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Jul-22-2013 17:18 ![]() ![]() 20 Out of 28 Original Signatories Didn't Attend 2nd ARU Convention of JeddahSalem-News.comIs this convention against or in favour of Burmese regime?
(WASHINGTON DC) - I am trying to analyse and understand myself the 2nd convention of ARU held in Jeddah by Dr. Wakar Uddin. I would also like to share it with general Rohingya public to let them know the truth. For easy comprehension I have broken down to five parts. It has gone a little longer though I tried my best to shorten it. Thanks in advance for your patience to read it. Part I. Analysis (1) All the 4 out of 4 founding permanent members were absent. All the 5 out of 5 coordinators were absent. 8 out of 10 council members were absent. 7 out of remaining 13 general Congress members were absent. In total 20 persons out of 28 original signatories (25 organizations and 3 additional persons) of 1st convention have totally absent. (Please check the list below for your own judgment). Above all Mr. Harn, the man who was trying hard to bring all Rohingya parties to one platform since long time before the OIC is involved, the main organiser of the ARU, one of the two co-sponsors of ARU, himself was absent too. Absentees (20 members out of 28) No. Name Org. Country Position 1. Nurul Islam ARNO UK Founding member & Council member 2. Dr. Mohammed Yunus RSO Bangladesh Founding member & Council member 3. Ustaz Salim Ullah RSOR Saudi Arabia Founding member & Council member 4. Abul Faiz Jilani --- Bangladesh Founding member & Council member 5. Zaw Min Htut BRAJ Japan Council member 6. Sayed Hussein RCN Norway Council member 7. Imum Ahmed ANC Saudi Arabia Council member 8. Ko Ko Lin (Kalim) --- Bangladesh Council member ------------------------------ 9. Maung Tun Khin BROUK UK Coordinator 10. Abdul Hamid RSM Malaysia Coordinator 11. Nurul Islam CRCS Bangladesh Coordinator 12. Dr. Mohammed Ali BRAUAE UAE Coordinator 13. Nezam (Ronnie) --- Saudi Arabia Coordinator ------------------------------ 14. Fayas Ahmed KPN Bangladesh 15. Mohammed Rafique ITM Bangladesh 16. Enamullah AHS Bangladesh 17. Shabbir Ahmed RIWA Pakistan 18. Kyaw Maung Shamsul BRCA Australia 19. Mohammed Ibrahim BROG Germany 20. Mohammed Saleem RMWA Saudi Arabia Attendees (8 members out of 28) 1. Dr. Wakar Uddin BRANA USA Dictator General-ARU 2. Reza Uddin ORS USA Council member (DG’s brother) 3. Dr. Mohd. Eyup Han FWF Turkey Council member 4. Mohammed Haroon RLDB Australia 5. Rashidul Haque ARDO Saudi Arabia 6. Abdul Hafiz RUC Saudi Arabia 7. Ustaz Ibrahim A. sattar RWF Saudi Arabia 8. Dr. Bashir Ahmed RNP Saudi Arabia Note: Dr. Bashir Ahmed attended on 1st day only; On 2nd day he was absent. I cannot understand where is the needed quorum of the meeting, where is the status of the unity of ARU, where is the spirit of ARU and where is the quality of that convention despite boastful publishing a big quantity of 74 organizations. (2) 18 organizations have been listed twice with the same persons’ name, 3 organizations were listed twice with different persons’ name, one organization name was kept blank in the list of 74 organizations that published and circulated. Thus we reach to conclusion that 52 organizations were there on the paper though in media they announced 61 organizations, in contradict with their own publication of 74 organizations. Isn’t it a gross cheating? (3) To misguide the world, the list shows names of Dr. Mohammed Yunus, Dr. Mohammed Ali, Mr. Nur Hashim, Mr. Noor Kamal, Mr. Shafi Ullah, Salahul Islam, and a lot of other prominent members as participants/attendants at the meeting. But in fact those personalities never attended the meeting. Just Wakar is misusing the name and fame of these personalities to deceive us. (4) In fact, many many organizations are formed and enlisted within overnight without any scrutiny, without fulfilling any criteria. We have never heard such organizations in the horizon of Rohingya politics. No members, no committee, no constitution, no manifesto of those organizations. Isn’t it a total breach of trust of people? (5) Unauthorized, unapproved and new non-members were invited and called-in while the previous permanent main parties were not invited willfully. It is also said that they have not sent the proper email address when asked. It is like this: someone has called your phone number rightly and saying I want to invite you for my son’s wedding, please give me your phone number. How funny it is! (6) Intentionally visas were not sent in time not to able to attend the meeting; and insisted to appoint a proxy/ representative from the people residing in Saudi. By this way some have sent their brothers, some have sent their brother-in-laws, some have sent their co-brothers (Hozon) and some have sent their villagers. Thus it has become a family gathering. (7) About the newly announced Regional Coordination Council (RCC) members, Mohammed Haroon (RLDB vice-President) is representing from Australia while Mr. Rafique (RLDB President) is very active in Saudi Arabia. So RLDB is representing at two fronts, taking two cakes. Mr. Haroon was a previous Saudi resident who escaped