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Jun-03-2008 20:07printcomments

Op Ed: National Realities
Shaping Future American Lifestyle
Pressing Problems Threaten Democratic Principles

More than 85 percent of polled citizens now state "the nation is headed in the wrong direction".

Ronald Reagan with a monkey in a movie
Courtesy: The Reagan Years

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Reagan’s catchy slogan-then was "It’s Morning in America Again". That was the beginnings of an unquenchable neo-con "spin and propaganda pitch" unprecedented in world history, well-funded by Far Right billionaires.

But this role-playing with a skillful actor as our President has produced three decades later, a far from brightening New Day for our nation. The most important failed-project of his time-in-office, historians now agree, was the Iran/Contra debacle: The beginnings of our descent into the maelstrom of Iraq, with Iran still-to-come, from current indications.

"Trickle-down" benefits never did, and "voodoo economics" proved to be just that: "voodoo" per Bush-I.

"Deregulation" only destroyed the demanded role of government in protecting the commonweal; and extended “privatization” proved only that corporate corruption could easily outrun even government incompetence.

As for “globalization”, the “free trade” principle proceeded to pauperize primarily the progressing nations most needing solid, effective help to move towards democracy; while “enhancing the economies” only of “world-straddling corporate entities intent on plunder and pillage.”

Even the most unenlightened segments of the American public are now becoming frustrated, angry, embarrassed and passionately “determined to bring about demanded changes --in practically everything.”

“Racism as a political tool for manipulation has worked for decades, but now that, too, is losing power as profound changes profoundly alter working-class conceptions and understandings”, one pundit wrote recently. He was referring to long-known research findings showing that “racism is a myth perpetrated and popularized for economic manipulation” --as reported herein recently.

More than 85 percent of polled citizens now state “the nation is headed in the wrong direction” --and many feel that direction is “deep into the ditch, for years to come.” The primary middle-class worry has now become just “to keep ahead of chaos and collapse”; while a large majority fear that “the children will never be able to make it better for themselves” in future years.

There is growing, overwhelming consensus in the nation that we cannot move on into the 21st Century without first facing right up to the overwhelming and massive consequences now driving our leaders, current and future, into convulsive and reactive patterns, policies and promises.

Nearly everyone now agrees we must alter our way-of-life in every essential of our democracy: In our economy, our world-image, our “peace-keeping” military regime, our rapacious empire-seeking, our healthcare “system”, our education “system”, and even, for many, in that long-solacing set of religious views and patterns fundamental in the lives of so many.

Soaring economic inequality and stagnating wages are forcing wholesale and retail cutbacks by all consumers, while we are forced to face such governing failures as clearly have occurred in the sub-prime financial-system failure triggered by “deregulation”; the Katrina standby while the waters washed away federal policies and patterns; and the complete failures to face up to global warming and production of alternate-energy innovations.

Each and every one of all of these has been -- perhaps irrevocably-- defiled and damaged by “the market pattern”: That overweening, far over-confident belief that the “open. honest, unfettered market” -- and its often-lethal competition for the shrinking dollars that are still its lifeblood-- will inevitably “set things right”: If only government keeps hands-off and permits the blood and mayhem to flow in full measure; often irrevocably, too.

We are told that is the heart of the capitalistic system; that without “the market-makes-all/well principle we cannot achieve, adjust, and advance.”

We have been told --for 30 years starting with the Reagan era, that even the most fundamental of single-worker protection-and-progress measures --union membership to combine and build cooperative offsetting efforts for all-- is a “no-no”, to be massacred and manipulated-to-death by business, corporate and other interests.

Now that has been allowed to be achieved, at great cost to “the American Dream” born in and of the New Deal and the GI Bill, joint creators of our classic and America-defining huge, prosperous, progressive middle-class.

(Progressive? Yes--irrevocably so, in results and purchases and ongoing heavy consumption, if not in political and economic understandings --now being learned perhaps late but that much more intensely...)

Every possible propaganda-spin/and/media-channel manipulation has been lushly financed and fiercely set up to drive home and defend what has now turned out to be a complete fiasco of both policy and protection for the fundamental principles set forth for us by our Founding Fathers.

