have enough oil? Though there is no clear compelling evidence that this invasian was about oil, it gives the kool aid drinkers and other conspiracy pinheads something to chatter about. Hey how about all those tons of yellowcake mineral they found from Niger? And it was located real close to new gasmasks along with antropine injector's...think nerve gas. Here you have a country the size of think you could take some land area much smaller, say the size of the Willamette Valley and hide some containers that nobody could find? Of course you could! I'd say if there was no history of these Iraqi monster's ever using chemical weapons previously, then reasonable doubt would exist...but to clear thinking people, we know it's there somewhere, just like we know this war is simply a battlefield, just about killing the enemy.

False Flag March 27, 2007 10:06 am (Pacific time)

Anyone who does not know that we are in the Middle East stricly for oil is a total fool. Not one terrorist was Iraqi and we do not know the names of the people in the C.I.A. or MI6 that participated in 9/11; probably Moussad too.

Rosenberg March 25, 2007 10:18 am (Pacific time)

Albert: You just have no concept of what happened, what's happening, nor the ability to make a reasonable extrapolation(s). Good luck to you. But may I suggest, learn some self-defense...may I further suggest a 20 gauge semi, and load it with alternating slugs and #6, then get a pro to teach you how to be safe...because the future is looking real bleak. Trust me on this one folks. And this isn't the PTSD talking...

Rosenberg March 25, 2007 10:09 am (Pacific time)

LaMarche: I was in Nam several times. Initially down in an area around Bien Hoa (Iron Triangle). Then moved way north and went slightly north of Dak To, and set-up a camp and developed a landng strip. We heavily recruited civilians in the area (CIDG), moved further north (Dak Pek[sp?]). A terrific Airborne unit, the 173rd Airborne Brigade (Sep) started running S and D and S and C operations in the area. A lot of North Vietnamese units in this area, they were easy to kill. Note: The Battle of Dak To and Hill 875 was a fierce and bloody time. These paratroopers of the 173rd literally broke the back of the North Vietnamese and severely crippled their TET offensive in terms of reducing their ability to move troops and supplies to other areas of South Vietnam. They were fantastic warriors, fantastic. We began carpet bombing (B-52's) the North Vietnamese's logistic routes in Cambodia and Laos starting in 1966/67. Years later the far left would for some absurd reason blame Nixon for secretly doing this which was public information on LBJ's watch (there were loads of media people with us, these guys were good journalists, their editor's back home, screwed them, scewed us, lied to Americans about what was really happening). Had we not attacked these logistical routes, TET may have taken a little more time to resolve, but the North had been defeated by the spring of 1968. Once again the same bad cast of far left characters are adversely impacting our war on terror via disinformation, ergo making so many of you their "useful idiots!" LaMarche, I joined the Airborne because I wanted to be with the best, and I was. We had a number of former Marine Force Recon rejoin the military and went into the Airborne, most never made it to our elite units, but they did acknowledge to me and my brothers, that they knew they were now with the best. It's simply a matter of comparing the best of the Marines with the Airborne. But let me point out this again: we never considered ourselves in the Army, but the "Airborne"...only a trooper will understand that distinction. "Airborne...all the way!" Also there will never be a full historical record of some highly secret Airborne units and whay they did, and our doing now. Currently on a 24/7 clock you have Airborne Units ready to go anywhere in the world...parachute in and take care of business. Getting boots on the ground immediately. No other military force can do that on the level of what the Airborne can. Marine esprit decorps is fine in the taverns/bars, but not in the real world. Note: There are many levels of Airborne...

S.LaMarche; March 24, 2007 8:35 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, and the future possible scenario?, as in from present position thru next five or ten years?, seriously, what do you see?, and, at fifty eight, should I address you as Mr.?,I have some other options otherwise.,bearing in mind the "peerless" notoriety of Airborne. Why didn't you join the Few? the Proud?,the Drastically Underfunded? The Marines,as an elite group to begin with, may have been augmented!, but Airborne is as close to it as many ever get.,and had the Corps turned me down, Airborne was my next move! The commandant wisely accepted my application. Were you on Dak To?,I read as much info as I could get my hands on and most other engagements as well from pre-entry thru today for that matter, both Army and Marines, but it was after the fact, years in most cases, and possibly,(certainly),subject to more than one version.So have a good day, out.

Albert Marnell March 24, 2007 11:05 am (Pacific time)

Israel would never dare attack us without our consent because we are their bread and butter. They would collapse without our money and they know it. What ever they do, they do with us knowing about it. Did you ever learn that Goy means cattle? Why don't you use the N word while you are at it. So you think that non-Jews are cattle? Your an old school racist and I am done. Have your last say if it makes you feel better. I did not get hooked with you because I enjoy writing and communicating. But this discussion is at it's end. Maybe next time we can talk about something really important like National Health Care and more support services for peoople in need.

Albert Marnell March 24, 2007 10:52 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg: The reason for the attack was a pretext to invade the middle-east via Egypt. We finally devised an almost perfect False Flag with 9/11. I read history from an international perspective knowing that the American military is full of the biggest liars of all. That is why we are at the top. All governements lie, we are just better at fraud. And yes I need a stronger prescription because your ignorance gives me a migrane. Your too blindly patriotic and jingoistic to be objective. Your living with old information.

Rosenberg March 24, 2007 10:21 am (Pacific time)

LaMarche: Frankly I really don't care what happens to any country or their people in the mid-east, or anywhere outside of Western Civilization. I see Iraq and Afghanistan simply as two battle fields with many more to come. But to allow Iran to come into Iraq and control it's oil would simply promulgate a nuclear strike by Israel, then when you look at the prevailing winds we would also become a victim of that "for sure" attack. You familiar with the movie "On the Beach?"

Rosenberg March 24, 2007 10:14 am (Pacific time)

Albert you poor guy! It appears that two things have happened to you: 1) your grasp of history and it's interpretation is devoid of any kind of accuracy; 2) possibly you need a new or stronger perscription. You appear to be suffering from some type of disorder. Did that dodge ball hit you pretty hard. Regarding the USS LIberty (the attack happened in June 1967), countless interviews of Israeli military personnel exposed the fact that they knew it was Americans they were killing, there hope was to sink the boat. Their reason for the attack: That the Americans had witnessed their war crime of executing Egyptian soldiers. LBJ was owned by the non-goy hater's, he paid a price for not allowing our jets to wipe out the Israeli warmongers, but no where near what the people on the Liberty did. May he burn in hell with the other criminals...

"G-2/3" March 24, 2007 6:48 am (Pacific time)

thanks Matt.,semper fi!.,though rather than "do or die" I'd revise it to "Marines never fade away.,as in Gen. MaCarthers' day, they just go to hell and re-group!". Thought provoking site huh?

