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Mar-01-2012 15:24printcomments

Philadelphia VA Tells Marine to 'Take a Hike'

America does not support it troops unless they're standing in a recruiting line or appearing in a Hollywood movie.

Robert O'Dowd served at MCAS El Toro in the 1960's
Robert O'Dowd served at MCAS El Toro in the 1960's

(PHILADELPHIA, PA) - The letter from the Philadelphia VA Regional Office was thick. It wasn’t a love letter. The package was received on my daughter’s birthday, February 28, 2012. It contained the VA’s denial of my pending disability compensation claim. The denial runs a total of 66 single space pages. Much of it was boilerplate, but even so, with at least an average count of 400 words per page, we’re looking at something in the area of 26,000 words. That’s a lot of trees to say, ‘Shove it.’

Robert O'Dowd

My appeal to the Philadelphia VA Decision Review Officer was in process for many months. How much dust it gathered I have no way of knowing. It’s apparent that at some point in time, a great deal of effort was made by the VA to ‘dot the i's and cross the t's.’ I intend to appeal the decision to the BVA.

I have been called many things in my life but never a liar. The VA is wrong, terribly wrong. Marines in MOS 3071 attached to MWSG-37 in the 1960s worked in one of two places: in the warehouses or in Wing Supply Support Division (WSSD) in Hangar 296. Marines in MOS 3072 worked exclusively in WSSD, unless they were real ‘eight balls’ and given other duties. However, unless I can provide support to the VA that I worked in the Wing Supply Support Division at El Toro, the WSSD was located in Hangar 296, and obtain medical evidence of exposure to radiation, my VA claim will be so much waste paper.

I’ve provided the Philadelphia VA with a medical nexus opinion linking radiation exposure from the Ra 226 paint room in the north mezzanine of Hangar 296 to several current medical conditions, together with a recommendation from a internationally known expert on radiation who told the VA in writing that only a chromosome blood breakage test from a government laboratory is definitive proof of radiation exposure. The Philadelphia VA refuses to provide this test, using the erroneous position that follow-up chemotherapy for bladder cancer (linked to radiation exposure by the Federal government) would negate this blood test, despite the fact that the radiation expert with multiple doctorate degrees and over 40 years of experience in the field specifically told the VA that bladder cancer chemotherapy would not impact the blood test.


The Philadelphia VA denied my disability claim for several reasons, including the lack of documentation in my service records to support that the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing’s Wing Supply Support Division (WSSD) was located in Hangar 296. If they were really interested, the VA could have requested this information from the Marine Corps.

Someone in Marine Aviation Supply could no doubt pull some documentation to support the location of WSSD in 1963-1964 at MCAS El Toro. Even a telephone book from the early 1960s would show the building location of WSSD. Since this is almost 50 years ago, the task of locating Marines who worked in WSSD in the 1960s, remember me, and would be willing to write a statement to that effect may be close to impossible.

My service records show two MOSs at El Toro. MOS 3071 and 3072. The Marine Corps should have a position description for MOS 3072 from the 1960s, which should show the mechanized duties assigned to this position as compared to MOS 3071. This is not definitive proof of assignment to WSSD, but it’s unlikely that a Marine with these skills would be a ‘box kicker’ in the Wing’s warehouses. Again, the VA has the capability to request the position description from the Marine Corps, but nothing was done.

Hangar 296 MCAS El Toro

The administrative office space in the north mezzanine (2nd deck) of Hangar 296 was assigned to the Wing Supply Support Division. I worked in the WSSD as Supply Clerk (MOS 3071 and later changed to MOS 3072) from January 1963 until late October 1964. The entrance to WSSD was accessed from a door on the northwest side of the hangar, which leading to wooden stairs and an open walkway overlooking the hangar bay deck. The entrance door to WSSD was about mid-way down the open walk way on your left.

A metal rail protected an inadvertent fall off the walk way onto the hangar deck. While on duty watch, we slept in a bunk in a small room at the west end of the office. Telephone calls for priority requisitions for aircraft out of commission for parts (AOCP) or aircraft not fully equipped (ANFE) woke us in the middle of the night.