from law. Mr. Rafique is a frequent traveler to Burma having good contact with Burmese embassy in Riyadh and he has a criminal record other than cheating friends and has been put in jail for years for money laundering case. Mr. Mustafa Fareed (RYF) is also a notorious money launderer and a skillful opportunist having hotline contact with Burmese and Bangladesh embassies while maintaining good relation with other senior leaders too. They are thoughtfully doing welfare and social works to show-off and to hide their crimes and illegal dealings. The pharmacist so-called Dr. Mohammed Rafique (RIWA) is an absconder from Pakistan allegedly on misuse of organizational funds and also from individuals. Though he is newly arrived months ago only, he was able to get enlisted unlawfully in Lujna (for Burmese Verification to get Saudi residency Permit: Iqama) with his cheating talkative skill making good relation with Jaliyat. “Birds of a feather flock together.” Dr. Mohammed Ali (BRAUAE) of Dubai is no need to be described, he is well known for his fund frauds. He was elected in absence. Why? Everybody knows. No need to explain as he is known as international fund raiser/misuser in collaboration with Dr. Wakar. These are ‘who is who’ about some coordinators selected for Saudi Arabia and Gulf region. (8) We know that Dr. Tahir Mohammed Siraj is a key figure in Jaliyat. But Jaliyat is not found in the list of participating organizations. Instead Dr. Tahir is found as head of an organization in the list based in Myanmar. We also came to know that the said Dr. Tahir who was selected as chairperson of the congress is Burmese passport holder and frequent visitor of Burma. (To my poor knowledge, the word chairperson is used whenever we want to point out that the person in chair is not a male. May be they meant it. They want to make this post impotent and powerless.) (9) I heard that the said Dr. Tahir was selected on first day while the voting organizations were added on next day only to elect DG and other council members. (10) Another big question is how 11 organizations based in Myanmar have attended here. Is it possible for them to attend here without the permission of Burmese government? Or are they allowed to attend it only to destroy the core spirit of our probable Rohingya unity? Do you think they don’t need to report/inform to the Burmese government about the activities of the convention? Won’t they be interrogated/investigated about their trip? How can they return to their homes safely and having sound sleep? May be Burmese government only is sleeping blindly. Please note that Burmese government has previous records to destroy the unity in other minority organizations too. (11) I came to know from reliable sources that the two posts of Assistant Director General and the Head of Regional Coordination Council (RCC) are to be appointed soon from the attendees who came from Burma, in addition to already appointed Burmese passport holder Dr. Tahir as Congress Chairperson. (12) So in the light of above, please someone tell me, is this convention against Burmese government or in favour of Burmese government. I am doubtful that Dr. Wakar and his partners have, a hidden agenda, done a deal with Burmese government to destroy our hard-earned unity of Rohingya peoples, in the shape of ARU. ------------------------------ Part II. Talal & Jaliyat (13) I can understand Mr. Talal has signed the convention’s Joint statement as the capacity of Director, Muslim minority department of OIC. But as what capacity Shaikh Abu Shama has signed it? He is just a chairman of Jaliyat based in Saudi Arabia. Jaliyat means a community organization like other community organizations formed in Australia, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Britain, Norway, Germany, etc. (It is to be noted here that 11 organizations based in Saudi are found in the said list). (14) ARU is convening the meeting under the auspices of OIC. What about Jaliyat? Virtually is ARU also under the influence and command of Jaliyat? As what capacity Abdullah Marou has addressed the meeting? I don’t know if they have got any hidden power backing them. (15) People say that the trio (Talal, Wakar, Abdullah Marou & Co.) has a hidden project to make Halal (to loot) the multi-million dollars budget already acquired in the name of ARU, before the Rohingya International Fund (RIF) is established in accordance with new Charter, before the process of accountability and transparency is started. It is quite misfortune in this crucial time that Rohingyas, being most persecuted minority of the world, have such dishonest people for them like Dr. Wakar in the form of their imposed leader and Mr. Talal in the form of the Director of Muslim minority department in OIC. It is very sad when the judge himself is the murderer of the dead! ------------------------------ Part III. Non-Rohingya Advisory Board (16) Do we have a right to know who are those gentlemen that were appointed to advise on policies and activities of ARU for a long 6 year term? It will be better to know “who is who” in the Advisory Board, what they have done for Rohingyas. With much thanks and appreciations, we