Albert Marnell March 23, 2007 8:49 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg: I saw the "false flag" of the U.S.S. Liberty in one of the docs that I have viewed in the last 3 months. Reichstag tactics are an old part of war games. The Germans did not invent it in 1933. It is obviously very successful or it would still not be used in war games. I had it at the tip of my tounge...the doc. It might have been a doc on L.B.J. Maybe I should correct what I said. I mean with the blessings of the military industrial congressional complex. The American people are not the same as their government. If allowed, most Americans would refuse to pay any income tax which did not exist until 1913. I do not hate gentiles but I do hate religion. Furthermore, I had many relatives in the German Army in both wars. What I heard from them and what I see on P.B.S. are two different things, but finally what relatives told me is starting to be accepted as fact. I know how the real world works. My father had to deal with the Gambino family (Paul Castelano, pre-Gotti) They wanted to extort money from Daddy's business but neither of my parents were scared of father was a real maniac Sicilian. Gulf of Tomkin, 9/11, U.S.S. Liberty were all Reichtag deals. I grew up in a Jewish neigborhood, had a Lutheran mother and a Catholic father and now my best friend is Muslim. I listen to everyone. But when it comes to power and government I know how things really are and would not discuss it with anyone except a few friends in private. It took until the year 2000 for me to have some kind of evidence that both of my great grandfathers were killed in the hospitals in 1939 and they were Lutheran. The regime made as many people as possible disposible if they had no major economic use. There is so much that people do not know and all war is chaos and for profit and that is why I hate it so. It is never out of compassion, there has to be a dollar value. Both of these men and I am sure there were others had a dollar sign stamped on their heads that branded them as old merchandise. The same occurs here with the lack of healthcare except they do not gas or inject people here, they just neglect them till they die...then they say...but we did not kill them. Sorry for the divergence but obviously we both have our own level of evidence on various things. And yes people, 6 million Jews were killed in the camps, and 7 million non-Jews. This all started with the fall of the House of Europe during the Great War. Too complicated to get into here. The Kaiser, Czar, King of England, Duke of Mecklenburg, King of Greece etc were all related and most of them were German.

S.LaMarche; March 23, 2007 5:04 pm (Pacific time)

shalom Rosenberg, WMD's?..,the Israel-Lebanon conflict in 06'?

Rosenberg March 23, 2007 3:58 pm (Pacific time)

Albert are you an anti-Gentile? To say that the war crime against the USS Liberty was via the blessings of the United States is absurd. For your information on the local level, there were four Oregonians who got out of the draft the same way as that loser Howard Dean did, except these four traitors then served in the Israeli Navy and were part of those who killed their fellow Americans on the Liberty. In 1968, they were back in the states, and within a few days they had fled to Irael to live. Two went to Lincoln High School, one from Wilson and the other went to Sunset and Portland State. I like to think I had a hand in getting this genetic filth out of my country. Also, it was because of LBJ's complicity of the deaths on the Liberty as to why he did not run for President in 1968. Seems the leadership of a couple of national veteran's organizations let him know in July, 1967, that if he ran it would be hardball time. Vietnam had nothing to do with it, in fact we were easily destroying the enemy and winning the war...our overwhelming victory during TET/1968 (over 90% of the casualties were North Vietnamese and Charlie, and the rest were a majority of South Vietnamese) verified our success. The left just could not deal with that reality...and began a campaign of disinformation, same thing is once again happening, the lefty loonies hate facts, maybe that explains their irritation with the FOX Network! NOTE: Hitler was a monster, but he could not hold a candle to the white hot flame of the slaughtering of gentiles by essentially Russian JEWS.

ALBERT March 23, 2007 1:32 pm (Pacific time)

U.S.S. Liberty was attacked by Israel with the blessings of the United States. That was going to be another "False Flag" attack. Egypt was going to be blamed but a Russian Ship witnessed what was going on so the orders were given to halt. It was going to be an earlier quest for domination in the Arab lands. We finally made it. I think going solar would have been easier but tell that to the heirs of all those in the oil business. They still want to sell their buggy whips.

Albert Marnell March 23, 2007 1:27 pm (Pacific time)

When he is right, he is right. I have to validate the fact that the real mass murderer of the century was Stalin. He beats out Hitler by a long shot. Ask any Ukrainian about the removal of topsoil from Ukraine. I believe it was 1933 but get tired of remembering dates. It should be common knowledge by now. If you know what he did to Ukrainian Gentiles, do you think he gave a rat's A** about Jewish people?

Rosenberg March 23, 2007 1:04 pm (Pacific time)

Ms. Morgan: The information I provided regarding the mass killings(largest genocide ever, except maybe China) that happened in the Soviet Union are accurate. It use to be taught within the public school system. It has nothing to do with hate (nor does anything I write about), it deals with historical fact. I hardly hate my own people, but this genocide happened and it no longer is being taught, and that is an outrage. Would you find it hateful of Jews, if I told you they were the biggest owners and pushers of the Porn Industry, or that they were proportionately the biggest controlers of slavery...well it's historical fact. The more people get exposed to things that may make them uncomfortable, then the quicker we can start developing some appropriate problem-solving methods, rather than blaming some other "whatever" for are/our problems. Possibly one definition of frustration is when you have no one else to blame. A significant % on this site will never become frustrated as per that definition. Go volunteer and help some veterans...

J.M. Morgan March 23, 2007 12:08 pm (Pacific time)

OMG- This guy really openly wants every one to hate Jewish people! Ie:"from 1917 thru most of the 1950, jews in Russia/Soviet Union made up over 90% of the people who carried out the real genocide." First, you are ridiculous. Second, are you trying to imply that Hitler is excused for his minor malcontent because other people behave badly too? WHAT is your point? Where in the world do you contrive these numbers from? Get beyond yourself man. This is just plain mean-spirited.

Tim King March 23, 2007 11:48 am (Pacific time)

Mr. Rosenberg, I am one of the reporters who works for, the one who recently returned from Afghanistan where I was embedded with the U.S. Army.

Sid Morrison March 23, 2007 10:43 am (Pacific time)

Katrina Katrina. Give it a rest. All this money going to New Orleans is breaking the bank. Let's help those who help themselves by yimminey. Another hurricane in time will have the same impact no matter how well we build the levys. Then look at the crime rate there, you would have to be suicidal to vacation there. Anyway, whats that have to do with Iraq. Lets get out of there in an orderly fashion, be smart about it.

Rosenberg March 23, 2007 10:34 am (Pacific time)

Tim King: "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." George Orwell "1984" My censored data was from government sources (primary sources), I am just the messenger, what are you Tim? Or whoever censored that data...

Albert Marnell March 23, 2007 10:12 am (Pacific time)

Good One S.LaMarche!