The phone would ring until we got out of the bunk; walk the 60 or so feet to the telephone to answer it. The inventory of aircraft parts was kept on IBM punch cards by Federal stock number in bins. During duty hours, we spent hours sorting by hand IBM punch cards and using pencils to mark IBM punch cards for bath processing that evening.

Two keypunch machines were located in our work space and anyone who showed he had typing skills and the willingness to learn was quickly put to work in keypunching IBM punch cards for one task or another. At the end of the workday, the bins with their IBM punch cards were taken to the hangar floor for computer processing by an IBM 1401.

Robert O'Dowd at El Toro, Summer of 2009

The output products were picked-up each morning from computer operations and brought by elevator to the WSSD on the second level deck (upper mezzanine). When called after normal working hours, the duty watches had look up the requested part in the inventory kept on an IBM punch card and even if the balance was zero, call the warehouse watch Marine to physically check the supply bin just in case the data records were incorrect and the item was on hand.

If the item was available, then the squadron or group supply office had to be called back even at 0300 to let them know the part was on hand, to process the requisition and send someone over in a jeep or truck to pick up the item from the warehouse. Sometimes this ritual happened 4 or 5 times a night.

If you caught the weekend duty (Friday through Sunday), it got to be a long shift. We didn’t have access to the group’s mess hall, so you had to take a jeep back to mainside’s mess hall for meals. No timeouts for showers or PX stops. Just eat and get back in the jeep for the ride back to the hangar. Showers were in the rear of the office space. Everyone had to shower and shave daily and you caught hell if the OD stopped in and found you unshaven and out of uniform.

No TVs or newspapers; only one radio when it worked. The sound of C-130s on night operations would keep you awake. The final duty before lights out at 2200 was cleaning and buffing the deck in the Wing’s Supply Officer’s space. Our Wing Supply Officers were aviators; not hard asses. We were there to get the job done, but this was the Marine Corps and not the Hilton. There were no janitorial services so enlisted Marines were expected to keep the work area spotless.


Why won’t the VA just draw the blood for the blood chromosome breakage test? I’m guessing that the issue is much bigger that one Marine veteran from El Toro who may have been exposed to low levels of radiation almost 50 years ago. In my situation, the VA medical examiner used urine and white blood cell tests to determine no evidence of exposure to radiation.

An internationally known radiation expert disagrees that this is an appropriate test for low level radiation exposure that may have seriously affected my brain. My buddy who had the top bunk and worked next to me in WSSD died of brain cancer in 2002. I’ve been luckier; my cancer was confined to the bladder.

The problem as I see it is if the VA agrees that their tests for radiation exposure are not accurate, it opens the door to thousands of other Veterans who may have been exposed to low levels of radiation, too. That’s not a road the VA wants to travel.

This could costs the VA a great deal of money if Gulf War veteran, for example, were found exposed to radiation from DU rounds fired during the war and suffer health effects from these exposures. The VA can easily avoid liability for compensation to these Veterans by using the urine and white blood count tests.

However, if the preferred chromosome blood breakage test found evidence of exposure to radiation, it’s another matter. Dr. Rosalie Bertell told me that the chromosome blood breakage test is the only way to detect exposure to low levels of radiation white the VA’s current test mythology is at best inadequate and at worst misleading.


Dr. Rosalie Bertell

Dr. Bertell has a Ph.D. from Catholic University of America in Mathematics with minor in Biology and Biochemistry. She is the recipient of seven honorary doctorate degrees and the author of 147 professional articles and several books on the environment. She has worked in environmental heath since 1969.

She was involved in the founding of several organizations, including the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, Toronto, Canada, which she is the President. She is the recipient of the Right Livelihood Award, the World Federalist Peace Prize, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Global 500 Award. Dr. Bertell has extensive experience in the area of radiation exposure, having headed the Bhopal and Chernobyl Medical Commission. At my request, Dr. Bertell wrote Ms. Eileen Kostic, the Veterans Service Center Manager for the Philadelphia Regional Office, on November 26, 2011. The letter fell on deaf ears.

Dr. Bertell wrote Ms. Kostic that, “According to a Navy report prepared by Roy F. Weston in July 2002, the north mezzanine of Hangar 296 at MCAS El Toro was contaminated with radiation from a Ra 226 paint room. Robert O’Dowd worked and slept in this portion of the hangar in 1963-1964. Radon, a decay product of Ra 226, may have entered.

