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Jul-11-2010 19:40 ![]() ![]() The Blood of ChristKen Ramey Salem-News.comUnity through Diversity, with mutual respect for all, will produce better and longer-lasting results than absolute obedience to absolute authority.
(PASO ROBLES, Calif.) - Christianity evolved as a plan by a coterie of Judaic sectarians convinced its philosophy of One God for All Nations should replace Judaism’s One God of the Jewish Nation. The cult hoped initially to exalt the Jewish God by making him the God of All Nations, a concept unacceptable to Jewish leaders who may have objected to being less than Jehovah's Chosen People. The Cult must have seemed audacious to them at best, and impossible in any event; obviously the Jewish leadership miscalculated. All Religions are mythological constructs tied to the communities that invent them. Except for the expansive Religions of the Book; Judaism’s Torah, the New Testament and Islam’s Koran, other communities are beholden to gods of parochial invention, symbolic and cerebral concoction both of which involve emotional and psychological processes that satisfy particular needs within the community. The Book of Isaiah presumes to be prophecy [a prediction of a future event that is believed to reveal the will of a deity] but has a manifesto quality about it [a public written declaration of principles, policies, and objectives, especially one issued by a political movement] a Coterie intent on creating a new political entity, the Catholic Church. Isaiah’s Prophecy places him squarely in the camp of the Coterie [offshoot of the Judaic cult that became the movers of Christianity]. The deity in his Prophecy is the philosophy of the Coterie, and Isaiah expounds at length on the group’s ideology by putting words in the mouth of the “Lord,” [the Coterie and its philosophy] and eventually Jesus, chosen to become the Christ and spokesman for its philosophy. Isaiah refers to the emergence of the Lord [Jesus] in wondrous terms, but elsewhere speaks of his arrival [not yet the Christ] in “little more than a year.” His Prophecy is a mine of nuggets that need to be sifted adroitly from the verbal-rubble if their worth is to be realized. An example is [Isaiah: 49; 1-3] where Jesus is referring to God [the Coterie] followed immediately [49; 4-forward] by the Coterie in a reversal of roles. In [49; 1-3] Jesus is presented as saying poetically [with additions]: “The Lord called me from the womb, [the Jewish community] from the body [politic] of my mother he named my name. He made my mouth like a sharp sword . . . [he taught me what to say] In his quiver he hid me away [during the period of my instruction]. And he said to me, “you are my servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified.” The Prophecy contains many metaphors of mystery and supposed miracles performed by Jesus that dissolve in light of logic and attention to detail. The significance of the phrase “The Blood of Christ,” for example, is confounding even to many believers, which makes it a worthy subject for explanation. It is easy to say that Christ died for our sins, but what exactly does that mean? How many of us think of ourselves as sinners, and how exactly does Jesus’ sacrifice involve us? The answer to the quandary is detectable if followed from [Isaiah: 49; 1-3-above] that describes the arrival and training of Jesus by the Coterie, and [Isaiah: 53; entire - edited] that refers to Jesus’ crucifixion [before the fact] when he says, [again with additions] “he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors [as King of the Jews]; yet he bore the sin of many [non-believers] and made intercession for transgressors” [Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do]. Isaiah supposedly is prophesying, but what he describes is so exact, even to defining details, one might conclude that the role of the Christ was conceived in advance, including how he should die. If the why can be known, so too might be the significance of his blood. His calling and his preliminary training, suggested above, was followed by a series of events to assure the Coterie of Jesus’ commitment to his role before he became the Christ. They consisted of several scenarios beginning with his baptism by John the Baptist, after which “angels” of the Lord approached Jesus saying, “this is my son in whom I am well pleased.” Next, Jesus was returned to the wilderness, the community of his birth, for forty days to test his dedication to worship only the God of [the Coterie]. Having satisfied the Coterie of his devotion, Jesus next was provided with disciples and was sent among the Jews to preach and to draw attention to himself, succeeding in causing elders to view him as a rabble rouser, and non-conformist, as the Coterie expected and desired. Persistent behavior patterns and habitual thinking are the result of ingrained tendencies that make people reluctant to change lifestyles, especially those who are accustomed to accepting what is “given” them to believe in silence and without question [most religious members cling to their traditions]. And even [Isaiah: 30; 15] says with a Christian twist, “in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” Today’s Evangelists have laid claim to such thoughts, and insist that those