Rosenberg March 23, 2007 9:29 am (Pacific time)

Roger Lerner:
We should once again teach the Gentiles about who committed the biggest mass murder's in our planet's history. Back in the late 50's and thru most of the 60's it was regularly part of the country's college curriculum. Which is: from 1917 thru most of the 1950, jews in Russia/Soviet Union made up over 90% of the people who carried out the real genocide. Stalin eventually admitted to 30 million killed, but it's estimated to be well over 50 million murdered. But take 90% of 30 million, that makes 27 million. Now divide 27 million by 6 million...get the picture!? Goes in 4 1/2 times! Go see a real war crime against us at and ask yourself why someone like director Spielberg has not made a movie about it. For you Gentiles, don't buy into the anti-Semite card, just like the black racist card, it's just BS! Educate yourselves via primary sources!

Rosenberg March 23, 2007 9:14 am (Pacific time)

How things morph people: If I offended any Gentiles, it was not my intention. Re: Shermika Williams and her desire to see more U.S. treasure going to sub-Saharan Africa. Plenty goes there now, and we need to step away and allow them to either sink or swim on their own.{Our treasure is financing a high life for thousands of crooks, and future hiv/aids funds, see below data and extrapolate it's efficacy). Ms. Williams if you understand the concept of "primary sources" (do you Irish Hank?): Here's some data via the U.S. Justice Department, Department of Defense and the U.S. Census----
When we left Vietnam in 1975 and to the year 2005, slightly over 605,000 Americans have been murdered. Tens of thousands of these murders remain unsolved, but the majority of those have suspect desriptions. Blacks have a 55% U.S. murder conviction rate during this 30 year period (they averaged less than 6% of the population during this period). 55% of 605,000 is over 330,000, which would fill over 5 and 1/2 Vietnam Memorial Walls. When you include the unsolved murders it pushes the black killing rate up to 70% ( /- 3.5%). That would add up to over 420,000 killed. A number that would fill over 7 Vietnam Memorial Walls (IN JUST 30 YEARS!). Every day caucasian females report (on average) 50 rapes by black males (think Duke LaCrosse, people!), it's estimated that only 20% of rapes are reported. Black males are quickly approaching 50% of all hiv/aid cases. According to the Centers for Disease Control Black females account for nearly 70% of all hiv/aid cases (Darwin Award?). Regarding the above murders, if you go back to 1964, the number of murders by blacks would account for nearly evey man, woman, child and baby living in Portland Oregon during this time period. On a national level, blacks account for approximately 40% of all stolen vehicles---think of that phrase "Driving while black!" Ms. Williams, there is a tipping point quickly approaching. May I suggest a re-read of the short story "CRY WOLF!". Oh one last thing, blacks accounted for 9.8% of those killed in Vietnam (DoD). When we went to Vietnam in force, the black percentage of the U.S. population was 10.6% (see Census data), and when we left it was 11.4%. Ergo you had casualties at around 15% less than your racial percentage. A statistically signifigant number. Currently in Afghanistan/Iraq black casualties are around 30% less than your population ratio. I could go on and continue to recite shocking government data, but most of you have been rendered incapable of re-orientating your ability to accept information that would allow you to see the world as it really is. It's very dangerous out there folks, be vigilant and volunteer at a VA facility, or do something to help our veterans. Ms. Williams, the above data is color blind, it's objective...what are you going to do to help ameliorate this outrageous behavior by blacks?! P.S. LaMarche---I've always enjoyed tweaking Marines. I love you guys! Though the Airborne is peerless! Ha ha

S.LaMarche; March 23, 2007 7:06 am (Pacific time)

S. Williams.,it took me into my adult years to see it.,forced myself to read Malcom X until I felt the anger and ..,lies and same jive they use on everybody they want to keep in place.,found myself in Jacksonville, North Carolina, 1966 at age 17 and started opening my eyes from then. New Orleans?., ten days later bush arrives to lie some more and pat another three piece beurocrat on the back saying how good a job he was doing., and look where it is today! We get a military across the globe in twenty four hours if it's in the "interest of America".,hell, what is America to them? Some of us come around later, but we get there! I am ashamed of the liars and also invite them to kiss my W.A. too, and I don't mean my Wizard of Arts degree either., rite there g.w.!, cheney, rite there!

S.LaMarche; March 22, 2007 10:34 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg; what was your read out on the Israel-Lebanon most recent conflict?

Shermicka Williams March 22, 2007 8:06 pm (Pacific time)

No one wants to here your stupid war stories Mr. R. You are a real bore. I am concerned with my people as much as others. If we could not take care of the poor people in the south during Katrina, many of them black, we have no business sending money to private contractors. If America is so great how come we do not go into Sub-Sahara Africa to help people in a meaningful way? Because it is not cost effective from a perspective of capitalism and resource confiscation. And there ain't enough oil bro! You can take your red, white and blue and kiss my B.A. and I don't mean my Bachelor of Arts Degree.

Roger Lerner March 22, 2007 7:41 pm (Pacific time)

Dear Mr. Rosenberg, As a Jew you should be ashamed of the message of hate that you send. As Jews we need to guard against all types of oppression, lest we be hypocrites.

S.LaMarche; March 22, 2007 7:32 pm (Pacific time)

and furthermore Rosenberg., I hope your kids get back safe too, I mean it!. I haven't agreed with one thing you said so far but I thoroughly support your right to voice these opinions. I'm asking you for real.,do you honestly believe this administration is interested in Freedom or Democracy? The house bill, HJR-9A, was carried by a majority, and you didn't say anything about WMD's?, the original rationale for military intervention. I tried to re-up in the first Gulf war, just to keep other Marines alive,(I had a recurring dream,I'm not making this up), I really didn't think the corpsmen would be able to handle the number of casualties. They, (three seperate Navy and Marine recruiters), turned me down flat.,age and disability couldn't be sidestepped.,but it was not in support of the invasion there.,any more than I support this one now. And if you keep calling people intellectual lowlifes how does dialogue continue? I see g.w. in the oval office with an I.Q. near mine, so I know I am trainable!,comprehansive and articulate too for that matter!, he, by the way, is not qualified to walk in my squad.,his eyes are too close together, and he is not articulate!!

S.LaMarche; March 22, 2007 6:51 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg;.,gentile here.,and I want to thank you for your stimulating, thoughtful comments.,they were certainly unilateral. Amerca is my country too and I will do what I can to support those troops.,were you the special forces "Captain" Rosenberg referred to earlier comment?(if so you might have said something rather than toss the grenade from the get go) and if you were on Dak To then you got respect(not that you need my opinion), even if you are twisted in your politics. So I'd like to leave it with "Peace if we can, and the wisdom to know when to fight" In the past people died on account of my actions, and I personally do not think freedom and democracy was being served, and I am aware you have another angle.,and by the way.,welcome home!