He is a stage 2/3 bladder cancer survivor (2005-2006), and suffers from other medical conditions such as small vessel disease of the brain, brain atrophy, and hyperprolactinemia that had been associated with radiation exposure. Radon gas can pass directly to the brain via the olfactory channels. This has now been confirmed through studies of DU aerosol in the Gulf War.

The only definitive test to rule out radiation exposure is a chromosomal blood breakage test for rings and dicentrics. The advice given to Robert O’Dowd by the Philadelphia VA (Ms. Mary Moore) is that his follow-up chemotherapy for bladder cancer in 2006 prevents the use of a chromosome blood breakage test. In my opinion, this advice is wrong…Dr. Jeffrey Bodack of the Philadelphia Medical Center relied on a urine analysis and white cell blood count for his finding that Mr. O’Dowd had no detectable medical problems.

Based on my experience, Dr. Bodack’s tests, urine and white blood count, are not intended to be tests for radiation exposure and would have no possibility of finding any abnormality resulting from low dose radiation exposure this long a time after the event [my italics].

Dr. Bertell advised the Philadelphia VA that there were only two government laboratories with the capability to perform the blood chromosome blood breakage test: the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, MD, and the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Cytogenetic Biodosimetry Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. This has special interest for El Toro Marines who worked in Hangar 296 and Gulf War Veterans.

The Philadelphia VA’s Statement of the Case, dated February 24, 2012, misquoted Dr. Bertell. The VA reported the Dr. Bertell (p. 40), “reports that the follow up chemotherapy you underwent for bladder cancer in 2006, prevents the use of the chromosome blood breakage test.” This couldn’t be more wrong; it is totally opposite of the position taken by Dr. Bertell.

Dr. Bertell in her letter to Ms. Kostic of November 26, 2011, said that, “It is certainly puzzling to assume that a chemotherapy agent injected directly into the bladder, and then removed from the body with urine, would affect the bone marrow!” Further, Dr. Bertell said, “the advice given to Robert O’Dowd by the Philadelphia VA (Ms. Mary Moore) is that his follow-up chemotherapy for bladder cancer in 2006 prevents the use of a chromosome blood breakage test. In my opinion, this advice is wrong.”


Any El Toro Marine who worked in the north mezzanine of Hangar 296 in the 1960s and later should keep the chromosome blood breakage test in mind and demand that their VA medical center use one of the government laboratories and not the standard urine and while blood cell count tests done by the VA, if there is any medical condition that may be linked to radiation.

Gulf War Veterans who may have reasons to believe they were exposed to radiation should demand the VA do the chromosome blood breakage test. Gulf War Veterans should read Paul Zimmerman’s “Management of Depleted Uranium and the Medical Mismanagement of Gulf War Veterans, dated November 20, 2009, on Truthout, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing independent news and commentary at

Marine Major William Mimiaga, a disabled Vietnam Veteran and friend, once told me that, “the VA is an adversary not an ally to our Veterans.” His assessment was right on target. This morning Major Mimiaga reminded me of a message he posted on Facebook on the VA. Please take the time to visit Major Mimiaga on Facebook. You won’t be disappointed. With his permission, part of his message bears repeating:

“Shame on you and Shame on America! For decades now we have tied yellow ribbons to trees professing our love and support for our nation’s Veterans and their families in need while all the while many of you are doing so only for financial gain or personal notoriety. I call it disgusting and off the backs of our Veterans and the families of our fallen heroes. The VA system is broken and often appears without empathy to the service and sacrifice of our Veterans and their families. The Veterans Administration is an adversary and not an ally to the Veteran. They will wait out the Veteran with rejected appeals until finally attrition sadly removes him or her from their roles.”

