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Jun-26-2012 23:57 ![]() ![]() Global Peace InitiativeSalem-News.comUNIVERSAL HUMAN VALUES CENSUS AND REFORMED SOCIETIES CATALYST PROGRAM 2009-2013.
(WASHINGTON DC) - As highly dependent stakeholders in the welfare of Earth’s natural resources and life-forms, if our life-support interests are ever to be based on a solid foundation of unconditional knowledge and healthy sustainable intentions, we all could use a practical catalyst-of-change which is simple, comprehensive and universal to all people. Rather than enforced corporate slavery and irreversible destruction as reasons for protest, it could be that the most appropriate catalyst to stop the rot is none other than an all- inclusive unconditional Census-of-Intent relating to how populations are being trained to think and act in harmful ways. A census of intent is a very simple and completely natural way for every one of Earth’s citizens to declare what they truly support and want, whether it is more preventable destruction or none at all. It’s not a matter of providing people with false reality possession of ‘opinion’ and ‘belief’ systems, it’s more like freely giving every adult person a clear and simple way to release themselves from harmful and non-sustainable corporate control agendas. An unconditional ground-zero Reality Alignment Initiative. My name is Janice Ainsley and I am a reformed victim of corporate control and one of many who shares life enhancing information with others because life naturally gets better when you can change your negative emotional response to circumstances.
Twenty years ago, who would have thought that we could all be parts of Corporate Human Resource Management organizations, whose waste products include millions of damaged people and vast amounts of non-returnable natural resources. With forecasts of worse to come and developing circumstances already changing our lives, the general meaning of sacrifice has already been upgraded to new levels of deception and criminal action agendas.
Janice Ainsley
What NLP is and how it controls everyone’s life. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the use of word-meanings, which describes how the natural functions of the human mind produces the qualities of our behavior. NLP takes the viewpoint of looking at "how" the system works, not why. NLP has been mystified over the years and somewhat complicated by long technical words that confuse even the trained spotters amongst us. The most un-used official definition is that NLP is a powerful way to control and manipulate individuals and populations who support and rely on Ego-Belief Systems for security and sense of self. It is about world power!
UNIVERSAL CATALYST OF CHANGE As highly dependent stakeholders in the welfare of Earth’s natural resources and life-forms, if our interests are ever to be based on a solid foundation of life-enhancing knowledge and healthy self-managed intentions, we all could use a practical catalyst-of-change which is simple, comprehensive and universal to all people.
Rather than wars and irreversible toxic waste as reasons for change, it could be that the most appropriate catalyst to stop the rot is none other than a Global Census of Intent relating to how populations are being trained to think and act in harmful ways.
A census of intent is a very simple and practical way for every one of Earth’s citizens to declare what they truly support, whether it be more destruction or a new World without war, corruption and fear towards the workings of negative emotional manipulation.
Think about it.
If we really wanted a World of peace, happiness we would have it.
Does not what our minds are focused on the most, usually happen!
It could be that the most self-responsible and naturally appropriate catalyst to cause change towards sustainable universal existence is none other than a Global Census of Intent relating to how individuals and populations are being deceived and trained to think and act according to corporate agendas including hypno-suggestive multi-media programs being marketed and networked throughout all Global communities.
Public Introduction, ‘Enthusiasm’ began as a simple conception on August 31, 1991 and eventually developed into what you see now. Finally, after many years time-testing and tremendous excitement, the public birthing of this extraordinary people-helping-people event has occurred.
Call it what you want, - A Magic Wonderland Adventure But the real fact is that a universal way to use the real truth of how we have been programmed is now in your hands and not just the hands of corporate powers. A completely transparent way or cause an end to harmful mass-manipulating population control agendas.
The main aim of this letter is to attract people’s attention to how we can all capitalize on a natural way of using universal truth to form a much healthier public bond with corporate control centers with a powerful strategic action-plan to stop corrupt social/economic and environmental devastation. The birthing of a natural universal system has begun in Australia and each one of us is being offered a very real opportunity to become part of the mid-wife platoon.
It’s probably not really a surprise to most, that this event is occurring, as religions have been discussing its arrival since u-no-wen………. Please, treat yourself to a complimentary tour of this unique wonderland adventure and then decide if you are going to celebrate or sacrifice your connection to its……But, before you decide to accept or deny this invitation,… are being urged to evaluate the benefits and risks of your final decision.
For every effect there is a cause, so when there is enough human intent and enthusiasm to create a better world, then it will happen and not before.
Vivian Bryte- Universal Reality Medium.
This program represents a timeless system formula, re-formatted to a unique reality restructuring business-of-life portfolio designed to provide every World-citizen with a no-limit level playing field and a completely transparent game-of-life plan.
The information provided within ‘ENTHUSIASM’ is presented as an extraordinary social and economic journey to ‘The Beginning’ and ‘The End‘, through the space of time, to the cause of all things n
KEY ACTIONS 2009---2013
AROUSAL DOWN-UNDER (Arousing the self’s natural survival instincts)
FLIGHT-EXTRAORDINAIRE (Releasing the self from hazardous conditioning.)
THE WAKE OF CAPITALISM (Burial and re-birthing formalities.)
PENETRATING AWAKENING (Entering eternal newness.)
For the benefit of those who are not yet aware of the listed words, names and meanings, The Oxford English Reference Dictionary and the Internet has been used for the following descriptions of awareness contributions which form the solid foundation of this unique human-resource system-release-program.
Metaphysics: The branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including such concepts as being, knowing, substance, essence, cause, identity, time and space.
Enthusiasm: A strong interest or admiration, great eagerness, (Greek connection-Theos)
Mythical Tour-Guides: Eos-Aurora: The Greek-Roman goddess of the dawn (or beginnings). The word Eos is related to the word Easter, in that they have the same symbolic meanings, such as rebirth, resurrection and newness.
Tithonus: A mortal who (before being transformed into an immortal cricket/grasshopper), produced two sons with Eos, one of whom became the King of Babylon.
Pandora: A mortal who released a ‘box’ of surprises into the World for the benefit of Mankind.
ENTHUSIASM-( As a public catalyst of universal change) A practical reality mind-release plan for people who are living within the control of Capitalism (or any other ’Man-made’ master-system.) The plan shows how people can safely escape from being unnaturally harmed and controlled by Subjective Information Networks which use hazardous emotional-response programming required to manipulate and control human minds. Some of the main benefits attached to this action-plan include such things as:
a. A new peace and harmony reality system including social- economic reform and absolute citizen-empowered equality.
b. Universal self-responsible mental and physical health reform.
c. No conflict, no unnatural hardships, no class distinctions. excesses and definitely no criminal or warfare activities.
d. No debt-creation and suffering.
The Enthusiasm Journey is a major part of a unique human welfare program which has arrived through a natural collective need to address and deal with corrupted social and economic disorders occurring throughout all Australian communities.
The program represents a strategic maneuver from Flight-Extraordinaire, the first phantom division of a new type of communities-owned and controlled ‘flat-line’ global collective, which operates in accordance with public demand for conflict-free existence. ENTHUSIASM is aimed at arming citizens with Nature’s self-empowering knowledge for the sole purpose of producing non-conflict relationships, sustainable systems and enhanced unity.
Every member of Humanity is invited to be a part of this extraordinary adventure into the amazing world of practical magic and abundance, where individuals and communities can inspect the ‘real workings’ relating to system-controlled cause and effects programming, and see how to attract sustainable mental and physical freedom, including financial and environmental security.
To help you appreciate the value of this extraordinary evolutionary adventure, three identities from the ancient Greek world of practical magic have dedicated their knowledge and effort towards fulfilling their evolutionary linguistic mission to share natural wealth and unlimited abundance.
Introducing your personal tour-guides ………Tithonus, and his charming wife…..Eos and her assistant…..Pandora
Welcome to
To ensure a safe and fulfilling journey through occasional alien or hostile environments, the Warmich Total Quality Consumer Protection Service is equipping each passenger with harmless high-powered security technology.
Throughout all Global communities, some of the most dreamed-about subjects include ones of doom and gloom, environment abuse, miss-use of non-replaceable energy resources and the all-important disharmony within relationships.
Have you ever thought about how we might really be aliens, using a primary power-system designed to constantly seek and destroy. Or, could we be a natural versatile life-form having a collective bad dream and thinking that we are all slaves to an organization called CHAOS, (ie, Collective Hierarchies Associations Of Subjectivity), a dream-control group who have ’the job’ to direct and maintain mass deception and defense formations.
Could it be that what we have been shown in the first few years of our lives, about how to respond to relationships and circumstances, has in fact trapped most of the World’s people in a false and hazardous state of emotional slavery.
Even now that the danger has invaded our homes, work-places and recreation venues with toxic chemicals and disease of the mind and body, we are kept in the darkness of deception, not able to find natural peace, happiness and healthy enthusiasm,…………. until now!
Who thinks they are able to use ‘free-choice’ with their ability to respond to the circumstances of life? We are told that we are responsible for our choices and have some sort of right to a personal opinion, false and dangerously conflicting as they can be. We are also told that we are endowed with a mind/brain or control-station functioning as a personal life-support centre similar to the way computers work, where programmed response-information remains constantly effective until new response programming is installed and accepted. Can you see how any individual or group could be legally accountable or responsible for their choice-driven actions when there is so much incriminating evidence showing that all human behaviour is being directed by external systematic emotional-response programming working through the polarized facilities of human minds?
There are many people on Earth who dream about a better quality of life in a safe and healthy conflict-free environment. What do we mean when we say “NO” to conflict, war, avoidable suffering and corruption, then continue to produce and support more of it? Are we not the victims who have been tricked into endorsing and supporting corrupted World Powers? Without a unified people’s plan-of-action to stop the rot and enough human resources to implement such a plan, can we, as a threatened life-form expect anything else apart from more controlled and more hazardous effects?
In the past most of us did not have easy access to actual human-behaviour cause and effects information. But now the real information relating to how masses are manipulated with false and deceptive negative emotional response programming has become widespread general knowledge, and yet we are still not able to stop destructive ways without a universal catalyst-of-change.
By now you may have realized that this very valuable and exciting adventure is to FREEDOM and must negotiate all active and non-active programmed fear-barriers. If you are not prepared to continue this journey to freedom, simply burn the words, depart from this journey and proceed through the illusionary limitations of the Ego-Belief System and attempt to forget that light is death to darkness, just as conflict and preventable suffering means death to health and happiness.
How do you feel about perception (personal reality) being a produced effect, fed from manipulating information networks?
n Can you explain any possible reason for the exploding numbers of Australians who are diagnosed with mental disorders?
n If you were delegated with the job to immobilize and control a Nation‘s human resources, would you not focus on using mind, water and food toxicities to create and treat (not fix) mental and physical disorders with toxic chemicals and victim management programs?
n Can you see how fear is willfully created to manipulate people‘s ability to choose and think?
n Do you think every Australian should have a clear unrestricted opportunity to receive the life-quality benefits discussed on this journey?
n If you wanted to, could you describe what type of alternative governing reality-system would be best for Humanity to employ?
n Is there any true meaning to ‘Fear of the unknown’ until the ‘unknown’ is found?
n Does competition, Capitalism or any other man-made system create many more losers than winners?
n Do you think that media information distribution networks have invested interests in helping corporations capture and control large populations of consumer-minds?
For all the gamblers on board; - it may be found that some working knowledge of the Enthusiasm Portfolio could provide extra security with risk-prevention strategies.
n Can you see any practical meaning or feel any emotional difference between:
LIVE --------- EVIL and LIVED -------- DEVIL and DOG-----------GOD
Could they just be words in the mirror of life, or maybe simple ‘Spirit clues’ created by past population-control designers?
THE POWER OF THOUGHTS There is a common deception growing in the garden of life indicating that negative thoughts cannot cause harm. Global health authorities and governing bodies know that the quality of thinking, visualizing or dreaming has a major and probably total influence over the mental and physical health of all humans and therefore including the health of our global social and economic infrastructures.
It may not have attracted your attention yet, but if our childhood negative emotional-response training is permitted to be active throughout adult lives, then those lives have not been initiated to harmonious life-skills and are at extreme risk of experiencing periods of artificially induced ill-health and a high probability of premature death.
THE HIDDEN ORDER OF CHAOS We are all living in an age of high-speed advanced technology, where most children are being taught about how to control others and seek and destroy programs. This is only one clear example of how population leaders manipulate people’s minds into producing and supporting the avalanche of destruction and toxic pollution that we know so well.
There are many places on Earth where children are taught to kill and brutalize other humans before they are ten years old. In other places where electronic devices are available, the children have been deceived into seek and destroy training at home, at schools and where they play.
Is it not apparent that if the current wave of grown uninitiated children do not succeed with total social and environmental destruction, it seems certain that if practical preventative measures are not implemented, the children of today will easily complete the process.
WHEN THE DEVESTATION STOPS For those who have ventured this far, some may feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of what this adventure could mean to Humanity’s possible options to avoid mutant control and probable extinction.
Behold! We have arrived at a time where the last-option ticket-giver is waiting for your hand……..2012.
A SICK JOKE! ARE HUMANS TOO SMART FOR THEIR OWN GOOD? Have you ever wondered why most Australian schools do not teach how and why majorities are manipulated without their consent to harmful consequences? How many unsuspecting citizens in every Australian community are suffering from preventable chronic to severe health symptoms, harmful thinking programs, unfulfilled lives and preventable premature death? Why would anyone possibly think that corporate-controlled agendas have no connection to these wasted lives? Mind manipulation experts have long known that human behavior can be taught and bought. We know by our own experiences that Subjective Information Networks (commonly known as the system of SIN) working with multi-media modeling programs have shown us how to create millions of victims and profit from controlling their mental and physical circumstances. Not only have we been programmed on how to think and choose, we are programmed to use ‘Belief’ instead of ‘fact’.
SAFE JOURNEY Yes, this journey, apart from being timely appropriate, easily demonstrated and eternally rewarding, it is about arriving at a very real destination where there is a world of awareness and everlasting joy, with schools that teach universal truth and associated business-of-life sustainability. MATRIX DONATION FROM ’THE KEY-MAKER
Who is not prepared to commit to a life-enhancing un-corruptible census? Definitely not Governments, drug companies, weapon manufacturers, organized crime Heads or Australian community councils!
There are only two ways to avoid severe consequences of non-commitment and they are:- leaving the Planet and dying. Before long, each citizen will have completed their own informed census and re-committed intent-declaration. Even if we all voted for more of what we are trapped in now, we might be better off, because then we could own-up to our wicked ways and get rid of opposing conflicts, such as Governments, religious cults, human rights laws and do-gooders. In effect, we could all party and plunder until Earth was totally cleared of its most toxic and destructive life-form. Any certainty for a conflict-free future is absolutely dependant on informed universal awareness and models of collective change that can be easily demonstrated to the rest of Earth’s human populations.