who abide by their preachments are the “true Christians;” and refer to intellectuals as instruments of the Devil. Borrowing among religions is nothing new, but appreciating the subtleties of tactics takes understanding rather than submissive commitment and astonishing belief in hearsay. When Jesus is spoken of in the Bible as saying something, it is likely he did not. For Jesus is referred to [before the fact] in scripted Prophecy, or in the Gospels sixty to one-hundred years after the fact, as saying what was written by persons generations removed, and whose purpose was to add substance to the Coterie’s mythology. When Jesus supposedly asked his disciples, “who do the people say that I am?” All but Peter offered a variety of answers, none of them correct, so Jesus asked, “But who do you say that I am?” and Peter alone identified Jesus as the Christ [Mark: 7; 2-30] in what appears to have been a scripted scenario. And when it was time for Jesus to go to Jerusalem, he described to his disciples precisely what would happen after he and they arrived, and while at Bethany, he revealed to them his intended death and resurrection. Jesus arrived in Jerusalem riding on an ass [obviously a staged event] as humbly he received the accolades of the crowd [Coterie?] who spread palm fronds before him in a celebration that today is referred to as Palm Sunday. Jesus was crucified the Friday following; Good Friday [after the Jewish Passover] and supposedly was resurrected [if not in body at least in spirit] on Easter Sunday, the Sunday following the full moon on or after March 21st, the first day of Spring. The significance of dates corresponds to the planting season, and the start of a new beginning. In Jerusalem, Jesus’ humanity failed him, when on the Mount of Olives he prayed his cup of death be removed, but an angel of the Lord reassured him, and Jesus re-committed himself to his obligation by saying "not mine, but thy will be done," which has since been portrayed in painting and verbally as his moment of Transfiguration from his humanity to a spiritual being. Afterward, in Bethany, while he sat at table with his disciples, a woman anointed him for burial that earned for him the title of the “Christ” [from the Greek; Khristos [christen, to install somebody ceremonially, and give him a new name]. Perhaps on the Mt. of Olives or at Bethany the title of “King of the Jews” was assigned by the Coterie as an essential part of the symbolism cleverly intended to bring Christianity to fruition. The next act involved Judas Iscariot and his purported betrayal. Judas’ name is similar to Judaism, Judaic, and Judaize [to conform to doctrines, observances, or methods of the Jews], and suggests that his name was intended to promote an idea that painted him as a traitor to Christianity, but who seems to have been a member of the cast devoted to its fulfillment. The recent discovery of the Judas Gospel confirms what should have been known from Isaiah when Jesus, during The Last Supper, told Judas to go and do what he must, the object of which seems not to have been in doubt. When Judas was gone, and in apparent anticipation of the expected, Jesus commented to the remaining disciples that his ‘end is near when he will be glorified.’ Jesus, as Christ, awaited the next scene at Gethsemane where he was identified by Judas, and a disciple is said to have used a sword to cut off the ear of the slave of the high priest. Isaiah describes the tongue as the "sword of the mouth," [tongue] an instrument of Christian persuasion, not of steel. Jesus admonished his disciple to put away his sword [of persuasion], was promptly arrested, and soon after was presented before Pilate. Pilate asked him about the title, “King of the Jews,” and Jesus responded obliquely saying, "My kingdom is not of this world" [a line likely given him to recite by the Coterie]. Pilate could find no fault with Jesus, washed his hands of responsibility, and turned Jesus over to the Jews for disposition. But the scene makes sense only if the proceedings were orchestrated by the Coterie whose object was that Jesus must die. If Jesus' Kingdom was not of the Jewish Community, why would he have been branded "King of the Jews" by Jews?" Why, once it was determined he should be crucified, was he crowned with thorns, and by whom? Isaiah's definition of the wilderness, let us not forget, was the Jewish community, a wasteland of mental-infertility overgrown with weeds, briars, thorns, and decay. Jesus was committed fully to the Christian cause and his role in it as “King of the Jews” and by the crown of thorns, His crucifixion and burial, He symbolically represented the death of the Old and the Beginning of a New Order within which, metaphorically speaking, Immortality reigns supreme by the Grace of God, and where beyond the Community, Immortal life is impossible. The plot, as in any good play, ends by wrapping up all the loose ends. The Coterie established the Catholic Church, the presumed Resurrected Body of Christ, on the Rock of St. Peter’s Faith using Jesus’ title [Christ] to identify their new religion. The “The Blood of Christ” is resolved in the understanding that it was shed for, and holds the promise of Life-everlasting to, those who partake of the Eucharist which of His Grace is offered to the elect, but