How did we ever allow ourselves to be so suckered and seduced into such a complete set of singularly damaging and desperate situations?

“That’s a long, complicated story” is the usual answer. but, in essence, it is all too simple: We failed in that most fundamental of measures demanded from any and all responsible participants in any ongoing governance system. Pay close attention to what your leaders tell you they are doing --and why.

Protection and preservation of what you now have depends on your continuing vigilance. For that, we thought we had wide-awake and very well-placed, thoughtful, ethical and most important of all, principled and determined-- watchers and witnesses, set to “give us the word” on what was being done, by whom, for what reasons and with what consequences.

That’s why our Founders, in their first action to add and strengthen and supplement the principles they fought for so valiantly-- set out the First Amendment.

In true Founders-style, it provided special protection and place-for-action for “the free press”, guaranteeing not only the right to probe, ponder and report on any and all damaging prospects in our democracy; but also setting into place --properly right on the shoulders of the protected press, the absolutely fundamental responsibilities to watch, learn, cogitate and then report-and-teach on all consequential matters.

That responsibility was meant to cover the entire population. There was no plan-nor-pattern for it to be confined and compelled into non-consequence by governmental confrontation; punishing consequences for political deviation; nor corporate control via fear-and-career combination --for both corporate and media key-employees.

Pogo was undoubtedly right when he declared: “We has met the enemy --and he is us!” But, in America, there are surely overriding reasons and resonances beyond those of citizen responsibilities and accountabilities.

We are indubitably “the best-informed nation in the world” today. SO -- what went wrong has to be, somehow, surely embedded and ensconced deep within that very strength about which we boast: the media technologies which could, should, and surely now MUST, both teach us and warn us.

It may well be not only OUR nation, but the world as we have known it, fully at stake now. We had better “pay close attention” while we still can do so. If we do, “people power” put to work via our inalienable right the vote can still cure, with some political/killing carried out effectively, to pave the way to the gallows or the hoosegow.

Our Founders provided us with proper tools for that, too.


Reader’s Note:
Quotes are combined, condensed. summarized due to space needs here. Verbatim sources available with request to Editor and ID for direct contact.

Among 50 sources surveyed and excerpted, here are several with much more detail than possible here:

1. The Problem With Conservatism Is Conservatism; Greg Anrig;

2. The Fall of Conservatism; George Packer; The New Yorker; 4/7/08

3. Kunstler: “The Remorseless Algebra of a Deflationary Death Spiral”; Mike Whitney;

4. “This Land Is Their Land: Reports from a Divided Nation”; (new book, excerpt); Barbara Ehrenreich;

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Ben Jamin' June 9, 2008 2:46 pm (Pacific time)

President Reagan was the best we ever had. But now it's time to develop a eugenics program and weed out the bad genetics that have so hurt our planet. The old radicals need to be moved to the deserts so mother nature can dissolve this waste of skin into the sands.

Taxpayer June 5, 2008 6:15 pm (Pacific time)

Using Kravis or any fat cat like him is simply a way to change the subject regarding JFK and those before and after him, and that is to keep taxes low, benefits everyone. A fact that has been proven over time going back through recorded history. The evidence on the other side, i.e. , to raise taxes, hurts everyone that works hard for their money, except the lazy, they and the socialists love it though. Why do you think the republicans swept into power in 1994 (Clinton raised taxes in 93), and why the republicans lost control in 2006---they lost control of their fiscal mission, and spent like socialists.

Henry Ruark June 5, 2008 4:12 pm (Pacific time)