An unconditional free gift from THE Archives of Universal Knowledge
Awakening THE TRUE SELF using Natural Laws of Attraction and the following universal affirmation:
“With the unconditional truth of consciousness, I have been awakened from the deceptive powers of Ego’s System Control Center and I have released my True Self from its destructive powers.”
HOW TO USE THIS POWERFUL ELIXIR OF LIFE Procedure: Upon awakening each morning for a period of not less than thirty-one days, mentally consume the universal affirmation three times or more. If you miss a day and wish to gain freedom and a better life, then you must re-start the program.
WARNING ! Your system-controlled Ego-Belief-Self will not want you to consume this powerful elixir of life and will use various implanted programs to prevent you from claiming your freedom.
This complimentary Freedom Program is now yours for free. You can safely use it to release yourself from the Ego-Belief System’s dangerous deceptive hypnotic powers. If you have a legitimate reason to remain an enslaved servant to corrupted emotional-response programming, then this extraordinary adventure to freedom and abundance is not for you.
The circumstances of life are negotiable!
Would you not be wasting your time and energy by assessing any new information before verifying its validity with accountable knowledge?
Doesn’t the real proof of an experience come from personal involvement or does it come from opinion and assumption?
Maybe you are already in the process of awakening to how and why people are manipulated with deception and false emotional-response training. Maybe you are already experiencing the freedom and benefits of living without conflict, or even more importantly, thinking that emotional stress is a natural part of life and negative consequences are unavoidable.
Providing that no appropriate new action to stop hazardous emotional programming from creating harm, there is no other option but to remain one of the many fantasy-enslaved servants controlled by personal fear-promoting demons working for a personalized system-employed executive warden in charge of your emotions and response-behaviour.
Get used to It! World populations have to be culled or brought to sustainable order. Does anyone want to be sacrificed before their natural end-time? ……………………….. NOT LIKELY!
Have you and your family got a practical plan to stay ’safe’? Are controlling corporations you support providing any better options, other than more control? ………..... NOT LIKELY!
FACE THE FACTS!…….Earth is going to be a much better place with only one seventh of its current populations, if Earth’s citizens fail to respond in a practical united manner, to how we are being led to ‘slaughter’, then so-be-it! At least, the minds consuming these words now have the best possible opportunity to:
Are not thoughts the fuel that fills each mind and from that fuel comes the quality of our world!
The greatest war in the history of human existence has begun. It is a global war where every adult person is required to direct their intentions within their own minds to identify and immobilize system-implanted sub-conscious deception and false emotional-response programming.
When the universal process described on page 10 and document 2L is collectively complete there will be no more wars or conflict, as there will be no more need !
Your inner guide, sometimes called Ego, who is a system-employed prison-warden in charge of your mental welfare will automatically say; “Don’t do it, you won’t be able to get to freedom because my corporate instructions are to keep you blinded from escaping.”
Because it’s the quality of your life that is on the chopping-block, you need to give the target your best shot with a committed do or die attitude.
Unlike the dead and the non-returnable dying souls, we are being granted our very-last option to get things together and be true to each other,…..true to the environment and true to all future now’s.
There are a variety of standard tools and programs used to control people and maintain mass blindness to controlling agendas. Are you a servant to a hazardous belief system based on deception, or are you experiencing the benefits of universal vision and emotional empowerment? The items listed are just a few of the common tools used by governing bodies to achieve the goals of deceptive manipulating agendas.
BRIEF VICTIM-CONTROL TOOL-LIST nAll forms of belief, including ‘OPINION’ nAll forms of emotional fear programs nShould do’s and don’ts (Dictatorships) nDeceptive marketing programs nCynicism, skepticism and assumption nNegative emotional-response training nHarmful mind-altering addictive substances and toxic suggestive or hypnotic information.
NO WHERE TO HIDE, JUST A TICKET TO RIDE You could be thinking that negative emotional-response training is not a dangerous implanted controlling power. Could it be that most of ‘modern’ humanity has been taught this way or are they deliberately evil and not able to live happily together in an abundantly exciting world without conflict? Whichever way it is looked at, most human pursuits relate to questing for power and security. Instead of being possessed by the false limitations of emotional slavery and governing health deceptions, you now have a black and white option to invoke some practical magic by taking a big bite of fruit from………… THE GARDEN OF OBJECTIVES.
Would it not be fantastic to live close to a universal library of abundance, and if so, would you seek access to that library regarding your own life?
Imagine such a library does exist and all you need is the location and access requirements. Imagine that you do find your way into this unique library of practical magic. What information would you seek first?
Do plants use belief? Do fish use belief? Do animals use belief, or do they all exist according to specific natural design? Do you already know that modern-man has been directed into supporting a hazardous false reality value-system called ‘Belief’? We humans have shown that we can live according to most environmental conditions including the mental/social environments of governing authorities. Does this mean that if we really did want to exist happily and harmoniously, it could only occur by using a reality value-system based on universal knowledge and non-competitive intent. Is this not so? There may be some passengers who still think that negative emotional-response programming is not a major danger to their existence and that the rest of us are not victim-slaves of the Ego-Belief System’s manipulating powers. Especially for those individuals, it is with your conviction that the information contained within this tour-package is not true or worthy of use. But more to the point, you must remain blinded and unable to experience the freedom of knowledge without the subjective limits of opinion or fear.
CONSUMER COMMENT “The Enthusiasm Portfolio has provided me with very useful knowledge about how to easily stop being manipulated by potentially harmful business agendas. My mental and physical health has improved significantly since completing my census commitment and affirmation program. My self-perception of a confused emotionally manipulated social victim has changed to a prosperous and happy non-victim, just by activating a basic system-release-program. I am extremely grateful and humbled by the portfolio’s powerful natural approach to harmful controlled unnatural circumstances, whatever they might include. David Seymour, Henleys Hill, Cairns, Australia. 31.07.1991
JOURNEY’S END We have arrived at our destination. Have a good look around and think about whether you have any real need or reason to return to the hazardous ways of experiencing life as a servant to the Ego-Belief System. While you are here, you may like to sample a few magic love-potions to enhance your appreciation of this stimulating environment.
For what it is worth, it was the ancient Greeks who programmed this particular journey and it was our leading physicists who have shown us the bare essence and intent of life as an infinite energy-source which appears to have no centre because it is everywhere, portrayed by everything that is existent and non-existent. This energy does have a basic language formation designed as a self-regulating electro-magnetic regenerating system driven by two polarized hearts-of-intent, working in alternate co-ordination within an expanding perimeter of super-natural creation. But think again,… you want to stay here or go back?
Our last duty as your journey guides, is to ask how each of you feel about being trapped and used by an often brutal slave-warden who exists in a world of deceit and conflict,……. and whether you want to release your inherited free-choice and move your intent into the World of happiness and freedom from conflict.
Pandora, Eos and myself wish that you act wisely on what we all really know and not what we people are programmed to believe.
Tithonus, Eos-Aurora and Pandora
Neuro Linguistic Programming ( NLP )
To the average Jo Blow or Jill Smith, NLP probably mean less than Jack Schitt. But, as our old and out of date systems collapse around us, the value of nlp will mean much more to Humanity than ever thought possible.
N.L.P. A universal language system used by result-driven intent.
The following word descriptions may be of benefit for the ‘un-initiated’.
Neuro: The concept that all behaviour is physiological ie, has its origins in neurological processes such as sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Simple examples of links between trained emotional-response programming and physical changes include butterflies in the stomach when we feel nervous or going red with embarrassment, even when the situation may be artificially created.
Linguistic: (Language) To make sense of information and communicate with others, we use different forms of language to transfer meaning and negotiate results.
Programming: Patterns of how we organize ideas and actions. Once a pattern is learned, the brain will continue to use it until some different pattern is learned.
Personal reality----our perception of life, the psychology and metaphysics of our human conditions - is formed solely from opinion. We perceive and act on what we believe, not what we know as real or universal truth. We mostly inherit our opinions and feelings from others, or construct them from common role-modeled demonstrations such as cultural, religious and organized crime. They identify us as predictable by forming and defining how we falsely see the circumstances of the real world. Every opinion is different and conflicting in essence, but universally linked by the value-system we all know as ‘Belief’’.
With a bit of practice you can eliminate the majority of all anguish produced from opinion. You’ll gradually dismiss the remainder and free yourself from the opinions you have acquired, as well as those you might think are your own creation. This will liberate you from the negative emotion and hazardous anguish it offers. Serenity flows from universal knowledge. When you process circumstances with universal knowledge things become morally ethical, clearly accountable and socially responsible, so that wherever you go there will be continual harmony, adventure and opportunity.
For life’s circumstances to generate negative emotion, they have to contradict your opinion. If circumstances don’t contradict one of your opinions, your reaction is neutral. When circumstances enhance your opinions, they generate positive emotion for you.
The centre of all anguish lies in the issue of opinion and contradiction. Once you ‘get it’, and see how it affects your life, your well-being and the lives of others, you can take responsible action and free yourself forever. If you want a powerful, happy existence, get a grip on the issue of contradiction - and you will be eternally free!
PERSONAL MIND IMPRESSION “My mind is now programmed to accept contradictions as natural and I have no need to react to them in an un-empowered way.”
CONTRADICTION AND EXPECTANCY There are multiple benefits when you can see how the contradictions of life affect you. You can eliminate some of the negative effects immediately. You can also design your life to avoid most of them. And you can adopt practical tools that allow you to happily accept those contradictions you can’t avoid. By doing these actions, you return to your truest natural state, serene, happy, and entertained by the wonder and grace of this unique gift of consciousness we call life.
nWe have to embrace infinity inside a mortal experience.
nWe have to ‘believe’ in a supreme power we can’t see.
nWe have to learn to love in a dimension where there is so much hatred.
nWe have to develop self-worth while people control us.
nWe have to see beauty where there is distortion.
nWe have to be non-corrupt in a corrupted world.
Transcendence is nothing more than accepting the contradictions of life without resistance, but embracing these contradictions is not what we are taught. We are taught to resist. nAs soon as you agree to stop resisting, everything becomes more comfortable and enjoyable. All of life’s circumstances are neutral. Life has no particular quality, positive or negative, other than the labels we give it - What is, is! Never forget that it’s always the Belief System’s intentions that are responsible for the creation and maintenance of the programs which keeps people controlled.
PERSONAL MIND IMPRESSION “The circumstances of life have no particular quality. They are neutral. Its only HOW and WHY I to respond to them, that allows or denies happiness and prosperity.”
EMOTION AND DESIRE When ideas come together to form an opinion, and when that opinion is seen by you to be pleasing, the personality backs that opinion by investing it with emotion.
Emotion is the tool the personality uses to grant credibility and value to opinions. It’s how the personality feels worthwhile and gets what it wants. It can wield emotion like a sledge-hammer, manipulating others to its needs and desires.
How does this system work? We start with an idea; we back it with reasoning to confirm the idea to ourselves. Then we lace it with emotion, investing ourselves in it. Then we go through emotional power-plays, doing whatever it takes, in an attempt to get what we want. When circumstances call our bluff, we are devastated.
The thing you desire - fame, success, money, opportunity, romance, etc, - will usually come to you in part, through the actions of others. It’s your fellow humans who help carry your desires from the nebulous metaphysics of possibility to your immediate reality, where you get to feast upon the produce of your dreams.
Build your own road into the future. Take fifteen minutes of each day to visualize, as though granted, the condition or circumstance you want. Create a mental setting, see yourself with the object of your desire. Become a part of it, let it become a part of you. Then go and do something that moves you towards your dreams - something powerful and positive.
PERSONAL MIND IMPRESSION “I use emotion, not as a self-indulgent tool to attract attention or promote myself. I act powerfully and concisely and create energy for others”.
It’s the death of things that scares us. Not just the physical death, but the termination of familiar things - the end of a relationship, a job, a habit or addiction. Sometimes it’s a rhythm that is about to change, or your location, or a feeling of certainty you’ve clung to.
It’s change we resist. Yet change is nature’s way of keeping you alive and fresh. We live in a rapidly developing world. If you are not changing, life is leaving you behind. Things will get tougher, not easier.
Once you can accept change and endings, and not see them as personal affronts, most of your fear will dissipate. By attempting to hang on to circumstances and conditions whose energy is spent, your well-being and energy is being depleted.
Fear of change, fear of the unknown is only an emotional program. You don’t have to know what will happen in the future to feel safe. But you can use programs-of-change that can improve your life and the lives of others.
PERSONAL MIND IMPRESSION “All fear is nothing more than Ego’s expectancy of an upcoming contradiction. It is the most dangerous emotional response. I have replaced it with objective awareness of developing PERSONAL POWER.”
Confusion occurs as a systematic mind-game side-effect used throughout most western communities, which clouds what one knows or doesn’t know. It allows for indecisive action, poor reasoning and instability, usually manifesting as erratic behaviour and irresponsible choices.
Confusion comes, first and foremost, from ignorance and lack of intent to seek the clarity of knowledge. Confusion is often used to avoid the emotional ‘fear‘ of its associated truth.
In helping others resolve their confusion, never ask the individual what they think, always ask how they feel about their issues. Then ask them what they want. Help them discover whether they really want what it is they think they want.
Then get them to look at whether their want is reasonable. Most individuals are professional dreamers who in fact, only need dreaming. They don’t want the responsibility or the action required to materialize their dreams. The down-side of confusion includes system-victim creations, widespread health and safety hazards and costly relationship conflicts. The up-side includes a realistic way of avoiding facts, unwanted issues and attached emotional fears.
“ Confusion is just plain ignorance. It is one of Ego’s systematic ways of controlling its victim-host. When I use clear lateral vision of the real facts there is no confusion or objective-truth denial.”
Frustration comes from expectancy, the emotional outcropping of which is desire. Most frustration stems from slotting hopes and plans into preselected timeframes which you consider necessary to support your intentions.
When it comes to relying on people we usually try to slot individuals into patterns that suit us, - a futile exercise in self destruction.
The main source of frustration for many people is the experience of not getting what they want. One solution to that is not want whatever it is you think you want. If you can’t manage that, at least want less things. The more things you have to have, the more vulnerable you become. If you are mature and emotionally educated, you’ll need nothing from anyone - and what little you do need you can provide for yourself.
Remember, most of the things you think you need are Ego-designed to bolster your image and your perception of security. You’ll waste a lot of energy satisfying Ego, the warden of your emotional bondage. As soon as it’s got what it wants it ignores all your efforts and promptly nails another list of demands on your forehead.
Ego, your personal custodian of how you experience and respond to the circumstances of life, will always strive to enforce existing programmed response effects. Any alternative action would involve taking control of how you feel by adding quality-of-life empowerment programs which improve how you respond to circumstances.