Albert Marnell March 22, 2007 6:46 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg: People in the military are duty bound to obey there commanding officers. Everyone, straight or gay is duty bound to a code of conduct. Your stereotyping of gays being sexual predators in the armed services is a joke. I have known higher ups and some of the top people in the military are gay and you would not know it. As far as blood, Lesbians have the lowest rate of AIDS than any group. AIDS is from a virus and today most people with the disease are not gay. What you are saying is the same thing people used to say about blacks and women in the military. I believe that people who are frightened of gays are frightened of their own inner sensations and impulses. There is no reason to fear something that you are not. Your last comment leaves you with a loss of crediblity, dignity and intelligence. My massive federal dollars that I have been paying my whole life goes to people like you. Do me a favor. I do not need people like you to protect me. I can take care of myself. Why don't you volunteer for the A.C.L.U.? You are right that I hate the American government because it is totally beholden to corporate interests and is no longer in service of the American People. Whatever you did in this life you did for yourself and your own self-imagined glorification which to me means ZERO. Your statements about gays creating problems are just lies. Lesbian and homosexual men are much more conscious of their behavior and you are just trying to propagate a stereotype. You know nothing of my abilities or what I was when I was younger. You are simply a racist fool....even your stupid gentile comment. You are a real small individual.

Hank Ruark March 22, 2007 6:40 pm (Pacific time)

Simple answer to Rosie's intriguing generalities, which seem to mirror a life experience some of us would never have allowed. Here it is, in last pgh from NATION expose with Rep. Dennis Kucinich speaking: "It's the privatization of war"...The Administration is "linking private war contractor profits with warmaking. So we're giving incentives for the contractors to lobby the Administration and the Congress to create more opportunities for profits, and those opportunities are more war. And that's why the role of private contractors should be sharply limited by Congress." Does that explain the evasion of stating "but I signed a non-disclosure agreement, and I honor all agreements...a principal I live by." Hard to accept that word... Hey, Rosie !! I ain't gentile. I'm fighting-Irish, and I know an interloper when one lopes over the hill !

Tim King March 22, 2007 6:28 pm (Pacific time)

Thanks for that, I appreciate your education as well sir, I just wanted to establish who Hank was. Classy comment about your wife by the way.

Rosenberg March 22, 2007 6:21 pm (Pacific time)

Tim: I have two graduate degrees and the more I learn the more I realize how little I know. Suffice, learning is a dynamic fluid process. Hank no doubt has gone around the sun a few more times than me, but it's the experiences we have on the road that makes us who we are... just for clarification I use to work for a major publication, a long time ago. It was a bad experience for those who disliked censorship...many of us left before it became a financial problem. Best decision I ever made, next to being married to my wife for over 47 years.

Tim King March 22, 2007 6:06 pm (Pacific time)

Hank Ruark is our Op-Ed writer. He is the oldest working journalist in the NW and he has several college degrees including a masters. He has been writing for well over half a century and at the age of 89, is a remarkable man.

Just for clarification

Rosenberg March 22, 2007 5:59 pm (Pacific time)

Hank. I just get a kick out of you gentiles. I would like to provide you with information re: "some" private/independent contractor's, but I signed a non-disclosure agreement, and I honor all agreements...a principal I live by. Though If time and space permitted I could really curl your hair about my trips to Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) going back to the 70's up to about 3 years ago. Note: I wonder why the Clintoon had Maddie Halfbright and the treasonous Sandy Berger make over 9 seperate trips there between 1999-2000. Think Marc Rich "pardon", and financial favors laundered thru the sociopath clintoon's library, etc. . There are public records out there that the media has tapped into via the Freedom of Information Act regarding the above...but no stories have been reported as of today. I'll put on my "Hell froze over" clothing while waiting for the story. These interlopers feel that Berger did nothing wrong. Albert Marnell. Regarding gays in the military and the "Don't ask don't tell policy. Ummm, talk to some combat veterans and ask them how they would like to have a commanding officer who is gay, or when the blood starts spraying how they want gays in their vicinity. You need to realize this is a job you cannot leave, it is not a democracy in the military...gays may do a wonderful job, but it's information that should be private. Remember, you have people walking around with automatic weapons...there have been literally hundreds of gays sent to military prison for acting out...the media simply does not report on the problems that gays create for the militery, especially in the area of morale. Lastly Albert: I went to Iraq to serve my country's interest. I did not do it for financial reward. All of my salary was directed to the Shriner's Hospital via my charity organization. It's my prayer that all of you out there support our troops by doing something...why not volunteer at a VA facility or something along those lines.Well, I know why you won't, and so do the combat veterans who are reading this. You hate America, you hate yourself, and no doubt you were the first one out in dodgeball and I was the one (or someone like me) who got the girl you could never have. Except for the abberrants out there... and they will always spit into the headwind.

Hank Ruark March 22, 2007 5:20 pm (Pacific time)

Now have had time to really read entire NATION expose and wish to add only: "For centuries there have been both true patriot SOLDIERS fighting for nation and honor; and then there have been PRIVATEERS killing and raiding for gold and private gain and power" - HCR statement. Read for yourself: 4/2/07 issue of The NATION. Well, Rosie ? Whatsaynow ?

Hank Ruark March 22, 2007 4:48 pm (Pacific time)

Would not want to ask unfair question of friend here is early pgh from NATION piece: "The often overlooked subplot of the wars of the post -9/11 period is their unprecedented scale of outsourcing and privatization....Even as the government gave the public appearance of attempting diplomacy, Halliburton was prepping for a massive operation. When U.S. tanks rolled into Baghdad,...they brought with them the largest army of private contractors ever deployed in modern war. By the end of Rumsfeld's tenure in late 2006, there were an estimated 100,000 private contractors on the ground in Iraq --an almost one-to-one ratio with active-duty American soldiers". Question then becomes (unavoidably): "Were you part of that crowd, friend Rosie ?" which puts unavoidable light on his statements, either way.

Hank Ruark March 22, 2007 4:24 pm (Pacific time)

From some experience with "string-pulling" and pullers, Rosenberg reacting far deeper than normal. Either special-influence or special psychological needs appear obviously apparent. Question: Any connection with Blackwater units --and flood of "privatized" contractors serving the unit ? For all, see NATION,April 2 issue, pp.11-19, for thorough, documented, legally on-record background...while we await response from Rosie...

Albert Marnell March 22, 2007 4:15 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg: You tell me why we went into Iraq. Don't say WMD. Don't say democracy when gays still can not serve in the military and Oregon is just establishing a protective policy for our own taxpaying sons and daughters. Don't say to liberate. Oil prices have gone up because other oil producing nations are warning us plus our Federal Reserve destroyed the value of the dollar so that other countries want more of it. This is also another way to steal from the average American besides taxes....debase the dollar...destroy it's purchasing power. Make Americans pay more for everything so that corporate America can enslave us further. Tell me....just because you were there does not mean you were privi to top secrets. I can't even trust my own condo board....just because I am near them means nothing. They meet in secret just a few feet away and then call each other for mostly there own self-serving agenda.