M-M et al: "See with own eyes" this one re tax-status now and reforms needed: (This is excerpt; see link below for whole-thing !} "Henry Kravis, founder of KKR-effectively the nation's second largest private employer and one of the largest buyout firms in the nation-has more to do with the country's unease than people imagine. "He's a symbol of the "Just Us" corporate business mentality that so many Americans want to see change. Rich beyond belief, he still lobbied tenaciously last year against a little reform that would have leveled the playing field between hedge fund managers and buyout executives and teachers, nurses, and other middle class Americans. At stake was the elimination of a single tax loophole that saved Henry Kravis up to $96 million in 2006. Because of the loophole, Kravis and a handful of other buyout executives are able to pay a 15 percent tax rate on much of their income, far less than the tax rates that many middle class Americans pay. "That loophole was just the tip of the iceberg. "Kravis' portfolio companies pay significantly less in taxes to state and federal treasuries after being bought out by KKR. Why? Because he has the companies borrow up to 70 percent of the purchase price, and the companies can then deduct that interest from their taxes, frequently eliminating their tax burden altogether. By our estimate, just two of KKR's deals (Biomet and SunGard) could cost the government up to $1.2 billion in tax revenue. While the use of debt has turned Kravis and other buyout executives who use the same model into a new glided class, it can also weaken the companies that are bought out, and it has contributed to the credit crunch that has thrown our economy into freefall." ---------- From: Now is the Moment to Take Back the Economy; Stephen Lerner: Internet:

Henry Ruark June 5, 2008 3:01 pm (Pacific time)

Inform et al: Have heard about this group for some years, but nobody ever puts up links to view those videos you mention, nor do they ID-selves and produce published or otherwise auuthoritative documentation. IF you have-such, put it up now here, or back off...from behind-tree of single-name, unknown to us for responsibilities, or accounability, or "see with own eyes"-links we can then evaluate "with own minds", yours resonates not at all. Your participation welcome, but bring all provable fact, too, if you wish credibility here.

inform June 5, 2008 1:35 pm (Pacific time)

The bilderberger group is meeting in west virginia as I type this. I have seen the videos. About 125 very powerful people from all over the world. They own 90% of our media. Over the next 3 days they will be deciding things such as: will the u.s. attack iran, should we continue raising gas prices, they will be deciding who the next president will be, who will be the vice president, will the u.s keep fighting wars for israel, will the u.s continue to fund israel billions, among other issues that will effect each u.s. citizen. The U.S. constitution, and the republic it stands for is bleeding furiously. But there are many brave patriots out there exposing these powerful, but evil people. The media is also to blame for spreading the lies that sent us to Iraq, and have killed and maimed tens of thousands of soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of iraqi citizens. The bilderberger group wants control over all the worlds food, so that they can have control over you. They own the media and control what is taught in schools to keep everyone dumb. They also put poisons in our bodies and claim they are vaccinations. The New World Order. Nothing will change until this group is exposed by a top leader, such as Ron Paul. The other candidates surely will not do it. 9/11 needs to be re-investigated by an independent group, and all info should be at their disposal. I wish things were as simple as republican vs. democrats. But that doesnt even exist anymore.

Henry Ruark June 4, 2008 6:57 pm (Pacific time)

M/M et al: Now our information --and-tone, too-- make good sense. Simple answer is that JFK statement was for that special situation at that time, in that economy --and in no way justifies the broad statement you made for it. I agree with your use of it now to show what was the fact then, and that it was amenable then to th situation, as was practically everything JFK did. But I think we can both agree NOW that his statement THEN in any way justifies the Bush I and Bush II appraoach nor the neocon distortion, diversion and perversion committed since in the name of market magic to overcome any and all possible problems --which was the way I read your original. Your kind tone and complete answer appreciated; which was why I set this out also as fully as needed to make sure we now on the same page --which is the historical reading that each and every tax situation is unique to its time, place, surround, and all other complexities --to which I think you can agree. If you wish further dialog, give Editor Tim ID for direct, and we can exchange further to learn, as we should, from each other, in civilized --and best American !--fashion. Re rambling before coffee, I gotta have TWO cups every a.m. now, and a third at 3 p.m. --and I STIll stub toe --or sometimes tongue !--even then.

Wally June 5, 2008 7:11 am (Pacific time)

Henry Ruark it was good to see you acknowledge that the M/M poster was not lying about a part JFK's economic philosophy-- that to reduce taxes will stimulate the economy, and thats the bottom line. There is so much evidence that this is an "axiom", it just amazes me when those who disagree offer nothing more than emotional gibberish when they refuse to accept this economic reality. It has nothing to do with one's political ideology, it is what has made America great. People need to realize that it is not what they do in Washington DC that makes America great, it is the American people who do that. The more government stays away from our pursuit of happiness, the better it is for everyone. Unfortunately there will always be those who want to take a disproportionate share of our hard-earned money and give it to those who do not work. I am a firm believe in helping those who need help, but there comes a point that when we start funding those who could care less about our labor and our needs, we need to replace that leadership. Every two years we have that opprotunity, so this upcoming election will involve local issues as well as national. My guess is that the 2010 election will be quite similar to 1994.