“Frustration comes from the victim-addiction of being a slave to Ego’s timing and delivery of it’s desires. I now happily accept what I can‘t change,
Who would ever want SA ? Surely, if it was good for Humanity wouldn’t we all be using it by now? What has it achieved, apart from a greater distance from ‘mass suffering’? Is there any evidence to show that SA can stop wars, crime or environmental destruction? What motive or intention would anyone have to possess it, or be possessed by it?
Would World powers let us have SA if it could disrupt their programs?
Hardened corporate ’Business-Heads’ who implement mass-programs and profit from people-control systems do not own human resources, but they do train us to be ignorant, gullible and virtually blind to our ability to exist with natural universal vision.
The hazardous hypnotic clutches of the ‘Ego-Belief Capitalistic War-Machine’ are still empowered and controlling how the World’s life-forms exist. Corporations are not showing any interest in SA, or producing any effective quality-of-life change-programs for their customers.
Physics says that the supreme ’Spirit’ represents the absolute Universe and workings. And the relative ’Awareness’ represents its own absolute self-awareness and constant intent. How does that help our conflicts?
A demonstrated community model of Collective Life-Awareness and Self-responsibility is probably our best and safest remaining option to negotiate any chance of achieving a more humane life-support system.
For those who are silenced or are not able to effectively represent themselves and the diminishing numbers who are, the opportunity to provide a powerful contribution to celebrating the resurrection of the universal Mother System has finally arrived.
PERSONAL MIND IMPRESSION 2009/13 I have found my true natural self, and I am free from the destructive energies of SYSTEM DECEPTIONS and LIFE-DESTROYING PROGRAMS.
MENTAL FREEDOM At the level that most people relate to the notion of freedom, it means the freedom to express ourselves however they wish; to choose work or career, friends, politics, religion or where to live. Yet there is another way to understand freedom. At its most vital level, it means the freedom to be, to be the beautiful, conscious person you are. It is to be inwardly free, not restricted or bound by any sense of personal limitation, not subject to negative emotional reactivity. You always feel relaxed, at peace, and open to life at each and every moment.
As you begin to master the art of being free in this way, your life becomes a more harmonious, deeply satisfying flow. Out of your relaxed state of contentment in the present, you do what you feel called to do, what you love to do, or simply, whatever needs to be done. Authentic action, or doing, flows out naturally of being. As Lao Tzu said, in the Tao Te Ching: The way to do is to be.
As a result of what you do, you will have certain results, the fruits of your actions, whether in your relationships, work, health, recreation, money situation, or whatever. You will be able to enjoy these results fully because you are not depending upon them for your inner peace and well-being. Because you know how to be, you already are at peace within. The outer gifts in life are like a bonus, icing on the cake.
So, how do you get to this state of inner freedom, the freedom simply to be? The quickest and simplest path I know of, and the subject of ENTHUSIASM, is to undergo the shift in perception that leads directly to inner freedom.
What is that shift? Essentially, it is seeing the universal truth, that you are not your story. You are not any story. You are not your psychological and emotional history, nor are you your self image. You are not your cultural, ethnic, national, social, or religious story.
All your stories, memories, experiences, have shaped your personality but they are still only your stories. They may have been real once, but are definitely not real now. They are an illusory world existing between your ears, in the form of fleeting thoughts, beliefs, pictures, and ideas of self, with corresponding feelings and emotions in your body.
When conflict or suffering arises, or when your buttons get pushed, it is because a person or an event, real or imagined, contradicts your view or expectation, your story, about the way things should be, or ought to be. The conflict is experienced as a disturbing feeling or emotion, whether it be anxiety, fear, or something else, in your body.
However, the upsetting feelings and emotions only exist because of the stories that fuel them, which keeps them alive. When you are not holding onto any story in your mind, but are simply very aware and relaxed in the present, your emotional state is always one of ease, harmony, and flow. This is a very important point to understand if you are at all interested in finding true inner peace.
What can be said to be real right now is the fact that you are alive, present, and reading ENTHUSIASM. What is real now is that you exist. You are conscious of existing, or being alive. In fact, your true nature, the one thing that is always present, whether you are asleep or awake, whether you are aware of it or not, is consciousness itself.
Act No. 58 of 2000
The item repeals section 432 of the Criminal Code which creates an offence for any person who pretends to exercise or use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment or conjuration, or undertakes to tell fortunes, or pretends from the person’s skill or knowledge in any occult science to discover where or in what manner anything supposed to have been stolen or lost may be found. Amendment 1. Section 432 Omit.
People often begin the spiritual life as an escape from the miseries of their worldly life. They may seek to be free from negative emotional responses such as anger, fear, frustration and resentment while desiring the more natural pleasant emotions such as happiness, passion and love. This is the way we begin, but it is not the way we can end. The ending, which is surrender, is the recognition that no escape is possible or necessary. This means to fully embrace whatever appears in consciousness, rather than ignoring any of it.
The usual strategies for achieving happiness involve either repressing the negative emotions in hope that they will be pushed from sight, or expressing them in hope that they will be released. Unfortunately, neither strategy reflects the real truth of one’s inherent self, which is an unmoving purity of being that exists deeper than any emotion and remains unaffected by any emotion. When you do not define yourself by emotional states, then the emotions are free to arise because they don’t mean anything about who you are. You know directly that all states are simply passing through the pure space that is your nature.
To directly experience any emotion is to neither deny it or wallow in it,…and this means that there can be no story about it. There can be no story line about the person it is happening to, why it is happening to, why it is happening or suggested cause. True innocence is the capacity to directly experience what is here right now.
Openness, the willingness to see and feel confident, even if what appears seems absolutely suspicious. True innocence is not naiveté, nor is it delusion.
However, the willingness to be innocent does involve vulnerability. This willingness to be vulnerable is what the term ‘spiritual warrior’ really means.
In the willingness to stop the suffering, which means > the willingness to stop the story about the anguish > it can be experienced just as it is. What was previously thought of as unbearable can be experienced with an open mind, a mind that has dropped all definitions and is no longer closed around some idea about the experience.
The truth is that when you really experience any negative emotion, with no story, it disappears. And when you truly experience any positive emotion, it grows. But, because there is not much in our culture that confirms this astounding revelation, we spend our lives chasing positive emotions and running from negative emotions.
If you think you are fully experiencing a negative emotion and it remains intense, then recognize that there is still some story being told about it. It may be how big it is, how you will never be able to get rid of it, how it will always come back, how dangerous it is to experience it. Whatever your story of the moment may be, the possibilities of postponing direct experience are endless. For instance, when you are irritated, the usual tendency is to do something to get rid of the irritation or place blame on yourself or on someone or something else as the cause of the irritation. Then the story lines around irritation begin to develop. It is actually possible to do nothing with irritation: not to try to push it out of awareness or get rid of it, but to directly experience it. In the moment that irritation arises, it is possible to simply be completely and freely irritated - without expressing it or repressing it.
Direct experiencing often reveals a deeper emotion. Irritation, for instance, may be just a ripple on the surface. Deeper than irritation, there may actually be rage or fear. Again, the goal is neither to get rid of the emotion nor to analyze it, but to directly experience it. If rage or fear is revealed to be beneath the irritation, then let your awareness go deeper: let yourself be absolutely angry or fearful, without acting out or repressing.
Fear is often the biggest challenge because it is what most people habitually attempt to keep away. Of course, as they try to keep it away, it grows even larger and hovers even closer. You can actually be open to fear. You can experience being afraid without any need to say you are afraid, and without following any thought of being afraid. You can just simply experience fear itself.
The fear in question is not physiologically appropriate fear. The response to physical danger - fight or flight - is natural and appropriate to the human organism. It is hardwired into the body for survival. It is appropriate, for instance, to get out of the way of an approaching avalanche. The fears that need to be directly met, all the way through, are the psychological fears, the fears that keep our energy and attention bound unnecessarily in protection and defense, such as the fear of emotional anguish.
When a psychological fear is met rather than resisted or run from, it often reveals deeper layers of emotion. If you are willing to experience these emotional layers all the way through, you will finally approach what appears to be a deep abyss. This abyss is what the mind perceives as nothingness, emptiness. This is an important moment, because the willingness to be absolutely nothing, to be nobody, is the willingness to be free. All of those other emotional states are layers of defense against this experience of nothingness - the death of who you think you are. Once the defenses are down, once the door is open, then this nothingness that has been feared can be met fully. This meeting reveals the secret gem of truth that has been hidden in the core of your own heart all along. The diamond discovered is you.
Fear, anger, grief, and despair exist only when linked to a story. This is an amazing, simple, yet profound discovery! Check it out for yourself. You can actually recognize that what you are running away from does not, in truth, finally exist, and what you are running toward is already there.
In Western spiritual subculture, people are fairly open to experiencing their emotions because it can create a sense of freedom, sometimes becoming a cover for the fear of experiencing no emotion whatsoever. Defining yourself as an emotional being is perhaps a step deeper than defining yourself as a purely mental being, but it is not all the way home. What you avoid in defining yourself as an emotional being is emotionless-ness, nothingness and emptiness. Once you have experienced pure emptiness, you know directly, that who you are cannot be defined by any mental or emotional state, and this knowledge is pure freedom.
From the heart of pure life - your invitation has been waiting - not for you to get rid of any emotion, not to dramatize or glorify any emotion, but to discover what every emotion is calling for. This is an invitation to uncover your natural authentic passionate-for-life self,……………… before who you think you are dies at the hands of a brutal system executive who is engrossed only in it’s own pleasures at the expense of your physical and mental welfare.
WHAT ARE WE SUPPORTING Into the maelstrom: Perhaps this is what Arguelles meant about the Galactic Synchronization that’s going to hit us when the Mayan Calendar goes dead in 2012. Exponential expansion of consciousness. Things flying at us way too fast for us to handle.
Like functioning in your sleep. Simultaneous events going on. You’re in more than one place at once. Pastpresentfuture all happening at the same time. Jumbled images careening in multiple directions. Air traffic control needed on your own thoughts.
Diary of 9/11 running. Events that changed the world. How to present it? Put it on a CD, sell on internet, make money? No time, recorder’s running and the fuse is lit; people are waiting for this information. Vision of man in north tower. Wears glasses, eyes wide, tearing at his shirt. He didn’t survive. But he called on phone, saw people in cockpit as plane screamed towards impact. Horrible dream we all have. What’s it like in those last few moments? Tiny silhouettes holding hands, falling. Would they find them in the pyroclastic dust? That’s the past. What did it mean? Sorry. We can’t tell you what happened. It’s classified. National security, you know.
Future. Bush has issued orders. Or maybe it was Jonah Kohn. Summary executions ordered for suburbs. Looting out of control. Post-disaster rules have changed. ATM machines don’t work. People dragged off to death camps. Win a free trip to Camp Ashcroft! Solders everywhere, wearing masks, speaking foreign languages. Don Stacy (I’ve never met him) and I are driving like crazy on a two-lane road through swamp. Loudspeakers saying something. I think I saw this in Terminator movie. We have a document that says something important. As if it mattered at this point. Helicopters overhead sweep their floodlights in our eyes.
Present. My sheets are covered in sweat, I am thrashing about. In the darkness, I see the green light of my computer. Get up and write this? Sleep impossible. I have a verbal transcript of what 9/11 has done to the world playing in my head. It’s an excuse to kill everyone. It’s all just a dream, a nightmare. But I am awake. And then I realize. That’s the problem.
Exponential expansion of consciousness. Coming soon to a planet near you. Tangents. Competing directions of thought. Which way to go? What is the safest? What is the most important? Are they the same? Should you forget your loved ones and go for the money? That’s what schools, magazines and the TV tell us. Forget your children. Where’s the beer? Where’s the Prozac? Anyone for Claritin?
Tangents. Present. Your relatives. The ones you can’t convince about what’s actually going on. They are sitting rigidly on the edge of their sofa, watching black-and-white military channel about how the British won the Battle of Bulge. I tell them curtly, viciously. Switch to Al-Jazeerah channel. Watch U.S. solders sexually torturing children in front of naked Iraqi mothers, weeping through the bars. My relatives adjust their collars, and disdainfully retort: “John, how could you be so inappropriately uncouth?” I see their eyes turn to kaleidoscopes.
Tangents. Future. The chip is implanted in your arm. You can pay your phone bill with a wave. Only you can’t talk to anybody they can’t hear. Worst, you tell a secret to a friend. The friend tells Mother Homeland Security. They come and take your children. Your children are convinced you are wrong. You see them wearing little olive uniforms, practicing identifying the enemy by the color of their skin, by what they wear. Smiling Tom Ridge tells of new Boy Scout merit badge: shooting prostitutes on street corners. Patriotic music in hip hop format blares.
Tangents. Past. Follow the money as far back as you can. Meyer Amscheld Bauer. When Ferdinand and Isabella threw our cousins out of Spain, they went to England. Fiat currency started as a little bat and grew into a dragon that devoured the whole world. Every U.S. president who was assassinated spoke first about a government by the people printing their own money.
The spiffy skyscraper skylines everybody’s so proud of - can you say Kuala Lumpur? - are actually spiritual tumors on human society, dragging everyone toward destruction with their glittering illusions. Every person in every war died to improve the profit margin in some banker’s ledger. You don’t have enough money to pay your bills this month. Don’t worry. New program coming in U.S. - turn in a terrorist for cash. America as the New Salem, and the witches have traces of C-4 explosive on their hands, or so the military says as it sentences them to death by a 2-1 vote.
Humans have made the world their toilet bowl and are now caught in the whirlpool flow. Look! You can see the little people waving as they get sucked into the maw. Ah, the Coreolis force. Sometimes once you get things started it’s not so easy to stop them. Dick Cheney needs to be on TV doing Tidy Bowl commercials. Flush the little people away and we’ll have a peaceful planet, it’s that simple. Only don’t ask us how we did it.
DYING WITH FEAR AND DECEIT America is the home of the free and the land of the brave. You saw it so clearly at Abu Ghraib prison, when terrified American soldiers didn’t care whether the people they tortured were innocent. They were just following orders. The New America, just following orders, no matter whom it kills. The world is watching. And waiting for an opportunity to appropriately respond to this despotic capitalist insanity. Something to ponder, as America destroys itself. At this point, the world will help us. Destroy ourselves, that is. It will be a public service.
Tangent Present. It’s a good life. People love you. Your contentment is dependant on not paying attention to what’s going on. So you turn the channel. Mmmm, NASCAR. Listen to the engines roar. Turn up the volume. So you can’t hear the screams of Palestinian children with bullets in their bodies. Or of American women who have flaming pustules in their bellies, put there by their brave soldier husbands with radioactive semen who shot all those foreign women from a distance so they didn’t have to see their faces.
Tangent Future.- Take a deep breath. Suck that barium into your lungs. You know, barium, the stuff that floats down from the sky that the government put there for it’s over-the-horizon radar program and to manipulate the weather. Put your faith in the Lord, the preacher rails. Inside the confessional, you make your ablutions, ask forgiveness. Through the latticed grate, the face of Donald Rumsfeld becomes visible. Worried about the future? Relax. It’s only a dream. But why are you telling me you are awake?
