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Jun-15-2006 23:04printcomments

Salem Fire Department Wants to Keep You and Your Family Safe & Sound This Summer

(SALEM) - The Salem Fire Department is offering the following tips to keep you and your family Safe & Sound this summer.

Supervision “ Make sure your child is properly supervised this summer. This will help them make the right choices since they have extra time on their hands.

Escape Drills in Your Home “ Make sure your family has a fire escape drill.

Seconds count when a fire occurs. If your entire family has a plan and practices that plan every month it could save you and your families lifes.

Smoke Detectors “ Make sure you have working smoke detectors in each bedroom and in the hallways and at least one on every story. Salem Fire Department will install a free smoke detector in the home for any family in the Salem Fire Department response area who cannot afford one.

Life Jackets “ During the summer kids play in the water more which increases the chances of drowning. It only takes a second for a parent to take their eyes off a child who is playing in the water and disaster can occur. Make sure your child is wearing a proper fitting life jacket anytime they are near the water. Salem Fire Department offers free life jackets for children who live inside the City of Salem limits and who cannot afford one.

Helmets “ Always make sure your child is wearing a helmet when they are riding their bike, scooter, skateboard, or roller blades. Head injuries are the number one cause of death to children who have accidents while riding.

Salem Fire Department offers free bicycle helmets to families who cannot afford them and live in the City of Salem.

Matches and Lighters “ Salem Fire Fighters see a tremendous increase of children playing with fire during the summer. Make sure all matches and lighters are put up and are out of reach of your child. Also, talk to your child about the dangers of fire and playing with fire. If you ever catch your child playing with fire, the Salem Fire Department has a juvenile fire setter program that can assist in redirecting their behavior.

Fireworks “ Fireworks season is just around the corner. Children will be the cause of many firework fires which will cause thousands of dollars in damage.

Teach your child that just because its fireworks season, it doesn't mean they can go out and play with fireworks unsupervised. Lighting fireworks must be under the supervision of an adult. Set a good example for, your child and do not modify legal fireworks or purchase illegal fireworks.

Bee Stings “ Bees will be out this summer and our kids have a good chance being stung. Light-colored clothing attracts fewer bees. Also, tell your child to try to avoid bees. If the do get stung, scrape the stinger out, -- never squeeze or pull out the stinger. Children with severe allergic reactions to bee stings should consider wearing a medical ID bracelet and carrying an insect allergy kit.

Stranger/Danger “ This is a great time to sit down with your child and remind them of the dangers of strangers who may approach them. Make sure your child is always with friends or family when out. Have a plan and practice it so if your child is approached by a stranger they know what to do.

Scrapes and Bruises “ Our children are going to trip and fall more during the next few months since they are outside running, riding, and playing. Have a medical first aid kit ready in your home and car. It should contain band-aids

of different sizes, antiseptic wipes, insect allergy kit, gauze, and medical tape.


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