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Jun-11-2008 20:58printcomments

Op Ed: McClellan`s 'Mea Culpa'
Demands Share of Blame
From Every Citizen NOW

"Confrontation VS Cooperation" Is Killing Democracy.

We the people
Image courtesy: Western Kentucky University Libraries & Museum

(EUGENE, Ore.) - This is NOT a “book review” of WHAT HAPPENED, the furore-creating new one by former Presidential press secretary Scott McClellan. Instead, it is mine own “mea culpa” --and YOURS, TOO-- surveying the “truth” at the heart of our nation’s current disastrous dilemmas.

“WHAT HAPPENED” was inevitable, sure to arrive sooner rather than later.

Actually it is well over-due --after the incredible DUAL-Bush debacle demonstrating, over some 30 years, so clearly HOW and WHY our governance has been so badly distorted and perverted.

“Permanent campaigning”, political confrontation “as-in-war, with ‘kill-the-enemy’ misplaced-intensity”, and ongoing “infiltration of seductive corruption” are the meat and substance of all other courses in this surely coruscating book. (Quotes-above are NOT from WHAT HAPPENED, but from other widespread sources.

They are cited here to emphasize and demonstrate ubiquity and depth of politically-powerful trends which permeates this book.)

McClellan’s intriguing, detailed, documented and then plentifully-cited/quotes --combined with compelling truth-reflecting stories-- complete a complex national record, now proving indispensable for further justice.

Together, it all reflects precisely and remorselessly just what those-quotes/just-above describe.

How damaging those actions have become is “a matter for the deepest possible democratic discussion and decision.”

From recent, continuing indications that record may well take its place in history; as another impeachment situation is arising for probing review and potential Congressional action.

For me, W/H has the indisputable ring-of-truth, perhaps because I recognize from mine own (much lower-level!) media-experiences why-and-how McClellan’s fiinally desperate comeuppance came to be, inevitably. That truth may well be --as McClellan surely makes crystal-clear-- his own; but that in no way relieves the absolute necessity of sharing the whole saga with our mutual nation.

Anyone working even a few months “in the media” or in “public relations” (!)-- will have little difficulty relating very directly to his growing dilemma, from Day One of this employment.

Even those so-experienced only via volunteer community group operations --always demanding good faith, cooperative decision, ethical communication-- will also find themselves relating to similar frustrations, if not final-outcome.

“Persuasive communication” has become the heart-and-commercial/soul, if there is any soul/concern now, across our entire world. That’s what drives advertising’s “motivational-purchases” dollar-dealing bandwagon, with its cultural/economic impacts reflecting that fact inexorably.

That general attitude is then reflected strongly in the politician’s driving interest in selected issues, problems, and programs; while others lie dormant on the legislative working-tables, waiting for fees-paid for advance-to-committee. OR rapidly elevated to intensely-renewed interest by loving-strokes from lobbyist-hands.

That’s where-from those lush --and extremely motivating-- “campaign contributions” come-fast, with or without “white envelopes”, and usually avoiding routine postal-delivery, too.

You can see where MY "mea/c." is coming from, by now. It relates-directly to similar working-situations; and what I did then, as paid employee, precisely as did McClellan; at every level from local (for “the mayor”) right on up to national (as “information director” for influential national association, in D.C.); and “corporate”-content (in Chicago, at LMA, for 12 years.)

In each-and-every/one I could and should have done better, with less “persuasive power”; more emphasis on “cooperation”’ and surely less reliance on “confrontation; on whatever issue, problem, program or project was at stake-then.

General attitudes are, invariably and inescapably, created and continued by what many, many workers DO, every day, in every way --affecting every level of life, surely including “politics”.

But can you also now feel for YOUR OWN mea-c., in very similar positioning as private citizen? Democracy, it has long been felt, must depend on citizen understandings and participation, for any potential success.

The only sure foundation for that is “the voice of the people”. That voice, a chorus from individuals, is heard too softly, too infrequently, and with too little close tie-in to the controlling fact-of-the-matter: The always-coming/soon-again voting power in full panoply, when properly informed, organized, and THEN applied.

Have you made sure of your own understandings for real problems, issues and events, in your highly favored special-situation as participant-receiver of benefits and rights --even some privileges-- in this strong and once-steady nation?

Do you demand from your tv-and-printed media absolutely essential probing and problem-illuminating coverage? That is YOUR right--in content, approach and full-detail-- to which the current complexities of our democracy now force you to “pay attention or lose it”?

It is also THEIR clear and demanded responsibility, under the First Amendment, giving them the privileged position demanded for effective --and thus longtime lucrative--operations; while exacting responsibility and accountability to the commonweal.

They MUST, therefore --by their own definition of role and responsibility-- “pay strict attention”; surely reporting in depth and volume, at professional-quality level --to YOUR benefit AND satisfaction.

From proof-paramount everywhere you look, you can be sure corporate and private interests ARE “paying full attention“; with lush and large “campaign contributions” paving the golden way; every day and sometimes twice on Sundays.

When was the last time you wrote an editor, a city-councilman, a school/board chairperson, OR even your State Legislator or Governor?

Have you ever, on any matter, been in phone discussion with your national Congress-persons? What-and-when was the last time you took ANY ACTION at all --to respond to that citizen-responsibility for the shape-and-health of OUR democracy?

See what I mean about YOUR “mea culpa”?

You can label it what you will, and it still comes through, all too comprehensively, as: apathy, inattention, misinformation or lack of responsible interest; as demanded by your inimitable, but also truly unavoidable, “citizen-of-the-republic” status.

This McClellan reporting-book will heighten your own internalized appreciations and loosen up those understandings of today’s realities. That’s unquestionably the first steps towards fashioning a new approach for you.

Once you really know what’s been going on --and WHY !--then you, too can become an effective, very active participant in what really shapes this nation of ours.

The actions we could and should have taken mostly stemmed from chance, or non-attention, rather than neglect alone.

That reflects their level-and-kind of surrounding situational symmetry.

McClellan’s surround placed him centrally and inescapably in much more ethical and moral danger, stemming directly from his working relationship with Bush and his cohorts --and the smaller cabal clearly providing the pull-strings of Bush-policies, programs and Pentagon-power.

Yet the inescapable mirror-image, if you will but look, may well leave you limp and wondering what you, too, should-have-done --even in your much less-intense and perhaps even too-comfortable home situation. There is a plenitude of what you COULD have done, as your own (perhaps painful) backwards-view will now provide, for your concerned cogitation.

That’s entirely the point-here NOW --as the message of this epoch-ending book should be, too. The reasons-why do NOT, EVER offset the inevitable consequences, especially in politics.

The reasons-why for the overweening, disastrous longterm so-called “conservative permanent-majority era” in our nation are complex, inscrutable, and still mired in the manifold manifestations historians have to unravel --some day.

BUT that the era itself is immutably now collapsed and come-to-dead/end is becoming more clear and certain each and every day; --and the McClellan book spells out WHAT HAPPENED in highly detailed every-day event-by-event documentation detailed incident, and truly-telling story-with-quotes.

How effective --and, indeed, whether it will really be heard “loud and clear” in Congress and the nation does not really depend any longer on “the mainstream media”. We already know what they will do with it --or TO it !-- if left to their discretion AND their own interests.

It is YOUR VOICE, made long-and-loud and intense-enough to be heard, not once or twice but continuously, in Congress, in our Capital at Salem, and in every newspaper and television-newsroom you can reach, that can and will make THEM “pay close attention” to WHAT HAPPENED. YOU are the difference; it is YOUR choice, just as it is YOUR NATION, too.

But first, READ THIS BOOK. THEN make up YOUR OWN mind --and you can, perhaps, massage and partially relieve that mea-culpa.

Reader’s Note: Quotes are condensed, combined, or summarized for space-reasons here; verbatim record available on request with ID to Editor Tim. The book NOT-reviewed is: WHAT HAPPENED:: Inside the Bush WHite House and Washington’s Culture of Deception: Scott McClellan; ISBN 978-1-58648-556-6.

Full information and an excerpt can be found at:

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Henry Ruark June 15, 2008 9:35 pm (Pacific time)

Johnk et al: One can deliberately misread anything. Mine very clear, on re-read, that process is START for Kucinich, he wishes impeachment verdict and nothing less --else WHY EVEN START !?? One does prepare 35 detailed points, force attention in House, read them TV-ed to national audience, simply to emphasize process meaningless unless carried to conclusion to provide clear public record, as Founders intended. Your carry-on makes that clear, so you had it firmly in mind as unavoidable once the process itself is begun --which demands precisely what K. did. Re Congress moving on other business, for those who really understand the Constitution thre is nothing more demanded, sacred, and bearing heavy responsibility for Congress, under our form of governance, than protection of that honor-of-the-nation foundation for our freedoms. Precedent-set can distort, pervert all things, as the corporate personhood paid-for ?mistake? by the Supremes does, after 30 years of all kinds of effort to bring it about --making possible the

Henry Ruark June 16, 2008 5:43 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Introspection is often painful but often highly necessary. Re Op Ed above, consider these as you seek out your own mea culpa: "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" : Holy Bible, Matthew 7:3 "Not the faults of others, nor what others have done or left undone, but one's own deeds, done and left undone, should one consider.": 50th Stanza from the Dhammapada (The Path of Wisdom) "Believers, let not a group of you mock another. Perhaps they are better than you. - - - Let not one of you find faults in another nor let anyone of you defame another.": Holy Quran, Chapter 49:11 (Al-Hujarat) SO: Stand in front of any mirror, look yourself straight in the eye(s), then sit thee down and cogitate re mea culpa on why we find ourselves where we are, in our once republican democracy. Then arise...and DO whatever your conscience tells you is your part, NOW.

Henry Ruark June 15, 2008 9:40 pm (Pacific time)

John et al: Be sure to see detailed comment under next story re K.charges laid out in detail for Congress.

John June 15, 2008 11:53 am (Pacific time)

If "K" is only concerned about the Impeachment process and not a verdict, that sounds like a waste of time. It seems to me that you go the whole way and share that evidence with the Senate and count the votes and see if you are even close to getting a conviction. Otherwise I would like our congress to spend some time addressing other issues for the people they work for.

Henry Ruark June 14, 2008 12:03 pm (Pacific time)

To all: No word from Tracie re Kucinich "indictment charges" laid out in detail via Tim's courageous coverage. SO let's open them up for ALL -- one strong step we can take, then report to Congress sources on what we learn here. Please now consider these charges YOURselves, and send us your responses. IF you need detail, Tim's coverage gives you direct link to the whole 65-pp. of full information by Kucinich, for "see with own eyes" --or you can react from his listing of the charges as titled by K. --that should be more than enough to guide your evaluation. K. seeks ONLY "the process itself, NOT a verdict". That's open only to decision AFTER the Constitutional process, per our Founders' profoundly prescient decision. SO, given these THIRTY-FIVE definitely-stated critical situations, your decision is NOT for impeachment BUT ONLY for Congressional action NOW. What's "the word", from out there in public-opinion ? We will summarize-and-report for sure, from whatever YOU now this channel surely should do !!

Henry Ruark June 14, 2008 11:48 am (Pacific time)

To all: Seems entirely demanded to tell you-all that MOTHER JONES Magazine was just selected by The American Society of Magazine Editors for the National Magazine Award For General Excellence. That's the magazine industry Pulitzer, same level as "the Oscar"; and tougher to win ! For anyone working in this field, M/J is an absolutely essential major reference, to keep-in-sight every major new policy, problem, circumstance, situation, or event. I long ago learned to trust it, and have relied on it ever since it first appeared --so this Award from the topmost critical group is the best possible endorsement for what they report (which is why I shaare it with you.) "See with own eyes" via your own examination and evaluation as per all-else/here !! undoubtedly leader in probing coverage of many problems and

Henry Ruark June 12, 2008 9:09 pm (Pacific time)

Tracie et al Simple question, no need for research or any Internet source-referral. Given those 35 "indictable charges" laid out by Rep. Kucinich, if you were in Congress would you vote to bring on the Constitutional process of impeachment ? You have every one, line by line, courtesy of Editor Tim. Did you find them so conveniently laid out like that elsewhere ? No need to answer Yes or No. Feel free to add whatever you wish. If you need detail on any one of "those 35", ID-self to Editor Tim and I will be happy to oblige in depth, and from many sources other than mine own "intense" feeling, freely admitted. That's what should happen if we are to seek Congressional response to wit, wisdom and will of American people. That's US --and what we say still shapes and controls --and can govern, too-- if we so decide that it SHALL BE SO.

Steev June 12, 2008 5:43 pm (Pacific time)

I agree with Tracie...

Shut up you moron and get the hell out of here.  You are one sick puppy posting under all these different names, you are worse than a spineless jellyfish, scram.

The Management 

Henry Ruark June 12, 2008 1:44 pm (Pacific time)

To all: See detailed comment re Nixon precedent, under Kucinich Charges story, which gives YOU full information on each and every one of his THIRTY-FIVE charge-statements re impeachment.

Henry Ruark June 12, 2008 12:57 pm (Pacific time)

Tracie et al: Should add, too, that the Kucinich hour(s)-long 35-count statement,in full the public view from the House floor, has inescapably snatched the issue of impeachment "off the table" --which should offset, if we "pay attention", any further attempts to bury it quietly. "See with own eyes" was right there,for millions of US out here. What we now DO is laid out in unmistakable terms for all of us...

Henry Ruark June 12, 2008 12:29 pm (Pacific time)

Tracie et al: Can understand and do really appreciate your search for authority and your research. Flat fact is that if the will of the American people, communicated to Congress, calls for impeachment now, it will happen. Dunno what good working experience you may have at legislative levels, but will tell you that "there is always a way" in any parliamentary setting, to bring about what members sense is demanded. Some years in D.C. and others with legislatures and even city councils taught me that long ago. Check with anyone you wish on that point. THEN "see with own eyes" if, and when, participation brings on strong demand from out here where millions now are finally beginning to understand what is crucially at stake. It worked to upset FCC error only a year or so ago, with more than ONE MILLION being heard demanding action. Numerous other examples, as a variety of actions, in each governance level from local to national, can be easily cited. You are dead right "history will be his judge" --no reference, naturally, to the over-4000 dead from his now well-understood sold-by-lies attack on Iraq. Family resentment drives demand for justice far more strongly than most ever learn, via close contact with those at the controls in D.C.,as in the "committees". Re "skating", that opens up the very dangerous door to the precise precedent we allow to be set for all future predatory-imperial Presidents, perhaps one of the strongest reasons for demanding action now from Congress, also tied tightly to the Constitution by their own oaths.

Henry Ruark June 12, 2008 10:23 am (Pacific time)

To all: Some are indubitably "slow learners", for which direct action is inevitably demanded. Here's Iran-attack note from NewsMax, conservative-side source: Newsfront "Bush: War Possible with Iran" Thursday, 6/12, 2008 7:56 AM MESEBERG, Germany -- "President Bush on Wednesday raised the possibility of a military strike to thwart Tehran's presumed nuclear weapons ambitions, speaking aggressively even as he admitted having been unwise to have done so previously about Iraq. "Bush's host in two days of meetings at a baroque castle, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, made clear her views on the saber-rattling — however subtle — without directly countering her guest. "I very clearly pin my hopes on diplomatic efforts," Merkel said, reflecting the deeply held European opinion that military action against Iran is nearly unthinkable." -------------------------- "Participation" via voice of the people now instantly demanded more than ever, don't you agree ?

Tracie June 12, 2008 10:20 am (Pacific time)

"Do you demand from your tv-and-printed media absolutely essential probing and problem-illuminating coverage? That is YOUR right--in content, approach and full-detail-- to which the current complexities of our democracy now force you to “pay attention or lose it”?" I SURE DO! AND I HAVE EXCELLENT SOURCES. I noticed that the House of Reps. voted the other day to refer Kucinich's Impeachment request to the Judiciary Committee, so that means it will be a moot issue and/or they would not even get to it till long after the election. I imagine our current "war on Terror" will be much hotter then, and most likely domestic hostilities will be happening. So Bush will skate for now and then history will be his final judge.

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