Any Marine who served with me in the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing’s WSSD in 1963-1964, please contact me on email at

Semper Fi,

Robert O’Dowd


Jan 1962 – May 1966


Bob O’Dowd is a former U.S. Marine with thirty years of experience on the east coast as an auditor, accountant, and financial manager with the Federal government. Half of that time was spent with the Defense Logistics Agency in Philadelphia. Originally from Pennsylvania, he enlisted in the Marine Corps at age 19, served in the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Marine Aircraft Wings in 52 months of active duty in the 1960s. A graduate of Temple University, Bob has been married to Grace for 31 years. He is the father of two adult children and the grandfather of two boys. Bob has a blog site on former MCAS El Toro at This subject is where Bob intersected with Bob served in the exact same Marine Aviation Squadron that Salem-News founder Tim King served in, twenty years earlier. With their combined on-site knowledge and research ability, Bob and Tim and a handful of other ex-Marines, have put the contamination of MCAS El Toro on the map. The base is highly contaminated with TCE, trichloroethelyne

You can email Bob O’Dowd, Environmental and Military Reporter, at this address:

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Craig March 22, 2012 2:50 pm (Pacific time)

It would be a more compelling argument if the "reporter" wasn't the subject.

 Editor: Oh yeah Craig, Bob really set out to have this be his story, do you think?  Your use of the rule, "the reporter is not the story" has absolutely nothing to do with this super-unique article by a group that has spent years assembling a team of writers who have real life experience, you would rather have some 25-year old blond telling you this on the evening news?  Would that give it more credibility to you?  I am shocked that anyone would not appreciate the value of a first-hand perspective, it is rare.

I am sorry for your struggles, and wish you luck in reaching the end of you battle!

 Editor: Good, you mean that?

Instead of 'attempting' to rabblerouse,

Editor: We are here to shake you all up, I am not a big fan of thin-skins, life is a bitch for Marines sick from their years of military service.  The government picked on the wrong guys.  Hell yeah we're rebels, and LOUD rebels at that, with tens of thousands of daily readers, can't beat it.

think about the Vietnam Veterans who are the priority now, the Nehmer review is drawing to an end. My claim took 3.2 years in Indianapolis, have a little perspective, and I am a Veteran of Iraq. HOORAH

Editor: Very bizarre Craig, yet let's support Vn Vets the say does every day, yes let's support all Vets, don't try to single out those who you don't feel deserve it, that isn't how the system works.  Funny comments on this story, I think half of this nature are straight from the VA.

John Hartung March 4, 2012 9:52 am (Pacific time)

I wanted to add that the C and P Doctor for the VA has 1 of my diseases is 2nd to the water. The exam was done in Sept of 2010. I saw the reports. Talk about being played with! With regards to the comment above mine ?????????? doesn't add up to what the guy is saying. Reminds of the NAS report done. John

Don Jose March 2, 2012 5:50 am (Pacific time)

I support the VA in this.

 Editor: You are the VA

Dr. Bertell is a well meaning nun with a PhD degree in math but her extremist opinions on radiation have been disprove time and time again by the consensus of the scientific community.

Editor: Oh yeah, that Fukushima meltdown was a real hot dog wasn't it?  She believes radiation is dangerous to people, and it is, and you see this as a plot to justify the VA screwing one more of my Marine Brothers who served his country honorably, only to spent a lifetime battling cancer over the terrible environmental stewardship?  I have stood at that very hangar at El Toro with this treasured friend, I very much dislike your 'comment' so far.

Her statements about radiation effects are not credible.

Editor: Indeed, it is you who lacks the faintest sign of credibility, you are trying to do a hack job for the VA against a Marine and this is poor character displayed.

Only a few anti-nuclear extremist groups consider Dr. Bertell and expert on radiation.

Editor: Wow, you truly are full of malarkey, I know many if not the majority of the ones who are public and you are dead wrong, she is highly respected and connected to the biggest names out there. 

Blood chromosome breakage tests are very expensive and won't be valid 50 years after an exposure, especially a low dose exposure.

Editor: What the hell would you know about Bob's exposure armchair quarterback?  Pure speculation drives your point, and VA advocacy of course.  You make the system that did this look even worse, and screw the rest of your now deleted drivel, you are not a welcome participant in this discussion, end of story.

John Hartung March 1, 2012 5:53 pm (Pacific time)

I have been waiting for 1 and half years for my claim. They just don't care. The excuses they use are all used up on me. Now they are going back in time. 5 weeks ago it was one last look before it go to the rating guy and it is now we are printing the paperwork. If they can't do the job get someone else to do it. I know of one Vet that was denied in 3 weeks he had 6 organs transplant. John

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