Hello Ted March 22, 2007 4:01 pm (Pacific time)

You are right. America has been the biggest threat to freedom ie: Slavery, child labor, using women as a cheap source of labor, immigrant exploitation, purgeing gays from the military and life in general just like Stalin. Prescott Bush at least helped the Germans (which was the right thing to do because they fought our future enemies for that long B.S. cold war (the cold war was all a lie starting with Kennedy...the bum.) It is a shame that so many Jewish people got caught up in the Global Holocaust, but they were only 10% of the total death toll at the end of World War II. Don't others count? We killed the Jews by not letting them in with an open door policy. The St. Louis being a small example. Britain killed the Jews by not letting them in with ease. The allies are hypocrites. Do not think that many Jews did not send their own to death camps for profit just as some African Kings sold their own people. Everyone is full of it.....especially American Industrialists....the biggest war makers in the world and they always blame others. The Treaty of Versailles created Hitler who was the first fighter of the Bolsheviks....unfortunately many non-political Jews got caught up as did the other innocents in the world only because a small percentage of Jewish Philosophers wanted the Soviets to take over all of Europe. Leon Trotsky, Karl Marx, Rosa Luxemburg. Jews are very big on education, civil rights and ground breaking science....thank God for them. Americans are the real Nazi's and mass murderers.... And when their government lets a few extremists bring down some hard to lease buildings....they finally get a small taste of what it might have been like to be in Tokyo or Dresden during the Phosphorus Firestorm raids that killed over 100,000 in each city. 9/11 BIG DEAL....a mere firecracker compared to the havoc we have thrown all over the world under the guise of liberty and all of those other B.S. words.

Anonymous March 22, 2007 3:31 pm (Pacific time)

I've been reading these posts, what a load! Someone is pulling the puppet strings too hard on this guy Rosenberg. And he strikes out at Mr. Hemmings, for what? At least he knows how to write a sentence. McCarthy and Hoover... geez!

Rosenberg March 22, 2007 3:25 pm (Pacific time)

Ted Hemmings, you have your right to say what you do because of the people who you know doubt dislike, or maybe misunderstand would be a better word. McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover (to name just two) were both the victims of subversive anti-Americans. I see you are also a victim, from the obvious dirth of your educational process. You appear not to have any critical thinking skills, ergo, you will always be in the wilderness. Pity. By the way, FOX is here to stay, deal with it...Bush will be history before long, as will the democratic party. Look forward to low taxes and peace, for that is coming soon. Do't worry, be happy.

Ted Hemmings March 22, 2007 3:04 pm (Pacific time)

McCarthy wasn't a hero and everybody knows it, he was a national embarrassment. Sir, you might have had some credibility after reading these posts, but even the silliest conservatives don't stand up for McCarthy. It isn't about sticking up for a miserable system called Communism, it is about having no loyalty to the people of your nation, like Bush, and the players at FOX. This regime we're in now is purely criminal.

Rosenberg March 22, 2007 2:26 pm (Pacific time)

Approximately 100 million people were killed/murdered in the name of communism during the 20th century. When Joe McCarthy began his quest to out this growing communist cancer there were over one million registered Communist Party voter's in America, more than those that were registered in Russia in 1917. There were literally hundreds of communist agents who became top advisors to Democratic presidents FDR and Truman, they had worked on the Manhattan Project, infiltrated every segment of the government. Stalin had agents in the White House, the State Department, the military, the Treasury Department, even the OSS (in fact he knew about the atom bomb before Truman). There is a record of FDR ordering the OSS not to engage in espionage against Stalin. Whew! McCarthy's greatest problem was underestimating the subversive power of the communist agents within the democratic party of that time period and the Hollywood America hater's. There are some excellent sources that provide an onjective assessmet of Joe McCarthy, a true American hero. Unfortunately many students became misguided by some very unsavory faculty over the years regarding this man. As usual the left will always try to prevent any objective discourse that does not fit their agenda. It's become one generation after another generation, after another one that has been duped by this so-called McCarthy myth. Hollywood gave you this myth people, they also gave you the Academy Award winning song "It's hard out there for a Pimp"---dangerous people! Mediocrity and diminishing American values is their primary MO.

The facts March 22, 2007 1:38 pm (Pacific time)

Beginning in 1950, McCarthy became the most visible public face of a period of extreme anti-communist suspicion inspired by the tensions of the cold war. He was noted for making unsubstantiated claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers inside the federal government. Ultimately, his tactics led to his being discredited and censured by the United States Senate. The term "McCarthyism," coined in 1950 in reference to McCarthy's practices, was soon applied to similar anti-communist pursuits. Today the term is used more generally to describe demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents.

Albert Marnell March 22, 2007 1:37 pm (Pacific time)

I am obsessive about conserving energy in my home. I know that solar could have been harnessed during the Arab Oil Embargo. Did you ever see "Who Killed The Electric Car?" We should have been off of fossil fuels 30 years ago but the oil lobby is so strong that they pay off congress to destroy any REAL progress in alternative energy.

Matt Johnson March 22, 2007 1:34 pm (Pacific time)

Mr Rosenberg, I do have a beef with FOX, please look into the things I mentioned. Believe it or not, I have a beef with the loony left too, I'm certainly not into gun control or exaggerated environmental politics. The thing is, none of my friends with similar democratic values are into gun control either. Maybe some California politicians are, but has anyone here ever been to Orange County? It is a conservative breeding ground. The center of the road is the place we should all go.

Rosenberg March 22, 2007 1:31 pm (Pacific time)

EJ Morgan did you ever attend school? Eugene McCarthy was a liberal whacko from decades ago. You may mean Joseph McCarthy (WW II war hero) who also happened to be a Godfather to one of Robert F Kennedy's children. This was brilliant patriot who became tarred by the anti-American Hollywood crowd, who essentially are the bastard children who were responsible for the largest mass murders in the history of the planet from 1917 Russia to the present. Something you should have been taught in school, alas, the left has shaped you to become the perfect "useful idiot's!. It's unfortunate so many of you on the left got so damned short-changed in your educational process. So many of you are so clueless, and you have absolutely no idea that you are! What a shame. Do many of you even know who your real father was?

Albert Marnell March 22, 2007 1:30 pm (Pacific time)

Justin: I do not know what you are trying to say accept that you hate Jews. You know nothing of my views or my backround. Are you trying to say that most Jews are pedophiles? By the way, a good flag burning is good for the soul. If you worship a piece of cloth because you can not think beyond jingoism, you are an idol worshiper. Pray to a Golden Calf.

