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Jun-26-2012 17:27printcomments

'Mother Nature is Extremely Wise and Extremely Kind'

It seems the answers to some of the world's scariest problems are right under our nose.

Sunset in Australia, photo by Brian Senewiratne
Sunset in Australia, photo by Brian Senewiratne

(LONDON) - The title is a quote from Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.

And Mother Nature has been unusually busy lately, helping out mankind. At every step, she is ending long-standing fears. One by one, they are being overturned.

Fear of AIDS or years, the world has been unaware that IV vitamin C cures AIDS. (The virus is still there but the person feels fine, leads a normal life and dies of something else.) But what is not being ignored is the following:

Yogurt has recently outdone AIDS drugs in Africa, by raising CD4 levels as high, but doing better in terms of days of work, limiting intestinal upset and diarrhea, and helping people to gain weight.

Such outcomes have a scientific rationale, many social implications, and perhaps most importantly raise the question, why have developed countries not tried harder to bring nutrition-based probiotics to people in need?

Far be it for anyone to suggest that a fermented food could be equivalent to pharmaceuticals in terms of managing the HIV/AIDS crisis, but the issue warrants some discussion.

The management of HIV/AIDS patients is complex and ART drugs can be exceedingly toxic,16,17 as well as expensive. Although ART is free to HIV infected patients in Tanzania, many people do not like the side effects especially when they have sub-optimal daily food intake. Others cannot pay for transportation to the clinic or for other medications that are recommended. The approach of developed countries in providing relief for the HIV positive populations is primarily to provide ART, as most drugs are developed and approved in the developed world. Consideration of using food to treat HIV/AIDS would be impossible, as the legislative process in developed countries defines a food as not being used to treat or prevent disease. .... [Emphasis added.]

Fear of Germs and Worms:

Germs and worms are ameliorating diseases, such as MS, allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases. The New York Times reports:

"In studies of what is called the hygiene hypothesis, researchers are concluding that organisms like the millions of bacteria, viruses and especially worms that enter the body along with “dirt” spur the development of a healthy immune system. Several continuing studies suggest that worms may help to redirect an immune system that has gone awry and resulted in autoimmune disorders, allergies and asthma. ....

" .... in Argentina, researchers found that patients with multiple sclerosis who were infected with the human whipworm had milder cases and fewer flare-ups ....

"And pig whipworms, which reside only briefly in the human intestinal tract, have had “good effects” in treating the inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

“Children should be allowed to go barefoot in the dirt, play in the dirt, and not have to wash their hands when they come in to eat,” he said. He and Dr. Elliott pointed out that children who grow up on farms and are frequently exposed to worms and other organisms from farm animals are much less likely to develop allergies and autoimmune diseases.

"Also helpful, he said, is to “let kids have two dogs and a cat,” which will expose them to intestinal worms that can promote a healthy immune system."

Fear of Viruses, Bacteria and Food

Fermented food (sauerkraut, pickles, yogurt, kimchi, etc.) is helping to heal multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus, or any other autoimmune condition, by supporting the helpful work of viruses and bacteria. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, a formally trained Russian neurologist, is interviewed by Dr. Joseph Mercola: [McBride is in italics, Mercola in standard font.]

.... immune abnormalities are at the root of virtually all degenerative diseases. .... about 85 percent of our immune system is located in the gut wall .... Your gut, your digestive wall, is the biggest and the most important immune organ in your body. ....

"The microbes in the environment are not our enemies at all. They’re actually our allies. ....Your body employs them when it needs them."

“If you have accumulated certain amount of mercury in your brain and in your nerves... your body might employ a virus [to] go directly to those toxic patches in your brain and .... start gobbling it up .... Of course, your immune system then joins in, trying to attack the virus. It joins in with inflammation, and you [begin to experience] symptoms of multiple sclerosis. You will get tingling ....or you might get peripheral loss of vision for a while ... That’s one of the first symptoms in multiple sclerosis.

[I]n this situation, if you would just feed your immune system properly and leave the work for the immune system to complete, then these symptoms would last for a month or two, and then they would disappear, because... the virus will gobble up the [toxins] and your immune system will clear out the virus. Your nerves will recover naturally.” ....

"Unfortunately, this is not what happens nowadays. Typically, as soon as people get tingling, numbness, and other symptoms, they rush to the doctor, who will immediately put them on some form of medication, which will typically have a dampening effect on the immune system. As a result, the viruses spread and become even more established, and the disease becomes chronic and permanent.

