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Jul-27-2012 15:41printcomments

'Smoking Gun' Genocide Document hidden by Anglican Church, and a Statement on the Dig at Brantford

Breaking News from ITCCS about Canada's hidden Genocide of Mohawk people

October, 2011: The Search for Missing Children's remains begins
October, 2011: The Search for Missing Children's remains begins

(BRUSSELS) - ITCCS field worker Kevin Annett has today issued new evidence compiled from former Anglican Church researcher Leona Moses that reveals a plan between the Crown and Church of England and collaborating chiefs to use the Mohawk Institute Indian residential school to wipe out the remaining Mohawk people.

The explosive document dates from 1870, and is secreted away in a closed section called the "G 12 collection" in the Huron Diocese archives of the Anglican Church of Canada in London, Ontario.

"I saw it when I worked for the Diocese in 1998" Leona Moses stated to Kevin Annett and Cheryl Squire in an interview in her home.

"It was a regular contract, signed and sealed, between the Crown, local chiefs of the Six Nations Confederacy, and the New England Company, that ran the Mush Hole (Mohawk Institute Indian residential school). The plan was to get rid of the last of the Mohawks after authority for the school was transferred to Six Nations."

Leona Moses worked for the Huron Diocese in 1998 under former Bishop Bruce Howe, and discovered the document along with "many things that point to deliberate manslaughter of children" at the Mush Hole school.

"I personally saw letters showing that the church and government knew the Mohawk children were dying in large numbers in the school because of poor foor or no food at all, but nothing was ever done about it.

"Every day I discovered lots of evidence that could bring down the church. I wanted to get it out to the world and make my church be held responsible for all those deaths."

Soon after discovering the "smoking gun" 1870 document, Leona Moses was asked to sign a voluntary gag order by Bishop Bruce Howe, but she refused, and was forced to resign. Other church researchers like Dr. Wendy Fletcher, the present head of the Vancouver School of Theology, agreed to be gagged, along with most of the clergy in the Huron Diocese.

Leona Moses waited until December of 2011 to contact Mohawk elder Cheryl Squire and Kevin Annett, as a result of their commencing test digs at suspected burial sites of children at the Mohawk residential school in Brantford.

At their meeting, Moses claimed to Annett and Squire that she had recently been threatened by present Huron Diocese Bishop Bob Bennett to stay silent about her knowledge of the documents. At the time, Bennett told her "we know all about those deaths of children", including the deliberate murder of newborn children at the Mush Hole by government doctors.

Last year, Leona Moses asked the Anglican Primate for Canada, Fred Hiltz, to order an opening of the Huron Diocese archives, but Hiltz refused to do so, claiming he had no authority over Bishop Bennett!

"The church even has letters describing how Mush Hole Principal Zimmerman was raping young girls in 1948 and taking part in burying those who died behind the school building. In one letter he writes, 'We're forced to bury the children two to a grave now."

A transcript of the meeting with Leona Moses will be available on the ITCCS statement of claim evidence to be presented at its Common Law Court hearings beginning on September 15.

"Cover Up Artist" Bishop Bob Bennett, Anglican Huron Diocese

The Excavation at the "Mush Hole", Brantford: A Statement and Assessment from the ITCCS Elders' Council , Brussels

The surveys and test excavation begun at the oldest Indian residential school in Kanata last October was the most successful effort to date to begin the repatriation of aboriginal children who died and were buried at Indian residential schools.

Not only had nine elders of the Six Nations / Onkwehonwe community given written authorization for our Tribunal to conduct a dig and investigation at the mass graves next to the "Mush Hole", the former Mohawk Institute run by the Church of England, but our main fieldworker at the site, Kevin Annett - Eagle Strong Voice, was personally authorized to conduct the dig, and was adopted into the Onkwehonwe community and guaranteed its protection and support.

Even more encouraging, because of this authorization, for the first time in history members of the European Parliament indicated they would sponsor a public inquiry into Genocide against native people in Canada if they could receive authentic forensic evidence of the death of children at the Brantford site.

Precisely because of this success, the Mush Hole inquiry quickly became the target of a sustained, professionally organized disruption and sabotage campaign that continues to the present day.

This campaign was aimed primarily at Kevin Annett, employing the standard government black ops methods of "badjacketing", fear mongering, smears and misinformation, using local native operatives and at least one Caucasian outsider to try to discredit and isolate Kevin within the Six Nations community.

Unfortunately, these methods have been largely successful, and have halted and perhaps permanently destroyed any independent Mush Hole inquiry.

To begin, we feel it essential to remind readers and the Six Nations community that as early as April, 2011, Kevin Annett made it clear to the sponsoring Onkwehonwe elders that the Mush Hole inquiry operated under a real deadline: namely, that concrete, verified evidence of children's remains had to be received by the ITCCS Central Office no later than March 1, 2012.

This deadline had been requested by European human rights groups, lawyers, and members of the European Parliament who had agreed to sponsor an international inquiry into Genocide in Canadian Indian residential schools once they had the evidence in hand for their human rights committee meeting in Brussels in early March, 2012.

In short, from the moment Kevin Annett was duly authorized by the Mohawk elders to start the dig in April, 2011, he and they had barely one year to produce the evidence that could be acted on by stronger allies with the means to confront Canada and the Crown and Vatican for their crimes against native children.

