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Mar-16-2012 20:03printcommentsVideo

'Jewish Only' - Slander and Racism in Huffington Post

Hate-based journalism is a blog thing.

A Palestinian woman under arrest by Israeli forces for driving on a Jewish-only road. Huffington Post and its writers are allowed to deny this stark reality because truth is very inconvenient for those who stand up for war crimes. Photo: mondoweiss.net

(SALEM) - It may not be 'mainstream' in nature, but the Huff Post is absolutely an idling hot rod for the Zionist hasbara propaganda machine. I marvel at the title of a recent commentary by Lilac Sigan: Apartheid Is Awful, But Who Is the Real Racist?

It is an oxymoronic title if one ever existed, and this cocky little racist looks like she would have assimilated into the Hitler Youth without any trouble at all if she had been born a few years earlier.

She callously calls Israeli Apartheid Week, "A slander festival," leaving the average apologist in the dust. Real Jewish people hate such talk. This woman is a propagandist only and we don't allow her type of philosophy to be published here, never will.

It bugs this HP writer that Israeli Apartheid Week is observed on 109 university campuses in cities all around the world, for eight years running, calling for boycott and sanctions on the Israeli racist regime over its endless list of human rights violations against the Palestinians.

Referring to the annual Boycott Israel Campaign and Israeli Apartheid Week, Sigan wrote:

    After spending quite some time in the official website of this noble organization, I must confess -- it I hadn't known the truth, I too would have been convinced -- the site is packed with information and facts. The only problem is that these facts are partial, and therefore paint a partial picture that brings to false accusations.

Well, the separate roads and laws for Jews and non-Jews are all too real, the walls surrounding and dividing Palestine are real, the prison sentences, torture and bombing campaigns against civilians are real, the blood is real and the children's screams... what is she in need of having explained?

This this bit of squawk:

    The website will tell you that apartheid is a crime against humanity. It is. But is Israel really guilty of it? The allegations against Israel's policy towards Palestinians chooses to overlook one very simple fact. I searched the whole site, and strange how with all the research and professionalism, it neglects to mention that the Palestinian leaders have always wanted Israel to cease to exist, and still do today. The extreme ones, such as Hamas in Gaza, have no problem saying it right out. The moderate ones, such as PLO, are more modest about this fact.

    Is it a crime against humanity to protect yourself from a declared enemy?

Hamas, years ago, ended suicide bombing, for this it is given zero credit. If Israel or its mouthpieces cared about peace or truth or even human life, it would admit this important fact, but it does not. In fact it is Israel that has taken on the task of eliminating a culture, and Palestine's ethnic cleansing is a crime Israel has committed against every person. The Israeli Defense Forces operate with impunity and they kill 100 for every one of theirs killed. For the dead it doesn't matter, but the living have a hard time forgetting such statistics.

Heartless media not only occupies and finds itself at home in American TV news, AM radio and newspaper; it has a comfortable well-funded place called Huffington Post that lets the bidding take place, to be sure to carry the hateful message forward.

I will close this by asking you to watch the most important video in existence, that I know of, explaining Israel's 'Operation Cast Lead'. There is not a better, more complete review in a short of time that any person can watch. Every word, written by Joe Mowery and presented by Salem-News.com Writer Anthony Lawson, can easily be verified, the madness of Israel must be stopped, no words are too strong in expressing this. If you don't watch the video, then never talk about this event in your life, you have no right to.


Tim King in 2008, covering the Iraq War

Tim King: Salem-News.com Editor and Writer

Tim King has more than twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. Tim is Salem-News.com's Executive News Editor. His background includes covering the war in Afghanistan in 2006 and 2007, and reporting from the Iraq war in 2008. Tim is a former U.S. Marine.

Tim holds awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing from The Associated Press the National Coalition of Motorcyclists, the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs, Electronic Media Association and The Red Cross In a personal capacity, Tim has written 2,026 articles as of March 2012 for Salem-News.com since the new format designed by Matt Lintz was launched in December, 2005.

Serving readers with news from all over the globe, Tim's life is literally encircled by the endless news flow published by Salem-News.com, where more than 100 writers contribute stories from 20+ countries and regions.

Tim specializes in writing about political and military developments worldwide with an emphasis on Palestine and Sri Lanka, Iraq and Afghanistan, and the U.S. Marines. You can write to Tim at this address: tim@salem-news.com. Visit Tim's Facebook page (facebook.com/TimKing.Reporter)

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Avi Israeli March 17, 2012 12:59 pm (Pacific time)

Once again you ignore the facts in a post addressed to you and continue your lies-- Arab violence against Jews in Palestine began in 1920, 13 years BEFORE Hitler came to power.

Hamas is now in the sixth year of a four-years elected term. Is that your definition of democracy? If it is, then we are apparently not speaking the same language, sir.

Mr. King, you can denigrate the missiles fired from Gaza because they're not being fired at you. I would like to see your reaction if such "firecrackers" were landing in your neighborhood. Just because they don't kill large numbers of Israelis doesn't mean the intent is not there. Have you never heard of the concept of criminal intent?

Tim King: I do not deny that the rockets are dangerous, or that they have killed people and considering the total number of Israelis killed from these attacks since they began in the early 1990's is 29, and then comparing that to last week's death toll in Gaza from Israeli attacks- 26, I fail to see any balance or even a hint of it. And with regard to this, our Photographer Dexter Phoenix covered a fatal rocket launch in Israel, one of the 29, and we were called names for it by some in the pro-Palestine crowd and tough beans, it is a death and every death is terrible and lamentable.  