When the powers that be ran out of rival societies to conquer and exploit and indigenous innocents to enslave, they devised an ingenious plan to perpetuate their demonic, moneymaking war machine - they invented fictional characters to pursue and annihilate, and recruited improvised souls to act out these roles. Now, from John Kaminski, the author of ‘America’s Autopsy Report’ and ’The Day America Died’, a new collection of essays titled ‘The Perfect Enemy, on a website near you:
Fear propaganda reference only:
n Note: Kaminski’s writings have no connections with ENTHUSIASM apart from objective reference for readers!
No longer is there reason for population excesses and pollutant consumerism. The last rites have been issued and signed off. The end is at hand. Time is up and that’s that!
Congratulations, you have automatically completed your census of intent within a sub-conscious dimension of reality creation. You also have newer awareness of love, self-responsibility, self respect and consequences of treating the self and each other as precious brothers or sisters.
GUIDE SUGGESTION: Before your census commitment statement actually becomes a firmly empowered sub-conscious program, double check that you are fully aware of what consequences you have requested to be sent directly to you..
Ask yourself: “Have I taken possession of my Ego-Belief life-control center or am I still a slave to its corrupt wickedness and brutal emotional demands?”
What NLP is and how valuable it is to everyone.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the use of word-meanings, which describes how the language of our mind produces the qualities of our behavior. NLP takes the viewpoint of looking at "how" the system works, not why. The most un-used official definition is that NLP is a powerful way to control and manipulate individuals and populations who support and rely on Ego-Belief Systems for security and sense of self. It is about world power! In practical terms, NLP is about continuous success for its consumers. Can anyone do it? If you understand anything about computers, you already understand something about how NLP works! Computers are about man-machine interface. NLP is about mind-body interface. The entire process is very similar! Maybe it’s time to learn about your own personal computer …..your mind! NLP cannot be dismissed as just another hustle. Its theoretical underpinnings represent an ambitious attempt to codify and synthesize the insights of linguistics, body language, and the study of communication systems. During your own DIY NLP adventure you can learn how to: EXPERIENCE A WONDERFUL HAPPY LIFE n Master language & communication
n Gain total control of your life n Eliminating negative emotions. n Create the kind of future you really want. NLP is out of the ‘corporate-control box-of-tricks’. Humanity’s time to get used to how it is already creating everyone’s life has arrived. The Subconscious Mind, in accordance with stored and referenced ongoing thoughts feelings, emotions, beliefs, prejudices, expectations and other learned and programmed data originating within the Ego of rational Conscious Sphere of Mind activity during the current life experience, re-processes the data before outputting the data to be displayed on the ‘screen’ of the Conscious Mind, which people then call their ‘experience’, ‘sense of being’,--- - their ‘life’.
Accepting the universal truth or absolute facts of human reality may seem a little distasteful, but our programmed Ego-Belief cultures have become a critical global issue which Humanity has no live way or valid reason to deny or avoid any longer.
Be assured that no person, community or greater population is ever confronted by a situation or challenge that cannot be negotiated.
ADDONS: Hidden Gold in beliefs Introduction People have slaughtered each other in wars, inquisitions, and political actions for centuries and still kill each other over beliefs in religions, political ideologies, and philosophies. These belief-systems, when stated as propositions, may appear mystical, and genuine to the naive, but when confronted with a testable bases from reason and experiment, they fail miserably. I maintain that faiths (types of beliefs) create more social problems than they solve and the potential dangers from them could threaten the future of humankind. Throughout history, humankind has paid reverence to beliefs and mystical thinking. Organized religion has played the most significant role in the support and propagation of beliefs and faith. This has resulted in an acceptance of beliefs in general. Regardless of how one may reject religion, religious support of supernatural events gives credence to other superstitions in general and the support of faith (belief without evidence), mysticism, and miracles. Most scientists, politicians, philosophers, and even atheists support the notion that some forms of belief provide a valuable means to establish "truth" as long as it contains the backing of data and facts. Belief has long become a socially acceptable form of thinking in science as well as religion. Indeed, once a proposition turns to belief, it automatically undermines opposition to itself. Dostoyevsky warned us that those who reject religion "will end by drenching the earth in blood." But this represents a belief in-itself. Our history has shown that the blood letting has occurred mostly as a result of religions or other belief-systems, not from the people who reject them. However, does rational thinking require the adherence to beliefs at all? Does productive science, ethics, or a satisfied life require any attachment to a belief of any kind? Can we predict future events, act on data, theories, and facts without resorting to the ownership of belief? This paper attempts to show that, indeed, one need not own beliefs of any kind to establish scientific facts, observe and enjoy nature, or live a productive, moral, and useful life. Relative to the history of life, human languages have existed on the earth for only a few thousand years, a flash of an instant compared to the millions of years of evolution. (Estimates for the beginnings of language range from 40,000 to 200,000 years ago). It should come to no surprise that language takes time to develop into a useful means of communication. As in all information systems, errors can easily creep into the system, especially at the beginning of its development. It should not come to any surprise that our language and thought processes may contain errors, delusions and beliefs. The ability to predict the future successfully provides humans with the means to survive. No other animal species has a capacity to think, remember, imagine, and forecast to the degree of Homo sapiens. To replace our thoughts with intransigent beliefs belies the very nature of the very creative thinking process which keeps us alive. Before I go on, I'd like to apologize for the sloppy writing style of this article. I intend this as a work in progress as this reflects my thoughts about the subject of belief along with what science has discovered about it. As new information arrives, I either make changes or add information on the fly, so some things may seem out of order, anachronistic or repeated. I have no expertise in neuroscience or psychology and my main source for disowning beliefs comes from my own experience, thus I use the word "I" a lot, something that authors of scientific papers should never use. Sorry. I learned how to disown beliefs even before I had any scientific understanding on the subject. Many people do not understand how a person can do this so I hope to explain that one can indeed live without beliefs, or at least give them a better understanding about the subject. I also hope to explain what belief means and what it doesn't mean and the problems they can cause. If my experience only applies to me and no one else, then I probably have an abnormal brain. Fortunately the scientific information that has arrived has tended to support my case and diminished the argument against it. Nor do I intend to proselytize or try to convince you that you should abandon your beliefs. Perhaps some people can't disown beliefs, even in principle, because of some unknown reason that I have no awareness of. Origins of belief "The closest relative of the chimp is the human. Not orang-utans, but people. Us. Chimps and humans are nearer kin than are chimps and gorillas or any other kinds of apes not of the same species." -Carl Sagan Very little evidence has yet appeared about how belief arose in humans. As social animals, we probably have always held beliefs to some degree. Studies of our closest DNA relatives, the apes, have suggested that primate social animals require both followers and leaders. The followers must assume the codes of conduct of their leaders if they wish to live without social conflict. Since there always occurs more followers than leaders, the property of accepting the leaders without challenge and the introduction of language may have led human primates towards the expression of beliefs. As one possibility, perhaps the human animal believes because of an inherent result from expressed genes (phenotypes). Interestingly, some animals have in their DNA a predisposition for imprinted programming. [1] One extreme example of maturation imprinting occurs with newborn greylag geese where they regard the first suitable animal that it sees as its parent and follows it around. In nature geese usually see their natural mother when born, but if humankind interrupts the natural process and a newborn goose first sees a human, then it comes to regard itself, in some sense, as a human, thus compromising its natural life as a goose. Some young animals have a kind of "eidetic" memory; they will believe whatever gets taught to them. Do humans exhibit a similar kind imprinting while young as do many other animals? Or do we learn how to believe from our parents, expressed from role-modelled inheritance? Most people accept, without question, the religion of their youth. The degree that humans have imprinted or learned belief memories, or the ability to control their beliefs, or reduce them remains open for further investigation. Learning about the mechanism of beliefs at this early stage may help us understand the consequences of impressionable teaching and may lead us to modify the strategy of early learning so as to avoid the debilitating effects of unexamined beliefs. Some evolutionary biologists think that beliefs require an evolutionary explanation because every known culture through history has had beliefs. And if beliefs have an evolutionary survival advantage, how can they serve that advantage? Of course no one knows how for sure because beliefs do not leave behind fossil evidence. Nevertheless one can still propose a hypothesis and the best one I've heard comes from Richard Dawkins. In his book, "The God Delusion," he explains this on pages 172-179. I'll give you a brief section from this chapter. Although he writes about religion, it also applies to beliefs in general: "My specific hypothesis is about children. More than any other species, we survive by the accumulated experience of previous generations, and that experience needs to be passed on to children for their protection and well-being. Theoretically, children might learn from personal experience not to go too near a cliff edge, not to eat untried red berries, not to swim in crocodile-infested waters. But, to say the least, there will be selective advantage to child brains that possess the rule of thumb: believe, without question, whatever your grown-ups tell you. Obey your parents; obey the tribal elders without question. This is a generally valuable rule of thumb to believe." [Dawkins] (also watch a video of his explanation) [Humans also communicate these belief rules through spoken or symbolic language. Since other animals do not have the language ability to the degree of humans, that explains why animals do not have religions.] However, as children grow up, they no longer need to listen to their parents because their brains have now fully developed and they can think for themselves. Unfortunately, evolution has no way to clean up these evolutionary belief traits while in adulthood so the beliefs they inherited from their parents remain. The evolutionary advantage of utilizing beliefs while young, although they help the survival of our species, can also lead to bad consequences later in adult life but not so severe as to prevent the survival of our species. These bad consequences of beliefs may have led early humans toward violence against members of their own. As early Homo sapiens collected beliefs, some of them must surely have contained beliefs of violence, possibly to protect them from other tribes who might harm them or who they believed might harm them. The earliest evidence of human culture from Paleolithic and Mesolithic societies show that humans practiced some form of violence against fellow humans. These violent actions appear similar to the brutality of other primate species (chimpanzees, our closest primate relative, for example, reveals they engage in chimpanzee warfare). Later, the skills of human weaponry increased during the Neolithic period, and archeologists have uncovered evidence for executions and sacrifices. Although no one has direct evidence for languages used in the Neolithic period, violence of this kind, no doubt requires communication so they probably had language along with beliefs to justify their executions and sacrifices. Many early societies believed in spirits and animism, the belief that animals and inanimate objects possess a spirit. Indeed, the Latin word, anima, means soul. The word "spirit" also derives from the Latin word for breath. No doubt ignorance about the nature of wind, breath and movement of animals led them to construct an "explanation" about things in their world. How could they possibly know the difference between beliefs, facts, and evidence? These early societies hardly had anything that we would call multiculturalism, and this alone would isolate their belief systems from other belief systems. Imagine, for example, that you lived in a tribe that held strong beliefs and you came across another tribe that held an entirely different set of beliefs. Without an understanding of cultural diversity, or even the difference between beliefs and facts, how could they not feel threatened by another tribe that held beliefs that conflicted with their beliefs? With language came the contemplation and study of thoughtful systems. Socrates and Plato introduced beliefs of "forms" of things existing independently of their physical examples. These philosophical beliefs represented superficial representations of an underlying and absolute "reality." Aristotle carried the concept further but placed these forms to physical objects as "essences." He posited the existence of a soul and introduced the concept of an immovable mover (God) to justify matter which moves through the "heavens." These ghostly concepts live today, not only in religion, but in our language. Many times we express essence ideas without thinking about them because they exist in the very structure of common communication derived from ancient philosophers. Since no one can see or measure these essences, the only way to comprehend them comes in the form of belief. Sadly, people still accept these essences as "real" based on nothing but faith without ever investigating whether they exist or not. Orthodox religionists hinged their "sacred" philosophies upon the shoulders of ancient philosophers. Plotinus reorganized Plato's work as the bases for Platonism which lasted for many centuries. Thomas Aquinas became the foremost disseminator of Aristotle's thought. Aristotelianism and its limited logic still holds the minds of many believers. Today people still believe in inanimate objects, spirits, gods, angels, ghosts, alien UFOs, without ever questioning the reliability of their sources. Belief and faith can overpower the mind of a person to such an extent that even in the teeth of contrary evidence, he will continue to believe in it for no other reason than others around him believe in it or that people have believed in it for centuries. "Religion. n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to ignorance the nature of the Unknowable." -A. Bierce The meaning of belief To establish a common ground for the general concept of belief, I hold to the common usage of the term from the American Heritage dictionary: Belief: 1. The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in a person or thing; faith. 2. Mental acceptance or conviction in the truth or actuality of something. 3. Something believed or accepted as true; especially, a particular tenet, or a body of tenets, accepted by a group of persons. Believe: 1 To accept as true or real. 2. To credit with veracity; have confidence in; trust. In its simplest form, belief occurs as a mental act, a thinking process in the brain that requires two things: a feeling and a logical statement. To "believe" requires a conscious feeling of truth. To communicate what this feeling refers to requires some form of logical structure such as spoken or written language. Thus a belief requires a thought and a conscious feeling of "truth" which, according to neurological brain research, stems from the limbic part of the brain (discussed in the mechanism of belief, below). Thus, belief occurs as a thought with a feeling or emotion "attached." In other words: Belief= emotion + logic. Because belief requires emotion, it also represents a psychological state, not simply a mechanical thinking state. In all cases, I refer to beliefs as occurring in an aware state of consciousness. Beliefs here do not refer to subconscious thoughts, or any mental activity occurring below the threshold of consciousness. Nor do beliefs apply to sleeping and dream states, or to unconscious habits, or instincts. When a person owns a belief, s/he consciously accepts their own belief. The degree of feeling to which one accepts their own beliefs, as valid, can vary from mild acceptance to certain absoluteness. Thus it would prove meaningless to say that a person has beliefs without them knowing it or for them to deny their own beliefs. Obviously, a person who does not believe in something, does not believe in that something; a person who believes in something, does believe in that something. Belief requires conscious acceptance. How belief confuses arguments In the mildest form of belief, that of acceptance without absoluteness, a speaker or writer could simply replace belief words with more descriptive words to avoid confusion. Note that in most instances, one can replace the word "believe" with the word "think". For example: "I believe it will rain tonight." can transpose into: "I think it will rain tonight." Most simple beliefs come from the expression of the experience of external events. From past experience, for example, people believe that dark clouds can produce rain, therefore, we attempt to predict the weather by forecasting from past events. However, to believe that an event will occur can produce disappointment if the prediction never happens. To make a prediction based on past events alone does not require believing in the future event, but rather, a good guess as to what may or may not happen. We can eliminate many of these simple beliefs by replacing the word "believe" with the word "think." The word "think" describes the mental process of predicting instead of relying on the abstraction of belief which reflects a hope which may not happen. And if we replaced Aristotelian either-or beliefs with statistical thinking we would reflect probable events instead of believed events. Belief represents a type of conscious mental thought, a subclass of many kinds of mental activity. Thinking may or may not include beliefs or faiths. Therefore, when I use the word "think" I mean it to represent thought absent of emotional belief. If "think" won't work as a substitute for belief, then it should prove easy to find another substitute word. For example: "Our challenge then, is to believe only evidence claims that are likely." can transpose into: "Our challenge then, is to use only evidence claims that are likely." Because belief statements contain logical propositions, one should consider if emotions and feelings have anything to do at all with our logic. The anecdote about Archimedes running through the streets crying, "Eureka!" after discovering the relationship between mass and volume describe his emotion after making his discovery. This could have led him to believe that density equals mass divided by volume, but do feelings and emotions add anything at all useful to his logical statement? If feelings really do add to our logical structures then why not add them to our mathematical statements? One could, for example, make up a table of ordinal words to express the intensity of the feelings such as "eureka!" (for the highest emotion), "good!" (for a lesser emotion), "meh" (an ambivalent emotion), etc. We can then plug our emotions into our logical statement:
Now we have an attempt to use mathematical statements as beliefs. Belief = emotion + logic. As you should see by this silly example, the variable of emotion, not only does nothing to help the equation, the belief could vary from person to person. And if the holder of that belief dies, so goes their belief. Archimedes died with his beliefs but mathematicians today might think of his equation as: D[meh] = M/V, yet the truth value still holds even if no one believes it. The example above appears silly when you attach an emotion to a mathematical statement, but the very same thing happens when you use beliefs in your language. Once you take out the emotional aspect of your belief from your statement, it would not, by definition, equal a belief. You would simply have a propositional statement. "I believe that it will rain," would turn into, "It will rain." Now if that seems too certain an expression, simply describe your uncertainty such as: "It probably will rain tonight", or "It may rain tonight." In a mathematical statement you might include a probability number. Belief words can have many meanings. They can range from a guess (I believe so) to absolute certainty (I BELIEVE in God). So when a person uses a belief word in a sentence, the reader might get an entirely different meaning than you intend. It could mean just opposite of what you mean to your audience. For example, If you say to religious people that "I believe in science," they might think you mean it as an absolute in the way they believe in god. It comes from this very kind of misinterpretation that can lead a religious person to think that science represents a religion. Realize that some religious people quote-mine popular scientific literature just to prove what some scientist believes or has faith in. Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Danniel Dennet, for example, have all used "belief " in their books and speeches but with the intention of justifying their belief with evidence and logic. The reader, however, might think of it as the strong version of the word. So why use belief at all? To avoid this problem, simply don't use belief and faith and substitute it with a more descriptive word. Of course if you do have beliefs stronger than mild forms of belief, for example, if you hold supernatural beliefs, then of course, you should use the words belief or faith. Many kinds of concepts occur without the need for belief. People can invent rules, maps, games, social laws, and models without requiring a belief or absolute trust in them. For example, a map may prove useful to get from point A to point B, but to believe that the map equals the territory would produce a falsehood. Humans invented the game of baseball, but it requires no need to believe in the game, or to attach some kind of "truth" to it. People can enjoy baseball, simply for the game itself. Technological societies invent "rules of the road" and construct traffic lights, signs and warnings. We do not take these rules as absolute but realize that they form a system of conduct that allow mass transit to exist. If any confidence results from the use of models and rules, it should come from experience of past events predicted by the models rather than from the emotions connected to beliefs. Examples of non-beliefs Many people misunderstand what constitutes belief and what does not. For many, belief has so infiltrated their minds, that everything perceived or thought incorporates a belief for them, including all of their knowledge and experience. This hierarchical, top-down, approach, in effect, puts such a person entirely within a world of solipsistic reasoning. Why? Because all thoughts describe a belief for them and since beliefs only occur within the mind, every belief refers to the self. However, beliefs have no bilateral symmetry requirements; although one can believe in knowledge, one can obtain knowledge without owning beliefs; although one certainly accepts their own beliefs, not all things accepted require beliefs. Consider that if one defined belief to incorporate all forms of thought, then the word belief would become tautological and meaningless, not to mention that knowledge and experience would fall as a subset of belief. Need I remind the reader that words differ not only in their spelling, but in their meanings? The following gives examples of non-beliefs: Acceptance: Although belief requires some form of acceptance, not all things accepted require belief (beliefs have no bilateral symmetry requirements). Examples: I can accept the premise of a fictional story, but I do not for one moment believe in it. I can accept a scientific hypothesis without believing in it. Computers accept data and produce solutions, but computers have no consciousness, let alone beliefs. Many arguments can take the form of Devil's Advocate to oppose an argument with which the arguer may not necessarily disagree. Action: Although many people believe in the actions they perform, one can act without beliefs (beliefs have no bilateral symmetry requirements). Actions can occur out of a desire, a submission to an authority, or by unplanned events or even by mechanical means completely absent of humans. Examples: I can act a part without believing in it. I can act from a set of rules, but I do not need to believe the rules. I might act from an order from the police or government. I may act out of a desire to achieve something. There occurs no action which requires belief. Agreement: Although belief requires some form of agreement (believers agree that their beliefs have validity), not all agreements represent beliefs (beliefs have no bilateral symmetry requirements). However, for some people (myself included), agreement requires no belief at all. Examples: I might agree that Captain Kirk served aboard the Starship Enterprise, but I hold no beliefs in Star-Trek fiction. I may agree with the rules of football, but I do not need to believe in football in order to understand the game; I may not even like the game! I may agree with any premise, without believing in it. Knowledge: Knowledge comes from awareness of the world, or understanding gained through experience. Although people may believe in what they know, knowledge has no requirement for belief (beliefs have no bilateral symmetry requirements). Examples: I may have knowledge of a story, poem or song, but I have no need to believe it. I know the rules of many games, but I do not believe in games. I know the mathematics of calculus, but I do not believe in calculus. I have knowledge of information, but I do not believe in information. I have direct knowledge of my existence through sensations, thought, and awareness, but I do not believe I exist: I know I exist (even though I may not know how I exist). Information: Although many people believe the information they receive, information received does not require belief (again, beliefs have no bilateral symmetry requirements). Examples: the information from books, stories, science, theories, fiction, religion, etc., all represent communicated ideas, but one does not need to believe in any communication in order to utilize it. Differences between beliefs and thinking without beliefs The two charts above represent a visual abstract concept of the differences between the paths of belief and the path to knowledge. Both paths represent a form of thinking or mental activity. Note that the chart on the left shows a convergence point at the bottom where simple beliefs and thoughts coexist. At this level, they appear virtually the same with the only difference amounting to its semantic designation ("believe" can substitute for "think" and vice versa). However as each path progresses, they diverge; the path of belief progresses towards intransigence and the path of knowledge leads to factual knowledge. Each progresses as a matter of degree and each forms an independent path. For example, beliefs requires no external evidence whatsoever (examples: belief in ghosts, gods, astrology, etc.) The path of knowledge requires no reliance on beliefs (examples: the observation that the earth orbits the sun and airplanes fly, etc. appears regardless of whether you believe in them or not.) However, the path towards knowledge requires external verification (observation and testing) whereas the path of belief does not. The path towards workable knowledge (facts) must agree with nature if we wish to utilize it. The path of belief requires no agreement with nature at all (although it might coincide with it). Unfortunately, the usual practice of thinking involves the combination of beliefs with theory and factual knowledge (see the right chart). Most people tend to own beliefs of facts and knowledge, including perhaps the most rational people of all-- scientists and philosophers. A hypothesis or a theory may lead a scientist to strongly believe in his or her theories, the verification of test results may lead them to have faith in the results, and an established fact may lead some scientists to dogmatically hold to its verification (even if later evidence contradicts it). Thus even a scientist can attach beliefs to theories, faith to verification, and dogma to facts. Although scientists rarely approach intransigence (although some do), they usually believe in their data and theories and most philosophers believe in their philosophies and most of them will die with their beliefs. As Maxwell Planck once said, "A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." Fortunately, scientific dogmatic beliefs do not appear as prevalent as it once did in the last two centuries. Scientists like Freud, Jung, Velikovsky, and even Einstein held stubborn beliefs bordering on inflexible religious-like thinking, even when presented with evidence that contradicted their beliefs. I suspect that much of the reduced degree of dogma in the scientific community today results in better communication (especially through the internet), and a broader understanding of the sciences around them, and a humbling realization that some other scientist will call them out on their theories, but it still occurs to an unnecessary degree in my opinion. If facts about nature come from nature itself, then every scientific fact can stand as the evidence alone and the theories that explain those facts. At no time do we need beliefs to understand facts and theories. Nature occurs without human beliefs and so does reliable evidence. And once we understand our facts and theories we call it knowledge. There simply exists no apparent necessity for attaching beliefs to knowledge. Think about the following: Regardless of how strongly one has attached faith to scientific facts, no matter how religious the disposition of a scientist, there has never appeared a single workable theory or scientific fact that required the concept of a god or superstitious idea. Not a single workable mathematical equation contains a symbol for a "creator." There occurs not the slightest evidence for ghosts in our machines or in our bodies. Even the most ardent non-believers can live their lives in complete accord with nature and live as long as the most fanatical believer. The same holds true for non-religious beliefs and in spite of the temporary mental comfort that belief might bring, (as do drugs) then what purpose can belief serve in the establishment of useful knowledge about the world? Note that when a person dies, so goes his or her beliefs, but if that person lived as a scientist and provided a world with a workable piece of knowledge about nature, then only the knowledge remains useful. The beliefs during the person's lifetime have no bearing, whatsoever, on the usefulness of the knowledge that he or she brought into the world. Now you might argue that the knowledge brought to us by persons no longer living still requires people to believe in the knowledge that they brought, but on what grounds and to what degree? "Have you ever noticed.... Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?" --George Carlin I find it interesting to observe the state of belief in people. They most always see the problems of fanatical belief above them on the chart, but they never accept the disbelief of those below them. Believers always retain just the right amount of belief, it seems, and they unconsciously put themselves in a kind of self-centered, subjective dogma. I contend that most of us do not own beliefs of every kind and, indeed, we disbelieve more than we believe. Just as some believers have fewer beliefs than others, non-believers simply sit at the bottom of the scale. If you can, temporarily, put yourself outside of your own beliefs, you can question why you dismiss the beliefs of others, while perhaps understanding why non-believers dismiss yours. The degree problem goes away once you understand that the amount of belief says nothing about the usefulness or factual nature of knowledge. If you squint your eyes, pray, or through sheer willpower force your belief to strengthen, will that improve your knowledge? (It can certainly produce falsehoods, but how can it improve on knowledge?) Conversely, if you act on your knowledge without belief, will that change the status of your knowledge? If you think knowledge requires belief between the extremes of strong belief and no belief, then just what degree of belief do you think it necessary for the proper understanding of knowledge? Some people have argued that all knowledge represents forms of beliefs. Well it certainly can if you believe that and, no doubt, most people do believe that knowledge describes a belief, but that doesn't mean it has to. Even Plato and Socrates defined knowledge as "justified true belief," but this only describes what I already mentioned above (combining beliefs with knowledge), and again, this certainly serves far better than a belief without knowledge (I suppose Plato might call that unjustified false belief). But can knowledge exist without beliefs at all? Yes. And I can give examples. I could use examples of animals such as insects or reptiles but someone might object on the grounds that they possess some form of consciousness and beliefs, so I will give an example of non-life entities: Autonomous computers. Autonomous drones, for example can take-off, fly and land without a human pilot or even a remote pilot. These aircraft take in information from the world around them through cameras and sensors, process that information, make algorithmic decisions and act on them by navigating, taking photos, or sending lethal bombs to kill enemy targets. To give another example, IBM's computer called Watson (also autonomous) defeated the best Jeopardy players in the world. Its designers made it capable of understanding human language and knowledge by data mining documents, dictionaries, anthologies, and encyclopedias and deriving a correct answer. These computer systems, in fact, posses some knowledge about the world around them, otherwise they would not have the ability to carry out their tasks. These Autonomous computers have no consciousness or emotions, so they cannot possibly have beliefs. Knowledge can indeed exist without beliefs. Humans, too, can act on knowledge even without consciousness. Sleep walking, driving a car while having a conversation, for example, can result in actions from subconscious knowledge even without that person consciously knowing what has happened. Of course humans do not live like computers and we grow up with beliefs, perhaps even ingrained into our genes, but I submit that to suggest that an intelligent conscious human cannot understand knowledge without beliefs has no bases. Humans have a unique ability to understand abstractions and even abstractions about abstractions (metacognition) At least some humans have that ability (more on this below). One can understand how a belief can adversely affect knowledge and thusly learn to act on knowledge without owning beliefs. Nor do I claim that all people have the ability to disown beliefs. Perhaps some people can't, even if they wanted to. It certainly seems that some people, especially highly religious people, do not have that ability. Perhaps their genetic and/or cultural upbringing forever prevents them from doing so, I don't know. However, to suggest that every human must have beliefs belies the very fact that some of us don't. I submit that some, if not most, conscious human beings can learn to gather, understand, and accumulate knowledge and act on it without owning a single belief and that this provides far more of an advantage for the advancement of knowledge than a disadvantage.