This fact is important to remember now that many Mohawks seem to have forgotten the deadline that was in place. Instead, some Mohawks have made recent claims that "Kevin rushed things too much at Brantford" or that he "posted evidence on youtube prematurely", and that these actions are the reason for their disenchantment with Kevin.

In truth, Kevin Annett operated faithfully from start to finish according to his mandate from the Mohawk elders and their agreement that any evidence of children's remains had to be made known as soon as possible, to guarantee outside help from the European courts and Parliament.

In truth, this deadline is what prompted Kevin to broadcast the evidence from the first test dig at the Mush Hole on the internet, an action that was approved by our Council of Elders. In fact, it was these youtube postings that have sustained the global interest in the Mush Hole dig, and rallied new support for it from all over the world.

Our general assessment of the events at Brantford is summarized in the following statement, which is based on our thorough and regular monitoring of those events and the statements from all the parties involved.

1. It is our opinion that a successful excavation and forensic analysis of the mass graves at the Mush Hole is not viable under the present circumstances in the Six Nations community at Brantford. That community is internally fractured and factionalized, lacking in professional leadership, and embroiled in historical antagonisms which have allowed Crown and Church to keep the indigenous nation there divided and disempowered.

2. Such internal division and amateurism was clearly responsible for the failure of the sponsoring Mohawk elders who invited us to work with them to provide sustained leadership or endure the inevitable attacks that came at them when we began to conduct excavations on the Mush Hole grounds. Quite simply, the sponsoring elders collapsed into fear and uncertainty soon after sustained smears commenced against Kevin Annett. They refused to stand by Kevin publicly or even involve themselves in the inquiry or excavations, as they promised they would do. Kevin was left isolated and alone, and was increasingly blamed for the conflict by a team of state-funded operatives headed by local residents Jan Longboat and Frank Miller.

3. This lack of professional and strong leadership by the Mohawks undermined the positive beginning at the Mush Hole site after GPR surveys and test digs had uncovered some bones and buttons from Mush Hole school uniforms in late October, 2011. Forensic analysis confirmed that while consisting mostly of animal bones, the remains included small bits of bones of children. But the absence of a wider archaeological sample of the site made this initial evidence insufficient for use by the European politicians, who grew increasingly impatient with events at Six Nations. Indeed, when the March 1, 2012 deadline passed with no evidence provided from the dig, the European human rights committee decided to table its sponsorship of a Genocide inquiry until further notice.

4. Realistically, at this point, any hope for a successful uncovering of the mass graves and the full truth at the Mush Hole evaporated; the sabotage campaign instigated by Jan Longboat and assisted by Frank Miller and other operatives had succeeded. And yet after March, Kevin Annett was able to sustain a core group of supporters among Mohawk elders with the help of Cheryl Squire and others from the original sponsoring group. Unfortunately, even that group has now been pressured or influenced to distance themselves from Kevin and the ITCCS, and seem to have fallen for the "blame Kevin" argument generated by the Longboat team and recent plants sent into the Six Nations at Brantford to keep Kevin's name disparaged and feared there.

5. Despite this sabotage of the Mush Hole dig, thanks to the publicity of its findings generated by Kevin Annett and our network, several other indigenous tribes in Kanata have taken up where the Mohawks left off. Anishinabe families in Ontario and west coast Squamish elders have commenced their own digs for children's remains at former Indian residential schools. And the upcoming launching of a Common Law Court by our Tribunal and a team of over a hundred advisors and Citizen Jurors has created a new global forum in which the evidence of Genocide by church and state can be displayed, and verdicts issued.

To ensure that this work will not face the sabotage that befell the Mush Hole inquiry, we have instructed Kevin Annett to refrain for now from further involvement with any persons in Brantford Six Nations who played a role in attacking him or impeding his work there, or their associates.

Continual misinformation and sabotage plague that community, and we will not condone or sanction any further disruption or disparagement of Kevin Annett, who is key to the success of our wider work.

On a more personal note, we as a Council are unanimous in our belief that the Mohawk community has wrongfully disparaged Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice and shown him enormous disrespect, either by direct and unwarranted attacks on him or by standing by and allowing such an assault to occur.

Such treatment of Kevin was especially abominable, considering that Kevin had been adopted into the Mohawk community and given a name and protection: a committment that was then ignored and neglected.

The Mohawks therefore owe Kevin Annett a public apology, not in words alone, but by fulfilling their promise to him to support him and his efforts at the Mush Hole, which he undertook tirelessly for only one motive: to find and bring home the missing children.

ll of this considered, our Council holds out hope that a genuine inquiry can one day reconvene at the Mush Hole site, once a group of Mohawks takes seriously the need to establish a strong professional team of investigators that will not be intimidated or sidetracked from its purpose: to repatriate children's remains for a proper burial, gather forensic evidence of their death, and bring that evidence to our international Common Law court.

We embrace all those in Six Nations who wish to constitute such a professional team, and we will work with them and our archaeological advisors to fulfill the original wish of the Mohawk people to bring to justice the murderers of their children.

Issued 26 July by the Council of Elders,
ITCCS Brussels
Brantford Communique No. 11

Read the truth of genocide in Canada and globally at:  (includes documentary film Unrepentant)
Truth is so obscure in these times and falsehood so established, that unless we love the truth, we can not know it.
Blaise Pascal
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man
- Thomas Jefferson

This information is provided by Jeremiah Jourdain on behalf of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). For more information and updates see the ITCCS website at



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