“Every traditional culture, when you look at their traditional diet, they ferment their foods. They fermented everything. You can ferment dairy, grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, meats, and fish. Everything can be fermented, and there were fermented beverages in every culture. .... And with every mouthful of these fermented foods you consume trillions of beneficial bacteria …”

“Mother Nature is extremely wise and extremely kind. It populated all organic fruit and vegetables, the dust on our soils, and all plant matter with Lactobacilli. The fresh cabbage leaves, if it’s organically grown (not the one from chemical farming), will be covered in Lactobacilli—lacto-fermenting bacteria. ... If you look at the research in lactic acid, it is one of the most powerful antiseptics. .... it will kill off all those putrefactive and pathogenic microbes and preserve the food. .... A good batch of sauerkraut can keep for five to six years without spoiling or rotting, as long as it is covered by its own juice.” [Emphasis added.]

"This anaerobic process (fermentation) does more than just preserve the food, however. It also makes the nutrients inside the food more bioavailable. For example, according to Dr. McBride, the amount of bioavailable vitamin C in sauerkraut is 20 times higher than in the same helping of fresh cabbage!" ....

“If you’ve never had fermented foods in your life, you need to start very carefully and very gradually,” Dr. McBride warns.

Fear of Unpasteurized Milk

Raw Milk is valued by those who drink it because it still contains beneficial bacteria. A recent study confirmed that children on farms who drink raw milk are healthier than than children who do not.

Raw milk is replete with beneficial bacteria including lactobacilli (mentioned above by Dr. McBride), and in a comparison to other foods, using CDC data, shows raw milk is 35,000 times safer than other foods. In making raw (unprocessed) milk so safe, Mother Nature has certainly been extremely kind and extremely wise with one of the most basic of foods for mammals.

In a photo comparison of two calves, one drinking raw milk, the other drinking pasteurized milk, there is striking visible difference, and people are taking notice.

Because of its lactobacilli, raw milk's storage potential is immense - it ferments and converts to cheeses and other items that can be stored for years without refrigeration. From 101 Uses for Soured Raw Milk:

"Pasteurized milk goes putrid and must be thrown out at that point .... The difference is that pasteurized milk is a dead food – there are no enzymes or probiotics present. So, when store milk goes bad, it becomes a huge food borne illness risk to consume it and it must be discarded.

"Raw milk, on the other hand, is loaded with enzymes and probiotics. When raw milk starts to sour, it simply means that beneficial bacteria called probiotics have started to use up the lactose (milk sugar) which causes the milk to no longer taste as sweet.

Raw milk that tastes sour is still very much safe to drink and is even more beneficial to health as the higher level of probiotics have initiated the fermentation or clabbering of the milk.

Pasteurization kills off the bacteria in milk essential for the gut (or immune system) and in killing them, prevents people from obtaining many of the nutrients in milk since bacteria break down the food in a way that allows nutrients to be absorbed by the body. A comparison of what bacteria in raw milk contributes to nutrition, versus what is left of nutrients after pasteurization, is below.

Nutritional Values

  1. Enzymes, catalase, peroxidase and phosphatase are present.

    1. Phosphates is needed to split and assimilate the mineral salts in foods that are in the form of phytates.
    2. Wulzen Factor (anti-stiffness) available.
    3. X Factor (now believed to be vitamin K2) in issue repair available.
  2. Protein--100% metabolically available; all 22 amino acids, including the 8 that are essential for the complete metabolism and function of protein.
  3. Vitamins--all 100% available
    1. Vitamin A--fat soluble
    2. Vitamin D--fat soluble
    3. Vitamin E--fat soluble
    4. Vitamin K--fat soluble
    5. Vitamin B--Complex:
      Vitamin Bw--Biotin
      Vitamin B --Choline
      Vitamin Bc --Folic Acid
      Vitamin B1 --Thiamine
      Vitamin B2 --Inositol
      Vitamin B2 --Nicotinic Acid
      Vitamin B2 --Riboflavin
      Vitamin B2 --Pantothenic Acid
      Vitamin B3 --Niacin
      Vitamin B6 --Pyridoxine
      Vitamin B12--Cyanocobalamin
    6. Vitamin C
    7. Antineuritic vitamin

  4. Minerals--all 100% metabolically available.
  5. Carbohydrates--easily utilized in metabolism. Still associated naturally with elements (instable).

  6. Fats--all 18 fatty acids metabolically available, both saturated and unsaturated.

    D. Nutritional Values

    Pasteurization destroys the enzyme phosphatase.

    Absence of phosphatase indicate that milk has been pasteurized.

    Wulzen Factor destroyed (anti-stiffness nutrition factor lost).

    X Factor--No evidence of alteration by pasteurization.