Henry Ruark June 4, 2008 7:25 pm (Pacific time)

M/M et al: Your key-phrase, within the JFK statement, is in his own words: "...developed as it was, in good part, during World War II to restrain growth, exerts too heavy a drag on growth in peace time; that it siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power; that it reduces the financial incenitives [sic] for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking." He is clearly speaking of the wartime tax program, which was extremely high as you will recall --in fact, historical high point,I do believe-- which makes my explanation stand out for factual impact. Just wanted to clarify since my original tone was intense, appalled by any repetition of the badly-failed Bush/neocon version of tax policy, to which I thought you referred. In those historical circumstances the JFK action was not only demanded but most surely proven to have those good impacts-intended, since what followed was one of best recoveries we ever scored. BUT tax-cuts were from the historic highs, in very different times and different "surround", not at all comparable with what we've had in last 30 years, whittling away unjustifiablly on higher rates, building inequality by pushing off tax load onto the middle and lower-income payer. In Oregon, OCPP numbers show very clearly that shift I mention in recent past years.

Henry Ruark June 4, 2008 4:46 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Want one from a famous Supreme Court Justice ? Here it is: "In the First Amendment, the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell." Justice Black. NYT v. US. 403 US 713. That last line somehow seems very appropriate NOW --which is why I chose this one !

Henry Ruark June 4, 2008 4:32 pm (Pacific time)

To all: In Reader's Note with Op Ed, the Geoge Packer "Fall of Conservatism" article was in The New Yorker, May 28, 08. Date given in R/N is wrong; apologies to all !! Don't miss it; it will be a classic "historic statement".

Henry Ruark June 4, 2008 3:29 pm (Pacific time)

JFK-B et al: RFK-choice re anniversary of his assassination; completely aware of mish-mash'ers ref. to JFK --whom you will surely recall was also assassinated. Comes as close as facts here allow for tie to group surely involved in both, as probing investigators still believe. Same basic struggle still goes on, and we need same actions as McCarthy had set, to unite party, impossible after RFK-shot, which was part of intention it is strongly believed. For "see with own eyes" from participant for McC., go to: "Patching Up The Democrats"; Harold Meyerson:

Micro/Macro June 4, 2008 2:57 pm (Pacific time)

One more thing regarding JFK, if one wants the source, there is also an audio recording. Hope this clears things up for the person who thought I was trying to mislead.

Micro/Macro June 4, 2008 2:55 pm (Pacific time)

I am very sorry about my below rambling post, I wrote this before coffee. Below is an excerpt from JFK's address to the Economic Club of New York (also his proposed tax cutting policy was enacted after his assasination): "The final and best means of strengthening demand among consumers and business is to reduce the burden on private income and the deterrents to private initiative which are imposed by our present tax system — and this administration pledged itself last summer to an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes to be enacted and become effective in 1963. I'm not talking about a "quickie" or a temporary tax cut, which would be more appropriate if a recession were imminent. Nor am I talking about giving the economy a mere shot in the arm, to ease some temporary complaint. I am talking about the accumulated evidence of the last five years that our present tax system, developed as it was, in good part, during World War II to restrain growth, exerts too heavy a drag on growth in peace time; that it siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power; that it reduces the financial incenitives [sic] for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking. In short, to increase demand and lift the economy, the federal government's most useful role is not to rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures, but to expand the incentives and opportunities for private expenditures."

JFK Booster June 4, 2008 2:16 pm (Pacific time)

Interesting that you mention RFK when the poster was referring to JFK. Did you know that RFK had Sen. Joe McCarthy as a Godfather to one of his children? Maybe he knew something about Sen. McCarthy that only well read historians know.