Problems that derive from belief Although one can argue that beliefs supported by scientific evidence represent a benign form of beliefs, they also act as barriers towards further understanding. Even the most productive scientists and philosophers through the ages have held beliefs which prevented them from seeing beyond their discoveries and inventions. For example, Aristotle believed in a prime mover, a "god" that moves the sun and moon and objects through space. With a belief such as this, one cannot possibly understand the laws of gravitation or inertia. Issac Newton saw through that and established predictions of gravitational events and developed a workable gravitational theory. Amazingly, Newton began to think about relativity theory long before Albert Einstein. However, his belief in absolute time prevented him from formulating a workable theory. Einstein, however, saw through that and thought in terms of relative time and formulated his famous theory of General relativity. But even Einstein owned beliefs which barred him from understanding the consequences of quantum mechanics. He could not accept pure randomness in subatomic physics, thus he bore his famous belief: "God does not play dice." Regardless, physicists now realize that for quantum mechanics to work, nature not only plays with dice, but randomness serves as a requirement if one wishes to predict with any statistical accuracy. And on it goes. Even though great scientists, like any human, can fall prey to beliefs, their discoveries live beyond the barriers of their naive beliefs. Not only did they establish new knowledge about the universe but they also established its limits and, with them, the elimination of absolutes (and if you think about it, only a believer could pretend to know about absolutes, something not even in principle testable for mortal humans). For example, Einstein found the limits to velocity and time (once believed as absolute), Heisenberg saw the limits to reality (uncertainty principle), and Kurt Gödel's incompleteness theorem set a limit on our knowledge of the basic truths of mathematics. A belief in absolutes that directly contradict these scientific discoveries can only bar one from further understanding. Although thinking without beliefs does not, by any means, guarantee that people will make scientific breakthroughs, it can, at the very least, remove unnecessary mental obstructions. Belief, even at its lowest form of influence can create problematic and unnecessary barriers. As belief progresses towards faith and dogma, the problems escalate and become more obvious. We see this in religions and political ideologies, especially those that contain scripts (bibles, manifestos) which honor war, intolerance, slavery and superstitions. We see this in the religious inquisitions, "holy" wars, and slavery. During the period of the black plague, millions of humans died out of ignorance of the disease with beliefs that God or Satan caused it. Meanwhile their religious leaders did little or nothing to encourage experimental scientific investigation. In the 1930s and 40s the world saw the fanatical idealism of communists (which has far more in common with religion than it does with atheism) as they destroyed millions of lives. We saw how Christianized Germany produced Nazism and the holocaust in order to defend against the Jews in order to fight for the Lord (Hitler's belief). To this day, one can observe religious and ethnic beliefs creating war and intolerance in Bosnia, Sri Lanka, Israel, Africa, Russia and in Muslim countries. The tragedy of 9/11 could not have occurred without religious belief in an afterlife. Only religion produces the concept of moral war. Only a religious minded government would allow science to flounder while emphasizing faith-based programs. Why does religious belief create such monstrous atrocities? Because religion expresses everything into terms of belief, faith, and absolutes, without need for reason or even understanding. Religion puts reality, morality, love, happiness and desire in a supernatural realm inaccessible to the mind of man. How can humans ever achieve peace when their religious scripts has their god condoning war and violence, while man must accept the superstitious belief that their unknowable god does this for mysterious reasons, forever beyond the comprehension of man? How can you understand the physics of the universe if you believe that an unfathomable supernatural agent created everything just a few thousand years ago? How can you live a full happy life if your religion denies the nature of sex, desire, and mind? How can you have workable government if you believe laws derive from an incomprehensible super-being? How can you have the future of the planet or your grand children if you believe that supernatural predestination will end the world? Parents teach children at a very young age to believe in abstract concepts such as Santa Claus, the tooth-fairy, and supernatural gods. These parents have no understanding of the dangers that their beliefs might cause. Thus we prepare our society to not only accept beliefs, but to honour and fight for them. This commonly results in conflicts between free expression and censorship. For a believer, expression of ideas in-and-of-themselves represent beliefs. Thus violent television, movies and fictions present opportunities for the unaware to believe in them. If, instead, we taught our children about beliefs and how they infect the mind and the dangers they can produce, society would have little need for censoring ideas. For without believers, there would live no one to believe them and the violence and fantasy portrayed by their fictions could only represent just that-- fictions. "Don't believe anything. Regard things on a scale of probabilities. solid universal facts." The mechanism of belief Because belief requires a mental process involving neural activity, this allows scientific investigation into its mechanism. Although the abstractions of belief sit at a hierarchical level above the neuron level, there obviously occurs a connection between neuron activity to mental thought and vice versa. Unfortunately we still have only minute knowledge about the working of the brain, let alone the complex process that produces thought. However, studies have shown that some forms of delusional thought involve problems with the neocortex. Indeed, one of the characteristics of schizophrenic delusion involves grandiose and religious thinking [3] Some have even suggested that schizophrenia involves beliefs and attitudes taught to them while young [4] Also, in epilepsy, neurological storms can trigger feelings and thoughts divorced from external events. Although the neocortex and its sensory equipment gets its information from the external world, the limbic system takes its cues from within. The neuroscientist, Paul MacLean became fascinated with the "limbic storms" suffered by patients with temporal-lobe epilepsy. [5] MacLean reported: "During seizures, they'd have this Eureka feeling all out of context-- feelings of revelation, that this is the truth, the absolute truth, and nothing but the truth." "You know what bugs me most about the brain? It's that the limbic system, this primitive brain that can neither read nor write, provides us with the feeling of what is real, true, and important." This provides an important clue as to the mechanism of belief because it suggests that what we think of as true or real, actually produces or triggers a feeling. Belief in this sense then means a thought with a feeling attached where the feeling gives us a sense of conviction or truth. In normal people, a well reasoned thought can trigger a eureka-like feeling, thus the generation of a belief. This emotional tag attached to a thought may very well have served an important evolutionary role because it would allow Homo sapiens a way to prioritize thoughts that give a survival advantage. These eureka-like emotions also feel good and might very well enhance the memory of survival thoughts. In abnormal thinking, even an irrational thought can trigger the same eureka-like feeling. In other words, regardless of a reasoned thought or an irrational thought, both can trigger a feeling of "truth"; or in other words, a belief. In its most extreme form, epiphany-like beliefs can result from the ingestion of hallucinogenic chemicals, fanatical religious rituals, extreme fasting, or chemical imbalances in the brain (i.e., manic-depressive, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.) All of these mental disorders can lead to excessive beliefs and intense feeling, yet with only irrational thoughts attached to them. The worst forms of schizophrenia almost always involve extreme forms of delusional beliefs. Schizophrenics hear voices, act on impulse, think they hear the voice of God, Satan, or act out whatever belief-myth they grew up with. Interestingly, it appears that only thinking animals develop schizophrenia. We have no other animal model for this disease for holding false beliefs and the perception of unreal things. [6] Schizophrenia appears to exist only in humans. According to V.S. Ramachandran, patients with temporal lobe epilepsy may experience a variety of symptoms that include an obsessive preoccupation with religion and the intensified and narrowed emotional responses that appear characteristic of mystical experience. I present epileptic storms and schizophrenia here because they represent examples of mental disorder that can result in beliefs pegged to their extreme limit. I trust that most people will recognize that these mental diseases can result in dangerous forms of thinking. If the extreme beliefs held by schizophrenics represents a danger and an undesirable trait, then at what point below this do we consider beliefs desirable? Since I first posted this article, further research has arrived on the subject that supports the connection of emotions to belief. In 2007, Sam Harris, et all, used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study brains of 14 adults while they judged written "truth," "false" or "undecidable" statements. They found "strong reciprocal connections from the limbic system, the basal ganglia, and the association cortex of the parietal lobe. This region of the frontal lobes appears to be instrumental in linking factual knowledge with relevant emotional associations." The study suggests an anatomic link between purely cognitive aspects of belief and emotional reward. It also suggests that "the physiological difference between belief and disbelief can be independent of a proposition's content and affective associations." (italics, mine) [Harris] This suggested independence means that a proposition, or knowledge itself, does not require any emotion at all. In disbelief (a form of negative belief, and not the same as no-belief), the researchers also found a similar pattern of activation as that of belief. Many believers seem to think that all humans believe and that belief represents a requirement for human life. We can show the falsity of this assumption by simply eliminating thought entirely. Not everyone can do this, especially schizophrenics, but for those that wish to, there exists methods for doing so. At the opposite end of the spectrum, some people can completely stop their thoughts. And when someone can stop their thought process, beliefs cease to exist, at least temporarily. Ancient meditation or modern biofeedback practices show how to reduce or stop the semantic noise within our heads. During this practice, concentrating on a single idea or word (mantra) can reduce the thought level to a minimum (ekaggata). The final aim at eliminating this single thought results in a state of no-thought ("higher" levels of jhanic samadhi). While in such a state, all thoughts, ideas, and beliefs cease. Indeed EEG (electroencephalography) scans reveal that during meditative states, theta and alpha brain waves (brain waves associated with relaxed attention) dominate whereas delta waves (associated with goal-oriented and mental thoughts) are eliminated. I bring up meditation and delusion to show that there occurs some range of degree of intensity of belief between the two extremes. DEGREES OF BELIEFS The curve above represents a population of beliefs from 0 (no beliefs, no thinking) to 1 (extreme beliefs, irrational thinking), charted with only two data points (x). The dotted line represents a guess since I have no data to plot actual probabilities (future investigators will have to gather this information). The degree of belief determines dispositions to hold an idea as absolute or true. Thus, insane forms of thinking (delusional, schizophrenia, etc.) would appear on the far right end of the graph. The extremists (far-right-political and religious-right, for example) might appear at around .8-.9. The opposite of extremism would fall toward the left end of the chart (meditators, day dreaming, etc.). From my personal observation, most people do not fall at either end of the spectrum; most fall somewhere well between the two limits. For the general population, I suspect the graph would appear as a Bell curve as shown above. Although schizophrenia describes an obvious dysfunctional disease that causes harm to themselves and possibly to others, many schizophrenic properties can coexist in the "normal" human thinking process without causing notice to people observing them. Delusional thinking usually accompanies schizophrenia. But note that delusions represent false beliefs, virtually the same as the conditions for faith. Faith has become acceptable mainly because powerful social institutions support it. Symptoms of mental disease, of course, do not appear identical for everyone. Some people may have only one episode of schizophrenia in their lifetime. Others may have recurring episodes but lead relatively normal lives in between. Others may have severe symptoms for a lifetime. Indeed, many who we consider sane commit the most atrocious criminal acts without a diagnoses of insanity. Even legal acts such as war, inquisitions, and pogroms can cause harm to its believers as well as to others. Yet we do not diagnose these acts of belief as a mental disease because the very engine of belief puts them in the context of acceptability. Most societies do not abhor war; instead, they honour it because their belief-systems support the notion of solving problems through mass killing called war. If, instead, we approached belief supported violence the way we attempt to solve mental diseases, perhaps we might produce solutions to some of our cultural problems. A question arises out of these low-to-extreme forms of beliefs: If extreme beliefs represent a symptom or cause of mental disorder, then can a lack of belief produce a better, healthier, [or whatever desirable characteristic word you may want to use] way of socially interacting with people? At the low limit, that of meditation, one not only stops belief, but all forms of thought. This of course would result in a dangerous living condition if continued indefinitely, but only at the expense of the mediator. At worst the mediator might die for lack of food, but he or she could hardly harm anyone else. But what if one could learn how to think without beliefs? Might it not serve and advantage to make our thoughts more efficient? Of course accidents will happen and tragedies will occur. Errors in our models of perception will no doubt always happen. But if we can reduce or eliminate beliefs, wouldn't we have fewer reasons to harm others through prejudice or violence? Without beliefs, our thoughts would follow the prevailing evidence instead of blocking them with unnecessary convictions. Even if we cannot solve all mental diseases or prevent dangerous beliefs from forming, we might at least become aware of the mental processes that create beliefs and why they sometimes lead to intransigence. Although no one yet has a clear understanding of how schizophrenia originates, it appears that it may have some connection with genetics, brain damage, chemical imbalances or social upbringing. Fortunately treatments have become available for many mental diseases. For those who have mild cases of mental problems, education alone may redirect the neural path towards productive thinking. For others, drugs and therapy can help alleviate mental problems. Likewise, early education in critical thinking, identification of logical fallacies, and the mechanism of belief may alleviate many of our dangerous beliefs.
Disowning beliefs From the meaning of beliefs as described above, a person who owns a belief must possess two things: a thought and the feeling of that thought as 'true." The first requires a functioning neocortex and the second requires a functioning limbic system (note, by functioning, this also includes abnormal as well as normal functioning). This evolutionary and biologically inherited function brings up a valid question: If a functioning human brain produces thought along with a feeling of 'truth,' then all humans who have functioning brains must experience beliefs, no? Yes! And although this seems to contradict the very concept of no-beliefs, we humans have something that other animals don't have (except for, perhaps, some other primates): the power of retrospection and the ability to see our own abstractions (at least some humans have this ability). Psychologists call this ability, metacognition (coined by John Flavell). Meta-cognition simply means "cognition about cognition." Indeed, I have the experience of belief as when reading a convincing novel or watching a movie or a play, but I know that novels and movies represent fictions because I have the ability to think about my feelings and thoughts. Although I buy, temporarily, the belief for the entertainment value, I do not own the belief. It would prove not only silly but dangerous to walk out of a theatre (say The Exorcist) and still believe the story. The same goes with any belief experience whether it comes from rational scientific reasoning or to fictions or myths. I may feel (believe) that I have discovered a scientific truth, but I know that my belief comes as a property of brain function and I have the ability to disown the belief. I can say that it feels right, but I also know that feelings don't represent facts or knowledge any more than color exists as a property in matter. I also know that feelings-of-truth can mislead, especially when future evidence contradicts the truth-valve of the belief and can lead to intransigence. I can acknowledge the feeling but I don't have to acknowledge the belief. By putting yourself in a higher abstraction, you can 'see' the abstractions below you. In this sense you act at the arbitrator of your thoughts, picking out which produces the best results and dismissing those which don't work, all without owning any belief. Owning beliefs means that you blind yourself to seeing them as what they represent: abstractions. You must also defend the beliefs you own or else feel oppressed when someone attacks them, and this can lead to depression, argument, violence, or to any ultimate tragic end. By disowning beliefs, you not only don't have to defend them, but you avoid the problems associated with them. If you still don't understand how you can disown an inherited biological function, let me give you an analogue using an even older biological function: the sense of balance. Every normal human has it, those little grains of calcium carbonate, the otoconia, in the inner ear that tickle the hairs of the maculae, that detect gravity and acceleration. Pilots of early aviation used to rely on this sense in what they called, "flying by the seat of the pants." But during stormy weather or night flying, pilots became disoriented and began to lose their lives. At first the survivors chalked it up to high winds (how dare they accuse these brave pilots of becoming disoriented). But the aviation scientists knew better. When they invented instrument flying, the old timers balked, but pilots grudgingly learned to rely on the instruments. They learned to distrust their own senses and replaced it with more reliable instruments. One might even ask the heretical question: Do humans really need a sense of balance to fly at all? Note that nowhere in that statement does it say that one should eliminate the sense of balance. I simply ask a similar question about belief. Do humans need beliefs to survive? Nowhere in that statement do I claim that one should eliminate the feeling of beliefs, only that one can eliminate the ownership of them. We humans have an evolved brain that can contemplate our own abstractions and beliefs. We can disown beliefs and replace them. So in the analogy of the sense of balance, what mechanism serves as the flying instrument that replaces belief? Critical thinking coupled with empirical testing (science). You can feel that something seems true, even if false, while at the same time you do not have to think of it as true.