can find a lot of contributions, articles, books, research papers for Rohingya cause by Ambassador Dr. Akbar Ahmed, Dr. Habib Siddiqui and Dr. Abid Bahar. But what about others (Mr. Talal Daous, Ms. Dina Madani, Ms. Orla Clinton, Mr. Ayub Jamal, Dr. Joseph Grieboski, Dr. Ahmed Baghdadi, Dr. Abdullah Omar Nassief, Dr. Jafar Qureshi, Dr. Mohammed Naif AlMutairi)? I guess we can say them our Well-wishers with due regard. (17) Regarding Advisory Board, Article 18 of the new Charter says “non-Rohingya may ALSO be elected to serve”. But it doesn’t mention that “ONLY non-Rohingyas may be elected to serve”, all advisors must be non-Rohingyas, all must not know Burmese language/literature, all must not born in Burma. On what basis all non-Rohingyas only are appointed as Advisors for a 6 year term? Is it because they are friends of either Dr. Wakar or Jaliyat? (18) I recall that Point no. 8 of Joint statement of the very founding 1st ARU conventions says the four founding members and Dr. Wakar Uddin will decide on the membership of Advisory Board. Now on whose decision these AB members were appointed? (19) I remember that Point no. 12 of Joint statement of the very founding 1st ARU convention mentioned that a Charter will be drafted by Dr. Wakar, the four founding members, Zaw Min Htut and Tun Khin. Now who has drafted the Charter which is said ratified already? Is it Dr. Wakar alone? Oh! Yes, Dr. Wakar doesn’t want anybody’s cooperation. He is a one man show only. He alone has drafted the charter, ratified and elected himself for a 6- year term, renewable for the same period once more. (He is 58 years old now. 58+6+6=70 or we can say he is DG for life time. May Allah bless him long life! May be the charter will be amended later for a third 6-year term.) ------------------------------ Part IV. Reaction (20) It is also known that some sensible participants, after convention, have admitted in private about their shock and surprise on the unethical handling and cheating deceptions of Dr. Wakar. It is to be noted that for most of the common participants it was a life-time achievement to be able to attend the meeting in such a big conference hall in prestigious OIC building with some memorable photo-shots. In practical, they care nothing more than that. (21) We do agree that Dr. Wakar Uddin is highly educated among us. But it is to be noted that Academic qualification and Political competence are two different things. Dr. Wakar’s handling of our case has proved that highly educated doesn’t mean highly learned and highly honest. His behaviours have proved us very opposite in the sense of manner, ethics and honesty. Contrary to our expectations, he has very systematically and cunningly betrayed the trust and confidence of Rohingya people at a time when our people are suffering ethnic cleansing at home and passing uncertain life in abroad where majority people are taking legal or illegal shelter. (22) In his statement EBO director Mr. Harn has rightly clarified “It is, therefore, the opinion of the EBO that this '2nd' ARU convention is the meeting of a completely new organization although the name is the same. This new ARU has nothing to do with the original Rohingya convention that met in May 2011. The DG is trying to establish a new mandate”. I have also come across Maung Phyu’s irrational letter in response to above letter of Mr. Harn. I am sure that Maung Phyu is Dr. Wakar himself using fake name. I have solid evidence that he has and is using many fake ids. I can prove it if he denies. ------------------------------ Part V. Conclusion (23) Lastly, though Dr. Wakar’s argument (in Maung Phyu’s letter) about the importance of Organization is somewhat right in principle, but you cannot rule out the importance of Personality because the structure of our society is not yet established on the principles what he preaches. Preaching and practical is different things. The organizations and countries are mostly evaluated and known by its leading persons. Persons are the soul and spirit of an organization. For example, Nelson Mandela is popularly known worldwide. But what is the name of his organization. Few people might know it. If it is not the case, if persons are not more important than organizations, someone will not be nominated and elected in absence and some 3 persons would not have been added without organizations in the 1st convention (see list above); as well as in this so-called convention a coordination council member won’t be elected in his absence (Mohammed Ali). Another example we see is: with the death of Jafar Habib, RPF was disappeared. So is the case with other prominent figures. You cannot ignore the importance of Personalities. You accept it or not, you cannot ignore the fame and base of our long time senior leaders like Dr. Yunus and Mr. Nurul Islam in our Rohingya society as well as other emerging junior leaders. It is a ground reality. It will be a mistake; it will be an illusion if Dr. Wakar assumes otherwise. Dr. Wakar cannot fool all the people, all the time. Thanks for your time and reading with patience. With best regards, Abrar Asi
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