Rosenberg March 22, 2007 1:19 pm (Pacific time)

Matt: Gee you really have a "jones" with FOX. I am not familiar with the events you mentioned , but time permitting, I will research your claims, but they seem rather unremarkable. Yeah I cannot stand Bill O'reilly, but there are many far worse than him. As far as FOX going out of business, pretty unlikely, i.e. , they are number one in the cable market and they continue to gain market share. It was Air America that was suppose to doom conservative talk radio, we saw what happened there! It appears the left cannot win when facts become omnipresent with the public, so now we have the loonies on the left trying to promulgate the so-called Fairness Doctrine to hurt the publics ability to get objective news. I imagine this guy on ABC, you know that short Greek, who use to shill for Clinton, is still shilling. The major networks and the publishing outfits are losing share because more and more people are going to alternate sources for their news. And Marnell, I donated all of my so-called profits to the Shrine Hospital. As far as that blood for oil myth, I was there, it's a myth. I assume you don't use oil?! You run that keyboard with solar power. Get real, we need oil and lots of it. We get population under control, we need less. Concentrate your energies on dealing with illegals and high birthrates. That would solve some problems a lot easier than marching in lockstep with the looney left moonbats. Some of you need to grow up and at least make an attempt to expand your information/news resources to try to be better citizens.

To EJ. Morgan March 22, 2007 1:05 pm (Pacific time)

Brit Hume and all the rest are only teleprompter reading fools. Whores for Ruppert and his connections with the extreme right. Who are you to say that someone has an anti-American agenda....are you Eugene McCarthy.... Vietnam was a bust and Iraq is a bust. There will be more and more war because the defense industry has congress in their pockets and they will do ANYTHING to convince people to start a war....even domestic sabotage by our own government.

Matt Johnson March 22, 2007 12:59 pm (Pacific time)

Only the lowest of the lowly would read my words and infer such a thing. You speak trash yourself, interestingly in the same breath that you suggest we get it together. The truth is there are many responsible conservatives out there who above all things, find the FOX network amusing at best. You need a low IQ level to respond to such things. I think you guys know something we don't, maybe Bush cut selective people in on deals to act like mindless morons and keep talking right wing misguided nonsense no matter what, right to the last breath, on the last day of their miserable lives. Complain about immigration, poor people, those who think differently from you, etc. We were just finding common ground when you piped in. Bush was a coward during the VN war, I suppose you think he is a great guy too?

To Rosenberg March 22, 2007 12:57 pm (Pacific time)

What has Fox lied about....WMD. They relentlessly were pumping out propaganda about that. Also linking Iraq to 9/11 and pumping that junk out 24/7. Even Bush shamelessly stated that he never linked 9/11 to Iraq. I have seen this on tape. You should see OUTFOXED: Ruppert Murdochs War On Jounalism. While you are at it see "Why We Fight"; the 2005 version. You went to Iraq for the money $$$$$$$$$$$$. If you could have gotten a legite job here you would not have gone so you became an overpaid war criminal.

EJ Morgan March 22, 2007 12:51 pm (Pacific time)

Mr. Rosenberg I was with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam in 1967 through part of 1968. I knew a Captain Rosenberg with Special Forces with the 5th, met him in the central highlands north of DakTo in a place called Dak Pek (sp?). If that's you sir, you saved our asses! I find it amusing that all those who talk about how great the marines are, sure slunk away from those of us who were in the Airborne here in America during various social occasions. "Airborne" and "All the Way" . Too bad this trash talk is happening, we all need to pull together. I think we all love our country and want what's best for our men and women overseas, but this bring them home now is wrong thinking folks. Yeah, the FOX network rocks, especially Brit Hume, now he is a consummate professional. And you Johnson, you no doubt post on Huffington and You are really quite misguided, or maybe you really have an anti-American agenda?

Albert Marnell March 22, 2007 12:45 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg: We are not at war! We are at economic colonization for oil. Anyone who watches Fox News and calls it News is the one who does not know what he is talking about. By the way, you should be ashamed of going to Iraq. You are a small profiteer not a hero. No one is coming here. We were attacked by Saudi terrorists......that does not even give us an excuse to attack Saudi Arabia. Iraq did nothing to us. We do not own the world and if we attempt this with public funds, you will have total economic collapse as has all imperialistic governments. One country can not dominate the world be it Germany, Russia, Rome and the list goes on. You are really full of hubris and have no respect for the autonomy of other countries. Sadaam was our friend for many years and we told him he could have whatever he wanted to fight Iran because we did not like the autonomy of Iran after they threw out our puppet Shah. You and your family are not Iraqi so none of you have any business there.....maybe to shine their shoes and clean their toilets.

Matt Johnson March 22, 2007 12:37 pm (Pacific time)

Mr. Rosenberg, I think you could fairly state that Mr. Lamarche and I are not experts on the Airborne, but not that we are aware of historical military events. No doubt that the Airborne has a distinguished history and a specialized role. As far as what FOX has lied about though; why don't we start with two presidential elections, that's a good starting point. How about their failure to ever mention how Assistant Secretary of State John Kelly and U.S. ambassador April Glaspie effectively giving Saddam the green light (as Saddam apparently saw it) for his August 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Let's talk about their reporters becoming Presidential Spokesmen, that's a clear indicator to most people. But my favorite is when Bill O'Reilly talked about Americans killing "unarmed SS guards at Malmedy. In fact, here is his quote which he refused to retract, "In Malmedy, as you know, U.S. forces captured SS forces who had their hands in the air, and they were unarmed, and they shot them down,” O’Reilly's statement refers to the Belgian town of Malmedy, which was fought over during the Battle of the Bulge. The atrocity at Malmedy on December 17th, 1944, was the other way around: about 86 surrendering U.S. soldiers were massacred by German SS Panzer forces in one of the most notorious war crimes on the Western Front. How does FOX not lie is the question. It isn't that other media groups are always right, but FOX is not a network, it is a GOP public agent and everyone knows it. It is downright un-American to lie to the people on a daily basis. FOX will be closed down in the coming years and their thousands of broadcast lies will be the subject of students for years to come. That is how many of us see it. But no matter how you look at it, WWII veterans deserve better than the BS of Bill O'Reilly. Hate brings no good, it keeps people too stirred up when we need to work together.

Rosenberg March 22, 2007 12:28 pm (Pacific time)

Johnson and LaMarche: I certainly would never doubt the Esprit Decorps of the Marines, but historically speaking, you have very little knowledge of military history. Sure one can cherry-pick events from the past, but the statistical data from Vietnam supports beyond a doubt that the Marines could not come close to comparing themselves to the Airborne in man to man fighting ability and mission accomplishments. Furthermore, from my miltary experience, ranging from Africa, Dominican Republic (1965) to 19 months in Vietnam (woke up in Japan from my wounds shortly after TET [1968], those of us in the Airborne, ranging from Special Forces (the "5TH") to regular Airborne, none of us considered that we were in the Army, but in the "Airborne". Everyone was a volunteer, whether drafted, enlisted or officer. World War II, the marines in the Pacific witnessed how the Airborne interceeded by combat jump to help them. As far as someone not liking FOX, tell me what have they lied about. "GIVE SOME EXAMPLES!" People, it's those on the left who hate FOX, because they truely are fair and balanced, you can get all sides and make your own decision on what you believe. The left hates that! Matt Johnson is a kool aid drinker and wants you to drink the same bilge. Mr. Editor, I'm proud of all those who fought in not just Vietnam but all of our conflicts, past and present, and I sure know what combat is about and how crappy it was for us when we got back to the world. Combat veterans with 3 digits in their IQ realize that you do not support the troops by embolding our enemy or engaging in egriegous infantile behavior like that clown Boquist. Known as a quasi-airborne leg! Note: As I mentioned earlier, mediocrity started to get introduced into all the military long ago, during my period, we still had career soldiers who had fought in both WWII and Korea...they were the people who trained me. Airborne (not the Army, a distinction only troopers can grasp!) is simply second to none, whether as a small specialized unit or a large unit like the 82nd Airborne Division. Watch FOX, go to and see for yourself. Support our troops people!