is denied reprobates; the damned who refuse to abide by Christian authority. The Protestant Movement, in the 18th Century, was successful when the Counter Reformation, and The Vatican [the Roman See] after three centuries during which it is estimated ten million souls were cruelly killed by both sides, finally admitted defeat. Today, the American Religious Right [the “Evangelical Holy See” of the Republican Party] seeks to push the envelope of its misguided plan to hasten the Second Coming of Christ [World Domination] when Christianity will force its will on all who must either submit or suffer the consequence. The final passage of Isaiah’s Prophecy describes the Apocalypse, and should be read by everyone. Unity through Diversity, with mutual respect for all, will produce better and longer-lasting results than absolute obedience to absolute authority such as the Religious Right and the Evangelical Holy See of the Republican Party with Geo. W. Bush, as its instrument, would impose on Americans. Geo. W. Bush will not admit to having erred during his Administration believing he represented God‘s [Jesus’] will, as he is given to believe it by Evangelist Pretenders whose misguided faith this essay purports to prove; namely: that the Religious right is Wrong. ------------------------------------------------ Articles for July 10, 2010 | Articles for July 11, 2010 | Articles for July 12, 2010 | Quick Links
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Roger von Bütow July 12, 2010 6:00 pm (Pacific time)
donallover: You should ask for your money back regarding your purported degrees in philosophy. Were they mail order, like Gov. Arnold S. degree in business/finance? Obviously, you never learned critical reading skills, misquoted me by claiming I wrote "MUSHROOMS WERE THE BASIS ON ALL EARLY RELIGIONS" First it should read "of all," so that must have been a pretty easy review staff that certified your graduate degree. How you made such a simple mistake with the text right there before you reflects your myopia and pre-disposed agenda...I wrote : "many many cultures used mind-altering substances to achieve communion with the Oneness of all things." Some, in case you're living under a rock still do, right here in America like the NA peyote and mushroom rituals. I'm fascinated by your over-use of bully-style written devices, the over-wrought all capital letters schtick-----This is the protocol equivalent to shouting in such comment sections. Plus I never wrote about these psychotropics as anything other than devices or mechanisms, I didn't use the word REALITY once, I used communion. You obviously, to steal from Dr. Castenada, are experiencing a Separate Reality. You can't even read simple comments meant to provide for food for thought to readers without altering your own reality....So maybe you are the one who took too many substances. Your comments reveal someone who can't read or write cogently. I guess Orange Coast College and the Cal-State University system helped me more than I realized. If Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism or whatever religion can be discussed openly as the Socratic method encourages us, then true dialogue and the search for truth begins. Maybe, donallover, you are aware that the Shakyamuni Buddha, Siddartha Gautama not only encouraged but embodied the same dialectic method. Tibetans and some Zen schools do this through a device called "dharma combat." Buddhist monks are expected to keep discussing dharma to hone their skills and stay engaged. You must have slept through a lot of classes, hopefully you are/were not a teacher passing your sloppy habits along like a virus. Nonetheless, good luck bonding with your "caps lock" on your computer keyboard.
KEN RAMEY July 12, 2010 4:42 pm (Pacific time)
Anonymous PROTESTS TOO MUCH, and strikes me as being a born again Christian, perhaps of the Evangelical persuasion who, as an obedient disciple believes what he is told is true rather than seek in order to find the truth for himself. Or, he might be a man of the cloth afraid to reveal himself but willing to condemn reason. I don’t doubt he is a decent human being, but his attempt at ridicule to denounce what he cannot show to be in error condemns him more than me. He needs to read the Book Isaiah with an open mind. Isaiah says nothing of the Christmas story of Christ the babe lying in a manger no crib for his bed. What Isaiah does say is included in my article which refutes the infant birth of Jesus and incidentally, the myth of the immaculate conception that apparently was invented as a later metaphor. I was trained as an Historian in the 1970s, and as such I studied Isaiah and found truths based on logic, not emotion. I don’t make things up. I’m sorry if truth offends, but there it is for anyone who is willing to check for himself.
qui vive July 12, 2010 1:58 pm (Pacific time)
Diversity is perversity ? I doubt it. Diversity exceeds the limits of closed minds as was the case when Christian advocates raised the bar from God of the Jews to One God for all Nations and succeeded in establishing the Catholic Church; The point at which perversity of diversity kicked in was when the Church invented witches and established the Iquisition to force conformity to dogma, or suffer the fate of an artificial hell.