Sadly, Zionists simply believe their lives are far more important than those of any and all other human beings and this is where the problem comes in.  Regarding the problems in the 20's, let's step back even farther, Herzl launched the platform in the 1890's, Jewish Zionists began moving to Palestine long ago.  In most cases people got along, in some cases Jews attacked Arabs and Arabs attacked Jews.  We all know the region always had people of all three faiths, the Muslims being the latest arrival and the Jews the first; the fighting did not become terrible until the Nakba in '47 and '48.  It was the Holocaust that caused the exodus of survivors to move en mass to Palestine, there was the Irgun and there was the Stern Gang; the Jews terrorized the Palestinians because they were there to take the Palestinian's property and homes, as they have, and continue to, and you suggest apparently, that the people in this position should not react, should not have anger, should not have a resistance, and if they do, and they are undergunned next to an Israeli military machine, they are branded terrorists.  You and your supporters have a massive superiority complex and it scares the majority of we Goyim, we are after all less according to your doctrine.  Still, everything is possible with the right approach, I have to say you may be on the other side of this issue, but you are more cordial than most and I do not mean to be insulting, I want us to all get along.  I believe in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and until a human's basic needs are met, we all live in misery.      

Jerry March 17, 2012 3:26 am (Pacific time)

When Operation Cast Lead began, I was there, within 2 km of where the bombs were falling, and within a few meters of where rockets were falling. But I couldn't see your video - so I have no right to talk about it?

Editor: Damn, here we go... Israel blocks you from seeing the truth friend, it explains many things. 

Jerry March 17, 2012 3:31 am (Pacific time)

I forgot to mention that in the same apartment building where I lived when Cast Lead was happening, also lived Chinese foreign workers, an older Russian woman, a family from Morocco, and some young adult Arabs - Palestinians who lived and worked in town. Strange brand of Apartheid, if you ask me.

Avi Israeil March 16, 2012 10:26 pm (Pacific time)

Dear Mr. King:

There's a reason for the fact that "Hamas, years ago, ended suicide bombing, for this it is given zero credit"-- Hamas stopped because of the law of diminishing return: it became more expensive for their side to commit these acts than the damage they did to Israel.

Tim King: I find your comment to be nothing but false innuendo, you write bare faced lies in a world where the figures can easily be looked up.  

The video attached to this article losed whatever credibility you may have had with this reader, since it incoudes all the lies, half-truths and innuendoes about Operation Cast Lead that have since been debunked.

 Tim King: Not true at all, every piece of this is backed up in many places, you are injecting a lie into this comment again.

For starters, even Hamas has admitted that of the 1400 dead, more than 1,000 were fighters for Hamas and affiliated organizations. Even Justice Goldstone has recanted his comments made in the much-publicized Goldstone report, which could have been a propaganda piece for Hamas rather than, as the narrator claims, a "pro-Zionist: report. Only one short paragraph condemns Hamas for fighting in civilian clothes from civilian areas, while almost 500 pages castigate Israel from everything to turning off Gaza's electricity to deliberately destroying UNWRA warehouses with food intended for the Gaza population (neither of which were true, BTW).

IF the sao-called "Palestinian-Israeli conflict" were all it is, then theree is no existential threat... but most people, yourself included, seem to forget that it's part of the larger, older Arab-Israeli conflict, that has been going on since Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, incited riots against the Jews in Jerusalem (1920), Jaffa (1921), Hebron and Safed (1929), and all over the British Mandate of Palestine (1936-1939). An ally of Hitler and appointed Middle Eastern head of the "Final Solution for the Jewish People", al-Husseini was a wanted war criminal (Yugoslavia, where he raised 3 SS divisions of Muslims) and lionized by the Arab public (Yasser Arafat even falsely claimed that al-Husseini was his uncle, to gain initial legitimacy with the PLO despite the fact that he was an Egyptian of Palestinian descent, not Palestinian himself). You sir, have bought into a narrative made of lies, half-truths and pure fiction without checking any of the facts behind the headlines. Poor journalism at best.  I expect this post will be censored, because you won't have the courage to post a dissenting opinion.

Tim King: Right, we have no obligation to carry any comment, however yours was carried and addressed by me.  The truth is that Palestinians and Jews and Christians all lived in peace in Palestine until the monster Hitler set out to kill millions of people in Europe, with the Jews at the head of the list.  But the Palestinians had nothing to do with this at all, in fact they helped the British take Jerusalem in WWI only to be betrayed by Balfour.  I have no objection to any religion or culture of people, as long as they are not dangerous and do not violate the civil and human rights of people and this is where Israel is a terrible and disappointing failure.  Israel is a hard right wing government today, there are incredible people there but they get no credit the way Israeli press also gives no coverage to the way the IDF treats demonstrators at Bil'in and other places on a weekly basis.  So many have died needlessly,and we are at the anniversary of Israel's murder of  Rachel Corrie right now.  Did you hear what Gilad Shalit's dad said this week by the way?  You can stand for the religious fundamentalist settler nutjobs if you want, they are as terrible as any zealots in existence..

Hamas is an elected group, sure they're imperfect but they are an elected government.  This branding of people as terrorists is bullshit and needs to be over because it is only a tool to strip human rights.  Some jihadist fires an unguided rocket into Israel, you fly over in an F-16 and drop bombs on their heads, and you call them terrorists?  

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