Ghost of Chesty Puller March 22, 2007 12:13 pm (Pacific time)

I am not pleased...

Hank Ruark March 22, 2007 12:00 pm (Pacific time)

For the record, MJ's rundown is right on and dead accurate in detail, esp. on Marine record vs Army, Airborne et al, as history cleary shows. For the record, if R. a contractor in Iraq, must ask why not there as volunteer ? Cannot sign-on without clearance, I understand... For the record, Tim's from A. best-available anywheres, offsetting media-slanting stuff from Bushie-bunch simply beatin' hell out of oil-nation for international plotters. Allawhich easily documented anytime for anyone -just ask !

The Editor March 22, 2007 11:34 am (Pacific time)

For the record, S. Lamarche is a Marine Corps veteran who served in Vietnam and was wounded near Hill 881 during the fighting around Khe Sanh.

Matt Johnson March 22, 2007 11:20 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, First of all, the very site you are writing on sent a reporter recently to Afghanistan and the reports were very good. So the cherry picking is mainly a FOX game- FOX is a bunch of liars, unless you are talking about the individual stations and not the network. The last thing you should do is encourage people to watch that untruthful garbage. Now, most Army soldiers are the lowest of the low and you know that. The service is full of hillbillies. There are outstanding soldiers but anyone can join the Army and the Marines are selective. Marines qualify with the M-16 at 500 meters which is beyond the weapon's effective range, the Army shoots at 200 meters. The Marine Corps has the second highest entry requirements per ASVAB specs, all Marines are basic infantrymen. Ever heard of Belleau Woods? That is where the Corps bailed the Army out two times in 1918 in France. It was such an embarrassment to the Army that they made sure Marines didn't fight on European soil during WWII. Bush has lied to this once semi-honest country more times than anyone can count. He joined the guard because his daddy was the governor of Texas and he knew he wouldn't have to go to the war and fight and be a man. Now, anyone in the know is aware that the Marines are just for the second year working with the Army's SOF command. They did not work together during Vietnam except for limited occasions. Marines don't ask the Army for help, they show them. The Airborne is more based on the Marine Raiders of WWII than the British Commandos that they were meant to be based on. Most Marines have plenty of respect for Airborne, the Army's elite, but all Marines are elite and that is why we don't take any guff from the Army. In Iraq and Afghanistan at this point in time, Marines can be spotted from a mile away when you're near the Army. That's because they are sharp and have military bearing at all times. They don't have to join some special arm of their service to be the best. I can't believe what you said about Vietnam, there was a draft then and few people in the military were professional, but the Marines did and always do accomplish so much more than the Army, it isn't even something you can compare. Matt Johnson Live to surf surf to live - the Malibu crew

Rosenberg March 22, 2007 11:03 am (Pacific time)

Hello LaMarche: I was in Iraq, came back last January as a private contractor in the area of security. I traveled the whole country, and what I saw was a country that overall was getting it's act together. The media cherry-picks what they want the people in the states (and Europe, Austrailia, etc.) to read, ergo they are forming public opinion contrary to what is really happening. Obviously it's an easy task to manipulate the low IQ's out there, e.g. , marine veterans. Face it, in Nam you had high casualties because your officers and nco's simply did not know how to fight smart. We in the Airborne had the greatest success, along with the lowest casualty rates for our men. That same result is happening now in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Back in the 60's I was involved in training a number of your Marine Force- Recon personnel, we had to constantly lower our standards to get them thru our most remedial levels. A combination of low intelligence, physical capability, as well as mental and emotional toughness severely hampered their progress. UDT and the SEAL's were not much better. The Airborne, is what keeps you safe in the states, 24/7. Two of my children are fighting over there at this time, the war is real, and would be over right now if it wasn't for some weak-minded morons who are aiding and abeting our enemies. Wise up morons, if you don't, the enemy, which is all over our country right now will rain a big #hitstorm on you and your loved ones. Watch FOX News, go to the DrudgeReport, Freerepublic websites to get a different viewpoint. Educate yourselves! Remember these sayings, for they apply to your ability to take care of yourselves: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink". And "They can't see the forest because of the trees". There's a big forest to see in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the media is just showing you some cherry-picked trees!!

S.LaMarche; March 21, 2007 7:25 pm (Pacific time)

hey Rosenberg, why aren't you over there fighting for your president? Who the hell are you to say those who want the troops home are supporting those who are kiling our people? Go to hell John Wayne!.,pull those pins on your grenades with your teeth !.,go support your president and his lies.,Iraq did not make war on the U.S..,Losers?.,who are you?

Hank Ruark March 21, 2007 7:23 pm (Pacific time)

Mutual vilification proves no part of patriotism --only the record of service can do so.

Never heard a shot in my 3 yrs. Army (T-Sgt.Signal Corps) but still "supported my brothers" by solid work where assigned.

Re viewpoint, try this one:
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."-Dwight D. Eisenhower

S.LaMarche; March 21, 2007 5:10 pm (Pacific time)

hey Rosenberg; Golf Co. Two Three.,USMC.,67'-68',and we were in the shit.,so shove off!

Curmudgeon March 21, 2007 2:36 pm (Pacific time)

Regardless of where one stands on this war, our legislature has no business wasting time on this issue. They need to quit playing political games and get back to the business of conducting our state affairs. There are numerous pressing issues that are not being addressed or resolved while this charade goes on.

Justin March 21, 2007 12:21 pm (Pacific time)

Why don't you post how many jewish Americans are combat veterans from Oregon ("combat" being the operative word here) who served in Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan. Then compare that statistically nil number with those jews in Oregon who protest against a Burning Flag Amendment, or those who say Neil Goldschmidt (pedophile) did nothing wrong, or any other number of anti-American viewpoints. Go to for your answer!