    Protein--Digestibility reduced by 4%, biological value reduced by 17%. From the digestibility and metabolic data it is concluded that the heat damage to lysine and possibly to histidine and perhaps other amino acids destroys the identity of these amino acids and partly decreases the absorbability of their nitrogen.


    Vitamin A--destroyed

    Vitamin D--Not altered

  7. Vitamin E--Not altered

    Vitamin K--Not altered

  8. Vitamin B complex--pasteurization of milk destroys about 38% of the vitamin B complex.

    Vitamin C is weakened or destroyed by pasteurization. Infants fed pasteurized milk exclusively will develop scurvy.

    Antineuritic vitamin: Testing of pasteurized milk indicates destruction of this vitamin.

    Minerals-- After pasteurization the total of soluble calcium is very much diminished. The loss of soluble calcium in regards to infants and growing children must be a very important factor in growth and development, not only in the formation of bone and teeth, but also in the calcium content of the blood, the importance of which is now being raised.

    Carbohydrates —no evidence of change by pasteurization.

    Fats--Pasteurization harms the fat content of milk.

    Fear of Being Outside Without Shoes

    Going barefoot doesn't just allow for exposure to germs and worms that are now proving highly beneficial for preventing and treating diseases, but going barefoot grounds the person to the earth and allow electrons (anti-oxidants) from the surface of the earth to flow into the body. From Dr. Joseph Mercola's interview of Dr. James Oschman: [Dr. Oschman is in italics, Dr. Mercola in standard font.]

    "When you're grounded there's a transfer of free electrons from the Earth into your body. And these free electrons are probably the most potent antioxidants known to man.

    "Even the slightest bump, if you bump the door, your immune system immediately responds by sending white blood cells (neutrophils) to the place of injury…

    The neutrophils secrete a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)… called free radicals, in what's referred to as an oxidative burst ... These are like Pac-Man. They are very important molecules that tear things apart. If bacteria have gotten through your skin, these free radicals will destroy the bacteria very quickly. If you have damaged cells, the free radicals will break them apart so that there is a space for healthy cells to move in and repair the tissues.

    That's known as the inflammatory response.

    What we have discovered that is truly profound is this: .... Inflammation, which in medicine is considered an important part of the healing process, is really an artifact caused by lack of electrons in your tissues. What happens is, the neutrophils deliver the Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) to the site of injury, but in so doing, some of those free radicals can leak into the surrounding tissue and damage healthy tissue. That's what creates the inflammatory response".

    Interestingly, grounding research has now discovered that if you place your feet on the ground after an injury ... electrons will migrate into your body and spread through your tissues. Any free radicals that leak into the healthy tissue will immediately be electrically neutralized. This occurs because the electrons are negative, while the free radicals are positive, so they cancel each other out.

    "So really what is happening with grounding or earthing is that you're protecting your body from -- I call it, collateral damage," Dr. Oschman says. "Damage that was not intended to take place but does take place because we have disconnected ourselves from the Earth by putting rubber and plastic on the bottoms of our shoes."

    ".... grounding thins your blood, making it less viscous. This discovery can have a profound impact on cardiovascular disease, which is now the number one killer in the world. Virtually every aspect of cardiovascular disease has been correlated with elevated blood viscosity.

    " .... somewhere there is lightning, a constant current flow from the ionosphere to the earth. Those are the electrons that your body needs for your immune system to function properly."

    Fear of Sun Exposure

    Sunlight (which delivers the highest quality vitamin D) is preventing diseases, from "scary" viruses to cancer.


    "The positive correlation between lower vitamin D levels and increased risk of upper respiratory tract infections was even more pronounced in individuals with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    " .... vitamin D creates over 200 antimicrobial peptides in your body that serve as natural broad-spectrum antibiotics, ... the higher your vitamin D level, the lower your risk of contracting colds, flu, and other respiratory tract infections


    "There are only about 30,000 genes in your body and vitamin D has been shown to influence about 3,000 of them. That is one of the primary reasons it influences so many diseases, from cancer and autism to heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis, just to name a few.


    " .... while dermatologists and health agencies have long touted that such lotions are needed to prevent skin cancer, some scientists are now challenging that advice. Their main argument: Vitamin D is important for preventing and treating many types of cancer; studies have found it helped protect against lymphoma, as well as cancers of the:

    • Prostate
    • Lung
    • Skin
    • Colon

    "In fact, one Harvard professor offered such compelling evidence in a recent study -- vitamin D may prevent 30 deaths for each one caused by skin cancer -- that the American Cancer Society is now reconsidering its own sun guidelines."