Henry Ruark June 4, 2008 1:31 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Occurred to me we might receive some such mish-mash, so prepared quotes with diversity of sources and times for that situation. Here they are; take your own choice for which fits on any point in the mish-mash: "We're not a democracy. It's a terrible misunderstanding and a slander to the idea of democracy to call us that. In reality, we're a plutocracy: a government by the wealthy." : Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General "Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy" : John Pierpont Morgan "I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." : Thomas Jefferson "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." : Abraham Lincoln "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." : Franklin D. Roosevelt "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power." : Benito Mussolini. ------- Several more sets ready if needed as still-further full documentation that Op Ed summarizes from history via facts-stated by many over a very long period, now come home to roost on front porch of every American home.

Henry Ruark June 4, 2008 1:07 pm (Pacific time)

M/M et al: This is usual mish-mash of confused pieces and parts, done that way to further the political purposes of unknown authors, of unknown probity, unknown responsibility and accountability. Waste of time/space to set straight each point, even if one can UNconceal any from the clutter and congealed nonsense. IF they wish to present any cogent Op Ed re what they claim (and some is outright lie or badly mistaken) then let 'em lay it out --with full documentation, please, as is available for all S-N Op Eds. Contact is easy: Ask Editor Tim. He'll make space available for anything reasonable and rational, as we always do here. "Big-claim big-mouthing" is part of political manipulation with best remedy simple dialog getting to heart of matter, and with supporting views from others with right to speak. Which is why we do "see with own eyes" so you can check us out, and evaluate what you see with own mind. That's impossible with such mish-mash as this, which is why it is mish-massed...!! SO M/M, offer Tim your-side Op Ed, and let's get on with no further waste of time on such compended-junk as this. On JFK statement, in particular, put up or admit that is flat lie by your silence; quote words,give your source, where and when published if you can. One of my sons was an Oregon leader of RFK-effort, so have some solid background on this, and I defy your statement as lie, probably done knowingly. (Ironic that it cometh right on 40th anniversary of Kennedy assassination in L.A !) NONE of what you state has any relevance to Op Ed main points except as repetition of failed neo-con notions now in public opinion discard-bin; nor doth it change point(s) of Op Ed in any way acceptable to rational, reasonable reading.

Preacher June 4, 2008 10:12 am (Pacific time)

Proverbs 29:23 A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.

Micro/Macro June 4, 2008 8:35 am (Pacific time)

Socialism time after time has been proven not to work. It is a fiasco in the making. Raising taxes and reducing consumer spending simply creates an economic recession. I have noticed that there has been an economic downturn since around late 2006, now what was happening then? I see that Bush has horrible positive numbers, but who has lower positive numbers and higher negative numbers? Poll after poll has shown that the majority of Americans feel that they are in fairly good financial shape, but that they feel the majority of Americans are in bad financial shape. Could this disconnect be manufactured by the media? Speaking of the media, is not their primary job to be directed at reporting the news? Has anyone noticed that they not only are manufacturing the news, but also acting as proponents of public policy? As energy prices continue to go up along with everything else, see what happens to the stock market if the controlling powers begin the process to raise taxes/fees on the national/state or local level. If oil prices go down, watch the economy improve. My guess is that the current controlling powers will do everything they can to stress the population by simply not doing anything but complain about the executive branch. The executive branch is limited to what they can do on a macro level, so enjoy the economic pain, and maybe some summer violence. And who will the media blame? The best short term, as well as long term solution to the economy: Energy independence (start drilling while also developing alternative energy sources) and make all tax cuts permanent). JFK over 47 years ago advocated that tax cuts were the best way to stimulate the economy, he was right, and it has been proven time and time again since. The Fouders had a lot of opinions, and quite varied, even polorized on certain issues, unfortunately some people take considerable liberty when they interpret just what they advocated. So the Bill of Rights is the most accurate way to assess this group of people who were quite disimilar in their opinion in topics such as the press and it's responsibility.

Vic June 4, 2008 6:48 am (Pacific time)

How old is Bush in that picture? He must be young if Reagan had to bottle feed him. I am assuming that is milk in the bottle...or maybe a White Russian....

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