Inside our head vs Outside our head Many people have a difficult time telling the difference between what happens inside their heads as opposed to what happens outside their heads. And I don't mean just schizophrenics or psychopaths, but also sane people. Most of us have had confusions about "reality" at some times in our lives. Since all sensations and information comes to the brain filtered, we experience all our perceptions in our head. To establish the difference between outside verses inside events, we usually derive, through intuition, some sort of comparative test. Most of our sensations instinctively tell us what occurs outside. As infants, we quickly learn that the sounds we hear in our heads actually emanate from the outside. We learn to manipulate objects through touch, observe movement through sight, etc. As we grow, we begin to form abstract thought and we attach these abstractions to our perceptions. Observation, reasoning, and experimentation gives us the means to determine the difference between outside our heads and inside our heads. Errors can creep into our thinking process. And from there it can invade our language system. This happens, virtually in any information system. If we do not correct these linguistic and logic errors, we may go for years propagating ancient errors without thinking about them. It seems obvious that this has already occurred to many cultures that have promoted dangerous belief sets. Although most will agree that dangerous beliefs present a threat and that we should do something about them, many beliefs that seem inconsequential receive no concern at all. These, seemingly, innocent beliefs act through our language system and can give us a false sense of "knowing." To give an example, we usually think of colour as "out there." We observe green foliage, blue skies, red apples, etc. Yet colour, demonstrably, does not occur "out there," but rather, exclusively inside our heads. Matter contains no colour. Colour has no bases from the physics of light. Colour, rather, describes a sensation. [10] However, matter does "reflect" or produce light (photons). Our eyes absorb this energy and our brains interpret this information by "tagging" a sensation of colour to it. Many times we express this perception through an error of language that projects colour as "out there." We use ancient "essence" words like "is" and "be" that put mystical properties to events which occur only in our heads. For example, "the grass IS green" seems to project the property of "greenness" to an external plant form. Regardless of how much chlorophyll a plant may contain, it contains no "green." The colour green occurs in our brains as a "tag" to an indirect reflective property of light. Yet our "essence" words and ideas continually fool us into thinking that things exist outside our heads, without the slightest evidence to support it. To help eliminate these "essence" verbs, we can simply replace them with descriptive verbs. Instead of saying "The grass is green," I might say, "The grass appears green (to me)." The descriptive verb "appears" connects perception to the observer instead of placing it outside the body. Many sentences which use "to be" verbs produce false or misleading statements. [9]
From belief to faith Many rational people, including most scientists, still insist on utilizing beliefs with the rationale that beliefs must accompany evidence to support them. Of course it proves more prudent to attach evidence to one's beliefs than to own beliefs without evidence, but why should anyone feel compelled to attach beliefs to evidence at all? Why not stand on the evidence without beliefs? Consider a measurement, for example the velocity of light. I can simply state the calculated or measured velocity as a numerical figure or I can say "I believe that the speed of light equals 299,790 KPS. But the velocity represents a measurement of an external event, not a belief. The belief of the velocity of light adds nothing to the information about the velocity of light. The belief only reflects an intransigent property of the believer and nothing at all about the measured property. Regardless of how mild the intransigence, the belief itself provides no scientific value at all. On the contrary, the belief within that individual may grow to such extent that it overshadows the evidential data and may cause the believer to hold on to his theory even if future evidence contradicts it. As a theory only, without belief, the possibility of future evidence may reveal new data that would modify and improve the theory. I have met such believers before and when shown evidence of the differing velocity of light in crystals, their belief of an absolute value of light rose to the occasion to combat this new (to them) information. Note that when I say that belief appears unnecessary to evidence, I do not mean that ideas and thoughts should not accompany them. On the contrary, instead of beliefs, we can establish theories and models about the evidence, a predictive and productive way of understanding the consequences of the evidence. (I'll add more about this later.) Although the reasons why people tend towards certain belief-systems remains unclear, Frank Sulloway, a research scholar, has proposed that family dynamics and birth order influences social survival strategies [8]. In general terms, firstborns tend to think conservatively and laterborns tend to think as liberals. In the extremes of both liberals and conservatives, the beliefs can take on a fantastical form of thinking. In its most dangerous form, belief can take its most intransigent property as faith, the reliance on hope and ignorance. Indeed, many psychopaths and schizophrenics provide extreme examples of faith as the beliefs inside their heads take over the evidence from outside their heads. Some researchers have noted the higher prevalence of schizophrenia in certain religions [11].
Hypotheses, theories and models Many religious people who challenge scientists, attempt to make their scientific theories equivalent to faith. I suspect this gives the faithful comfort, as reducing theory to the level of faith puts both on an equal plane. However, useful theories do not rely on faith and do not even require belief. Scientific theories must agree with nature to some degree, faith does not. If a theory's prediction fails to produce results, then the theory itself cannot provide usefulness and the scientists must throw it out. A hypothesis represents nothing more than a good guess subject to further verification and usually precedes a theory. A workable theory, however, represents a good guess based on evidence and makes useful predictions. "It does not make any difference how beautiful your guess is. It does not make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is-- if it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. That is all there is to it." -Richard Feynman Newton's theory of gravity, for example, represents a useful set of guesses that make predictions about matter traveling through space. Newton's mechanics, however, does not give us absolute or exact predictions. It only allows predictions about matter within acceptable tolerances. Einstein's theory of gravity carries Newton's theories to ever more exact figures and we can make even better guesses. But note that the theories of gravity must rely on outside evidence, and the guess must agree with experiment. A theory, therefore, without supporting evidence has no meaning. The following provides some examples of theories: The kinetic theory of matter depends on the measurable properties between the forces between particles of matter. The theories of gravitation depend on the facts of the measurable results of matter in the field of gravity. The theory of natural selection depends on the facts of evolution as confirmed by observation, evidence and experiment. Note that understanding any scientific aspect about the physical world requires some form of theoretical thought. Models differ from theories, in that they usually represent an abstract copy of the event or thing that we wish to understand. They may provide us with predictions, but they can never fully represent the subject in all its nature. A model represents an incomplete abstraction of a thing outside our heads. Maps, scale models, computer simulations, etc. all provide us with methods to predict the future of an event or thing. For an example of scientific modeling, look at the history of the investigation of atoms. As the evidence accumulated, the physicists made better and more accurate (although incomplete) models of the structure of matter. A hypothesis may lead to experiment and both may lead to a theory. If the theory of the evidence provides accurate predictions every time, sometimes we call these "laws" or "knowledge." Note, however, that "knowledge" does not mean that it comes absolute. A fact or theory may change in the future and we may have to modify our knowledge to accommodate the changing evidence. By utilizing hypotheses, theories and models, we can express thoughts about the world without resorting to beliefs and faith.
Logic, mathematics, and reason Unfortunately, many people misuse the concept of logic and believe that it provides a method of arriving at "truth" about the world; that if they propose a logical argument it, somehow, has validity to external events. However, logic, by itself, says little about the world and does not guarantee "truth." Logic provides a language of self-consistent reasoning that pertains only to the construction of itself. A logical conclusion based on sound reasoning, in fact, might disagree with the external event we wish to understand. For example, in the following logical construction: All judges are lawyers No bishops are lawyers Therefore: No bishops are judges The above syllogism consists of valid logic. However, each of its propositions must agree with observation before its conclusion can provide any usefulness. Does every judge actually serve as a lawyer? Have no bishops ever served as lawyers? Reason and logic without evidential support cannot determine much about the world until the evidence supports the propositions. All ghosts are spirits No cartoons are spirits Therefore: No cartoons are ghosts The logic above appears sound, but what in the world does it mean and how does it relate to the world? In what context does it refer? What about Casper the ghost? Interestingly, one of the signs of mental illness, especially schizophrenia, involves their irrational thinking and the errors they make in syllogistic reasoning [12]. Note also that many different "Logics" occur for many different fields. Traditional logic, for example, simply does not work in the world of quantum physics. The math, the reasoning, and the logic of the quantum world differs widely from the macro-world. Unfortunately, today most people rely on only one kind of logic, usually some from of aristotelian logic. We tend to think in terms of black/white, true/false, good/evil, guilty/not-guilty, up/down, inside/outside, etc. Although many things, indeed, follow this simple kind of logic, a plethora of things operate through a continuum. Although aristotelian logic may work great for digital circuits, or simple syllogisms, it fails miserably when trying to understand the human condition or things that work through calculus. Mathematics represents a symbolic language of logic and provides us with a tool for reasoning. But mathematics and logic must accommodate the external events if it wishes to explain them. Of course people may have beliefs about one mathematical system over another, but any philosophical belief always fails in light of nature. Only the results of the accuracy of the predictions matter in the mathematical world; beliefs have no requirement in the outcome, regardless of how good it may make its believers feel. In fact, it has appeared commonplace in physics, especially quantum mechanics, where two entirely different mathematical approaches derived from different starting points turn out to give identical quantitative answers [13]. Although logic and mathematics may provide a useful tool for reason, scientists may encounter information about the world that matches no logic whatsoever. Unknowns and incomplete information occurs many times, but that does not necessarily prevent establishing useful results. Doctors knew that aspirin, for example, worked as a pain blocker, but for many years they had no workable explanation of how it worked. Even gravity, to this day, with all the mathematics predicting its effect on matter, has stumped physicists as to the nature of its mechanism. Many times the physicists do not even understand why their system works. They only know that it works. The prime requirement of making useful predictions must come from nature herself, from things outside our heads. All the beliefs, theories, logics and models, regardless of how well they got constructed, cannot do us any good unless they have some support from evidence. Many times events outside our heads provide us with life sustaining support without our thinking about them at all (such as breathing air)! Instead of relying on one logical system, as most people do, we might instead incorporate a language that incorporates a system of logics and we might choose the system that best fits the object of investigation. Sadly our English language contains severe limitations and cannot possibly express many of the extraordinary discoveries of the new physics. Mathematics allows a language of continuum, multiple dimensions, and infinities and all without the need for introducing ghostly beliefs.
Preconceived beliefs I once heard an amusing story about the artist, Picasso. I don't know if this actually happened but it makes a point about how people construct beliefs of reality from abstractions: A stranger recognizing Picasso asked him why he didn't paint pictures of people "the way they really are." Picasso asked the man what he meant by "the way they really are," and the man pulled out of his wallet a snapshot of his wife as an example. Picasso responded: "Isn't she rather small and flat? To believe that an abstract representation shows the actual thing leads to an unnecessary biased form of perception. Belief of any kind puts a kind of shield on the thinker and puts in its place a form of thought which in effect says: "This is real." Preconceived beliefs coupled with the lack of information can lead to false conclusions. To take another example, I might say to a group of people, "I love fish." Everyone may hear me correctly, but because of their preconceived beliefs and a lack of context, some may interpret my meaning as a statement about dining and others may believe I have a love for aquarium fish. Virtually all expressions of thought contain some limitations and to add preconceived ideas without evidentiary support can produce false statements and beliefs. Without resorting to belief, I can look at a photograph and see that it only resembles some aspect of a particular thing or person, and that it represents an indirect abstraction. Without belief, I can question a proposition before arriving at a conclusion.
Limitations of knowledge "It used to be thought that physics describes the universe. Now we know that physics only describes what we can say about the universe." -Niels Bohr "It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong." -Thomas Jefferson Our thoughts and expressions through language represent abstractions about the world, metaphors and models about things and not the things themselves. Language and thought cannot describe the totality of a thing anymore than a painting or picture can. A picture does not equal its subject, and a map does not equal its territory. But our myths, maps, models, and abstract thoughts do provide a limited means to understand the world and to make predictions about external events. They provide a way to quantify and simplify our communication systems so that we can perform desirable and useful actions in the world. But if we allow unnecessary thoughts and beliefs to reside with our abstractions, we develop semantic noise which can lead to incorrect information. As limited humans, we do not possess absolute knowledge. Our perceptions and information comes to us incomplete. When we look, touch and measure an object, for example, we only observe part of its totality. Belief, on the other hand, can produce the illusion that we understand without limitations. Eliminating concepts of beliefs, at least puts us closer to the range of our perceptions. We inherit mortal limitations, we cannot know with absolute certainly about the external world; we cannot completely remove doubt about our conclusions. Many philosophers and scientists have come to this same observation [14]. Doubt leaves the door open for further investigation. Intransigent belief puts a mental barrier to further knowledge.
Bias (point of view) Because our models and theories represent limited knowledge about the world, this forces us to examine the universe within boundaries. This produces a point of view. Bias represents a focus, direction, or preference towards a point of view without examining or ignoring existing evidence. One cannot avoid a point of view. Regardless of how one might try to prevent bias, there will most always occur something left out of the description. Similar to Heisenburg' Uncertainty Principle, as a focus becomes narrow, the more outside its focus gets left out. And vice versa, the more general a view becomes, the more the details get left out. If one tries to include the details with the general, a view can bog down with an overblown aggregation of information, turning a direction of thought into a cloud of complexity; and even still, the entire system would reside within a framework of limitations. Regardless of how one may reject beliefs, a point of view occurs if only because we represent a unique and limited spatial entity within the universe. The negative aspect we usually associate with bias does not come from bias itself but rather the belief that comes with it. Belief produces a set of brackets around a point of view that says in effect "The answer lies here." Once you believe you have found the answer, your point of view becomes biased, (intransigent and prejudiced) and prevents you from looking at other possible alternatives. Again, beliefs act as a barrier to further understanding. If a person develops a faith in a point of view, then it becomes overwhelming to the point that nothing, even in the light of convincing evidence, will the faithful yield to better information. A biased belief can convince its believers that they hold the key to all understanding and "truth" without providing any evidence to support it. A point of view, however, does not demand a predisposition to belief; it can simply represent a direction of thought. Ideas, by their very nature, represent limitations of thought. As long as a point of view produces a reasonable explanation, uses only pertinent information necessary to make predictions and leaves open the possibility of change in favor of better evidence, then it serves as a useful and productive tool. As we learn and understand our limitations, that a point of view represents an understood direction, we have the possibility to transcend it into an even more productive point of view.
Imagination, fantasy and wonder "Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein As humans, we have the remarkable ability to make things up and to pretend. Imagination and fantasy provides us with one of the most pleasurable ways to experience thoughts and gives us one of the fundamental requirements for the ability to create. Our imagination provides us with the mental capacity to express models in our heads and to act out scenarios of love, conquest, gamesmanship and adventure. I can't imagine any new invention, art, or literature deriving without its author engaging in the pleasure of a fantasy. The feeling of wonder about things in the world and the mysteries of the universe fills us with imagination and speculation. Although Einstein put imagination above knowledge (something I don't necessarily agree with), it certainly serves a very useful function. Fantasies and imaginations, of course require no belief in them. They provide us a way to model and hypothesis non-actual events that may eventually lead to knowledge of actual things or perhaps even a novel invention. Fantasy coupled with ideas about actual events can lead to great insights about future events. Many a science fiction story, for example, has inspired scientists to construct hypothesis that lead to verifiable experiment and the invention of useful machines. Even fantasy by itself provides an enjoyable way of expressing thoughts. But if an individual begins to believe in his own fantasy, or worse, has faith in it, then usually only disappointment or tragedies result.
Natural desire "We always move on two feet-- the two poles of knowledge and desire." -Elie Faure Desire comes to us as a natural feeling. As biological animals, we cannot avoid desires. We desire food, shelter, freedom of expression, etc. As exploratory animals, we humans use our minds as a tool to help satisfy the desires within us. With reflection and thought, we learn the limits to our desires. Eating too much, for example, can lead to limited heath and the prevention of satisfying other desires. By understanding the consequences of desire, we can avoid the excesses and blockages of desire. To express and satisfy our desires (sex, feelings, hunger, etc.) provides a human need. And if we do not satisfy our natural needs, then severe consequences can result. Sadly, many of our belief-systems put a stranglehold on our natural instinctive desires. If a belief-system teaches that "sex is evil," "only godly belief will help you," or suppresses expression and communication, we may turn depraved, depressed, or violent. Believers many times express desire indirectly in terms of hope, a form of wishful thinking. Indeed faith hinges on the requirement of hope and ignorance. Hope without an adequate method of achieving our desires can lead to debilitating disappointment and sorrow. I can only imagine the number of tragedies that have occurred from failures due to excessive wishful thinking. Instead of relying on faith and hope, we might analyze our desires and use our knowledge and creative minds to find a way of satisfying them.