donallover July 12, 2010 7:39 am (Pacific time)
Anonymous July 12, 2010 7:34 am (Pacific time)
Diversity is Perversity
Anonymous July 12, 2010 7:28 am (Pacific time)
THE AUTHOR CLOSES WITH THE TERM 'PURPORTS'. SEEMS REASONABLY ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF THIS ESSAY - NO EVIDENCE, JUST SUGGESTIVE INNUENDO. IN 'TRUE' INTELLECTUAL CIRCLES SUCH MINOR CONSIDERATIONS AS 'PROOF' USE TO BE REQUIRED TO SUPPORT THESE SILLY NOTIONS. NOT TODAY! MAKE YOUR UNSUBSTANTIATED, INFLAMMATORY AND RIDICULOUS CLAIMS AND PSEUDO INTELLECTUALS WILL RUN TO SIGN UP IN SUPPORT TO JUSTIFY THEIR SCEPTICISM. SMACK ON IT A LABEL OF 'INTELLECTUAL' AND FAWNING SYCOPHANTS CAN'T DROP TO THEIR KNEES QUICKLY ENOUGHT TO LAY FRONDS AT YOUR FEET! NOTE (among dozens of examples): ...especially one issued by a political movement a Coterie intent on creating a new political entity, the Catholic Church [?] ...before [?] he became the Christ ...How many of us think of ourselves as sinners[?] ...When Jesus is spoken of in the Bible as saying something, it is likely he did not[?] what appears to have been a scripted [?]scenario ...Today, the American Religious Right [the “Evangelical Holy See” of the Republican Party] seeks[?] to push the envelope of its misguided plan [?]to hasten the Second Coming of Christ [World Domination] [?]when Christianity will force[?] its will on all who must either submit or suffer[?] the consequence[?] (AMAZING LOGIC?!) ...whose misguided faith this essay PURPORTS to prove [?] ...FAR TOO MANY SIMILAR COMMENTS TO BE AN ACCEPTABLE LIMIT BY EDITORS I'M SURE... [? - EMPHASIS MINE!]
donallover July 12, 2010 7:09 am (Pacific time)
Re: "which only the priests may enter, they have been purported to contain psychedelic mushrooms as well." ------------------ Oh bother! Geez, Josh. This is another example where fiction IS stranger than fact! You've been watching too many "documentaries".
Douglas Benson July 12, 2010 5:41 am (Pacific time)
Prove that Jesus existed at all .In fact its very unlikely that the whole folklore story has any basis in fact . This is all you get so make the most of it folks . Peace.
Roger von Bütow July 12, 2010 3:39 am (Pacific time)
Ken and Josh: As a graduate student in philosophy back in the early 70's, I was fascinated by two books: One by John Allegro (The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross), and one by Gordon Wasson (Soma: Mushroom of Immortality). Both were highly respected anthropologists/thinkers, but experienced initial disbelief and disgrace for alleging that AMANITA (psychotropic mushrooms) were integral in our earliest fertility cults---Later to become organized religions....Here's a more recent textbook on the rejuvenated debate:. "Wasson and Allegro on the Tree of Knowledge as Amanita" by Michael Hoffman. I'm not sure if Allegro and Wasson's original texts are in print or available, I wished that I had saved mine! None of the hard core Christians made it out of undergraduate studies at my school, transferred to Bible colleges or something. They had trouble with objectivity, and as most of us were free thinkers they were uncomfortable having open discussions. Wasson's work with his wife (?) has been subsequently embraced by most as accurate, the earliest texts (Rig Veda) on the god Indra (The Bull) and hymns to Soma seem to support mushroom eating as a visionary, shamanistic practice. Ditto for the Siberian Tungas, who to this day mix reindeer milk, honey and amanita for rituals. Allegro's is still waiting out in the cold, the Judeo-Christian culture unwilling to admit that its roots could be in some practices present practitioners and leaders shun. I audited Carlos Castenada's "Indian Folklore and Mythology" class at the University of Irvine after reading his first two books on the psychotropic-eating/smoking Yaqui shaman from the Sierra Madre. Castenada wouldn't discuss his experiences in classes, but maybe he wanted the $$$ from the book sales :+) :+) :+) Nonetheless, combine Castenada's theories with these other two researchers and you'll see that many many cultures used mind-altering substances to achieve communion with the Oneness of all things.
Josh Akers July 11, 2010 8:45 pm (Pacific time)
Enlightening article. I knew about the early Catholics evil ways from a history class, but this goes so much farther back in time. Jesus' message has been misunderstood, all along, in my view. "Do not eat the fruit amongst the trees of the garden of life." from Genesis, I believe this is a warning about psychedelic mushrooms. Early Jewish synagogues had secret rooms (according to a documentary I saw, which I can't source right now, how nice.) which only the priests may enter, they have been purported to contain psychedelic mushrooms as well.
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