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Mar-19-2010 22:01 ![]() ![]() The Complicated Faces of Anti-SemitismDr. Alan Sabrosky Salem-News.comExploring the three faces of anti-Semitism; two defined by assorted Gentiles and the third by Zionists.
(JACKSON, Miss.) - I cannot speak for the situation elsewhere, but in the US, I doubt if there is a another definable group that equals or surpasses Jews in their achievements in so many different fields, their support for civil liberties and civil rights, and their philanthropy or general support of charitable causes. But when Israel enters the equation, those truly admirable qualities are often set aside. Israeli bigotry, atrocities and crimes against humanity are largely ignored, excused or vociferously supported, and Jewish-dominated institutions such as the mainstream media pointedly refrain from publishing or reporting blatant contemporary examples of Israeli misconduct. This brings to mind a conversation I had a few years ago with a Jewish friend whose parents met in a Nazi concentration camp. We were discussing something historical, and she remarked that Jews had been persecuted by almost everyone throughout their history. Said I (paraphrasing), well, what's wrong with you? Said she, what's wrong with us? Sure, I replied, it simply isn't natural for any people to be so consistently disliked. Look at it in personal terms. If a few people I meet don't like me, I can easily say the problem is with them. But if virtually everyone I meet hates or despises me, it is pretty hard to escape the conclusion that there is something fundamentally wrong with me, or with how I behave. The Basis of Anti-Semitism Now, Jews inveigh often and loudly against Anti-Semitism, which is itself a bit odd, coming from a people whose -- well, "Anti-Gentilism" (i.e., everyone else) for lack of a better term -- seems embedded in their religion and culture. The Books of Judges and Deuteronomy are awash in bloodshed, with Deuteronomy endorsing the slaughter of people who worshipped a different God. Now, those people were not threatening Jews; they just had chosen a different way to seek answers to the eternal questions of life and death. But to Jews, at least in their core scripture, this sufficed for their extermination, and their livestock and possessions as well. This trait alone would make Jews unwelcome -- how many people willingly reside next to their own executioners, simply for the crime of existing? Then there is the problem of dealing with a people whose religion includes a major holiday -- Passover (or Pesach) -- based on mass infanticide. True, the side of the Passover coin presented to the world is that of God "passing over" the Jewish homes en route to punish the Egyptians for keeping them in captivity. But the other side of that Passover coin is the punishment itself, the killing on behalf of the Jews of all of the first-born of Egypt: not just of Pharaoh, or of Pharaoh's priests and ministers and generals, who might reasonably have been held responsible for that captivity, but of the poor peasants and fishermen and even prisoners as well, who had no conceivable role in it at all. Hating people who praise their God for murdering your children is not at all irrational -- it would be as if America made the firebombing of Dresden and the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki into national holidays, and added some divine glorification to it as well. Not pretty, to say the least. The Three Faces of Anti-Semitism From this derive the three faces of anti-Semitism, two defined by assorted Gentiles and the third by Zionists. The first is essentially the Roman view, highlighted in the Jewish War that ended in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple and the dispersal of the remnants of the population. This did not see Jews as the problem, but rather an armed Jewish state -- i.e., how Jews collectively behave in an organized polity. Even while the armies of Titus were battering Jerusalem down, thriving Jewish communities existed in virtually every city of consequence throughout the Empire, including Rome itself. The second defines Jews as a people and as individuals as disposable for any of a variety of reasons. It predominated in much of Christian Europe for centuries (and parenthetically was almost unknown in the Muslim world), and culminated in the Nazi Holocaust. This would make no distinction between an Israel Shamir and a Yitzhak Shamir, or even me; all could go. And the last form is the so-called "new" anti-Semitism, defined by assorted Israeli governments and Israel's advocates overseas as any criticism whatsoever of any Israeli domestic or foreign policy, and thus an "existential threat" to Israel itself. This is now the favored usage of the term by Israeli partisans, intended to protect Israel from criticism or sanctions abroad, and to stifle debate over its actions. Anti-Semitism Reconsidered Of these three forms of anti-Semitism, the last is an understandable political ploy for a country that cannot survive open disclosure of its attitudes, internal practices and policies. Being nonsense does not make it ineffective, of course, given the extent of its media support and the money poured into political coffers on its behalf. The second is neither ridiculous nor nonsense. It is an exercise in criminal idiocy that merits condemnation, whether perpetrated by (e.g.) the Inquisition, the Black Hundreds or the Nazi SS. But the first is on the mark, and the pragmatic Romans got this right. Whether the scriptural affinity for bloody-mindedness reflects the Jewish culture or affected it over time is immaterial. Either way, the outcome is an exceptionally nasty people within an armed and independent Jewish state, ranking at least up (or down) there with the Huns and the ancient Assyrians. The oddity is that as individuals without an organized Jewish state, what one sees is admirable achievements instead of aggressive abominations. Without a Jewish state, the dark side of Judaism has no way to express itself, so the admirable side of the Jewish cultural coin -- and there is a great deal to admire -- shines instead. Getting there without a catastrophe is our task in the years ahead. =======================================================
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Sabau A. Sanyika July 25, 2011 11:29 am (Pacific time)
PEACE IN...In these troubles times of Armageddon,the Judgement comes for the infamous and historic rebells against Divine moral guidance for human life's salvation. The scriptures tell of how all the Prophets were challenged by the habitual rebellion of the Hebrew people who later became known as Jews. It must be understood that Prophets came to and from among people who's moral life was so deteriorated that the only hope was direct communication to them from The One Creator Almighty,as was given through Prophets,one who had set an example by living acceptionally free of the immorality so deeply imbedded in that community of people. For those who believe,this habitual rebellion has run it's coarse,and now is time for truth to unmask treachery and deception that has guided this rebellious people for far,far,far to long. In past times,this mind-set could roam about the earth making mischief from behind the scene as they do today,without the masses having true knowledge of the problem. Today,the word can get to the furtherest corner of the earth in seconds. Therefore, truth has caught up with this problem with the Divine intent to expose it and to defeat it has hinderance to the human family's future progress toward a loving and peaceful existence for ALL TRIBES IN THE ONE HUMAN FAMILY. Anti-semitism is actually their own invention because of the behavior had toward Gentiles. We all must be against hating on others because of religion,race,nat- ionality,etcetera,but this rebellious people,the pharisaic sadducee zionist mind-set has committed some very atrocious acts toward Gentiles and therefore has had to face retalitory acts by those they have religiously considered less than themselves as inferiors. Speak of chickens coming home to roost is appropiate ruling in this matter. Injustice by those who claim Divine favor is simply inexcusable,and it warrant Divine wrath. Your explaination is accurate on anti-semitism. But,the best assessment of the issue can come only when viewed from scriptural lense of the historic relationship between rebellious Jews and their G-D. Their G-D warned them of the consequence of rebellion for living by HIS guidance rather than living by their own fallible understanding. They habitually chose to do it their way,so have honestly earned the wrath of G-D. ALL TRIBES IN THE ONE HUMAN FAMILY MUST TRUTHFULLY KNOW, FULLY EXPOSE,DIRECTLY CONFRONT,AND FIGHT UNCOMPROMISINGLY TO TOTALLY DEFEAT THE pharisaic sadducee zionist mind-set,a mind-set that's a critical threat to all children of Adam. For true education on the zionism/zionist issue,please go to or email These are the Torah Jews who are the legitimate representatives of the HONORABLE FAITH COMMUNITY OF JUDAISM. They have been fighting zionism/zionist for over one-hundred years. We must support them. PEACE OUT...
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