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Jun-13-2012 23:37printcomments

Researching and Coming to the Truth of 9/11

It is too ugly, too preposterous.... but the evidences is too massive.

911 attacks
This American tragedy is honored when all truth is present.

(EUREKA, CA) - We've got to come to grips with the entire 9/11 experience, because in allowing it to be seen as simply a conspiracy, not only ignores the vast information that completely makes that day's happenings impossible, but when unchallenged, allows government to continue with policies and actions based upon that bogus and ominous day.

World Trade Center building #7 suddenly collapsed in a 6 second free fall , sometime after the towers fell, pan caking on its own site and caught on film before numerous witnesses. a huge 47 story building turned to dust and rubble (destruction appearing to be the entire intact structure settling to the ground, crushing bottom floors up as it fell) all of which confirmed that demolition was used and how the plot went far deeper than mere airline hits on the towers. One would expect authorities to jump on this, but they reacted by disputing or blackballing the facts, not even mentioning building # 7 in the official reports. We eventually learned it was also a station for the FBI, Department Of Defense and IRS. Thus its destruction obviously not part of any foreign terrorist plot with all it takes to install the multiple explosive devices to assure the building collapsed precisely and simultaneously as did Bldg # 7.
Unless already informed and aware of governments culpability, what's presented here is almost too much to grasp. Many Americans have only heard indirectly or seen limited film footage. Main stream media has been no help, on the contrary routinely submerging the American public in gruesome footage in further remembrances of this tragedy and reminding us of 'being attacked', thus affirming and keeping many ignorant of what has surfaced.

The 9/11 Commission years later summed it up as a terribly blotched and uncoordinated day by government officials who made many human errors, the Twin Towers being destroyed by intense fire they said, with no mention whatsoever of Building # 7 .

But what began to unfold shortly after 9/11 was a concerted effort by many experts and engineers ranging over the entire technology covered by all facets of what happened at all sites that day, immense and wide ranging investigations by Americans and those abroad, while being stonewalled at every turn by government itself. As to the Towers, fire being the factor in bringing them down, it was impossible, not nearly hot enough to melt the huge steel girders even on the floors where the planes struck, let alone instantaneously melt the entire structure of 100,000 tons of steel, much of it encased in cement on all 110 floors.... in almost a free fall to the ground. And too, each Tower weighed approximately 500,000 tons, with 213,000 cubic yards of concrete, which did not turn to rubble as with fire, but was pulverized and sent hundreds of yard in all directions dust... all the way down, not the doings of fire, but multiple explosions.

Finally, it was obvious this was not about human errors , but specifically and deliberately the work of humans, with easy access to buildings, but the necessity for not being known publicly and directed from those in charge of these buildings or from a source far more powerful to make everyone involved subordinates and part of such an event. Official U.S. effort to stymie, answer questions raised and/or refuse to allow investigation of the sites ...and latter testimony of the Commissioners to the investigation after it was closed, points directly to governments involvement at the highest levels. It had to be a highly directed and executed plan, to create the technology and coordination necessary to carry out such multiple catastrophe's
Initially it is too ugly, too preposterous.... to accept that ones own government turns against its own, but the evidences are too obvious and too massive to be ignored.

Far more has been uncovered regarding pre 9/11 preparations and all which immediately followed 9/11, including health data falsifications by the EPA, assuring New Yorkers it was entirely safe to be out, they having just faced an immense toxic catastrophe containing everything from the extreme tonage of particulates containing asbestos, aluminum, mercury the worst ever measured exposure to PBC's, plus radioactive americium-241, some dying, more sicknesses, school children effected in classes, more reported every day thereafter for weeks. That was the work of the central government directing the EPA.
There is no better way to explain this than reviewing the past and how it changed me, first having spotted it on the periphery of my mind, in those footage's of the collapsing towers on 9/11, while thrown into personal dilemma in understanding the implications of all this to the Islamic world . . . who would face American wars of retribution. Only unconsciously accepted the truth of how impossible it was that these buildings collapsed as they did, being a builder myself. Knew nothing then of WTC building #7, little of incredulous circumstances around Flight 93 and the Pentagon crash. Then prompted to stop as much of my normal work as possible and spend weeks researching all documents.
All facts used in this study are easily substantiated by anyone wishing to check sources. There was a certain sequence by how the facts of this whole situation unfolded and led me to a lengthily research and a brief summary as stated below.

1) Beginning to hear of 9/11 conspiracy charges.

2) Being told of the WTC Bldg. #7 collapsing that day in almost the same manner as the towers,but in reverse, bottom to top, but no plane involved; Hearing official reports of fires from the towers reaching Bldg. #7, a good football field distance away and such fires not even apparent when it collapsed.

3 Beginning to see the immensity of this whole happening, as obviously the work of demolition and beginning to review the technology to assure myself, as I also learned many others across the country, engineers, builders, scientists had earlier done and were doing so now.

4) Stunned by the massive outside evidence from high profile engineers and scientists coming forward to label official reports of how it all happened as being absolutely ludicrous and impossible in terms of physics itself......being outright bogus.

5) Learning that Bldg. #7 had been full of records about stockholders, numerous wall street investigations and further, how pre 9/11 info warnings had been released just before 9/11 and many insiders making millions on stocks with such information.... George Bush's brother head of security for the entire complex of the Towers; Multi millions of gold bullion removed from the basement of the towers, evidently just before 9/11 and found in a huge truck under WTC bldg. #5 .

6) Then discovering the BBC footage of the collapse of building #7 by correspondent Jane Standley 'live' near Ground Zero reporting that it had collapsed, but it was some 23 minutes before it happened! It's there on visual tape, with # 7, standing among a whole row of building's in the distant background behind Standley, then suddenly, while she's later talking, Building # 7 begins to fall out of view, sinking quickly straight down, no damage whatsoever to the top floors we're witnessing, disappearing off the screen before us. Everyone should witness this, as well as see the owner of the World trade Centers Larry Silverstein video-taped admission about building #7 being "pulled", which can be easily found on the internet, "pulled", a term used to describe the demolition of buildings.

7) According to witnesses, the towers had been shut down to public access numerous times prior to 9/11 (not normal procedure) and unidentified men in the buildings during those times.

8) Finishing the review of the exact procedures for demolition (ie) it is the consequence of multiple explosives going off in quick sequence, floor by floor, destroying the center of the buildings immense steel structure, a tightly meshed heavy metal core, with explosive devices set from top to the bottom of the buildings, using thermate, which cuts through such steel at melting temperatures once ignited by small explosive devices ( which fires could never have managed) causing buildings to fold in and collapse upon themselves, in an imploding manner, pancaking not toppling, twisting or turning as would buildings going down as result of fire only. The Towers also collapsed at almost free fall speed, impossible by any other procedure than demolition; Thousands of tons of cement turned to dust; The jet fuel burned out quickly and could not have caused heat required for melting that type steel, again physics showing it impossible. No such steel reinforced buildings have ever been lost to fires, before or after 9/11.

9) Testimony of many who were there, hearing explosions going off from top floors down to far beneath the ground floor... filming which caught many flashes of light from windows all the way down, just as buildings were collapsing and also spotting tremors in the buildings. The seismic reports verified how nothing of the reading that day could have been recorded by merely collapse of buildings. Reports of great heat in the steel long after 9/11, as crews dug to the depths of the debris; Report of a fire chief high up in one of the towers just before it collapsed, saying the fire there could be brought under control within two hours.

10) Many witnesses including fireman were there on the scene shortly after the first Tower collapsed, telling us very clearly that they had heard explosions going off deep in the cellar before the plane hit ...and of continuing explosions at each floor as they collapsed.

11) All of the steel remains were immediately shipped to Europe for melt down, no investigation allowed, but small pieces of steel retrieved, analyzed and found with residues of thermate. So much more we could cover at that site, but this is only a summary report.
12) Learning more, in depth , of the False Flag plots this government has consistently planned over time, including destruction of American facilities and cities, in order to bring public opinion to favor anything from Cuban attack; Knowing of numerous times our armed service personnel were exposed to nuclear and chemical testing's, without being told of the dangers they faced; How FBI now admits evidence used to connect Oswald to the Kennedy assassination was bogus; the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, initiating the Vietnam's War......

13) Turning to Flight 93, known to have landed in Cleveland that day to an airport already quickly evacuated before their arrival, the plane taxiing to a remote hanger, there nearly two hours; Worth noting, the hardly damaged so-called crash site of Flight 93 in a Pennsylvania countryside, with no evidences of engines fuselage and or bodies found, although a crater like hole as if something big had hit.

14) Then to Washington D.C. to find officials had planned and built heavy duty construction for just such an incident as happened at the Pentagon at precisely that part of the building hit. As to the controversy over what kind of plane or flying object hit the Pentagon. Film footage shows the outside wall area damaged, taken shortly after it occurred, before it later collapsed, a minimal hole, window/ frames all around it intact, nothing to demonstrate that a huge plane had just rammed through, only a hole, as if made by a missile (easily confirmed visually) as to how impossible it was, as reported by the government of an immense airliner having done such damage. The missing film footage of the whole crash as taken from two vantage points, instantly picked up by the FBI after the accident, but never released. If a Boeing aircraft weighing 60 tons, as the government reported had crashed, there were no 8 ton engines or large fuselage plane parts found in the wreckage, us being told they melted in extreme heat, although another engine of the missile or jet type, found intact along with almost 200 bodies being removed and identified.

15) learning of Osama bin Laden meeting with a top CIA official taking place at the American hospital in Dubai at a time when he was a wanted, fugitive for the bombings of two U.S. Embassies, etc....but medically treated and released in July and allowed to leave Dubai.

16) July 5th 2001: Three American officials, Tom Simmons (former U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian affairs) and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia), met with Taliban representatives in Berlin to tell them the U.S. is planning military strikes against Afghanistan in October. Also present are Russian and German intelligence officers who confirm the threat. [Source: The Guardian, September 22, 2001; the BBC, September 18, 2001.] 01'; 11-2-1.

17) There had been numerous warnings given to our officials, one in that very week proceeding the attacks. Such information regarding something to happen soon, bringing the FAA to incredulously call for all planes to be grounded on 9/11, while most all of our entire fleet of military reconnaissance planes purposely directed to go elsewhere on training's shortly before 9/11, leaving only a few available, but not in the skies until after all of these 9/11 hits; (other planes being spotted in the air over the capitol)......all of this being only a few of a long list of critical questions raised and never answered about expected attacks, yet total lack of readiness. So much to cover in such a limited space! But the questions persist: Why such huge discrepancies and so many irrefutable evidences and massive questions being rigidly ignored? When does this government have the right to repudiate our means of learning the truth?

18) The Justice Department has quietly recanted nearly every major claim the Bush administration made about Abu Zubaydah, the alleged al-Qaeda leader who was the first suspected terrorist subjected to the torture of water-boarding and other White House-approved "enhanced interrogation techniques. In a federal court filing, Justice backed away from the Bush administration's statements that Zubaydah had helped plan the 9/11 attacks and was a close confidant to al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, as well as even earlier claims from the Clinton administration that he was directly involved in planning the 1998 embassy bombings in East Africa.

Auxiliary studies, among the many easily obtainable: Excerpts from a report by Dr. David Ray Griffin. We begin with the governments officially released theory of how the towers collapsed:
"The structural damage caused by each tower from the impact, combined with the ensuing fires resulted in the total collapse of each building. The fire heated the steel to the point where it buckled, then collapsed." The report put out by NIST - National Institute For Standards and Technology implied that fire induced collapses of large steel- frame buildings are normal events, but 9/11 would have been the very first....ever. Building and safety standards in New York were then changed to accommodated these statements after the collapses.

More of why none of this can be true:
1) Fire has never-prior to or after 9/11 caused steel-frame high rise buildings to collapse. 2) steel does not even begin to melt until it reaches almost 2800 degrees Fahrenheit, while open fire fueled by hydrocarbons, such as kerosene, which is what jet fuel is, can, at most, rise to 1700 degrees F., almost 1100 degrees below the melting point of steel. The fire only reached a small portion of the floor it hit and thus did not even come in contact with most the steel at all (buried in cement), let alone the steel in the rest of the building.

The jet fuel burned up very rapidly in enormous fireballs produced when the planes hit and the rest was gone within ten minutes, after which the flames died down. Photographs of the towers 15 minutes after they were struck show few flames and lots of black smoke, fires that were oxygen starved.

The fires were not hot enough to even break windows as fires in towers in Los
Angels, Philadelphia and Caracas had done, the later burning as long as 17 hours with no collapse. The Philadelphia fire lasted for 18 hours, gutting 8 floors but beams and girders only sagged and twisted under severe exposures.

Hyman Brown, construction manager of the Twin Towers said; "They were over designed to withstand almost anything. including hurricanes...bombings and a plane hitting.

FEMA in the mid 90's ran a series of tests to see what kind of damage could be done to steel frame buildings, subjecting them to all consuming fires that lasted hours and reached 1,500 - 1,700 F. and no collapse was observed.

The upper floors could not have fallen. as they did, because of resistance at every floor level of the collapse, yet all of it reaching the ground level in seconds, The only known way such a phenomenon happening, that of controlled demolition, the building coming down as each floor is dynamited at just the moment the floor above is about to strike, thus pancaking and everything falling simultaneously.

The core of each building contained 47 massive steel core columns, which would have been left standing if somehow the cement had been collapsible on its own, The 9/11 Commission had a bold solution for this by simply stating the interior core was a hollow steel shaft. All this belies the fact that steel girders were in the rubble, but somehow cut up in pieces, which is precisely the process created from demolition of the steel to allow the collapse of the building.

Another common feature of controlled demolition is the production of dust clouds ejected with great energy in all directions as we saw happen with the towers, in this case, more widely scattered, because the demolition was done from the top down, in reverse order from the normal bottom up as with 'Building # 7. Demolition is the only way possible that the massive tons of cement could have been pulverized and blown in all directions rather than simply piling up below as rubble. Heavy steel was also ejected in all directions up to 500 feet away. Testimonies of numerous witnesses told of hearing explosions even in synchronized order.

Another feature of explosions in demolition is not only its slicing up of the steel, but producing molten metal, which was found as late as 21 days after it happened.

Auxiliary information -Regarding the planes used as attack weapons (excerpts):

The planes in question were alleged to have been: American Airlines flight 11 (Tail Number: N334AA), North Tower; United Airlines flight 175 (N612UA), South Tower; American Airlines flight 77 (N644AA), the Pentagon, and United Airlines flight 93 (N591UA), which supposedly crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. But the truth is the crash debris recovered from those four crash sites has never been forensically linked to the planes that allegedly took off from Logan International, Boston; Dulles International, Washington and Newark International, New Jersey

The 9/11 Commission failed to ensure that at least one of the appropriate government agencies: the NTSB, the FBI or the FAA was commissioned to positively identify the aircraft which were allegedly involved in the murders of nearly 3,000 people, on September 11, 2001.

The first and most important requirement in any murder investigation is to determine the cause of death, which often leads to a requirement to identify, and trace to its origins, a murder weapon, or, in the case of 9/11 the four planes allegedly hijacked on the morning 9/11 and posited as the murder weapons.

Air-crash investigations in the United States are normally carried out by the NTSB's air accident investigation division, and there are several documentary television series featuring this government agency's painstaking approach when investigating the causes of air crashes. During many such investigations, serial numbers from recovered parts are cross checked with the airline-in-question's purchase and maintenance records, to try and identify the reason for an accident, when it is suspected that mechanical failure may have been the cause. However the NTSB confirmed that apparently for the first time from its inception, in 1967, in investigating more than 124,000 other aviation accidents, it took no part in investigating any of the air crashes which occurred on September 11, 2001. So the world has been asked to take it on faith and hearsay that the four planes involved were normal scheduled flights which were hijacked by Arab terrorists, some of whom are, still alive.

<>The FBI, backed up by a separate letter from the Justice Department refused to release any information, under the Freedom of Information Act, about any debris recovered from the crash sites.

Citizens 9/11 Report (excerpts)
9/11 commission found that the standard air defense protocols were not observed on 9/11. Not addressed was why our national airspace defense systems experienced coordinated failures at the very moment when there was official awareness of the possibility of an attack. AA-11 crashed into the WTC North Tower 32 minutes after it was known to have been hijacked. This time lapse was evident with all planes hijacked that day. After disappearing from radar screens, all planes could nevertheless have been tracked if normal operating procedures were intact.