Morality Many people think that morality stems from religion, usually from some form of 'divine' instruction in the form of scripture, holy writ or from the teachings of shamans or priests. However, research from evolutionary biologists and sociobiologists have shown that the precursors of human morality occur in many other social animals, especially primates such as chimpanzees and bonobos (our closest animal relatives). Religion emerged after morality and, thus, human morality cannot have come originally from religion. As an example from personal experience, I remember as a child that I learned about golden rule behavior by interacting with my fellow school mates in the sandlot before anyone taught me about religion, nor did I even know about what the golden rule or morality meant! I simply behaved in a manner that felt right to me at the time. (A few other children acted through Iron rule behavior, the "bullies"). Morality ultimately stems from the brain and it requires emotions and consciousness. The science of human behavior suggests that innate morality comes to us from birth, perhaps similar to the language instinct where humans have an innate capacity for language even though any particular language comes from cultural development (see Steven Pinker and Noam Chomsky). Religion may have served as the first system to control morality through religious belief instruction (and force) but that says nothing about the workability of a moral system. In fact, one can argue that religious morality creates more moral problems because it does not conform to reality (because it relies on supernatural beliefs, not on nature) and it produces dogma which can prevent one from establishing workable morality in light of new evidence. After all, the three most influential religions in the world (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) stem from books written during the Bronze and Iron ages long before people understood the science of biology and human behavior. Clearly thousands of years of moral instruction from these religions have never produced a workable moral system (do I really need to go into wars, slavery, pogroms, witch hunts, intolerance's, etc. to explain this?) Since humans live in the natural world and science provides the only tools to understand the natural world, it follows that science might provide us with the best way to establish workable moral systems. Unfortunately, much of human nature remains unknown to us and scientists have barely begun to study moral systems. Moreover, the dogmatic belief that morality can only come from religion further bars people from thinking about it, even from many scientists. Nevertheless, the science of morality started with the philosophical ideas from Jeremy Bentham, the philosophy of consequentialism, the research on human cooperation from Robert Axelrod, and many scientists now studying how the brain creates moral judgments. Innate morality does not require ownership of beliefs because it acts through our biological system in response to stimulus and our environment (although many people do attach beliefs to them). I do not have to believe in order to act. However religious morality almost always requires belief because it involves religious instruction which one must believe in order to accept the dogma. In both cases, innate morality or religious morality might prove tragically wrong because of particular circumstances (for example, I might treat someone altruistically not knowing that that person relies on deception and trickery to get what he wants, or I might turn the other cheek to an enemy which could result in the death of myself and others). Instead of relying on innate feelings or belief, I can spend more time thinking and evaluating my feelings and the feelings of others around me and to try to establish the consequences of my actions (ethics). Morality requires feelings and emotions because our subjective values stem from emotions, and we need values to establish morality. Here we have emotions that trump logical reasoning (just opposite of beliefs). For morality, we want to use emotions with logical structures but not as beliefs but as a way to achieve desires and wants. Beliefs involve statements about external truths which do not require the feelings but in morality we must use our feelings to direct us toward a workable moral system. But one does not need to use belief statements to do this. Instead one need only use desire statements. For example, I want people to live together peacefully because everyone will feel better as a result. And then I might describe a way to achieve this want by using a theory to establish it. At no time do I require beliefs to establish statements about morality. Much of our innate feelings already drives us in this direction but only a full study of the behavior and feelings of humans can result in any kind of consensus on the right action to take. And this requires science. In any case, one could construct an ethical system that remains flexible, based on human nature and science, all without owning a single moral belief. Of course disowning beliefs does not guarantee a workable moral system but it does get rid of all the belief based systems that have no connection at all with human nature. At the very least, this opens up opportunities to create a moral system that works for both the individual as well as others.
Everyone believes in something? Many a believer, religious and atheist alike, will become astonished at any statement against belief, if for no other reason because they believe and the people around them have beliefs. They tend to form a belief-of-its-own that projects beliefs onto others. However, simply because most people own beliefs does not necessarily follow that all people own beliefs. To claim the knowledge that everyone on earth believes in something portends an astonishing proclamation. It would require an omniscient ability to see into the minds of every human on earth. Moreover, many people fail to understand that belief requires conscious acceptance. People who own beliefs (unless they lie) do not deny them. Quite the contrary, people who believe, admit their beliefs quite readily. Furthermore, few people stop to ask what we mean by beliefs or understand that one can replace belief with other forms of "thinking."
I don't believe the sun will rise tomorrow, but I predict it will Not believing in something does not mean thinking something may not happen. The absence of belief does not prevent one from predicting the event. It may seem fatuous not to believe the sun will not appear the next day. However, as a limited human being, I maintain no absolute certainty that a sunrise will occur. At best. I can only make a prediction based on past experience. Since I have experienced daylight every day of my life, and know of no human who hasn't, I have little evidence that a sunrise will not occur tomorrow. Therefore I can make a prediction based on past experience that a sunrise will appear highly likely to occur the next day. Note that I do not require believing to do this, only observation, experience, and good guessing. Prediction based on experience, in this case, replaces belief. But note that my prediction may prove wrong, regardless of how remote the chances. We have evidence that supernovas exist in the universe that can destroy local solar systems. If, indeed, such an event occurred in our part of the galaxy, our sun could possibly get absorbed, along with the earth and all humans on it. So although there exists a very remote chance that the sun will not appear, I can at least predict with great (but imperfect) accuracy that I will see sunlight the next day. By replacing belief with predictive thought, one can eliminate the need for belief, yet still maintain an outlook on life and make useful predictions.
Don't you believe you exist? To the believer who poses this question, I can only respond with "I know I exist, but apparently you only believe you exist." Questions about belief of our own existence aim to put a philosophical end to the discussion by proposing an impossible (to believers) proposition that no one could possibly deny. However, eliminating belief does not deny the evidence of existence. This appears so obvious and apparent that it only shows the power of belief to blind people from the world around them. Any fair observer will note that no animal, including humans, require a need to believe in their existence. Humans, however, have the power of knowledge and the ability to express themselves. I know I exist because I get knowledge of my existence every second of my conscious life directly from my feelings, perceptions, or thoughts - no belief required. Belief only introduces an unnecessary proposition. I can simply say "I exist," instead of "I believe I exist." My knowledge of existence comes from experience, not belief. The elimination of beliefs, makes our statements more concise, accurate and meaningful. However, when one only believes in their existence, they automatically reduce their entire life to an abstraction: a belief. In effect, they have put an unnecessary barrier between their minds and the world around them.
Owning no beliefs does not result in nihilism To characterize no beliefs as nihilist only creates a straw man. Of course a nihilist might very well claim to abandon knowledge of existence but usually it comes in the form of a belief-- one who believes that nothing exists or one who believes that no one can know anything. Nothing I have written rejects the notion of existence or knowledge, whether it comes from metaphysical, political or ethical thought. Abandoning beliefs does not prevent one from reality, morality or sociality. On the contrary, I submit that eliminating ownership of beliefs tends to enhance the knowledge of things by the very act of eliminating the very obstruction which prevents us from knowing how things work in the universe. The elimination of beliefs as I describe it illustrates the very antithesis of nihilism. The problems that derive from beliefs prevent us from knowledge of existence, morality and workable political systems. Ironically many believers who accuse others of nihilism follow a similar path of nihilism by denying reality in favor of superstitious beliefs. How in the world can one know about reality when one believes in a supernatural force which (according to religious philosophers) remains entirely separated from the world, and in principle, no one can know? So if you think (or believe) that I submit to a form of nihilism, then you will have abandoned a main premise and put yourself at a personal disadvantage by ignoring or denying an idea (a valid and very workable idea in my opinion).
No, I don't believe my own words And neither should you. But I do ask questions, and because you've read this far you, and even if you strongly disagree, you must ask yourself this: Which method works best: acting on beliefs or acting on knowledge? If you have difficulty answering this question, then perhaps your beliefs prevent you from acknowledging the obvious. This text presents points of views based from my (and others) experiences, observations, and research about the thought process. I do not present them as beliefs but rather as an investigation into the mechanism of belief. If any of my statements prove false, then they will show simply that, and subject to further revision. Disowning beliefs does not guarantee "truth" or accuracy, only a method to help clear away superstitions and falsehoods.
Summary Beliefs and faiths represent a type of mental activity that produces an unnecessary and dangerous false sense of trust and wrongful information (thinking coupled with the feeling of 'truth'). Faith rarely agrees with the world around us. History has shown that beliefs and faith, of the most intransigent kind, have served as the trigger for tragic violence and destruction and sustained the ignorance of people. Replacing beliefs with predictive thoughts based on experience and evidence provide a means to eliminate intransigence and dangerous superstitious thought. Beliefs and faiths do not establish "truths" or facts. It does not matter how many people believe or for how many centuries they have believed it. It does not matter how reverent or important people think of them, if it does not agree with evidence, then it simply cannot have any validity to the outside world. All things we know about the world, we can express without referring to a belief. Even at its most benign level, beliefs can act as barriers to further understanding. I present a very simple observation at the limits of ignorance and knowledge: If you don't know about something and you submit it to nothing but belief, it will likely prove false; if you know about something, then you don't need to believe it, because you know it. Between ignorance and knowledge you have the uncertainties about the world, and the best way to handle uncertainties involves thinking in terms of probabilities. So what use does belief have? If you have awareness of abstracting, you can then begin to replace believing with thinking. Instead of owning beliefs, we can utilize hypothesis, theory, and models to make predictions about things in the world. In its semantic form, we can replace "belief" words with "thinking" words which better describes the formation of our ideas. We can use our imaginations to create new hypothesis towards desired goals. The wonder of the universe gives us a powerful feeling of inquisitiveness. Certainly we will fail sometimes, but disowning beliefs allows us to correct our mistakes without submitting our ideas to years or centuries of traditional time consuming barriers. Theory coupled with imagination can yield inventive thoughts and points of views. By further understanding our language and eliminating unworkable essence words, we can communicate without resorting to preconceived ideas based on past beliefs. Our feeling of wonder about the universe provides us the fuel for exploration; how much more magnificent the results from useful thoughts than ones based on faith. .............................. CRITICAL THINKING The ability to think critically is an important part of your intellectual wellness. With critical thinking, you build your ability to see things differently by examining your (and people’s) thoughts and judgments on any topic. Why is that important? Well, it’s as simple as not believing everything you hear – and maybe not anything you hear. You become aware of (and take control of) your own thinking, which leads you to be able to better define your own thoughts and opinions. Your goal is to make sure that your beliefs are really your own, not simply ones that are passed on to you by others. Whether someone states an opinion or fact, or if you are reading a book or magazine or even an advertisement, with critical thinking, you will be less easily manipulated, and you will think more independently. When you think critically, you learn about new things based on your own experiences and what you know to be true. You create your own beliefs and judgments and have a basis for thinking and acting more rationally and reasonably. You also protect yourself from being taken advantage of because logic and deductive reasoning insulates you. You want to form your own opinions, as opposed to just going with what others think. To do that, listen/see/read with an open mind, and start with these three tips when faced with any opinion or statement of fact: 1. What’s the speaker’s purpose? Pay attention to what the speaker’s true purpose is, and that will help you decide how to assess his statements. Is he trying to convince you of something? Does he want you to believe his opinion is true? Is he trying to get you to accept a fact? Maybe he is making a statement as if it is a fact, when it is actually an opinion. Once you get a better grasp of the speaker’s goal, you know if you should question his statements. 2. What assumptions does the speaker want you to make? Whatever the speaker is trying to tell you or convince you of, ask yourself: Is there a basis for his opinion? Is it even logical? Is it plausible? Think about a commercial for laundry detergent where the voice-over says, “Now with Kleen Krystals that get out the toughest stains!” The advertiser wants you to make the assumption that Kleen Krystals are made up of an extra strong substance that’s good at stain-removal. But that’s a pretty big assumption, since you don’t even know what a Kleen Krystal is! So when the advertiser tries to convince you that the detergent is even stronger now because of the Krystals, the critical thinker in you realizes there really is no basis for that opinion, there’s no logical explanation that convinces you what he is saying is true, and you aren’t going to make the assumptions he wants you to make. 3. What’s the evidence? Evidence answers the question, “How do you know?”, and that’s a question that a critical thinker always wants answered. Is there any evidence to support the speaker’s opinion? Is the evidence complete? Is it believable? With any information you get from any source, it’s a great critical thinking exercise to ask how the speaker knows what he is saying is true – and keep asking it, even when you get your first answer. When someone tells you something as fact, ask how he knows that to be true. Because someone told him? Well, how did that person know? Because she read it in a book? Well, how did the author of that book know? Because he read it in a study? Well, who wrote the study? You get the idea. Asking yourself these three questions helps you to clarify your own thinking. The more you do it, the more it becomes second nature. Once you are in the habit of questioning what you see, read, and hear – consider yourself a critical thinker! Then try to apply your new skill when you’re in these situations: When someone is telling you something about someone else - Do you know what she is saying is true, or is that just her interpretation of that person? If you and your friends tend to gossip about others, try to use it as an opportunity to work on your critical thinking skills. Realize that one person’s opinion isn’t fact, and that when someone relates something about someone else, her opinion of that event is just that – her opinion. It’s always much better to form your opinion about someone based on your own observations and interactions. When you are watching a commercial on TV - Think about the characteristics of the product that the advertiser is trying to sell you on. A food that tastes better? Only you know what tastes better to you. A car that handles better? Your car handles just fine. A household cleaning product that wipes out more germs? The products you use clean your house just fine! You get the idea – watching television commercials are a great way to hone your critical thinking skills because they are always trying to convince you of something, and it’s easy to spot the parts you should be questioning. Thinking critically means you don’t just accept something at face value. Instead of letting something answer a question for you, you question the answer. Critical thinking can be learned at any age, it just means you approach facts differently. What do you think of your own critical thinking skills? Do you think you have areas in which you can improve? Try the questioning approach above, and feel what happens to how you value ‘BELIEF’! ..............................
From: Tim King Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 11:53 AM Subject: Re: Emailing: 'ENTHUSIASM' CATALYST UNLIMITED. Hi, This is Tim, my computer can not open the document, can you please resend with it on the face of an email? Thanks, Tim Online Global News Service Email: On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 3:53 PM, <> wrote:
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