    Fear of Radiation

    This article began with the little known fact that IV vitamin C cures AIDS. Then it reported on a series of sea changes in medicine - nature is curing and we are now appreciating how powerfully. Silence and power to cure. Which brings us to the last item.

    The article closes with what is perhaps the most important information possible since US dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and opened the terror of the nuclear age and its looming threat of mankind one day being exterminated by radioactive fallout.

    That threat is over.

    Vitamin C clobbers radiation and repairs DNA. It has now been proven to protect nuclear-clean up workers at Fukushima. Scientists and doctors in Japan are working to get word out about vitamin C to the public which has been exposed to many, many times higher radiation than at Chernobyl.

    "How Radiation Damages Cells

    "Ionizing radiation acts to damage living tissue by forming free radicals. Essentially, electrons are ripped from molecules. Removing an electron from an atom or molecule turns it into an ion, hence the term ionizing radiation. X-rays, gamma rays, alpha- and beta-radiation are all ionizing.

    "Most of the damage occurs from ionizing radiation generating free radicals in water, as water molecules are by far the most abundant in the body. While avoiding unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation is clearly preferable, people affected by Fukushima do not have the luxury of avoiding contamination.

    "Antioxidants: Free-Radical Scavengers

    "Free-radical scavengers, as the name suggests, mop up the damaging radicals produced by radiation. The more common term for free radical scavenger is antioxidant. Antioxidants replace the electrons stripped from molecules by ionizing radiation. Antioxidants have long been used in the treatment of radiation poisoning.[3-7] Most of the harm from ionizing radiation occurs from free radical damage which may be quenched by the free electrons antioxidants provide. Fortunately, safe antioxidants are widely available as nutritional supplements. Vitamin C is the prime example.

    "Why Vitamin C?

    "Vitamin C is of particular importance and should be included at high intakes for anyone trying to minimize radiation poisoning. High dose vitamin C provides continual antioxidant flow through the body. It is absorbed from the gut and helps to replenish the other antioxidants. When it is used up, it is excreted in the urine. Importantly, it can chelate, or grab onto, radioactive heavy metal atoms and help eliminate them from the body. Large dynamic flow doses of vitamin C (about 3,000 mg, taken 4 times a day for a total of 12,000 mg) would exemplify antioxidant treatment. Higher doses have been used by Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa and colleagues. [8,9]

    "Shortly after the disaster, Dr. Damien Downing described how supplements can help protect against radioactive fallout.[10] OMNS issued an update on the response to Fukushima in Japan.[11] Recently, Dr. Gert Schuitemaker has provided a review of vitamin C as a radio-protectant for Fukushima contamination.[12]

    "Persons living in the areas affected by radioactive contamination can take antioxidant supplements, especially high doses of vitamin C, to counteract the negative consequences of long-term low dose radiation exposure, as well as to protect the health of coming generations.[12,13] People who have a possible internal or external radiation exposure should take antioxidant supplements to maintain an optimal antioxidant reserve. Because of the enormous size and oceanic spread of Fukushima contamination, this literally applies to everyone."

    The medical industry has suppressed the immense value of vitamin C for cancer treatments for decades, suppressed that vitamin C offers a cure for AIDS, ignored a cure for polio while promoting it as terrifying, bypassed vitamin C as a absolute viricide that makes vaccines unneeded, and recently tried to stop vitamin C from curing a "pandemic" threat. (This study stands out for the courage of its researchers in replicating Pauling's work and calling for a reassessment of vitamin C as a treatment for cancer.)

    But the issue has moved beyond lies about vitamin C's toxicty and harm to the kidneys, beyond suppression of information about vitamin C's
    capacity to cure, to a persistent drive now by the FDA, on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry, to remove access to nutritional supplements altogether.

    That would include removing vitamin C, the antidote to the abyss that reckless governments, scientists and military have brought the world.

    Mother Nature is preventing and healing diseases gently, with a great and abundant dose of herself. She is beckoning a world sickened by industrialization, by drugs and vaccines, by increasingly worthless and dangerous industrial food, and living in constant fear of disease. Go outside again, she is saying - enjoy the sunlight, walk on the ground without shoes, pull organic food from the ground or from trees and trust it, let your children play in the dirt and around animals again, and be blessed by milk straight from a cow. Don't be afraid of bacteria or worms or viruses - they're helping you. Don't be afraid. Mother Nature is not just wise and kind, she's fun.

    And now, thanks to the Fukushima study on vitamin C and radiation, Mother Nature has just proven she can easily protect mankind from annihilation.

    With a single molecule, Mother Nature has just freed mankind from the horror of the nuclear age.



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