Rosenberg March 21, 2007 12:15 pm (Pacific time)

Say LaMarche: Were you a cook in Nam? Supply clerk? You're no combat veteran, you have no concept of what it means to support our veteran's in harms way. {U.S. Army Airborne [1964-68] "ALL THE WAY!"} P.S. Boquist is a wannabe cherry-jumper genetic loser. The Airborne vets out there know what I mean by that assessment. He has no real combat experience, he simply acknowledges the mediocrity that began to "infect" Special Forces beggining during Carter's administration. You people out ther who say you support the troops, but bring them home, are in effect supporting those who are killing our people. Losers!

Hank Ruark March 21, 2007 10:21 am (Pacific time)

No Spin: Just to offset your spin, here's latest right off web minutes ago: THE FINANCIAL COST OF WAR (CRS) The cost of post-9/11 U.S. military operations has now reached $510 billion, according to an updated estimate from the Congressional Research Service. See "The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11," updated March 14, 2007: We await any documented response, friend !

Albert Marnell March 21, 2007 10:08 am (Pacific time)

No Spin: O'Reilly is nothing but Spin. Fair and Balanced is just a B.S. slogan. There is nothing Fair and Balanced about Fox or any of their programs. I still can not believe that people with any brains get caught up in that emotion manipulating channel calling itself Fairand Balanced. All T.V. is bad but Fox takes the cake and the fools. It's all about ratings. They will say and do anything to get ratings. It is not about fact, it is about ratings. I disconnected my television almost a year ago...what a relief. I thought that the military was in service of the citizenry, not the other way around. Bring the soldiers home from our ever increasing occupying armies (over 800 bases) and let them be trained to do something here as citizens. Soldiers usually go into the military thinking that they are going to get something out of it for themselves. After the recruiter (salesman) does his sales pitch the soldier finds that it is all self-sacrifice. There are so many jobs that can be created in social services and health care. We need new hospitals etc. and a better educated middle class. Soldiers are only working for corporations and most of them do not even know it because they still think that there are countries in the traditional sense. Picking on immigrants is just another successful red herring to distract people from the real problems in this country. Blame the immigrants, blame the gays, blame people who are not Christians. This is the same tactic that Stalin and Hitler used to focus people away from real issues. Corruption in corporations and the media are just a few of our issues today. Isn't it time that we go back to a slightly more compassionate system plus be allowed to have fun? What ever happened to enjoyment of life?

Raven March 21, 2007 9:15 am (Pacific time)

Always glad to see either side breaking party ranks and voting what they believe. The party line philosophy does no justice to this country.

Hank Ruark March 21, 2007 8:45 am (Pacific time)

No-Spin: Dunno what documentation you may have re war-costs, but yours-here does not fit realities. Yr source is SS-agency, headed by political appointee. Gotta do better than that, for credibility with this crowd !!

Hank Ruark March 21, 2007 6:40 am (Pacific time)

Scott-attitude reflects actions recently re Rainy Day attempt at purely-political blackmail, resulting in delay and defiance by those-there still open to allover decencies for the people. SO what's expectable from him now ? When does he leave to walk point ?

NoSpin March 21, 2007 6:39 am (Pacific time)

This gives them (politicians) another excuse as to why they are not spending money on the soldiers. We don't agree with the war -- therefore let the people suffer. Immigrants have more rights and opportunities than our Oregon National Guard members.
This pretext also gives them an avenue of spin. Oregon sees the writing on the wall relative to Drivers Licenses and Selective Service. Oregon is MIA. See for yourself...
Soon legal Oregon residents will not be approved to fly abroad! Also all of the illegal residents will not be eligible for citizenship as the Oregon system is not in alignment with Selective Service.

ALBERT March 21, 2007 12:39 am (Pacific time)

Congress is in bed with the defense industry. Everybody with half a brain knows it. If you put all of the brains of all of the politicians in this country together, all of the thousands of still only get half a brain! Spend on Heatlh Care, Health Care, and more Health Care!

Albert Marnell March 21, 2007 12:30 am (Pacific time)

I second that! Let Freedom Ring! Convict the thousands of people involved in this quest for bases and oil and let's have a Nuremberg Trial with death penalties! Even for the Joseph Goebbels in the media....propaganda ministers. Bush's net worth is now over a billion dollars. How can he possibly relate to the average person? He is a war profiteer! The answer from the start is that he can not relate. But he sure knows how to fool hicks, Bible thumpers, third rate freaks and morons! Let Freedom Ring! Democracy with an in your face stolen election in Horida. Catherine Harris thinks that the populace should eat cake. Bring back the guilotine! Give Greg Palast a Nobel Peace Prize! Fox News is no news. It is the propaganda machine of the GOP. People fall for faux liberals like Susan Estridge. Hannity vs. Colmbs, a guy that looks like he is dying of some God awful disease. This is done on purpose. People fall for this? Using a weak looking and sickly looking person as the person who represents the liberal view. Bill O'Reilly by the way lives in Manhasset, New York. One of if not his main residences. He must have one in the city to crash out after tapeing. Manhasset is a very rich area in Nassau County, Long Island and he has made a fortune from being allowed to be insulting, cut people off when they are talking and use other tactics that make him look more like Patrick Hooligan..who by the way was a real person. Hey Bill, how come you don't take the Port Washington branch into the city except when we have bad weather? Your show reminds me of the fake wrestling that I used to go to in the early sixties with my grandparents at Island Garden and Madison Square Garden and that other place on Hempstead Turnpike. You need to be put against people like Ann Northrop on her turf, not your studio. It's easy to bully a person in your own home. I can't believe people have not figured out your schtick! Go back to Chaminade and learn some manners! Your classmates shared my bus! I know your deal, I was observing you older boys cause I went to that (as you might call it) "Quaker School" on Washinton Avenue which is now the Mineola Town Hall. You don't fool me! I like the way Phil Donahue made a fool of you. He can yell louder than you and so can I but we know better! Bring back Phil Donahue! Dump O'Reilly! See the docmentary "Why We Fight" by Eugeng Jarecki. See "OUTFOXED: Ruppert Murdochs War On Jounalism." Watch John Water's "Pink Flamingos." Anything but O'Reilly and Hannity. Don't forget Jane Akre and Steve Wilson in "The Corporation." Get these DVD's at BlockBuster or your library! I am all for the U.S. attacking Saudi Arabia. I am still mad about the gas lines in the late 70's and how they financially raped us with the blessings of the global elite of this country. Any American that backs what has been going on in this country since Eisenhower left is a darn fool.

S.LaMarche; March 20, 2007 8:56 pm (Pacific time)

and the troops now have access to the truth about this war, they know it's not the populace that's unsupportive of them.,we are unsupportive of YOU!, and as a Vietnam vet I say bring them home! Go walk point again yourself if that's what you have to do! .,this war and this administration is based on lies.,the status quo version of "sending the wrong message to our troops" is another political con to hide behind while death., destruction and military occupatoin continue on a people that never attacked or planned to attack our country. Take Bush with you on your mission! Liars are what they are and a liar is what you may have become Rep. Scott, Let Freedom Ring!

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley