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Jun-09-2008 01:14printcomments

Barack Obama Pulls a 180 on America and Iran

Iran never did anything to deserve our wrath; they are not a threat. Israel on the other hand is acting like a rogue terrorist state, and Obama is on their team. photo cover art by Austin King photo cover art by Austin King. The inset photos are all from Iran and have been graciously supplied to me by a series of friends in Iran acquired through MySpace. These are the faces the U.S. politicians so quickly talk about attacking if the United States ever foolishly proceeds to launch unilateral military action on Iran.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Losing faith is an awful thing, but that is what is happening right now in a lot of American households over Barack Obama. It took about the same amount of time for this young challenger from Illinois to secure the Democratic nod as it did for him to start acting like a dangerous, short-sighted man with his regard to Iran and Israel.

I think we're in trouble as a nation. What the media and our politicians have accused Iran and its President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of doing with regard to nuclear aspirations is not true. It is tragic.

If Ahmadinejad is such a rotten egg, why was he so motivated to lay flowers down in honor of the people who died on September 11th? Why was Teheran's candlelight observation of that American national tragedy the second largest in the world? That is because the people of Iran are good, they do not wish harm on the United States, but they have every reason to fear the U.S. with their hearts.

I have taken the time to become friends with a large number of people in Iran on MySpace. It is something any American could do if they wanted to have a look at what is going on there through the eyes of the local Iranian people. What I have learned is that they are very westernized, in spite of the reports that cast them as otherwise. There is discrimination toward women ever since the Revolution, but most do not live in fear and one said at least it is, "not as bad as what Saudi women have to deal with." I included this part to simply indicate that my understanding of Iran and its current status is coming from real people.

I also spent two months in Afghanistan covering the war and I have a pretty good idea of what real discrimination toward women looks like in the Islamic world. News reports in the U.S. tend to overblow the severity of the ill treatment of Iran's citizens, while discounting the rotten treatment the U.S. has in store for tens of thousands of combat weary U.S. veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan in the Veteran's Administration. That unfortunately is only one example of where we have fallen down as a nation and society. The economy, gas prices, out of control corporations gouging and paying CEO's as much as a hundred times more than the hard working employees that allow them to even operate; these are areas where U.S. citizens are abused by their government.

Problems Between Iran and Western Nations

Our government during the Eisenhower years was persuaded by the British to overthrow the democratically educated Iranian President. This happened in 1953 because Iran put its foot down over being ripped off by western oil companies for several consecutive years. That is all. Our CIA kidnapped and retrained the Shah and put him in as a puppet leader who allowed the western oil companies to continue to rape Iran over its oil. By 1979 it was over. The Revolution happened and they overthrew the leader that was friendly to all of the greedy western influence.

Another way to say this, is that literally all of the problems we have with Iran today were caused by our own governments who refused to pay Iran fair market value for its oil, prices that England agreed upon but would not honor. Obama apparently either knows little in the way of actual history, or he knows it and dismisses it.

Now we learn in recent weeks from former President Jimmy Carter, that Israel has, all this time, been sporting a collection of nuclear weapons that any rogue dictatorship would envy.

Yet as Carter brought Americans into the fold of knowledge, people all over the non western world shook their heads and rolled their eyes at Americans, yet again. In truth, the word has been out that Israel has nuclear capabilities since 1986. But here in the states, FOX News had a heyday with it, implying that Carter really let the cat out of the bag for the first time.

Then people like Barack Obama jump on the bandwagon. Now I admit that he probably would not be where he is without taking this role; many Americans are snowed into thinking that Iran is a danger and they are going to go on believing that no matter what is placed in front of them. Obama knows that, and he wants their vote, so he is now a threatening political force toward Iran.

Pure Propaganda

All the while McCain, Bush, now Obama and always FOX News, crank up the effort to scare innocent and gullible Americans. They want you to hate the people in the pictures accompanying this article, but I have a feeling you won't. Implications about the Iranian President saying all kinds of things that he did not say are commonplace at FOX, they also want you to believe the women have little freedom. Again, a photo is worth a thousand words, and these are a small fraction of the photos in my possession at this point from Iran.

At best, they are misinterpretations; worst case scenario: FOX News has, on multiple occasions, deliberately and deceptively stretched words from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. This network and these politicians don't work for the benefit of Americans.

Israel is a violent and unpredictable nation that wants it all and in turn wants even more. Israel attacked a clearly marked U.S. ship, the U.S.S. Liberty during the Six Day War in 1967. Apparently the outrage among Americans and the death and serious wounds inflicted on U.S. Navy sailors that day was, in the bigger picture, a small matter to both nations. Nonetheless, it is sad and clear proof that Israelis are capable of killing Americans.

Iran on the other hand, is the country that we have been mad at since 1953 because they won't sell their oil cheaply enough. In reality they just didn't want to be ripped off any longer, they had endured it at the hands of the British Anglo Oil Company for years. There really is little more to it. The United States historically treats leaders of nations like this poorly.

Any student of modern history knows that the Vietnam War could easily been avoided by simply standing up to the French and not financially supporting their re-occupation of Vietnam in the late 40's, in the exact same timeframe as the formation of Israel which we have funded to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars over the years while Americans gradually have grown to have less and less.

This all leads us back to a President who negatively affected the course of history on many levels; Harry Truman, but that is too broad to go into here. Just remember that he was completely supportive of the terrorist tactics that cleared occupied Palestinian neighborhoods for the settlement of Israel, and he refused to even talk about allowing Vietnam to have national autonomy after WWII.

Defining Real Interests

If the question is, why are we so damned scared all the time? It is because of our half century plus blind support of Israel and a complete and total void of sincerity. That nation has lied and lied and our country has lied endlessly and that combined with our national media's reluctance to report real facts about the status of the world, may actually bring us to the brink of existence. Obama's switch stance is more than alarming, perhaps he means none of what he has said about other significant issues. A few months ago he spoke "of the tragic plight of the Palestinians". Today he looks like another bully who is editing the information to meet his needs; another driven politician with little regard to the lives he threatens to remove.

Aijaz Amhad, Senior News Analyst with The REAL News, a news organization I strongly suggest all people dial into, has been going over all of this material in a series of reports that are a clear and concise reviews of current world affairs.

He has the courage to pose the question: what legal or moral authority does the west have to declare that Iran can not have nuclear power, or even nuclear weapons, in the first place?

Americans will jump up and down and pound their fists, but they fail to understand that the guys who call the shots for the rest of the world, meaning the western nations, make huge and obvious mistakes. They command obedient military forces to sometimes kill countless thousands of innocent people in the name of freedom, and we have an extremely limited understanding of our own nation's role in causing all of the problems in the first place by following along with a British "Colonization approach" to political diplomacy in Iran.

Here is something else; Iranians like Americans. They have a country that is very different but it is sound and functioning and while there are criticisms of its internal policies, many undoubtedly valid, there is no reason to view this nation as a threat. Perhaps if Israel keeps attacking its neighbors the way it does, then someday it could bring retaliation from Iran. But the odds are very good that it would be defensive in nature.

Even former Secretary of State Robert Gates admitted this on December 5th 2006, during his Confirmation Hearings, when he made this statement:

"While they (Iran) are certainly pressing, in my opinion for a nuclear capability, I think they would see it in the first instance as a deterrent. They are surrounded by powers with nuclear weapons-- Pakistan to the east, Russia to the north, the Israeli's to the west and the us in the Persian Gulf."

Did U.S. media let that part about Israel and nukes just slip by in December of '06? FOX News should start watching those national statements, they must not be watching them now.

Enough is Enough

He does not have a solid plan in place or a timeline for getting out of Iraq, and he hasn't talked enough about the fact that our troops are in short supply in Afghanistan regarding both equipment and people. Why does Obama suddenly want to be the guy talking about sending our tired military forces into yet another bloody and death filled war when they are tired and damaged? It is nothing any good American would ask for. After all the support we have felt in our hearts for Obama, there are plenty of us right now feeling like the rug has been pulled out from under our feet.

We may be fairly screwed. Apparently the news of Israel having nuclear weapons has been reported a thousand times in other nations, and most Americans have the Internet, yet they don't know.

The news about Israel's nuclear capability was first revealed by an Israeli scientist, Mordechai Vanunu, in 1986. The news broke in an article in the Sunday Times. Israel secret police from Massaud kidnapped Vanunu and took him back to Israel where he spent 11 years in solitary confinement, four years in a regular prison system and then was finally released in 2004. Convicted of treason and espionage, it was never suggested by Israel that he was lying. It seems like everybody except maybe him was lying all along; he just wanted to expose those lies from Israel and he paid dearly for that honesty.

Scarier than McCain?

Part of Obama's warmongering rhetoric is even worse and more dangerous than that of John McCain. At the recent AIPAC conference, Obama made clear statements about what he sees as his political priority. He supports "secure, recognized defensible borders for Israel." It may sound just fine, but for most people in that part of the world, this term "defensible borders" means that Israel should retain parts of the occupied West Bank to expand the territorial state of Israel and achieve its vision of "defensible borders."

Obama says Hamas has no legitimacy and is a terrorist organization. But it is a fact that Hamas represents a group of people who have been greatly persecuted by the Israelis. "There is no room at the negotiating table for terrorist organization, that is why I opposed elections in 2006 with Hamas on the ballot." Israel has reportedly kidnapped and killed a number of Hamas legislators.

Conversely to what Obama says, an Israeli newspaper. HAARETZ, recently reported that 64% of Israeli's are in favor of talks with Hamas. That means that Obama's words of war are not even in sync with the majority of Israel's people and there are so many there who want only peace and are more than willing to negotiate.

Many understand why things are the way they are and they have sympathy for Hamas and the Palestinian people who have suffered so much since the inception of Israel. As the descendants of those who survived the Holocaust, they do not want to see their country in an oppressive role over other, disadvantaged people. Many are hoping that Obama mellows in his anti-Iranian rhetoric and that Hamas is given its due. There appear to be few choices for anyone if democracy has any play in it.

Aijaz Amhad with The REAL News put it this way: "Senator Obama's recipe for such situations is simple; if a political party that you don't like is popular enough to win a majority, the best thing is not to allow such a party to participate in the elections. Dictators around the world would love that formula."

Like Iraq, Iran has a population that is not
exclusively Islamic. This girl is an Orthodox
Christian from the northern part of Iran

Obama says he would never allow Hamas to be at the negotiating table either. With language borrowed from Condoleezza Rice and George W. Bush, Obama said emphatically that he "will always keep the threat of military action on the table to defend our security and our ally Israel."

But even tough talking John McCain is not directly threatening Iran with military action. Ahmad reasons that Obama's political speech writers simply chose to take McCain's position and ratchet up the threat and tone toward Iran. Obama goes so far to suggest the possible forming of a coalition of the willing outside the purview of the UN for imposing the sanctions on Iran that McCain proposes.

Obama said at AIPAC that he wants to "isolate the Iranian regime, expand financial sanctions, and boycott firms associated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard."

He also talked about other unilateral sanctions that would hurt the people of Iran, such as, "Targeting Iranian banks and Iranian assets." Obama says he still sees the possibility of diplomacy with Iran, but the idea of actually meeting Iran's leaders has apparently vanished, too bad. That was one of the very reasons we supported him at We feel like we have been through a bait and switch game and the Presidential race hasn't even started yet.

Obama is running down the list of demands on Tehran and talking tough and even suggesting we attacked the wrong country in 2002. What kind of a nation have we become to continually punish the people who complained about us ripping them off when they were far less significant back in the 50's?

It is clear that Obama is saying we should have attacked Iran and not Iraq. That is what Israel thought the United States should have done also in 2002. Obama would use American soldiers as pawns to kill for Israel. Again, who will he work for if elected?

Aijaz Amhad, Senior News Analyst with The REAL News summarized it with this quote in his recent report: "There was once a Barack Obama who talked used to talk about direct and unconditional talks with adversarial countries in pursuit of peace. Now we have tough diplomacy, tough sanctions to cripple Iranian economy and society, tough demands on all the basic issues that Iran must accept, while the military threat stays on the table. Sounds a lot like the policies the U.S. pursued in the run-up to the Iraq war. The main difference seems to be that Bill Clinton made sure the sanctions against Iraq were approved by the Security Council while Bush tried to persuade the Security Council to approve invasion as well. This remaking of Barack Obama now seems complete. He can now go out and meet John McCain on his own ground. With liberalism like this, who needs neocons?"

I have a habit of mistakenly typing "Omama" and having to correct it. Maybe somebody has been trying to tell me something. Just remember what to do when Israel or Obama or any world leader decides to let those lied about nukes fly into murderous oblivion: kiss your children and tell them good bye.

Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. Today, in addition to his role as a war correspondent in Afghanistan where he spent the winter of 2006/07, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor. is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website, affiliated with Google News and several other major search engines and news aggregators. Tim's coverage from Iraq that was set to begin in April has been delayed and may not take place until August, 2008. You can send Tim an email at this address:

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Zainal.June 18,2008 June 19, 2008 2:00 am (Pacific time)

Good, pls make more info for more realistic. true and let commonsense doing. We r human. Most people w/ good commonsense will think it is good. Thks

hi June 10, 2008 12:29 pm (Pacific time)

its not just abama, according to pelosi, israel is more important than our own constitution. she also is throwing out dennis's impeachment proceedings she needs to go

sts June 10, 2008 6:17 am (Pacific time) And keep in mind...Jon Stewart is Jewish..

Casse June 10, 2008 7:16 am (Pacific time)

What Obama did was simply expose that he is your typical opportunistic politican. Fortunately there is plenty of time before the convention so we may get another candidate. Sen. Web of Virginia would be excellent!

matt June 10, 2008 1:28 am (Pacific time)

most likly whoever control the media, choose the president,not the people.

reem June 10, 2008 12:54 am (Pacific time)

i wish mainstream media, can become true media. The problem is that the majority of US citizens have no idea what goes on in the middle east, because they haven't left the US. They need a reality check. We really need to voice our concerns in the states. The government needs to be in the right hands... the people... and we need to truly educate the people.

Roya June 9, 2008 10:45 pm (Pacific time)

Hey, are you serious about bombing? yeeeeeeha, what an mazing war, we will die and you will watch,anyways i think i haven't got enough time to make some persian blues songs, i must hurry, see yaaaa :D

sunmake June 9, 2008 8:41 pm (Pacific time)

Also, I appreciate what you're attempting to do (humanize the 'debate') - but this article/layout looks and reads a lot like something you'd see in 'The Watchtower': primarily appealing to reactive emotions instead of making a more remote, detached overview, with basically no sense of design. Sorry if that's overly harsh, but if you want to make the point of how all this talk of 'bomb iran' rarely mentions the likely civilian casualties, and how those civilians aren't that different/remote/alien etc.. - it could be executed better. And that's a very good, important point, so it should be.

sts June 9, 2008 8:33 pm (Pacific time)

one last thing before I hit the hay. this is a very good forum with very enlightened people, and not scrutinized by the webmasters like statesmanjournal. Even if I disagree, it seems we have alot of intelligetn people in this forum. I will be back later, and hopefully be more of a part of the discussions. You ALL, even the ones i disagee with, are good people! talk soon!

sts June 9, 2008 8:30 pm (Pacific time)

spicoli: turn off the tv and do some research.. sorry, I do want to get along with everyone, but the facts are so overwhelming. Do some honest research and you will see..I think, to this editor, that the facts are so overheling that he feels that posting them again is just overkill. :-)

Sunmake June 9, 2008 8:30 pm (Pacific time)

The change in rhetoric pretty much dates to all the stories of Jews in Florida giving quotes to the effect that they believe Obama's a Muslim who won't support Israel and will have friendly sit-down chats with Ahmadinejad, no? Is it crazy to write this off as simply a matter of (necessary) political pandering to an important demographic - building the base so to speak? The republicans have done the same in recent elections, campaigning on positions which the far right find favorable, but for the most part dropping such issues once elected. Such behavior is certainly rather shameful, but that's politics, right?

stephen June 9, 2008 8:19 pm (Pacific time)

I am sincerely in tears. I can hardly breath as I type these words. I had completely given up, but this forum topic ..I cant even type, can I just say, thank you all for seeing the truth. Thank you thank you thank you.. I posted this in another forum not knowing this one was here. 1-800-788-9372 ask for your representative. This was planned for tomorrow but I couldnt wait. Just tell them hat I said. Please dont attack/invade Iran. I have kids. Please stop the lies that lead us into war for 'THEIR" benefit. YOU GUYS MADE MY DAY!! I AM SMILING AGAIN!!

Cody June 9, 2008 3:41 pm (Pacific time)

Ah, well....I am not sure I agree Tim, but I guess we all see something else in the Youth's leader.

Spicoli June 9, 2008 3:12 pm (Pacific time)

Ummmmm, I don’t see the word “enemy” or any synonyms for it in my comment. I don’t see anything in my post about “towing the party line”. Hurt was not my intention, and yet you feel the need to lash out at me. Talk about hurt! The intent of the comment was NOT to point out right or wrong, or take apart anything. It was to praise your underlying truths; to point out that you confuse the reader by knowingly or unknowingly emulating something you take to task, Fox News; and that you bash scare tactics then use similar ones as your own device. Perhaps a little reflection on who is proving what is called for. You obviously have talent, and if you are trying to reach the fringes, I can see that you are totally successful. But since, as you state in another post today, this site is losing subscribers/readers, and you have to go looking for regular work, well, maybe some introspection wouldn’t be a bad thing. It is only a suggestion, not an attack. As far as Obama (who wasn’t the subject of my post, but who you seem to need to write more about by dragging it back into the conversation) I believe your facts are skewed, but it is your opinion piece. I don’t agree with you, but I will fight to the end for your right to say it. So, good luck on your job search. But if you want to jump back into independent reporting, just consider what I pointed out. Try it. You might pick up a few readers. Until then, I imagine the fringies will continue to stroke your ego, and that will be your literary lot. And there is nothing wrong with fringies, it is just what you aspire to do and where you want to be. I wish you success, amigo.

Anonymous June 9, 2008 2:40 pm (Pacific time)

Mostly nice pics. Holy moly, this makes Oregon look bad! Makes the internet look like trash too. Fear (and manipulation) is ugly, just plain ugly. Who's you're mamma, boy? Oh, that'll be the Marines - 20 yr. f****** lifer. The military uses fear and ignorances big time. Same here.

Tim King: I was not in the Marine Corps for 20 years, I have been reporting news as a civilian for the last twenty years.  I only joined the Corps for a three year enlistment, most of which I spent at El Toro MCAS.  I just don't see how anybody on the side of peace could look the other way over this. This doesn't make Oregon look bad, I don't agree with that. Sorry we aren't willing to play the "let's attack Iran" game, that is all this is about, and it doesn't matter who we are talking about. Thanks for asking about my mom; she and my dad both died last summer, how could you have known? How are things up at the campaign anyway?

Ben June 9, 2008 2:36 pm (Pacific time)

This situation allows criminal states like Israel to coerce and bully other states and other peoples and even blackmail the entire world. It allows Israel to bomb Tunis, Baghdad, Syria and threaten to bomb the Egyptian Aswan Dam and then tell the helpless victims “hit me back if you dare.”

Ben June 9, 2008 2:34 pm (Pacific time)

Nice article. Too bad there's not more people like this writing the REAL TRUTH. Iran, despite all the disinformation to the contrary, is not really against peace between Israel and the Palestinian people. However, Iran, mainly because of moral considerations, can’t accept the perpetuation of Palestinian suffering and dispossession through the creation of a deformed and truncated Palestinian “state” on less than 20% of the Palestinian homeland while allowing the apartheid Israeli regime to keep the rest of the spoils of theft. In other words, Iran says that ethnic cleansing must never be allowed to triumph. Well, isn’t that compatible with the views of most men and women of honesty and conscience all over the globe?

Janet June 9, 2008 2:02 pm (Pacific time)

I agree with you on some points but not on others in this editorial. I would like to say that the pictures I really enjoyed the pictures. They are beautiful. We do need to remember that common people are involved and they have as much to lose as we do.

Tim King June 9, 2008 1:46 pm (Pacific time)

Geez Spicoli, that really hurts. You assume that connecting facts about the world together equates to a stoner's presentation? OK dude, whatever. You prove everything I write by trying to take it apart without mentioning one thing that I am wrong about, did you notice that? So now I am the enemy because I what... don't tow the party line? I loved Obama right up until this and unlike Republicans, we call our own out when the roll over and go to the other side. This is an extremely important time in history, I don't see a wasted word in this article, maybe you need to update the list of philosophers' work you consult. Just guessing, but maybe you are the one who needs to smoke less green bud. Remember, he who smelt it dealt it.

Spicoli June 9, 2008 11:53 am (Pacific time)

Dude, chill! You are all over the place with your article, hyperbole abounds, and the things you dismiss and agonize about in others, you embrace and use yourself to further your statements, a disappointing and failed tactic. Somewhere in all those extra, unneeded words are points that I can agree with. But writing as if you are THE Liberal FOX News discredits you as much as they discredit themselves. If you presented more reliable facts and less gossip it would make you more believable. The picture device is really a poor choice too, because, as you should know, there are as many denigrating pictures out there of Iranians as you have posted of the loving, kind people you wish to portray. I was laughing, and had no reason to reply until I got to your last paragraph. You write in your diatribe (first sentence under “Pure Propaganda”) “All the while McCain, Bush, now Obama and always FOX News, crank up the effort to scare innocent and gullible Americans.” And the last sentence of your last paragraph “Just remember what to do when Israel or Obama or any world leader decides to let those lied about nukes fly into murderous oblivion: kiss your children and tell them good bye.” Dude, to paraphrase Pogo, “you have seen and identified the enemy, and you is it!”. You have some salient points, but you also have some communication problems with your “facts”. Put your powers to use for Good, and quit trying to emulate the Bush apologists over there at FOX. It doesn’t look good on you, and you have more abilities than this. AND, lay off the ganja before taking off like this. And if you haven’t been tokin’, Dude, you are on one of the BIGGEST natural buzzes I have ever seen!

Henry Ruark June 9, 2008 10:11 am (Pacific time)

To all: From 60 working years "in the media" and education, I can tell you that Tim's report is "right on the money" --and that double-meaning is most definitely intended, too. Anyone so involved will fall over strong, continuing facts making that completely clear, as doth free history where it is actually free... His take on terrible total of Israeli bombs, and the timing he tells, is absolutely correct --and also revealing. His factual reflection of Israeli attack on U.S. Navy ship is definitive, revealing well-understood status on both sides of comparative influence issue, still current --as a second attack by U.S. on Iran, now seen as Bush II "October Surprise", may painfully prove for all of us. MainStreamMedia today is distorted/perverted primarily by ownership career-pressures, felt openly or otherwise in nearly every newsroom. Dollars dangling dearly define what even decent journalists can and will do... You have to have "been there, done that" to realize how wildly and widely this can shape, censor and otherwise change what should be straight report, owed to all citizens within democracy as prime and pristine responsibilities by the ostensibly-"free press". Please note that most world history, clearly free of U.S. impacts and pressures, states the details of the Iran events precisely as does Tim's report. Also please note that Iraq today --and the preemptive war now bleeding our young blood and our shrinking treasure-- was begun as "Iran/Contra" -- with some of the Bush II gang present and highly active then, too. If our damaged democracy is to survive and self-heal, we need much more, and many more, of channels like to honest, civilized, sensible, rational, reasonable, fully factual reporting and the democratic dialog it then will generate. Monopoly in the media always ends in distortion/perversion, with open honest responsible competition as the prime offsetting factor --as our Founding Fathers so presciently saw so many years ago. When will we ever learn that simple lesson ??

Vic June 9, 2008 6:51 am (Pacific time)

Wow refreshing to see journalism with some balls..! We need politicians who will work for America and not be stooges for another country. I was saddened when Obama made his first speech after winning the party AIPAC ! Not to disabled vets, working poor, teachers or any other group representing Americans, but to the Israeli lobby. Thank you once again for having the courage and integrity to touch a subject that most are cowed into ignoring.

sahar June 9, 2008 4:01 am (Pacific time)


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