A huge body of evidence accumulated, while many avenues of investigation were not considered by the Commission. The government set forth it's version of what happened and the 9/11 Commission merely covered what it had singled out to investigate. None of the men charged with hijacking AA-77 had the instrument rating or any rating that would qualify them to perform the maneuvers that allegedly caused the 757 to strike the Pentagon.

Within hours after, the FBI quickly identified 19 hijackers when no Arabic names appeared on any passenger or crew lists for any of the planes. And it claimed Osama Bin Laden al Quada network was involved (without evidence). The Report repeats this official story, failing to mention that at least 6 of the 19 named men have shown up alive and been positively identified, The report even suggests that Waleed al-Shehri stabbed a flight attendant on AA-11 before it hit the North Tower- even though he visited the U.S. embassy in Morocco after 9/11.

It took 441 days for President Bush to announce the formation of the 9/11 Commission to investigate the allegedly deadliest and most destructive attacks to have been made on American soil. All evidences destroyed and crime scenes quickly cleaned up shortly after 9/11.

Official documents obtained by Judicial Watch indicate that a total of about 300 Saudis were allowed to leave the U.S. between Sept. 11 and Sept. 15, 01' including members of the bin Laden family.

The 9/11 Commission's final report summed it up as a a matter of everyone goofing and a lack of coordinated efforts, all of which would have to be corrected. Worth mentioning ...that rather than being fired for their incompetence, many of those in charge of different agencies or departments immediately responsible for overseeing what happened on 9/11, were either given outright promotions on the job or raised in rank.

In conclusion:
I definitely and unquestionably join those many others who know this is no conspiracy, but rather the truth. It's no longer simply agreeing with people about how; "Yes, government is capable of such things."...(with myself in partial denial and unable to completely grasp the truth). I've seen the overwhelming evidences and feel it viscerally, as if just witnessing people shot down before me... it being almost too much to comprehend or bear, nevertheless it being obvious and conclusive that this government could plan and execute such a catastrophe and once done, attempt to hide the millions of tons of a gigantic crime, obviously impossible to pull off and as impossible to explain away! The bigger the lie the more incomprehensible to most people in assumingtheir government incapable of such crimes.

Essentially this 9/11 crossroads is the most monumental hurdle we've ever faced.
It will take the emergence of a tough personal- political moment within ourselves to confirm these monstrous acts or our willingness to accept what has happened and more that will follow...if we simply go along...... finally acknowledging this will never do and seeking out others in finding the best means to expose this by bringing it all before the American people. For it's certainly not anything of a conspiracy theory, but rather a massive, cover-up, a terribly blotched one at that, yet all this says volumes about the immense authority and dominance of those in highest official power, able to have so many involved submit and be silent, keeping it beyond our ability to open it up . This drastic control, having administrative officials and members of Congress unwilling to comment and/or confirming the 9/11 Commission report.
We can no longer put this off, for it is the major stumbling block to preventing further atrocities or bringing these wars to a halt. Everything must be made public and our willingness to face the consequences of this government being held responsible for their hideous acts, as certain as we would expect, had we been found guilty of such crimes.

The truth of these mind boggling acts shatters any illusions about what we'd like assume is 'our America'. There's got to be some way for exposing this to the country, because it's the ugly source of so much of our dilemmas of U.S. exploitive wars, vindication of torture and far more to come, if being condoned by our silence!

The truth can free us. But it will never be the same
once this hits home for enough people!

Further sources: WEBSITES:, (Scholars for 911 Truth),; BOOKLETS: The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report öf Omissions and Distortions by David Ray Griffin ?Inside Job ö Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies by Jim Marrs,, 9/11 Synthetic Terror by Webster Griffin Tarpley, Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert

Reported by . . .

Communities For Justice and Peace, Humboldt.Co. Ca.
Sending out reports and research studies, exposing media bias,
holding government accountable.



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amandablack June 15, 2012 3:37 pm (Pacific time)

You are right It is too preposterous, but the truth has its own way of surfacing. Into which world-wide catagory of deception does the U.S. fit into??

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